QUICK RUNDOWN: SOME TF2 CRATES ARE GIVING 100% GUARANTEED UNUSUAL DROPS (1-15, 82, and 85 are the ones I know about)
basically the TF2 economy is flipped on its head

And NOW: Valve has shut down the item servers and market for the time being, and we should be getting another “update” in a “couple of hours” according to the TF2 twitter, so no more free unusuals for now. No one knows what’s going to happen to the hats, but most people theorize that they’re either going to make the unusuals obtained this way untradeable and unmarketable, rollback the item servers to pre-update status (very unlikely), or do absolutely nothing about it because valve is incompetent

Attached: AA7DF1CF-182D-4303-957A-5EE17F1BF73B.png (1099x467, 164K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>bought key to open one
>servers immediately go down

First to dab on tradeniggers

>everyone and their mom will have unusual hats now

What now? It was the only thing that let you know who was a good player

tradefag here. all of you can fuck off.

Cope you filthy mutt

who cares
fuck hats

>It was the only thing that let you know who was a good player
Factually false. Actually play the game.

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You could just, uh, watch people play and come to conclusions based on their actual skills displayed instead of just going off of soundsmith hat stereotypes

It goes beyond #15, I got one from a #17. It's any crate with gen 1 or 3 unusual effects.

now people actually play the game and trade items at tolerable prices instead of being slave to farmers and their bot networks manipulating everything

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Head mod on the steam forums apparently said you won't be keeping them and they'll change the items to what the crates should of actually dropped.


Retard for having money in something not protected and the items you don't even own

Are you

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Some men just want to watch the world burn.

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anons it's too late

I hope Geel whines to Valve and people disrespect him for being a pissbaby

shit lmao this is even better

>only had 2 keys on me
>got this
>by the time i got more valve had already pulled the plug
Please kill me now god

Attached: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.jpg (260x209, 15K)

Good riddance. Hopefully this kills the game for good
>still playing TF2 in 2019

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and HOW the fuck are they going to manage that when people have sold the unusuals already?

>had 2 unusual before this
>now have 6
if 3 of them weren't shitty pyro ones i'd be happier, but at least i got a good spy one

Wait what if you bought the item from the steam market?
What happens then?
If they do that wouldn't it be fraud?

The Crate Depression is upon us...

Attached: carlos.jpg (210x240, 17K)

Change it back? They knew well what they were going for when they bought bugged shit.

>opened 3 crates, got 3 unusuals
>only one of my unusuals got impacted so I came out ahead

if Valve actually lets this stand max heads, bill's hats, and earbuds might actually become the main currency again

>dude trust me

Max's Head will become the next status symbol; it's scarce enough so that not everybody can have one, is already somewhat valuable, looks decent, and is discontinued.

thanks for the link to your completely believable story

So now that it’s over, how much money did you make?
I only made about $16. Would have made more but I wanted to hold on to some crates to get at least one unusual. too bad it’s over

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>be random tf2 player
>dont even know whats happening
>buy some keys for gambling fun
>open up crate
>open another one
>couple of days later
>valve makes your unusuals untradeable

Attached: file.png (172x160, 19K)

I bought 2 keys but then the item server immediately went down
guess I'll open one of my really old crates for a nostalgia blast when items come back

>Had some of the crates that are bugged
>Had some keys too
>Was to lazy to reinstall TF2 even though I was around last night when it first went down.

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I've uncrated 5 unusuals in my lifetime
I don't play anymore but I'll always miss my robocrate effect unusual Bunsen brave, that thing was cool

I don't remember what the name of the effect was but it has like glowing yellow lines

Joke’s been made

>had a steam guard on phone i don't have now
>changed it to new one
>still have to wait 15 days
This is such fucking bullshit holy shit.


>random tf2 player having a fairly old crate and randomly deciding to open that one in particular twice

>sold all my crates
>bought all my unusuals off the market when they were low in price
>never actually unboxed one
surely they won't be reverted to their "intended drops"?

imagine just opening an old crate and then valve fucks you cause an intern planted some shit in their spaghetti code

Nah it’ll be the bloohound and keys of Poker night 2

Could happen. Or he could have bought them without knowing about the bug.

It would be. They literally cannot roll any of these back at this point because not only have people paid real money for these things, but then people have put the money earned from those purchases into game purchases. Undoing all this would be literally impossible without breaking consumer protection laws in like 30 countries and getting class action lawsuits at every corner. They can't make them untradable/unmarketable. They can't remove them. They can't refund them. All they can do now is shut it down and think of some way to compensate for the damage this has done.
This shit is fucking hilarious.

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Anyone else unable to get their TF2 inventory? I used to play years ago, and still have a ton of crates that I could sell, and wanted to flip them.

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Probably Kill-a-watt if it was yellow lightning

post loot

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this makes the fortnite spergs look normal

all this crazy fear mongering

It’s in the op

>Bought a shitty unusual to resell for value
>they close the market right after
Now I'm stuck with it, atleast I sniped it at 3€

houwar is even more exclusive than that hat

I looked up the robocrate effects and I think I had sulphurous

i'm not american

Can I still sell the crates I have or did I miss out?

Cheater's Lament, in the unlikely event that Valve makes a new wave for people who didn't unbox or sell the crates

it's gonna drop to pennies in the following days, I'd sell it asap if you won't use it

>only time I ever opened a crate was the time valve actually gave out a free key for christmas one year
>this happens

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we wuz kings n shit nigguh

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Valve said no and left.

I like it.

reminder that it's 2019 and valve still hasn't fixed this

That’s a really good effect for that hat
You got lucky

Isn't TF2 a dead game?

The way I see it, the best way for Valve to salvage their economy and piss as little people off as possible is to do this:

1. Delete hats bought on the community store and reimburse the people who bought them the price they paid.
2. Delete hats opened with keys and reimburse the people that opened them with the price of the key.
3. Marketplace/Community ban people who sold hats they opened on the community market.

People opening the hats and not selling them could also get punitive action taken against them depending on how Valve feels since they were also exploiting the bug, they were just doing it on a personal level.

People saying that they should just make the hats untradable and unmarketable seem a little too optimistic for me.
If they did that then the TF2 economy would be forever killed.
Valve might not care anymore, but if they really didn't then they wouldn't need to make them untradable/marketable in the first place.

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Dude, trust me.

Attached: EAbOzzPX4AEqKeU.jpg (156x248, 15K)

Doubt they will let you sell them after the patch. Already made like 80€ so I'm not too mad.

Attached: shack.png (641x629, 568K)

One of the most played games on steam

Remember anons, unbox the pallet of crates from the robocrate for more crates!

>user gets a really good unusual of one of my favorite hats
>I get an unusual Pyro's Boron Beanie

Attached: angry Cat.png (644x626, 567K)

I wish something like this happened while I was still playing TF2

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There's no legal way to prove that. If they change it back, Valve gets sued.

I hope Valve will suspend all of the accounts of the greedy faggots that abused the glitch.

>One of the most played games on steam
Being honest that’s not really hard to achieve

Pallet only gives currently in circulation crates, none of which are glitched

where user?

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how can they discern if people were actually abusing the bug or not? it would be pretty easy for a user to just unbox an unusual and not realize there was a glitch in the first place

ugly combination

You can’t see your inventory because the item server is down
It’s the bottom part


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t. user who didn't get any unusuals and regrets it

I hope you get vac'd.


Attached: CRIT Yup.png (514x377, 33K)

They won't rollback my steam wallet, r-right?

>Don't play TF2 for years
>Hear about this as it happens
>Get on my inventory
>I have three of the bugged crates
>Make an easy $75
>Buy up a bunch of non-unusual cosmetics that I kinda like because unusual effects look like trash

Attached: 1517892284147.png (1114x753, 104K)

I always find out about this shit after it's too late to do anything.

Valve can't just delete/de-unusualify the hats people bought on the market, can they?
Or even remove the funds from people who sold them?

This seems like the easiest lawsuit in the world

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>when people have sold the unusuals already?
You can't trade the items you got in crates until august 2.
Those unusuals you see being sold? They were acquired by normal means.


Tell that to Artifact

Attached: artifact.jpg (756x433, 36K)

holy fuck lmao
tradeniggers absolutely backed the fuck out

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>Was waiting till later tonight to grab a hat at rock bottom prices
>Valve shuts down EVERYTHING
Man I just wanted some fashion options for my mains.

To anyone still playing
How many players with unusuals are there now per game?

So what games are you playing right now?

>unbox 12
>can't trade or sell them because I forgot about Steam Guard

Hold me bros, I wasn't able to make a quick flip but I'd at least like to keep them.

Is there away around it being unavailable? I want to get a new vidya for my little brothers birthday

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>he didnt play at the golden age of tf2

Is trading down?

Probably let the people who only unboxed 1 - 5 unusuals off scott free but ban the people who opened and sold 10+ unusual hats during the time.

Any good samaritan would know something is wrong after unboxing their fifth unusual in a row and stop unboxing immediately to inform Valve.

Item server broke
No free now

Posted my kingz hat already, also got this, a green confetti milkboy and a circling heart steel shako. Those two are trash but I like this one and the kingz hat.
Fuck tradies, wagies, and jannies.

This game and everybody that plays it or talks about it is AIDS.

so everything is shut down by valve right?
I don't care about unusuals, especially now that they're worthless. but I could at least sell a few crates.

I didn't exploit the system, give me my Halo Valve

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t. Seething tradefag

Yeah everything is down until they get done fixing it and probably nerfing heavy more to let off some steam

You're right. I didn't.

It was their own fuckup. The most I can see happening is the unboxed hats becoming untradable.

They already shut down the tf2 inventories you double Niger

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> It was the only thing that let you know

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the bug was noticed overnight. i don't think anyone at valve is on tf2 call to fix bugs like this. reporting it would've done nothing because it was already wild by the time they got into their offices

Stop posting this shit meme template please, for fuck's sake. I bet 90% of people posting this shit don't even know, or have even seen, what it is even referencing, and just FYI, even if you do know, it was a shit cartoon.


Attached: Team_Fortress_2_Screenshot_2019.07.26_-_11.43.52.33.png (1920x1080, 349K)


i've had steam for 10 years now and i've never played tf2

is it a good game?


they will fuck up every single new unusual in some way
you should sold all chests to retards

It's Valve and "Valve Time" user, so probably not until either in the middle of the night, or after the weekend.

Equality has truly came. No longer will we be oppressed by the elite tf2 trader bourgeoisie.
I am proud of you, comrades, and the disgruntled janitor at valve that is the only one working on tf2.

Attached: 0zu7h2bho0c11.jpg (1920x1080, 111K)

Incredible in the late 2000s, okay now.

best non game game

Its heyday has definitely passed but it's still a fun game to pick up and play every now and again. It's free so it's worth giving a shot anyway.

Wasn't orange box the only game on steam 10 years ago?

Attached: 1559504371100.png (497x576, 212K)

right now? probably not.
it was a beautiful game in its heyday though.

they will either be untradable and have a rare one of a kind effect or they will just be deleted

Yup, this is tuppence for TF2 traders being obnoxious in casual matches.

>Dude fuck off we're in the middle of a game he-

Can you backup TF2 the current version of TF2 so that one version can get sustained with the bug?

I want that hat


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bring back my keys then

this hat is better bro

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based brainlet

Jesus Christ, I didn't want to go to sleep until this was over I'll wait a bit more

That was my first plan but valve put the crates on hold because I didn't use their phone app in a long time. It was fucking retarded.

Yup, you can send trade requests but you can’t trade physically.

It doesn't work like that retard

And just like that people are talking about TF2 again en masse and reinstalling

They made $$$ off this, and people returned to their game. Bravo Volvo.

Not only did you not get an unusual you're also never getting a halo. Do you honestly think modern valve gives a shit about doing stuff like that? They're way too lazy to do anything but the bare minimum and fix the bug.

Which crates are the ones that were 100% unusual? Could have sold a bunch had I not had work.

Attached: 440_screenshots_20190726173654_1.jpg (1680x1050, 213K)

no refunds :^)


Attached: REEE MY UNUSUAL.gif (448x416, 327K)

Have people really sunk that much money into this game? Personally I only recently put the occasional $20 into the game to get in on new crates, or to buy keys off Marketplace to buy something I wanted. Never had the patience for trading when I could buy it with money.

Recently had a "sell off" of my shit last month that sold most of my items for about $150. Bought some stuff off Steam. Looking at this now I am so glad I did that BEFORE this update.

What are you, Francis the talking France?

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1 - 18, 61, 82, 85

>Valve exploits YOU for decades
>This is fine
>People exploit Valve's mistake
>This is not fine

Attached: LR.png (598x575, 600K)

The 17s and maybe the 20's

Oh no no no
You missed on like $100+

TF3 when?

Attached: Zordon.jpg (1504x1001, 68K)

I only opened a couple of crates afterwards just for the fun of finally owning an unusual, and because I made 200+ bucks from crates.

What's sad is that I had another 20 crates in my alt account, but because of fucking trade hold cancer I couldn't sell them fast enough. Fuck you Valve, I could've made another easy 100.

How do you even trade now?

Based retard

Attached: scunt.jpg (533x750, 173K)

Don't bother man, It's really going to be a while until Valve does something, always is. I'd say the fun is over for now and just go back to whatever you had planned for today.

That hat and effect is FUCKING SICK DUDE

how are they exploiting me?
I only bought 5 keys years ago, and bought a ton of games from trading profits.


that's based on key restrictions
some ways of obtaining keys don't lead to the trade restriction (not sure which way it is)

It was holy retribution on the trading community.

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It’s alright I guess

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I still pop in for a game of payload or attack/defense every now & then and still enjoy it

There were plenty of threads hitting bump limit.

>make $300 in steamrocks after selling all those crates
>purchased RE2Make, Bloodstained, DQ11, Kill la Kill If, EDF, and preordered Cyberpunk 2077 with money to spare
good luck undoing this shit valve lmao

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If I spent money to fill my wallet to fuck around with the unusuals/crates, what happens when they roll it back? Does it go in my wallet or the payment provider? I don't want a bunch of money rotting in my fucking steam wallet and I don't want to lose anything by buying keys and waiting a week to trade them over paypal

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>rollback the item servers to pre-update status
>(seems unlikely)
Seems very unlikely to me.
There's too much data related to money going on here that I genuinely doubt Valve has the tools in place to do this.
That is, of course, if they don't intend on doing full refunds.
Either way, I feel like Valve's hands are tied at this point. People who have bought and opened crates haven't broken any rules nor used any exploits: the fault entirely lies with Valve.

Only way I can see them save face is to upgrade all Unusuals obtained before the patch to gain some sort of super-unusual status.
But as it is right now, messing with any new Unusuals seems like a very bad idea.

I didn't have much planned, I'll just stick around for a bit more and then go, thanks user

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>he doesn't know

Unusuals are for BAD players.

Yes commrade, it will become a game of skill, not worth. Cлaвa! Bash the tradefag copers!

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And I thought keys getting up to 8 Refined was bad, holy shit

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you had 11, so like 30-50 bucks

because it happened today dumbass


Jesus fucking christ. Last I played keys were like 3 refined, maybe a little higher.

We had threads all night. Should've fallen asleep later or woke up sooner

Got a great great hat bros

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>he bought hats

Attached: tfcucks btfo.png (708x269, 78K)

Sauce + tags pls

I have played since beta and have unboxed a shit ton over the years, never once got an unusual. Always thought my platinum badge was a better sign of my skill level than my lack of unusual. Anyway this gave me the chance to buy unusuals for my favourite classes so now I'm finally happy with the game.

still the best

>steam account gets locked until you pay for the games

>wasted all money you won on games you can pirate


Sadly this isn't an exploit like the idle program was. This was done entirely with standard in-game options.
The crates themselves even state "chance of receiving rare item" which states that even if the drop chance for unusuals is 100%, they're working entirely as advertised.
Basically Valve is fucked.

Imagine opening an unbugged crate and losing your unusual.

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>this unusual + hat combination didn't even exist until this update

Attached: ggnore.png (1233x639, 253K)

Good for you, user. Also, that gif made me laugh.

we postin our number of shame?

Attached: Capture.png (360x133, 54K)

I hope to god this kills the walking corpse that is TF2

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Still fake

Downgrading all the new unusuals to untradeable is probably the best they can do.

Unusuals have effectively lost a lot of their value even if they stop any new ones being made or traded, because now pretty much everyone who plays the game has a few. People bought into the crate system to be special snowflakes.

Nice fake


fake and gaaaaaaay


Attached: gabin.gif (88x50, 17K)

fake and cum guzzler

shit outta luck birdo

but the crates state they have a chance of the other items but they actually didn't
where's my chance to get a paint valve
I'm fucking suing you

The fucking response time on valves end is their own fault desu.

unironically very based

Attached: 7994844B-57C7-417F-97B2-2492350DF995.jpg (961x1457, 184K)

the second hat. i actually had 2 of the needed crates in my inventory. wanted to buy more, but they shut the market down
that's the reason why they won't

Attached: _X-6rdidiDw.jpg (1920x1080, 121K)

>haha we just will steal your money lol!

imagine being retarded enough to fall for this bait

I would be really happy with those unusuals being untradable since i still have crates lying around

While at work he made more money than that

This. Why would you abuse one system just to bow down to another? Should have sold for keys and cashed them out. Retarded buyfags.

I made 4 bucks off this sham. Not as exciting as I thought it would be

Attached: 1479978761138.jpg (256x256, 9K)

>got miami nights brown bomber
i know its gonna get wiped but it feels so good

Attached: 1505620169775.gif (160x160, 178K)

You missed out on the golden age if you didn't play from release to Mann vs Machine, still a great game if you play with Yea Forums on party van, otherwise it's alright aside from some questionable weapon balancing and community server neglect

Really? Niiiice

Was good until le epic game store.

>Bought key
>Opening Crate
>Sorry but we can't open the crate right now kek fuck you nigger you wasted 3 dollars.

I'm a brainlet when it comes to trading. How much is this in dollars?

Lmao no. The cash you got is all from other players so its like. Communism.

>Hat crash brings a lot of people back to TF2 because of the drama
>People remember how much fun the game was
>TF2 rises from the ashes of the dead hat economy like a phoenix
>A new golden age begins

almost got me kek, why did you write vanish


Attached: 5236236236.png (452x612, 147K)

Imagine Mashiro

should have fixed the tense in the first part

Unironically based

Name this one Gatorade EX
“Really puts the “electro” in electrolytes”

considering the inventory is offline has anyone tried to use one of those trading bot sites to trade?

Attached: 1563312997327.png (1280x720, 1.03M)

>scorching flames variant is 600$
>burning flames would fit WAY better with it

>team captain burning is 5x more than scorching
>likely worth 3k+ if it was legit
holy fuck

3d is better anyway

>got tipped off early about the bug
>bought 25 #84's for 3 cents each off the market
>unboxed a few, sold everything else
>made $150
>pre-ordered Doom Eternal

it was a good day boys

Attached: pingupingu.gif (450x338, 548K)

If you still got money to spare i totally recommend DMC5 user

2.50 freedom bux

One key is always two dollars because that's the price on the official TF2 store. Refined metal is always increasing from weapon drops, so it's constantly becoming more common and less valuable. Therefore it goes from being worth 30 cents each to 10 cents to fractions and fractions of a cent because it's so common and doesn't have a fixed price.

I remember when 2.33 to 2.66 ref was a fucking crime.

>played TF2 for a decade
>literally never bought a key or opened a crate in my life
>just spent the $3 or whatever just so my backpack can be big enough to not be constantly needing to throw shit away from the item drops
>only cosmetics are ones I've found or casually crafted from weapons
I'll tell you right now that NO ONE notices your unusual except you and a handful of extreme autists. I can't name a single unusual, I can't even tell what the difference between a hat and an unusual is in the middle of the fight. During round prep no one is looking at your cosmetics, the one thing that gets noticed is whether a demo is fully knighted up, a heavy's bald head is covered with something nice, an engie is fat, or if a medic is shirtless or not.

Attached: XKiBkMV.gif (240x180, 961K)

You will keep the hats
They did nothing about the unusual hat dupers
And this is a similar situation + the money and legal issues... we keep the hats

>July 26th in a Nutshell

Attached: July 26 2019 a date which will live in infamy.png (1379x1080, 695K)

>but the crates state they have a chance of the other items but they actually didn't
Well that's just an even bigger pile of shit for Valve to deal with, but at the very least you were served up an item that was theoretically possible to obtain.

get dabbed on tradenigger


T. Sour grapes pyro that gets curb stomped by an unusual soldier and his medic gf.

Blessed be Ricardo

TF2 trading was like my second job and you assholes ruined it

Fuck you

Nah Scrap.TF is down until further notice.

>didn't want to scam the system or make a quick buck
>just wanted some cool hats
>was just a little too late
it's not fair it's not right

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Attached: 20190726175015_1.jpg (1600x1024, 77K)

yeah great solution fuckhead. you're pissing everyone off this way

I saw a cloud 9 one for $17 leaf bucks but couldn't get it in time

Who has this?

>definitely used that command line program back then to idle for items
>given a lament anyways

Attached: lament.png (696x487, 46K)

>[小柳ロイヤル] 肝心カナメの悪魔学 第2話 (コミック エグゼ 02) [英訳]

>Tags: big breasts (91,223)group (65,118)stockings (57,462)glasses (43,964)shotacon (35,806)nakadashi (34,963)incest (25,303)milf (19,599)dark skin (17,740)ffm threesome (15,626)schoolboy uniform (11,087)mind control (7,487)big penis (7,415)garter belt (6,841)ponytail (4,300)corruption (2,039)cousin (1,281)aunt (879)double blowjob (507)

Attached: 8ffc6811f762279224ce3c550b66fa9439c562d1.png (269x305, 117K)

weak bait


We didn’t do shit
Blame Valve

>not taking the robo and xeno pill

Attached: 1563802922090.png (375x450, 280K)

Deep down you know it's true. Only sexy cosmetics get noticed, and TF2 is all male.

I genuinely wonder how they will roll this back. If they put money into steam accounts people could sue because it's not a full refund.

Ricardo blessed up

Holy shit good job user, I'm counting on you being able to trade this gem, you got yourself a fortune.

Can't wait for the inevitable class action lawsuit against Valve if they don't roll back these fucking ill gotten items.

You dont you nigger, Valve took it down until they fix it, it's over

Did they get the person who draws Moon over June to do that image?
Get a load of this faggot

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John freeman

Don’t suppose theres an English version? I can fap either way but you know how it is

hopefully me after valve sorts this shit out.
fuck unusuals and crates. I want muh halo.

meant for


>Medanoff, he panic bought.
>Disable the market.

Attached: 1461100002_preview_preview2.png (637x358, 240K)

>Being proud of a hat that basically rewards you for being a stupid sap

>Second Job
You realize there's more satisfaction to working a regular Retail job than slaving on servers playing stock market right?

Like Walgreens has decent medical coverage, they're hiring.

>ban people acting on an oportunity made by them
yeah no.

I seriously need this hat.

Does this only apply to certain crates or all of them?

daaamn bros, idk if they make it untradable but i hope it doesn't vanish

Attached: qqqq.jpg (1920x1080, 184K)

The lawsuit for rolling them back would be a lot worse, buddy.


There is something weird about this entire situation. How could you even find this bug in the first place? Why would somebody even tell about it instead of getting shitton of money alone?

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nice job user

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Ehh glad u like it user

>tradefags when they see the exploit community found to bring them down

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Thread theme

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>People saying that they should just make the hats untradable and unmarketable seem a little too optimistic for me.
>If they did that then the TF2 economy would be forever killed

Litterally how. Unless people having the same hats make them worthless, that's fucking retarded.
If it's an economy based on visuals your economy was always worthless.

>portal 2 allows you to trade with TF2 items
Has anyone looked at this yet?


Attached: 26thofJuly.gif (500x377, 400K)

You should read up on law some more instead of spending all your time trading virtual hats

600 out of 50

Because this is the internet Shaggy, and word travels fast as soon as it's confirmed.

But if you are taking money from a broken atm you get in jail

Someone on plebbit I think made a thread about it and it spread from there. You know how they are, the corporation rules above everyone else.

Like. Open a crate? 50.000 people playing one game there are pretty big chances of more than 50 opening the same crate and finding that out.

I agree. I also find it strange how, of all possible bugs, it was that they always contain an unusual.

thats actually pathetic, even by tf2 player standards

so what hats did you guys get? I hope good ones cause I got absolute garbage


Good man
I hope they forget to delete your unusuals


nice meme. none of the unusuals were ever tradable

I imagine multiple people found it independently, one of the retards bragged to his friends, and now it's all over.

Can you imagine finding this shit right after the new patch, and fulfilling all the buy orders for major unusuals? You could clear 10k, easy.

*gets chargebacked*

My theme to this whole mess:

Attached: Chonky Bastard.jpg (720x960, 74K)

You're retarded but since no one will give you an answer I will enlighten you
No, items are all held server side. Your items arent saved on your client.

I have no sympathy for those traders that manipulated the market and crashes the value of earbuds for no reason whatsoever. Fuck them.

>made £400+
based capitalism

what was the time frame that that was possible? Tell me it was less than an hour so I dont have remorse

Attached: Meme+gear+rememenace+200+memes_e0645d_5476241.jpg (680x501, 46K)

I doubt the janitor and the pot plant are so fast that they can fix it within a 5 days

>got a couple of nice hats I like with my favorite effects without regard for price or rarity and a couple of themed ones
>made some profit, could have gotten hundreds if I not for steam hold on crates but I'm still modestly satisfied
>if they let us keep them I have nice hats
>if they take them away I get my money back
>if they give out lament 2.0 I'll get it on my alt that didn't do anything
>got to watch trader mains fill their diapers and screech for hours on end
You can only reply to this post if you WON

Attached: 23e8.jpg (1080x1331, 97K)

why the fuck would you want a halo anyway? It wouldn't be exclusive or anything

Think about the fact that most TF2 players didn't even try this shit, because they only play TF2 cause it's F2P. ALMOST EVERY player would get a Halo, it wouldn't be exclusive at all

So it really ain't special, even if they DID do that

Besides, what would constitute getting a halo? not having a bad unusual? What about people who only sold their crates during the madness? shouldn't they also get punished?

ok retard

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Ever hear of something called the fairness doctrine? Fucking brainlet.

Yeah no. The people who got these hats were fucking poorfags, they should fear the rich traders more and should side with them if they are smart.

I coulda gotten 600$ but all my crates were on my alt that i made back then to free up inventory space, now i can't get Doom Eternal

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I hope you enjoy it user
I just finished it yesterday, very fun game

When I saw someone get 3 unusuals in a row I could put 2 and 2 together. We also had people screaming in every server about it.

No one gives a fuck about jewing. We just want shiny hats.

Literally this
Unusual effects are fucking ugly too, I dont get it.

thanks gaben

Top row, minus the Voodoo Juju (Slight Return), I already had that one.
Pretty crummy, but hey, still neat.

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Gaben's Eleven

the fuck

nice analogy retard it's obviously not the same.
here's an actual analogy
think of this
>monkeys are expensive
>everyone trades monkeys carefully cuz they are hard to find
>company sells monkeys at 1000$ each
>accidentally one employee fucks a computer up and sells them for 10$
>people buy a shiton of monkeys
>transaction has been made
>the monkey is theirs now.
>if they take them back they'll look like fucking assholes

>the rich traders more

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t. gook/gopnik scum

what's the effect on modest pile?

>he only owns graded cosmetics

I win on any of those scenarios.

>start the night off finally winning all the stuff I wanted from Poker Night 2
>join trade server to fuck around and maybe get some better cosmetics to go with the bloodhound
>hear about some crate glitch
>check my crates, find 10 valuable ones
>spend 25 bucks on keys
>get an unusual team captain and 9 others usuals

Things are ok

>>if they take them away I get my money back

It's not right that some of you get to have a really rare item when people like me spent hundreds of dollars to get them.

I really hope Valve deletes your unusuals or VAC bans all of you for doing this.

it was yesterday around 14 hours ago sorry user

>They transform all unusuals into their normal versions
>Each hat has 5% chances of staying as unusual

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pyro laugh

>tfw this is the most tf2 discussion Yea Forums has had in like a year
>unlikely to discuss tf2 this much again unless the final comic or the heavy update comes out (never ever)

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Ricardo blessed

90% shit, only good one was the Miami Nights Law, all else was crap (except maybe the Hot Rod which I actually personally think is alright). The ballcap I had before by tradefagging.

Attached: swagtasm.png (831x144, 100K)

I think I ended up deleting it and a few other items when I quit tf2 in 2011 I think

Had some good stuff from poker night at the inventory and killing floor, shams


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No they aint. You should've sold it.

>here's an actual analogy
lol no

The best way to spot a player who knows what they are doing is how they move when you fight them.

>they become vintage

More like
>guy with a warehouse of monkeys sells them for 10$

No, because what about the people that bought an unusual off of the market
That’s a lawsuit for fraud for each hat they change

it was supposed to be like a laugh with closed mouth evolving into full on laughter

Can I raise my hand and say I'm really happy this happened this weekend?

Because otherwise if this were just a normal update with nothing going wrong, it would just be another weekend of /pol/tards and edgy summer kids making shitty bait threads with the new Wolfenstein game and nothing else.

Thanks TF2 Bug, you made Yea Forums a better place for now.

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Seethe harder tradecuck

make that 50/50

I don’t play or want any steam games besides TF2 and Poker Night 1

>remove all unusuals
>give everyone who didn't abuse the bug an unusual cheater's lament

Attached: 1514323642999.png (500x512, 159K)

>the traded unusuals bought by people with real money
>get transformed into usuals

Lol no holy shit.

nigga just buy a cheap one off the market if you are so desperate


item server is already down but this might've worked

Realistically, how much money is in circulation in the TF2 trade economy? Between how many people?

Well, at least my only unusual has a halloween paint applied to it
That's unique at least

u cant trade any hats until 2 aug so nah

You can't generate physical monkeys by changing a few numbers on a computer so it's a meaningless comparison. There's no scarcity in digital items except for intentional, artificial scarcity.

Should just refund people. Shouldn't be so hard.

>Unusuals are no longer exclusive to the fattest of fucking whales
>Also tanks said whales internet worth
>Meanwhile I get my first unusual ever since I started playing 9 years ago
It really was worth the wait

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>notice the happening almost as soon as news spreads
>don't give a shit about hats or making money off of trading
>spend hours last night having a good time watching the meltdown occur
this has been such a good time, i wonder what valve is gunna do

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Stranges are cooler than unusual
Killstreak are cooler than strange
Buy killstreak

Disco Beat Down

You wish, I have 2 more pages of non-graded

Attached: hatte2.png (1920x1080, 413K)

The shitstorm is extremely hilarious, I agree, but I'm really sad because TF2 is my favorite game and I still play it almost daily with a friends. I don't want to become a fiasco where the game suffers as a result, which is what I think will happen in the long run.

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Does that also happens when you restore an item?

That's not the point mongo. Now they can revert them eat them or turn them into monkeys.


Ikr, last time i played tf2 was 3 years ago, yet today after all the crates madness i got to play with some of my old friends that i did not talk with for ages, pretty comfy shit

how the fuck can a game suffer from cosmetic items you fucking retard?

>did this on an alt
>main account wont be affected by the draw back
>any bonuses that may be given to people who didnt abuse this will be in my hand
win win for me

>one chance in life
>aces high

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>all unusual obtained during the glitch become nuts and bolts gibuses
The only way to fix this mess

They can’t revert them without committing fraud against everyone who bought an unusual off of their market
And I can still say I unboxed an unusual team captain
And if they take my shit I’ll sue them for taking my 25 dollars
And if they refund my 25 dollars I have 25 dollars and the experience

I named one of mine, does that do similar things?

You won't sue anyone you little pussy. This isn't fraud, it's a fucking video game.

rate my pulls

Attached: D1A47BF6-9020-4C53-B98E-4A26E18E2EF4.jpg (1103x177, 54K)

Selling duped golden flaming monkey

I have never played against someone that both wore an unusual and was actually good at the game

Ze Goggles and taunt was before crash

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>350 posts
>No one posting their unusual loadouts
Post em

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>the game suffers as a result, which is what I think will happen in the long run.

If it helps, TF2 has been around for 10 freaking years. I don't think it'll see 2030 anytime soon, if anything take this whole thing as a idea what'll happen when TF2 finally does get shut down.

This can only help to increase player numbers unless Valve does some dumb shit like rollback.

I’ll sue because I know I’ll win
I paid 25 dollars for a product. If they take that product and I don’t get my 25 dollars back, it’s fraud.

when players get really good, they stop using unusuals, some of them even go default

No offense but thank God they were free

>I’ll sue them
Good luck hiring a lawyer who will go against the more experienced Valve's lawyers.

its a free to play game so its zero you dumbass

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Not that user but it's real money we're talking about here retard, also valve is an american company so yeah people will sue them.

Everyone hold the line and dont let them take your unus.

Go eat shit you fucking plebian. The pissants you mocked are now wearing unusuals they bought for a fraction of what you paid for. Seethe, you dense retard.

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damn, you lucky bastards, I got these ones

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Youll know when i cave your head with the market

valve profits off of all of this why would they revert anything

theyll just write an apology and dole out a compensatory item, though i would greatly enjoy if they handed everyone a free random unusual just to tank the value even harder

>flames pot
sweet jesus

I got a fucking aces geisha boy
can’t think of a worse medic hat

>spend $500 on lawyer
>Win $25


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serious question. why are you still at it in 2019?

i mean i know you're probably just a falseflagger who is somehow personalyl validated by (You)s but i imagine its because you once actually were a traded

This all they need to do is fucking refund. Only problem is that they want to do this through steambucks but they can't.

Even with case as easy as this noone would risk their fucking life against a company that got such a big fucking money making machine in place. They are basically gods.

>caring about cosmetics

I tried finding good effects but they always stayed above 20 or got snapped up immediately so I settled for two themed ones and two with dbd since it's one of the best generic effects imo

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a man of taste

you wont keep them. valve wont let you. get fucked.

>game is going to be even more bogged down now that everyone in a server will have a hat with particle effects

£55 from about 10 crates

Life isn't just about money you know, it's about the experience.
And telling nu-Valve to legally fuck off counts as an experience.

yea my #17 pull being flies hurt me, but the bonk helm has always been my favorite scout hat, so i'm happy to have pulled that one

Anyone know all the series that were confirmed bugged? Is my Blighted Beak unusual worthless now.....

in fact it's quite the opposite
valve already profited
they have 0 reason not to revert

if they don't revert literally nobody will ever buy a key again because unusuals are worthless now unless you get a high tier one which is like 1% upon 1%

in a first person shooter no less

Fake and gay

Any competent lawyer could sue and win.

Worth it. And it wouldn’t be just me, but anyone else they did it to. We’ll bill Cosby ‘em


You know all they have to do is make the original unusuals better somehow.

Not that rare since crates 1-10 give you other burning hats with an even higher price

>that retard thinks its about cosmetics
Jesus i love when people miss out on happenings.

Absolutely based, devs are Chads.

this is still fake user stop posting it

>no gay sex with hats ON

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1-18 61 82 85

Real money is wrapped up in the cosmetics you double nigger

i don't care about cosmetics, i care about the people who cared about cosmetics so much that they ruined the community getting btfo'd.

How about we instead focus on leaking Valve games like the great Half Life 2 leak?

I could loose all of them but that one and be fine. It is one of my favorite items now. Will post loadout when I get home.

>3 chances in life
>2 aces high
I feel you.

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>all these unusual particle effects

Unironically going to crash the game.

yikes.. imagine putting this much time into an F2P game...

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lmao at anyone who believes this

You know this is fake, go check the actually website

If you still play TF2 you need to re-evaluate your life's choices.

Then I’ve lost nothing

>His thread didn't work so he came here
Low effort

your opinion is worth that much

Attached: get that shit out of here.gif (330x166, 2.11M)

how does that affect a game at all? how does that change the gameplay?

don't care about the rarity
looks amazing, and I'm a soldier's stash guy

Ze Goggles are such a FUCKING fantastic hat

Attached: Medic C.png (1920x1080, 319K)

I never play TF2 in my live.
The only thing that know is the hat shitposting

What the fuck happened?

>valve profited
>and will refund the money

That's not how profits work.

Just when I thought reddit memes couldn't get more obnoxious, /biz/ appears.

Day when wojack and pepe are banned?

When you think about it, isn’t life a F2P game

For real, I thought everyone moved on to CS:GO and quit that too.

baby's first day editing html, how cute

So what is going to happen

Why do people put so much value on virtual hats? You can buy a real hat for less money. A Stetson will look great on you.

best fuckup valve did for tf2

Literally all in the OP

more than 2000 of it was when it wasn't f2p.

>>and will refund the money
why would they do that
just give niggers the stupid fucking keys
steam sold thousands of keys & made thousands off the market trades of crates

crates that drop rare shit with a very low percentage worth hundreds were bugged to drop 100% of the time, and the price of these items have now plummeted

thank you sir

I love soaking in all this pathetic subhuman neckbeard COPE

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>everyone gets to keep their unusuals but unusuals are meh now because Valve are introducing a new rare type which replaces unusuals who stay but with improved rates while the new rarity takes the place of the unusuals.

Why didnt you just sell the crates then, there was still profit to be made user. You should have SOLD, SOLD, SOLD

We’re all gonna get laid

Most TF2 transactions happen on third party trading sites. Valve can't give those people who purchased crates or unusuals off those sites their money back.

Because humans assign artificial value to scarcity.

Like why does gold cost so much.

>when it wasn't f2p
Just because you can buy items in it doesn't make it p2p.

Where do I buy unusual hats irl

This is the only unusual I ever wanted because I find them all ugly as fuck. Its kinda cheap now so after Valve does this thing Im hunting for this boi

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entirely depends on the fluctuation of key/metal to dollars and since only valve has the true numbers on that its impossible to estimate, and even further complicating any estimates are that the likelihood of trading any of that for real money isnt exact

much like duped hats, hats that where unboxed today will be less worth and the economy will more or less stabilize


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Damn I went on backpacktf by accident on my saved tabs and thought nothing of it and just left. But now seeing this thread I regret not buying shit earlier that day. Oh well live and learn I guess

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I wanted one, but I started playing only after the mac update.
And when I asked robin for one, he never responded

You can get a free unusual by sticking any hat in a pile of manure for long enough

What color.
It better not be rainbow or black.

Because a lot of people bought actual hats and games. Giving them 60 dollars in keys is going to be giving them something they didn't pay for.

How would you react if it was 60 dollars worth of steam cards or shovel knight currency?

Literally just set your hat on fire

>Got an easy £9 by selling old lootboxes for a now shit game to you idiots who are about to lose your bugged sparkle hats
LMFAO thanks for the free game

>All games you can get for free

>not just lighting it on fire

>mfw valve will keep all money made on the "tax" for the transactions
>Mfw valve just made prolly millions within hours on account of buy and trade fags
If they remove the unusuals? Will they remove the money they made off their taxes? That's the real question.

Still happened on their servers.
The sites will have to deal with the refunds.

>Rarely play either class

Attached: unusualsget.png (1077x708, 273K)

Overrated effect

I don’t like wen panther sad. Sorry for bad English

Wow what a shitty way to store items.

>why the fuck would you want a halo anyway? It wouldn't be exclusive or anything
who cares I just think it'll look cute on my pyro

you don't do anything with the money
all you do is every "fake" unusual gets replaced with a key & crate

see also putting tin foil on it and standing next to a powerline works
what color unusual effect you get depends on the current of the powerline though

Attached: pink wojak.jpg (800x450, 53K)

lmaoooo people were so butthurt about this hat

a bunch of servers back in the day had an instaban script if you had it equipped it was so fucking salty

Any good?

Attached: JPEG_20190726_041111.jpg (4608x3456, 3.46M)

Others changed it to a giant sign saying FAGGOT

are you this fucking retarded

Guys, I have an idea. How about making suggestions on regarding ref to key prices and try these down to like 1 ref? With enough faggots voting it should be possible

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Was 84 also bugged? Wtf?

Its actually one of the greatest games of all time, the people who say its good but past its prime are just the equivalent of people who slam a game thats good by calling it shit.
Do you understand? The game is that good. People can at worst say its decent now and once amazing. Shitposters can't even say its shit because its that good.

Uh. Sauce on this image? Or was this part of that doujin you linked?

Burning is always good and the hat is ok

why computer sideways

Well user... then people could just hack in whatever they want...

Attached: truth.png (726x606, 103K)

I don't even main medic and all i got was these sissy hearts "cloud 9" thing

Attached: medeek.png (1059x598, 199K)

>This inventory is not available at this time. Please try again later

user people spent real world money on these unusuals you fucking trog. You don't turn a false advertisement into monopoly money.

Attached: TF2Rn.png (716x996, 1.04M)

Hats are directly responsible for performance going to shit even on good machines.

>rich traders
What do you mean you don't take payments in refined sir, I thought you were a respected lawyer?

It is. I have it the a Macho Mann, Burly Beast, and the dead prez Ze Goggles

what website is this?

My bad, 82.

god I wish that were me

You buy keys with steam funny money though

I remember getting kicked with my mercnary badge. Honestly part of me is glad those servers got nuked.



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Bend the fuck over and it will be.

>traders are the same as the fanbase
your time is over maggots.

Backpack tf you brainlet


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>when you get a supposed good hat/effect
>don't even use those classes

fucking hell

same, I idled for weeks and still got the halo
feels good man

wojak for stuff related to speculation is ok

>valve forcing you to buy their funny money to buy things in game means they're exempt from law


Fuck Valve man.

implying i ever gave a slightest shit about trading in valve games
thanks faggot

Average per match on my region is at least 2 or 4 counting myself

Absolute perfeciton

scared me. Thought I missed out on more free profits like I did with 61

nah it's due to valve stopping to give a shit.
old hats had proper lods. new community made ones don't because you obviously need to render a fucking banana with 100k polygons from the other side of the map.

How is there people still unboxing when the inventory's are down?

And that's why I'll be unironically trading my unusuals for other unusuals of equally low value lol.

Yeah my bad dude lmao

I uh.
Most multiplayer games do this do you can't just edit your client and print items.

Are you retarded

>anal beads shaped like stickybombs
You have my interest

It can if a larger amount of players is only in it for the hat trading and now got their inventory nuked. I don't think it'll be too bad since only gen 2 effects seem to be affected, but some most likely will drop off because of it.

God I hate this
>own two PCs, a shitter and a newer, much more powerful one
>tf2 used to run perfectly on normal settings on the shitter
>now it can only comfortably run on minimum settings on the better machine

shouldn't have bought fake unusuals user

at least in wow it's stored clientside, I basically make a living selling WoW gold I just generate using cheat engine & save editors

Changing the prefix on an item doesn't violate any fucking law you tard
This is like saying that you should sue over your old items becoming vintage

hiromoot won't let me post images I just want loadout ideas for my loot

And on this day we got 2 new burning team flames team captain

Attached: mlm.png (310x294, 163K)

This is greast

Attached: 1535605912912.png (217x190, 55K)

>You buy steam funny money to buy items from Steam with the funny money
>Steam takes a cut of the funny money you bought from Steam from every item you buy
So wait a second
Where does the cut from the sale go

Attached: aiportraits_1563576000.jpg (512x512, 18K)

Can't prove I knew they were fake wetard.

Ignorance doesn't equal innocence, user

You didn't buy old pre vintage items you fucking sloth.

>mfw dumbass 12 year old me thought this was possible back in BC

Attached: Pauline asking Demoman if he wants a new sticky bomb launcher or an Iron Bomber.jpg (1500x1500, 185K)

You just told me fuckboy

>Yea Forums's

What the fuck yes it does
Every single jury, judge and lawyer in any country worth a rat fuck makes a clear divide between intent and non-intent (ignorance)
Man you are just stupid

This has to be bait.

I didn't buy any unusuals, you fucking tard. I just loved watching you elitists burn and screech helplessly as you lose hundreds of dollars.

Again, get fucked.

Attached: All Fir-Ed Up.gif (700x700, 96K)

lol neck yourself zoomer newfag

Attached: 20190726182558_1.jpg (1920x1080, 171K)

>no "updated the localization files"

>I didn't know this was fake money
yeah you still going to jail unless they manage to bust the guy who did it & you helped them

Did you know it's illegal to pick up money if it's "raining" bills?

you can't fucking sue over your item's border turning from purple to yellow

Yes I am a newfag because I am tired of seeing a stupid post format that has been unfunny for years and years and years AND YEARS.

are you the same guy that's been doing this for hours?
what's wrong with you why have you made like a dozen of these & keep posting them

No I said you can't prove something im not claiming is true.

He got a few (you)s the first time calling him based and I guess the attention went to his head.

Is there any good salt to be mined from this or just /biz/ shitposting

>Did you know it's illegal to pick up money if it's "raining" bills?
It's not, you just have to return them.

If that's the case then traders have no problems with their items being useless you tard.

I really hope they don't rollback or make the unusuals untradable, I really wanna buy an aces high team captain for my lemmy kilmister heavy

Attached: 1537339872421.jpg (304x368, 56K)

Funny because 95% of the time "based" is used ironically now
>Someone makes obvious shitpost
>People reply "based"
Real big think

New thread

>smash somones window in
>lol it's still there, you can't sue me

Why would anyone do that when someone upvotes them on Yea Forums

>b-b-b-b-but I didn't know she was twelve :^)
lol enjoy getting banned dumbo

So you admit that you would lie in court?
Hehe, interesting.

>If that's the case then traders have no problems with their items being useless you tard.
So? The hats have no intrinsic value.
Don't use analogies. Just never do that. I don't know why you think an analogy would ever be a valid argument.

To my recollection I never lied :^)

Attached: tf2 loadouts.png (1130x1702, 1.31M)

>trying to goad the defendent into claiming guilt

Defence in relation to context is important
Please never be a lawyer

I mean he's literally saying that he would lie in court. That's a felony.

>So? The hats have no intrinsic value.
Neither do dollar bills and bank IOU. Oh but wow... suddenly that must be different.