Does anyone here play smash and fighting game? Does one hamper your enjoyment of the other?

Does anyone here play smash and fighting game? Does one hamper your enjoyment of the other?

I used to play smash a lot but ever since I started playing fighting games I just don't have the same enjoyment of it I used to. Movement just feels weird and neutral seems so much simpler, if nonexistent.

Interested on other's thoughts about this.

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Comparing smash to a real fighting game is like comparing Mario cart to forza
Nintendo does accessible, not technical

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I enjoy both smash and fighting games. Though going from 2D to 3D to smash is easily the most miserable thing ever. You are likely at that point where you get extreme burnout whenever you go back to smash. It takes awhile to get over it

Once I switched from brawl to fighting games it took me several years to back to smash, even longer to find it fun. It's really hard to apply what you learn in smash to other game. I guess decision making in neutral/disadvantage, but you can get that from playing fighting games for a long time anyway. It's up to you to find that one aspect of smash that you find fun, for me it's neutral and tech chasing.

Sort of the opposite for me, I play Smash on the side sorta casually, it feels too floaty and weightless for me to ever play it more seriously than I do though. In fairness in a lot of more traditional fighting games you get certain characters that feel like that too, for me at least it's important that the character feels satisfying to use if that makes sense.

I only play smash and 3d fighters.

I can do FADCs and frame links in SF4, but I can't pull off combos in Smash. To me, it's the opposite.

To me Smash is a fighting game, just with more freedom in the gameplay.

I play fighting games by myself and I play smash like a party game with my friends. But my fundamentals let me shit on them pretty hard despite not owning any smash games.

Smashfags are actual fags though

Why do you keep posting this thread?

This is the first time I posted this thread.

I play smash and fighting games (fighterz P4AU MK11) competitively but I’m mainly focused on smash


Did you even read the OP?


I play melee and fighting games. Melee is the greatest video game conceived but I spend more time playing fighting games because I enjoy the slower paced action as well as the learning process of a fighting game which is just significantly easier and more enjoyable.

4 player party smash or 2v2 and various rules is fun, but 1v1 neutral is nonsense with no weight to any decision because of how mobile characters are. It’s stupid and youre better off playing literally any other fighting game because they all do it better

Why are you putting your balls in a man's mouth? Are you a faggot?


loved melee, also played sf4 and 3rd strike. sf5 is not enjoyable imo. Blazblue was fun for a while, most recent fighters suck imo, so didnt play many the past few years

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You're not alone, OP. I've been playing fighting games since I was 15 years old. Street Fighter, Marvel, King of Fighters, Virtua Fighter, Guilty Gear, Tekken. Pretty much everything and no matter how hard I try I cannot get into or understand Smash. In most new fighting games I pick up I can apply what I know from previous games but not in Smash. It's fucking weird and different compared to other games. I can't stand the dumb analog controls and the tilt moves. It feels so unnatural. Why can't I walk by pressing the dpad and run by double tapping? Or pressing two buttons together for Smash attacks? I don't know how many times I've run past my opponent when I meant to just move slightly forward.

It's such a weird fucking game and I'll never understand how people can take this game seriously when I never feel like I'm 100% in control just moving around.

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git gud. i bet you are one of those combo learners that practices in training mode usually

>i bet you are one of those combo learners that practices in training mode usually
Is this suppose to be an insult? That's what most people do you retard.

I was into actual fighting games well before I actually learned anything to do with higher level melee. It honestly probably helped more than I realize. Ult is okay too, but not my favorite.

Smash online feels wretched to play compared to offline Smash. It's not fun having 0.25 second input lag and entire commands getting arbitrarily eaten

>when I never feel like I'm 100% in control just moving around.
That's 100% your fault, pal. People accustomed to Smash have no troubles moving around.

I enjoy playing both, but can only take one seriously at a time. Whenever I dive deep into a real fighting game it forces me to see how Smash is a terrible, terrible game at its core.

I play both and consider Smash a fighter. It's just not a traditional one.

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2D traditional fighters, Platform fighters, 3D fighters, I play them and enjoy'em all the same, the one genre I just cant get behind is Arena fighters

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>I can't stand the dumb analog controls and the tilt moves. It feels so unnatural. Why can't I walk by pressing the dpad and run by double tapping?
Analog movement feels a lot more natural than "you're restricted to a set speed unless you mash the button, then you're restricted to a higher set speed". That's a limitation of the pre-analog era and it feels clumsy
>Or pressing two buttons together for Smash attacks?
You've been able to toggle this on since Brawl

DBZ BT3 is the king of arena fighters, but in general they've never gotten a fair shake because they're made as cheap anime cash ins. BT3 and Clash of Ninja 4 are the only ones that show a glimpse of what they could be

>arena fighters
I only play these with friends every now and then. Never really buy them myself. Dark Souls is a pretty good fighter too.

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The main issue for me is the massive input delay smash has when playing online.
Offline it's bad, but playable.
Online the input delay is unbearable, made particularly worse once you've played other fighting games with much better netcode.
This is largely an issue with the hardware/Nintendo's incompetence, if I could play Smash online without the huge input delay the game currently has I would love it.

I like Smash and fighting games, but I definitely only play Smash as a fun crazy fighter, not some super tech shit like Mahvel. They’re both good.

Comparing halo to a real fps is like comparing fortnite to UT. Bungie does accessible, not technical

>Offline it's bad, but playable.
Wait, Smash has input lag offline too? Why?

I play BBTAG but I used to be really into MvC 1 and 2, and have been playing Smash since 64. They're both fun genres and have their own enjoyments and hang ups, but one doesnt muddle the other for me

Yeah Smash doesnt feel precise like normal fighting games,the characters feel like puppets


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Unironically just play ryu or Ken, then. They have motion inputs, inverse edge, FADC, a recongizable moveset with more or less accurate frame data and visual queues. Once you figure them out you can either dominate, as Ken is one of the best characters available, or use that to bridge into other characters.
Either that, or stop trying to make street fighter out of smash. Have you played KI or Yomi? Neither of those work as well with SF fundamentals either.

All videogame characters are puppets.

>toaster N64: under 3 frames, maximum almost 4
>modern tech master race Ultimate: at least 5 frames of lag, maximum 6
I don't understand

Fucking KI. I need my goddamn sequel.

Literally the only good arena fighter is that Gundam one that only has any presence in Japan

I used to play every fighting game under the sun barring Tekken/DoA/VF but now I just play 3rd Strike and Melee/Ultimate, occasionally Guilty Gear XX #Reload. Those are the most fun to me.

I liked Dissidia/012 if those count. Jecht was pretty damn fun.

You return to neutral more frequently. I wouldn't say it is particularly simpler and certainly isn't nonexistent. I think it's scramble situations are much simpler, but using one move over and over again to fish for your big punish is quintessential fighting games neutral. Smash also has a pretty unique punish game. The herding someone into an even worse situation type of thing is pretty cool and allows for pretty much fully unique interactions every time.

smash isn't a fighting game

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>smash feels weird and awkward compared to actual fighters.
>git gud faggot

yeah, I like to pretend to be retarded sometimes too.

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stop talking to yourself

This, exactly.
But Mario Kart and Racing Sims are both awesome.

Just like real fighting games (not SFV) are as awesome as Smash.

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I play both. It really is a case of gitting gud.

so do I. I have for over 20 years. Trash is still trash

and to think people beat off to these gangly proportions

Asking here since there is no point making a new thread for it.
Could anyone please give me a quick rundown on Julia Chang and Anna Williams in Tekken 7? I am trying to find another hard hitting medium(?) fighter like Lili, that isn't Asuka and is also female.

Chloe hits hard but I wouldn't call her medium

Kazumi is fine too

low test

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>Julia Chang
Requires a relatively high execution, learning setups and oponent reads. Can feel very rewarding if you get used to her though
>and Anna Williams
A simpler, but also underpowered character. You have to pearn a very specific tech to make her work (kinda like Lee). Also she a hoe

Just play Josie and unga everyone to death

>smash and fighting games

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I play Smash and Soul Calibur. I would definitely say that I cannot play many other fighters, such as Street Fighter, MvC, or Skullgirls very well, but that's not because of Smash; even in Smash, there are just things I cannot will my fingers to do, so consistent combos and shoryuken-like inputs just don't jive with me.

That said, I do feel like Smash is just the most fun for me, and while being fun is great, I can play another game and think "man, maybe I would be having more fun on Smash now". Movement is so fun and combat feels more skill-based, you don't win trades just by guessing an input right. Your attacks rarely bring you into range for you, you have to move yourself much more deliberately for spacing. I like Soul Calibur and I played it more when Brawl was out, but now with Ultimate I've rarely come back to it at all. Doesn't help that both Amy and Aeon aren't there.

I can't judge for all fighting games, but from what I've played, Smash seems to have a lot more technical depth even if the inputs are easier. It feels like a game I could never even come close to "solving" and something that will always be fun to play whether I'm getting destroyed or having to 1v3 my casual friends. I can start a match knowing that I can direct it entirely differently from the last.

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>giant hands
>giant feet
>torso and arms transplanted from a Barbie doll
whatever gets your rocks off Liefeld but that anatomy works much better in a 2D aesthetic

I've played every possible version of Smash out there, from Smash Flash, to Dan Fornance's Super Smash Land, to melee mechancis Ultimate and melee modded Sm4sh, and I play a lot of Melee.

For fighting games, my favorite is Skullgirls, but I've played the whole circuit of Street Fighter and other Capcom games and smathering of SNK stuff like Garou, SamSho5sp, Last Blade, SVC Chaos 2. I've mostly avoided Tekken, though I did grow up with Soul Calibur 2.

I find the divide between FGC types and Smash games disheartening. Whenever I'm playing with my Smash friends, they don't really care about whatever's happening in the fighting game scene, and when I'm playing with my FGC friends, they ether admire what melee can be or meme about it, not a lot of cross pollination of interest.

when is darkstalkers coming back

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I feel it looks fine in motion but as a still the anatomy looks too fucked up. I suppise the costume might be part of it as well.

Maybe, but I don't like her character or design at all.

Oh right, the one who fights like they're in a Chinese martial arts film. That could be cool, thanks.

Thank you for the rundown.

One other question, who would be the Marie Rose style fighter in Tekken? Not thematically, I mean in terms of attacks.

Also true

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I played a shit ton of SF4AE with pic related and got into Melee around when it was hitting its peak. If you want more interesting movement, check out Tekken.
>neutral is so much simpler
>compared to Ultimate
you clearly have no idea what you're talking about

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Yeah to be fair it works a lot better in motion by design, the developer wants you to clearly be able to tell the limbs apart from the main body. Ditto for the accessories or visual tells for different fighters (Ryu having fingerless brown gloves that stand out against his white/skin colourscheme and indicate the position of his hands, Chun-Li having spiked black bangles, Dudley's bright blue boxing gloves, etc)

I play both but I only play smash for fun with friends. I dont even have a switch I just I go to my friends place to play.