So... Benny has been handled and you've recovered the Platinum Chip. Let's have it.
So... Benny has been handled and you've recovered the Platinum Chip. Let's have it
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Raise your price or're "chip" outta luck
I always feel weird at this part. Like I want to hold onto it.
It feels like House is going to betray you as soon as he gets the chip, and in any other game he'd be the big evil robot man who stabs you in the back
He is the only hope for mankind. Earth is dead, it was dying before the nukes dropped. Only hope for mankind is him to get everyone into the space age.
>invites you into his private lair
>a lair no one else has been inside for 200 years
>a lair already on the only part of the map protected by his private robot and tribal armies
He could've played it a lot smoother than that if he really wanted you dead
Same, Ive never fuckin given it to em.
I get fucked from this guys shady dealings and now he wants me to follow through? Nah.
>Shoots house with Maria after letting the Rome bois crucify Benny.
Shame about all your 2deep4me plans, nothing personnel.
LOL no
>take a job as a courier in the wasteland
>not the safe-ish NCR wasteland, the raider infested Mojave wasteland
>its your employers fault something bad happened to you
>I get fucked from this guys shady dealings and now he wants me to follow through? Nah.
Actually Benny fucked you. House is the only reason why you lived to deliver the chip to him in the first place. (Because of HIS robot Victor bringing you to Doc Mitchell.) But most importantly, you took the job. If you smelled shady shit you could've stayed away from it, but you didn't. (Doesn't BEAR AND BULL mention that fact? I can't remember.)
It's real fun to hold it. Dude straight up has a sperg meltdown. Can't blame him though.
I don’t get why people say the game had a grey morality. The ‘loyalty quests’ have pretty clear signals
just kill some wacko terrorists and befriend everyone sane
submit to me and also go slaughter every man woman and child in the BoS
slaughter the BoS, make the white gloves cannibals, kill any reformers in the khans, and, oh, slay the NCR down to the last man
how can ANYONE justify siding with caesar
Least evil option. Sort of resembles modern Western nations.
Second best option... on the other hand AT BEST he lets a lot of people live in absolute squalor, AT WORST his is directly responsible for the condition of the Mojave (all while playing with his spaceship toys)
>Yes Man
All the bad of House without the payoff of future tech
ya... what's their upside? the officers live well? the slaves are safe?
You're right. They should've brought the rest down a notch, or gave the Rome bois some redeeming value.
>ask what it's for
>Least evil option.
>Sort of resembles modern Western nations.
>Least evil option
The NCR are imperialists that want to expand for expansions sake, and are corrupt to their core. They're repeating all the mistakes of the old world.
>on the other hand AT BEST he lets a lot of people live in absolute squalor
I mean, he created New Vegas out of squalor and lifted people out of the tribal and primitive conditions of the Mojave. The only thing you can really say is bad is that he doesn't open the gates for Outer Vegas.
>his is directly responsible for the condition of the Mojave
Wasn't he basically in sleep mode for the past few decades before Fallout NV?
I don't get your confusion. Seems self explanatory.
The only thing wrong with imperialism is that we stopped.
>The NCR are imperialists that want to expand for expansions sake, and are corrupt to their core. They're repeating all the mistakes of the old world.
ie rome
>They're repeating all the mistakes of the old world.
that's what I said, yes. Still the least evil.
>he created New Vegas out of squalor and lifted people out of the tribal and primitive conditions of the Mojave. The only thing you can really say is bad is that he doesn't open the gates for Outer Vegas.
So House gets a pass for it, but NCR doesn't... just because he appeals to the r/iamverysmart crowd? Bottom line here is quality of life and democracy. I never said NCR is innocent, they're just higher on that specific totem pole.
>Wasn't he basically in sleep mode for the past few decades before Fallout NV?
desu, I'm not sure (I haven't played in a while). How could he be planning all the spaceship stuff and be sleeping?
NCR has to expand because they sucked their own resources dry.
Honestly its not the BoS thats a dealbreaker, as unreasonable as he is about his murderlust getting them out of the equation would help. No the problem is that Mr. House as smart as an inventor he is, is a terrible fucking politician. He surrounds himself with people constantly trying to betray him and thinks he can solve every problem with more casinos and securitrons. Let's assume his dumb shuttle everyone to the moon plan is even feasable (its not) House looks at tribals running his casinos and says "its fine I have securitrons" he looks at freesides economic strife and says "its fine I have securitrons". NCR? It's fine I have the dam. He has no leverage outside of those tin cans. He ignores the carvans the existence of vaults the goddamn followers of the apoclpyse as allies because they don't want turn a profit quite as hard as the whores and assumes as long as traders can come and go spend money and leave his little tourist trap can be self sufficient. As a buisnessman he may have hated the goverment for regulation but it's clear he puts zero value into externalities. NCR has been taking care of that so far, if he plays hardball and cuts him out what is he gonna do when the only technitions keeping the electricity flowing decides they don't like things are run? More securitrons right?
Compare him to the most charasmatic master of political navigation who just happens to have connections east and west, a massive stockpile of gold someone who EVERYONE in the mohjave respects out of fear or how he has personally helped him AND casually has access to what the NCR and the BoS have spent countless lives over, helios one. Something house doesn't even know or care about. Nothing is stopping the courier from creating a functioning state as long as he takes power for himself.
Freeside's problems were created by NCR and until the end of the game can only be solved by NCR
Exactly, NCR is gone now. What's a better scapegoat than the weathly water barons going in and out of the credit check? Consider how rapture fell, how easy it was simply offer social programs and build a revolutionary movement. It'll play out exactly the same way.
Nah brother this isnt typical wasteland shit. House made benny hes responsible for his lackeys fuckin actions, If he crossed his t's and dotted his i's everything wouldve been just fine but in the home stretch he got lazy, and put all his hard work for nothing cause he trusted a weasel like benny to not pull a fast one on him
>Actually Benny fucked you. House is the only reason why you lived to deliver the chip to him in the first place.
See above, Houses fault.
>Because of HIS robot Victor bringing you to Doc Mitchell.
Victor is only ordered to do this for damage control and house's personal gain, your life is nothing to him only a lead for the chip is of any value.
I can't remember if Ulysse's does mention that
House would never stab your back as long as you are an asset. Think of all the clean up you did on the strip, house doesn't strike me as that shortsighted to think he can find someone as capable as player 1 again.
This is bait and I do not partake