/CHESS/ general

/CHESS/ general

-lichess- edition

yes, chess is a table game, but you can play it on your computer, using steam, or our preferred site - lichess.org/
so it IS vidya related.

with lichess you can play anonymous games, at any skill level, any method, and with lots of customization options

it gives you a private link and whoever you share it with can join in or spectate: such as this
first person to join can play me in a semi blitz mode

Who is your favorite chess player? what is your ranking? favorite opening?

Chess quiz of the day: Mikenas-Bronstein, 1965
Black to move and win (4 moves)

Attached: a0TKlvd[1].png (483x429, 46K)

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This should be under traditional games.

Yea Forums here lol no

did they fix the king and rook glitch exploit yet

Queen to e1
Castle to e1
Castle to f1

What am I missing?

Hint 1: The first move is surprising

Hint 2: Capture a piece


unless whites leave that rook alone they’re fucked

Yea Forums has had occasional chess threads for years.
Majority of so-called Yea Forums posters are generalniggers who never leave their comfort threads anyway

how do you get good at chess?

Memorize what everyone already played and try new moves alone, at home with a chess engine.

study hard
or be born to a higher class family and happen to be a prodigy

>you can play it on your computer, so it IS vidya related

by that logic most of /tg/ is vidya

most of /tg/ is vidya

That explains the constant d&d and Catan threads I keep seeing on Yea Forums

Hell Tabetlop sim and role20 exist so half of Yea Forums should be dedicated to board games.

This but stripped of all sarcasm

Also you can play the stock and crypto market online so most of /biz/ is vidya including crypto

Its a feature just like rocket jumping. and so is En Passant

what is TF2

Literally memorize every five moves from the beginning. Tried before and this immediately turned me off. Might as well play Tekken and memorize a thousand attacks instead.

>yes, chess is a table game, but you can play it on your computer
that would be like talking about football here because there's games about it

Anyone wants to play some Go?

Chess with cute and possibly funny anime girls when?

And that's a good thing.

Play Chess960 instead.

Chess is highly based on memorization and repetitive play to get good at.


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One thing I never understood about chess quizzes is how the fuck is the other guy supposed to move? However I want him to? However it's most convenient for me?

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not vidya, reported and saged
now fuck off

Usually it's either forced by your move, ie checking his king and forcing him to move to the only available square, or it's irrelevant, meaning whatever he does, you just keep winning.

There are games about everything. That doesn't mean we can talk about anything. This is a board to discuss video games, so unless you are talking about Chess vidya, then you're off topic.

What if my opponent's first move is to resign?

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>favorite chess player?
That azn gurl whos in top 100

Chess can't even come close to based nip Shougi.
They only care about making the female the strongest character kek

But thats normal when the divegrass games are on season

Then you win.

Hou Yifan?

>Fritz costs 70 Euros + tip in 2019
I had so much fun learning chess with it as a child, can't believe they've gone full microtransactions etc

>chess is Western
Couldn't be farther from the truth, both historically or currently

Just pirate chess master 10th for the lessons. Still great

People who say Go or Shougi is better than chess are usually either weebs or contrarians (or not white).

Yeah but it's all irrelevant because Mahjong is better than all of them.