I'm a dungeon crawler fan, so i've been looking for some random dungeon games, i've tried Persona 4 but the dungeon crawling was a bit barebones...however it had interesting ideas.
So i've heard a lot of this game, it's worth playing if like dungeon crawlers?
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DC and DC2 are good. Play them.
How good are the random dungeons compared to other dungeon crawlers?
I have a big random dungeon itch now.
Never really played dungeon cralwers but DC2 is one of my all time favorite games.
Starts off slow and takes a while for the game to actually open up for you, though. You also basically need a guide.
The dungeon crawling is better than Persona 4 but it definitely gets a little repetitive and tedious, at least for me.
I love DC2 and I think you absolutely should play it, but I think that because I find everything aside from the dungeon crawling stellar.
I'd say the gameplay and game are very polished, it's just what is there is pretty average. So I guess, an above average game? I wanted to say it's a great adventure rpg, but all I can remember playing it years ago was fine scenery and finer music. Great for a rainy day OP.
I've played the game and i only liked the dungeons and the weapon build up.
The city building fucking sucked, it was annoying to waste money on a story roadblock.
Had this game on my shelf for awhile. Found the first one charming but couldn't play this one for more than a few hours, it got very boring and tedious very fast. Definitely better dungeon crawling than P4 tho.
The first game had more creative dungeons, the second one only interesting duneong was the Underground Water Channel that's like 6 floors long.
A circus dungeon could have been cool for example, but we ended up getting aother generic forest that isn't very visually apealing.
I'm still upset that they replaced magnifying glasses for more generic guns.
(Yeah, Max sub-weapon was going to be magnying glasses orginally, found in the beta coding)
Also, there was going to be a water illy temple and a bamboo forest dungeon but got scraped as well.
>>The first game had more creative dungeons
>Brown featureless cave
>Generic Forest
>Yellow featureless pyramid
>Gray cliffs in a void
DC2's dungeons aren't much better, but I don't see any reason to glorify the first game
> He didnt like the heaven, videogame and sauna dungeon of P4
In Dark Cloud 3 they really need to give the random dungeons some more personality like some paint walls, decorations, stuates etc.
Or maybe give diferent puzzles to each dungeon.
I'm sure the reason of why the dungeons of DC1 and DC2 weren't very datailed it's because they were an early 2000s PS2 game, most games of that time had bland envoirments.
I'm sure a 2020s DC3 would have a more visually apealing random dungeons, hell P4 that is 2009 could add some details so it's dungeons.
Look at Ni No Kuni that had very interesting dungeons.
This is not a "real" dungeon crawler. It's a 3D action game and the dungeons are really simple. It's more like a roguelike, where you get thrown into a randomized dungeon and you need to be sure you can beat all the monsters and clear the stage. You level up and can craft stuff between dungeons, so you're not plopped into the start of each dungeon at Lv.1 like in most roguelikes, but I wouldn't really compare it to a dungeon crawler.
It is a good game, though, and worth checking out. Especially if you like lots of content and some random dungeon layouts. Just don't go into this thinking that it'll be like Wizardry or SMT or even Legend of Grimrock.
In a hypothetical Dark Cloud 3 I'd prefer mostly handmade dungeons, with only a handful of optional randomly generated dungeons with dozens of floors for the hardcore players.
That and Level-5 was pretty new by that time so they weren't the best at level design.
Rogue Galaxy and Dragon Quest VIII dungeons weren't any better either.
Level-5 got better at level design with Ni No Kuni, White Knight Chronicles, Fantasy Life...
Then it's not Dark Cloud anymore, you just want Rogue Galaxy 2.
Yeah i dont know why people want the dungeons to be done in 2 minutes, you won't have time to build up your weapons in hand made dungeons.
The thing that made it Dark Cloud was quite clearly the Georama element
Plenty of games have randomly generated hallway dungeons, no other game has done Georama
They can also have every floor to be unique instead of random at very least.
Removing the dungeon crawling aspect would just make the game way to diferent to my liking and it would kill the series to me.
I dont want another FF situation.
Persona 5 dungeons weren't particularly shorter than the previous games, it's completely possible to have Dark Cloud-length dungeons that are handmade
Georama wasn't good through at least in the 2nd game.
The thing that makes dark cloud good is the weapon level up system and the minigames.
Georama was amazing, particularly in the second game
Well, if they make every dungeon unique instead of random i wouldn't mind.
But dont remove floors or the dungeon crawling, it would make the game feel like rogue galaxy 2.
>jerked to this as a kid
Fucking weird seeing this now.
>thinking there will be another Dark Cloud
>still having hopes and dreams
People who say that georama was "good" need to take off the nostalgia googles.
It was tedious to having to buy materials to progress in the story.
holy fuck i forgot that game existed
I've been trying to get into DC2. I've got the PS4 version and that bitch has some strange motion blur. Got me sick as a dog
I was so disapointed with georama too, man.
Everyone was telling it was good and i feel it was just another barebones gimmick that nostalgiafags jerk off to.
I think those games are garbage, ienjoyed the ship thing but other than that tedious.
"Dark Cloud 3" will almost certainly never happen, but I'm cautiously optimistic Level-5 will return to those systems soon
Ni no Kuni 2, as much as I really didn't enjoy, feels like they were trying to return to Dark Cloud:
>Six characters with almost the same weapons (and DC2 with them each having a melee and a ranged weapon)
>Kingdom-building being Georama-lite
>Orb objectives in the random dungeons resembling medal challenges/seals
I just really hope they take what worked there and completely redo what didn't for NnK3.
What can exactly handmae dungeons offer to the game through?
They'll still have floors, just dont random...you want the dungeon floors to be the same everytime you replay it?
>It was tedious to having to buy materials to progress in the story.
I don't remember ever to grind for materials or money even once
Sure, it'd be nice if you could just buy materials in the Georama menu, but that's a minor inconvenience for such a fun feature
Ni No Kuni weapon variety was really garbage.
> Hammers
> Axes
> Guns
> Sword
> Staves
> Bows
And a lot of the characters used the same damn thing.
Dark Cloud 2 on the other hand:
> Wrenches
> Hammers
> Golf Clubs
> Guns
> Swords
> Bracalets
If you just want hack and slash dungeon crawling, this game is fantastic
If you are a completionist, the game is a fucking nightmare
I liked it as a kid, but now i find georama supper tedious when i replay the games.
A more varied experience, with puzzles, crafted encounters, and seamless progression rather than separate floors
They are not really random, each stage has some layouts it randomly picks from. So there is some thought behind it whilst still delivering a fresh experience each time you replay the stage.
I liked em just fine, but, the dungeon crawling itself was generally boring as opposed to dc1 and 2.
DC2 isn't great if you're looking for specifically great quality. It's a loaded PS2-era RPG in every sense: early action RPG mechanics, different character modes, golf and fishing minigames, photo taking, town building, dungeon crawling, weapon development, gear crafting... none of it is the best example ever but everything is solid.
But a lot of people like the floor mechanic, you're alienating people that like it i think you're better off playing Ni No Kuni 2 or Rogue Galaxy..
The Final Fantasy fanbase was really divided with the random combat removal, do you want the same thing to happen to Dark Cloud?
Dark Cloud is a dead franchise, user
Besides, Ni no Kuni 2 HAS the dungeons you want. The game I'm proposing HAS the dungeons you want. Just make the main story dungeons better suited to casual play.
They can still have the floors in dungeons with handmade there's no need to change everything, if you dont like it go play something else.
I'm so tired of casual fuckers ruining my fun.
So you're literally just asking for your levels to be randomly segregated instead of logically linked together
You want your game to be logistically worse for no conceivable reason
I like how long it takes to complete a dungeon in dark cloud, its relaxing and it's really fun to take your time.
It would be boring to have 10 minute long dungeon in this type of game.
DC2 scratches all sorts of itches. It's a nice time sink with a great story.
That's subjective, bro.
Casuals like you can't handle long dungeons because your ADHD brain can't take it.
Some of us like relaxing and long games that take their time, go to play ADHD shit like Rogue Galaxy if you want a DC game without fun stuff.
>Brainlets that can't even conceive a handmade dungeon could be just as long as the ones from DC that aren't even particularly long
That's what you get by wanting to change the gameplay of a game.
Handmade dungeons just wont work in Dark Cloud unless they're still room based.
God, I really want a DC3. As much as I like 2 and 1 I can't help but imagine how great a Dark Cloud made in the 2020's would be.
>still room based.
A. As opposed to what?
B. Dark Cloud dungeons are mostly hallways
> I have to ruin the game for people instead of playing something else.
I'm saying the first one now but it's really not as amazing as people make it out to be. I'm getting fucked over by RNG so I can't build up my weapons unless I do the shitty fishing minigame or hope my luck changes and I finally get the specific attachments I need to upgrade.
It's really tedious just playing the same floors over and over and praying for some decent chests.
ADHD garbage probably like most games nowdays.
I enjoy DC1 and DC2, because i know DC3 will remove what i like about the game: long and comfy dungeons.
To be honest the dungeons were NOT my favorite part of Dark Cloud at all. I always loved the town building aspect of it.
Only the first dungeon was mostly hallways.
The only change I have proposed is that the dungeon levels not be separated by doors/eagles and that they actually exist in the same gamespace, and maybe have some more puzzle elements and strategically positioned enemy encounters
If anyone thinks this ruins the game, they are too autistic to reasonably function and should not be catered to
Dark clouds are the best memories i have about my ps2. And i dont even like weebshit.
> tfw cant replay them because too long
The georama fucking sucks and it's a slog, i want to kill enemies with overpowered not play the sims.
Then why don't you go play a different game, then?
It's called preferenced bud, not everyone cares about dungeons existing in the same gamespace.
Some people like the floor mechanic since it makes progresion feel real.
Because building a town isn't gameplay, it's just puting houses on a map.
Combat isn't gameplay, it's just pressing X a bunch
Stick to Mass Effect General, fag
Good game, with shit fanbase praising the city bulding that's probably the worst part of the game.
It's a comfy dungeon crawling game were you can build up your weapons, take a spedha golf, fish..it's fun as hell.
>Some people like the floor mechanic since it makes progresion feel real.
How does seeing a number go up make progression feel more real than actually, visibly progressing through a labyrinth?
Dark Cloud 1 feels like what BOTW should've been in some aspects, the simple dungeon crawling plus rebuilding your town is something I wanted in BOTW
I got turned off when i went to the matakaki village and i had to build another town again.
Kinda wish they left me progress without doing that.
> People like diferent things than me!
Leave people like what they like, bud.
If someone like the random dungeons, it's fine.
Not everyone cares about the city building or thinks is that great, if it's your favourite thing on the game it's fine but dont force other people to like the same as you.
The only thing I have suggested is that there be handmade dungeons in addition to the traditional ones
I am not the one advocating the removal of preferred features
Please learn to practice what you preach
Mark Hamill does a voice in dark cloud 2, even sounds like his Joker voice
>hurr hurr it's da second game I'm not using that faggot Chronicle subtitle
A lot of Dark Cloud 2 voices are like that
>tfw major antagonist is Phil from Rugrats
The ridiculous number of generic ass floors in DC1 and 2 is just a huge turn-off, primarily because the final floors are mechanically not any different from the first. Your weapons deal more damage and enemies have more HP and deal more damage, with only your own HP not properly scaling up, thus "difficulty". Since each dungeon floor is thus identical, with only Balance Valley standing out because of the canyon-design, it would help if they adopted proper roguelike dungeon designs with crafted vaults, and minor puzzles and so on.
I'm sorry, do you want me to call it something it was never marketed as or referred to as where I lived just to make YOU feel more comfortable?
I mean it's a 2002 game made by a 2 year old company for a weak hardware.
I'm sure the random generated dungeons would be better in DC3.
Can we have pens as weapons?
Yes I am asking you refer to it the way it is was named in its original country and the civilised world.
white knight chronicles
Not quite the same but not that far off.
I think i stopped playing when i found out how many missables there were and also having to golf in the fucking sewers where the edges of every hallway were water hazards
Level-5 got way better at level design, i wouldn't worry much about it.
Random dungeons also would be easier to program in a PS5 with a stronger hardware so we could have some randomly generated puzzles or even stuff like shops.
The OST in this series was so fucking good.
Contains my #1 'comfy' theme of all time, hearing this after fully clearing a floor was a fantastic feeling.
The Georama in WKC wasn't well-integrated though
Like most things Level-5 have done since DC2, good ideas, poor execution
> Not wanting bags
Maybe, but that doesn't make it suddenly good design.
DC3 never ever tho.
To add to this, gameplay essentially does not evolve at all either, from the UWC to ZM you're gonna be using the exact same moves. The Ridepod is the only substantial gameplay mechanic with actually sort of varying weapons, except only two of them are viable for the end-game and specific items generally always outclass other options at certain points in the game.
The game arbitrarily limits the player to a specific set of final weapons that are clearly superior to anything else. LEGEND, Supernova, Island King, somethingsomethingarmlet, you're gonna want to have these as nothing else will compare.
The best decision going from 1 to 2 was going from 6 to 2 playable characters (or 3, as the Ridepod is not entirely unavoidable due to the mech enemies and some other powerhouses). This didn't end up working well though, as you can still 100% ignore Monica, who, mind you, gets canned for a large part of the fifth dungeon, so good luck with that Monica-only playthrough.
That said, the non-core gameplay in DC2 is still fantastic, the Ridepod is an amazing addition, fishing is actually fun, trying to win a contest or Finny Frenzy can be genuinely something to aim for, Spheda is a nice reward minigame for completing a floor, and collecting all the support characters is a fun side mechanic. Georama though.... Georama has really good potential, but unlike DC1 where you can make cozy towns, DC2 blocks you out of it unless you want to bother spending a lot of time farming money and items to craft all the shit you want. And dumping all those useful support characters in some dingy house instead of the train is a dickmove if you ever need to talk to them again.
also fuck the game's data spam, working on the wiki is fucking ass
How do you feel if Sprays were a ranged weapon in Dark Cloud 3?
Dungeon Travelers 2
>Go ahead and make your own town!
>No, you're doing it wrong. Tear that down and do this instead.
wtf is happening in this thread
Yeah. Honestly it felt like an afterthought, just like the 'player'.
I know, it's pretty fun, huh?
For me i only liked the weapon build up system, i do like random dungeons BUT i feel like Dark Cloud's dungeons need more detail and maybe some roadblocks/puzzles/backfloors like the first game.
I found everything else mediocre and needs improvement.
How's Rogue Galaxy?
Oh the build-up something was pretty good the first time. Have you ever looked at the charts though? Monica has more melee weapons than all of Max's stuff combined, it's fucking ridiculous, and only because they recycled Toan's shit. I think it would be better if there were distinct weapon types and thus trees, like Max's guns, except all of them would have to be viable for the end-game.
The only annoying thing was the photos.
Breath of fire IV had the faerie towns, they definitely scratched the town building itch even if most of them were fucking dumbasses.
Max has 3 meele weapons: Wrenches, Hammers and Speda Clubs while Monica only has 1.
>tfw listening to this for the first time
Dark Cloud 3 is the only reason I watch E3 every year. Too bad we will never get another masterpiece like this.
last time I played dark cloud was before fable 3 came out to test weapon evolutions, the game is forever ruined for me
Spheda clubs are functionally useless and the wrenches are inferior to the hammers, nevermind that they function the same except one's slightly faster.
I highly reccommend either keeping or downloading an album with all the scoops and some of the worse photos
I also like getting a NG+ save so I can change Monica's clothing from the start
I wish lin was a party member so we could get Brooms as a weapon.
God tier music
So i'm playing Dark Cloud 2 after finishing Dark Cloud 1.
And it's just me or are the dungeons and the georama worse?
> Removed roadblocks, so theyre just hallways without puzzles
> Removed Backfloors
> Towns have no identity
> No people walking in the town
> You dont restore the village
Comes down entirely to what you prefer. The roadblocks to me were just a waste of time, forcing you to swap characters to watch a 5 second animation for the 18th time.
I like that the townspeople walk around and actually say more useful things in the first game, but the Georama itself is lightyears better in 2
There is roadblocks starting with Dungeon 2 IIRC.
The city building is mostly for trying to restore the future rather than focusing on the past, when you see the result of your efforts is when you travel ahead and see it for yourself.
Dark Cloud 2 is worse than Dark Cloud 1, only better thing is that weapons dont disaparear.
Aw yeah confused the "character swapping" stuff with the puzzles at certain points of the dungeon where you need an ítem to pass, my bad, those were gutted indeed.
They were unnecesary like the previous guy said though.
Chapter 3 of Dark Cloud 2 alone it's better than the entirety of Dark Cloud 1 though
Maybe this series isn't for me then.
I love the long dungeons, fishing and buliding up the weapons but i hate the building honestly and it seems to be the appeal of the game.
Dark Cloud 2 is better in nearly every regard lol
Why do people like the starlight canyon.
Do you guys even care for the game? you people only seem to care about the bulding mechanic.
I enjoy every aspect of the game, even if I do think later chapters force you through way too many repetitive levels.
Dark Cloud 2 just honestly does them all better. The only thing I preferred in 1 was that you had to talk to the villagers to discover hidden Georama requirements, rather than just getting them from Atla. They definitely should have kept that.
Hope this garbage never gets a sequel.
I'm tired of shitty gimmicky games like this, we need games like FFIX back.
How well do these emulate?
Music is better, characters are better, story is more charming and memorable, gameplay is better, weapon system is vastly superior and they don't disappear forever if broken, georama is more expansive, game is longer with an entire chapter of post game content...
Also Monica it's a top tier waifu
I never had any issues with either that I can remember
I only played 2, never 1. Any tips for evolving weapons efficiently? Any good grinding spots for attaches?
They're both interesting, but the gameplay isn't all that deep and they both have some unfun elements like the restriction floors or weapon breaking (which isn't too bad until enemies start blocking, which tears up the durability)
I'd love to see some of the elements come back in modern games but they can definitely be improved on
best way to grind attaches is to find a floor in act 3 that has the fish that leads you to the back floor, since you can buy the items used to get there from it
I always get halfway through a replay then do the broken dagger glitch to go nuts with weapon upgrading.
>prefer the art style and town building in 1
>prefer everything else in 2
I pray every day for a third game but god does not hear me
was a fun game. not a 10/10 must play, but its one of those games that are good experiences you'd look back on fondly
honestly never beat the post-game of either game because my weapons all the sudden seemed to suck ass. couldnt be arsed to grind a shit ton for such meager rewards
a smaller in scope game made with modern conveniences would be fucking great
like maybe a single town to build up, but different parts of it are scattered through different dungeons that you unlock by building the town in certain ways
> dam up the river to get to one dungeon
> flood the area to get to another
we've gotten a lot better at random generation too so it could really be solid