What would it take to make you come back HotS?
What would it take to make you come back HotS?
>come back
come back?
Never played it but put Mei in there
D. Va beating my dick to a pulp with her fine ass
>come back
how about giving them a dev team again instead of a skeleton crew
Put in actual gameplay and depth of other mobas at the very least, and also make the game not dead.
if i wanted a come back i'd ask your mom
I played this for the D.Va skin
nothing because it's a shit game
turn it into smite but with its current character cast and a competent team behind it
remove blackhearts bay from rotation permanently until it becomes normalized like the other reworked maps
1v1 mode where I control all five heroes and fight another solo player who is doing the same.
Call it something like "Real Time Strategy Mode".
Let it die and focus on a warcraft remaster.
If the engine/gameplay is good, the moba from it will be great and everyone will play it.
boobjob and bikini outfit for every female character, ability to play as male barbarian
>actiblizz puts the game on death row
>expecting anyone to give a shit about the game at this point
>come back
my friends talking to me
Why are Blizz devs so out of touch to make a moba w/o items and xp
>If the engine/gameplay is good, the moba from it will be great and everyone will play it.
They will apply the same rules as SC2 mods had, so don't expect anything great.
Ditch out those rules, and just buy the mods which are good/make an official mod.
If Blizz weren't so lazy jews, they could have had all the moba market for themselves, and LoL/Dota2 would have never existed.
Honestly, just some news saying that they still have some dev team and are working on the game instead of going on maintenance mode. Still with they went with the dota 2 model of fewer but powerful spells instead of the spammy and weaker lol model.
I thought they already released the third expansion :^)
Removing OW heroes
I wish they fucking went for the dota gameplay instead of that garbage commie gameplay.
Wanna know why communism fail? Play HoTs.
add Bastion from Overwatch
Straight up shameless porn / adult content. The winning team raping the losing team's women while the men are tied up watching
Blackthorne hero.
Removing D.Va from existence would save Blizzard.
Makes all the Heroes open and free to all. That's my only gripe.
Rework the vikings away from being exp bots and make stealth fun again.
The game is on life support why would anyone spend time there ?
>points at her lack of boobs then starts crying
Seems right to me.
Actual LFG feature
Actual functional bots so one disconnected player doesn't automatically condemn you to a retarded automaton that can't even respond to pings
MMR display
Stricter matchmaking rules
PRA that makes sense
Actual enforcement of penalties against griefers, afkers, feeders, etc.
Consistent balance philosophy, not just shifting around numbers randomly then reverting them 4 weeks later
Consistent tooltips
Emphasis on macro elements instead of turning every hero into a generic PvP brawler
Removal of all the cringe reddit memes like carbot sprays
Skins with soul
More ass
Because mobas are still popular and now, auto chess are becoming popular.
Blizzard had a gold mine with the wc3 editor.
They ruined everything because of WoW
make valeria good
Lili/alex/sally 8:1 figures in the blizz store
Fuck i just want a mommy dragon fig so bad bros
Nude mods
>dude add items lmao
Then it's not much different from League or DOTA, two games that already have large fanbases.
The game itself isn't the issue. It just came out too late. It was released in 2015, when the MOBA craze was already at its tail end. Now it's too late to catch up, with other games like battle royales and autochess being the new biggest games. LoL and DOTA already have their fans. Making HOTS into those games wouldn't bring them over. It would just make it look like Blizzard was copycatting Valve.
>Come back
>When I'm still actively playing it.
Barefoot skins for every female character.
>Then it's not much different from League or DOTA, two games that already have large fanbases.
With this kind of logic, dota 2 would have never been a thing.
Also you don't make a moba w/o item, that's like half of the interest of the fucking game : To get kills so you can buy fucking crazy items, to do crazy stuff, to kill again the enemy.
There are other way to make something different w/o destroying the core of the gameplay.
It's like making super mario w/o the jump button.
Male/Female outfit swaps. Stop being fucking bigots blizzard dont you support trans rights?
Remove all the OW characters, bring back the old cash shop with no lootboxes
also this
well actually the game itself is part of the problem my dude.
A lot of people actually gave HoTs a chance when it relaunched and absolutely hated playing it in ranked because
1. It's nearly impossible to carry a team
2. you can literally lose the game in the draft
3. Hero balance is abysmal and always has been
The banrates are ridiculous on the four highest banned heroes in the game, over 50 percent of games have the same four heroes banned and it's been that way for over three years.
Don't forget map balance being utter shit and them having to remake or remove most of the maps from ranked because of how much one comp can dominate a map.
She's op
>With this kind of logic, dota 2 would have never been a thing.
Completely different circumstance. DOTA2 runs on an entirely different, updated engine than the one from WC3 and added quality of life features from the technical end. Plus even a toaster can run it, while the SC2 engine might be a little bit heavier. Why would anyone who's already playing DOTA2 now move over to HOTS if it's the same game?
Their best bet was to make a game that was different enough from the rest. Again, trying to appeal to DOTA2 autists is self-defeating. They don't want to move to a new game
>Also you don't make a moba w/o item, that's like half of the interest of the fucking game : To get kills so you can buy fucking crazy items, to do crazy stuff, to kill again the enemy.
Talents fill that role, something DOTA2 later adopted.
Again, the issue wasn't the gameplay. LoL is dogshit but it's still the most popular MOBA because it was in the right place at the right time.
I still play every now and again, only done one quest line of the mech thing.
I just get thrown off because of one player on my team is always afk "lol who cares we already lost"
Give me a map without gimmicks.
Make it turn based
Actually it was worst for valve : Dota 2 had garbage character design and barely any brand recognition.
I know lot of people, including myself who were eager to finally play the Blizzard moba.
And SC2 engine being garbage is their fault anyway.
>Why would anyone who's already playing DOTA2 now move over to HOTS if it's the same game?
Learn to read dumbass, i never said that they had to c/c the exact same gameplay. However if they did that alone, they probably would have won.
>Talents fill that role
No they don't fucking brainlet. Talents are based on xp and really don't add much to the gameplay. It's like new spells.
>Again, the issue wasn't the gameplay.
Yes, it was. Especially when you wanna do "esport" thing. No carry, 0 fucking individual reward for a freaking video game.
Items, heroes were what saved Wc3.
1. wrong
2. also wrong
3. name a moba with perfect balance. not even DOTA has perfect balance.
>over 50 percent of games have the same four heroes banned and it's been that way for over three years
That's because of the playerbase, not necessarily always on Blizzard's end. They've tuned heroes like Genji relentlessly since he was released. As well as Anub'arak, just not in the way he needs to be tuned.
Obviously not what you posted
>LoL is dogshit but it's still the most popular MOBA
Because the gameplay isn't dogshit. It's still miles ahead of hots.
yea it was in the right place, considering that Blizzard didn't care about mobas and could have literally stopped LoL from being a thing.
>Learn to read dumbass, i never said that they had to c/c the exact same gameplay. However if they did that alone, they probably would have won.
If they add items but don't remove any of the other shit DOTA autists will go "wtf this isn't DOTA" and will not play it anyway. If it's the same game, they'll not play it anyway.
>No they don't fucking brainlet. Talents are based on xp and really don't add much to the gameplay. It's like new spells.
>new spells don't effect gameplay
so a valla built around q is the same as a valla built around aa
>Yes, it was. Especially when you wanna do "esport" thing. No carry, 0 fucking individual reward for a freaking video game.
carries (heroes that need to be propped up by other heroes to be good) exist in HOTS. individual reward exists because when every team member preforms well as an individual the team performs well.
Pointing out extraneous circumstances like some DOTA carries being able to singlehandedly turn a game opens it to the same criticism of a single player bringing down the entire team. All MOBAs are like this, and that's why it's not a good genre to begin with.
>sufficient LFG tool
>no more overwatch
I'm still playing so who cares what I think
>Because the gameplay isn't dogshit.
y i k e s
I've been playing for 4 years for the waifus and i plan to keep playing for the waifus
Release Teron Gorefiend.
>If they add items but don't remove any of the other shit DOTA autists will go "wtf this isn't DOTA" and will not play it anyway.
Source : your ass. Also, dota playerbase isn't the only one in the world. But yea if your new game is literally removing things and not adding any depth to the gameplay there's a good chance it will fail.
>so a valla built around q is the same as a valla built around aa
No shit sherlock. It just doesn't add anything to the gameplay itself. Chosing the most popular build requires 0 skill. It's completely different than items, where 90% of the items are like new abilities, where you need to get gold to get them, where you need to make quick decisions (go for cheap items, or save for the big ones), etc.
>individual reward exists because when every team member preforms well as an individual the team performs well.
retard alert.
Rework it into a fighting game
That's actually true. Moba is a popular genre like it or not. What LoL did was just make a casual version of dota.
Hots is so bad that they said "hey let's do the same shit and make LoL even more casual".
Lower que times. When I played ~6 months ago the que times were going upwards of 8mins for diamond NA. Whats the point in ranking up if you can't even find a game?
The game is dead, dude. You're not going to get new or returning players when Blizzard basically put it on maintenance mode.
>The game itself isn't the issue
It is, fag.
>Shallow gameplay, can't even micro most of the summons
>Multiple maps that you can't choose/vote for = Not fun when you get a shit map like the OW ones
>OW heroes = no fun allowed for everyone else
>XP share means retards drag you down harder
>Shit MM
>Have 3 of the most known IPs in videogames full of known characters, release shit like probius or that retarded OC weebshit.
>Awful business model
>Made the most watered down Dota then try to make it an esport lmao
With the Blizzard IPs they had every opportunity to make it big, they are just fucking stupid.
More Lili
>Shallow gameplay, can't even micro most of the summons
Is is true? I heard that you couldn't even use a hotkey to control Rexxar's bear.
It shows how much Blizz devs became bad.
And they had this opportunity since 2007.
But the fact is that at that time, NOTHING should threaten WoW. They even tried to make a moba inside WoW iirc.
Do you still not know what map you're going to play on until you've already locked in a hero and loaded in?
Having a game whose depth is based on heroes having different strengths in relation to different objective types but not letting you actually play to that is the most insane shit I can think of.
Here is a core interaction with the largest amount of depth of ANY mechanic in the game. Should we let players interact with it? LOL NO.
Last time I got muted for 6 months for calling out trannies, whores and fags (LET ME HEAL YOU, I'M A GIRL, I'M HELPING! Support is HARD!), so I wish Blizzard would stop being so fucking SJW and mongoloid it would help me to go back and play this trash ass game. Also, I'm better than everyone here in Yea Forums , I was top 5 in the ladder, so don't even quote me, filthy scrubs. I hope neo Blizzard bankrupt and these fags commit suicide.
Gee, it's a real mystery why you were silenced.
You can totally control Misha.
What that other user meant like treant from Malfurions rooting skill talent, Zagaras zerg creatures and Azmodongs demons. Those you cannot micro.
A game genre that survived SOLELY because of the diehard tryhards long past when it should have died makes it really clear who you should be trying to appeal to with your game...at least aim for both, but they only went casual and newbie friendly sealing the fate of the game forever.
Hopefully blizzard makes an actual new ip that is good. How is it possible that everything went to shit? Just don‘t give a fuck about esports and just do a fun game. It‘s not that difficult you greedy fucking faggots
I know exactly who you are and you're a scrub who lucked out half his wins with good teammates. Go fuck yourself; we don't miss you
The game is as fine as ever. The community consists of the worst braindead scum ever, and Blizzard defended them longs enough, while shitting on the real players, until all serious folk left, and a hollow shell full of moronic casuals remained. Kinda like with all their other franchises, except this one is F2P and not P2W, so there is no money to be made outta discrimination towards the real gamers
dota 2 is barely a thing, lol is the only moba anyone gives a shit about anymore and it's just a bunch of chinks now
Most of what this fag said would be enough to save it
I dropped it because it had some stuttering issues trying to run in my toaster. I don't have this problem with LoL (except with the awful launcher). Would probably play it if I had a better rig or if it was optimized to run on shitte PCs.
I always thought the game was too draft/map depended sometimes. Overall the game is really fun but retarded teammates easily throw games
Misha is one of the few you can control but the way it works is fucking retarded since you can't directly select the bear as a standalone unit, you just give it move/attack commands (and it was tweaked, it was way worse on release). Also Samuro requires a fucking ult talent to be able to control his illusions, its so stupid.
I already came back for the mecha event and playing it almost daily.
>game is supposedly "dead"
>have as much fun as ever
Dunno what all the fuss was about.
No. The core gameplay is the only reason why that game failed.
Even diehard Blizz fans couldn't stand it and went back to LoL.
>multiple times top GM
>played professionally as well
>played this shit since the beta
>around 18k hours in this trash ass game
End yourself, filthy tranny.
mmm yes yes dva's ass
well those games are still on the top twitch games after more than 10 years.
You want to micro and show off your APM so bad? Play TLV exclusively.
Better yet, go play Starcraft instead.
allow me to host my own server + mods
So you're either lying or you spent an ungodly amount of time on a game you hate. Your life is sad.
Chink opinion has no value. I played 1st Dota, then i played 2nd Dota. It started turning into shit a few years after release, so i switched to HotS. LoL was always trash, D2 barely even resembles itself, other Mobas like HoN were never really alive to begin with. HotS was the last fun game in the genre, and Blizzard murdered it
the micro is the real problem. there's no reason for this game to be so simple when lol exists. you're simply not impressing anyone coming from a game with runes and activatable items with most of this roster. all the map, individuality, and last hitting type of arguments are relatively meaningless next to the game feeling simple to hundreds of millions of people you should be trying to get to play your game.
>this asshole thinks he isn't the same with his anonymous garbage
No I just want to control units in a real time strategy game
The only chink here is you. Gooks are the main of audience of Blizzard nowdays.
Moba with no items and xp will never work.
99% of the mods on wc3 editor use items.
ASSFAGGOTS are not RTS. Go play WC/SC/AoE/etc.
Maybe if the playerbase wasn't composed of headless chickens I'd consider coming back
Blizzard executing their entire executive branch and supporting it again.
And Li Li's fat panda ass delivered to me as an onahole.
Characters I care about
So precisely 0 Blizzard characters
bikini skins for sylvanas maiev whitemane and tyrande
They'd have to make another anime trailer
More blonde qts
Takes a decade of Blizzard special eugenics to mutate their playerbase into the most casually retarded organisms, who can't breath without assistance, while being extremely cocky and ungrateful to those who actually carry them.
Blizzard games are socialist to the max, where 10% of players have to carry the majority on their shoulders, without even having a right to speak up
>go play Starcraft instead.
Lmao, its fucking pathetic since it IS the SC2 engine.
t. brainlet Raynor/Varian/Lili main.
uncensor alex's thighs and i'd probably start playing again for at least a few weeks
>Being paid to come to Yea Forums for qualitative data
Fucking pathetic. Get a real job.
>not white haired babes
That animation is oddly stiff
I want a Johanawife
Same engine means fuck all, moron.
Everytime I
>come back
to give this game a chance I'm slapped in the face by how obnoxious the farm to buy new character is
10,000 gold per unit with 300g daily quest, no thank you
>implying a fucking blizz employee would risk his job to browse Yea Forums
Absolutely nothing.
>he doesn't have 90k+ gold just waiting to be spent
And they reduced the costs so rarely most of the roster ended up in the higher-tier of cost.
Greed is the end of all men.
I gonna play right now!
>We want the LOL audience
Tit and thigh sliders
after having some issues not being able to play it for months and when I wanted to get back to it they announced that the game is fucking dead I basically lost all will to play it despite enjoying it a ton, fuck blizzard the hots dev team were the only decent employees in the fucking building
I'm getting old and tired of conflict. I just wanna play with others against a common enemy that isn't another person. There were some great hero defense games in WC3, some were tons of fun.
Nothing can save it. Even worse with blizz getting all that bad rep.
They are releasing what, 2 heroes a year? Its a shame cause it was the most fun of the mobas
>Playing the weekly ARAM brawl
>Only one guy gets a healer as an option and it's fucking Malfurion
>Doesn't pick it, instead goes for Mephisto
>Enemy team has Lucio.
>Our Mephisto practically gives them the first 2 kills.
Why do people get so serious about Brawls? They're supposed to be short and you do them for the chest, nothing more.
It does faggot, they have no excuse for the shit "micro" system they have in the game if it's made in the same engine as SC2. It's actually worse since they deliberately made it shit to pander to casual brainlets like you, this sole reason embodies everything that's wrong with the game.
This doesn't sound like something you would play for very long, as a change of pace sure, but not something you would sink hours and hours in. They should bring back that coop brawl, Escape from Braxis or something, but they won't.
they need to fix the queue times. i don't care if that means bronze players get matched with GMs regularly, last time i queued up for ranked i was in q for 15 minutes before i left
>The core gameplay is the only reason why that game failed.
And who the fuck are you to claim that, user?
The game failed due to how late Blizzard got to the MOBA genre. Morhaime even mentions about it.
All characters free
They should have never given people a choice about what to pick when it's supposed to be random
revert the shitty as exp changes
D.va sitting on my face for so long that I actually die unironically
The core gameplay is actually fine and they innovated enough to avoid the lol/dota clone trap
It's just that everyone is playing fucking lol because they were the first to go all-in on the genre
The co-op modes were pretty fun. A dedicated hero-defense mode could have been pretty great.
But ActiBlizz decided this game wasn't worth it and instead shifted focus towards selecting cheap soulless Asian mobile clone-developers for their main IPs.
What a shity excuse. Dota 2 came very late as well.
No it's not fine. Removing xp and items are like removing xp and items in a MMO, in a RPG, like removing guns in counter strike.
The whole philosophy of the game is stupid.
>What would it take to make you come back HotS?
pornography, lots and lots of highly detailed SFM futanari animations specifically made to be arousing, aka pornography
This is not negotiable, what I have stated is 100% what is needed for me to even think about your fucking game
give me porn or fuck off
They kept listening to all the people complaining about OP this and OP that and kept nerfing everything slowly until nothing does anything anymore. I honestly feel like none of my abilities do anything worthwhile and it's becomes OW 2.0 where only ults matter.
The teamfighting in this game used to be so fun, the game was actually ABOUT teamfighting. I remember when it first came out you'd just brawl with the other team. Now it's like every other moba, everyone go get XP, most important thing is XP, until your ults are up then you can go exchange one-shot ult combos and nothing else matters.
I legit thought they had a good things going with HOTS until they panicked and started trying to be like League.
I do kind of wonder what would happen if there was a decent gameplay game with honest to god porn in it like you suggest here.
LoL and HotS are both dota for casuals
Dota 2 is literally Dota 2 and even got the Heroes of Newerth crowd eventually
Alright OP, I reinstalled it and I'm queueing up for a game now
If they've nerfed my boy Alarak and his ability to get INFINITE sadism I swear to god I'll uninstall the game on the spot
I just played 2 games with Valla a few hours ago. I still enjoy the game.
rework the lost vikings
add blackthorn
more maps
Sounds goo...
nvm faggot
>League of Legends release date: 2009 October.
>Dota 2 release date: 2013 July.
>Heroes of the Storm release date: 2015 June.
Right, smartiepants. Do you wanna recall the fact that right around 2013, the year for MOBA was still rising even further and beyond? Let's not mention the fact that Dota 2 was actually in Beta state for a good while, (Remember the Dota 2 beta keys moment) and it was one of the most desired games.
2015 was the year where things were flattening some with the MOBA genre, with League of Legends being the titan, and Dota 2 being the one just behind. Both of those had and have good competition with each other, and HOTS couldn't compete with anyone because that spot was already claimed.
Shooting scumbags in the head when they voice this garbage in any form is exactly what's needed to save the game
>playing anything from blizzard in 2019
I think it has a cap now, he is still good though.
Abathur is the only good thing of that game. Literally.
>The ability to have at least 3 viable builds on each character.
>Each build must be fun or at least interesting to use.
>Stop copy pasting maps and make new fun interesting maps with interesting mechanics.
>Make a lvl system to unlock interesting things ( maybe talents? )
Another cute panda.
>that spot was already claimed
In that case how was Dota 2 able to claim a spot?
How was playstation able to claim a spot with nintendo/sega?
Blizz had no fucking excuse considering the genre came from their own game, they had the OC characters. Not to mention the impact Blizz has as a company.
I fucking loved playing Cho gall. It's such a fun waste of time. And in the right comp was even good. But getting the right comp was nigh impossible
hots is barely a moba. The whole point of a moba is to micro only one hero since warcraft 3 gameplay was too awfull as a RTS.
The team is just here because 1 hero vs 1 hero would suck.
>HOTS couldn't compete with anyone because that spot was already claimed.
They couldn't compete because they didn't have anything good to offer that the others 2 didnt do better.
>Dota 2 for the "Hardcore"
>LoL for the zoomers/casuals/weebs
I mean fuck, Blizzard didn't even try when they just started developing it as a SC2 custom game, they started pouring a lot of resources with 2.0 and by then it was too late.
maybe if i could earn the characters in a shorter time
It didn't 'fail' and Morhaime is a fucking hack who consistently fucked up and has never understood the gaming industry. His 'leadership' has managed to crash one of the most promising gaming developers in the world into the gutter, an amazing achievement all things considered.
It wasn't a world-conquering success, so they scrapped it. Meanwhile the other games just keep on trucking and maintain their playerbase. Just running a continuous source of decent revenue that feeds their legacy and advertises all their IPs is somehow a failure-mode to the leadership at Blizzard.
> brainlets seriously talking about how something can arrive "too late" almost like entertainment is a competition
How brainwashed those drones must be, to speak about games from a business standpoint, when the real question is about quality and fun. If the product is good - it never fails. If product is shit for w\e reason - without a gigantic marketing campaign it's doomed. HotS failed the same way any other Blizz game like WoW failed - started strong, and lost all the fans because of retarded decisions from the developer. The only difference is that fair F2P doesn't make as much as subscription based skinner boxes
What did you do to make HoTS leave you?
I don't know. Figured I'd reinstall and see what's new, but it refused to recognize my battlenet account for some reason.
To be honest, costs of development in Cali is ridiculously expensive, plus marketing, server upkeep, championships worth a million to organize, all those trailers, countless corporate expenses and all kinds of time consuming bureaucracy is probably the reason why they scrapped it. I doubt HotS is even a little bit profitable, they probably operate it at a loss exactly because of advertisement benefit
Overall, for a money hungry corporation, anything that cannot be shown to investors as a bragging point, usually isn't worth the time
A good game
rerecord anubaraks voicelines to be more in line with WC3, remove all overwatch heroes, allow individual EXP but have rubber banding, so if youre ahead a level a part of your exp is given to your allies, if youre ahead two levels, even more exp is siphoned.
Reduce the grind
Makes me wonder why everyone's so keen to get there. Would explain why I'm seeing the "Made In Georgia" ad a lot more these days, though.
I feel ya.
>Hope she was worth it, Jimmy...
Truly a man of taste.
You are right except for
>started strong
Hots never did that, their casual mentality towards the game fucked it from the start.
You're probably right, I'd say it's entirely their fault. I wouldn't believe for a second Blizzard took any measures to make the game cost-effective, they don't have that sort of management.
>championships worth a million to organize
DOTA has a great spin on this with player support deciding the prize pool. A great incentive to support the event and get some in-game goodies in the way by buying the pass. Blizzard of course did not engage a similar concept, nor did it learn a single thing from how Valve tackled the Internationals.
Give Anub'arak his original voice, for fuck's sake.
What's the right comp for him?
What the fuck is that shrill voiced fag even?
The duality of man
Anything with Abathur.
make it less braindead
And what bothers me even more is that Anub's original voice actor already does voice work in HotS in the form of Abathur, Rexxar, and I think a few others.
Auriel for healer, and against a team without % based damage. He's amazing at bodying people out of areas and can do mad stacks of damage, but he's one target for two kills, so he's a really risky play.
Removal of all overwatch characters and the addition of a dev team.
Faster queues
It takes less than 30sec to get a match.
the things that made me quit
>high lvl matchmaking was a complete shitshow, unbalanced teams and finding a match took ages
>major powercreep
>stale meta (heroes were top tier and FP/FB material for more than a year)
>half the maps being just kind of shit revolving around gimmick drafts/globals
When are they just going to make a porn game with the girls from Overwatch? People only care about Overwatch for the porn.
This can't be right, with Abby it would just feel like a three hero team.
I've rarely seen him played, but the few times I recall him being in the opposing team just smashing everyone and getting away with ludicrously wild plays.
That's what makes it so great, user. Three caballeros, taking on the bigger force and winning.
I'm playing it right now. It's literally the best moba available right now
>inb4 it's bad because it's different than what I've sunk 1000s of hours into
Why are you playing a dead game with no future when there are alive alternatives?
Because HoTS is more fun. I play to have fun. I'm not some "esports athlete" that needs to appeal to the lowest common denominator for money
Remove all heroes based on characters Blizzard created in the past eleven years.
>come back
Windows xp or native linux support. but even then I'll find a reason to not come back
It's not just about esports, it's about developers supporting their product and improving it, creating new content to engage the players and improving the enjoyment you get out of the game.
The only thing the HOTS team will do in a year is pull the plug.
Blizzard to give me a tall and just ever so slightly overweight futa girl
Being able to control summons and good controls really make a game for me. LOL is easily the worst game of the category with too many flaws. Despite the things i hate about dota, they have all the RTS controls. HOTS2, being made in the SC2 engine, had immense potential. Control groups and left side minimap were in sc2 but removed in hots2. Yet, the only things that hots2 does well is from sc2. camera hotkeys, good damage point, good pathing/turning, and using 'shift' to queue commands were reasons why i loved hots2.
more importantly, i believe the direction of the game went the wrong way. damage seemed to power creep faster than healing/shielding. talents that used to be item equivalents shared by multiple heroes are now gone. i didnt like the design of the new heroes or reworked ones. to answer OP, i would only play hots2 if blizzard released it on sc2 and allowed other mapmakers to maintain the game.
The closest we've seen to that is probably DoA 5/6. It's not explicit obviously, but the general reaction to it makes it pretty obvious to tell what would happen.
Here's the original black hand image. I haven't posted it in a long time.
DoA Moba you say..... I'm curious I admit.
Oo! even better, a Senran Kagura Moba! I could see that being made.
this made me think of something
theres versions of the DBZ all sagas map in broodwar with ki attacks. see: youtube.com
the control feels similar to DOTA games. someone needs to take the concept behind those maps and turn it into a team battle map. could even integrate saga elements like freeza as map objectives like hots
I can picture the gameplay already. Everyone already has their ninja they like best, so assign them some standard MOBA roles and abilities and toss em in. Defend your dojo from the opponents team etc. Only when your ninja "dies" she just ends up naked, and has to run back to the dojo for new clothes. Meaning the further you are from your base the longer your respawn time
Come back? I never even played it.
Why is that dark-skinned fellow stealing that object?
So... this is the state of competitive HotS...
The absolute majority of streamers are plats. It's really that shameful. And those ugly hoes are usually nothing but heal sluts
quick Yea Forums, phonepost the object on your right
Nothing on my right but this dude.
she cute
I already play it super casually, the map variety, different objectives, and playerbase that aren't human trash keeps me playing
I tried getting into Dota 2 but got smurfs constantly wrecking my beginner level games. And I google it, and apparently this is common and you just have to put up with it. Yeah nah.
More thicc waifus would at least get me to download your game client in a moment of desperation to use it as a 3d model viewer.
I fear for my balls.
dva rubbing her sweaty feet on my face
it's dead jim, time to let 'er go
>Without boost
>20 Gold per win
>3 bars of EXP
>With boost
>500+ gold
>10+ bars of EXP
The game feels like shit when you play without a boost, I hate that what takes 50 games without a boost would only take 5 with a boost.
are you a real whale or just some filthy casual
Whitemane never fails to make my champion rise.
I had no idea that 250% of 20 was 500 and that 200% of 3 bars was 10+.
It's unironically the only modern Blizzard game where having fun is theoretically possible now. I'm not sure what else it needs.
Appealing to a casual audience wasn't a bad idea since that was a mostly untapped market for Mobas, whole reason I played it at least.
>duck lips
Hots is the easiest moba to get free shit in.
except it's not even fun on a casual level since they made the game so much more team centric with every update, meaning your impact on a personal level is reduced and you're at the mercy of a single non cooperative retard/noob/afker
I know where you are coming from but it is supposed to BE a team game and not one where 1 person feeds the hyper carry and you no longer get to play the game because he's mega fed.
>Played HotS two years ago for the Cop D.Va skin
>made me question if I even liked video games
That game was so unfun, holy shit
>What would it take to make you come back HotS?
I would take me getting into HotS, leaving it then comming back.
Now, to get me into it, it would take... I don't know, it doesn't interest me nearly enough to resear what exactly it is about...
>No future.
This is a stupid mindset, fuck part of the reason I left League is because the stuff I currently liked was constantly being taken away from me and replaced with something that didn't understand what made the original good. When you aren't staking your life on it, a good present with no future is better than a mediocre present with a possibly good future. Even if they pulled the plug on HotS right now, that isn't going to make LoL or DotA into games that I have fun playing. I'll just play more single player games, which funnily enough, die the moment you fucking beat them. Fuck mate, are you missing out on good retro games because they're "dead" in your limp-wristed hype-chasing secondary worldview?
>playing any MOBA ever
No thanks I don't have shit taste in games
Is this SmarterEveryday in the beige jacket on the right?
I'm just mad at Blizzard for dropping the MOBA I liked and fucking up some of my favorite series. I don't want to support them in any way shape or form.
Leaves me DOTA but I can't really get into it, I hate babysitting lane minions.
Didn't Diablo have one? Then again yeah other characters should have them. Well only the males, while the females could just become a beloved male character like make the OC Hammer into General Duke
as in
A character every 2 months
More warcraft chars
More independent chars, like Orphea
Go nuts
>All female character team beats all male character team
What now?
Really go nuts with the characters
If blizzard did that I think it would be noticable
Idk, HOTS 3.0
Now that the esports cancer has been removed at least try some more interesting/experimental hero designs. More abathur/chogall style characters that are wild departures from every other hero. It felt like they went out of their way to homogenize the cast in the last year or so and it blows.
Stop banning my account because of dumb shit. "Can someone take the camps?" and "we need 5 people to contest this" shouldn't be banworthy shit.
remove OW heros they add nothing and only detract from the game and in a major way none the less
if that makes you barf you might be gay
>valve can make every character free
>only pay for hats and dota+ if you really want to spam voicelines
>blizzard has to nickle and dime you like they're a small indie studio
>playing games because of muh dick
Didn't know watching blender porn required an installed game client.
>come back
i've played off and on since the alpha, its ok, I heard that they were pretty much abandoning the game though, is that true?
if they kill Ion and the entire wow team I will play hots
Depends how you interpret "moving a majority of the team to other projects and reducing the rate of new content"
what it they added items
removed the talent shit
had one 3 lane map
remove their stupid recruit jungle creeps thing
no shared xp
no shit objectives
hire me blizz, just saved your game right here
What if they also made all the heroes free?
oh shit, I forgot. That too
>It's completely different than items
Where you look up the most popular build on the internet and copy that? At least HoTS offers more immediately comprehensive customization with talents rather than having to look at item spreadsheets.
If you play QM sure, ranked tells you the map first.
So Yea Forums,
can YOU even imagine it?
you cant make a candy crush game for mouthbreathers and expect it to last. What these mongoloids at blizzard dont understand is that mobile games have insane player turnover, and because they are so simple to get into they have constant flow of new players. You cant do that shit with an mmo, moba or an fps because these require a lasting community. Its actually baffling how they have all these marketers and psychologists on board and cant figure out such simple things lmao. Joke company
I get the feeling you're omitting certain words from what you supposedly said.
It wouldn't take a lot honestly, I enjoyed it when I played. I don't like lootboxes though, that keeps me away.
I'll come back the week before it shuts down to remind myself why it sucked in the first place.
bring back the dev team and focus on fun and unique mechanics rather than e-sports trash. No other assfaggots has a murky or a abathur. Fully marry into the "Blizzard smash bros idea" if e-sports forms let it just happen naturally
I'll start playing HotS again when I start getting home too drunk to play Dota again. Hopefully never.
Give me my Mercy gf
probius is a hilariously take on protoss cheese though.
>His 'leadership' has managed to crash one of the most promising gaming developers in the world into the gutter
I mean, he created blizzard so he was a big part of why it was promising in the first place.
her face looks like Jane Wilde, anal pornstar
Just started playing a few days ago. How fucking long does it take to unlock heroes, I got to pick one from the start (Jaina) then got a random Uther in a box. He's not fun at all. I really don't want to spam 1 hero for 50+ games just to unlock a hero I might not even like.
Remove overwatch.
>only play hots to get the officer D.Va skin in overwatch
>don't even play overwatch anymore
Fuck Blizzard
isn't the option to instantly get like 15 heroes at once still available ? They introduced it last year at some point i think
I am not interested in HotS.
If you want, you could make a petting / skinship game featuring HotS's characters, and I'd buy that.
But remember to include Chronormu in the petting game. No Chromie No Buy.
characters that arent made strictly for porn
I would like it to be more like masters x masters
Lady Vashj
The promise of the servers being permanently closed if I play it
Girl on girl sexual domination wrestling
>What would it take to make you come back HotS?
>make the game more popular
>force my friends to play it instead of riot's shitty moba
>an actual dev team
>more weird unique heroes like Abathur and Cho'Gath, instead of fan service and waifubait
>a hearthstone hero
Give me all heroes from the start.