It's the best selling game of 2019

Congrats guys, you've told the devs it's ok to jinect sjw garbage into favorite long running franchises.

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Other urls found in this thread:

"Get woke, go broke" was always an obvious delusional wish and not reality. And who cares? Play the games you enjoy, ignore the ones you don't.

>t's ok to jinect sjw garbage into favorite long running franchises
ok what are you retards mad about there is nothing sjw about the story or anything what are you going to cry that the girls are not in bikinis again

Attached: eregege.png (1037x811, 1.02M)

>game is a step down in every way
>retards crying about skin drown out any actual complaints

This. It's the most brilliant scheme. You can make the shittiest game ever with the most micro-transactions, and as long as you make it "woke" (Read: Have one woman that isn't the perfect fap fantasy), you'll have thousands of incels drowning all legitimate criticism out.

>game is a step down in every way
>muh running

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Nobody listened to me when I told them their sound designer did a shitty job, they aren't going to listen to you either. They've got to get that brand.

I didn't think anyone gave two shits about MK any more so maybe this is a positive thing.

its over

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so you think because you don't like the game everybody hates it or something

>t-t-the game is sjw and nobody likes mortal kombat anyway
every thread with you retards

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I thought it was a dead franchise, no one ever talks about it

>no sexy bare legs
I don't mind that. Not for female rights, but I like having things left to my imagination.

Absolutely obsessed

>no one ever talks about it
so you ignore everything about this game then you are surprised that people like it are you stupid

>For now...

there are bare legs he was just a dumbass

imagine losing to fucking samsho in EVO entrants

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Oh well fuck him. And fuck them too.

Baraka doesn't count.

they are both at EVO retard

shut up nrs nigger you dont have the brain capacity to understand posts

he never claimed otherwise you illiterate nigger

sonya cetrion jacqui and kitana all have bare legs

Dont give a shit about running netcode is shit and the mechanics somehow make inj clash look tolerable
>nrs nig
>posting without a shitty gif or pic

>nrs nigger

90% of MK community is still in the "if the gameplay is ok i dont care" territory. Basically where i were 2 years ago.

ok what are you talking about then retards

Why would anyone give a shit about anything but gameplay in a fighting game? lmao

its absolutely nrs nigger.

I know but their outfits are terrible.

you take anything said on Yea Forums seriously dont you

gameplay is fucking weak as hell though. its a fucking MK game.
you can tell by the scene already dying.

Only in the US. It didn't even release in Japan.


do you even play mortal kombat

And yet SamSho was better.

SamSho is for BASED and redpilled gamers.

Attached: Based & redpilled SNK.png (613x387, 445K)

It also shows that Denuvo works

They're putting in Klassic skins

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>i dont play mortal kombat so let me tell you how it is

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Because we're at war.

man I hate journos and how they go out of their way to attack devs for making titty characters.

I seriously hope they all get the charlie hebdo treatment.

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so why are samsho fanboys trying to go after mortal kombat they are nothing alike

They both feature executing your opponent as a gimmick. Samsho 5 Special even had actual fatalities.

Attached: you frog.jpg (576x806, 104K)

yeah one of them is actually a good fighter lmaoooooooo


that is one retarded reason to hate something

This, SamSho is actually good.

I hate MK now because it went from being everything still good about western gaming packed into one game (MK9) to being everything bad about western gaming packed into one game (MK11)

>Because we're at war.
I bet you actually believe that, you nerd.

what the fuck are you talking about

The girls have small boobs now and that makes me angery because I like big boobs only.

Jax's ending is a literal woke shit fantasy about cyber Uganda or some shit like that.

>The girls have small boobs now
just because they are not big as g cups dont mean they are small

retards are still mad

imagine unironically replying to nrsnigger.
he doesnt even play these games.

>Guy has a time machine
>Uses it to remove one of the most reviled parts of history from existence
>This is bad

Nigger, this isnt any conspiracy...they are very open about it, so its not a matter of "if" but only a matter of time.

Attached: female Thor.png (985x628, 329K)

>i have no argument

>ignorance is bliss bro just ignore the problem

Attached: Worried_laughter.jpg (520x678, 69K)

you cant be this stupid

that way of thinking lead to essentially all western games being unplayable avoid on side bullshit, and its not getting any better.
now retarded japs are starting to cave in.

>no arguments
Oh no...

Attached: retarded.png (500x375, 91K)

That's not bad, the lines he says, however are fucking horrible and are obvious virtual signaling.

>God forbid there are games that don't cater to me

>all western games being unplayable avoid on side bullshit
If you play Triple A garbage only, maybe. And even then, I dunno, The Outer Worlds looks decent.


Oh man, this is gold nerd shit.
Please tell me about how you liked comics better when they weren't 'political' too.

you are getting this mad over a movie?

We truly live in a society. How the fuck can they keep pretending they aren't oppressing us gamers? How the fuck haven't we had our own equivalent of the Geneva convention? GAMERS...

These were datamined from where?

Comics were always """political""" but back then they were not anti white straight males, and also they used to have from average to good stories (you know it helps).

There are some real DSL in this game.

Attached: Lipslipsandmorelips.jpg (1355x1080, 591K)

>Geneva convention
What a faggot. Let's bankrupt them all instead.

>were not anti white straight males
they are not now retard

Joker detected

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You're samefagging too much (not that i'm bothered but even summerfags will spot you at this point)

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Must be a discord tranny. Why these "things" dont an hero? Its a mistery.

what i don't speak meme

Great argument bro

>i am at a movie that is not even close to being out yet

jesus fucking christ this is what they have to do from the beginning instead of calling everyone incels and misogynists

Reminder that this game released with a grind wall that would ensure you never ever unlocked even half of the stuff. It was entirely geared towards micro-transactions. This is the game you are defending. This is the practices you are championing. Fuck. ing. Yikes. Cutting off your nose to spite your face, bold strategy retards. Wake up.

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imagine having nightwolf as your evo reveal.
I cant think of anything more pathetic

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>is not even close to being out yet
Enjoy your double digit IQ, i can actually make predictions with the elements they already gave to me.

How old are you?

I didn't have an interest in buying MK and not I really fucking don't.

>hope they all get the charlie hebdo treatment.

This but abolishing intellectual property

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>mortal kombat wins

source: my ass


good for you

Based and redpilled

Dick-sucking lips

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Cry more incel

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Honestly what's the point of having females in the game if they don't have giggling titties?

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Glad to have done my part. RESET ERA BAY BAY

Stop, you're embarrassing yourself. You're not even good at it. Fuck man, is it September yet?

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Have sex
Have sex

Holy shit NRShill you're still here

>have sex
no u

Don't look at me - I didn't buy this pile of dung. Din't even pirate it either.

>Mortal Kombat sold well
meanwhile, water is wet.

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There is not one source in this thread backing up the OP's claim, so I don't know why you would believe his lies.

implying your worthless manchild ass could even fathom to do anything about it lol


I'm not really saying i believe it, I'm just not surprised if it is. MK always sells amazingly.

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warnerbros arent releasing the sales numbers even though they loved bragging about them in the past.

wtf bros i thought mk11 flopped??

>One of the top player of nu-MK is a liberal furryfaggot
This says everything you need to know about MK.

It's a classic /vg/ autist

at least they accept defeat


>haha! we did it resetera! just ignore all those other times when it actually happened

oh so they are on the not hypocrite territory?

sure thing zoomer

he's so easy to spot,he calls everyone retard
I remember during MK11 Release he would istantly post MK9 screenshot if you called Mk11 girl ugly

I didn't realize op was pro mk11

Join the 40% mentally ill tranny

Its #1 on the US NPDs

not a single nrs shill has been able to defend why the mk9 costumes in x look different for females lmao

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glad to see this was the first post

bay baysed



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*screenshots this and epically posts it in r/Gamingcirclejerk/*

surely shitposting wrongthink away from my hugbox forum will change public perception. don't all the game devs visit 4chin?

>it's only the popular games dude no big deal

It's a problem when people become passive, yes.

What are you even trying to say here you fucking troglodyte? Are you actually defending this shit?

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As I said, The Outer Worlds looks good. You just want an excuse for your shitty "rise up" slacktivism. Fuck off.

That guy on the left who started that pasta, I kinda like him. He seems sweet.

>at first I was this person, and then I was this other, totally different person with different ideas and beliefs

Great image guy. Really says something.

>shitty excuse
It's not an excuse when it's actually happening you fucking retard

>People are making games that aren't exclusively catered towards me and this means I must stop them

I hope you're not white and a Male

Glad to have helped this cause, pre order fag here

The game is good and it's easy to unlock stuff now. Everything in mk9 was hideous and it's very likely they'll add klassic outfits for all the girls later. You can continue mourning ugly designs being gone, and I'll keep enjoying Mortal Kombat. Have a nice day.

/pol/tardetties SEETHING

if you want the mk9 girls so bad the game is there for you shitposter tranny fucker

Here, you earned it

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You will never pass. Kill yourself.

I'm mourning the idea that they used to know their audience and it was all fun and shits and giggles, and now every video game is going for an ultra realistic approach which is the height of autism. "Duuh girls wouldn't fight in those outfits" yeah no shit, that's why we liked it. Girls also can't dislocate their jaws and swallow humans whole, we get it. Don't worry, it will all backfire on them. These things take time, but it will happen. Another developer or two will come in and fill the gap left by these moral high-ground seeking "fantasy game" studios, and watch how fast they 180. Just sit back and watch it all come crumbling down.

you are literally trying to say the girls in mk9 looked good just to shitpost its sad seek help

>muh trannies

nice try and retard mk 1 2 and 3 used real people you stupid shitposter and the classic costumes are coming back the thing retards said wont be back

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rather be a cringey joker then a cuck bootlicker

>"Get woke, go broke" was always an obvious delusional wish and not reality.
kill yourself shill

>Don't worry, it will all backfire on them. These things take time, but it will happen. Another developer or two will come in and fill the gap left by these moral high-ground seeking "fantasy game" studios, and watch how fast they 180. Just sit back and watch it all come crumbling down.

/pol/ BTFOd yet again
Cope harder faggots

Literally stealing SJW lingo lmfao
Horseshoe remains real


Attached: sonya-blade-mortal-kombat-vs-dc-universe-14.9.jpg (210x240, 10K)



>sjw lingo
rent free

Wait wheres this from? holy fuck thats ugly

the old mortal kombat games but hay you are a tanny lover if you want them to look like girls now

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Congratulations to NRS but what the fuck is going on with the story now? Mk9 was the best reboot I've played and they've ruined it in 2 games

>Below is NPD's top 20 best-selling games chart for April 2019:

1. Mortal Kombat 11
2. Days Gone
3. MLB 19: The Show
4. Tom Clancy's The Division 2^
5. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate*
6. Grand Theft Auto V
7. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice^
8. Call of Duty: Black Ops IIII^
9. NBA 2K19
10. Yoshi's Crafted World*
11. Red Dead Redemption II
12. Mario Kart 8*
13. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey
14. Minecraft#
15. New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe*
16. Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster
17. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild*
18. Jump Force
19. Battlefield V*
20. Borderlands

weebs will gobble up anything. Surprised FFX is on the list.

i play mk9 because the roster is better not because of females
nrs is cucked to shit lmao

>liking any woman from old MK9 game
>saying MK11 is bad

We found the faggot

you are not even trying anymore are you

>muh roster
if you want a good roster go play armageddon retard


my god, these costumes are genuinely fucking terrible

its bad enough they have to make it so every single character barely looks anything like themselves with all this generic armor crap and giving people like 100 different colors that don't even match their classic ones, but they just look so fucking bad too. it's honestly impressive how awful they are, they must've lost their character designer after MKX or something.

MK9 has a superior roster to mk11 while also having a superior fighting engine to armageddon
stop defending corporations online you drone

you sound like a fucking idiot guy

>you sound like a fucking idiot guy

Attached: Soyjak1.png (320x351, 40K)

you sound like a fucking guy idiot

The real cope is you thinking it won't backfire. Sorry pal.

>tfw you see more of the female body (well, the outside) in Nintendo's E(10+)-rated games than in fucking MK

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>mk 1 2 and 3

So how's the timeline go again? Remind me. MK 1, 2, 3, and then 11 right? Seems legit.

>hear about a DC fighting game
>mfw its just a lame mortal kombat reskin

Attached: 1557265363942.jpg (187x196, 5K)

I have yet to see a MK thread where people talk about gameplay.
really makes you think.


you are literally trying to say the girls in mk11 look better designed than the girls from MK9 which is autism and it's sad, seek medication

Soi-level garbage, you are killing gaming.

not really. some games just invite some really dedicated shitposters. there's been 2 DoA threads i got to talk about the game. rest of the threads have been an autist complaining about ayanes tits

this is your brain on brainwashed mode

well looking at this one and all the others before it it's filled with shitposters crying about the girls and if there was a thread those sad retards flock to that one

We’re reaching autism levels...

said the autistic nrs shill who started the shitpost

yes i am saying that the girls in mk9 look like men but hey they have big milkers so you love them

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it's a fighting game, what do you expect? like, really? what did you fucking expect?
>oh wow guys if i press back back low punch scorpion throws his spear this never happened before wow

look at the retard having nothing to say you going to cry about boobs again

>netcode is shit
is the only game aside ki with a tolerable netcode

literally and unironically kill yourself you waste of oxigen
don't try to play the victim

well of course you fucking nigger, i care about the gameplay not that there are sexy women anymore

have you played every mainline MK game and learned it meta? or you just don’t like it beecause “it feels janky”?

are you upset the only thing you talk about is the costumes

Because everyone from the FGC scene hates/dislike Mortal Kombat due to being “bad” competitively

are you upset that the only thing you can do is call others retard and then play the victim saying "b-but it's them who want to argue about titties go back to mk9"

this is the average Yea Forums poster brainlet

DoA is another shitty game with a horrible fanbase that doesnt actually play their games they fanboy over.

They fixed it, so your complain is useless

>Because everyone from the FGC scene hates/dislike Mortal Kombat
you retards really want this to be a thing dont you

nothing wrong with that

>It was entirely geared towards micro-transactions
no it was not

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you aren't worth the shit in the toilet

i not defend it, i just don’t care
you aren’t going to but the game due to that? then good for you

what do you mean?

Why do you post about shit you have no clue about?


nrshill btfo
how will >he recover from this

>the same "scene" where smash is the top competitive fighting game
>same "scene" that bans costume from DoA because its too "distracting"

you literally came into the thread to shitpost if you want to talk about the game play then do it you idiot

Don't fucking quote me again faggot
You started it,don't play the victim like the women you defend costantly
Now fuck off
You're in every mk thread,I instantly recognize you
all you can do is call other retards and start shit when someone says something bad about Mk11 costumes or how skarlet look like a fucking goblin
Even /mkg/ hates you

you sound like a fucking crazy person

at least i don't derail every mk11 thread by whiteknighting NRS

thread should have ended here

talk about the gameplay then who do you like to play

I fucking hate this shit game so much. The ridiculously hypocritical justifications on why making ugly women was the right thing to do. The retarded faggot cucks screeching yass queen slay to a literal fucking goblin. Nigger tier microtransaction bullshit and straight up lies about not including non-playable fighters in the story like they did in mkx. Fuck this game and fuck any retard who bought it

Li Mei,Noob and Shao Kahn
now have fun talking to yourself,i wasted enough time with you

fuck off retard

Meanwhile at Monster Hunter World
Why play a ResetEra-pandering political shit that gives no fucks about its fans like MK11, when you can play a game that's all about fun, gaming, and fans? Hell, Iceborne might even outsell MK11 in four months and that's down by two platforms.

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man you sound fucking retarded i bet if they put something like this in mk11 you retards will find something to cry about
>muh sjw

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Can't sell your audience 30 different costumes, if they don't put big costumes on their default characters. Congrats sucker, you played yourself. Fell for the bait again.

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>they "fixed" it

Oh, was it broken? How'd that happen? They closed up the office one night, came in the next day and all the code got loose? What a retard. exactly the type they're looking for. You're perfect.

>no clue about

Explain what was wrong with what he said then.

>H-how fucking dare you brought up a game that doesn't piss off /pol/!
Seething NRScucks

Attached: shimarin you.jpg (1920x1080, 392K)

You deserved this too

ToT used to have a lot of bullshit that make it to win except using the items, so it was hard as fuck to get the gears in the game. The lowered the difficulty and reduced the bullshit. Also the always give tons of time stones so you can buy the gear that you are missing. And the requirement to some gears in the krypt have been reduced.
Did you even played the game?

Most "SJW" entertainment loses money not because of political ideas-- it's because most is poorly done, hamfisted,and people don't want to lectured or bummed out when trying to have fun.

Besides, this game feels more like an Injustice 2 reskin more than a MK game. Where the fuck are the stage fatalities?

>same "scene" that bans costume from DoA because its too "distracting"
EVO isn’t the FGC. The FGC are the people that plays fighting game, not some tournament that wants to make big money.
I agree that smash shouldn’t be considered a fighting game but an plataformer brawler

I'm glad some anons get it

Why the hell Mortal Kombat ALWAYS makes people seethe so hard?

Oda knows what people want. If im going to be playing a girl because I like their playstyle possibly I'd rather they be attractive so I feel more inclined to do my best to protect them from getting fucked up and-or cut in half. Shit feels bad when the shield using chink gets bisected.


i really dont know one retard in in /vg/ shitposting up a storm right now

Imagine getting outsold by a fucking expansion

Attached: The Handler.jpg (351x351, 26K)

you are one dedicated shitposter

>in USA

No lie, I was in a gamestop last week, there were 5 copies of used MK 11 xbone games on the shelf. I never see more than one used copy of a game at a time. There were 5 of them. I think this game is being traded in en masse.

I think we both know this is false

Don't worry OP, we're just enjoying our game. Unlike you NRSJW incels who got nothing better to do than to bitch about politics.

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Even the Handler is prettier than any of these muslim trannies. Cope harder.

Its entire popularity is founded on outrage. Its not hard to figure out shills are implying the same tactic that always sells these games since MK1.

>Play the games you enjoy, ignore the ones you don't
if only people actually took this to heart instead of just using it as a shield to defend stuff they like, then turning around and shitting on the stuff they don't

not gonna happen MK11 has been in the top charts all summer

>calls others Incels while posting waifuautism

the irony

I really have no reason to lie to you my dude. Gamestop has a sale this week to buy 3 $9.99 games for 15 bucks. I don't even have an xbox, I was standing in a long line because some guy was trading in a gamecube and a gameboy advance with no cord, and the employee was on the phone for 15 minutes trying to deal with pricing that out. I don't know how many more details I can give you, and I really don't care if you believe me. I noticed because of all the shit I read on here all the time. It might've been 4 copies actually, I might have wrote 5 to embellish, so you got me there. When have you ever seen more than one used copy of a game on a shelf at a time? That's why I noticed.

>Kyoani dies
>Panda Dies
>A fcuking sjw shilled game win
>Snoy just censor any shit

Attached: Miyazaki.jpg (640x357, 35K)

Reminder not to believe MK11 shill lies. It had no competition in June and best selling game of 2019 is now held by another game as MK11 sales were only strong in their first week (which is why the game went on sale very quickly). WB are in panic mode and these shit threads are a fragment of it, for more evidence of this the game is getting a bunch of Klassic costumes despite the devs trashing the classic outfits for women before release.

Attached: 1563924754486.png (742x436, 64K)

>user doesn't understand how businesses work

Most people know that MK is a mainly a normie fighting game so the high sales were predicted by many of us before it was released. Credit where credit is due it's good to see NRS taking the competitive scene seriously, too bad for me it looks like all the other anime fighters with their combo wank mechanics which I find tiresome.

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they arent taking them seriously at all with the retarded variation system.
gameplay is shit in this.

they are quite petit