Doom Eternal HUD
Doom Eternal HUD
you forgot battlemode's movement
Can’t wait for Invasions and Battlemode. They’ll definitely spice up Ultra-Nightmare.
What would be the most annoying combos for demons to pair up as?
I reckon Pain Elemental and Revenant will be annoying just for the air control aspect both have.
why does it show the button to press for everything, doom 2016 didnt have that and i remembered what fucking buttons i had to press
Post the underwater one with the semen meter
Wait can demons teamup with doomguy too?
No. That's battle mode. Where people control demon's to kill a player who is controller doom slayer.
>they are actually doubling down on the HUD
>Doomhunter’s timesplitte/douk tier introduction with comedy villain screaming via intercom
This is the wierdest timeline.
What a badass UI
It's kinda ugly but at least it has character.
It's not the shitty cookie cutter grey-and-rounded-angle-square-with-transparency every modern UI barf us out because making a design stand is too complicated nowadays for a majority of the developers.
Doom hunter looks to be fun to fight though.
What a garbage UI
Actually JRPG tier
>Game is much more gamey
Sign me the fuck up
Are you being sarcastic?
That's the multiplayer HUD you cumguzzler, not the single player
Why, no, of course not.
Modern UI is usually totally tasteless, without any direction whatsoever, like the thing should be as much hidden as possible.
At least the nu doom UI is flashy, it makes a stand and I like it.
Doom isn't a cinematic game, it's a basic game where you kill and blow up shit, so it's perfect.
>phone game tier screen vomit is ”character”
Yah, nah. It’s just so much of fucking clutter and the visual style has weird tryhard comic book thing going on. Doom had that metal edge, but it also had aspects that were grounded in reality and took itself seriously. They’ve abandoned the horror aspect completely.
I think it looks like a cheap mobile UI. Complete with semi-transparent trapezoids and chunky icons with gamepad button prompts.
>They’ve abandoned the horror aspect completely.
It was never there, Doom 3 started it, and even then it only lasted for a few hours.
Doom never had horror moments. It had tension in certain encounters, but never genuine fear.
I mean, in singleplayer you won't see all the shit at the top, and the bottom looks acceptable I guess, it's bland but it's not offensively bad
>It was never there
You were never there
What, next you gonna tell me that you always played doom for "the atmosphere" and the jumpscares?
Based retards.
What a fucking mess. Not even gonna pirate this garbage now.
Proof, nigger.
Have you seen the HUD of the original? Yikes! Talk about wasting space.
So... exactly Doom 3?
You can modify it on pc
you haven't seen nothing yet
I like Doom but this HUD is abomination.
Titanfall could have been so much better.
Good thing you can turn all that shit off just like in DOOM 2016.
kill yourself
should i pirate nudoom or buy for 6 EUROS
Who cares, the game is fucking good.
buy it faggot
I've already preordered Doomy Ternal and I will play and enjoy every second of it and there is nothing your bitch tears can do about it.
ok but im not a faggot ok
Based and IcandowhateverthefuckIwantbecauseI’magrown-assmanpilled.
If you can’t catch the horror elements of original Doom, then you are the dumbest piece of shit on the internet.
obviously made to appease switch toddlers who play on handheld. hopefully it's customizable
Show me a phone game that looks like this.
If you were unironically scared by the original Doom, you are the most pathetic pussy on the internet.
Iron Marines
Me too. But i was 7.
Dumb tripfag.
does it? the more they do this shit the more it looks like the kind of filler 'video game' that you see characters play in films or TV shows.
I swear this is in frogspeak just to trigger people even more
you sir are a pussy if you think doom was ever horrific besides doom 3 trying
when doom released it was immersive and dark with lighting unlike any other game released at the time, of course it was unnerving.
Go back to plebbit, zoomer. You are not wanted here.
I played Doom at age 9 and was hardly unnerved at all.
>Hurr Reddit durr Zoomer
Is your reservoir of arguments really this small?
yeah but that doesn't mean much if you were born after 2000, dumb zoomer
So, all of the people born before 2000 are scaredy-cats?
I don't see the issue + Tf2 have way more options and weapons and shit than doom multiplayer.
>using 'scaredy-cats' in a dick swinging contest
what are you, a soccer mom?
christ that ui is obnoxious
although respawn is made up of people from infinity ward and I feel like cod started the trend of completely useless fucking information cluttering the screen
you mean this HUD?
No, I mean the other one.
>using source ports
Kill yourself, Boomer. This is Doom now. Deal with it.
>He never pressed the '+' button when playing Doom
Good thing is that you can turn most of those on or off
I think I have only kill confirm, status of the match and the radar
That shit is actually disgusting.
Battleborn tier.
>Good thing is that you can turn most of those on or off
no you can't
New doom is better.
But that wasn't the subject.
You do realize the "30 year old boomer" meme refers to people who played the id classics when they were literal children, right?
Looks better in bright environments, something 2016 didn't have besides the occasional well lit lab
can i turn this shit off in the actual game?
I like it.
Yes. You can turn the entire HUD off like last time, but that’s still not good enough,
Cool the shotgun shells have Argent runes engraved in them.
>everything sticks to the edges of the screen
>nothing popping up dead center
also those shotgun shells
Zoom Zoom!
They did nothing wrong
cringe cringe
>that fucking kitsch typeface
>those comic book portraits
None of that shit will be there if you play solo without invasions.
Seething boomer
Doesn’t he say that after killing a female character?
What's the problem? It's delivering information as it happens.
>Sticks to the edge
Except having fuckload of space between the HUD elements and the edge.
Does someone have the xenoblade 2 hud webm
None of that will affect you if you play solo. You will only see the bottom HUD.
Doom 64 is the only good Doom game with a horror aspect to it. Quake is more of a horror game than Doom.
Looks good, can't wait
What is this fucking damage control?
pics please
People are making erroneous assumptions and I corrected them.
What is your fucking problem?
>tfw thought about playing Doom now because it's only like $6 but after watching gameplay realize it's just shooting Demons that basically stay still
I wish more devs would follow Dead Space’s footsteps UI/HUD wise ie try to convey all information through in-game elements.
Try playing on Ultra Nightmare.
Tell me this pic isn't accurate. I dare you.
man i love cancerboy and froggy
>it's only OK if jrpgs do it!!!
Yea Forums is the fucking worsed
if your first thought when seeing coins in an FPS is mario instead of rise of the triad then you need to fuck off
Cold and lifeless. It's perfect.
Yea Forums hates everything.
I want a new Rise of the Triad. Give me back my drunk missile.
well done
>Yea Forums bitches that Doom 2016 looks soulless
>Id changes things up with Eternal to make the levels and enemies look much more like the actual enemies from the original games, hell even changing Doomguy's armor to look more like his classic armor.
>Yea Forums still bitches
Whiny ass faggots I swear.
>heres your hud bro
>thread goes for this long without this picture being posted
nu-Yea Forums
Is that Papa’s Freezeria?
it was posted here, newnigger
Old man needs to get new fucking glasses.
>Yea Forums is one person
You're right. It's a hoard of retards who bitch and whine about games they've never even played.
Well, yeah. What else would it be?
>that music
Fuck it's like some trippy horror techno shit, except you're the horror
I genuinely don't see the problem with Eternal's HUD, just give us color and opacity options and it'll be fine. Right away I'm gonna disable the compass, objective markers, and crosshair and I'll be good to go.
>multiplayer hud includes round and teammate information
oh no no no
Still missing the giant KO mushroom cloud on the top-left corner
Mick Gordon is pretty good at his job.
>correcting people is damage control
>every single parody of what DOOM would become if it were modernized has come true, and more
>last game had charming little action figures to collect
>replaced with spinning neon tokens and question marks
Oh come on, D44M and eternal isn't as bad as
d44m was mediocre, this looks way better
>It's too video gamey! There's too many floating icons and glowing objects! I don't want to be reminded I'm playing a VIDEO GAME!!
You're as bad as that journo who insinuated Doom's action needs to be constantly broken up by cutscenes and tiresome puzzles.
The original Doom games had power ups that were still contextualized within the game's setting. Having literal 1up helmets and floating question marks is just lazy.
The armor helmets looked pretty out of place.
The floating soul spheres and such aren't far removed, but even if you suspend your disbelief for that, it just isn't an issue in my eye. I'm not looking to be immersed in a believable sci-fi setting when I'm playing fucking Doom of all things. It's shlock. You're there to shoot ridiculous guns and punch demons.
I REALLY don't like that you can see his face
I love it
unironically soul
Fuck are you even talking about you fucking teenage cumgazzlers?!
Yeah that's a musical masterpiece alright!
They're too far up their own asses. They're aiming for the capeshit audience demographics who think they're too mature for RocketRaccoon jokes.
You could always see Doomguy's face in classic Doom, if they're not gonna add the option to put his face on the HUD then the next best thing is seeing his face in cutscenes.
>wasting space
>reduced resolution mode so a 486 can run it with a decent fps
shit taste
reminder that campaign invasions using some of the Battle Mode mechanics are still a thing
nobody bought battleborn so there really isnt any way to truly know
>using "social" media in 2019
Good. I'm more interested in invasions than the regular multiplayer. I was worried they ditched the former because of their similarities.
I'm pretty sure they're leftovers of when the game was supposed to have more collectable "Hell relics", like the treasure in Wolf 3D.
I’m just glad the Invasions didn’t get cancelled.
>I'm not looking to be immersed in a believable sci-fi setting when I'm playing fucking Doom of all things. It's shlock. You're there to shoot ridiculous guns and punch demons.
It's not so much about being immersed, it's about how lazy it comes across as being. I mean, the best they could come up with to signify a secret is a giant question mark? Seriously?
On top of that, Eternal already has "immersive" pickups like demonic health shrines and perk collectables, so the inclusion of these arcade-like pickups just end up making everything feel incohesive from a presentation standpoint, like I'm playing Rise of the Triad. Just pick one style or the other and stick with it.
why would they remove it?
one is part of the single player and the other is multiplayer mode
Yea Forums hates things that are generally liked
>why would they remove it?
People thought they ditched it because it wasn't mentioned in their E3 presentation, although it was brought up in a few interviews during E3 that I guess people didn't bother to watch.
So, just about everything.
>Mick Gordon is pretty good at his job.
Hard disagree there. Seeing everyone gush over some generic harsh techno garble has always baffled me. Doom 2016 is great but not because of the music.
Both modes seem very similar, and Battle Mode still allows the demons to spawn smaller AI minions. It could be seen as redundant to have both.
They also don't mention it in any sort of promotional material. Even the skins page on Slayer's Club doesn't list Invasions still when it did previously.
Fuck you
There's a metric ton of viewers that only watched the presentations and didn't keep up on the interviews inbetween or outside of E3. Even I didn't know about the invasions being confirmed to remain until a couple days ago.
you have a problem, man?? i am going to fuck my mom so badly that you are going to feel it today
why not include a real death match mode you fucking retards, doom 2016 had a shitty load out system which only ever works for cod
Wow, they made Doom 2016 to be a revival of the series and it's already becoming generic garbage. This is like that overloaded battleborn UI meme
When they first showed Doom 2016 it looked generic too.
The fact that they're bringing back classic enemy designs makes it less generic for me, mancubi looked like fuckin cyclops aliens in 2016.