Is a cunt

>is a cunt
>obvious villain the whole game
>adachi but the game forces you to sympathize with him because muh troubled past
>dies and everyone is sad despite him trying to murder them minutes earlier

What the fuck was this character? Worst party member by far.

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Get ready for his redemption arc in 5 Royal :^)

Japanese "writing" is terrible. There's a reason there's literally zero works of Japanese literature that are considered compulsory reading literally anywhere and the country only every produced one author of note; Murakami.

>obvious villain the whole game
Why do people continue to state this as if it wasn't intended?

It a Japanese thing.
If a villain has any amount of sympathetic aspects to them, no matter how much they've done, it's a trope in Japanese media for the heroes to be sad for them, and be like "Huh, I guess they were a person too"

Goddamit Persona 5 is such a shit fucking game.

Motherfucker asshole, I'm about to play this game right now, you cunt, don't post spoilers like that in the fucking OP. Also, does the normal version of P5 has dual audio or is it only the Ultimate Edition?

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Doesn't make the trope less annoying or less shit.

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Yep. Goku stayed pissing me off about how much he fucking loves freiza now when dude essentially hitler'd his race and had the audacity to reveal in it too. Yet goku is constantly on this "he isn't THAT bad" bullshit. It makes for very predictable and boring storytelling when you know the villain is gonna get redemption no matter how fucked they were, and then to make matters worse, japanese storytelling will make to where they join forces as if that makes any sense whatsoever

He did nothing wrong though

Calm down, you literally have to be retarded not to think something. They drop a major hint the first time you meet this motherfucker.

Still a better character than Amarant

>Phantom Thieves bad because forced confessions waa!
>Murders a bunch of people
>Attempts to kill protagonist
>Attempts to kill the entire party
>"But muh daddy's mean to me :("
>Everyone forgives him

No fuck off, why is the game trying to make me forgive him.
He has no redeemable qualities.

Bold claim.

Because he was the coolest guy

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He's cute.

>about how much he fucking loves freiza now
Are you retarded?

Didn't he also kill Futaba's mother? That's a kek

I think im just gonna post this here

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I don't have a problem with villains having sympathetic traits, but Akechi already had the great makings of a sympathetic villain in that he morally disagreed with the PT and their methods of basically brainwashing people into confessing. If they kept that aspect instead of shitting all over it because they needed akechi connected into shidos conspiracy he would have been a great villain with a sympathetic motive. But because they decided to make shido the ultimate puppet master with his hand in everyones ass Akeci became one-note and the writers tried so hard to backpedal to make him sympathetic again they made the writing even worse.

Oh no that wasn't me defending it. I'm just pointing it out.

Holy shit, he did.
I didn't put that together till right now but yeah.
Fuck this guy

People always state it as Akechi but that has never made sense to me. They state it for the obvious reason that Goro is the one killing in the metaverse, she died when Futaba was just a little girl. Goro is basically the same age as the PTs meaning he would have killed her when he was just a small boy.

*but she died

I don't think they state it outright but unless they add someone else who can kill shadows there's no one else it could be.

>Goro is basically the same age as the PTs
He's like a year older than Joker and Futaba is the youngest if I remember right. A 16 year old killing people wouldn't be too farfetched.

Wasn't he faking being detective? He shit isn't he?

He's 17 or 18 on the wiki. It definitely happened much earlier than just a year before the game. Again, Futaba was a small child, likely younger than 10 at the time.

i hope he stays dead in R

i don't care either way but i'd like to see some fujoshitter tears

Same. but deep down I know it won't be the case. He's too popular with the nips it feels like.

Imagine Goro being alive in R is nothing but Joker's dream materialized thanks to the new Marie

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>likely younger than 10 at the time.
Wakaba died two years before the start of the game.

>she died when Futaba was just a little girl
Wakaba died two years before P5.
>meaning he would have killed her when he was just a small boy
So? a kid can kill and fight shadows too, look at Ken.

Sketchy Akechi is not the twist. Also the JP audio is free dlc.

they can eat pancakes in peace now

>Haru and Futaba will apologize to him in Royal
defend this

>having the freedom to do nothing only means someone is controlling you
>in a game that's entire premise is subverting the free will of others

bravo atlus

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Are you retarded?
Doing nothing and not making your own decisions are two entirely different things.

wind blows
rain falls
Yea Forums seethes about P5

>talking about the game is seething
You know, the sad part is that you don't even care about this

He was a better villain than Adachi, he actually managed to accomplish most of his goals, kill more than one person, fuck over the MC, discover their identites and is just as strong as him.

That describes Adachi to a t.

>he actually managed to accomplish most of his goals

Plunge the world into an apathetic case because he was tired of how he wasted his younger years studying to be a cop, but he got passed up because hard work isn't the only way to move up in the world

>kill more than one person

killed amano and saki

>fuck over the MC
Nanako becoming a target, though he know he fucked up with that one.

>discover their identites
He kept feeding them info and being very close yet distant from the group, while manipulating Namatame in a game to him.

>and is just as strong as him.

Loki is a trash demon compared to Magatsu Izanagi (though we also know he had boosted powers because of TECHNICOLOR EYEBALL)

Akechi is a bootleg Adachi prancing around with Naoto's title, because all he was ever good at is investigating his own crimes with the stupid goal of killing his own dad, not knowing he was being played the whole time too.

It just occurred to me, Akechi doesn't get an ending where he wins. I mean, even if Joker dies Shido was going to off him anyway.

All of that is Adachi. The only difference is that Adachi has more games to get over himself and behaves like a matured adult by Ultimax. Adachi's companionship with Dojima 10x was more compelling than fujoshitting Akechi had with Joker.

>not Dazai

His real outfit is gutt's berserker armor

I think the best thing would have been, instead of him dying... "dying" to his shadow self, if he showed up for the Shido boss and then sacrificed himself so they could escape, while he takes down Shido's shadow. Because if killing the shadow kills Shido, then what better fuck you is there than to not grant that death but to break Shido's shadow so he's completely humiliated in public. And you know it's that Japanese humiliation, so it's extra potent.

neither are that good

>Japanese "writing" is terrible
honestly this
tried reading light novel before and it was literally fanfiction tier
was expecting something published to at least be readable

It's been awhile but I dont think he actually cared about the moral dilemma surrounding the phantom thieves. He straight up had a singular goal to kill his dad and everything else was just an act to get him that far. I dont think I'd consider him contradictory in that sense

I liked Yotsuba.

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The twist isn't that he was the villain, it's that all the characters knew he was.

>There are people that didn't catch pancakes
Definitely makes me feel like they were trying to out Akechi a bit more. I'm sure tons of people got the bad ending for Persona 4 the first time around. I know I did.

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Then it's not a twist.

pretty sure she was offed by some of bald guy's goons before she could spread her research results
they literally just ran her over with a car when she was out with futaba

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I just want to be able to romance this prosecutie and join her in bullying her worthless burden of an imouto

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>they literally just ran her over with a car when she was out with futaba
Nah dude, Wakaba was a shutdown victim.

>>adachi but the game forces you to sympathize with him because muh troubled past
Wrong. The whole point is that "muh troubled past" ISN'T an excuse. Several previous bosses, including palace owners, also try pulling that, and they get shut down every time. After Goro reveals his le tragic backstory and his plan to take down Shido, the response was "you're just a child throwing a temper tantrum."

>everyone is sad despite him trying to murder them minutes earlier
They sympathize with the conditions that led to his character, because they're trying to change society for more people like Goro don't happen, but that doesn't absolve Goro of his crimes. Goro's the hitman, but they want to go after the guy hiring the hitman too.

Anyone who disagrees with the above is a retard with a single digit IQ.

Stay mad antigroos

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Adachi was a pathetic loser who was mad that girls didn't like his ugly ass. Akechi was waaaaay better than him lol

>makes a convoluted goal of destroying his dad socially instead of just killing his shadow there and then
Never got this.
Can't wait to use black mask goro and loki in Royal

>Never got this.
Goro's character makes 100 times more sense when you realize he's an edgy teenager who got superpowers in the middle of a chuuni phase. Yes, his plan is stupid. It's supposed to be stupid. The PTs comment on how stupid it is. It's a complete sendup of other fictional characters who have similarly convoluted revenge schemes.

Goro was also a pathetic loser who pissed and moaned because people didn't give a shit about him until he began to fix his own cases.

You don't consider Kawabata of note?

>a literal loser is more competent than mr daddy issues detective-assassin

>the game forces you to sympathize with him because muh troubled past
And they couldn't even pull that off right, fuck this whiny little shit

Rau clone.
Shido is the actual Char clone

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Go back to /pg/ faggot

m8 /pg/ is the only reason why this shitty thread is still alive right now lmao

Should have played it two years ago if you wanted to avoid spoilers. Also, the fact that Adachi is evil isn't really a twist. That the party knew the whole time and have been setting him up for the entire length of the casino sequence is the twist. Also, Igor is a fake, and the final boss. Morgana is a Velvet Room attendant.

i thought akechi was cool the whole game, and cooler after he revealed himself.

God I wish I could nut deep inside Ann.

I have to agree. They're ridiculously bad. But what's weirder is that there ARE some good stories captured in manga and anime, and a few vidya. It's really bizarre.

But Kingdom Hearts is the greatest story ever told.

I want to say he was a victim of the rewrite. Hashino might just be a hack though.
In any case he's wasted potential: the character.

Doing nothing is a decision you make

And the Phantom Thieves are the ones who made them that way in the first place.
They didn't think any of this shit through.

what if goro was a girl?

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>”sympathetic” Villains who are complete asshats
>endings that are no-closure open endings
>girl cuts her hair for no reason, but signifies growth for some stupid reasons
Japanese tropes are bar none the worst of the lot

You'd just be polishing a turd.

I'd still kill her but there might be rape involved this time

this is true. they should just rewrite that

Persona game goes for a neutral route, more at 11

Wasn't it Shido who killed her and took her research? I highly doubt that Akechi could've done it but I could always be wrong.

I've always been impressed with how fucking stupid the people on this board are.


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Fuck off back there


Futaba says that what happened to Okumura is what happened to her mother. Okumura died because Goro killed his shadow, do the math.

>literally went to hell to talk to and recruit the being that killed your father, mother, race, not to mention enslaving your brother and the like to commit genocide in his name for the sole goal of becoming a unkillable dictator
>"hey bro you wanna join this tournament that you have absolutely no stake in cause you're suspended in a cocoon all day and despite being killed mutiple times, never change nor learn your lesson?"
>Not loving freiza

Fuck outta here, are YOU retarded?