ITT: Games that make you stand up and yell "YAAASSS KA-WEEEEEEN!!"
ITT: Games that make you stand up and yell "YAAASSS KA-WEEEEEEN!!"
Other urls found in this thread:
>He's still obsessed about this shit
Get over it, dude.
It came out fucking yesterday. Christ, you zoomers have the attention span of a fruitfly.
It's still funny
I don't fucking care about this game nor do I care about it's protagonists
Shut the fuck up already, we've had this thread at least four times today
the fuck is this?
Bayonetta, literally every gays favorite bad bitch in heels.
the fuck is this?
i'm European and this obsession with Trump is still cringeworthy
>It came out fucking yesterday.
And all the anti-sjw spergs have been bleeding out of the vagina about it for the entire past year.
exempli gratia
Nobody even knew this game was coming out until yesterday.
TNC burned all the goodwill they had with any of the older fans (whether it was the fact that the game play sucked, the cutscenes were too numerous, the story was cringy, or all three)
Nobody cares about this game, not even Bethesda. They didn't even advertise this game.
Swedecucks desperately NEED this game to succeed though. That's why they had the "Buddy Pass" thing, and they're trying to drum up "controversy" for their cronies in the gaming "media" to write about.
>and they're trying to drum up "controversy"
Does that include OP being a faggot and making yet another thread about this game because he's obsessed?
hardly anyone talked about it, you're just trying to set it up like it's been talked ti death because you don't like your SJW buttbuddies being made fun of
You goobers consistently fail to understand that modern marketing and advertising preys on outrage culture. When they had the meetings to decide two frail looking women would be the stars of a sequel to a game about killing scores of trained soldiers, they fucking KNEW that they were stirring shit. Get your heads out of your asses thinking that they are just doing this to be virtuous, you are playing into their hands because you are tricked into beleiving its outrage of your own free will and not completely planned and manufactured
You people have been fucking programmed at this point to have to say something negative when you see a video game starring a nonwhite or non male and thats exactly what these teams want. YOU are the commercial, get this into your heads. We live in a cyberpunk world you dumb fags, corporations are living rent free in your heads. Break the cycle, if you truly hate something, dont give those bottom feeders called journalists ammo at the very least
Why are they wearing space catsuits?
If you don't care, it defaults to silent approval
Maybe I just don't like not-cleverly-disguised politics threads from internet rage addicts looking for more dumb shit to get mad at
It's secret jew magic from TNO
You think everyone that is silent is sided with your strawman boogeyman? No wonder you're losing so hard, then! Don't worry, SJWs think the exact same thing. Horseshoe ;^)
how does that work?
i'm not giving them youtube / twitch views
i'm not sending death threats to devs (not like anyone ever really did that)
if it was a more interesting game in general i'd probably pirate it, but i'm not even going to do that with this one
i'm just talking about it with a bunch of other people who - like me - will never buy the game and enjoy taking jabs at the shitty writing
rent free. Nobody even cares about this game aside from hysterical poltards
TNC was perfection
The game devs subtweeting Trump
oh no no no
What the fuck are these retards doing
The more you complain about him the more you give him power, he's not just living rent-free in their heads they've given him a whole extra fucking White House
my wig is literally snatchedt!
Imagine ruining a long running series and dragging it through the dirt just because you dislike the current sitting president, pathetic.
Just wow. I fucking hate swedes.
I hope this game bombs so hard that Bethesda shit cans your fucking company.
Even if they don't. In twenty years, your country will be a fucking caliphate anyway.
How bad is it going to be when he wins next year?
do they think these girls look cool
what ugly fucking dykes
is incest confirmed?
>took 30 hours for it to reach 1k reviews
>only 6k player peak on launch day and that's including buddy pass players who didnt buy it
TNO was a thoroughly forgettable 6.5/10 game that should've stayed as a decent one-off attempt at an old-school shooter formula. Instead it somehow spawned a full blown revival of the franchise and it seems like it took 3 games for people to finally realize that TNO's core gameplay is actually really fucking mediocre
"RPG elements" are one of the worst modern gaming memes (even in actual RPGs)
but with mobileshit growing even larger it's not surprising everything is gonna be this way
I realized it after playing DOOM.
NuWolfenstein is extremely clunky and doesn't feel smooth at all.
Stop talking about gameplay. No one cares. The problem is feminists.
You guys are such haters. The game is fun as hell. I mean, I cannot tell you how much the main characters bother me and found myself having to skip every cutscene due loud, verbal "oh hell no"s but the meat of the game is really fun and engaging and has really nice feedback on the gunplay.
Also the nazis are swag as fuck with their flying zeppelin, man-only night clubs with attached video arcades.
Please tell me you didn't buy this trash
Reminder that this game is made by swedes
This game does not have TNO's gameplay though. Not sure what to compare it to. Maybe CoD Advanced Warfare? But even that doesn't really explain it.
It's very fast and arcadey and you have use the environment and all these special abilities to your advantage.
TNO isn't the same style of FPS as DOOM and isn't worth comparing but if you do, TNO is better.
Looks like he did. Resetera won, all is lost :(
crack aint gonna be out for a while since it's denuvo protected
Wolfenstein still feels slow and clunky meanwhile DOOM is fast and smooth.
DOOM > Cuckenstein
Why would I not buy a fun game? Because it bothers YOU? Fuck off. It's really lighthearted and stupid and the gameplay is manic. The cutscenes though are literally overdosed on wokeness. There definitely is a too much and this is way past that threshold.
Remember when Apex Legends was the next big thing? It's just not your year is it woke bros?
As a Swede I apologize for the absolute gayness and cringe we're producing.
Please turn AA on.
Please. I'm begging you. Refund it as soon as you can. Refund it right now. Or at least before the 2 hour mark. You don't understand, you're genociding all us poor gamers.
yikes and redditpilled
I know it looks like shit in screenshots but I can't stand standard AA algorithms and their vaseline fuzzed edges. It looks crisp in motion though.
Where's the fingerless glove meter?
>Actually playing vidya instead of just trying to use it to stir up political shitposting on Yea Forums
Unfathomably based
>old-school shooter formula
i wish
you spend way too much time ducking hard hitting hitscan enemies for the gameplay to be truly fun
i was in love with the world design, the visuals and the characters so i was willing to overlook it, but the shooting gets really frustrating on higher difficulties
it's especially bad when you compare it to something like nu-Doom
It's probably buried somewhere in the upgrade tree.
>The cutscenes though are literally overdosed on wokeness.
>Still buys the game
>i wish
>you spend way too much time ducking hard hitting hitscan enemies for the gameplay to be truly fun
You keep moving like you're playing quake. You can ram into enemies to stun them or jump and tap crouch to slam down to do an AoE stun. For bullet sponges, stick and move like you're boxing and use the whole arena to your advantage.
yeah i know, it's what i meant
lots of Europeans obsess over Trump 24/7
Ya seethe? Good for him for caring about gameplay instead of your cringe rise up antics. Faggot.
>can skip the cutscenes and get right back to the gameplay
>playing games to pretend they're netflix
>If you don't want liberal wokness in your game you're a part of GANG WEED
Seek help.
Do you only play flawless games? Why can people look past certain flaws games have but when its about muh SJWs, they can't? Pathetic.
>muh gameplay
Wrong, gillette and nike's commercials only worked because of people giving them free outrage advertising.
Cool just try not to throw that discussion into the ether with volatile language
You're not really the type of person im talking about
I don't feel like further funding the downfall of western civilization, Sven.
>Thinking I actually play video games
no hitscan marksman rifle enemies in Quake
i remember a section after you blow up a bridge that took me more than an hour to finish because doing anything other than waiting in cover for the bottom portion of your health regenerate and popping your head out every now and then resulted in instant death
>a fun game
this isn't one of those
He played the game
You didn't
I think I'll defer to him
I see mental illness is still alive and well with the writers.
How do you know he didn't?
the characters never shut up during gameplay..
>man only nightclub
That sounds pretty fucking gay. Like actually gay.
>Being this low test
>Fuck you, I'll continue eating shit because it's FUN
Well, it's your money I suppose.
Mother 3
But I did through Steam sharing
It's like any bog standard, generic shooter in the past decade
Ah the old "you have to eat shit to know it tastes like shit" argument.
then you're talking about an imaginary category of people
those hordes of incels crying in their mothers' basements in impotent rage that journalists like to envision don't really exist
>Swedish devs
There's your problem.
There's nothing to look past here since the game is some of the most mediocre trash we've had this year
I love how every satire in a game is somehow the worst thing in the world.. even though this shit has been going on for over 30 years
>The more you complain about him the more you give him power
yeah.... he sure has a lot of power
Because today, everyone slightly to the right of AOC is considered a 'Nazi'.
Just like everyone the left of Donald Trump is a Communist, right? Both the extreme left and right are the opposite side of the same coin. Spoiled brats who complain about everything. Just fuck and get it over already
Why is it always Swedes behind this shit? Honestly, what is wrong with them? For the entirety of recorded history they have done nothing but loot, torture, rape and kill their neighbors. Now that they can't get away with plunder and mass killings anymore they resort to what, poisoning video games with political drivel? What is the end game for them?
>t. Enlightened Centrist
I'm a leftie bro, I just call out BS on both sides when I see it. Social Media was the biggest mistake for world (and politics) ever.
Except the people being killed in Wolfenstein are literal nazis and not dumbass /pol/tard edgelords.
see >b-but what they actually mean when they say nazi is
>I'm a leftie bro
Oh, my bad. You're not enlightened at all.
Shame you don't understand some people don't follow a political spectrum to a T .You know, there are people who are interested in politics that aren't drooling twitter keyboard warriors outraged by everything.
Lol cuck
>having fun == eating shit
You know you would fit a lot better over at say ResetEra then here right?
Are they literally calling Trump a Nazi and calling modern America fascist?
Why would you be into video games at all if you don't like gameplay? Just get a netflix subscription or watch prowrestling on TV or whatever nitwits like you do.
No. They're saying that Trump would be too incompetent to lead Nazis.
What are your stances?
I own a PS4. Same thing.
I'm not interested in going into them, because A) No one cares and B) This a video game board that already has enough shitposting.
i honestly gave the devs the benefit of the doubt and figured they weren't actually taking their trump rage out on the game with all the weird way the characters talk about nazis in the game, but here we are
Then how am I suppose to ridicule you for being a libtard?
Honestly it looks really bad. Why make the girls so ugly?
I very much appreciate your ironic tone and it made me smile. Maybe Yea Forums will lighten up one day and we can enlightened conversations like the porn threads bring
Funny that I expected them to be uglier.
I'll get "over it" when stupid jews get over the holocaust.
>that pic
that dude is a king
Is this character/costume design what happens when the horny white men who create actual skilled art get demonized and driven out and get replaced with talentless trannies and diversity hires?
so basically wolfenstein is the wet dream of some psychotic lefties who wish they could kill anyone who disagree with them?
Are they making fun Israel or Trump?
>muh jews
rent free
I actually thought The New Order and Old Blood were 8.5/10 solid as fuck games with a few issues.
New Colossus was just like a much worse version of New Order, and they seem to have completely lost the thread of what made the first two in this series so good. It's gone full Saint's Row wacky which is a shame.
It's not-borderlands with crappy level scaling. It's already received more attention than it deserves.
This was a great series. Phoenix Emma was fucking perfect.
It's weird that with Marvel being so shitty this decade, they managed to make Cyclops the most based character in any of their properties. Previous decade he was a retarded faggot.
Game devs are pretty bad at making fun of Trump.
Honestly based. There's no functional point to be made, just political drama bullshit.
People feed off of the drama. The slightest opposition fuels the flame far more than opting out of giving them attention. If you're silent they may rhetorically think you agree, but if you go against them, they get angrier and feel more validated by the opposition. The strawman is coming to life in front of them, essentially. They create fake outrage with the expectation that you'll rhetorically get reeled in and invalidate yourself.
Holy fuck I just realized their names are based on names of musical scales
t. Epstein
So fucking cringe
I hope you are being ironic.
Is he literally a fascist dictator or is he powerless. Leftists really need to get their narrative straight.
Yep pretty much. This game was made to pander to the nastiest emotional impulses of the left. It's basically on the same level as Hatred.
So, assuming you are right, what's your solution?
Being quiet and not talking about it at all?
Do you seriously believe silence will be more effective than calling them out on their bullshit?
You have to consider that the goal isn't to convince them that they are wrong, but to turn public opinion against them.
They are only able to feed on outrage culture because there are people who aren't actually outraged by the shit they produce. Once these people vanish, and they will, they will go broke.
In other words, just red pill the normies.
It actually is good though in terms of enjoyability. Those Deliverance tier yokel main characters though... yeesh.
If I'm being honest, though you play as some sort of fantasy resistance, the game is a bit sneaky. It seems to really be preaching a very pro nazi message in all of its subtext. It seems like they made all the main characters and "good guys" detestable very much on purpose while making the Reich look like a bunch of badasses who delivered the planet from disorder and generally shit-dwelling.
There's even an audio tape you can find that sings a song about how nazis are the gods of humanity and how proud they are to be the only race that can dominate the planet and the stars.
>Battle of Chapultepec, September 1847 (Colorized)
oh god, what a masterpiece of writing!
They must have share the room with the witcher gals
leftist comedy is a disgrace
>holocaust never happened
>but man i wish it did
every time with you cucks
>why do people hate nazis so much!?
Didn't you used to need to be escaping from a war to be a refugee?
can't you see they're see they're stifling my free speech! be right back i have a podcast i make millions of dollars from and a fox news appearance where i'll complain i don't get enough coverage
I can believe it because I enjoyed the second game and it still got a shitload of bad reviews. The fact that it's a game about killing nazis and bashes Trump probably triggers some people, but I'll try the demo and see how it is for myself.
was never the case. also includes fleeing from danger and persecution
Man I'm glad they said it four times, otherwise how else would I know we are fighting Nazi's?
They don't know the law. Obviously
No one bitched about it when Obama was president
Now suddently, magically its a crime against human rights
meh, liberals being liberals
guess satire is dead
Zenimax is Jewish and all their games are political.
Jesus christ what's with the 2000's tier "future armor"
>pretending you have a moral compass as a zinger against those lefties
None? I don't base characters on what is between their legs. I like Wolfenstein and I like the RPG mixup in this one. BJ's kids and Doom Guy's grandma should be absolutely badass based as fuck chicks. They delivered. Get over it.
>get over it
Can someone explain to me why he was perceived as a bad guy? Preferably without memes.
>Ilham saying that whites are the true danger of america and they need profiling
want to say something about it?
Is that poster supposed to be a subtle jab implying Nazis are gay?
That's not very LGBT friendly
I don't understand why everyone hates him myself. they compare him to hitler, but all he did was try to STOP a genocide of mutants
Weird how you almost never hear about these objectively right-wing terrorist attacks, I'm sure they aren't inflating the numbers in any way by including apolitical shootings like Elliot Rodger.
I thought the story was okay. Embarrassing at times, but passable. Kind of a shame that A), Pvt. Wyatt's much more interesting character arc about losing a good friend, struggling under the burden of being a boy left to fight a man's war, dealing with it by self-medication, and the very human breakdown he goes through is completely fucking optional if you pick the tee-hee funny Glaswegian so his arm beats him up and you get to cling to the shitty laser rifle, and B), the SMG completely unbalances the game the instant you get three upgrade kits and max it out, which you can do like 3 missions in.
It was shitty in FC: New Dawn, and it sounds like it's really shitty here too.
>going full denial
>if its not in the news it obviously never happened
I hope every Bethesda release bombs from now until they stop trying to force people to use their launcher. Them demanding it for every release including console ports of 26 year old games is them blantly prepping for Starfield being exclusive to their launcher.
I can't wait for this to bomb so hard that Bethesda closes Machine Games and Arkane.
>totally not biased
So, can we say america should fear the black man, and the black man should be profiled? Or only when its convenient?
I'm just asking for equal treatment under the law
They couldn't even make them cute
>leftist power fantasy: the game
so are you saying we should pretend right wing terrorism doesn't exist and the FBI is biased while at the same time complaining about blacks saying the FBI isn't biased?
so they Shadow Warrior 2'd this game? kek
>10x more right right terrorism than muslim or left
>In the United States, where a vast minority of Muslims live
>Not applying per capita weights
What's it like being a retard?
What do they count as terrorism acts?
>there's equal numbers of islamists and leftists
>quit start arguing semantics! GOTEM
Answer my question retard
>Hear nothing about this game
>Not one post on Yea Forums about it
>Suddenly it comes out and shills are shitposting with it here to push agendas
Go the fuck away morons. Nobody cares about your shitty single player shooter with microstransactions.
The unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives.
they'll probably just make even more of these shitty games
Owning a maga hat
this game must be good there's more threads than shadowbringers.
% of population is...?
Reminder that they include any mass shooter regardless of motive and Islamic attacks as right wing
if you're wearing a maga hat when you mail fake bombs to people to cause terror it doesn't help your case that you're not trying to further a political goal
Post proof, punk.
the same
itll be the same
I'm not buying your game, Pete
well more of the population is left wing than right wing so that would make the right wing terroism stats even higher
[citation needed]
>Nobody cares about your shitty single player shooter with microstransactions.
Shitty single player shooter with microtransactions and shoehorned RPG mechanics.
>more of the population is left wing
trump won by...?
No seriously what happened to make TNC and YB so bad compared to TNO and TOB
>he has fun eating shit
I wish we could range ban people if they like games like this.
65 million voted left
62 million voted right
how do i math? help me trump!
>what is per capita
You bugmen leftists are insane.
they dont get jokes they just quote things at each other and laugh out of recognition
Of course it exists. Not a single fucker in existence will say righwingers don't commit crimes at terrorism level.
But they are not the only ones, and absolutely not the percentile responsible of general violent crimes in the USA (or any country). That statistic belongs to a certain, very easy to classify portion of the society. But, as pointed out, leftists tend to forget and make it all about white people mass shootings. The astonishing number of homicides and other crimes? Nah, forget about it.
See? Hypocrisy
okay from 2008 - 2016 there was
75 per 62 million right wing terrorist incidences
18 per 65 million left wing terrorist incidences
so is about 50%, annihilating 's point
Thank you for the numbers, i didn't have them on me.
and other crimes? They don't have a weight on society? they don't cause fear? Do you feel safer walking in a rock consert or a rap concert? Do you feel safer at night in a black neighborhood or a white?
You bugman. You need to apply terror statistics by per capita population.
Muslims are geatly overrepresented. Learn what per 100k is.
>not liking tomboys
Overrepresentation doesn't exist in their dictionaries user. Only when its to blame the evil white man
Stop voting for free shit and start voting for jobs and we'll stop calling you commie
They are ffffuuuuuuuugly
>we should ignore deport muslims
>that way we'll have 1 less terror attack a year so we only have to deal with and we can go back to ignoring the 10 yearly right wing terror attacks
TNO had some cheesy dialogue and made BJ overly sentimental, but it was tolerable.
OB discarded the political shit(besides saving a lesbian/jew, which you'd have to be retarded to get offended by) and made a good fucking spinoff that retakes the occult/paranormal elements.
TNC went full overboard with the wokeness:
>Dad's a racist asshole wife beater because fuck actually displaying a functional, loving family
>White Americans are as bad as the Nazis (I'm neither, but that's just cringe-worthy)
>Engel literally fatshaming her daughter in a laughable attempt to make it seem like a bad thing
>Communism is bad but not aaaas bad as national socialism
>BJ emasculated by all these females and PoC during the game
Does anyone even give a shit about this game. They are giving away a free copy for a cop op partner. The swedes are that desperate.
Pretty sure that user is talking about all the anti sjws that won't shut the fuck up and look for anything to be mad about.
>1 less terror attack a year
Dumbfuck. Whites are not overrepresented in terror statistics. Obviously the largest demographic would commit most terror cases by sheer number alone. What matters is if it's proportional to their population or not.
done by saudis which you still worship
so how's the actual gameplay for it?
Nah, the news jumps on any potential right-wing attack and you know it.
Has anybody played it solo? How bad is the AI for the other twin? I kinda want to play it 'cause I've played the other Wolfenstein games, but I hate this forced co-op shit.
>media coverage? almost none
>Loved Wolfenstein The New Order
>Was excited for New Colossus until that awful fucking "DUDE THIS IS SO CUHRAYZY WACKY ALT HISTORY LET'S GET NAZI KILLIN DUDE DRUGS" trailer that had lost the play-it-straight charm of TNO and reeked of Bethesda
>Heard that the game was half the length of TNO with majority cutscenes and completely lost interest
>Now see that Young Blood is shaping up to be nonstop topical "political satire" everybody is sick to death of
What the fuck happened in such a short span of time? Did anybody else actually play and enjoy TNO, and are you as disappointed as me?
live now
and god, it is a shitshow
TNO was one of the very few FPS I've enjoyed in the past 15 years or so. The fact that it was single player focused was also great. I played Colossus and started noticing all the bullshit right fucking quick.
I'm guessing hitscan rape enemies who can take off your entire health bar faster than you can say sieg heil
it's okay-ish for combat, but the dumbass makes stealth nigh-impossible. haven't seen how smart she is in trying to revive you if you get downed
why is everyone so ugly?
the enemy levels shit does not mix well with nu-wolf gameplay, much less this micro-transaction upgrade horseshit
It's a western game
It's Borderlands with nazis
From what I've read, he stopped a cloud of nasty shit that was killing mutants but empowered latent mutants-but-not-mutants who were intended to replace actual mutants as the oppressed minority analogue. And this was equated to genocide within the continuity.
Saving his own kind from genocide at the expense of certain people never awakening their powers and becoming new targets for oppression is apparently equated to actual genocide within the canon.
that doesn't sound too bad but i doubt it's as good as borderlands
its nothing like borderlands, are you high??
>anti SJWs
Imagine using this as a derogatory term. Like calling someone anti-stupid
So the AI is pretty decent from my experience, but what really gets annoying quick with the game is the balancing with the weapons against some enemies depending on their levels, like the Super Soldiers, seriously when there is two of the fuckers in the same area, I just about every time have to buck ass out of that area because they are so god damn overpowered.
The back-and-forth between the sisters is so fucking cringy. It is insufferable.
Don't play, but if you must, play it on mute. And skip the revolting cutscenes
It's very similar to far cry new dawn in terms of the core RPG elements but keeps wolf 2's fast and intense combat.
So the enemies are actually intimidating? I'll have to give the demo a try then. I've learned long ago not to listen to Yea Forums or most Steam reviews for opinions.
It was the big push Marvel wanted to make the Inhumans the new Xmen and further push the Xmen/Mutants out of popularity due to Fox squatting on the movie rights. Disney said if we cant have mutants we'll make nu-mutants and cook up some dumb shit to make cyclops seem like literal hitler to get the SJWs behind it
>banter between two teenagers thinking their badasses is cringe
I mean they're about as intimidating as they were in TNC, it's more so because of the balancing and them attacking in large numbers it can lead to really hard battles, so sure it can be challenging if not very slightly annoying, otherwise I'm loving the game, be it from the graphics, story, setting it's doing everything TNC did right in my opinion.
I'd rather pay money for a game where I play as the facists and purge all the degenerates who threaten the future of our children.
>their badasses
what about them
Sticker this, censor this, ban this
We've got something to say
Police this, condemn this, damn this
We'll be heard anyway
Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced
Listen here
Is it a possibility?
That we're all just equal,
Slam the power down
Does it pss you off to be beat at your own game
You lead us with false morals and shelter reality
No more, we're not buying your product when
You're selling
The words preaching silence
Insult me in my home,
When you were never invited,
To live life on your curve
Throw sticks into the spokes,
To relieve insecurities,
Stifle all ascension and sticker our freedom
Of speech
Sticker this, censor this, ban this
We've got something to say
Police this, condemn this, damn this
We'll be heard anyway
Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced
Don't tell me what I want
Don't tell me what I need
Don't tell me how I need to feel
I feel, goddamn nothing
Dig the eyes out of my face and I can still see right
Fuckin' through you,
Fuck you and everything you are,
I'm me, we're us and that's all
Closed mind with a forum to criticize,
Keep your policy and I've got mine
Exploit me, fabricate your lies
We empower these cowards just to be left in
Listen here
Stand on my soapbox,
And speak my own peace,
Whatever you may think,
It's real,
Prevail through what is me,
And step on your beliefs
Thieving spineless sellouts, robbing our integrity
Sticker this, censor this, ban this
We've got something to say
Police this, condemn this, damn this
We'll be heard anyway
Middle finger is the flag that I wave when I'm silenced
FXAA is fine, TAA is what is garbage and blurs the screen and defeats the purpose of running games in a resolution above 720p.
Swedes decided because people liked their previous game, that gave them license to go full retard leftist for the next game. That game bombed so they doubled down with this one
The point of their whole "hurr we're cool and we can do anything" behavior is meant to be mocking the fact they are arrogant teens.
yeah but what about their badasses
meant they're, fuck off nigger.
how could this be happening antifa bethesda bros.... we werent supposed to go broke... why arent our journalist allies praising the game? bros...
lots of europeans obsess over trump to be fair
>america and trump bad
>europe and EU good
>being so contrarian that you believe being contrarian is contrarian
what a wild fucking ride
In the real world, there'll be civil unrest and violence in America in the months leading up to and after his election, much like 2016-2017, probably on a larger scale. In entertainment media, you won't be able to get away from it. It will infect everything, 24/7. Keep in mind most games during the first half of his current term had started development years prior, so any attempt at commentary was shoehorned in during the last weeks or months before release. Games coming out now and in the future will have been developed during his presidency and will devote much more time to including commentary on it. I'm already sick of hearing about him. My eyes can only roll so much. I don't even vote because I don't give a fuck, but it's gotten so blatant over the past year or so that I can't help but notice it everywhere, and it's just the same boring bullshit bullet point commentary over and over. Political commentary isn't a substitute for compelling storytelling and interesting characters. Get some new material, you uncreative and unoriginal shitheads.
Anyone else masturbates to the thought of killing nazis?
How is this even fucking real
I seriously am starting to believe that it's ME that is retarded
Please help me
>like high speed fps
>trailer makes me think the game has it (I know there's a good chance there will be awful slow moments where I have to hunt down keycards or something
>The girls accent make my peepee hard
>They looked pretty cute in the trailers
>OP seemingly found the ugliest pic he could of them
I haven't played any of the new Wolfstein, okay to jump in from here?
What's even the point of making a dialogue tree if all the options just say the same shit?
because they don't want to make you a bad person
Not even true in the slightest
Nobody fucking cares
it still gets a giggle out of me with how buttmad people get over this cunt.
Stfu Todd
At least the soundtrack is kino
>literally "buy this game please"
kill yourself
Thank you goodguy dev
>they killed my son
>bUt WhAt DiD yOu Do To PrEvEnT iT?
If you kill your enemies they win
>What did you do to prevent it?
Holy shit...
the truth is that these ''ironic'' threads are doing more for the game than the inexistant marketing it had
>I’m too inarticulate to express my stances or too afraid to be exposed as an idiot.
Good call user. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
no it's supposed to make fun of gym rats and promote fat acceptance.
>ever being as bitter as the dried up fat cunt dog of a "woman" that made this image
not because you can't find joy in life doesn't mean everyone else should and it also doesn't mean you have to drag everyone down to your level
jesus christ these fucking people
Neither is doing anything the game bombed already even at half price
>seriously thinking a vietnamese knitting board has any impact on how much some shitty game will sell
I am laffin'
>breaking the fourth wall
Absolutely hilarious stuff.
>the ride just never ends
My biggest problem is that the gunplay is great. The visuals neat, the sound design and soundtrack superb.
Why did they decide to make it into looter shooter bs with retarded woke politics?
>You people have been fucking programmed at this point to have to say something negative when you see a video game starring a nonwhite or non male and thats exactly what these teams want.
>but not me I'm just here to 'warn' you
sure buddy, kek.
>Also the nazis are swag as fuck with their flying zeppelin, man-only night clubs with attached video arcades.
false flagging shill bitch. You better be getting paid good.
I'm not the Youngblood poster but I prefer the crispy look of no Anti-Aliasing. Maybe I'm just weird
>they murdered my son
>lol so? What did YOU do?? Why didn't you forgive and help them????
This reminds me of eastern European post war politics.
it has procedurally generated loot type stuff? i can put up with alot of shit because of much i like the borderlands style gameplay.
You don't actually pick up any loot.
Yeah if it wasn't for the RPG loot crap it would be a great co-op game. Should've kept it linear
Sounds like you were the one who does not understand how marketing and outrage culture works. See, when the only ones who use this marketing that do not fail are ones that would never fail in the first place, the marketing does not actually work.
Believe it or not, the term, "There is no such thing as bad PR" is just a con job made up by marketing hacks who did not want to lose their job after they fucked up and put their company under.
Those advertisements did not work. In fact, they did worse. Those companies market recognition went down. Their stocks went up because every companies stocks have been going up.
All Swedish devs should go bankrupt desu.
>"They killed my son"
>"I know, but what did you do to prevent it?"
It would only be satire if there were not entire groups of people and politicians actually saying the same thing. The thing about satire is that it is supposed to be more extreme than reality. When there is not hyperbole it is either not satire, or it is an exceptionally shitty attempt at satire.
>Gibsmedat or we'll kill your son
Drumpfth? Plumpfth.
Get woke.
If what you are saying is true, then the only reason you are a leftie is because you have been emotionally engineered to respond viscerally that left is good, and right is bad. Take the red pill. It does not mean become conservative, it means open your eyes and see how you've been manipulated to see the world through a particular perspective.
>Why, of course I didn't play the last Wolfenstein because the trailer was showing an annoying sassy black woman. Which is also why I skilled this one.
I think the webm is cuts parts of the conversation to make it seem worse than it is, you can see a cut or two. At least I seriously hope the writing is not that fucking dire, the devs are already insane for drawing a parallel between a fish cult bent on the destruction of civilization to oppressed minorities
Not interested in this game. I don’t play as women as a rule, and when I do it’s because they’ve been designed to suit my tastes (nier robo, ivy in soul calibur, senran kagura). I don’t pay to be preached to, I would rather spend money for more condoms for all the sex I have
>sympathetic innsmouthers
lovecraft wept
No. Get RtCW and New Order. Those are the only ones really worth your time. Wolf3D is fun for one playthrough but has aged like sour cream, New Colossus is just New Order but worse, and the 2009 version is okay but really nothing special.
I don't get how they're still this but mad. This didn't happen under bush, what the fuck happened.
I need a Sugar Cookie
>Sugar Cookie
>Sugar Cookie
Nothing wrong with releasing a game about killing nazis. Plenty wrong with releasing a shitty rushed game with bad writing
Based truthfag
Based, the seething in this thread is delicious.
can somebody explain me why that nigger bitch became the head of FBI?
Yeah. You would think after BJ and his resistance grew and liberated US of A, there would have been new recruits who would have been more skilled in managing FBI instead of some random negro who speaks big but whose biggest contribution to the liberation in-game was killing of a sleeping guard.
Really? Explain this game and every single European country wanting Trump dead. And don't forget the UK.
Wait, what do you mean they aren't praising this game? I thought this would be right up their alley?
What the fuck
What game even is this
give it a rest kiddo
Bethesda's on my permanent shit list now. I just wanted to make it to doom eternal before never buying anything else from them again, but god damn it they tried their hardest, and succeeded, at making me never want to spend another dime on them.
>being this obsessed over a shabbos goy
holy fucking lmao.
Literally, unironically GIVE BIRTH.
Nobody had a problem with killing Nazis, until the new games where the devs decide to depict everyone they don't like as Nazis and the "heroes" being the very kind of obnoxious assholes that you'd rather avoid in real life. But you have to like them, because they're the heroes, or you're a Nazi.
I beleive it. When trump was elected everyone was freaking the fuck out over here. It was so fucking bad that if you asked how some foreign president of a country that's not really a major trade partner outside of media, which is mainly left leaning, would affect us you mostly got more angry freakouts that sounded like conspiracy theories.
A lot of them legit thought he would just tell the army to come to europe and take over lol.
>overly sentimental
I kinda thought this was perfect. He's well-spoken and thoughtful when collected, then psychotically chimps the fuck out and rips everyone thirty new assholes when they fuck with him. The sound of gunshots jerking him out of a twenty year coma and into an inhuman killing spree in the asylum was easily the best part of TNO. Everything about that game's first two hours was god tier, really, and then the series abruptly stopped being good from that point forward.
>until the new games where the devs decide to depict everyone they don't like as Nazis
Except you're just killing literal nazis in Wolfenstein and not people with different opinions, you schizophrenic faggot.
He's a crackhead who stole from construction sites.
it's always the same, or just slightly worse
Nice my man, you are just proved you are a complete fucktard and why Yea Forums shouldn't discuss politics at all. The reason why people are pissed is because the swedish cuklets created a fantasyland where they can jerk each other off instead of making a good game, and shitting on the actual good game's legacy harder. Nobody on this fucking earth had a problem with Return to castle wolfenstein, for a damn good reason. Its a fucking video game, not a platform to spread your pozzed worldview, which nobody cares about, especially not in a hobby dominated by males.
This "game" is fucking atrocious, 10 minutes in and it's still a fucking cringy cutscene where the blonde one is doing a dopey dumbass laugh after shooting the head off of a human fucking being.
Not really. I have a ton of companies on my boycott list. One more won't hurt and I still have more than enough games to play.
>that modern marketing and advertising preys on outrage culture.
yes and? this game and tnc sold like shit
Is it just me or western game developers are actively shunning people from making any games with female characters that people actually like? It's like they want EVERYONE to make the same kind of female protagonist. The obnoxious kind. I'm not asking for anime waifus, but come on. You mean to tell me that as soon as you want to appeal to the female demographic, we can't have a likable female character anymore?
feminists paradoxically hate women if they're beautiful and attractive to men
I too hate socialists. I don't see what the issue is, socialists from the Teutonic species or the Slavic species, it's two pieces of shit from two different animals all in the same pile
>Dishonored 1-tier levels
>TNC combat without constant cutscenes
It's good but the leveling shit keeps it down. Does it get better with a friend?
You incels are going to buy it anyways. The marketing works.
That's funny
>Implying Trump isn't preaching American fascism
Welcome to the club. I loved TNO and TOB and 100% them, but I never bothered with TNC.
It clearly doesn't work like that since the show got cancelled. Also there's literally no hype for this game and it already has mixed reviews. It's going to bomb.
You mean how people also bought TNC?
>48% positive reviews on steam
They're gonna purge some of them aren't they
>They're gonna purge some of them aren't they
Why, no reviewbombing happening here user.
Pretty sure they did the same thing for Fallout 4 and that didn't get review bombed either.
Bethesda is just gonna bitch to Valve.
Yes as soon as you pull more shit out your ass
My main question is, where were the American Nazis?
Like, in the New Colossus, at least one generation has passed since the Germans took America. They've also had a hefty propaganda campaign, and the country seems fairly okay with them except for black people, Communists and Jews. But the only Americans you really fight are the KKK.
Shouldn't you be hunted by US Marines and American Hitler Youth? I mean, if I grew up in America under the Nazi regime, I'd consider BJ to be the equivalent of an ISIS terrorist. Public opinion wouldn't be on their side.
>Acknowledges Yea Forums
>Doesn't acknowledge the fact most of the type he referrers to will just pirate it
And I thought most Yea Forumsfags liked that shit anyway so I don't know why he had to address the whole site besides the obvious brownie points with Journalist.
>You kill US Marines
Oh yeah, let's make /pol/tards seethe even harder
It's not about seething, it's just a puzzling question. Where are the collaborators? Wouldn't they point out something like "Hey, you know, you're not actually killing Germans. You're killing boys from Alabama and Texas, who were raised to see you as a monster. There are basically no German Nazis in the field now."
That would complicate things too much, and detract from the all important message of 'nazis bad'. It has to be nazis vs not-nazis, nothing else.
Do we even see what happened to the civilian military? It actually seems that Nazi-occupied American isn't a bad place to live if you're Joe Average. Sure, you have to learn German, but you can keep slaves, there are no black people, and the streets are clean.
dont they want to get mixed people?
>They killed my son
> It’s your fault not theirs
I add that the Nazis keep their word, too. BJ's dad was in fact rewarded for turning his wife in. They didn't shoot him, even though it was likely easier for him to have done so: They gave him a farm to run and paid in cash.
unless people stop calling Germans 'nahtzees' in these games they're never gonna be good
didn't think a little tongue in cheek banter would rile up this board so much. Oh wait.
But it's literally a game about actual Nazis.
Reddit nigger
What was the name of that woman, their mom? Anya? Well she was a good looking woman, and BJ had good genetics, but those were the goblins that were spawned? What the fuck happened? Is BJ even sure that those ogros de las americas are HIS daughters?
Yeah honestly as a German this shit is always pretty funny. It's like we as a people want to forget how hard we fucked up with Gidler so we made up a completely different people called "Nazis"
All germans took a big long vacation from 1933-1945 and were replaced by some comically evil people from a different dimension or something.
Best part? These days everyone can be a Nazi! Fucking hilarious.
Can't wait for another four years
if I remembered how to do Punnett squares and wanted to put forth the effort, I'd figure out which traits were dominant or not.
Why haven't you joined the winning side yet?
>A Hat in Time raises awareness for trans rights in a thoughtful and respectful way to the mainstream gamer population
>Apex Legends is one of the most successful games of 2019 despite /pol/ screeching
>Atlus censored away the transphobic content from Catherine Full Body
>CDPR Twitter guy that made disrespectful jokes got fired
>Creative Assembly continues raking in cash despite "backlash" over forced woman soldier inclusivity in their games
>Even Sony and Valve are censoring loli and rape now
>Fire Emblem Three Houses goes full bisexual
>Great writers like Brian Mitsoda and Chris Avellone would rather write with progressive developers like us than with shitlords that "want politics out of video games"
>Hbomberguy raises 340,000 dollars for transgendered children while streaming Donkey Kong 64
>Klei takes out character based on white colonizers because it's culturally problematic
>Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are all against Trump's tariffs
>Microsoft and Ubisoft ban people for using toxic language in their chat (Including the n-word)
>NetherRealm Studios alters the female character's designs to be classier and more sensible for the new era
>Nintendo censoring Game&Watch offensive native American mimicry
>RDR 2 sold 17+ million and makes fun of racists
>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>Square Enix's ethical department refuses to increase Tifa's bust size in Final Fantasy VII Remake or add lolis and shotas to Final Fantasy XIV
>The Witcher Netflix series has African American and Indian women in major roles
>THQ Nordic apologized after hosting an AMA on 8ch
>We have based people making their own games, just like they were told to 4 years ago (The Last of Us 2)
>Sadpanda finally nuked
>Kyoani burned by fat otaku
Isn't this the place where unironic pedos congregate?
The only video game forum where talking about video games is a bannable offense. At least the Yea Forums jannies have some sense of mercy.
Nazis are all obese Americans these days.
>make bad game to "stir up shit"
>everyone hates it
>company has to file for bankruptcy
I will gladly let them brainwash me if it means they will stop making shitty games. Then normies stop playing and gaming will be comfy again like it was in the early 2000s.
Holy ding-dong diddly based
>imagin typing all these garbage just to get a (You)
Yea, you winning so hard I literally can see it on the statistics, XD
>Compiling all these images together
Holy fucking SEETHE
>statiistics of CDC are just muh seething
Cope and Seeth harder :)
I wish I had some opioids to carry me home
Are they trying to say that Nazi's have better taste in leaders than America?
>Join the winning side
>Get called a bunch of childish losers by some Jap shitposters who make a boob game
>Beat your faggot ass by releasing their next title in their series you managed to ban WORLD FUCKING WIDE UNCUT AND UNTOUCHED
>Lose to horny Japs that like big tits and murdering giant insects
Join the REAL winning side Anons
We have boobs, ass and the EDF
D3P > 3DPD
I'm not too familiar with American politics but didn't Trump accomplish more in his first year than Obama in his entire career as president?
wow deep
And here's some EDF for those that desire to protect our mother earth from any alien attack
It’s Yea Forums my man. Outrage culture is the sustenance keeping this place alive.
I doubt that its gonna be more than few riots and shit, what I do dread is internet becoming even fuller with retards on both sides shitting up everything they can get their hands on for the sake of "culture war" or whatever this conflict is called
If the media doesn't state that's the case then it's false and made up Drumpfnazi propaganda from Russia.
Remember to be a good rebel and listen to the mainstream media.
>parallel between a fish cult bent on the destruction of civilization to oppressed minorities
So this is the secret redpill I heard so much about, huh
It's a genuinely good game that doesn't take itself seriously. I don't know what's your problem OP
ok tranny : )
>genuinely good game
>loot shooter with mtx where you buy literal gold bars that plays less like Wolfenstein than ever before
>Dogshit AI for partners AND enemies
>clearly made with only co-op in mind
Get a rope and use it to hang yourself by your feet
Who the fuck wrote this shit?
shmonald shmopmf btfo
>Health sponge shit
Nope. Nothing can redeem a shooter that goes this route.
This. When two sides are fighting and generation heat, the only winner is the big company.
Just go stealth and knife them or level up
You're just nitpicking
It's obvious you're just mad because this game is about killing nazis
Has anyone actually bought a game because a group of people they dislike got mad over it? I've seen the screencaps of trannyera getting mad over that ea star wars game, but I'm not buying it because fuck ea.
I passed it off as being a VN when I saw the key visual and then again when the sprites looked kinda meh. Then I saw all these people whining about it so I looked at the game's page on steam to see if I could see why they were so mad and saw the gameplay and bought it instantly since it looked super fun. It was.
I never buy anything because people are mad I buy the game because it looks fun(or is fun, if there's a demo) all anything like cute anime girls or people getting butthurt about things does is make me look into the game, the game still has to make me interested.
even though I generally dislike the cringey wokeness, I find the two protags funny as hell. They are desperately trying to larp as nazi killers even though they have no fucking clue about anything since they are just 18 and are kids. I find the teen hip dialogue to be fitting for them, gives me the typical 80s quirky writing vibe
I doubt the retards getting mad over rabiribi was a carefully orchestrated plan by the devs. It was just a weeb game which naturally triggers a certain group. Unlike the new wolfenstein games which go ham with muh nazis because of the current shitshow. RtCW and the one after didn't have this kind of marketing or ateast I don't remember it.
>>Speedrunners that are too "redpilled" got taken out of the speedrunning charity shtick
>don't have to deal with chair sniffing weirdos
>Apollo Legend makes a video about it, gets hundreds of thousands of views, links the streamers twitch/social media in the video and cuts them in like he did with goose and bonesaw
>already a net financial/exposure gain but it gets better
>conservatives like me who have zero (0) interest in speedrunning, or the games they run, or the charity events, give them a follow
>they get front page of twitch for a day because of the surge, getting even more exposure like bonesaw and goose did
>a few /pol/tards inevitably drop dollar or two on them before going back to harassing the dykes and trannies with alt accounts
How awful for them. Please, stop doing this, think about their feelings and livelihoods.
Well, yeah, I know that. And yeah, I don't think RtCW and TNO had that kind of marketing. It changed to that obnoxious style after Trump got elected.
welcome to v/
Hmm, must be referring to Israel.
>the mainstream media represents our views
Really nigger?
you mean sarcastic
>EU good
>Boris Johnson, son of Trump
>Trump bad
Kill yourself mate.
It's just not the time for it anymore. People are too divided, I don't even view leftists as human beings anymore and many of them feel the same way about the "far right" (barely conservative).
Nah. Only retarded zog boomers and kikes say this.
You're retarded.
You're even more retarded.
leftists are fucked in the head
What? Those charts ineed show you are "winning" :^)
>People can't make jokes because I hate lefties
alrighty then
holy cope
Nah you should invite more, so you can be like us and know, just know that someone is going blow up/run a truck through a major event several times a year killing dozen or perhaps hundreds of women and children. It's quite literally part and parcel of living in Europe.
I don't think about "right wing terrorism" because it's just not prevalent in the way you're implying you lying sack of shit; it's gonna be Muhammad Abdul bin Mahmood bin Yalluh that spreads kids brains on the pavement in the next month or two, John Smith is too busy flying headbutting Norf FC supporters, eating fish and chips and jacking it to Nigel Farage to bother with that shit, kill yourself.
>same tranny
>People can't make jokes-
Leftist detected. Make all the jokes you want mate, censoring/no platforming people is something I'd never support. Don't expect me to buy your product though, I'll just review bomb it for shits and giggles instead.
>w-we got the right wing speedrunners right?
You basically made these people rich when they otherwise would have been flipping burgers at McDicks. How does that feel?
dios mio...
Nothing will happen, just like nothing has happened now. Everyone will act outraged and talks of a civil war and martial law will come up, but everyone is too pussy to do anything other than jab at him passive aggressively in media or make a dumb meme tweet. The futures wars will be fought with memes and tweets. It’s literally already happening.
Cute girls don’t exist user. Everyone knows that real life women are stinky, fat, hairy, gender fluid 360 shove it to boneless demi donuts who are stronk and powerful. So powerful in fact that you’re not allowed to speak against them because words can hurt them
Not American, but I would vote for Trump just because of how mad it makes these fucking blue haired women and other degenrates.
>OP seemingly found the ugliest pic he could of them
Yeah, I really had to go searching for that one.
It is not.
However that dialogue is about the only truly pozzed part of the game.
i literally couldnt make more ugly and revolting women even if i was forced to.
this triggers me for all the times 40y women have pissed me off in supermarkets.
fucking hell, those were supposed to look like young girls.
imagine paying for that game made by women who want to cut your dick
The Sinking City
>imagine paying for that game made by women who want to cut your dick
Imagine having this big a persecution complex
>defending an actual shit writing of a game
the world doesnt need people like you
yeah, liberals sure are full of it
They're shit tier tomboys, though.
>Muslims aren't right wing
>support a retard
>get treated like a retard
checks out
They could have still made them look decent without having to sexualize them.
I liked it
It wasn't great but it was fun
At first I could still laugh at the whole LMAO DRUMPF thing but it's getting boring now. The tipping point for me was an episode of one of the new X-Files seasons. Basically an entire fucking episode of
without ever stopping. Fucking hell burgers.
You talk about it, it makes other people curious, other people who then talk about it, who then tell other people about it until it reaches someone who thinks it might be up their ally
I'm buying this game because everyone who hates it talks like a bunch of gay boys and I don't wanna be a gay boy
TNO was perfectly serviceable. I didn't enjoy it as much as DOOM16 but it was OK. Even had some decent story, memorable characters and Deathshead was a fun villain all around. BJ being a little bitch at times going all MUH FATHER was annoying as fuck but whatever, there was room to improve.
And then TNC happened. I have no idea what the fuck went through their head, they could have improved the formula, they could have given us something akin to Mechahitler for fuck's sake, but instead we get PEE PEE POO POO. Fucking hell.
Whole worlds laughing at you
>Right-wingers intentionally support most hateful and controversial figure to own the libs
>Libs create most of the arts and media and don't like Trump
>Right-wingers scream like burning pigs
Cause and effect, you fucking retards?
>trump wins in 2020
>have to witness more trump memes
>trump wins in 2020
>rainbow hairs whine impotently for another 4 years until they do something stupid IRL and get sued for millions.
Sounds like another fun 4 years to me.
Didn't this game flop sale wise?
Overdose on opiates.
Dubya wasnt even close to as mentally fucked as Trump is, the dude is barely literate.
Would you not love to roll a grenade in to that room then lock the door and split?
>being a liberal in 2019
your party is shit and is crumbling from the inside.
cant wait for another 4 years of trump and all the whining from the noodle-armed faggots
We've all seen Trump supporters, you're not fooling anyone.
Trump has some crazy followers, yes. But almost the entirety of the left is batshit crazy
Im talking about how you're either morbidly obese or an underage child.
If you call "just remove everything Obama did with no replacement" an accomplishment then I guess you could say that.
>mfw I watched all seasons of BoJack on a cartoon pirating site
What now, faggot?
>everyone says it’s shit
>this will make people buy it
>Alternative Future where the Nazis won
>Technology is more advance
Why do they always do this?
This shit makes me wish the Nazis won.
Not American, you're a fool if you cant see the right has shifted to the side of sanity and discussion. The left wants to force people to think a certain way, make it against the law to speak out otherwise. Not to mention the rampant censorship being imposed because of the left, something that the right used to be guilty of. Being on the right is the new average persons stance, the left is seemingly a fascist stance
Removing everything Obama did is an accomplishment in itself.
kill yourself
It's so depressing that the left's mislabeling of anyone they disagree with as Nazis has soured any premise that revolves around killing ACTUAL Nazis due to being reminded of the former.
>The left wants to force people to think a certain way, make it against the law to speak out otherwise.
>Not to mention the rampant censorship being imposed because of the left
What game did you get banned from for calling someone a nigger?
The "left" wants you to stop being fucking retarded, whether its trying to teach you that flinging slurs at people is counter-productive or that believing dumb shit like vaccines cause autism, chemtrails exist and the earth is actually flat with no actual confirmed evidence is fucking stupid.
Conservatives are better-looking on average. Finding images of some ugly Trump supporters doesn't change that, and Antifa are pretty much universally ugly.
>actual Nazis
Most were just men following orders, you may not think it but if I time comes when you are called to fight for your country, you will no questions ask. "Real" Nazis are a very small number aka Hitler and those on his round table
>They find that politicians on the right are more good looking in Europe, the United States and Australia.
Read your own shit, you fucking ape. Says nothing about supporters.
>mfw looking at the steam charts
Deflection failed.
This reminds me of how the jokes in the trailer for Doom Eternal went right over the leftists heads when they were reeing about how the game was supposedly equating refugees with demons when the actual joke was how pc newspeak is so devoid of actual moral judgement that it could be used to portray literal monsters from hell as a minority group in need of our solidarity just as much as human refugees.
Seeing this cutscene here now really activated my almonds. They unironically think someone having a bad opinion on the horrible and vile abominations masquerading as human (born from an unholy liaison between men and unspeakable creatures of the deep) who not only wish to bring upon the end of mankind but also killed his son are quality material for making a moral analogy to xenophobia in the real world.
It's got borderlands tier enemy leveling that occasionally grinds the game to a halt, so take with that what u will
>Gymbros are more likely to be mentally slow
Good argument
Haha, holy shit. A study finds that conservatives are in better shape on average and this is how they try to spin it.
would it have been acceptable if obama won?
Admitting that you are a weak liberal faggot who thinks he's "smart" for loving niggers and trannys.
Who do you thinks gonna win? My nigger with a gat or your gymbro?
Probably, but why don’t you tell us Mr. Tranny
Well niggers can't shoot for shit and I wouldn't go to a gym anywhere near a nigger infestation anyway, and the vast majority of gun owners are white males, so..
>even online, he's still too scared shitless to give a straight answer
I got this game for free with my graphics card. Is it a least fun gameplay wise so I can just skip everything else?
>Police warnings for bringing up the race of grooming gangs
>Death threats for not wanting your kids taught LGBT in school
>Opinion shut down based on being white
Also the reason people mistrust vaccines, there is proof of medication disabling thousands of kids. The left dont know shit about vaccines, also flat earthers are not right wing.
Are you retarded, by chance?
>Controlling for socioeconomic status, we find that more attractive individuals are more likely to report higher levels of political efficacy, identify as conservative, and identify as Republican.
It's just their religion of peace.
Eurofag here, Riddle me this, How many armed militias do you have? I know redneck revolt, And the john brown club has about 60+ people combined. But the rest of the left are antigun retards, Some of them are waking up, But do you honestly think it's enough? Do you think the police are going to help you?
>Police warnings for bringing up the race of grooming gangs
Its almost like there's historical precedent as for why thats a bad idea when you look at the treatment of Italian Americans.
>Death threats for not wanting your kids taught LGBT in school
Death threads for wanting your kids taught LGBT in school too, whats your point? Ever hear of the Westboro Baptist Church my dude?
>Opinion shut down based on being white
Your opinion got shut down based on being retarded, actually.
>there is proof of medication disabling thousands of kids.
Thousands out of hundreds of millions? Sure, you've got me there.
>Doctors dont know shit about vaccines
>Flat earthers are not right wing
But its correct.
>But the rest of the left are antigun retards
I think you got it confused buddy, the left is antigun FOR retards.
Everybody likes guns, nobody wants guns in the hands of the barely functioning double digit IQ handicaps in this thread.
They either shoot themselves, others or have their baby/child/dog shoot them.
How many times must you lose to Trump before you realize that perhaps he isn't as incompetent as you've been led to believe?
Right, Sure.
Oh, you're retarded. Sorry for assuming.
>how many times do you need to have the system fail you before you realize that the puppet is actually not a puppet at all
Gee, You really showed him, user.
Considering he got elected off grand speeches that clearly weren't written by him as for the last two years he's been a stammering fucking retard and promises that he has not and will not ever deliver (How's that wall going?), im gonna say maybe once if i somehow lose to him?
Not my country lmao
> (How's that wall going?
It literally just got funding
Oof, bad time to bring up the wall.
>The "left" wants you to stop being fucking retarded
Well, the "left" also wants people to be fucking retarded if it's convenient for them, such as forcing people to believe in 1776+ fake generders and faggot marriage. Some leftists are even retarded by themselves, such as (You).
>(How's that wall going?)
The economy's booming, that's literally all that matters. And the wall just got funding, you absolute retard.
>right wing terror attacks
Still have not seen an example of these supposed attacks
Because literally any religious attack is considered a "right wing attack"
The irony oozing from this post is incredible
Another 10 feet? Lmao
>calling someone else retarded
Its almost like gender being separate from sex is actually scientifically confirmed
>faggot marriage
Yeah, why wouldnt you want people to be happy? Happy people are more productive.
If we cared only about passing on our genes, they would have fucking executed you long ago. You arent going to get married, you arent going to have children, your bloodline is going fucking nowhere and you will be forgotten.
>economy's booming
Worst its been in a while
>retarded leftist seething and coping
Obvious bait, but the left actually believes everything here. I'm so excited for 2020.
Prove literally any of that wrong.
Not him, but it's literally all over the news, retard.
Looks like there really are some retards on the "left" side, too :)
>the left actually believes that someone that cant even spell "gender" is mentally retarded
They might be on to something