Choose Wisley

Choose Wisley

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For me, it's me and myself.

Good karma House
Also putting a .45 through Benny's scrotum.

The NCR is low key the best choice for the Mojave
Prove me wrong, you can't

House and fucking off to BigMT.
Also crucify Benny so all the legionnaires can point and laugh at him

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What's the best moment to start the dlc's?

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If you’re a minmaxing faggot who just wants to do them as soon as convenient:

>Honest Hearts at Level 10
>Old World Blues at Level 15
>Dead Money at Level 20
>Lonesome Road at Level 25

If you’re looking to IMMERSE your ass:

>Dead Money after you’ve visited the BoS bunker and talked to Veronica about Elijah, and you’re Level 20
>Honest Hearts after you’ve visited the Legion camp and learned about the Burned Man
>Old World Blues after you’ve delivered the Platinum Chip
>Lonesome Road literally right before Hoover Dam

Thanks fren

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As soon as your primary weapon skill is at a reasonable level pretty much. In terms of difficulty I'd say HH < OWB < DM < LR.
If you're a completionist autist, you might wanna wait until you're a higher level to do Dead Money because there's loads of stat checks and locked doors, and you're gonna miss out on a lot of loot and lore without the needed points in lockpick, speech, science and so on.

>putting points into lockpick
>not just typing unlock in the console

Top tier suggestion

House is the best choice for the Mojave. Change my mind

>playing the game at all
>not just teleporting to Lanius after character creation and killing him with the console

It's good to see men of taste here.

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Kill Bemmy

that's such a fucking autistic line

Picking locks is irritating and tedious as hell. There's no reason to deny yourself loot and lore just because you don't feel like doing that every time.

He's very goal-oriented and Benny was ultimately nothing to him. You're right, though.

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cause house is a fucking autist

why the fuck is House a trisection

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471852564 (You)

No shit user, he's still the best choice. He's an actual pleb-filter for people not smart enough to understand him.

Come again?

He’s lived hundreds of years and is on life support through machines, it makes sense for him to speak like this

Who is this Wisley, anons? Is it a secret faction? How do I unlock it?

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Where is crucified Benny in the game? I was never able to find him.

1st bit of the fort at the bottom of the hill to the left a bit on your way upto the top.
If you leave him alive ceasar always crucifies him.

Thanks, was wondering if they just took him out of the game after that choice.

i mistyped securitron as trisection

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imagine being so cucked by the status quo you unironically choose to reinstate it instead of grabbing dominion for yourself and ruling with a robotic army you stole from some old shitlord

There's a House companion mod where you can recruit a Securitron under his direct control. It's convenient having him on the go.

Right at the start since it's the only way to get the independent duster.

No, if I remember right the events that cause him to end up there affect the reason for his punishment.
Sometimes I wipe out the entire fort and leave only benny alive on the stick as punishment for him being retarded and betraying the man grooming him as a successor to whom he was going to leave everything anyway.

Post favorite weapon

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I like em latina

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What the fuck? Where is this? I thought you could only talk to House at the lucky 38 on that big screen?

Destroy vegas, it's a shithole for junkies, clans, gamblers and other pieces of shit.

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You can also talk to him in The Fort's bunker.

This is my raifu.
Not yours.

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I sliced him up with a straight razor every time I walked past lmao