Why does a fish have tits?
Why does a fish have tits?
Same reason why it has legs and hands and can fucking talk. It's not a fish.
because it makes my PP hard
airsacs so they can stay underwater for long periods of time
Cause Japan
Can she see through the eye thing on the side of her head?
Did you edit out the nipples ?
Same reason humans have tits, to attract a mate
The question would be why does a fish have nipples, and I'm happy to answer that it does not
They live on land but their offspring aren't accustomed to it yet, so their boobs hold water to let their babies breathe off of.
Why don't you
Why does a cow have tits?
(you are retarded)
You don't have to explain why things are like humans. That's just because it was made by a human for humans. You have to explain why they're different from humans, and that will always be more weird than just humans. The more difference, the more weird. It makes sense for non-human females to have tits by default. Making them not have them is seen as weird.
Malon best
>You have to explain why they're different from humans
Heres my shot: Because the neckbeard virgins dont wanna get reminded that they have 0% chance on any female, so fur faggot shit was created, so that they dont get triggered
Because fish are the perfect wife material
Which of the Zelda girls would you fuck? For me, it's OOT Zelda.
>Fish are mammals
what if Zoras are dolphins tho
TP is best because I like dark hair.
Either TP Zelda or BotW, I want TP Zelda to dominate me and I wanna bury my face in BotW Zelda's ass
OOT Zelda all the way. She had the most attraction
For me, it's loli Zelda.
If you wouldn't snu snu with a Gerudo woman you're retarded
LttP is my favorite to fap to. Though I want to marry BotW Zelda.
Same thing
God I want a gerudo girlfriend
I'd Snu snu a gerudo girl, does that count?
Don't you have a homeland to mourn the absolute annihilation of, pedo?
Don't call me a fish
Made for cross breeding
Because she's female and the artist decided since she's a fish person she needs boobs to make sure people know she's female
Better question is why her body looks like she's wearing a dress in Hyrule Warriors?
the face is an anglers bait, true head are those things on the side
Have Zelda and Link ever canonically had a kid?
no but link and the fish have
Veran. I would die happy.
Malon. First crush ever
I want to do things to that fish
Not that I know, there was a theory that the Zelda from Spirit Tracks was descendant of WW Link and Tetra after they created a new "notHyrule" but that's never been proved right nor wrong, hell I think the only known Link to have a descendant is OOT Link.
Though I'd highly bet the SS Link and Zelda definitely did post-game.
There was never a version with nipples retard.
Ruto is so fucking sexual uhn
I want to lick Ruto’s flipper feet
Tetra once she's old enough
I want her to lay eggs then watch me fertilize them.
Thanks, Nintendo
>posting inferior Zora specimens
I wanna ride on Prince Sidon
great. another fetish to add to the list
dragons have tits to store their fire
fish have tits to store their precious water
have you never heard of a camel before?
Where's the fur on a fish, retard?
Fish arent mammals you fucking retard
back of the knee, maybe?
Ruto gave me funny feelings as a kid
Theory is that the eyes on the side of her head are her real eyes. The ones on her face are mimicry to appear normal to Hylians, and aren't actually used to see.
how the fuck was sidon so hot i don't know why im so attracted to him
Discus fish can feed their young with a milky substance after they hatch.
his ____smile
Any but that Down Syndrome one from BotW
>implying the animal needs fur to qualify its furfaggotry
are you new here or just the internet in genral?
say what you will about Skyward Sword, but I personally like it's Zelda the most.
Next you're going to say Midna is furry, retard.
because it's perfect and Zora's were designed by the three goddesses to be bred by Hylian cock
Me too. I used to think that the internet sites I would browse when I was going through puberty were at fault for the fucked up shit that I like now but i remember thinking it's hot to see Ruto's naked fish body as a 7 year old so I've always been an degenerate from birth it seems.
That picture is a load of shit. Girls don't seethe about other girls' tits, that is just a weeb fantasy.
If only we had more art of her counterpart.
>Better question is why her body looks like she's wearing a dress in Hyrule Warriors?
Ironically, I think it was an attempt at censorship. People didn't want Ruto to appear to be running around "naked" and so they added fins to make it look like she's wearing a dress. This, of course, just brought more attention to the fact that all Zora are running around nude and kind of highlighted what they probably hoped to avoid.
>Have Zelda and Link ever canonically had a kid?
Technically, no. There have been few direct sequels (Zelda 2, Link's Awakening, Phantom Hourglass) and none have gone into Link's relationship with Zelda. Heck, in Zelda 2 and LA, Link specifically wasn't in a relationship No clue what happened with Zelda 1, ALttP specifically had Link leave Hyrule behind while in Wind Waker/Phantom Hourglass it was assumed that he's too young.
There were several games where Link seems to hook up with Zelda, or at least the two are together (BotW, SS, WW/PH, ST, MC) but there's never been a followup to know if they married or had a family. There's no "canon" bloodline so outside the idea that the Zeldas' kids are probably related to the other Zeldas, we can't really say who is related to who.
That's why mermaids are a thing
same reason cats have tits
do you rekon Zoras spawn like regular fish?
like one day a female zora is just so full of eggs she has to find a spot and lay them all, while the males come over and jack off onto the pile?
do you think the females cum when the eggs are expelled from their body?
This specific combination of Zeldas is the absolute peak of female design.
Midna, either form
botw link
I like to think Zora eggs stay inside their bodies until fertilized then they're laid
Mipha and then I would make her my wife
Why were the BotW Zora so top tier?
if you give them a good squeeze or a tight hug, you could squirt the eggs out
This is what I choose to believe as well
>TP Zelda interacting with Princess Ruto
...you know, if Zora are cold blooded, it must be quite the experience for them to mate with a Hylian.
>Marin best
midna is an imp which is classified as a monster type seperate from beat or furry types but if you need an encyclopedia ill spoon feed you double retard
You have some low standards. I think that Link might've been lobotomized at some point. There's stoic and then there's this.
Built for BHC
I dunno, Zelda in Spirit Tracks is most definitely Tetra's granddaughter and ST Link is WW Link's grandson, I'm 99% certain both are mentioned ingame
I'm just upset there's literally no material on my husbando.
In order to lure seafarers to their doom
yet fish people are somehow "beat" or furry types
nice try, ESL triple retard
Majora's Mask had you collecting eight Zora eggs, so there is some aspect to that. Then again, Majora's Mask might've just been a dream as well so that's probably not really canon.
No kidding on this one, I like her attitude
I'm more pointing out the games where Zelda and Link ended up sticking together, as opposed to A Link to the Past (where he specifically left) or the first Zelda game (where she's just missing by the second game) or even something like Twilight Princess, where the two are still around Hyrule but there's no indication that they're hanging around each other after the game ends.
I'm here for you, user.
I want fishtits in my mouth.
Underrated zora girl coming through
I wonder what her crotch smells like hahaha
the belly button is actually a much bigger mystery. fish are born in eggs.
it's always strange to me when you notice that a character shouldn't logically have a belly button but does just because it'd look weirder without one.
What a milf
post the version where she is sucking those
Here's a better question: why is Ruto completely nude?
It's a constant attempt to seduce her husband
probably like what a fish's skin smells like.
Because she is confident in her body
Thanks user. Literally the first I've ever seen for him.
Like fish
>Girls don't seethe about other girls' tits, that is just a weeb fantasy.
It's probably where the yolk sac was attached to
If they hatch after three days, I'd think they'd have to.
>Hyrule Warriors Ruto just got a palette swap for her
I was hoping that they'd actually include a Rutela model, though.
Why not? Swimming is hard enough without cloth trailing behind you and catching on things. Plus, it's not as if the Zora domain is particularly well suited for growing flax or cotton or sheep. Given that they don't seem concerned about temperature changes, there isn't that much pressing need to make clothing.
fish can't tie knots bro they don't have belly buttons. those are strictly a human custom
>TFW you will never have hot steamy sex with fit OOT Zelda after an intense Sheik training session
beast archetype follows the designation of anything construed as an animal which is what a fish is quintuple dumbass have your last (you) and a self portrait
That's why her fish bra was dumb. It should have be upside down. Underboob is better too.
>third worlder gets so steamed about his arbitrary bullshit definitions being questioned that he abandons the thread
Good riddance nigga
I like BotW Zelda currently because I just really like women that try really hard but fail at basically everything people expect of them because it reminds me of myself.
So like, if their father was a huge blue whale thing, what the hell was their mother like for them to turn out like this?
>dragons have tits to store their fire
are female dragons more dangerous then?
You know that camel humps aren't really large water bladders, right?
I completely forgot how the Zora looked in Twilight Princess.
none. all terrible.
I completely forgot most of everything in Twilight Princess except for that one large Hylian shopkeeper woman.
Not sure why no one has posted this yet: now, you too, can own your very own titty-fish.
she had HUGE tits
I kinda like the fish bra cause it implies that there is something to hide under it, so I like to imagine there are very sensitive nipples under there. Yes I know fish dont have nipples, I dont care it's fiction
What's up with the tetromino camera?