Best writing in vidya?
Best writing in vidya?
based bethesda showing how germany was the good guy all along
how did they manage to simultaneously create the best wolfenstein game and the worst?
Yahtzee was right
So how did they not one but TWO jewsuits? They were supposed to be locked up in the secret jew vaults
Based and #woke. FUCK Drumpf and FUCK white people.
>best wolfenstein game
they idnt make return to castle wolfenstein
You really like making the exact same thread over and over
Drump btfo
but trump isn't white he's orange
That's Max Payne 2
orange man bad!
Mafia 2
she looks like she fucks white guys
how else would she afford a nice kitchen like that?
Look at that fancy kitchen, she has a white bf
>diabetic, flyover, slack-jawed chicken fucker is so triggered by the killing of nazis in a Wolfenstein game he's unleashing his OCD powers and spamming the same thread every few hours
How did it all end up like this?
pedo fraud good!
absolutely seething
I don't know anything about this series but why is Yea Forums triggered by this?
the other woman sounds pretty sarcastic to the seemingly naive "born to kill nazis" comment
I regret buying it. The trailers looked cool, but the game itself is fucking unfun garbage, and the music is generic crap rather than Carpenter Brut
>beside the grammatical errors
isn't it supposed to be
because it's bad writing?
>that tranny drag queen face
bro stop thinking about dick for one second
Yea Forums isn't mad about it. Its just some false flagging reddit faggots that start these threads and self reply to them. If Yea Forums actually hated the fact that you kill nazis in wolfenstein then why is Return seen as the best wolfenstein game and almost everyone on Yea Forums agrees that the new order/old blood was pretty good. Remember when far cry 5 was announced and there was all these threads talking about how it anti white propaganda. Those were all false flagging ubisoft posters.
i know you are lying for the brownie points, but what's the point with 80ths girl power nazi killers?
why have a wolfenstein outside 40th setting with crazy nazi technology and occult? the series has absolute zero steam at this point and only is a vehicle for political statements, sooooo hard pass
But I thought we were supposed to disagree with the Nazis?
>skipping all the dialogue between the third and forth panel
Nice straw man
legacy of kain
Even if this wasn't made by Arkane, MachineGames is minus a big chunk of OG TNO/TOB devs for the "totally on the way Wolf 3", their oldest gameplay guy (as in Starbreeze) left to make pic related, which is basically what might happen if EFBB was co-op, and in our boring world
TNO wasn't that bad. But I do agree, TNC is by far the best Wolfenstein game
Hilarious that zoomers are too young to know every president gets mocked. LONG LONG AGO ZOOMIES we had 2 presidents name bill clinton and GW bush jr. Stories say comedians riffed both of them. Records may still exist on the fabled internet..
You must admire, this is pretty funny satire
Played it with my best friend. It was actually pretty fun. I fucking love all the mini games
Forsen should've turned the game off right here, lmao
That almost makes it worse for me. Like 6 straight lines of dialogue have some form of "KILL NAZI" in them. It's seriously bad, and it's not even the worst line in the game.
When Clinton was riffed, it was crumbs of "HNNNNNGGG DESERT STORM" (which people then removed his involvement from just as much today as they did in the 90's) and "lol McDonalds fat", mostly regulated to SNL, which was shelved using Phil Harman dying as a smokescreen. All throughout, there were zero blowjob jokes by anyone that wanted to keep their jobs, along with a overarching "only the right jokes about this!!!!" as further damage control. Mike Judge just barely got away with it on MTV with Beavis and Butthead, which is why King of the Hill has a lot more Clinton jokes
When Bush was riffed, it was an endless 8 year Godwin that resulted in TV shows, albums, Gore getting a platform, and endless Myspace ads. They aren't even remotely the same
>Appealing to games journos
I heard plenty more clinton jokes. And if it's imbalanced as you say why don't conservative comedians step their game up?
10 bucks on all-time peak won't break 10k
is this the height of liberal comedy?
"hEll yEaH lEt's wASte sOmE nAzIs wItH sOmE bIg aSs gUnS!"
This whole game is full of cringe.
This game feels like Sonic Forces of the FPS genre
>Appealing to "nazis"
Guess we know where the real money is.
wtf i love nazis now
Tbh, doesn't fit. Hitler was a former soldier and a failed artist, not a wealthy businessmen.
Someone post the hitler art vs jew art that was admitted to the school.
>Nu-Wolfstein has to remind the player that they should kill nazis every 5 seconds
>Nu-Doom just makes demons pop up and you kill him
This game either feels like a propaganda to fight off modern "fascists" rising to goverment or this game only excuse to exist is "killing natzeez" so they push every second.
that's right every President gets mocked it wasn't 8 straight years of sucking Obama cock just for being half nigger even though he wrecked the economy nosiree
>30 year old franchise by the biggest company in the gaymen industry vs some dumb fucks with $300k
I guess nazi-killers won.
> :^)
Who are you trying to fool here you sack of leftist shit?
>try to sneak in woke joke
>essentially nazis mocking israel's favorite goy
actually BASED
Why didn't more conservative comedians riff on him more? He got chirped for sure though.
You clearly don't know about what Obama did this country. He fucking tore it apart, and with the DNC and media going hand in hand, it really went the extra mile to treat Obama like a God
Based and true
>he wrecked the economy
you're a fucking moron if you think Obama caused the recession. He inherited that mess from Bush Jr.
Then he got the US into $20trillion in debt, and nothing to fix this nation. Only divide it.
And to add fuel to the fire, Clinton repealed Roosevelt economic laws that eventually lead to the Housing Crash in '08
This whole shit was set up by the left and the right didn't do a thing to stop it
Bush did more damage post 911 than bama did imo. But Clinton was the last decent prez.
This was before Trump won the presidency, right?
You watch Colbert every night too?
The black girl with glasses made them herself. is where physical and gpu keys redeemed
He's in a different league compared to what came after.
Almost as cringy as the part where the black girl is well versed in medical knowledge.
>8 years to fix the issue
>Doesn't it fix
absolutely SEETHING
There are plenty of black doctors user.
The left can't meme and the right can't tell jokes aside from on their ballots
4 of those years were all of his suggestions being rejected by a republican-controlled house and senate
Yeah Bush JR fucked shit up, but Ronald Reagan was the last decent president. Bill Clinton was less than decent, he really BLEW IT
Seriously, he did
The last great president we had was Abraham Lincoln and everyone else after that had a fatal flaw: They boasted their political party was better instead of working together
This is not what the Founding Fathers fought and died for
Clinton is the main reason for the GFC. He did enormous damage. Arguably a lot more than anyone who followed him.
RTCW is the best one
Lincoln was seen as such a divisive president the south seceded.
Reagan was a terrible president and not even physically fit for the office
The last good president was George Washington
>Ronald Reagan
>Trickle Down Economics which created even more wealth inequality
>Iran-Contra affair
>War on Drugs
I disagree. But I think all the shit surrounding 9/11 was massive.
Atleast someone read the original question
It's so pathetic that you'd be so mad about something you'd feel the need to vent in a project you partake in.
Games, movies and all are usually great places to add subtle references here and there about whatever work or moment you have enjoyed in the past. You often see scenes, lines or even whole characters dedicated to something the author wanted to reference for his own enjoyment.
And instead of doing such a thing, instead of having fun adding things that pleases them and remind them of past good times, they go on to show how angry they are about whatever shit you, the player, do not want to hear about.
It's so pathetic.
Need me a house nigger like this
Actually, you are 100% correct about everything
Lincoln did cause the civil war but he did reunite the country
Reagan was more right than left, but he ended the USSR
Washington set up what should happen to run a country and the politicians said "lol fuck you dude"
Now I'm starting to realize:
Maybe Solidus was on to something
>Bankrupted the USSR
I said he was decent, not good
lmao imagine saving a webm of a woman who has a literal Bogdanoff face
What do the devs look like?
I'm curious.
2 terms in office
>try to dig a joke at trump
>forget about that whole berlin wall thing, which actually happened
>Reagan was more right than left, but he ended the USSR
The USSR ended the USSR. We could have had a dog in the white house and the soviet system would have collapsed.
And all the good Obama did in his second term will forever be assigned to Trump.
As if anyone could turn around a country of hundreds of millions people and trillions of dollars in a year, let alone a month.
You forgot Destiny as a whole.
>Humanity thrived. Until it didn't.
>Ghost - "How do we come back from this?" Ghaul - "You don't."
>"I don't have time to explain why I don't have time to explain."
the past does not exist to communists
wow how can drumph ever recover
if this scathing critique doesn't take down the orange man nothing will
It makes me angry >:(
Anyways the left for dead games have great writing
blompf btfo
Can't entirely blame them. Public school history education here is like 30% American Revolution and Civil War, 65% WW2/Holocaust, and 5% whatever the fuck else in between, before, and after.
Looking back, the Holocaust was hammered more than anything else. Must've watched Schlinder's List 3 times, from elementary school thru high school. And then you have the immigrants from other countries that didn't even have a education system getting free scholarship to whatever.
>Oh God that poor parking lot!
>tmw you care more about space than feeding your own people
>suddenly Chernobyl
I see your point
Reagan did do some things right
He unified the USA, he decreased the economy in the 80s and he helped create 16 million jobs
Nobody is perfect though
It has occurred to me that leftists really actually just don't know anything about history besides as you said, holocaust nazi's bad. Would you allow someone who doesn't know who won the civil war to vote? No wonder they are so mad about slavery, they don't know anything about it
Should've made it an Epic Store exclusive so players can't post reviews.
I suddenly have a strange urge to kill nazis, but there are none around
>mothers side of my family were on the second voyage of the mayflower
>were Quakers, found slavery religiously and morally repugnant, were part of the underground rail road
>fathers side of the family is 2 boat irish
>fishermen sailed from ireland to newfoundland, stayed for a generation, then moved to boston in the late 1800's
>get told that since i'm white i obviously benefited from slavery and should therefore pay reparations
>were part of the underground rail road
well you definitely should pay reparations; but not to the blacks. Thanks a lot faggot.
Do people really think if you're not a nazi you're a commie? They belong in the same mass grave.
i think at some point killing nazis in games became an excuse for "bash the fash" type politics which is bad because "fash" usually begins exactly where the writer's opinions end
The moment you realize Solidus was the hero of MGS2 is the moment you become an adult
the reason they say wolfenstein is commie is because they have literal white-hating communists celebrated in it.
Ok cool, I don't play shitty shooters. It's just a common sentiment I've seen.
Now things are getting interesting...
I'm not paying reparations for a group of simple minded fools stuck in the past who refuse to read (come to think of it, they probably can't) thanks to Obama who lead the "We Will Overcome" bullshit when most problems were solved, and my Mom's Grandparents moved from Germany in 1900, the same year my Dad's grandfather jumped the boat from Sicily
So when these fuckers in DC tell me that they don't judge by race yet make me want to pay for shit I, let alone my blood, didn't do, it makes me want to revolt and go full Solidus. I'm so pissed that DC is the way it is, and I'm pained that this nation is not what General Washington wanted
I had that the other day watching the news
I then realized that Solidus Snake is my favorite Villain because he was right
MGS has bad writing my fucking ass. It's fucking amazing
the right can't stop it. They literally can't. There simply arent enough conservatives around. The republicans havent actually controlled the government, in its entirey, for over a hundred years.
I want you to stop and think about why that is. What exactly has happened? Why the huge cultural shift, where have all the white men gone? They are dead, and the government killed them. Sounds crazy? Whats the biggest creation myth you are told as a child? What's the pen-ultimate story every american kid knows about this country? world war 2 and vietnam. What do those two things have in common? The draft. What was the draft? The government. selecting. people. to. die.
>but user, it was random
was it? there havent been enough conservatives to control the government since. Can you really be sure it was random selection? What if it was a huge conspiracy, that more conservatives were sent to fight and die in meaningless wars in order to skew population numbers? Sure was convenient for the counter culture movement to take off right when all the young white men were off dying for their country. Sure is a coincidence that that bullshit didnt end until the 80s, when all the conservative men were back and kind of in charge but still didnt have enough numbers to win elections. Sure is convenient that its always patriot young men who go off to war and die and even in a volunteer army that we have now today, it's conservatives that are encouraged to sign up while lefties abstain and survive. Every time the right starts to take back power, the left start another fucking war, or go out of their way to make an ending war last longer and then blames it on the right.
It's basic as fuck.
Looking forward to the Literal Shakening 2.0
If you like pedos.
>Whaaaat. It's just a new Wolfenstein ga-
It's like they don't understand that every time they pull this shit they look like obsessed nutjobs. More and more people have just given up listening to the news because most of it is some form of DRUMPF BAD.
That's exactly what happens
Holy shit, someone sees it for what it is: an agenda hellbent on pointless power and death
I'm a devout Christian and I've been praying like crazy for The Founding Fathers's America to be restored. That's literally all I want: What those men in 1776 wanted
But seeing as how it couldn't happen, it makes me want to die
American losses in any of those wars wasn't significant enough to seriously dent the white population. As a matter of fact it probably contributed to the white race due to the baby boom, if only boomers hadn't been such shitters.
>best moment of the vanilla game
why are we playing the bad guys?™
Can you run that by me?
I'm afraid I don't follow
the amount of losses in the world wars, while staggering, are fractions of the world population. When you consider that America especially tended to come into the wars late and suffer far less military losses, and by virtue of distance none of the civilian casualties, the amount dead in the wars is basically insignificant when considering the whole population.
Factor into that the fact that soldiers banged like mad and impregnated women before and after going to war (the baby boom that is the source of the term "Boomers"), then the wars might have had a net positive effect on the white population.
Certainty is beyond us when considering the way population numbers were gathered, but it wasn't like the population of white males was decimated by the war. Japanese males? Yes, definitely. But not American ones.
Two world wars is relatively quick succession left Europe shell shocked. The wars were so awful that they no longer have the will to fight, at least not at the same levels as in previous centuries. America, on the other hand, was relatively unscathed and went drunk on power, wealth, and excess to the point where some ridiculously high percentage of our population is obese and no one has any respect for each other.
Ohh now I understand
Do you think that the reason Japan's population is declining is because of their surrender?
Surrendering meant you were subhuman, and Japan hasn't had victory after 1945
It's sad actually
But what was saying is basically the white genocide conspiracy theory?
orange man bad
orange man bad
orange man bad
These posts read like Copypastas
Would you mind posting any mainstream media mocking Obama and LBJ?
I'm busy. Go look up fox news shit from like 2009.
>I’m busy
>Just says Fox news instead of giving any specific example
you do know that in wolfenstein the nazi's won right
that means no east/west berlin split, troglodyte
its roasties.
welp its over. only big publishers like bethjewsda are making single player games any more. So every game will have this stuff and every game will fail. Then they will go bankrupt and other companies will stop making sp games.
Women ruined the hobby finally.
>playing westoid games
What the actual fuck are they wearing?
>fake history means we can't remember real history
>REEEEES about republicans blocking things gun control legislation and gibs
>Doesn’t bat an eye when Democrats are doing the same, like with blocking deportation
>Trump gets blamed for locking kids up when he could have easily sent them back to Mexico if Democrats didn’t block it
>Liberals will pretend they dindu nuff as well despite it contradicting the idea of deportation
Fake News and now Fake History? Wtf is wrong with Republitards?
>blaming a nigger's faults on a white man
hmmm where have i heard this before...
Are those last two lines meant to be patronizing? They sound like they're talking to children.
Someone who played this mentioned to me that BJ sits in a hole for years doing nothing because he found out there's an alternate dimension where the Nazis didn't win and became depressed, is that actually true?
This game was developed by two companies in Europe.
nothing will change until we "take care" of bankers, politicians, CEOs and the jews controlling them. there is no political solution.
I actually thought it was talking about the Berlin Wall until I looked at the number of replies
That was a very very different thing, kiddo.
This is why you shouldn't weep for Sweden.
Hahaha holy shit this triggered the trumpfags hard.
Ask and you shall receive dumb Zoomer
Remember when Republicans mocked Obama for putting mustard on his cheeseburger?
Most are laughing about it, but in your deluded little world of retards, enjoying somethind and laughter does not exist.
All about faux outrage and acting like a nigger.
Urge to colonize intensifies
>Republican retard is THAT impressed by the word "Dijon"
Lmao how embarrassing.
>n-no we're laughing
not even fucking close my dude.
>they even manage to squeeze in a literal unironic advert for free
2016. The year American society went terminal
Virtue signalling.
>Ronald Reagan was the last decent president
Everyone seems to forget about all the damage caused during the reagan years
Your point trumpster?
Hitler built the Berlin Wall.
Trump wants to build the wall between America and Mexico.
They are both infamous for separating families.
The parallels are infinite. I could go on and on, but you get the point.
No one's said it yet and I'm dissappointed in all you faggots
>Hitler built the Berlin Wall.
Here's your (you)
>Hitler built the Berlin Wall.
Hold up.
>Hitler built the Berlin Wall.
Sad part is, I don't even think this is bait.
Also, as a Mexican, I want that fucking wall built. The only faggots inconvenienced by it are the cartels/CIA with their human trafficking and gun/drug runs, and dirty illegal border hoppers.
I don't fully understand what's being said here or how it has anything to do with Drumpf. I need to be spoonfed
Meanwhile, in Real Life:
Republicans are tools.
Sometimes I think some people should die and I'd love to be the one to do the deed, but then I think how should I really be so callous and non-chalant about taking another's life?
i dont get it
wow, did anyone else imagine Donald "hitler" Trump cleaning a toilet after reading this? poweful...
The real tragedy of FC5 was how shit it was of a game. The combat was horrible.
It's funny because it doesn't mention Trump at all and only vaguely hints that it could be, so if you're offended, you made the personal connection that it must be about Trump.
Pretty based, though
>w-we aren't mad!
Sure thing, bro.
Wait, why are you drawing the conclusion I am a nazi just because I go insane if anyone says or does bad things to nazis?!
Imagine the number of iterations and people this had to pass, all to sate some psychopath Californian SJW with TDS.
Maybe stop calling everyone who disagrees with you a Nazi. Retarded fucker.
You go gurl! Slaay Queen!
It does not sound sarcastic mate
One constant in SJW fantasy is the validation of female characters over nothing.
Marvel comics have a phd in that regard
>America is like 80% white
>Where are all the whites?
Go outside your room and maybe you'll see them.
donald trump wants to make a border wall between the united states and mexico. this is saying the suggestion to make a border wall is stupid and they can't believe someone with that idea would be elected as a leader.
>America is like 80% white
lol no
Best thing about FC5 was the girl character. She was really well written. Average girl, junkie and only becomes a cult leader because she can handle drugs and knows how to manipulate her customers. In another life she would be a rural acid dealer who supplies to dependent couples in chemical romances.
based above average iq (finally)
I'll take "Things that have never happened to anyone in real life but people claim happen every day" for $1000 Alex.
>vaguely hints
you know it's no longer hip to pretend to be retarded on Yea Forums
You should go out more, then.
Not in the fucking 1960s there weren't
Kek This literally looks like a scene from hunt down the freeman
Good Lord...
are you joking or did you not understand what he meant?
I think it's an AI at this point
we are openly mocking bad writing
try to let go of buzzwords for once and try to understand what is really going on here
that's a dialog made by a 12 year old
>Hitler built the Berlin wall
Mixed just like the protagonists LOL
>defend the freedom of speech and expression of neo-nazis
>talk shit about BLM, LGBTQ and Antifa because they fight for their rights
Have sex
Gain whiteness
If this was twitter you would be correct. Social media absolutely is botted
Where did you hear someone say that? Because it sure a shit wasn't on this website.
>building the berlin wall
Pick both if you have mental illness and never bothered to read a book
Bill got his dick sucked and flirted a bunch, Bush made a lot of dumb and funny quotes. To be honest Obama just didn't really have much ammo for talking heads to pick on. What are you going to say hur dur his ears. Trump had so much funny stuff going for him even before being president.
The fact that there are this many people who can't read is fucking scary.
Yea Forums is retarded, the usual.
Solve captchas, bot.
There was a really, really awful "comedy" show on Fox News back in the day called "The Half Hour News Hour" that spent a lot of time making fun of Obama. It was painfully unfunny shit though.
>badass lesbos vanquishing literal nazis
It's like Borderlands 2 and its maymays again but unlike BL2 these guys are not self-aware about them being a meme themselves
Oh God your American (((education))) is showing
It's so embarrassing. I can't even blame you. You're just a product of the hellish circus modernity that created you. You never had a chance, you literally cannot tell propaganda that only benefits a single subversive foreign tribe from reality that effects you.
You've been reduced to a crippled pawn that just recites lies in reaction to anything outside a single, global corporation approved, narrative.
the fuck is this cringy shit
wasn't Blaskowicz a pole? why are both his daughters goblinas?
I go outside every day, most of the day. I'm a wagie living in a large city and I'm barely home.
I rarely see white people. Like for every 50 black and brown people I see I see a white person.
he fucked a jew
the writing is pretty shit.
When is that last time you looked at a census? You realize it's actually around 60, just over half, and dropping right?
We went from Wolf3D to this. Fuck these people, man.
There us nothing worse than amerilards discussing history, this thread is horrible
Holy shit I can smell the seething from reading that lmao
pretty much this
Genetics are a social construct.
Still makes me laugh, but there'd be whole articles written about how problematic this is if the game came out today.
In a communist utopia only the future is written down, the past is subject to change.
this shit isn't even funny or clever
Yeah, commies built the Berlin Wall, so they're stupid.
Not interested in this game. I don’t play as women as a rule, and when I do it’s because they’ve been designed to suit my tastes (nier robo, ivy in soul calibur, senran kagura). I don’t pay to be preached to by effeminate soibabbies; I would rather spend money for more condoms for all the sex I have
>I would rather spend money for more condoms for all the sex I have
Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and have sex instead of playing this pile of shit.
Sound advice user, you too
i like to play as female characters but i avoid SJW writing and greedy microtransaction shit
>o be honest Obama just didn't really have much ammo for talking heads to pick on.
He funded fucking ISIS and created a massive power vacuum in Iraq, leading to the deaths and displacements of hundreds of thousands. But because he's got a (D) after his name none of that matters.
He was CIA, I guess that’s kinda funny
Google was explicitly calling Ben Shapiro a "nazi" in internal documents and Shapiro is a Jew who constantly pushes for Israel's best interest. A ton of people call Milo a homophobic nazi and he's a Jew who literally sucks dick.
ANTIFA have attacked a ton of random non-conservatives as "nazis". You clearly have zero idea what you're talking about.
They literally laughed at them, trust me when I said it was sarcastic.
wolfenstein is dead, liberals and leftists are a joke
>only examples of MSM mocking Obama is fucking Fox News
This isn't helping your case. MSM went easy as fuck on Obama. If MSM wasn't so biased they'd be making a ton of jokes making fun of AOC for being an idiot just like we used to have of Palin.
>As if anyone could turn around a country of hundreds of millions people and trillions of dollars in a year, let alone a month.
All you needed to do was stop fucking the economy and the growth rate corrects itself instantly
Reminder that pic-related is what the media considers "a lie" when they spout bullshit stats about how Trump has said 1282091706367 lies every day since he took office.
>The last great president we had was Abraham Lincoln and everyone else after that had a fatal flaw: They boasted their political party was better instead of working together
Oh look, its some faggot who never read the douglas debates and idolizes an imaginary figure rather than learning the actual man.
T.Roosevelt was the last great american president, and herbert hoover was the last president of americans
It's a fucking joke holy shit. What happened to americans? I remember when they all made fun of their presidents until trump was elected and they all decided to whit knight the faggot.
It's a joke about stalin, you double nigger
lmao how the fuck is killing Nazis a political statement
What the fuck is wrong with you
He wanted, specifically, mustard imported from Dijon, France. At a burger joint.
it costs like a dollar for a jar
Yeah how could anyone think they're trying to be political with marketing like this.
Your outrage is all the marketing is hoping for genius, swedish/french devs don't give a flying fuck who your president is.
someone got paid to write this shit
Point is they're trying to be political, and yes people in other countries are still obsessed with Trump because he gives them a hate boner. Sweden specifically is cuck central.
And it's a stupid marketing strategy. Sales for Wolfenstein II were in the garbage and this new release is a dumpster fire. This "outrage marketing gets us sales!" meme needs to die. It generally always backfires unless it's some obscure niche game like Hatred just trying to get attention.
>This "outrage marketing gets us sales!" meme needs to die
Well then stop acting so outraged and getting them sales. Do you really think it'd be such a common tactic if it backfired as often as you claim?
I watched some of the cut scenes and the writing all around is just pure garbage. The word Nazi is uttered almost every sentence
exactly why these faggots dont deserve any money fuck off with your politics
They look like literal bugmen
i dont get it
Wolfenstein 2's development predated all that shit. Bethesda specifically and publicly refuted the idea the marketing campaign or the game itself had anything to do with politics and the election in America. It was just a coincidence that triggered retards such as yourself.
>literally nothing abnormal about this dude
>they fight for their rights
what rights don't they have first off and no one arguing against them argues they don't or shouldn't have the same rights as any other person
what they disagree with is the racism and sexism from the left
Yes because liberals are retards living in echo-chamber bubbles. They think what is popular in their immediate social circle is the same as what is popular for normies. The amount of people who will go "lol right-wingers hate this game I'm definitely buying it now!" is fucking tiny as shit. The amount of potential customers driven away is almost always far larger.
I realize that but the game itself is from Sweden and full of other leftist nonsense. Wouldn't have bought the game regardless of the marketing.
can you please list what rights they don't have? I keep asking, but no one answers.
Commies built the wall to keep people in, not stop people from coming in.
So you're stupid.
Trannies require permission before shitting in any bathroom they want.
This is unspeakable oppression that must end.
Ah yes, that method of marketing was so effective that Wolf 2 had 40 bucks knocked off its price before it had even been out a full year.
>"lol right-wingers hate this game I'm definitely buying it now!" is fucking tiny as shit
Not the target of the marketing campaign you literal retard. It's just making idiots like that to talk about the game while also getting idiots like you to talk about the game so that the game will be talked about in general.
God I can't believe I have to point this out to you, political activism online really does rot your brain huh?
Also nobody gives a shit about american politics outside of america, forgot to point that out to you in my previous post, how conceited can you get?
Don't forget about female Ghostbusters! I've also heard NFL rating have been way up since the kneeling started!
Pissing people off is a great way to get customers :)
Yep, let's just ignore that the game itself wasn't good and that it didn't run well unless you owned a really strong pc in favor of retarded /pol/ reasoning.
So ghostbusters failed because dudes got pissed off at it due to the marketing? How is this in any way different from the narrative that the marketers themselves were pushing?
You sure it wasn't just the fact that it looked like trash and that people are sick of reboots?
>nobody gives a shit about american politics outside of america
Lol okay.
And yes everyone knows outrage gets people talking about a product more. You're not explaining anything everyone doesn't already know. But talk != more sales.
no one went to se that movie and it looked like shit regardless of the politics because none of the old guys were properly involved with it and it was pertty much already shown to be a soft reboot starring unfunny people
you can go out to your nearest grocery store and find dijon mustard there. i use dijon mustard on my sausages and ham and shit all the time.
Basically what says. But it's stupid to think that Sony was doing some sort of clever marketing strategy of pissing people off to get more sales.