What's your favorite job in Final Fantasy?

What's your favorite job in Final Fantasy?
For me it has to be White Mage

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Dragoon. It's a one trick pony but very aesthetic.

for me, it's cunbreaker

*thunderer plays*
Sup mortals, friendly reminder that without me you would not have awakened Omega, and without Omega you would not have saved the bad future.

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Always Black Mage, in every game.
Unless there's Magus or Sage.

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Monk, ever since FF1, I've always loved the idea of being so powerful that your fists are deadlier than any weapon
pls help me Yoshi

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Blue Mage, but no game ever does it justice

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>already the best melee DPS in standard comps
MNKs will always be the whinny bitch DPS equivalent of WAR and SCH. Even when these jobs are at the top, they still complain

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FFXI did it justice

>Yea Forums expects me to waste precious GCDs doing something that does NO damage (dancing) when I could be actually using my dps rotation

MNK finally gets to exist in shbringers and the balance patch will either solidify it or ruin it though.

DRG does less dps and litany is weaker than brotherhood unless there is two or more casters

Red Mage every time. Even if they're shit, they're my favorite class in all of FF


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dumb bait.

Feels nice playing long enough to see drgs cemented spot die with ninja

I've always loved the versatility of red mages. I also like the magic knight types from FFT.

X-2 lmfao

Is this game worth getting into?

>Retribution’s blade...
> You WILL be judged.
> I’ll crave you!

Seriously bros why the fuck is this not a job. Would definitely be a tank.

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Is this game any good?

It's worth it

What the fuck are those two shitty blades?
Give him a big magiteck hammer, melee DPS with DRG armor and here you go
>we have already a lot of melees!
Melees have 2 slots in a party

>leveling my RDM, might as well get those HW side quests out of the way
>A FATE started nearby so i started attacking before i notice that it was one of those that you needed lots of people
>kept at it either way, and slowly more people started gathering
>we did all 3 stages
Such a nice feeling desu.

W-what kind of job is that?

Is this game fun?

They should introduce Judge as tank and have either WAR or GNB switch to DPS, or both even.

This game is on sale, should I pick it up?

>clear for one then farm
>clear for one
>clear for a friend
I'm so sick of seeing these.

The best kind.

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Just got the game. What am I in for?

So, the game has a fuckton of jobs at this point and most of them play pretty well at max level.

I think the next expansion should add no new jobs, maybe one new skill for each existing job, and instead focus on polishing the low-level and early-game experience in addition to the new content it brings.


Out of all the FF games: FF5 Blue Mage

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Fuck off he has two fighting styles
Fast paced two swords or slow powerful dual sided glaives.

Let melee dps have Beastmaster w/ hammers

>find all tanks except gnb equally fun
>dont care about which one is better than another
>still cant choose which to keep playing to 80


Check this AST

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The self entitled community already threw a huge nigger bitch storm because they didn't add a healer. Now imagine them not adding ANY jobs next expansion? It would be career suicide.

We need another healer and another physical ranged, then they should work on job identity.

No reason to waste an entire expansion on early game when they could easily focus on that with subsequent patches, instead of wasting time with BLU/Diadem/Eureka-type shit.

>all these fags arguing about whether MNK or DRG is top melee DPS
>meanwhile I'm watching from the top of the DPS charts

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DRK only because it helped me go through FF3NA faster with the op darkness command.

>he doesn’t play Machinist
It’s like you don’t want your drill to pierce the heavens.

What healers would be left to add? Green Mage? Chemist?

>another healer
Geomancer/Green Mage

>physical ranged
Gunner/Juggler (with blitzball!)

People are more likely to join fates that are already in progress, since that means there's someone already there sharing the work

>be me
>gets behind garuda's butt
>Use Drill
>goes right up her ass

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>op darkness command
Reminds me of X-2, the moment you got Dark Knight you coulde cheese most of the game, really love the job.

The devs feel like they have to balance all roles in terms of how many jobs there are in each, so there are probably only three jobs left, one healer, one magic DPS and one ranged DPS.

My favorite job is having a functional brain to remember common mechanics and not get hit by stupid shit in the name of uptime
It's an unpopular job

thats very true, people are so retarded about this stuff. man, all the people asking when the other genders are coming for the live letter... FUCK OFF

good point, they could probably stagger it out over several expansions.

the main issue imo is that the current active players are all done with the early game so they only care about new stuff being added, but the fresh meat experiences content that hasnt been worked on for years and thats really shit

Geomancer/Chemist are the safest guesses.
Sure, CNJ and AST are similar in idea to GEO, but there is still room for something different, especially with WHM becoming a pure light-based healer.

Every other jobs pales in comparison once you've gone black.
It's so good.

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You didn't hear it from me but they might be working on concepts for each one of those for the next expansion.

The next expansion is probably gonna be a sort of last hurrah with three new jobs, and then they'll drop the bombshell of there being no more jobs planned.
That way, we'll end up with 20 jobs, presumably 4 in each role.

and Elementalist

Some people don't even do it in the name of uptime, they just don't understand how to avoid shit and can't even imitate other people doing it correctly.

Lads I think I fucked up.

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yeah, i didnt think about the balance of jobs, so theyll probably do it after the next expansion. but do you think it will be in time? a rework of the early content, especially the dungeons and class gameplay is SORELY needed, isnt it?

21 jobs, BLU represent.

i did the same thing lol
those quests are such a pain in the ass, just do them once your overleveled

Yoshida literally stated there are only 3 caster jobs in the game right now.
BLU counts as much of a job as GSM or LTW.

dwarf hats without the beards when?

What we need are new job crystals
Machinist can be either Sniper or Gunner
Paladin can be Templar or Holy Knight
White Mage can be either Seer or White wizard
Samurai can be parivir

Even if that were true, most of their concepts end up getting trashed anyway. Chemist was once planned for HW and got split into AST and MCH, and Oracle was considered for SB. Hell, there probably is an unfinished actual BLU concept lying around.

In terms of all of FF, probably Paladin, aka Cecil.
If we're talking FF14, Bard is my personal favorite, formerly Paladin before the Stormblood combat changes, and the further Shadowbringers changes.

I just went into 20 or so random ffxiv twitch streams most of which were twitch thots and asked for invite to layer. Not a single one knew what the fuck I was talking about.

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They tried that with base classes and it didn’t work out.

>couldn't find Titania japanese dub on youtube
>had to do it myself
What's the point of youtube if I have to do the work myself?

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>LTW (*306) equipped

Video games on youtube is no longer about archival, literally every video about any given game is a shitty let's play with some retard talking over it. God bless you for doing it though.

>ff14 titania jp
Literally the first result on youtube.


I wanted just the voice not the whole song over it.

Now it will seem like I was self promoting.
I didn't.

You missed out on FFXI's BLU.
That job was an experience of its own.

>ctrl + f "Red Mage"
>0 results
It's the most STYLISH class how come no one mentioned it yet?

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>most sophisticated looking class
>is braindead as hell to play
Needs a rework in my opinion

As a WHM I really like RDM. They help out with rezzing which can save a run. Same deal with pic related.

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I doubt those concepts are anything set in stone right now. Especially since they might end up deciding to redo BLU if the 5.1 update doesn't get the expected reaction.

Just started playing FFXIV and picked ACN to start so I can go either SMN or SCH when I get to 30. I only ever hear people shit talking these jobs though, did I fuck up? Should I switch to THM and go BLM or something?

>rdm and smn
>helping with res
>not the one actually dying

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Started in the middle of Stormblood, what's layer?

what are you trying to tell me? thats overleveled.

WoW meme.


scholar is in a good place. summoner is janky and has several points in which the playstyle completely changes

>Go through old mogmail
>Find mogmail from old friends
>Realized I actually had friends in this game, but that's all gone
>Remembered I was actually happier back then too as a newbie not knowing what to do and people helping me out
Now I'm just fucking depressed that I keep FC hopping like crazy and that I have no friends in the game and I want to die.

I liked it, but it gets boring too quickly with how simple it is. The ShB spells didn't help either since all we got is a literal useless spell, an actually useable Displacement and yet another combo step.

Just b yourself, every job is perfectly viable, even the ones that got cucked last month like AST

Dragoon though I hate Qing as dps so I usually play paladin

Am I cancer for boosting AST?
I have it leveled on an alt and I don't mind leveling WHM manually (SCH is already at max level)

It's going to get buffed, right?

I started playing XI a few days ago and I'm grinding to 30 right now solely for BLU, any tips for when I do unlock it?

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Nobody in that fucking game cares about you.
Those "friends" you are talking about forgot about you a long time ago.
Good luck hopping from FC to FC, I can guarantee you those people forget about you even before you quit the company.

Damn user. who hurt you?

They'll probably spend the next two fucking years trying to buff it little by little like they always do. Then just destroy it again. I wouldn't even play the job to be honest. The devs hate AST more than anybody.

Who is the cutest xiv girl and why is it Ryne?

what server are you on dude

Alright, I'll stick with it till 50 and then reevaluate. Thanks boys.

For a moment I thought it was Aoi Yuuki, surprised it was the same actor as Minfilia.

The only jobs getting seriously buffed are WAR and SCH
It's tradition

My cat boi bottom left the game and stole my mansion, fuck you I'm on balmung.

Get your AF gloves as soon as possible, they help quite a lot with the spell learning.
For spells, I haven't played retail in a while, so I'm not sure if spell priority is the same, but I'd get cocoon and bludgeon asap.

I'm planning on boosting WHM cuz fuck leveling from level 1 again, especially a healer. Just learn your class before doing anything serious and you'll be fine.

Who is the cutest xiv girl and why is it Khloe?

Cactuar. Not planning on meeting anyone here. I've met someone off /vg/ and they were completely toxic.

>happier back then too as a newbie not knowing what to do and people helping me out
I'm a newbie and no one helps me out :(

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I just fucking watched an ENG dub of Feo Ul. What the fucking fuck? Scottish accent is all and well, but why is the voice so DEEP? Doesn't fit at all.

I leveled it up to 60 and i don’t think it’s for me, I just like moving around too much.

ok are ASTs capable of rezzing other players? I’m not familiar with their abilities. I play a WHM and whenever I do EXs or eden and someone dies I’ve never seen an ast rez anyone. if I see one in my party I know they’re not going to do anything even if multiple people die from the simple mechanics

WAR always get to be ass during at the start of a new expansion. Remember shake it off at SB's launch? I sure as hell will, and I don't even play tank.

I'm honestly going to be yelled at for saying this.
It was different back then when people's main ways of leveling was fate farming. I felt the community was a lot tighter in ARR than now.
Now you're stuck in closed cliques.

dabadee dabada

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Can I join titty ex "clears" if I don't have a clear but know the entire fight? Had a LOT of practice with bads last few days, but no luck actually clearing.

No. Unless they party leader forgot to put the duty complete tag, it prevents you from joining.

At least we're getting potency fixes, right? hahahaha....
is undraw useless?

That's the whole point of a clear party user.

Geva is the best DoH/L guildmaster.

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I've been joining practice parties for days, and nobody has even gotten close. 9/10 the dps is too bad to finish add phase.

AST doesn't need potency buffs though.

Don't forget to pick up your Wondrous Tails journal this week

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It's too late for you, the retards have infested "clear" parties. Your best bet is to wait until someone fucks up the tags on a farm party and they let you stay

That's what an actual Scot sounds like, in comparison to all the actors you've heard putting on a Scottish accent. Being Scottish myself it made me happy.
Too bad Titania was just Y'shtola's VA putting on an extremely fake Scottish accent.

It was Blue Mage, until Yoshi-P shat all over it.

Oh OK, well I'm on the same DC but yeah not sure how I would even give you my name without a bunch of autists knowing

Someone post the webm

I've cleared with multiple practice parties but it's usually minimum 5 attempts.

Yes, but don't you have young Scottish voice actors there? ENG Feo Ul sounds like she's 40.

Downloading XIV now, I have never played it
I'm gonna pick the tall elf race
What's the best job?

>samurai isn't using AoE so their dps sucks
>buff the tank instead
gonna be one of those runs I guess

How do you feel about the sw/sh female pokemon trainer being scottish jokes?

Night Elf Hunter

Ah. You might want to get into a practice party after ads and hope you're lucky.

Is undraw useless or should I put it in my hotbar? I remember it being pretty trash in HW/SB and what's wrong with AST? ;-;

Lalafells are pretty cute and somewhat funny.

It's getting fixed this expac. It was on the path note schedule

I never thought anyone could beat both of X's incarnations of Blue Mage in terms of how terrible they are.
Yoshi-p sure proved me wrong.

hyperbole doesn't help your argument. there's no way FFXIV's iteration is worse than Kimahri

Undraw is useless, yes. Because you get divination at the same level you get minor arcana.

The potato jobs.

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Why is that loli so fat?

Would it be dumb to buy a maid outfit or something if i'm low level and still going through ARR? I just want to look pretty.

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>undoubtedly next on the cuck list
Can't wait...

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Is that a magic focused job?
Potato jobs?

>is undraw useless?
Yes. Even if you get a melee card in a 2 ranged group, putting out a 3% buff is better than no buff at all. And when you start needing to worry about seals because of Divination, you get Royal Road at the same level to solve the problem.

Mechanically XIV BLU is fun, it's just that they're not allowed to do anything.

The bare minimum to "fix" it is to either make it a real job for group play, or to make it so overpowered that you can solo the previous expansions EX trials. If I can't farm Shinryu as a solo BLU, then there's no reason for the job to exist.

Opinions on RDM?

wear what you want user. although if you're a kitty then you're already pretty!

Gun mage as a concept was retarded but monster killers were a neat addition to the standard blue magic
>learn how coeurls use blaster and use it yourself
>in doing so you learn the best way to fight a coeurl

Boring visually and unbelievably fucking dull, I'm amazed it's half as popular as it is.

What jobs to female potatos play?

fun class, good damage when played well, makes frontrunner faggots seethe so it's all good to me. I love out-DPSing shitter black mages who then proceed to run to Yea Forums and pretend to be badass.

>Feels nice playing long enough to see drgs cemented spot die with ninja
Except DRG still has a cemented spot, with MNK now. MNK is good with with a physical group. MNK being good doesn't stop DRGs coming to the party more-so than NIN stopping DRG going to a party.

So uhh. how does AST play now? I kinda noticed royal road is gone.

She is fairly young if her pictures are anything to go by. Again, its probably just the heavy accent throwing off your perception.
I think they're pretty funny because they're relatable. I grew up with a lot of girls who talked a lot of shit the same way, and it's not uncommon for Americans or English people I've met to look confused when I have a conversation with my family.

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Healern magic dps, 90% of the time

It's decent support and impossible to fuck up but RDM players think they're WAY more important than they are, expect to see nonstop whining as the raids get easier and nobody wants them in groups

I must have missed the part in X where you were forced to remove Kimahri from your team if you got too far into the game.

Why do healers insist on being the biggest bitches in the game

BLU, BLU is suffering though.

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Know this is practically a XIV thread. Though, I've been trying to figure out which version of FFVI to play. People suggested the steam version with the World Reborn mod because that apparently fixes several issues. Kinda leaning toward the original though.


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Pick whichever you think you'd have the most fun with. I will say that due to their lanky figures, elezen look a little awkward in certain stances, primarily the hunched-over stance from ninja. And their head doesnt seem to turn properly during the Improvisation animation as dancer. That said you wont notice them unless you look out for them specifically or try them out in the gpose feature.

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at what point would you use him? aside from when you have to

I used to play monk when it was actually a good class.

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Download the color/sound fixed GBA version and play it on an emulator


This is my concern with leveling RDM right now.

All I hope is that Blubros bitch even more when the 5.1 update is just more of the same shit and doesn't fix any of the underlying issues, to the point where SE decides their limited system is not worth the time investment anymore.

So you played MNK today?

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>when it was actually a good class
And when was that then? It's been so long I don't remember.

so you've never played MNK

>whm throws a fit because the probably new SMN died
Is there any job more bitchy than healers? Jesus Christ.

Prease undastando

I liked him, so I just used him when I wanted. Optimizing single-player games isn't my thing.

Is it good again? I quit when ninja was new to the game so never played any of the new shit.

Apparently not.

This has been the best MNK has ever been.

Just some autist, you get them everywhere.

What's wrong with FFTA Blue Mage? You get hit by an enemy skill, you learn enemy skill. Pretty standard.

So, now that we've had weeks to try out all battle jobs, what are the shit ones to avoid?
Am I missing any?

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I don't play many FF games but I like Paladin and Red Mage.

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Sure seems to get that particular type of autism on healers a lot more often than any other role.

BRD and MNK are fine, well they're both kinda shit to play but performance-wise they're fine. WAR's fine as MT but if your fucking group's WAR insists to OT you should kick them immediately.

I was talking about XIV's. TA/TA2 did it really well considering the limitations jobs had in those games.

??? Literally the only bad class right now is Ast

WHM. Source: My gf. She ain't good though, and gets aggressive when called out on it. Going to be a nightmare when she hit 80...

>implying he wont just be a NIN

Cool, just played through FFV with the sound patch. I'll give this a shot.

>mentor gets pissy when people dont know the mechanics
Why even display you're a mentor if you're not going to do what people expect and help new players learn? I never understand these people
>lists legit good jobs
>doesn't list NIN
I wonder who could be behind this post

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Imagine all the blame shifting.

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t. trick attack slut

I didn't bother with crafter quests past 50. Not like you get skills like DoW/DoM classes. And the rewards you get are pretty pointless, unless you are that desperate for a few shards.

>Not like you get skills like DoW/DoM classes.

Well, yes, each job/role tend to have some stereotypical ways of throwing an autistic fit. Just remember that most of the time it's a bunch of self important faggots who are often shit at the game that goes nuclear, especially if it's some weak as shit content like dungeons.

You need to get off Yea Forums.

I love that you can actually have this look now thanks to the level 78 dwarven gear.

So they just call it hate huh? Why the fuck go for emnity on the english version?


Did they change that? Its been so long since I leveled a new class from level 1.


>playing DRK
>ten Titania clears
>3 WAR axes
>3 gunblades
>2 Sword n Boards

Fuck you Yoshi

why SMN? seems pretty based to me.

Doesn't sound fancy enough for koji. Oh no, here comes some larboard!

She was in a level 30 or so dungeon and she didn't understand the concept of a big pull. She would stand there trying to heal him instead of following him until he stops, and when the group was trying to explain it to her she just left the dungeon with a "have fun restarting the dungeon" not realizing they can just search for another party member. I'm really hoping I can help change her attitude.

Just the opposite. For now, TA isn't worth it and if someone demands it then you know for sure it's some tank that wants padding on their parse.

Onion knight.

The Stormblood quests give skills. If you didn't do them, you don't have them.

my only wish is that one day we could solo old content

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XI. It was more of an MMO than XIV will ever be.

gib album right now

Trick Attack isn't doing so hot right now outside of everyone else parsing high orange. Pray for ninjas as the only niche they have, has been overtaken by just bringing a selfish job, thanks in kind to their abysmal personal dps

>start tity ex learning party for friend
>healer sees us do setup
>"i dont understand all this nonsense"

i fucking hate dumb xiv players

>Be me
>planning on playing all 4 tank classes
>get a 1 on the axe
>"oh fuck i got a 1. ;-;"
>everyone passed on it to give me the axe

what a fucking based team. i passed on the mount roll just for them. I told them that I'll pass on my mount roll but that's only because I already had the mount. ;)

>want this as a tank
>role equality autism means we're probably never getting this or any other tank

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Really? Guess they aren't very useful then since Ive been crafting fine without them.

>onion knight introduced
>99% played by male lalas spouting even more retarded jokes non stop.

Do you have the English version? I don't actually have it.

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63 and 70 crafting quests give traits, 65 quest gives Manipulation II, one of the most important crafting skills.

Where can I learn EX fights if no one will let me join without item level 450+ and at least one clear? Party finder?

Everyone thought that that was what BLU was intended for, but since it's only a bit above ARR jobs in power level, it really doesn't do much.
PLD can solo almost all ARR and some HW content now though.

How do I make my macro's not spam party chat when I press it more than once? Some user also said to fill the rest of the lines out with /ac "x".
Currently have this:
/micon {Superbolide}
/merror off
/ac "Superbolide"
/p {Superbolide} {Just used it.} Healers adjust.

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>do ranged know where they need to be
>they end up all running around like retards with their heads cut off

"clear" parties

Worse than red mage with an awful awful rotation and general design
Yoshi is one step away from making it that limited job he talked about

You also get traits, one in particular increases your chances of an item becoming good condition.

Based Ryne poster

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Where the fuck else? If you're on Primal I'm willing to help teach, I enjoy a little suffering here and there. I take it you need help with Titania because Innocence really doesn't need much learning.

Where did you try practicing? Fucking Duty finder?

>get into farm party
>put marker down to call spots
>RDM and BLM go to the same spot
>neither one adjusts
>RDM just fucking drops party without saying a word

Dark Knight cuz I'm an edgy fuck.
Also this. If Final Fantasy fully embracing the ARPG than we gotta get a proper dragoon that has air game and has big Jumps. Even the scarce FFXV content that demonstrates it (Noctis with the lance, everything Aranea) makes it look like it has so much potential.

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>There are never going to be any new melee jobs anymore because both melee roles have four
Feels bad.

They haven't posted the full yet.

You can't due to the retarded queuing unfortunately

Just checked them, all crafters just get the same 3 skills/traits. None of them are worth me slogging through 3 years worth of quests.

>*uses smoke bomb and flees*

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Party finder
Just join one instead of making up dumb excuses

Not a macro expert but you can try adding a at the end of the action line. It should only trigger the text if you didn't push the macro for 1 second.

Okay, here's a wild idea.
What if Emet-Selch was actually more right that he already was?
What if after the rejoining of the First, he would torturestudy Exarch in order to re-activate Crystal Tower, go back in time and actually do things right this time? What if he would actually warn everyone about the Calamity and everything would be just great?
You'd have to pay the price of not getting the succ from one of the twins, because they wouldn't exist.

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Next expansion when we get Garleans as a playable race.

Whats the quickest way to level 60 to 70? Roulettes and HoH?

I meant why emnity in the english version of the game.

What ARR job would you say has progressed the best playstyle-wise through all of the expansion changes (besides blm)?


They're incredibly useful and you would have an easier time with them. Less actions, more quality, whatever. Otherwise have fun with hasty touch or spending tens of millions on melds to use preparatory.

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Why in the fuck would he bother with the rejoining before time traveling ya dingus?

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I left a farm party because of this. I put down the waymark and they start going ??? with the fucking positions and half the people afk and then they start arguing over the positions. It was a *parse run* too. We were literally 5 minutes in still talking about positions and stuff and I pretty much went nah, not doing this. Bye.

more you fuck

Stop holding out on us and post sultana epp

>didn’t gave a fuck about fflogs or anything similar since 2.0
>start using it for 5.0 just to see how low my dos can be
>every ex run I try harder and harder to be better

I know some people are faggots while using fflogs but it honestly help me a lot about my dps

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Yoshi-p is too obsessed with balancing numbers in each role that I really doubt the 6.0 will be anything but a combination of two of either ranged phys, ranged magical or healer.

back from a long absence, how the fuck does summoner work now? been fighting some mobs to practice. do I Dreadwrym Trance > Summon Bahamut > Summon Phoenix > Repeat?

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Backup strats in case Exarch suicides by biting his tongue off before couging up secrets, you dongus. If he furnishes Emet with information, it's good. If he doesn't - well at least 1st is rejoined, gotta move on now.

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Yeah, Primal. I haven't done it yet, and this'll be my first attempt at any sort of EX trial since ARR when EX Garuda was a thing. I've got a job in every role, but should I just stick with DPS? Got a Monk and Summoner.

Dragoon for sure. Spears get so little love in games I feel obligated to play one when it's available.

> What ARR job would you say has progressed the best playstyle-wise through all of the expansion changes
>(besides blm)?
oh uh, PLD?

Oh probably because it's a more colloquial term in English since you have games that also have the terminology. It's the same reason KR and JP have different slang for things.

Biolysis > Broil III x12 > level BLM+RDM

DRG and PLD.

Do we know what caused the calamity that fuck up the original world?

>try harder on shit you don't really need to
Pretty sure your average will do unless you are shit, you're just stressing yourself for nothing.

The loud clap of chtonic asscheeks from deep within the earth that alerted the Ascians.

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>when HW DRG existed
I mean DRG is very fun right now but HW DRG was the absolute peak of the job


The Dragoon playstyle progression makes a lot of sense.

No but we're about to thanks to Gabranth

Some people like playing video games and improving at them instead of being tepid wastes of space

I know. But I actually like to see how better can I get.

>make a PF for Innocence Ex
>say it's a practice run and that it's literally my first time running it so we'll probably not clear
>still get people bitching and leaving after the first wipe
I seriously don't know what they expected desu.

Stardiver is literally the most unsatisfying animation, dragonfire dive is the better skill

yes, ha ha, very funny. I can't well level as sch when i'm already have a healer in my party for queues.

>blm can go up to 2k over the next best dps
How long until they nerf them?

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>FC member talks about his dead mom
>I instantly go AFK
I feel bad but honestly I don't know what to say when this happens. All the FC members know each other so I'm pretty sure it's not a place I should pry into.

Am I being an actual human bean?

Look for a practice party with ilvl 431 for titania, check out a vid real quick to see what do at least and be DPS if you know how to do the class, ranged is easier.

You can skip to the last step then

The animation is cool, it's the sound effect that sounds like a generic and weak explosion that deals no damage.
Raiden Thrust suffers from this too. Cool animation but the sound effect is very weak. Nothing is rewarding as hearing Full Thrust/Wheeling Thrust/Fang and Claw

It's how you go out. If you go out like a little bitch people are going to be pissed. Like dying to mechanics that are easy to avoid or stuff you've seen before or even repeated mechanics.

Shocked you feel that way I feel like I'm riding a god damn Kirby Star down on my enemies.

Does anyone have any good videos or guides for nu-Summoner? I'm just curious how everything plays out now.
Do I really have to go to Balance.

So what should I main for eden savage. BLM or DNC? I’m actually worry about blm ok anything eden related.

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Prepare to spend literally weeks trudging through the Main Story Quest.

go DNC if statics even want you.
BLM will get bullied in eden. they're already getting wrecked in eden normal

Can you get her outfit in ffxiv?

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Fuckers on Primal queue for Titty normal RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. I need my msq done before I gota wagecuck tomorrow.

You can improve without trying to edge on everything like an autist. Most of the time people who actually try to improve themselves already know what to do to achieve better performance. A parser is often more of a distraction than an actual help.

Not yet, Yuna's one is in the cash shop tho.


SMN channels are fucked on the balance currently. Some purple parsing blue median furry has completely taken them over.

BLM is totally fine in Eden normal. It has more movement tools than ever before. The only reason you won't bring one is because you want the extra raise and making two casters compete for gear sucks ass. Stop being bad.

you posted it

Emnity is more colloquial than hate? The fuck are you on dude? Can I have some of that?

I said advice not a shitpost.

"shrug" I don't play BLM and I'm just putting my two cents to how many BLM complained in my learning parties for the ex trials

Ex trials are easy as fuck as blm

No not really. Improvement is absolutely not autistic and feedback is vital. This is a spreadsheet game and there is always a correct answer as to which action you should take next. If you don't parse then you can't go back and review it later.

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>"Dancer's weapon type is going to be "throwing weapons", we didn't want to limit ourselves to just chakrams!"
>Me: oh sweet, so we'll get boomerangs and shurikens and stuff like in classic ff games?
>"No, it's all still going to be chakrams but maybe some of them will be called glaives or tathlums"
Also why is the Dancer weapon category on the market board the only one that's just called "Throwing Weapons" instead of "[Job]'s Arm?"

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>really need to level crafters to 80
>fire emblem just came out

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only brainlets enjoy RDM, I've seen people try to argue they have more to manage than jobs like Bard and its fucking hilarious
the job is sleek and stylish, but if you are halfway competent, there is no way you will find it fun, its just too fucking boring

>compete for gear
This isn't 2014 anymore my dude.

Yes if you play MMOs in an English speaking country "enmity" is more colloquial than "hate".

inb4 moving the goalpost
Sure I guess, but was progging it a pain in the ass?

BRD is in all the top speed runs and plays practically identically to how it did bin Stormblood. Its literal only flaw is that most of its singing only affects the bard themselves and therefore clashes with their lore identity of singing to encourage their allies.

I had all crafters at 80 before I cleaned this shit up last week, manipulation II is too good not to have now that I have it. Was so long though

Red Mage/Blue Mage, the most stylish of Mages. The thing that initially got me to bite the bullet and play XIV was that they were adding Blue Mages with the classic FFV Domino Mask and cape.

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BLM is a job that either has a high skill ceiling or attracts mountains of shitters that can't comprehend the concept of uptime. The jury is out as to which. This is why all the ones you see suck ass and why all the good ones assume you're bad if you talk about it.
Not a shitpost, there is seriously no reason to learn current SMN when it's currently so fucked up and needs a rework.
When you kill the boss and it drops a ring of casting and a bracelet of aiming but you brought two casters you just lost an entire piece of gear for your group. And no, you're not clearing the tier in 100% crafted gear.

>doesn't make my tranny peepee hard with how superior I am for mastering a shit job reeeeee

Just noticed that there's designs on the floor of Akademia that are collages of all the glowing red mask symbols the Ascians have.

i'm gonna power level my crafters tonight during comfy jerma stream

People seriously overstate how learning fights on BLM is hard. You see a mechanic the first time, get forced to move when not prepared, then know to figure out some way to adapt for the second time. That's it. It's the same for every job really.

And what do you think of what they did to BLU in XIV beyond the aesthetics?

having played most jobs on and off BLM is definitely one of the easiest, it just can't play reactively at all which isn't something people are used to

if you can think ahead even a tiny bit it's incredibly simple

I can't even imagine how disappointed you must have been.

>When you kill the boss and it drops a ring of casting and a bracelet of aiming but you brought two casters you just lost an entire piece of gear for your group. And no, you're not clearing the tier in 100% crafted gear.
Yeah those ex trials for accessories are really really hard to clear, lol.

Plus, now that you can bank xenos and almost constantly have a proc up due to shortened sharp it's even easier than before to be reactionary.
They were talking about savage, try to keep up

Why couldn't twitter have been deleted instead of sadpanda?

>play DNC
wow this is some babby ass proc-baiting rotation
>play MCH
wow it's even easier than DNC

are BRDs worth a shot or are they just as braindead too?

I have no clue, I'm no expert. I got it to like level 11 when it released but I've been busy with story content, raid and alliance raid content, and levelling jobs for role quests nowadays.

>doing such things in the vault
absolutely heretical

Attached: thats enough.jpg (293x172, 7K)

you probably don't know how to maximize DNC yet or if you do you can't execute on it.

it's harder than it looks, classic case of easy to learn and difficult to master.

what a little slut. Just like a cat I guess

You mean when it's padded? BLM is fine for the most part, even though I think that it has a tad too many QoL tools now. Movement, which is supposed to be BLM's biggest weakness, is basically a non issue anymore and that's a bit too much honestly.

BRD presses fucktons of buttons but its logic is very simple. It's honestly annoying to play, since you're weaving near constantly for tiny damage gains.

>classic case of easy to learn and difficult to master.

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Who was in the right?

It's not. Are you ok?

post your 95th percentile log then
inb4 "but those are padded!!!!"


lol, you mean holding FF's and espirit for burst windows? Something that most if not all jobs are already doing?

i'll concede they're not the easiest job to execute 100% at but they're definitely not "difficult to master". combined with en avant they can basically have the shittiest positioning and still be fine

A lot of FF games have OP as fuck blue mage skills

>h-he said mean things about RDM, what a tranny

For having played it, the level 50 limit really is a pain in a top heavy mmo like XIV, and the gameplay isn't really that fun. The learning being random and requiring PF carries for a big part of it really killed it for me.

Hardest job to optimize damage wise?

What the fuck was the Heart of Sabik? Was hoping to see some references in Amaurot but theres been nothing yet.


Definitely the healer, and you for posting a horrible video.

I'd say someone probably forgot but given where the inspirations for ShB came from I assume it'll pop up again somehow.

any job that makes you fight against ping

It's SMN but the difference between optimal and good enough for SMN is also nothing. NIN is the hardest to optimize that actually has real gains if the player is good.

i mean, sure they arent "difficult to master" like a fighting game character, but none of the jobs in this game are. ffxiv isnt that hard.

compared to the other jobs in ffxiv, though, DNC has plenty of room for optimization. its not braindead easy to save feathers and esprit properly, dance and flourish on CD while never dropping a proc or a combo. most people WILL drop combos because they forgot that dance is coming up, or they will drop procs/delay flourish because they forgot its coming up.


how is the healer in the right for not using selene to dispel the poison? noob move

enjoy not being able to be anything but a machinist

Used to be Scholar, now I'm not so sure anymore, leaning towards Black Mage a bit more
I wish I still had Energy Drain, Shadow Flare and Bane.

>even we Ascians believe that all expressions of gender and sexuality are valid

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>and litany is weaker than brotherhood
Why lie about something so easily fact-checkable? In a good group Litany will consistently provide 400+ rDPS, while Brotherhood barely breaks 300~ rDPS even with 3 phys. You're also conveniently ignoring that DRG has a SECOND damage buff in the form of Dragon Sight, which gives 100-150 additional rDPS.

>wants to sacrifice a good portion if the population to Zodiark
>everyone should feel comfortable

>he doesn't know

I'm not going to watch that shit but the entire party would have had to be poisoned multiple times to make bringing out selene worth it

>muh resonant
would only make sense if you bought a skip potion to late heavensward/stormblood when the resonant project began, and which made no real headway until they had krile's aetheric signature to use as a blueprint

Cocoon makes Cannonball deal dumb damage since it scales off defense. BLU/THF is a mighty meme when you get Death Scissors. Since you just started FFXI, you'll never experience a headbutt stunburn party aaaaaaaaaa

>they're already getting wrecked in eden normal
that's just the shitters being filtered


Because it's a literal Reddit job for thoughtless meme posters

Whats a good FFXI private server to fuck around on?

everything i don't like is reddit: a child's guide to Yea Forums

no, I mean Machinist works by converting lightning aspected aether into bullets with the lunchbox, which most eorzeans can manage at least, but aetherlets like the Garleans literally can't even manage that much

So you're calling him reddit? How childish of you.

Eh. It's a bit too faggy for my taste.
That's out of all my roles I play
Ranged: MCH(their idle animation and walk are pretty fucking faggy though, only their run is top tier.)
Magic DPS: BLM
Healer: SCH

For reference, here's a comparison between two groups in the top 10 for Innocence speedkills. Top is MNK, bottom is DRG.

Attached: GmMnat2[1].png (512x486, 30K)

that's not what the lunchbox does. It converts your own personal aether into lightning-aspected aether i.e. electricity to power your various gadgets

DNC is not hat hard, is more like wack a mole. I find BRD a little bit harder, since you have many different skills to use in between your global cool down..

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Bard has and always will reign as the supreme job in all final fantasy

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>plays the fairy class
>thinks Rdm is faggy

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>tfw successfully did that myself
I mean it's not hard, just stylish as hell. There's a DRG version too with jumps I think.

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yeah, mixed that up a bit, either way, the point is that Garleans have no aether, so they couldn't be machinists even if they tried

Ok but doesn't MNK deal 300 more personal DPS to compensate?

Garleans have aether. Aether is literally everything, everything is aether. Garleans cannot MANIPULATE aether.


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Official poll, I hope you chose the correct answer

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You know who also fucked with fairys?

He did get raped by a big black guy though....

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So were the trans Ascians sacrificed first?

They do have aether (and assumedly mana reserves; aether is literally everything in XIV's setting), they just can't use it whatsoever. Come to think of it we haven't seen Zenos use any magic or even any aetheric spellswording or anything, despite having the Echo/Resonant now and possessing Shinryu once.

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There's only one correct answer.

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If trannies were human then sure.

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There is no fucking way he's not baiting for the exact kinds of HAHAHA SJWS responses this is getting.

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I hope they get good single target lvl 60 skills

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Jobs that are not yet braindead in 5.0:
and none of them for good reason.
Casuals won, accept it.

>Top of the DPS charts
nobody tell him

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Well it is his job to cost chaos, but I think that will fly over most folks heads.

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The difference is close enough that they're both viable meta choices, but that wasn't my point. user claimed Litany was weaker than Brotherhood and it isn't, so I provided proof.

>other alliance tank, also DRK, rushes ahead and pulls as fast as he can
>guess you're MT
>keep tank stance on for adds and on the off-chance something goes wrong
>steal enmity with just the 1-2-3 and edge every now and then
Is it because the other tank wasn't using oGCDs? This seems to happen too often.

okay got that point mixed up too, desu its been a long time since I even thought it, yet once again, point still stands, Garleans cannot manipulate aether, therefore they could not properly be MCHs
Doesn't Zenos use a ton of crazy magic swordplay during his boss fight in Ala Mhigo?

Every job is hard if you're a brainlet.

>two handed sword, canon armed, gruff soldier
>book wielding, fairy summoning, massive nerds

Yes, those two things are completely alike.

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if you do more damage than them and nobody is spamming their unmend-like (I think it's the only thing with an enmity modifier now) then you will take threat

Running all BLU dungeons was the best part of the class.


>Lali-ho winning
There's no fate in humanity

it's because you're a retarded piece of shit

He does, but apparently it's the fault of that big revolver-barrel scabbard he uses and it's fueling his three super-swords with aether, so he can still use their latent abilities even though he's a Garlean.

>three other BLUs spamming Doom against a midboss and all failing
>manage to get in a successful Tail Screw, HP drops to 1
>cough up a sardine at it and kill it

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Hmph, dont make me laugh

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Man a lot of the cutscenes are kinda dumb if you're a caster class huh. Feels like they were made for characters with actual weapons.

Magitek scabbard handles the aether for his Iaijutsus.

Twitter should be deleted

Apparently they are adding a BLUs-only 4-man duty with the level cap raise in 5.1

The future belongs to dorfs.

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Imagine using mods to make your character look that awful. Blows my mind.

>yfw we get their armor sets in respective roles
I can see Gaius or Regula as the tank set desu

Put some more effort into your tanking and maybe you won't have to voke off others.

so the garleans can make equipment that can allow garleans to tap into their latent aether reserves? can basic soldiers use them too or is presumably because Zenos' resonant power?


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That's not how it works. The scabbard can infuse it with aether, but it wasn't also releasing the aether for him. Garleans can't manipulate it AT ALL.

Their magitek manipulates aether for them, yes, like MCH's aetherotransformer converts aether into lightning aether. But Zenos wasn't using his scabbard to cast Concentrativity.

>Rescue the tank before he can pull wall to wall mobs
There's no better feeling than when they get the message that I'm in control

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Huh weird. I'm PLD and I always MT because K don't trust anyone

>That's not how it works. The scabbard can infuse it with aether, but it wasn't also releasing the aether for him
Hey, take it up with their writing team, that was the answer given at a live-letter. They'd probably tell you the scabbard handles the release of aether with the outward swinging motion of iaijutsu or otherwise drawing the sword.

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I didn't say the aether was from him, but his scabbard DOES handle manipulating aether for his Iajutsus.

What exactly stops the tank to keep pulling?

I'm trying to farm Titania normal for the card and it's honestly baffling how shit some people are. About a third of groups cannot clear the fight. Usually about 2-3 people always stand in the growth vines without even attempting to dodge, like they don't even acknowledge it as a mechanic. At least one person always dies to frost rune because they overlap spike markers or get hit by icicles while frantically trying to spread. Groups frequently cannot clear the add phase, either due to mechanics flubs or just shockingly low dps. Typically at least one person always stands in the blue instant death circle thinking it's a safe spot.

I mean....this though

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Rescue should have a shorter CD desu.

How hard is it to mod?

>Keeps holding W
Check mate

Dragoon, even bought the Chan Luu bracelet for it.

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Source it. Because he doesn't draw from the scabbard when releasing Concentrativity. He only plunges the sword into the ground.

>healer rescues tank to stop pulling
>tank continues anyway
nothing personal, healers adjust and all that

>SCH totally looks like gutts trust me

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>had every tank at 70 during SB
>leveled DRK to 80 first
>wanted to do Titania ex ASAP but didn’t like how DRK plays now
>took some time leveling GNB and basically it’s my new main now
>by the time I got it to 80, all of the good people have been done with Titania ex for a while and all the learning parties are nightmares

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well, you should consider ex farm parties then.

reading comprehension you dumb nigga

What's the easiest job for a lazy neet like me that doesn't want to work for anything?

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Not hard at all, most or all of those heckin' based webms that get posted every thread are just Screenshot Tool model/character-swaps. github.com/imchillin/SSTool/releases/tag/ Client-side so no risk of ban. Everything else is Textools.

red mage, up to and including starting at lv. 50 and not having any unlock requirements outside of being lv. 50

>SCH totally fucks around with fairies just like gutts, how can they be gay?

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Based Hroth player making Shrek lovers seethe.

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dragoon, samurai, red mage, black mage


that's better.

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hrothgar are manlets and furries besides, return to your coeurl-print speedo and keep thinking the average user wouldn't be balls-deep in fiona

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>the average user wouldn't be balls-deep in fiona
not really

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Why are you so terrified of playing a normal female character that you settle for a green she-ogre? There's highlanders if you want muscle.

male highlander or male xaela?

highlanders really don't look much better than hellsguard beyond the lack of bear-nose

Sorry, I don't remember. It was in one of the many, many pre-shadowbringers interviews and there's too many to sift through.

His ass

Amazing projection, being so insecure that you accuse people openly liking something of being insecure

Imagine being a BLM and a cat man or bunny. So much of that jobs identity is in the pyntie-hets.

What do you prefer, no eyebrows and muscle sliders or being associated with edgelords and having a shitty run/sprint?

>Gathering %
>Miss twice at 92%

Insecurity projection projection

Found it:
>When Patch 5.1 goes live, we’ll be making a significant update to the Blue Mage that raises the level cap and adds Blue Mage specific content where you can team up with four other Blue Mages and go into specialized content. There’s going to be plenty of content for Blue Mages to team up and play together.

Why are male miqo'te and male au ra always the worst tanks?

nah, hes struggling with healing the tank, because that is what used to happen back before esuna was a role action. sch didnt have leeches in brayflox so they had to get out selene for that boss.

In the what now?

Honestly they should just race lock BLM to lala already

What exactly is this excogitation animation and why does it look like the scholar is showering me in dollars

I made a party to help but I guess he didn't show up, just wasted 1 hour trying to help a group right now and it was hell. HLR kept going south on brambles, literally couldn't do any mechanic right except puddle, and DPS couldn't DPS, by the time we hit big ads her meter was at +45. Never got past big ads either even though I told them constantly how to do it. It really is crazy how one person screwing up will kill everyone.

If it's not 100% it's 0%.

Grampa highlanders say fuck you.

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I have deleted so many titania cards from farming ex. Why the fuck are you trying it on normal?

because boys are garbage

They're throwing a book at you and you digest it later and cough out the pages

Ayy fuck you mate

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I got 4 misses at 97% last night, the percentages are just completely made up.

>Designed for solo content
>First update is group content
Really makes you think.

Because I want to clear. I don't do extreme parties anymore because I don't have the patience to wipe 10 times while waiting for other people to learn. I queue up and either I get a smooth clear or I leave.

BLU in FFXI is a nigh-invincible demi-god.
They can solo everything except level 20/30 BCNMs.

The only job with more power than them is maybe a Beastmaster.

Usually played by women.

Not when all those Black Mage Corpse enemies in the Mhach raids are highlanders they won't

I hope it's going to be something original and good, but I'm afraid that it will end up being some thing as boring as the Carnivale.

>we made this as a solo job so you can have solo fun because it's too broken for content
>...w-w-w-w-wait we'll spend resources making specialized group content just for it! please use it!

Has anyone managed to throw Vauthry through that AI portrait thing? I can't get it to recognize his fat face.
I give you this idiot cat in trade.

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>Starts adventuring as an oldman
Go take your meds grampa

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yoshida lies all the time except for when i don't like what he says and then he's telling the truth


Because Koji Fox's husbando is Merriam-Webster.

who femroe black mage

how the fuck do i aoe as SMN now outside of DWT? after dots bane+egia1/2 and i start outbursting i still have 100 ogcd to do. do i just deal with the clip since they're all higher potency or is ruin iving better?

Yeah, if you did it at release. If you try to do it now there's literally nobody willing.

You have to zoom out to get the AI to recognize the face on his chest

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>BLU in FFXI is a nigh-invincible demi-god.
>The only job with more power than them is maybe a Beastmaster.

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Is this the
>Mhach wasn't a lala civilization!
fag back at it again?

Should I level MCH and WHM for role quests? Already got DRK for tank, SAM for melee, BLM for magic quests

Which are worse Male Au'ras or Male Miqo'tes?
Male Au'ras play better but theyre honestly so fucking whiny.


Art of War with healing ogcds between, then level BLM

i hope part of the update is giving blue mage an actual rotation.

it seems a lot like the fact that blue mage skills are acquired kind of unreliably and one by one made them design no real synergies or dependencies or skill chains or anything for the job

It literally wasn't. Nym was the Lalafell civilization. Mhach was largely Hyuran based on every single fucking NPC we've seen from there except Shatotto.

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There's no distinction between ranged and melee DPS, role quests only care about physical. You're already set by leveling SAM.

MCH isn't necessary if you're doing SAM. MCH and SAM share role stories. WHM is currently the best healer, so might as well use it for the healer story.

melee is shared with ranged, so you don't need to level MCH
though you should anyway because MCH is really fun
as for healer, yes, WHM is a good choice

Leveling BLM just so I can wear the classic outfit and be a weird giant version.

There are no synergies because all the skills were developed by interns on their lunch break. The job has no coherent design philosophy at all. It's a fucking clown minigame """"job"""" that was shit out for extra hype.

He's right though. Mhach was a mix of races, just because shatotto invented black magic it doesn't mean everyone in mhach was a lala.

The BLMs on amdapor HM prove you that.

So far Shatotto's the only lalafell of note associated with Mhach

fyi lots of the caster gear has bad visual clipping on femroe

have you seen the one mobility skill you can unlock? imagine if shukuchi had half the range and you had to cast it for 1s before it took effect

It's something, I guess. Have this old samurai as a bonus.

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I’m a male miqo’te and I don’t say anything and do well in dungeons and raids

>Highlanders in Ala Mhigo are shitters that ruin everything
>Highlanders were also part of Mhach, who also ruined everything during the 5th Era

Is there anything Highlanders don't ruin?

So they are already backpedaling on all their stuff about BLU being designed around solo play. I'm going to guess there won't even be a 50-60 version of the Masked Carnivale and the 4 man content will take its place.

As someone who started with shadowbringers and am now level 80 ilvl 447 what's somethings I've missed or should go back to do

>mfw these Balance fags are hiding the crafting rotations for no reason
Do I really have to fucking go there for this shit?

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Yeah and to give it some reason to exist at all they put that carnival fight that puts Heavy on you.

You could say the same of XI's, even the same gameplay style of "you will only slot the highest damaging spells and the mandatory support spells"

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Just like a "real" blue mage. The whole fantasy of just having a million skills and picking the good ones even if it meant you were just spamming your best spell is part of what people wanted from the job. Now they complain it has no rotation.

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I'd like to see Judge be a special job that can fulfill multiple rolls as either a DPS or Tank.

They have two rotations of abilities, and depending on which one they do, the "scales of justice" tip toward Tank or DPS stats, and could be either in a party.
The downside is they'd need two equipment sets, and the set they're wearing changes when the scales tip to defensive or offensive mode.

Where's my Krile ff5 catsuit

You clearly didn't play XI so shut the fuck up. That's not how it worked at all, and XI's BLU was designed so that you'd slot different spells to give you different attributes and traits that would let you fill any role. My level 99 BLU still slots low level spells for traits.

The Skinny Mario of FFXIV, love it.

I don't think they were ever really consistent on the "solo play" bit considering it doesn't have any serious weight placed on it in-game. Assmad anons put more weight on that than the developers at this point.

Where do people get the Ryne pictures in cute outfits that always get posted here?

Single job having two roles would be cool, but then you run into
"hahaha i actually don't know my tank/dps rotation." sowwy :(

Say that to my face mate. I swear on my mum I will rekt ya.

It was also different because EVERYONE was fucking terrible at the game. Like, genuinely truly awful at it. Being 'okay at the game' was basically you did your rotation correctly and you didn't die to mechanics more then once per fight.

Now there's actual ways to increase your DPS that are mostly about overlapping burst phases, and most players are genuinely pretty okay at worst at the game. Like, it's a fucking rarity you see people get knocked off by landslide in Titan Normal/Hard now.

differing viewpoints i guess. i think a solid adaptation of a classic job to the mmo genre has to be a fusion of mmo tropes like having a skill rotation and what made blu great.

it would be fun as fuck to freeform make a rotation out of the skills you acquire. but they barely made any of them ogcd or have a cd at all, its fucking lame.

Just wait until someone posts them.

I don't care about not having a rotation (though you could argue that using moonflute/bristle and then spamming your primal skills is kinda rotation-y), but I just want to be able to use it in actual content.

Somebody making them himself by putting gear on Ryne with the screenshot tool.

The job wasn't designed around solo play from it's very first implementation. At least half of BLU-relevant content is group-based even at level 50 because you need a group to farm spells. The fact that it even has a tank stance skill shows that it was intended to be used in groups from the very beginning.
>Why make it limited then
The solo shit was never the reason they made it limited to begin with.

>We might actually get difficult 4 mans
>They will be only for the half-job whose rotation is barely more engaging than that of a healer
>Parties will kick you out if you didn't spend hours doing the autistic RNG grind for primal spells or ultra specific spells, which is the very problem they wanted to avoid in the first place
And here I was hoping Rath EX was a step in the right direction.

There's also cessair.

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Sometimes I go into dungeons with my male miqote and mentor crown on just to make people panic before I pull all the mobs I can and actually use cooldowns

Not being able to unsync Rath EX is still a step in the right direction, shitters have to farm it the hard way.

Have you tried reading the tooltips? Prep touch/delicate synth are really self explanatory.

Sorry, man. Was busy practicing my rotation and didn't realize it was already up.


>Bigger is better~!

I played at the end of ARR so idk if that was any different but holy shit everyone was so tight knit. Even in HW they were pretty cool. Near the end of HW and into SB everyone started to be a lot distant from each other retreating only on to discord groups.

>the hard way.
It's a complete fucking joke with the new tank changes. You don't even have to heal up to solo soak three stack markers.

I wonder if the only reason we can't unsync Rath EX is because it is going to be part of this system. I definitely can see them just making it so that system is just HM/EX primals adjusted for four people.

I should have stated for 5.05 rotations, they're already spitballing ideas in there.
It's also a worry of wasting mats while figuring out my own rotation, although at least SE alleviated that fear somewhat with the craft telling you what the optimal progress and quality efficiencies are.

>brainlets call summoner poorly designed because they, every 4 minutes, have to delay phoenix by like 8 seconds for devotion
>they say it's poorly designed but never say anything that doesn't amount to them admitting they just wanna play BLM
>they never address actual potential issues and just discuss dumb shit.

Most SMNs are shit, I'll give that, but it's the most fun caster by a country mile thanks to being one of the few jobs that is kinda tough

Discord was a cancer on the entire internet but it was especially bad for XIV.

Gordias nearly broke the game and its effect on the community is still felt to this day

you cant unsync it because it would be an absolute joke of a permastun fight unsync

Based ESL furfag

This is why you level blm or smn as well.

Do you remember HW MCH? That's ShB SMN. You have to press 4 times as many buttons as half the other players to barely scrape by in damage. Your opener is:
>prepull Ruin 3
>Ruin 2 (Tri-disaster, DWT)
>Ruin 3 (Energy Drain, ea1)
>Ruin 3 (devotion, ea2)
>Ruin 3 (Lucid Dreaming, ea1)
>Ruin 3 (ea2, Fester)
>Ruin 3 (Enkindle, Tri-disaster)
>Ruin 3 (Deathflare, Summon Bahamut, wait a half second)
>Ruin 4 (Enkindle Bahamut, Fester)

So yes, every single time you do ANYTHING as SMN, you want to double weave. It's fucking awful. I would legitimately recommend playing any other job over Summoner.
I progged as SMN for a year and a half in HW.

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They are fine with the overwhelming majority of content being rolled through by overleveled teams though. Why would they suddenly decide that one specific fight in particular should be kept away from that?

I feel like when they gave abilities charges they just thought "oh whatever, if it gets too busy players will just let them sit capped for a bit" without understanding fucking anything about their raiding playerbase.

I'm guessing it's because it's a crossover and they don't want to "disrespect" the MH team by making their fight a pushover, or something like that. Behemoth is still apparently wrecking people in MHW.

What's the best robe for classic BLM look? Trying to find the most plain and poofy looking robes.

i think they figured it would be too free. for the other sb primals you have to do some things to unsync them. with rath idk if you wouldnt be able to solo it unsync right now already.

So, business as usual?
I think it'd be great. It wouldn't be an immediate switch either. It would be a build-up, like Greased Lightning, maybe with a Level 50, 90s OGCD ability to instantly tip your scales toward Tank or DPS mode.

This way, a good tank with a good healer could go like "66% tank, 33% DPS" mode to deal more damage, and a REALLY good player could go YOLO 100% DPS during certain boss patterns to up DPS, then swap to Tank mode for the tank swap.

Did I said hard you fucking monkey?
I said not braindead.

The fact that MCH will naturally overcap on oGCDs during the Wildfire window and that they consider giving the spells one more charge be worth a trait, I wouldn't even be surprised.

Here is your live letter question bro.

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It doesn't help that SMN is completely out the wall in how many buttons you have to press and how bad they feel. Anyone who says they enjoy weaving ruin 3 into ED + EA1 for that spicy 400 total potency when BLM gets fucking Xenoglossy and RDM gets Scorch is lying. The best parts of playing Summoner are by far the Demi-Primal trances, where I actually feel like I'm playing a goddamn Final Fantasy Summoner. If the job had been designed around THAT instead of these terrible pets, it'd be way more fun.

Just for funsies, here's SMN's current AOE rotation in case people think I'm a liar:
>Summon Egi 1
>Outburst (Tri-disaster, DWT)
>Outburst (Bane, EA2)
>Outburst (EA1, Painflare)
>continue until you can summon Bahamut and then Enkindle him. You continue spamming Outburst.

SMN simultaneously has the most buttons to press and the LEAST entertaining buttons to press. if you want it to be a DOT class, make it a DOT class. If it's supposed to be based around the demi-primals, base it around those. Fuck's sake.

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I don't get it, I tanked that exact dungeon today. Even if he was doing literally nothing, he shouldn't be taking THAT much damage. How is he getting slaughtered that hard?


i love the implicit, blatant entitlement, too. like already expecting as a matter of course that theyre gonna reverse their decision and actually make an entire new race just for a patch. like get the fuck real

They understand raiders just fine, they just don't care about parse autism and speedkill shit. As far as the devs are concerned, the game is about clearing the fight. If you can clear then their job is done, anything beyond that is something the players have come up with by themselves because just clearing doesn't satisfy them, they need to compete.

Go use the the crafting simulator, dumbass.

>people want busy caster
>they give them a busy caster

just play RDM or BLM fuck off