It's time to discuss the worst RPG ever made.
It's time to discuss the worst RPG ever made
Other urls found in this thread:
What if The Witcher was a GIRL
Eternal Poison?
arc the lad?
>Witcher 3
great story great characters great combat pretty good crafting
shit romance options
Stop (You) baiting
In what way is this game not an RPG you stupid fucking incel?
oh no dark people and females
I'm literally being attacked
Yeah, Quest 64 was rancid.
Its best game ever made fuck off my Yea Forums double nigga
>just ignore and move on
>nothing to see here
She's not The Witcher though, she's a wenk
Low player agency.
Low world reactivity.
Game constantly takes control away from the player.
When Skyrim has more fleshed out RPG systems, you know you have fucked up at making an RPG.
what if me and the Witcher had sex...and then later found out he was my DAD.
lol. that would be crazy huh
>worst RPG thread gets more replies than the best RPG thread
What does this mean?
wtf it's literally white genocide :(
What a wild scenario. Thankfully that will never happen.
>I'm literally being attacked
right? its so annoying when people bitch about nothings like that
Its not like the entire leftist political spectrum nowdays is like that
Oh wait.......
Leave Idris Elba out of this
Here I thought that was a cute anime girl with big bushy blue hair.
Thank you for including the red boxes, user.
I'd have been lost otherwise.
Congratulations, you just realized that you're acting as whiny and retarded as a SJW.
agreed fellow right winger. feminism is a cancer that is slowly killing the market (because real life works nothing like those lunatics think it is)
rent free seething 24/7
Congratulations, you just shown everybody that you don't understand the long term affect of this outrage/victimhood culture and by being passive you are only making things worse.
Feminism killed Netflix just like it killed JFK!
It's a movie game
It is definitely not an RPG
>no argument
>reply with buzzwords
typical of Yea Forums
But I do understand it. That's why I'm telling you how retarded you are for spreading it.
Both sides bitch and moan as equally loudly and about things that are as equally irrelevant.
If you want strawman nonsense you are free. It is a fact that this witcher seris will be seriously damaged by feminism minds. Just like Batwoman, Cap Marvel, Borderlands3 etc etc
You know what isn't strawman nonsense? Feminism killing Netflix!
Which demands censorship and forced politics into the other?
Right there buddy.
>Both sides bitch and moan as equally loudly
I don't remember a right wing governor threatening to arrest representatives for not voting in a controversial EPA bill forcing them to flee their state.
B-but it's ok when we do it right bros?
Best RPGs ever according to Yea Forums
> 1. Castlevania SOTN (Tied for 1st) (1,574 Matchups) (67% Win Percentage)
> 2. Chrono Trigger (6th Overall) (1,702 Matchups) (63 % Win Percentage)
> 3. Final Fantasy VI (7th Overall) (1,648 Matchups) (63 % Win Percentage)
> 4. EarthBound (16th Overall) (1,662 Matchups) (62% Win Percentage)
> 5. Final Fantasy VII (18th Overall) (1,640 Matchups) (62% Win Percentage)
> 6. Dark Souls (21st Overall) (1,651 Matchups) (62 % Win Percentage)
> 7. MOTHER 3 (23rd Overall) (1,605 Matchups) (61% Win Percentage)
> 8. SMT: Nocturne (24th Overall) (1,610 Matchups) (61% Win Percentage)
> 9. Final Fantasy IX (26th Overall) (1,458 Matchups) (60% Win Percentage)
> 10. Pokemon HG/SS (27th Overall) (1,555 Matchups) (60% Win Percentage)
> 11. Persona 5 (28th Overall) (1,300 Matchups) (60% Win Percentage)
> 12. NieR: Automata (30th Overall) (1,196 Matchups) (60% Win Percentage)
> 13. Final Fantasy IV (31st Overall) (1,160 Matchups) (59% Win Percentage)
> 14. Paper Mario TTYD (32nd Overall) (1,524 Matchups) (59% Win Percentage)
> 15. System Shock 2 (33rd Overall) (1,606 Matchups) (59% Win Percentage)
> 16. Deus Ex (37th Overall) (1,619 Matchups) (59% Win Percentage)
> 17. Final Fantasy X (41st Overall) (1,503 Matchups) (58% Win Percentage)
> 18. Pokemon R/B/Y (42nd Overall) (1,590 Matchups) (58% Win Percentage)
> 19. Fallout: New Vegas (45th Overall) (1,652 Matchups) (58% Win Percentage)
> 20. Bloodborne (47th Overall) (1,600 Matchups) (58% Win Percentage)
and shut up
Social conservatives, aka Republicans have been doing this long before social media era leftism caught up. You'd know that if you weren't a Zoomer. Look up Jack Thompson, dumb Zoomer.
>extremely specific anecdotal evidence to back up his argument
Let's talk about how bad Fable is, I agree!
That's not what anecdotal evidence means. Who taught you how to argue, Ben Cückiro?
>shut up
Who wants to censor wrongthink now?
Is this happening NOW? Is this affecting entertainment? What game/series/movie had been damaged by republicans recently? What journals are creating fake outrages because a character is white? Or celebrating censorship of breat sizes because offended?
Anecdotal? It was all over the news. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it not true
Remember when they also claimed there were all white nationalist militiamen taking over?
What game/series/movie had been damaged by leftists?
>putting blacks into entertainment is damage
Oh, I see...
>proven wrong
>keeps punching a wall
the "shut up" is for you avoid embarassing yourself further
Why does Yea Forums hate Bloodborne so much now?
>makes claim
>"i proved u wrong"
Rule 2, Zoomer.
Oh please show me the outrage when Blade was revealed
The outrage when idris elba was General badass in Pacifi Rim
The outrage when the Luke cage series appear
ooh wait those characters weren't blackwashed........
No, going political is an excuse to make shit games because drones will buy political bullshit just because they're "on a team"
obsessed, gotta be
too hard
very few waifus
PS4 exclusive (Yea Forums is poorfags who only own a shitty PC from 10 years ago)
and again, for your own sake. Shut up
Answer the question? What game/series/movie had been damaged by leftists?
Anime Isaac was cool though
>too hard
Is Kingdom Come: Deliverance any good?
Please tell me how great Captain Marvel is
How amazing the new Star Wars entire fucking trilogy is
Please amuse me
And stop deflecting, Zoom Zoom.
>It's on a bridge like the Gothic image
I like your attention to detail
Will we ever reach a point where american politics doesn't ruin everything?
Pleeeese show me the Marvel comics sales numers and how great that market is doing
please, please tell me
Uh? Wolfenstein just committed suicide.
>he can't stop deflecting
What's wrong? Did I break you?
Let's try again. What game/series/movie had been damaged by leftists?
Yeah, when yo don't come to an american website and piss your pants about americans.
i have like 50 hidden posts in this thread
im scared to see what theyre talking about
its not the worst game just because you dont like it
dont reply im not int the thread
>very few waifus
Quality > Quantity
The Doll, Maria, real Iosefka, Arianne and Eileen are better waifus than lile half of the games Yea Forums loves
can't read I see, let me point you very clear:
Also, how good profit made Solo the movie? Oh right..
There's only one RPG on here.
Last time I checked Americans are buying some dumb thot's piss water so they can drink it
>an american website
YIKES, do people unironically think this?
You're right OP, its about time we discussed how the Elder Scrolls series is one of the dullest franchises in the history of vidya franchises! Seriously! Each title following the nameless, faceless generic rpg protagonist and his retarded fluorescent green glass armor as they complete various quests has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of skill trees, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Todd vetoed the idea of George Romero directing the series; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable generic fantasy worlds for virgin sóyboys. The Elder Scrolls series might be anti-Muslim (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Gothic series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the mods are good though!
"No!" The modding community is dreadful; the rape mods are terrible.
As I played, I noticed that every time a khajjit or argonian character attempted to walk, the walking animation made them do something weird with their legs. I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this mistake was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Bethesda's dev team is so governed by bugs and terrible animations that they have no other style of developing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of TES V: Skyrim by the same IGN. They wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Elder Scrolls at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Nethack." And the review was quite right. It wasn't even ironic. When you play The Elder Scrolls you are, in fact, trained to play Nethack.
So, you can't answer the question? That's just sad.
Weak, is this the best you shitskins can muster?
>fucking penis armor
this needs to be a video game staple
>feigning ignorance to avoid further embarassment
thanks for the laughs pumpkin
>People who are more concerned about sticking it to the man and making bad decisions for the sake of their trendy ideology than making good products causes a company to lose value
Color me fucking shocked, it's a wonder why Sears tanked.
>can't back up his claim
>'y-your just #ignorant'
I guess this is what I deserve for trying to argue with a Zoomer subhuman.
Literal genocide!
>Low player agency
thats true in the main story
>Low world reactivity
thats 100% inaccurate
>Game constantly takes control away from the player
Im not sure what do you mean by that
The Bitcher
Seeking asylum is not illegal. Providing it is also not mandatory.
That's not Mass Effect 2
Hey user.
Endgame just became the biggest box office hit in movie history. Also Aladdin crossed the billion dollar threshold a few hours ago. Disney literally can't stop printing money and it will continue to skullfuck American culture until only dust and bone remains.
Bye user. :)
>Low player agency.
>Low world reactivity.
>Game constantly takes control away from the player.
All of these apply to New Vegas for example, a game which Yea Forums thinks of as the holy grail.
Netflix is dropping because they again raised their price while constantly dropping movies.
No. The fact that no one had anything good to say about it outside memes and people being btfo is all you needed to know it wasn't good.
I don't remember anything about racism, xenophobia, or feminism in the books.
People were simple and hated anything different, wizards just wanted to research shit forever in their towers and witches wanted to control everything.
There wasn't anything political about it.
anything original? non based on massive huge successful movies from decades ago?
I tought so
Oh neat, a gothic thread.
>racism and xenophobia
No it's literal suicide. Kids don't like black characters
Correct. It's remakes, reboots and adaptations that make them billions and billions of dollars. It works real well. They just can't stop winning. :)
Then you're either retarded or don't remember much at all.
Any media with the slightly wiff of a badass women its suddently "feminist" for them
u dont have to be a fuckin trumpist to not like feminism
jack thompson accomplished nothing and was never taken seriously. the left-wing whiners are actually taken seriously.
it's bait
Just compare princess and the frog (black disney character) to frozen, the last white disney movie. It's not even fucking close
Yeah it's good fun even if it's a little janky. Most of the issues with performance have been improved on since release. Sword fighting is fun until you get super overpowered but even then it's still entertaining. Just pirate it if you're really interested.
Anyone whose opinion is swayed any direction by meme politics is a faggot and shouldn't play the game anyways.
no, no, to the brainlets, if you criticize anything feminism, leftist, blackwashing you instalty is a "trumptard" and as a bonus a nazi, a supremacist, mysognistic and so goes on
>jack thompson accomplished nothing
And to you, if you put a negro in a game it's White Genocide.
Watch out, facts will scare them.
Just like statistics.
funny how amerilards deport or put in concentration camps all illegal mexicans yet get butthurt when europe deports illegal syrians
You're right, princess and the frog is vastly superior to frozen
Princess and the Frog is the last good Disney animation movie.
>*if you change the color of a decade-old pre stablished character because of muh diversity
fixed for you mate
the witcher 3 aged like milk man graphically
And to you, that is White Genocide.
>posts pictures of zion don constantly
This dude was a fucking democrat just a decade ago
Trumpfags are so retarded
>the worst RPG ever made
sounds good, I'm down to talk about quest 64
Watch out, facts will scare them.
No, it's shitty politically motivated pandering and it needs to fuck off. Opposing your shitty angenda doesn't make someone whatever extreme opposite political cartoon you want them to be. Quit your faggot deflections.
wouldn't say "white genocide" but it is a horrible thing to do. And very hypocritical because if you put a white guy in place of a black/other character you instantly have outrage (for example Ghost in the Shell)
Skyrim with mods is the best RPG ever made
it's undeniable
Dark Souls 2 has already been discussed to death.
Not like it matters in the end, not one of these diversity washes have gone over well in the industry.
>it's shitty politically motivated pandering
Because it doesn't pander to you.
>and it needs to fuck off
It's been part of vidya since before you were born, Zoomer.
Find me one who said this was white genocide or anything close to it.
I'll wait.
The fuck even is that
Check the archives you lazy faggot.
yeah, but they don't stop
Look how trash all those "women version" movies are. It makes people lose interest in movies now. And political pandering in anything is so fucking annoying man. Just let the devs/directors make what they want, how fucking hard it is. Otherwise we will have another Ryan Johnson catastrophe
>Because it doesn't pander to you.
Keeping source material the same isn't pandering you dumb fuck.
Explain to me what's so #problematic about that image.
you cant possible compare completely anonimous people here that you know damn well are very fucking racist to the actual reach power of actual game journals like kotaku, RockPaperShotgun and so on. Think nigga
>better than any JRPG
>causes eternal seething
how can one game be so based
Quest 64 had nothing on Aidyn Chronicles in terms of shittiness.
That game was beyond awful. I still ended up renting it a second time for some reason. Like I wanted it to be good and was just waiting for it to happen.
That's exactly what it is, it's pandering towards the manchildren fanbase demographic. This is also why remakes and reboots sare so creatively bankrupt these days. Take one creative freedom and everybody loses their minds because of muh nostalgia.
orignal game, black protagonits, looks very cool. but will most likely sell poor because gamers (90%white guys) would not be able to identify with the protag. Marketing 101
The way the movie industry works is you can pretty much write off shitty box office performance as a financial failure on your taxes or some shit. So they can pretty much just pump out shit propaganda indefinitely
It doesn’t matter how well it does, it’s propaganda. It doesn’t have to sell it is there to push an agenda.
This country is still for now full of tens of millions of white people and all the (((studios))) are now making it clear they have no interest in selling things to those people. If they really cared about money first why would they act like that?
>reach of power
Get off the internet and go outside
It'll sell poor because nobody's fucking heard of it
y'all niggas need jesus hehehehe
And they pre-stabilishes the low sales now. Look at how constantly suddently appear many articles about "toxic community will cause damage to X movie" before it even screens
They know it will be shit and are previously blaming anyone but their shit writing.
The new female-Thor already have a couple
i hate all of these
>better than any JRPG
That's a low bar, if I've ever seen one.
Deathloop was in the mainstage Bethesda E3. It is absolutelly not un-heard of
But since people have no interest, and again, black characters have a weight on, not because racism, but because identity of the consumers, it will sell like trash
goes to show how opinions spouted here should be immediately discarded
What's an "AOC"?
That's not assassin's creed odyssey
> 1. Castlevania SOTN (Tied for 1st) (1,574 Matchups) (67% Win Percentage)
>no Fallout 2
>no BG
>no Wasteland
Well it wouldn't be a proper Yea Forums list if it weren't terribly wrong
Absolutely seething WRPG-cucks, nobody cares about your garbage games
To be fair the thor outrage is a whole other ballpark, the comics industry has undergone magnitudes worse punishment
Wow, a no-name game at one of the worst E3's ever. I'm sure everybody's heard of it by now.
it's better than any RPG honestly, good story and good gameplay unlike most rpgs
One of the main faces of the left
I know, its fucked up...
The list is accurate tho
All of them are better than the Bitcher
Nobody actually gives a shit about those literal who games, they only pretend to like them to make themselves feel special for not liking a popular game
Can't be the worst RPG when it isn't even an RPG.
This monstrosity. Actually has the balls to call border security nazis and detention centers the holocaust
enjoy playing horribly recycled games
>The Witcher 3
I can't fucking wait dude. The normie reaction to this keeps me up at night.
>things I don't like are propaganda targeted against me
How much longer until Zoomers get removed from society or at least sterilized?
Still better than Trump tbqh
CDPR is the most reddit studio ever
You are literally "you cannot start your garage band in shenmue, so shenmue iz shit RPG" tier. Yes that was what an actual video game journo... piece of garbage said back when it first got released. In fuggen print. Player agency should be judged by offsetting it by what is gained by it being low. Same about world reactivity. Dwarf fortress is shit, and terraria and minecraft are boring. There is a reason i wanna replay castle of the winds and not any other rogue clone.
Forcing a message that you know is going to be a net loss is propaganda, yes.
>america is one person
Do you not think there's a decent chance the people butthurt about random sandniggers are the same people butthurt about us deporting spics?
What message?
>you know is going to be a net loss
Also not true.
>uh oh better deflect
I wouldn't have to say it if you weren't so much of a Zoomer, Zoomer.
nice reaction image zooming zoom zoomer
i've never seen a concentration camp where you get free food, water, medicine, shelter, and can leave at any time
or are you just admitting the holocaust was bullshit?
Unfortunately this. Captain Marvel made its money. Even Star Wars is netting a profit, at least on paper.
Nice bait post
>concentration camps
It is easy to spot the brain dead leftist
And more recently Aladdin just broke +1 billion.
What message? Well here's one. How about the democratic leadership saying there was noting going on at all at the border 6 months ago, and now "it's the holocaust"?
None of those explain why it is not an RPG
If you were to compare the Witcher 3 weapons to Neverwinter Nights custom toolset weapons you would say the Witcher 3 was the worst..but Neverwinter Nights had the worst anti climatic feeling for mulitplayer because it used to be so popular and had so many servers and now its just a pile of money slowly trickling while Baldurs Gate 3 develops..can't be any worse.
Okay. And in which Disney`film did you see that message?
if that's the criteria to convince you troglodytes then maybe you should kill yourselves
>Facts?! Run!
I thought Disney propaganda doesn't net a profit?
How did a bunch of drunk Polacks do it. Absolutely based. Seething JRPGtists need not reply your arguments are futile.
its the most popular so by Yea Forumseddit standards its the worst
Not without at least a dozen normies.
It's doesn't, look at princess and the frog
>better than any JRPG
Now look at Aladdin. What now?
>implying remake reboot 2000 isnt creatively bankrupt by default
>no arguments
typical braindead weeb
What message did The Princess and the Frog propagate? You have yet to tell us.
You mean the movie with robin fucking williams in it?
what the hell is up with her anyway? arent witchers supposed to be emotionally dead on the outside? how come she doesnt act that way in game?
I thought we were talking about forced diversity. If you move goalposts too fast I can't keep up.
Now, the 2019 live-action remake that made 1 billion dollars and counting.
Never heard of it.
You referred to Princess and the Frog when replying to this So in what way is the movie propaganda?
meant to respond to
Forced diversity at a loss isn't propaganda?
That's okay, hundreds of millions of people did. They turned that 'propaganda' that wasn't going to net a profit according to you into one of the biggest hits of the year.
I just looked it up, it's still performing worse than frozen which game out 6 years ago. So what's your argument again?
I agree, it's not.
Well that's just your opinion then, even though many leaders of the industry are seeking to "make kids less racist" through exposure.
It also performed better than the Cinderella remake and is likely to perform better than Beauty and the Beast. What's your point?
You're trying to claim a flagship disney movie is good even though it's under-performing by a wide margin.
>make kids less racist
Oh no, how horrible. Films teaching children how to be decent human beings. That never happened before in film history.
>shit story
>shit open world
>shit main quest
>shit combat
>moved from action/rpg to action/adventure
What the fuck is kurwas problem? They could've expanded ideas of TW2 but instead cut everything that made TW rpg and made glorified movie shit like Uncharted.
It over-performed by a wide margin. It's the third-highest grossing film of the year so far and the second-highest of the Disney live-action remakes.
Racism is inherent in all children. As soon as a child is able to recognize faces they will prefer people that look like them.
But that's not Dark Souls you posted OP, or is pic unrelated?
Violent urges are also inherent in children.
That's what civilization is for. Keeping our savage biological urges in check.
What tribal shithole are you from where this isn't widely accepted? You're not white, right?
>It's the third-highest grossing film of the year so far
Whooptiedoo, it's still not a good disney movie. That pacific islander movie that came out in 2016 did nearly as well as it, and nobody watched that thing.
Ghostbusters and Star Wars.
He wrote RPG
So racism is real, but we should pretend like it's not?
And I gave an example of a RPG my fellow user
>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received
Totaly incorrect, Moana grossed 600 Million.
I now realize that you're just shitposting without knowing what you're talking about, well done baiting me into this pointless argument you evil fuck.
> I don't like it so must be bait
Men's tendency to rape and murder is also real.
Being real doesn't make it civilized, my non-white friend.
Look at the domestic sales you tard, the only reason international sales are goof for aladdin is because they put pajeets in it
>goalpost moving this dsperately
At least have the decency to admit you're just a memeing shitposter
>Men's tendency to rape and murder
Oh you're retarded. So we should start making disney movies about women being better than men with that logic, to empower them from all those millions of years of rape.
Check the statistics. Facts don't care about your feelings.
Ok, have fun talking to yourself
Move that goalpost
I didn't know there were rape statistics 300 years ago.
I didn't know there were racism in children statistics 300 years ago.
It's funny arguing with you people because you're allowed to be hypocritical but I'm not. So you're saying that we should make kids movies to chastise the rape of women hundred of years ago?
A good RPG needs the following:
>High levels of player agency, both in and out of combat
>Multi faceted world interaction
>Emergent gameplay that can lead to unscripted gameplay
>Non-linear solutions to quests
>Almost no cutscenes; the player should always be in control
Witcher 3 might be a great game, but it's not indicative of what makes a good RPG or an RPG at all, for that matter.
>So you're saying that we should make kids movies to chastise the rape of women hundred of years ago?
No I'm not and never have. Are you hallucinating?
Good lord I hope one of those guardsmen gets headbash happy in a fightscene.
Oh I'm not allowed to use your logic to show how retarded you are?
You're not allowed to put words in my mouth, my non-white friend.
But you said we should make movies to brainwash kids to prevent them from doing "natural" things like rape and murder.
Incorrect, I said that's what civilization does. Movies aren't necessary for that, a functioning society usually suffices.
A "good" RPG, Witcher 3 might not be a "GOOD" RPG but it's an RPG in every meaning of the word, call it "bad" RPG then, but it's still an RPG, with its dialogue choices, branching story, skill trees, big world with tons of quests, a character to roleplay as, different gear, crafting, upgrades etc.
Why are you people so fucking obnoxious, trying to change the meaning of the term to this one single specific description you think makes an RPG, when it's a malleable term in a sense that it fits games that might have just a fraction of the systems used to define the genre.
No you specifically said we need kids movies that brainwash them into being politically correct.
Racism is the basis of civilisation though.
>RPG, with its dialogue choices, branching story, skill trees, big world with tons of quests, a character to roleplay as, different gear, crafting, upgrades etc.
So Far Cry rpg now? Only dialog choices are missing
Meant for
Far Cry doesn't have a branching story or dialogue choices in every conversation. Stop pretending to be retarded.
No I didn't you schizo. Show me where I specifically said that.
Witcher 3 has a branching story?
If civilization is supposed to keep racism in check then why do we need movies that brainwash kids?
Yes? Many of the quests have multiple outcomes and many key choices during the game change the ending entirely. And then there's the classic ending slides which also change based on what you chose during the game.
You haven't played the game yet you argue about it? Get out of here, retard.
Multiple outcomes isn't a branching story. I don't know where you got that idea.
>its only an rpg if its a good rpg
We don't necessarily require movies for that, I already told you.
Now stop being a schizoid nigger and answer my request.
>Show me where I specifically said that.
I won't be able to take you seriously until you do so. You can't just keep making wild claims and shift the topic whenever someone calls you out on your retardation.
So we don't need movies to suppress things like racism, rape and murder yet here we are talking about forced diversity trying to end "racism".
>Show me where I specifically said that.
Still waiting, schizo.
>dialog choices
Dialog system in TW3 is such shit there would be no difference without it
Why should I when you just admitted there's no reason to have forced diversity in videogames or movies?
To refute your retarded train of thought, no one ever claimed that diversity in films was going to single-handedly end racism.
See But as I have already said, I will no longer properly address the points you make until you start being more coherent.
Including Witcher under the umbrella of 'RPG' only dilutes what the term encapsulates. Witcher 3 is an action adventure game with RPG elements. The game design philosophy of it is drastically different from staples of the genre, like Fallout 2 and Morrowind.
This doesn't make those games inherently better (or worse) than Witcher 3 and vice versa; they're just two different types of games.
*second link meant to be to
I'm just telling you what you said so if it's not coherent that's your fault, not mine.
Why are you talking about games you've never played?
Except I didn't say it you dishonest little retard.
>posting unironnic boomer memes
jesus fuck this board is the antichamber to hell
That is the dialogue system, don't try and deny it. It's as barren as your moms vagina.
Thats not Fallout 4
Would smash.
Awh, you getting mad? Sucks when people actually pay attention to your autism, doesn't it?
do you people even play games
Cute rebuttal, still doesn't change the fact that I didn't say it. Take your meds please.
I'm just astounded somebody would advocate brainwashing children to not be racist.
Yeah I would be too if someone ITT had advocated that.
Sure thing I never played it
I never saw retarded dialog options between Triss and housekeeper
Or that Bloody Baron outcome like
>let him die, the general takes over the castle
>let him leave, the genral takes over the castle
Oh so you don't think you should brainwash children to not be racist?
>can't differentiate what a new orignal IP is vs a well stablished IP since 1992 (with hundreds of spin offs, sequels, toys, games)
>"muh Moana made it less, therefore i'm right"
jesus fucking christ the people around here...
No, I don't. That's why I never said it.
You've been arguing with the schizo voice in your head this whole time. What other crazy shit does it whisper to you?
ive played it, i just forgot almost everything about it
That’s not Gothic 2
Dead series
Is this trash ass game an RPG? Anyways, worst garbage I've played yet, worst combat as well, tied with Skyrim. Only trannies and fags like this dumpster of fire.
>yeah yeah the movie made brazillions but uhh it doesnt count because its not an original IP :(
Stage 2: Bargaining
Okay, so why do you advocate for forced diversity if you don't think brainwashing children is bad?
Said it yourself mate
Because diversity isn't brainwashing.
Not diversity, forced diversity in children's movies. Why do you advocated for forced diversity when you think brainwashing kids is bad?
>Remade from 1992 now in 2019 totally didn't have help from the previous. It sure counts when compared to original ideas like princess and the frog, Frozen, Moana!
Stage 1. Denying
Also not all diversity is forced diversity per se.
You can't just throw around terms and except everyone else to accept them. That's how autists argue and you're not an autist are you?
>Because diversity isn't brainwashing.
But we're specifically talking about forced diversity, stop trying to change the subject.
"forced" diversity in children's movies isn't brainwashing either.
found the nigger incel
Do you even know what brainwashing is?
No, you keep talking about forced diversity without ever explaining what it is.
You also have yet to explain what those children are being brainwashed into.
Those who seek asylum still have to do it the legal way. They can come thru the port of entry legally like everyone else.
Yes it is. Even the word "diversity" is pure brainwashing.
Yes I do. How about you? Care to define the term? After all it was you who brought it up first.
Forced diversity is not having a white disney princess movie for 6 years.
>Totally not forced
>Totally not brainwashing
>No, no
Well if you know what it is lets hear it.
Because there has been only 1 Disney Princess movie in 6 years.
You said it first, you explain it first. Let's hear it.
Don't play coy with me there's more brown disney princesses at this point than white ones.
>it's brainwashing
What exactly is brainwashing in your opinion?
Burden of proof user. Prove that I'm not right. If it's as simple as a definition it should be easy for you, or not depending on your autism levels.
>Moana is the twelfth Disney Princess, first appearing in the 2016 movie of the same name. Moana is the daughter of Motunui's village chief. Moana was chosen by the Ocean to restore the Heart of Te Fiti and save her island from a life-killing darkness.
It's actually 6 to 6 no. Not counting Elsa and Anna because they haven't been officially introduced yet.
Why is everything you say wrong?
Prove that I'm not right. Burden of proof lies on you because you made the brainwashing claim. It's that simple.
Thank you for proving me right.
>there has been only 1 Disney Princess movie in 6 years.
In 20 years disney princesses went from 100% white to 50% white. Seems like brainwashing to me.
So you agree that there aren't more brown Disney Princesses at this point than white ones?
I agree that In 20 years disney princesses went from 100% white to 50% white.
Wrong again. It's actually 30 years.
Pocahontas, Jasmine and mulan weren't considered disney princesses until sometime after the early 2000's.
Yes, because "Disney Princess" as a specific brand didn't exist until the early 2000s.
So Disney Princesses never were 100% white. They were always 50-60%. Since the early 00s we've seen an equal amount of white and black Princesses to there has been a steady balance.
So you agree we've seen a rapid shift in diversity to the point of excluding hyper popular white princesses?
>weren't considered disney princesses
OH that changes totally everything!
No, it does not.
>rapid shift
No. As I have laid out to in my previous post, the Disney Princess group has always been around half-half when it comes to race.
No it hasn't
Show me the point at which Disney Princesses weren't 50-60% white.
I'm sure love some diversity
Up until 1992 they were 100% white. Since then 5 of 7 princess have been minorities.
The Disney Princess brand didn't exist before the early 2000s.
Yes it did, that's why they called 1989-1999 the "Renaissance" period, as a return to form to their old princess movies.
Half of those doesn't apply to morrowind
I love the bridge pics
So iconic
Oh you mean disney princess as a brand. Then I agree with you, because before 2003 mulan and pocahontas were not disney princesses "officially".
yeah thats what I say when I walk around london at night
Wait a minute... that means within FIFTEEN years disney princesses have gone from 100% white to 50% white.
The retarded redneck that drew this didn't even investigate a single thing.
Not even that... 13 years
What's wrong with people liking Ghost Rider?
Based Spaniards in Africa for some reason
What's that cat up to?
that's not two worlds 2
>le stern face while holding a sign with some lefty political message faec
Every time.
>I don't remember anything about racism, xenophobia, or feminism in the books.
Are you seriously this retarded or is it just a bait?
You niggers need to learn what kind of shit is going on in Mexico, and Rio de Janeiro
Read more, much, much more.
>It's an RPG
>But you can't tell Yennefer and Triss to fuck off to hell
>appropriately the game goes to shit past the level range where you meet Keira Metz
>thinking normies care about brown people killing eachother
If you are one of the geography illiterates that think he reffered solely to Africa.
The entire center and south america have shit like this. Drug cartels do this in regular basis.
I mean, don't need to care, but jesus at least know the proper places before pathetically bashing.
But who i am kidding, the IQ level around here is almost as low as the african average they believe it is about
You're just as ignorant as a mule, these kind of gang killings here in SA are as rare as school shootings in the US, Mexico has way more cartel crime compared to the whole SA combined.
Yeah, it's definitely south americans on the picture and not niggers. Retard.
Witcher 3 is not an rpg. it's more like an assassins creed game.
>the IQ level around here is almost as low as the african average
Retards can't even boot up pcs user
Brazilian movie: Tropa De Elite
I forgive your ignorance
I thought we were talking about latinos here, goalpost shifter-kun
>games without white male protagonists don't sell
stop this meme
Just one example of crimes that happen in the american continent and not just i africa (because both complained it was spaniards/conquistadors). I supposed you could follow the train of tought
I guess i was wrong.
Feel free to look at the numbers.
Not my problem if you don't believe.
But user, how many people have even played Valhalla Knights?
What numbers? You've posted nothing to back up your bullshit
>american continent
Most of these don't apply to hack'n'slashes which are, in fact, RPGs.
>action adventure game
Now that's a meme categorization. Tells you basically fucking nothing about the game.
>yea, the game has action, puzzles, exploration and you play as some guy
Spaniard conquistadors are related to latin americans, not the portughese. But it's glaring your lack of knowledge on the subject and really pathetic your equation of brazilian culture with the rest of latin america, go read a book in the subject first.
>you don't have the exactly statistics in your sleeve to quick show me! I win, I win!
I guess we just wait for the market then.
america is a continent. Shocking. i know
>brazilian culture
>footsteps louder than a jet taking off
>can't mute them
holy fuck that game was bad
>america is a continent
>brazil is made only of portuguese
>spaniards didn't go towards the south region of america
Boy oh boy, you are dumb
>brazil is made only of portuguese
Yeah it's also full of black people
Read a book sometimes.
Says the ESL nigger
user, i never said brazil is made only of portuguese. You need to sharpen your reading skills.
I didn't praise or condemn brazilian culture with that sentence.
The same way modern americans are related to north american natives, as i said, go read a book first, ignorant red neck.
Fuck the Witcher. Fuck Witcher III the hardest. Its only redeeming quality was how beautiful the scenery was in that France-inspired land where you get to own a vineyard
I can't hear you over the monkeys in their favelas
>show your lack of knowledge
>just use ad hominem
Not even that user but holy shit, dude.
Can't hear you over the gay parades in your streets
>posted the wrong image
>can't admit he's wrong
Stupid sub 70 IQ nigger
Thank you for another star for my ego
I've always wondered what it's like being labeled both a nigger and a spic.
I mean to you give in to the half that wants to be lazy as fuck or the other half that wants to be lazy as fuck?
56% and going down, at this rate, latinos will be whiter than the amerimutts
What was that jose?
It boosts your ego to be functionally retarded?
American education everybody
Well, what do you call these things? Indiniggers?
Why didn't he fucking read the message? What did it say?
I don't know, whitoid, you tell me
portuguese, spanish, nigger and native blood, it doesn't fuck matter if you are from south america the entire world is going to classify you as hispanic
It really needed more unlockable skills on melee, unique bombs/potions only available to that skill tree, and the alternate Signs to be insanely more impactful or the ability to combine them. Like Igni on a Yrden
Who did it better?
AMERICAN-EDUCATION holy shit lmfao
>It really needed more unlockable skills
It really need more shit in the base combat instead of you having to grind to be able to do things.
I was prepared to introduce OP to Fo4, but at least in Fo4 you can make your character lmao
How does it feel being from the lesser spain?
>more events on the US than the whole south america combined
It will most likely sell poorly because it'll be shit. There's no way these people can make a fucking loop while being in the same room interesting as a videogame without a HUGE team or being geniuses, and trust me they are not geniuses.
The CG trailer was interesting, but the game won't be good.
>take the plunge, you won't die
Anything is better than being on the EU
>We spend our days in the writers room discussing xenophobia and racism and the slow disintegration of humanity
Work on the script you fucking lazy fucks. Someone fire them all.
yeah and argentina is full of white people. no one gives a fuck about brazil or any other south american corrupt shithole of a country
It's pathetic that you think you can brag about not having infrastructure.
>Look, I suck less cock than you!
You both suck
You don't want dehumanized germans telling you when you can piss?
Bunch of faggy weebshit and games that nobody plays but says they are good to look good.
I can brag all i want about my less pozzed culture even if its not as "civilized" but given the recent times on the states, being in south america's poverty is not that bad if you're hard working. Now go pay reparations to blacks.
I might not be white but at least i don't have to deal with niggers or muslims.
based cop
thisi s how crime should be dealt with
that's not the problem, you stupid fucking retard.
The problem is that they can blatantly get away with not doing their job and slacking off since they spent their time virtue signalling.
The fact they care about their twitter oppression points more than their careers and reputation can give you a good estimate of the quality of the TV show.
Because you are a nigger
What? It's pretty bad that almost all new disney princesses since the 90's have been brown.
By the definition of fags pretending that Witcher 3 is not an RPG there are no RPG games then.
By the definition of fags pretending that Witcher 3 is a RPG every game is an RPG
Define RPG then.
My definition is simple.
You have a characters that gets stronger over the course of the game by incising his stats.
Story is the primary focus of the game.
You can make choices that affect the story.
Thats is it.
>it's a captcha fails and moot is a faggot episode
The character doesn't grow or change based on your decisions through things like stat choices or role play, Geralt is static.
Ginger genocide*
>i just forgot almost everything about it
that much is true. shes not a witcher numbnuts
Categorizing is a perfectly civilized behavior, necessary even.
so if TW3 had levels and stat points you could dump into strength/agility/luck/whatever the fuck, then you would call it an RPG? I mean, the way you spend your skill points changes how you fight already, you're making your own Geralt.
>strength/agility/luck/whatever the fuck
That's not what " character doesn't grow or change based on your decisions through things like stat choices" means. What's sad is you would have no fuckign clue what I'm talkign about unless you've actually played a RPG before
You had several skill trees in W3 all which decided how you play the game.
Gerlat does change.
That's not what "character doesn't grow or change based on your decisions through things like stat choices" means. What's sad is you would have no fucking clue what I'm talking about unless you've actually played a RPG before
How about you give actual arguments to defend your claims instead of just spooring abstract definitions.
Name one RPG game.
So you don't have a clue what I mean, how old are you? And was Witcher 3 your first action game?
Yea i dotn have a clue.
How about you explain it to me.
If you cant or refuse i am gonna take that as a fact you dotn have one ether and are jsut pretending to be a pseudointelectual.
See, sometimes when you invest in certain skills in an RPG it comes up in the story an through interactions. You know, skill based reactivity? One of the main parts of an RPG?
By that logic 80% of all RPG games are not RPGs.
By that logic Orignal Baldurs gate games are not RPGs.
Or any game that has literally all the elements of an RPG game other than story interactions based on character abilities.
I guess this means that the Wizardry games are also not RPGs.
Is call it more of a Feature of a Role playing game than a key point.
Nah, it's one of the main parts of RPGs. Just because you're a contrarian faggot doesn't change that.
I'd but it.
Oh, and you're wrong about baldur's gat
Its the entire joke you faggot
As i stated not evry RPG game has this as a feature and are still considered by most people as RPGs.
Id say you are more of a gate keeping elitist fagot who has to have super strict rules to genres.
But its more likely you are just a elitist nerd who thinks he is an authority on games because he was born at a certing time.
Also for the record i am 32 and iv played literally 90% of all RPGs ever made J and W.
And even most if not all of those super special real RPGs probably even a bunch you yourself never played.
I bet you never even played any of the DOS d&d games.
>not evry RPG game has this as a feature
Every RPG I've ever played had this feature, get over it. You're wrong
>games that nobody plays but says they are good to look good.
You mean every WRPG that isn't dudesex or VtMB?
How many times do you think she had to retake these "sad and outraged" candid photos?
Than you probably have not played a lot of RPGs.
Or are just narrow minded in what you consider RPGs.
If you don't get different reactions based on your skill choices then it's not an rpg
>main parts of an RPG
CHA was not an original part of D&D at all you dumb nigger
Fruity dialogue choices based on frivolous achievements that let you avoid killing people aren't exclusive to RPGs at all, neither is branching storytelling
There weren't stat checks in D&D? Are you a dribbling retard?
>because people don't think a game is the greatest game ever made they hate it
This is your brain on fanboyism
>What if the witcher WERE a girl
nice going esl
>taking one part of the post entirely out of context
By that logic action RPGS are far more RPG than regular ones since they actually check your IRL stats to see if you fuck something up
What the fuck are you even talking about?
and on the other side...
it's an action game
there is no role playing RPG
That's certainly no moon.
You don't play and RPG to roleplay as yourself you actual moron.
This cartoon depicts the Portuguese you retarded nigger.