Why is this game so toxic?
The ADL has declared it must be stopped.
Why is this game so toxic?
forgot link
wait, can't you just mute everyone?
Valve is finished.
study deez nuts
probably because players are "stuck" into a match for an hour, with team mates, so if something goes wrong, they just blame the enemy or the team, but not themselves.
And have iulsions of greatness thinking that winning games will get them closer to win a tournament for millions and retire.
WTF, I love Dota now?
As a League player I am triggered Riot is doing nothing to take the crown.
>In terms of identity-based harassment, 38% of female players believed they’d experienced harassment because of their gender, and 35% of LGBTQ+ players because of their sexual orientation. 31% of African American and 24% of Latinx players reported harassment based on their ethnicities respectively, and 19% of both Jewish and Muslim players because of their religion.
How do these internet racists know about your race and religion?
Trash talking has always been a part of DOTA. ADL can suck a fat one
Good, "toxic" is a buzzword made up by thinskinned faggots and betamales that can't handle pressure or bantz. The more "toxic" a community is the healthier it is.
Try saying you are black in any competitive video game and you will instantly be called a filthy nigger
This study quantified harassment as anything from name calling and criticizing your play upward. Given how many retards ive played dota with, and how many times ive been retarded playing dota, i figure 79% is low
>The Anti-Defamation (((League)))
it all makes sense now
The problem isnt that the guy is mean on the internet.
The problem is that they start throwing the match and ruin the game for everybody.
Valve enables such behavior. Even professional players will offensively tip and spam voice lines
At one of the ESL events, a player on the losing team won the MVP award for throwing the finals so hard
It's part of the charm and what makes the community one-of-a-kind, despite reddit's constant bitching
Why do you have to say your race or sexual orientation in an online game? At that point you deserve you.
>Only 74% even using highly biased metrics.
Hey man pretty good. I thought it would be worse. Guess Dota 2 is better than I thought.
Seriously people need to ignore online comms if they’re offensive, there’s mute functionality and it works
I shouldn’t be getting banned for 2 weeks if I say the word fag but my teammate who throws a game because Jamal impales his ass every night doesn’t get a slap on the wrists even then why the fuck bother
As a jew, this sort of thing terrifies me
Never forget the holocaust began with "innocent nazi banter" and "based and redpilled speeches" from h*tler
I'm ashamed of the Dota community because that number needs to be higher
Nice bait.
Stop it user you’re making too much sense! They goyim will see through the charade!!!!
Just a note for those who don't know. The ADL was founded by butthurt Jews after a Jew Leo Frank was lynched for raping and murdering a 13 yo girl.
Who the fuck cares what the adl thinks, fuck them up the ass.
Anti defamation league, that exists to make as much money from donations as possible.
under the proper definition of toxic it's the smash community, there are toads with less toxic secretions
this, they are only doing this to increase donations from feminist organizations.
Daily reminder that. All jews go in the oven forever and always~
A nice detail, they tried to frame a black guy who was his employee and no one believe it for a second in a pre-Civil Rights era Oregon.
I've played Dota a very long time and I wouldn't have it any other way. Do you know why? Because the alternative is nobody talking to each other. See: real life and most other games (MMOs are a prime example). When people can say whatever they want, they're more likely to talk to each other. Dota 2 is Yea Forums and League of Legends is Reddit. That's the difference.
Why would say that you are gay in a Dota 2 match? Like it's a 30 minute match with strangers out shouldn't come up.
wtf is that? first the french faggot napoleon the third tricks retarded Central and South Americans into thinking they are part of a greater latin identity so he can stick it to the British. Now they are getting tricked by retarded Americans to de-gender their language this making it unusable as an efficient language.
Basically Jews?
'MOBAS' are basically betting your life time for a few seconds of joy if you win or an entire hour of pure hell if you lose.
>losing because a retard with fat fingers activated his bkb on base and didn't have it for the teamfight
>Dota more toxic than LoL
I saw more toxicity in any single game of LoL I played over the 3 years I played in than the entirety of the 3 months I played Dota
ADL needs to be abolished
The ADL has turned into a SJW organization over the past 10 years because they have seen massive increases in donations when they did.
It's a shitshow for cash.
Being in America degenerates you.
It's more likely some faggot playing dota got called faggot as a random insult and took it personally, as if I would call you a nigger and you turned out to be black and took it personally.
It's incredible how often i can call the south american i'm stuck with niggers and not get muted.
Based Valve.
Is it something like this
>do something wrong
>everyone on your team tells you to kys
Jews tricked white people into tricking chicanos (aka not real, actual mexicans) that having a gendered language is bad.
The ADL is a jewish organization btw, it was setup to counter hatred of jews.
So now they just attack gamers, to cause people to hate jews, so they can fight hatred of jews.
I'm American and I've never heard of that. Is there really a movement do de-sex the Spanish language, or are you exaggerating?
No... it's more like
>teammate dies like a retard
>start my 30 minute rant about niggers, kikes, muslims, subhumans, immigration, etc
They hate that it’s pretty much the only game left where calling somebody a nigger kike isn’t bannable.
Dude the ADL is an SJW group from before SJWs were a thing. SJWs trace their roots to them and their bullshit.
Yeah, the local globalist right brought it here to Latin America.
Cool. This is what happens when a bunch of fucking children jump into a competitive team game without playing through the tutorial. At least before, most people had at least played an rts, or some similarly controlled game. Fucking kids coming in and barely know how to work the mouse, and whining about how it's not fun when you tell them to just stop feeding.
I don't play team games.
If I win at something I want to be able to savor the absolute anal devastation of my opponents on my own.
My best memory of dota is calling a dude a nigger, him getting incredibly buttflustered, then spending the next hour learning he was a dumb coon from Atlanta with delusions, then reminding him that Tump won over and over again while he screamed like a monkey.
Jews do anything for money, including bashing vidya for more donations.
Yeah. Been around for a few years now.
Remember, if they censor Dota2 now. You get to blame the Jews.
and now leftists are raping the latin language by pretending the non-gendered term is "latinx" instead of simply and correctly... latin.
Sorry but Gaben cannot be awoken by anything less than a hat crisis.
yes, you can and usually it helps, but having to mute everyone shouldnt be a standart in a multiplayer teambased game.
While i think toxicity is a meme and in most games not as bad as people usually make it out, mobas take it to an actual extreme level where something must be done
Don't post that in our threads ever again
The dota community can be the biggest shitheads online but there's genuine passion for the game from most people, not a lot of other games have people willing to get shit on in an hour plus game just to immediately queue again
>enter game
>3 of the 4 other players on my team are peruvians who refuse to speak english
>tell the third world fucking shits to play on their own god damn servers and use the language settings
>they reply in broken english telling me to go fuck myself
I don't even say anything offensive, and I've been called "Toxic" countless times. Apparently, telling people that their build is garbage, or pointing at their kda is "Toxic".
>needing to tell your race to others
>not just playing the fucking game
They bring it on themselves.
Dont confuse passion with addiction, if there was any passion people could just shut the fuck up and enjoy the game
everyone is already muted in dota 2 either by players themselves or the dota2 muting system.
You can't improve the behaviour of people who are locked into long matches of frustrating gameplay that seems unwinnable.
Passion is what drives anger and resentment. You attack things because you love them. That's why Yea Forums gets so ass blasted about videogames.
This. The problem is matchmaking itself. If you had a lobby only system where people could vet each other before playing it would eliminate most of the problems people have.
Why do you feel the need for racial validation you filthy nigger?
>community behaves a certain way
>"we need to change the community"
Why? You don't see white people going in the hood and say that niggers can't nog anymore.
quickly, someone from the tribe of god's chosen people had his feelings hurt, we must rush to their aid!
antisemitism back was more than innocent banter especially in Poland
flaming was even more prominent in warcraft 3 customs. it's a part of the tradition.
Thats a different kind of passion.
Back in the days of wc3 dota i played all night long with some friends i met in dota, sometimes a dude was drunken plus, kept failng horribly and everyone just laughed it off since it looked funny, while i was worshipped as AA god, it was a great feeling to own people and a horrible feeling to get owned, i think thats what you mean. It can cause anger, but in the end we all just played the because it was really fun.
In modern Moba people will start to assault you for not picking the hero they want you to pick. In fact they dont even care about them feeding aslong you can carry them. They stopped playing the hero that makes the most fun, they only pick whats the highest chance of winning and call it meta.
They are not passionate about playing the game, they are addicted to the instagratification called elo and winning screen.
Most of /v are for example passionate about JRPG because they love them because of what they are, not because it gives them some gratification, dopaminshit and other addiction related things
>that dislike ratio
based latinos
You can but you will be putting yourself at a disadvantage when communication is important to making big plays
>It's Dota2
>Not Hon
These fucking zoomers
Are we learning why Hitler did what he did now?
The comments are killing me. It seems like Youtube doesn't have good filters for Spanish speakers.
>Help! I was born with a penis
pretty sure XIV has already surpassed them
source: go check any MMO thread that isn't XIV
So they won the popular vote and we can throw out the electoral college?
>imagine giving more than zero fucks about fucking videogame chatrooms
so just lose and play the next one?
it's not the end of the fucking world
If we could get ranked turbo all of my problems would be fixed. I just don't like having to sit in for an entire hour, and maybe have the game go sideways, and have to play on the losing side for 45 min, only to watch my rank go down.
>tfw hate ADL for thinking all criticism of Israel is anti-Semitic but have to routinely defend it from chuds who hate it because they’re actual anti-Semitic
Opinion Disregarded.
This. Israel sucks. They're the invaders of a land that doesn't belong to them, and are violently forcing out the people who have lived there for hundreds of years. Plenty of jews aren't part of that.
Cry wolf more.
>join game
>”hey guys im a nigger”
Russians and BRs.
>Try saying you are black in any competitive video game
I play fighting games in the US, there's no need to state the obvious.
On the other hand, the (((Fellow White People))) meme exists for a reason.
As long as you're fluent in pings the best experience is to mute chat & voice and youll be fine.
That is literally anti-semetic and you will be labled as such. You are as much an anti-semite as fucking Dicky spergler . They have that power because people like you let them.
Why say you are black in the first place?
Are you a nigger or a vegan?
The pings and dozens of prebaked voice messages and the ability to draw things on the map help too.
>play unranked
>play another game
>chinese person calls other people nigger
>start playing regularly with this creepy quiet guy
>starts calling people nigger when he gets mad
Honestly I only really report the people who say '> good game, well played twenty' times
I don’t use Reddit, but GamerGhazi is pretty based for standing up to neo-fascists back when they weren’t even the serious threat they are now. I salute them.
new fav player found
So you hate israel, but also hate other people who hate israel and will lambast them for agreeing with you?
109 countries since 760 bc. Maybe, just maybe the antisemites are in the right.
Are you a communist or a liberal?
Game with the most whiny bitches has the most harassment?
No way....
im jew
you can, and people who actually give a shit just mute people in dota. these kikes are just trying to find a new angle to slither their way in so people will pay for their (((services))) to fix the "problem"
the only "toxicity" that needs to be fixed and valve has not fixed is people fighting over roles.
Fuck off ADL. DOTA is one of the few games that isn't completely railroaded by bullshit and the community is genuinely fun to play with. I don't want DOTA to turn into fucking Overwatch. Shut up or GTFO
WHY Yea Forums?
according to the ADL there's literally nothing wrong with apartheid in Israel
I doubt the ten guys sill playing HoN are that toxic to each other still.
last week it was mordhau. This week its Dota2. Next week it will be something else. It doesn't end with these people. Stop giving their pages clicks
>paints Russians as the victims
>when they're behind 90% of this shit
You CANNOT make this shit up
ADL is funded by rich jews and congres members shakedowns, they don't care
I wouldn't doubt Dota is the worst but still hilarious
>British Leftists are some of the most anti-Semitic people in the world - Former head of the British Jewish Council
Imagine being this autistic
fucking ADL is literally a thought policing organization and it needs to go away
All team games have toxic communities. It's as simple as your victory depending on having to work together with strangers.
>Not a single soul:
>Not even God himself:
>DotA 2 incel: i'm gOnNa sAy tHe N-wOrD!
Why are you guys like this???
Can't mute throwers
They've clearly never played either Left 4 Dead
Jews making bank from the very thing they claim to be fighting against? Fuck out of here.
From watching different streams it seems much worse in NA than EU/RU.
Is this some sort of leddit meme?
What's this retard even trying to convey?
Bring back self hosted servers as the norm for online games and 'toxicity' disappears
Fuck p2p matchmaking was the worst thing to happen to games
Only addicted no-life losers like me still play this trash game
Same here.
Nigger and faggot are like the two best words to throw around. They roll off the tongue so well and Nigger in particular is fucking EVERYWHERE in rap and hiphop. Plus it makes people mad and you get the thrill of saying something you aren't supposed to now that swearing is so common. Like nobody cares if you sake fuck around childeren anymore so its lost its value.
I resent that. League isn't Jewish, it's Chinese.
How hard is it to just add people to your friend's list to play games with? Every problem with "toxicity" could be solved by only associating with people who you find enjoyable, you then don't have to mute your own team and can communicate properly. Not only does it lead to better experiences, but it also makes playing the game easier since everyone's coordinating.
This all seems like a problem that a minority of people expect everyone else to bend to their will and give them a safe space. Sometimes, you have to make your own safe space, if that's what you really want.
>ana: dumb china man
>ana: you dumb chink
>they're not sand-jews they're yellow-jews
Dota players have LITERALLY killed each other over Dota. That’s actual toxicity.
just bantz
Yeah but so have CS and wow players
In SEA and other shitty locations.
But then, you'll never see ADL go after them because they're utter cowards who wouldn't want to actually put themselves at risk for their cause.
ADL only cares about jews, Israel and fucking with white people.
Its a solution, IF there was actually decent teamranked and not just duo queue (in league)
I've played DotA since wc3 days and it's not wrong. DotA community is honestly just bad for your mental health. Great game design, though.
Damn these are some epic memes, consider yourself upboated
I've actually got no clue how league works, but I know in DotA, for ranked you have solo or full group queue. I've played quite a few games with a team of five, and it massively improves the experience.
Got the quote wrong, try again.
Woow! such an epic meme xD
I too, like to use the most facebook/youtube memes of the moment to explain myself! otherwise, I do not know how to get my retarded points across!
hit the bell too
and became your patreon too, my internet cool memester
This is weird to me, because I play dota on US servers all the time and I rarely hear anything like this. The most I might get is spanish people babbling what I can only assume are slurs in voice chat.
Is it really worse than EUW league? Honest answers from people who have spent time with both please.
And a kid killed his friend over fucking Tibia 12 years ago.
You guys have Clash don't you?
Also how is duo-ing against solos not boosting, basically?
Dotards are so fucking based
Are these OPs ironic anymore? Go back to twitter turbonigger
I miss HoN so much I'm willing to try DOTA2 again but looks and plays like a step backwards almost entirely
Is it even worth it right now?
If you call everyone in the match a gay nigger jew spic shitlord who needs to uninstall and die eventually you're gonna hit some battleships
You can't mute bad players either. Or talk shit to them either anymore apparently. I guess I just have to be nice to them and not "ruin their experience" even though they've ruined mine
Not like people have been killed over sports in real life or anything....
He actually killed the kid over gay sex, the kid(12) was going to expose the older kid (16) to his parents
Hitler didn't go far enough
Is this the new (You) farming meta?
Damn, I'm still left behind at have sex.
Being racist is essential for being good at dotes
>74% of dota players have been harassed
bullshit, the other 26% are lying or are so blind they can't read the chat.
If you mute the faggots and just play to have fun the game can be fun even while losing.
Playing mobas to win is retarded
oy very what do we do about this sexist racist dota nazis?!?
Why do Devs expect people to be polite when playing a game that induces stress and excitement?
A team-based game where a single player can irrecoverably lose the game for them, even early in the game, is a recipe for frustration. I honestly do not see the point of playing that game unless your entire team is made of good friends
lol even if you have a party of good friends, the game can still be frustrating due to RNG shitfests and how laughably unbalanced it is.
Keep your dirty fucking jew hands off of my DotA you god damn oven dodgers
Highest esports prize pool EVERY SINGLE YEAR we don't need an influx of trannies and people who don't give two squirts of piss about this game to try and grandstand their bullshit moral superiority, we don't need you so
Can't be more toxic than heroes of newerth
>thinks im natsoc
Mute? Loool, that is not how it works! You must censor, ban and (if possible) send the cops to the person whose mean words offended you! That is how we will definetly end racism, bigotry, all hate in the world!
Wut. Check your bot script, I think it's broken.
Why is Dota 2 so based?
>Valve adds even more stupid shit for players to use to tilt and harass people
What did Gaben mean by this?
I'm really starting to despise Americans. They're the font of all this fucking stupidity.
>team liquid
It still hurts dotards
the n in pcagmesN stands for nigger, thats also why its black. that is why pc games n is the most toxic omnline community\
How long do you think these limpdicked softies will last in Dota 2's SEA server arguably the worst mainstream MP game server of the modern age?
This is why I quit the game. Best decision I ever made for my mental health.
>el presidente
>no trash talk found
weird. Ive played about 1000 hours of both LoL and Dota and found LoL to be the toxic one. It got to the point where i couldnt play a single game of League without someone getting so fucking mad they quit mid ranked match. DotA2 is way more chill
Fuck off, ahmed.
and fuck islam.
>ana went through some dark times
Being near a jew really got to him
League kinda removed that fullgroup feature and turned it into something called flex queue which is no real teamqueue and lacks of any balance
Clash is a ocassionally happening tournament mode that tends to crash the whole game, nah duoing is not boosting since it auto raises your mmr.
Duo queue is only worth if both players are basicly ahead of their mmr anyway
>pro player just says afro american on tournament stream
Dota is only ""toxic"" because people talk, LoL is so fucked that the only way to detect "toxicity" is through chat - which the playerbase has wisened up too. The amount of feeders/leavers/surrender/abandoners in LoL is x10 more than that of Dota. The entire LoL penalty system is completely worse than Dota in every way.
>get banned/suspended
>make alt
>play more, wait out suspension
>get sentenced to low prio hell
>can NEVER play again until you finish low prio hell
>you NEED to win to get out of low prio hell
one requires you to WAIT out your punishment, the other requires you to actually get punished with people who are as shitty as you presumably
People that say "gr" after every fucking round also are more annoying.
>caring about toxicity
>2011 + 8
wait what is this actually in the game?
There's a lot of things "actually in the game"
The point is the guy is Vietnamese.
He's a half viet half chink who lives in aussieland. He probably hated the chinks' guts after playing with them before joining OG.
How much do you think Tencent paid the ADL to publish this?
>underaged edgelord gets pissy calls people niggers in chat
>Teammate tells him to shut up and play the game
>Underaged edgelord throws a tantrum and throws the game
>Yea Forums will defend this behavior for some reason
>The ADL
Reminder to amerimutts and people who defend jews on the internet that Israel receives 40 billions dollars straight from hard-working american people.
>having to mute everyone shouldnt be a standart in a multiplayer teambased game.
Why not? Just do it and stop whining.
Alternate solution, even easier: Grow a thicker skin you fucking emotional child, and accept as normal that there will be some banter when you play games. And that banter won't be PG.
The solution in your example would be to just let the guy say nigger in peace.
And none of them even care
sad really
their democrats complain that trumps wall would cost too much but then sign off on financing israels wall for them
but when will the adl be stopped?
match making was a mistake, we had dedicated servers with dedicated mod teams for a reason.
When will shit like this ever end?
I mute people either way, because I'd rather not hear people yelling and screaming, while I'm playing a game.
I call everyone a nigger. White, black, asian i dont give a fuck about your actual skincolor. Same with faggot
unequivocally based
How would anyone even know you're a Jew in DOTA 2 or Minecraft?
>play some Dota 2
>get in game
>hear this youtube.com
What do Yea Forums?
Dota is BASED
MOBA's have always had awful communities. This goes all the way back to when DOTA was just a Warcraft 3 map the community back then was just as awful.
>this is only the start of their """studies"""
>game journos are just gonna use this shit to force devs to censor
Good luck getting Valve to regulate """"toxicity"""", those fucks are way too lazy and just leave it to their playerbase to self-moderate.
>Back then people played Deutschland uber alles on custom servers without giving a shit, also shit like griefing and harassment were a thing.
>Now you can't even say nigger without get banned or jewed out of your game.
What the fuck happened?
nothing is certain user, never doubt the power of twitter outrage and journos
Valve will only react if their shekels are in danger
Dead by Daylight is far worse
Back when I played I would tell everyone I was gay randomly, without provocation. It was a great way to make my teammates laugh.
Mate this is valve we're talking about. The only language they know is money.
valve are so lazy they wont even do anything to protect their shekels when epics buying exclusives, they will do nothing to stop "toxicity"
Russians, Chinese, and BRs all in the same game invading every region. The trifecta of shitty etiquette in one place.
Because you're stuck with absolutely frustrated idiots for extended periods of time. There's really no other reason.
Well perhaps you wouldn't get so much shit talk if you weren't such a gwailo chabuduo porra lixoa cyka blyat.
Yeah, I'm sure the seething gopnik who won't shut the fuck up about my perceived inadequacy was about to be an incredible shot-caller in the mid game.
>Why is this game so toxic?
Because its free so that means Russians and Brazilians will flock to it. The literal scum of the Earth.
Don't forget about the Chinese
Dota teaches you different languages. How is this a bad thing?