Pass me the controller bro.
Pass me the controller bro
god if I only had a knife and an hour alone with this guy
isn't it kinda nuts how you could have easily been the one born with some sick shit like this
but you weren't
but you could have
its weird
I'd cover the controller in industrial superglue, it would all come off with a jerk
is his foot affected too? they look like nubs
Wear gloves. That shit is contagious.
>Pass the pizza dough
>also known as treeman syndrome
Isn't shit like that just a bad infection/crazy ass warts?
Pass the controller bro
based Sam Tarly
whats this called?
>i am the controller, bro
No it's not. It's hereditary.
It doesn't really help. They just grow back. I'd probably kill myself if I had that.
Baker spotted!
westside gang sign
>Epidermodysplasia verruciformis (EV), also known as treeman syndrome, is an extremely rare autosomal recessive[1] hereditary skin disorder associated with a high risk of skin cancer.
It's amazing to imagine how you were never guaranteed any of your limbs or organs, there are kids born with so little of their brain you could actually debate if they are even human.
you're not getting my controller you fucking abomination. go back to the pripyat exclusion zone you freaks!
How would you even resist not peeling it off? It looks so removable.
i had warts on my hands, they spread through all the hand and after a few months i tried apple cider vinegar, it took care of it
in a wart there is a core, and if this core isn't removed the wart isn't going away
it creates callous skin and is highly contagious, my entire hands were covered with warts
apple cider vinegar slowly killed out the warts to the core, and the way this happens is when the wart is close to pop off, it blackens and the core can be easily removed with the dead skin surrounding it
if you see a wart, apply apple cider vinegar bandage immediately
How much different would the cancerous edition be?
it's actually not removable at all, it's like a dry skin that's deeply rooted within the fat and muscle
if you touch clear skin with warts, the wart can expand, if you remove it you will spread your warts all over the place, you don't want that
It's not. Your skin would come off with it.
Mongoloid genes.
This is why injuns are based. They tried to get away from them as far as possible. They even killed their deformed babies like the Spartans.
How does he put clothes on? Shave? Piss? Wipe?
>mfw i've seen the results of wart removal procedures
It's fucking gross, but at least it heals up nicely
you have to get it surgically removed.
thank you Jesus/Allah/Brahman/bhagwan/budhha for making me how I am fully healthy with maybe little irritable bowel syndrome but I am coping with it.
I am grateful.
all you anons should thank god too and stay hidrated