Does Yea Forums know how to play chess?

Does Yea Forums know how to play chess?

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Chess is a solved boring game for white people.

I used to play with my dad growing up. When I was 13 I finally beat him once. We stopped playing shortly after.

Backgammon is way better though.

I unironically joined the chess club in the fifth grade, which was just the ability to eat food in classrooms during lunch time and not have to go outside when its too hot or too cold.

I was awful but I did manage to consistently beat people 1-2 years older than me so that was nice. I'm also still better than my brother at chess

Why are they in space?

Yes, I play chess regularly.

You can learn how to play chess in like 5 minutes

shut up todd


Pawn to C-5

Badly. I like learning principles but hate memorizing theory.

Chess is really fun when neither you or your opponent looks into deep chess theory as points out.
An Equal skill level battle of wits is truly enjoyable and I pity the people who will never be able to enjoy it.

No and I hate boardgames. I'm talking about the easy ones you play with kids. I suck at them.

Only brainlets play normal chess, if you want to increase your IQ exponentially then start playing three-dimensional chess.

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I'm genuinely curious, what is the solution?

Yes, nothing special about it. So glad vidya replaced shitty board games on their enterity.

>playing chess against some dude online
>open up separate tab, set the AI to the highest difficulty and then copy its moves

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Does Yea Forums know how to play parcheesi? Seriously, we lost the rulebook and I have no idea what these circles and colors mean.

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I like Knightmare Chess more.

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Yeah. Not very good at it, but I can play.


>tfw was ranked at ~2100 at 15 years old and an currently a 24 yo autistic neet

Anybody else too intelligent for real life?

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>play as black
>mirror opponent's every move

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Some pursuits are only a good fit for deeply odd people. Chess is one of them.

Just did that against an AI opponent, it made me clear the way with my pawns and then fucking ate my queen with its.

yeah but i absolutely suck at it

Bangkok. Oriental setting and the city don't know that the city is getting the creme de la creme of the chess world in a show with everything but Yul Brynner.

Your move.

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Based lifeform detected.

I know how to play it BUT I have no idea how to win. I don't remember winning any matches at all.
It seems something is very wrong with my mindset.

Cool chess sets ideas?

I play a mountain and Goblin Guide, swing 2

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Both players are getting blowjobs during the set.

Sensible chuckle

Step aside, plebs

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Pick knight, target your tower, roll for range, check. Roll for damage, 6, your tower is dead. Your move

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I am a total brainlet at chess, I avoid it because every time I play it, my friends make fun of me and my pathetic skills or lack thereof

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Swamp, Dark Ritual, Engineered Plague naming Goblin. Tick tock, Gobbofag

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me on the left

Chess has shit graphics

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I know how to play but not any strategies.

Only if you had a box where you could type any question and it searched the entirety of human knowledge and gave you the answer.

I place down a wild card, and choose the color Yellow. Your move.

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if the king doesn't move.... then his subjects won't follow

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>western chess
>not playing the superior nippon version
The ability to drop pieces adds a whole new layer of depth and it doesn't have the "too many draws" problem of chess, japs did it again.

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>Be up by at least 30 point at the start of the lategame in every single match.
>Still manage to lose about half of them because chinks never resign and start berserking in the lategame.

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I play chess here and there, I am not great but I love watching chess videos. IN THE SPIRIT OF MIKHAIL TAL!

Also always play the Evans Gambit when the opening allows you to play it.

Does anyone know the name of this online chess-like game where each piece was like an rpg character, and had different abilities, and you collected them?
It was online pvp and I don't remember if it was flash or java or something, but I can't find it for the life of me.

>best chess player that ever lived

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Found it, tactics arena online, but it's dead.

I recommend you play Summoner Wars, the card/tabletop/chess game.

Very based.

I hate playing bug people on foxgo server as well
