>Pretentious drama over gameplay
Pretentious drama over gameplay
also Metal Gear, Legacy of Kain, and most CRPGs
>The gameplay is absolute tras-
MGS4 is more of a movie game than TLOU.
Shit opinion OP. I loved both gameplay and story.
>Pretentious drama over gameplay
>remove drama
>Joel Tess and Ellie arrive safely after a long peaceful journey at the fireflies where they all happily agree to sacrifice Ellie including herself and humanity comes back with the help of the serum
Wouldn't be much of a game huh?
That's so much better, I only liked Tess and these fuckers killed her off immediately
The gameplay is great
The gameplay is great, it's just that the story is one of the best in gaming so it overshadows it.
wow looks terrible
>is one of the games of the decade
>Dancing Mini-game
Over Pretentious drama
The level design is excellent, the gameplay is good, the plot is serviceable, the characters are unbelievably awful.
>bad gameplay
>one of the best pvp's out there
Dude it's as simple and cliche as it gets. Never seen a post apocalyptic film?
> it's just that the story is one of the best in gaming so it overshadows it.
Imagine having as few brain cells as this thing
But is OK when Japan do it
west movie games bad
japan movie games good
Fun game and it makes incels seethe
Not really. MGS4 might have 1000 hour cutscenes but nothing is gimped during gameplay. You always have full control. If you skip the cutscenes you have an uninterrupted gameplay session from start to end whereas in TLOU you have to deal with walkie talkie sections.
>the story is one of the best in gaming
Gotta admit, the producers of this were pretty smart. If this were released as a movie it would be instantly forgotten as just the another generic zombie flick that it is.
It's okay when Japan makes movies it's just bad when "the west" does it
Yakuza has 10/10 gameplay.
It's okay when Japan makes movies but it's bad when "the west" does it
It's okay when Japan attacks capitalism it's just bad when "the west" does it
It's okay when Japan modifies Western legendary or historical figures to make them Japanese-speaking anime girls as a what-if scenario but it's bad when "the west" does it with black people
It's okay for Japan to include female soldiers and warriors and knights but it's bad when "the west" does it
It's okay for Japan to shit on religion but it's bad when "the west" does it
It's okay for Japanese games to criticize racism and discrimination but it's bad when "the west" does it
Can we just rename this board to "Yea Forums - Hypocritical Weeb General"?
The problem with videogame stories is the lack of confidence in using subtle storytelling. A film like "The Road" has a simple plot but works through character study and thematic exploration, wheras a game like The Last of Us tries way too hard to be "high-art" and produces flat predictable characters with "twists".
>God Tier Gameplay
>with that AI
>The Road
The Road was not subtle at all, lmao. It's literally set in a post-apocalyptic hellhole
>third person "white male shoots bad guys" game #394873
MGS4's gameplay is actually fun
The gameplay in the last of us is REALLY GOOD. As someone who used to religiously play it's baller as fuck multiplayer I can atest to the game's quality.
Westtards do it for the wrong reasons
Japan does all of these in better or less obnoxious ways, if at all
>Enemy turns
>place bomb
>enemy stands there being retarded
It's trash
I thought it was meant to be a comedy at first since I thought ND died from shit sales of Jak X. That fucking intro section in TLOU all the way through to girl 1 dying was so cliche and forced I thought we were coming up to the punch line. Then the sad music played expecting you to cry and there was still no punchline. Worst fucking joke in games.
How is it hypocritical
Compare the reasons not the result
>Yakuza - Balls to the wall crazy shit with some drama
>TLOU - Forced Melodrama: The Game
Legendary soldiers
>Turned into cute anime girls because the idea sounded ridiculous and fun
>Turned into black people because politics
>The concept of a higher power having a say over your life is bad, this goes for all monotheist religions
Criticize society
>Looks at two sides of the issue and while it may pick one doesn't outright lambaste you for seeing the other side's views
Where's the hypocrisy? One does it for reasons pertaining to entertainment value, the other does it for politics. Games are an entertainment medium so Japan is in the right.
>all sony made games. Also qte fest
What if we had a Last of Us where Tess survived instead of Joel?
Stories are more important now than having fun, manchild incels. We have to resist.
$20 have been paid into your PSN account.
Oh look the easy difficulty is easy wow that's insane.