You ARE buying their game, right?

you ARE buying their game, right?
you're not a faggot are you Yea Forums?

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What's the gameplay like?

mystery dungeon with titties

should I cancel my physical pre-order from playasia and just get it on the eshop?

I wish I was more of a fan of dungeon crawlers and JRPGs in general. The only lewd series I'm really interested in is Senran Kagura because it's a brawler.

>$120 aud on eshop for deluxe edition
whew lad, that's pricey. If it was released a few months ago during the Switch drought I would buy it, but just got Fire Emblem and MUA3, so I'm busy. Then Astral Chain, Link's Awakening, Atelier Ryza,etc on the way.

I'll get it one day.

I don't like how small they turn out. They should have pushed for a lot bigger max size.

give me a quick rundown on atelier ryza
I have no idea what that game actually plays like

>game about cowtits
I refuse to support this

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please respond

>They start with small boobs but they grow as you play

So does buying this game makes you a pedophile or not?

will this game get more substantial dlc in the future?

I don't know specifics on battle or crafting system, but Atelier is basically cute slice of life anime with item crafting and turnbased combat. You don't save the world or anything

Why couldn't we have gotten Z?
It had much better looking art and character designs

I disagree. Plus this one surely has improved gameplay.

the tits get bigger as you level up. in theory it is possible to complete levels with no level ups so your character is always as flat as she was in the beginning
company panicked and lost all the code because they're idiots

why will no one answer me

You actually think the new art looks better?

I only like buying my games, physical, OP. Playasia is a pain in the ass when it comes to shipping duration. I'll prolly just wait for a US seller on ebay.

Not him, but I do. The only issue I have is the fact that there is no longer a playable loli character in Life. Massive missed opportunity, if you ask me.

Yes I am a faggot, any problem with that?

The art is fucking hideous. You'd have to be a literal braindead retard to find these designs appealing.
Also, I'm pirating it

what are this game about? can you fondle the character like in senran kagura?

Is it on PC?

but then you get cucked out of the dlc since there's no asian eshop

Sorry user, but you're wrong

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is any of the dlc for this game worth it?
will it have more dlc later?

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For the Nintendo Switch? Yes. But not for the PlayStation 4 since they censored breasts.

Looks like a bunch of cosmetic shit and some bgm changes at the minute. Don't know about in the future though.

Maybe in the future. I'm interested, but not sure if $60 interested.

too old

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Let me get a Switch first, faglord.

Pqube and D3 lost quite a bit of money due to the forced cancellation of OLZ. Your best bet is to buy this game and hope to fucking god they get enough money to port the previous game to switch and PC.

>make a fetish pandering game
>do a terrible job appealing to your target audience
It's a fucking slap in the face for anyone who enjoys cowtits and breast expansion. How can they have the audacity to charge full price for such pathetic delivery? It's already practically devoid of gameplay, the least they could do is crank up the fetish pandering to an acceptable degree.

no nip no buy

did any of the previous games have dlc with actual content?
like non cosmetic stuff?
I really can't decide if I should just buy it on the eshop or import the asia version because I don't know if it'll have worthwhile dlc and don't want to lock myself out of it

poor girls seem to always be stuck in the same pose

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No Switch so I'm just buying the art book.

Z only had cosmetic stuff, no levels or anything locked behind DLC. Character dungeons and puzzle dungeons are part of the base game and not add ons.
I can see them MAYBE adding the Z girls since they have their character songs included but that's a very huge MAYBE