>final boss is so strong he can break out of his own endgame raid and hunt down your tender asspussy in a levelling dungeon
I barely know luke gimmicks how the hell am I supposed to do fiend war Yea Forums
>final boss is so strong he can break out of his own endgame raid and hunt down your tender asspussy in a levelling dungeon
I barely know luke gimmicks how the hell am I supposed to do fiend war Yea Forums
>HP bar x80154
The fuck
>mid 2019
>people still don't know luke raid shit
Glad I dropped this trash.
I could never keep up and get geared enough for people to actually take me to raid.
That's cosmofiend, he's a buggy fuck but he's also got a couple hundred billion HP yeah
Whats the Yea Forumserdict on Fpriest subclasses?
miko a best
sader a sader
inquis a useful
mistress a shit
They're all very cute
when will it be her time again bros...
I have never done a single raid and I've been playing since the Nexon days.
She has a sader sister now
Can Enchantress even compete against Neople's chosen saders?
No one can compete with Msader currently
Fsader is probably a smidge better than enchantress
did you raise your daughter right, user
I raised my daughter into a good sword daughter and punch daughter.
I could have been worse, yes one of them was a NEET but it's okay I didn't get any of them married to a dark elf
I'd rather relax than raid.
user, that's basically the prostitute job but with no money
That depends.
Ehh it could be worse she could be a wandering drunk, weirdo cultist, or neople developer
GBL second best end for daughteru
>not trusting your girl to MJ
>An error has occurred.
>Work has been deleted or the ID does not exist.
Thanks, 8 Goddesses!
Please give me the sauce. Also, I wish I could stick with this game.
There's an event going on now that gives you basically two free foot-in-the-door raid geared characters user
Artist sudoku'd his pixiv a while back. A shame really. It was HR.B iirc.
It's not that, I really like the gameplay and all but I can just never focus on going through the story all the way. I don't really have an interest in raiding.
That is extremely unfortunate.
Well even characters get the fastlane levelling, no story just just bumps of exp
But I WANT to go through the story. I just find it hard to finish. Don't worry, I'll go back to the game eventually. Maybe I can get my buds to join.
Fug, I missed out on a 2nd set of daughters?
Ye they did more and added new ends too
useless bug
S-she'll get a buff you'll see
Stay cool this summer friends
The game kind of sucks, but man are the designs great.
I like the new grind better than the old grind
>enjoys seeing his daughter get hurt
But why?
She's a big girl and can take care of herself
>not having a daughterfu tough enough to take it
best class
Nah it's cool she's strong enough to raid
I love Elesis!
>that pose
>that wink
When's isis
I'd raid her Anton if you know what I mean.
user no
What, afraid of a couple health bars?
Post your characters
Also, who should I get to level 95 and main?
>only one 95
omg (lol)
I love her too, I think I was really into the GC mobage during the 2nd daughter event so I named all my daughters after the girls. It's a shame her game died and was reborn as a mobage so she has to piggyback off her brother's game.
Do you have a character you really enjoy playing/looking at even if they have flaws? Otherwise it's hard to go wrong with the Ghostblade, he's still top tier DPS in Korea
You should main whoever you have the most fun with.
How do you guys play so much?
I lost control of my life.
I really gotta stitch a newer one together.
Does the sprite editor thing work now?
ring ring...
I literally only level characters and barely do endgame, getting 12 characters to lvl 90/95 takes maybe 300 hours tops. its not that much playtime.
What Harlem Epic set for Enchantress? Does her hot affection proc the plate armor enough for it to be good?
cute feet
>perfect ass
>comments on her feet instead
gas all footfags.
you should level an event character and main because free ebins
ayyyy that's kinda good
>liking ass
nigger detected
Is tower of dazzlement supposed to be this easy
DFO in a nutshell. Difficulty is so overrated! Just roll your face on your keyboard and do big numbers!!
>using a keyboard
omg (lol
No, specifically this tower. Anguish feels a lot harder to me.
All the top pvp gooks use keyboard!
It doesn't have any enemy gimmicks of Anguish or super damage and gimmicks of Despair. It's just normal enemies with buffed HP. It only marginally difficult if you don't/barely meet the exorcism requirement and that's only because it'll take you forever to kill anything.
So yeah, enjoy your super easy 95 ebin weapon that just made Anguish look like a waste of time in comparison.
Is EMPhomo still scamming people?
Also DFO in a nutshell. What's that? You spent 5 months to get that shiny new piece of gear? Here's some new content that lets you get something even better faster!
she got banned during agent release for sundering mileage avatars
fucking kek
>gear resets have never happened in any mmo ever
Sure but it feels terrible in DFO thanks to the horrible gook grind.
only in bad ones
We've been blessed with multiple events for gearing chars into a state ready for the next step of grind and even got some unique experienceâ„¢ shit that even worst korea is a bit jealous of.
Like shit, look at upgrading 90 armor. Weeks of luke raids just to upgrade one piece, and you needed to upgrade 5 pieces. And you had to get those 5 pieces out of hell and had no control over which set you'd end up with. Then Harlem comes along...
>waaah my luge can only get me into fiend war why can't I skip literally everything with this old gear
China detected
Joke's on you, I didn't stick around for 95 cap. :^)
What mmo doesn't make gear obsolete with each new cap?
I finally got epics (non-franken) in all slots thank to harlem haha
is nen still unrivaled best girl
Post monk girls please baka desu senpai
Doesn't exist.
What am I supposed to do when I hit 95 again
Other than "make a new character", I mean
W-what's this?
something that you probably wont be able to play for the better part of a decade if not more. just pretend it doesnt exist.
Project BBQ (working title)
Shut up what is it. Tell me. also why wouldn't I be able to play it? Gook exclusive?
I don't know anything about this game but this is my mommygf
not a mom
>see another dfo thread
>still love most designs
>get the urge to play again
>remember the gookshit grind and drop off
I don't even think I played past 90 cap, that must have been years ago.
Even if I start again, I'll be stuck deciding if I want to gear my Elementalist, Crusader, M Brawler, F. Spitfire, or Avenger and end up failing at gearing all of them and getting sick of it.
It's a tech demo/preview of a game that won't be out forever and we haven't heard anything about it since it was publicly revealed. You really shouldn't get your hopes up for it my man. It probably will be gook exclusive at least for a little while too, though they'll have to open the floodgates to China sooner or later because of DFO's popularity there.
Your mom is a very strong and fun class, you should play her user
Levelling event for new classes right now, get on it user free ebins
>b-but I don't want those classes
you use them to make gearing the classes you want easier
Do it so you can go to beat up on some fags from Harlem. At least with Avenger, you can't get tempted to play Dress Up Fighter Online.
Convince me to not reinstall and destroy all my ebins.
If you liked the look of some of your old ebin weapons, you can use them as weapon skins later.
Wait shit really
That's what it looks like here, unless there's something I'm missing.
wait you can raise a daugher in this game?
>all those cool grinded weapons I thought were useless
>finally implement a system that lets people turn them into weapon skins after a decade
I hate neople so much.
It was just a (limited time) event.
You could, for an event. Not anymore.
You can also get into a "relationship" with certain NPCs, but only in the Gook Version.
Yes, there's a daughteru maker event that has happened a couple times now. She's a pretty nice lookin' loli if you're into that. How you raise her determines what she grows into.
Didn't they like fire the fucking guy who released 95 cap so fast and invalidated all that gear? I thought I heard that.
>not saving your ebins
That's why I'm glad I held onto all my weapons on my mom, even if I would never use them again. I just liked having a collection of ebin swords in my vault.
aw that sucks
that's such a selling point it should be a main feature
Is Witch good or bad now a days?
true mom player right here
Last I checked she was still kinda eh
>final boss actively hunts down players
Are there any other games like this?
Wish you didnt go through energy is 2 seconds. I remember watching some streamer and this guy had to swap characters literally every 10min~. I lost all motivation to play and deleted the game instantly.
>Last I checked she was still kinda eh
rip it's the one class I really enjoyed playing
You sure he wasn't just doing dailies? 1-29 or whatever the stretch is these days should take at least an hour.
Not like bad eh, she's better than she was number-wise. Just still struggling with an identity. She's got some burst now, but it feels antithetical to have these machines just to bitter them for a quick explosion. She has all these cute loli homunculi, but they do more harm than good in any real content. She has her swatter polymorphing, but again hinders more than helps.
If you mean fatigue the even is shoving free pots down your throat too.
>She has all these cute loli homunculi, but they do more harm than good in any real content.
The greatest crime.
I heard you can't even play this with a gamepad
I honestly couldn't even be assed to speedlevel my Ghostblade these last two days, I just played my SD and got off. Maybe I'll open it up in a few minutes and get him to cap.
The special lewd text with witch wanting to examine beggy is nice, but yeah. I wish they were usable.
Reminder that enchantress is a fucking psycho, protect the other mages from her
Harlem Assault to get your harlem legendaries
Dawning Crevice to upgrade your harlem legs to epics
Maybe Otherverse if you feel like getting your (old) buff set.
Spam Celestial rifts with your invites/stones for getting to 95
Operation Hope for your (new) buff set.
Wait, what are celestial rifts I thought dawning crevice was rift
>blonde spunky female priest gets replaced with wimpy emo waifubait female priest
A psycho in bed!
Dawning Crevice gives you aberrant crystals/fragments which is used to buy harlem epic recipes from the old lady. I think you're thinking of Pandemonium Rift.
never forgetti
they had these sprites done then backed out of it and redid the whole thing for edgepriest
>this is an edgelord according to neo-nu-Yea Forums
I don't get it either, seraph is cinnamon roll
I'm maining Necromancer and there is literally nothing you can do to stop me.
I already put my free Sky's Legacy weapon on her.
How much longer is the leveling event anyway, I won't be able to start until tomorrow, and admittedly I'm pretty low-tier at this kind of game, I even manage to fuck up supposedly easy events like these.
Heh, that's nothing. I gave my free sky's legacy to my Mistress.
I hate that are there like 6+ generic DFO tags on Pixiv.
It goes on until fucking September dude.
I never quite got back into the game after the whole nexon thing. But before that all happened i had a 50 Asura and F.Ranger that i loved playing. So this pic is rather lacking. Any of the characters that have a sub class (And F.Ranger) decent or terrible to the point of mentioning? I have no idea what is good these days and maybe ill hop back in if the game is still getting support. I always thought the game was pretty much dead NA.
How do you get free sky legacy
>urge to put big dick weapon on a character with no gear intensifies
Flancer when
Only if the F stands for Futa
Make a room.
You will get her when M theif and F agent happen
There's very few classes you could say are super terrible. We're long past the days of something like this (besides saders being forever god tier)
Even if it's a girl, you'll still be a chink.
Is this a class or a character? I see her posted a lot, even outside of these threads.
She is F Slayer's Swordmaster/Majesty subclass.
Why haven't the gooks updated this yet
Because neople changes how every class works every other month?
>All that time of MSpit being godawful Niel memes
>Then they just kill Niel in one update and rework a bunch of his other skills on top of turning Black Roses into burstshit
A part of me will always feel empty. I miss Niel, but at the same time I'm glad he's gone.
Mom is a female slayer class, the sword master
What's the best class for summoning sexy girls? I will play it even if it's shit.
Drug Addict Man has his own eldritch horror.
Because you have this now.
Is it just her? I mean, that's cool I guess. I'll use him then.
Summoner can summon a bunch of sexy girls too.
It was pretty bad in that you had to really stack it for it to be great, but I always thought it was cool. Throwing a grenade to mark a spot for snipers to shoot just isn't the same. I miss those BOOM HEADSHOT moments
Why would you shill this game if there's no guild to grind with?!
They're all dead because the game has been out for so long and the playerbase hasn't grown. Discord didn't help.
apply to airbears, mention tessa in your application message
The last two guilds were NEET (discord) and NFA (started recruiting outside of Yea Forums). Go ahead
And isn't a Yea Forums guild.
thank yall for posting about this game, just got it and its fun
how often do they run these quick levelling events? would be nice to have some other characters too
Even outside of events leveling isn't bad, and you can buy level up capsules to expedite the process further. Plus, when you're not doing the fast leveling stuff, you can experience the plot and question how they made a character who does everything wrong like Vaughn.
This is like the 3rd one? I also thought I saw a popup or something that mentioned you can make fastlane leveling characters like twice a month.
She's fun.
>We want the facebook audience!
yes she is
>mmage makes for a better fmage than fmage
yeah but theres only enchantress and ghostblade as options for fastlevelling so it would be pointless to make another one of those
I want to play this game but as soon as i downloaded it i was banned
Imagine being so chinese you get banned before you even log in.
Im not even chinese im am amerimutt
>be american
>get banned
How do you accomplish this
Don't use steam.
i got a 95 character now thanks to the event + the full epic set, what am i supposed to do now?
Also make another event character and max them out to get the weapon box
i dont know how to do any of those things (dawning crevice etc)
well i just tried dawning crevice and got completely fucked by one of the semibosses not even the actual boss
i dont know what im doing
Played this game years ago, like 2010-ish I believe, how's it now?
Redpill me on DFO i never played a side scroller mmo before
You can, but the interface for it is so old it can't detect analog triggers.
>playing a shitty bitcoin miner
Okay i'll try to explain this as best I can. A fresh 95 event character has a +10 Harlem Epic Weapon(Normally something you'd get through tower of dazzlement), a full Harlem Epic Armor set of your choice(Normally obtained through dawning crevice) and a set of legendary accessories/special equipment(Normally obtained through assault mode and upgradable to harlem epic versions, keep that in mind for non-event characters you may make later on). If you had unboxed your gear earlier today they should already be Superior quality gear.
For skills the general rule of thumb is max your subclass passives/buffs and max out your clear cube using skills. Someone who actually knows the classes can probably give better advice.
Generally speaking your path of progression in 95 cap from this point is to do enough Dawning Crevice to upgrade your accessories to harlem epics and then move on to Tayberrs and upgrade your event Harlem epic armors into Tayberrs gear. This isn't as strict as you think since you have quite a headstart already between the event character buff and having a full harlem epic armor set already. For the most part Dawning Crevice should be a cakewalk for you, taking no more than 2-3 min per run including the sidebosses and if no one is willing to accept you into tayberrs( and assuming you don't have the capital to buy tayberrs runs) you're actually still geared enough to run it in it's easier guide version to get a hang of the gimmicks of the three Tayberrs bosses. Though fair warning it will be on the slower side.
Aside from that you can and should do operation hope when you can to get your buffswap gear(Assign this with the "buff enhancement" book in your inventory). Total Eclipse is the dungeon of choice for gold farming if you have spare FP
To add on to that last bit, about Total Eclipse, running the highest difficulty, Slayer, nets you 20k-some gold from the reward card. The route is one right, two down, take portal, one up, two right, and boss chamber, of I recall correctly.
The boss has two phases that both drop loot and the four chests at the right side should be broken and their contents, Terranium, picked up.
20 runs gets you 80 Terranium which you can trade off to the cat merchant in Harlem for 600k gold per day.
To speed up loot pick ups at the end of runs, I believe you can set a custom key in the control settings for the /setitem command, a one per dungeon use macro for drawing all loot in a room to under your character's feet.
For reference this is a really sloppy fight of both subbosses in Dawning Crevice done with an enchantress with the gear from the event. The actual boss of DC takes a bit longer to kill but is even more of a punching bag as long as you can avoid stepping in colored hexagons
thanks for this, i guess im being too jewish with the cubes
Clear cubes frags are meant to be spent, it's really piss easy to get a huge stock of them even through an NPC disassembler instead of a player one. Some content like otherverse does have dungeons that have gimmicks related to the use or rather avoidance of using cube skills but for the content you'll be doing there is no such restriction so it's best to just treat them as any other skill albeit one with a longer cooldown. I don't quite remember what the mnemonic is for the most efficient usage of unneeded gear is but iirc white and blue rarity gear are your go-to for selling or disassembling, purple goes into your own profession disassembler, and legendarys and epics you should probably shove into max level player disassemblers when you're absolutely sure you don't need that item anymore
i think ive only seen purple drops the entire time
maybe a couple of whites
is there a way to farm more cubes if i run out?
Yeah fast levelling dungeons only dropped purples during the time you were there. Running the actual regular dungeons(ie: Total Eclipse) usually nets you at least one white or blue from the card draw at the end and typically at least another white drop during the dungeon itself. It's also better to disassemble through player disassemblers when you can. Typically this will be your source of cubes. You CAN buy clear cube frags through the Auction house but honestly you really shouldn't ever be in a situation where you'd need to, clear cube frags are just that easy to stock up on.
ok thanks very much for the help
I've been eyeing this game for years, is it a good moment to start or has the ship sailed? Haters and those who have quit, why should I avoid it?
They fixed the gearing problem but it was much too late for me as someone who had been playing since neople brought the game back. Funnily enough I finally quit just a week before they announced 95 cap for global...
It's for sure one of the better times to start the game. The main advertised event puts the two new classes on a faster levelling track to the max level with a great set of gear to get them started with getting familiar with the current endgame. During the event even a solo-only player can reasonably get these two classes equipped with a decent weapon that doesn't require a further gold investment, the current 2nd best armor set(5 pieces of gear, a player who is willing to raid with other people can upgrade 2 of these into BiS armor pieces), and the current 2nd best accessory and special equipment sets(3 pieces of gear each). That said even if you don't like the two classes the other events will also net you a mostly upgraded BiS weapon for any class you wish, either one you regularly leveled or one of the previous two classes, as well as offer you a head start in gearing any character albeit not quite to the same extent as the new classes. Theres also a new player event that not only gives a fairly sizable boost in the grind for a new player but also heavily incentivizes other players to register as your supporter and party up with you.
>stamina system
Last week threads made me redownload the game. I cant wait to level my lvl 90 M.Grap and see that the class is still a mess.