ITT: one hit wonder
ITT: one hit wonder
Actually two hit as there were two MP games
Alan Wake I never played
Alan Wake and Quantum Break were both great
Quantum Break was a 6/10
They should have dropped the stupid tv show
No it was great and at least a 7.5/10 from story perspective. Gameplay actually became cool and fun towards the end when you have all the powers maxed out and shit is getting fucked with time everywhere.
Thier worse game is above average.
Yes, Alan Wake was great.
remedy games all have good tech but sam lake's writing is hit or miss.
The story was mind-numbingly stupid tripe and a litteral copy of multiple stories which came out long before it.
The writing and characters were okay, and the graphics were nice (though horribly optimized), but the story was Remedy's lowest point by far.
Max Payne 2 was shit
>sam lake's writing is hit or miss.
worst post on this board right now
alan wake and quantum break are convoluted messes.
oh I thought you meant Max Payne 1 lol
Max Payne 9/10
Max Payne 2 9.5/10
Alan Wake 9/10
Quantum Break 6/10
>Quantum Break
Imagine being this much of a brainlet and not seeing the conclusion coming from miles away.
Max Payne 8/10
Max Payne 2 7/10
Alan Wake 9/10
Alan Wake's American Nightmare 6.5/10
Quantum Break 6/10
>no Death Rally
>max payne 2 was shit
The gameplay and story is much better than the first one. what are you talking about? Is Yea Forums não retrospectivally calling the sequel (that improves the original in all areas, including the story) is shit?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
>What the fuck is wrong with you?
You actually think all that bullshit involving shadowy conspiracy groups and evil corporations ruling the world made for a better story than a simple mob war and a man, looking for a reason to live, being torn between duty and love?
>Max Payne, Max Payne 2 and Alan Wake
shut the fuck up retard
>copy of multiple stories which came out long before it
Care to elaborate? Id be interested