Out of curiosity, how long is the game? Kingmaker was long as fuck so I am looking forward to another similarly long slog
Long as fuck. 60-100 hours. Probably 100 at the very least with the expansion.
The base game was already long enough. The expansion is huge too.
What is with Stygg and his ridiculously overcomplicated puzzles? Is he autistic?
fuck these goddamn muscial notes
He made a game like this in 2015(or was it 14?). So yes, he obviously is.
It took me 88 hours to beat and that's pre-DLC
Can I get some help guys? New to the game here.
Where/when/who can I get parts from to make stuff for a Psi character, and what parts do I need to make shields and psi headbands?
git gud. Also it's wasn't Styg who made that one.
just explain it to me because I'm not autistic enough to read over all the fucking emails until I understand the bullshit puzzle
Gorsky is such a cunt, i love him.
>shitposted so loudly during the clash with Omega there was a huge bounty on his head
>I'm not autistic enough to read over all the fucking emails
Yeah, you're not gonna solve it if you won't even bother fucking read. Suck to be you I guess.
Ok motherfuckers, sell me on this game. I've been looking for an rpg to play and I was about to play some NWN modules, but now I'm curious because I've seen some talk about it but still know jackshit about it beyond "It's old Fallout without being Fallout".
it's breddy gud you should try it
>It's old Fallout without being Fallout
no that would be Atom RPG
It's not even all that much like Fallout beyond being isometric and turn based. Think of Fallout, but more like Deus Ex, more combat focused (but still with plenty of choice&consequence) with literal dozens of builds with different playstyles. And the combat is actually good, doesn't boil down to shooting the eyes.
Zoomers please leave.
How big is the scope of the story? Is it some big event encompassing the fate of a ton of people/the world? Or more of a "guy tries to make his way through a shitty, treacherous world" kind of deal?
Fuck you too, man.
I keep reading and fail to understand how or why a music cipher would be a good key or why this bullshit was even allowed in a super corporation.
It's Arcanum but hard instead of easy as sin and with a setting that is a combination of STALKER, Metro, and Shadowrun.
It's both, really. The finer details of the overreaching story are often concealed as little bits here and there than you need to connect yourself to get the full picture of what is going on.
Mostly just a person trying to get by. It does have a bit of "the worlds gonna be even more fucked without your help" towards the very end though. The scope of the story isn't what's impressive. It's the more. From the slang characters use to how well written and thought out everyone and everything is.
have to go raid this dude's house to get some disk for a fucker so i can get into the place i need to get the drill but these fucking 3 robots keep fucking me up REEEEE
*Lore not more
>I keep reading and fail to understand how or why a music cipher would be a good key
Pretty good considering that you can't even begin to understand it. But I believe you can, just not with that attitude. It's all very well explained on the computer next to the vault, with all the terms explained and the encoded texts on the other computer.
>why this bullshit was even allowed in a super corporation
Maybe because it was on local scale and the boss of the Nexus approved? Don't read too much into it.
>EMP grenade
most people who post on rpgcodex are autistic
yeah, I know, but I only have one and havent seen anyone selling any or the blueprint for it, and besides that it only lasts 2 turns and you need to wait 5 turns before you can throw another one
>play this game
>leave town after talking to people and getting the first few quests
>eaten by rats
okay well lets reset and try a different build
>try to kite rats
>eaten by rats
>killed by rats again
>go play something else
how the fuck do you survive the first combat encounter
just kill them lmao
kite them to a place where they can't team up on you (so there is only 1 space ahead of you, like a door) and just punch and kick them to death
they killed me in like three rounds even though i had a handgun
Are you a PSI dude? I just lightning'd them three times and punched one and they died.
I'm not sure why robots are considered so hard for psi characters but I'm assuming there are nastier ones later.
I have TM shit for that if I need. I just don't bother stacking up the 2 turn nuke for the most part because I don't have to.
>throw flares to scare them away
>disable them with various stuns/incaps
>close the chain link doors they can't open and shoot through
>just straight up fucking kill them because they have little HP, don't deal much damage and are easy to hit even with no skills at all
I think there's no hope for you if you can't deal with rathounds.
use the build simulator site
no I don't use PSI, it's degenerate filth
Honestly I just grenade everything for the first 3 levels no matter the build. EZPZ
Well, godspeed hitting them with a stick or whatever. I'd say go buy some EMP grenades. I've managed to find 3 or 4, but I'm saving them for a rainy day.
I really want to get into Underrail but I'm too much of an rpg brainlet to know what I should assign points into.
Any advice for a build/loadout?
Shit, here we go again.
>stupid ghosts attack me with 5 beetles while I'm looking for cargo
>kill the beetles
>can't hurt the ghosts
>fear and mind break work, though
lol c'ya later FAGGOTS
>neural overload
Good luck.
that's funny; I didn't even try it because the other damage didn't work.
I'm taking the feat for it at level 10 (I want Temporal Distortion Ripple first) so I think it'll start doing work on enemy psi users
Don't compare Underrail to Arcanum. Arcanum is shit.
take the beartrappill
The gameplay is dogshit, but I liked the setting. I wish there was an actual good game set in it.
I used an emp to stun 2 of them, then used an HE grenade to fuck them up then shot them both, the last one I just kited and used an HE mk2 I bought when looking for more EMPs to buy. got the disk
Noped the fuck out of there, looks like level 14 with 12 dex and maxed melee is still not enough, I get a 48% hit chance on the fuckers.
Going to grab that electrokinetic imprint and use a door as chokepoint while I guess.
got to core city on my lvl 10 throwing knives build. how do i get proof for chief briggs?
ive been looking for things that might proof im a good fighter for a few hours now. is this only a thing if you play a women character? he seems to dislike that fact.
Closing in on level 10, so far so good. Anyone have some advice for that level 24 talent? I've no idea if that thing is even good, or if it is, if I should move it up more and wait on Future Orientation. Mantra is also kind of a throwaway feat that I don't really see me needing.
In the same situation, what the ever loving fuck is this puzzle?
Grenades kinda suck though, they fly randomly all over the place.
Become Invictus in the Arena
Kill Balor
High persuasion
I think Balor is your best bet because he is a cheeseable boss fight if you run in and out of his office.
Do something impressive bre. Win the arena, kill a beast, kill a important bandit boss. It isnt just women, its for everyone.
thanks. i was actually about to try the arena cause my build seems to be fucking broken for some reason. throwing knives got buffed quite a bit with the expansion.
It's not that hard. Make screenshots of the instructions and the explanations, read through carefully. Open up an excel sheet. You can do it.
I use throwing knives too on a melee build, very helpful. But I don't see how I could solely use knives. Surely you also you grenades?
Did styg nerf out the ability to use the auto-turret against the bandits in GMS? I armed the auto-turret, but it only killed the 2 or 3 bandits outside the main room with the leader. the leader and his guards didn't respond to any of the noise whatsoever. so the only way for me to aggro the leader is to deactivate the turret so that it doesnt 2-shot me, shoot/talk to the leader to turn him hostile, but then even if i sprint back the the security room you can't use the console during combat. how the fuck are you supposed to do this?
What can I do with psy beetle shells, and why are they SO fucking heavy?
I think that's how it worked before too. You should be able to kill the 3 bandits inside the cafeteria by yourself.
nope only throwing knives and their variants.
they are very strong especially the ones with burrower poisons.
the throwing knives feats are strong by themselves but the expansion made it so that some of the knife and sword feats also apply to throwing knives. once i reached level 6 i pretty much oneshot everything.
also the dex ap reduction applies to throwing knives. which helps quite a bit.
Arcanum is a classic, you must be under 30.
You can make a retarded riot armor shield that looks and sounds gay as hell. not worth picking up.
Oh god, it's one of these fucking puzzles. Jesus Christ, I thought the mutagen one was retarded enough.
>95% hit chance
>misses 3 times
does hit chance not include enemy dodge rate?
If you can solve a puzzle in your head, it's not a good puzzle.
Fallout is a classic. Arcanum is a shoddy imitation but with le ebin steampunk and sheepfucking.
You just got unlucky that time.
Here's what I did
>killed the bandits outside myself
>opened room with the leader and attacked them
>placed force field (two bear traps would work too to block the entrance)
>ran for the securtiy room and locked the door with the key
>exited combat and activated the turret
It does. You just get unlucky sometimes. You also easily forget the moments where you shouldn't hit, but did anyways.
Is there any way to make the background go transparent when my dude moves behind a wall or something? Or just make walls not facing the "camera" transparent? I keep finding these fucking lockers 90% hidden except for like one pixel of clickable shit and it's pissing me off, same for when I kill an enemy behind something.
Puzzles are retarded and meant to occupy children so they don't bother their parents.
So this is another one of those Xcom style games where you have a 95% chance to hit and miss a target point blank 4 or 5 times in a row?
no. the combat style is very xcom but hit chances are actually realistic.
x-com actually has fake RNG that increases the chance to hit every time you miss
Puzzle is just another name for a problem solving game.
quick question, am I locked out of rifts if I don't have psi empathy?
so with my meathead metal armored guy that solves every problem with a scatter of buckshot or a spray of assault rifle bullets I can do the crazy rift shit?
lock the door dumbass
>burrower faggots trying to save the bleeding guy's girlfriend
>10 million little faggots zoom out of the darkness and hit you a million times and always win at initiative
How do I git gud? Depot A is still kicking my ass guys. :( And I've gone full Psi.
Brainlets ITT
cool to know that obscure russian stalker mods arent the only thing out there that let you fight nazi's in a non ww2 setting because of dimensional rift fuckery
can i rape females in this game?
Yeah, fuck that. VIDEO games and not shitty BOOK games.
>full psi
>using a bow
>no headband
But they are commies, user.
Bear traps, molotovs, caltrops, grenades. Be resourcefull, dont just rely on your nogging, use it too.
I've got 20 in biology, that's it. And I dunno what to use as a weapon when I can't use psi.
Just stealth through/go through the vents. I never fought those robots.
Doing the junkyard black eels quest. Should I get support for them and remain neutral or oppose the protectorate? Is it purely just preference/flavor or is the effect big
>not having grenades
You know that enemies can be lured with sound, right?
>pool all the faggots together into one big cluster
>that statisfying CRUNCH when you land a HE in the center
There's a quest where you can kidnap a female to be the rapeslave of a reclusive barbarian.
TNT is a better noisemaker, since it's remote, doesn't take you out of stealth and doesn't put nades on cooldown.
Depends on your character. All the factions apparently offer different gear. So look up what winner suits your character best and go with them.
Whoa so it'll change the vendors in junkyard? Will protectorate hate me later on if I oppose them in junkyard?
i see, is the game moddable at least?
I have grenades, using one pulls all of the fucks from all of the rooms.
What I did was use the vent, kill one, and am now moving to the other rooms to dispatch them.
Fearing them and stacking temps on them works well once all the little fucks are gone
The black eels quest only really affects the endings. It's usually best to get SGS to support them if you care about your home station. Even if you ally with Protectorate, it's still better since SGS can negotiate better terms of integration.
Is stoicism or conditioning worth getting? They seem a bit weak.
its not a game for you
shoo shoo
Conditioning is okay. Take it if you have 9+ CON and have nothing better to take.
They are if you are a dedicated tin can that stacks all resistances avaivable.
Hold Z to make it easier to click stuff. All I can really say that'll help.
hold Z
>submarine ready to go to the abyss
Welp time to explore and genocide some natives
>consecutive Underrail threads on Yea Forums for days
>actual discussion
>new meme images being made
It's just like 2015/16, jacks. It's good to be back.
what difficulty are you playing on?
Musical cipher is easy, you just need to write a table of notes and associated letters. Then you need to combine 4 strings of numbers with 4 strings of notes to get something like C3 A0 Ab4 etc. Then you need to carefully read how exactly notes were shifted and shift them back. Then you need to transform notes back to letters using the table you wrote .
Tl;dr it's Caesar's cipher on steroids.
The game is long which is great but is it "long" because it involves backtracking like crazy going back 4+ areas that are empty because you shot everything and it's just long due to walking around empty/low-content areas or long because it has a lot of content?
Ah that's good to know. Guess I'll oppose the protectorate in junkyard then
There is some backtracking, but less now that the expansion added more fast travel options and an in-game speed up. The game is pack full of content though.
I've made the last 4-5 threads and I'm a newfag to the game. I just like talking about whatever I'm currently playing and people crying about shills or pretending to be jannies can go get fucked
That is fine too. I was like that back then as well.
based newfag
>Tfw stopped playing in the deep caverns/mushroom cave segment
>Want to play the expansion
>Won't let myself play it until I beat my first playthrough
FUCK eye of tchort and FUCK infinitely spawning enemies
The game has speed up options? That's a first, normally a lot of these games don't and about 25% of the content is based on how slow the characters are.
That's interesting thank you
Literally just got added, actually
You're in luck
The hatches, man. With a bit of luck you can not see a single tchortling before the final boss.
This is one of the games I'm trying not to spoil myself on and even though I've been told psi breaks the game in half, I'd prefer to go with it.
So will I be okay without a guide or is this one of the games were you have to look up things to actually not have a busted build?
hard. not domineering though that shit is flat out unfair.
heres my build so far.
just finished the burrower round in the arena no problem.
If psy gets busted, it's not until later on or something. Because I'm at Depot A and every encounter is a fucking shit show of a dozen enemies jumping up my ass with every door I open, and nowhere near enough pool or enough AOE to deal with it all.
You need to find some basic advice on stat/skill/feat distribution. Some of the skills have breakpoints after which you don't need to level them.
Also, yes, you can brick your build.
What difficulty? Just zap'em and chill'em, man.
Well fuck, is there a more straight forward build.
Like the generic "pick fighter, pick a weapon, go nuts with certain feats" stuff? Ideally with guns if it's a thing. Since in Fallout 1 and 2 I just went high agility and guns and shot everything to bits
>Fallout 1 and 2 I just went high agility and guns and shot everything to bits
That's why Fallout's combat was shit though, it was only carried by satisfying audiovisuals
>max agility for ap
>shoot everything in the eyes
>repeat for 40 hours
Normal. Chill does nothing because the second combat starts they run up into my face and glue me to the floor. So trying to back away doesn't happen at all, this place seems specifically designed to counter that strategy. The zap doesn't kill them and takes a ton of energy, and also only stuns one of them.
i'm playing a throwing/traps guy on dominating (at level 10), just finished depot a in which i threw everything but knives. worked in spear chucking, it's pretty cheap. pretty fun guy.
Heavy armor assault rifle. +1 point to STR at first point, +PER after
throw grenade
shoot mans
wear armor
lodes e points for wherever. You can have persuasion maxed by level 19 if you want.
The most straightforward build is probably unarmed max dex/ high agi monk
Just max melee/Dodge/evasion every level. Get the nimble feat and never go above 15% armor penatly. Get every punch releated feat.
Just spook them with pyromaniac lmao. I get that you don't have too much defensive options at that level, so try to initiate from stealth.
No Stealth at all, and also they never seem to Fear from the fire. I've caught 3 enemies alight at once and they just kept OOGA BOOGing right into me.
It had a fantastic soundtrack. All done by a string quartet.
that's fucking Saitama
I got 90hrs out of it in my first run, now expansion at the time
Yeah, Arcanum soundtrack is god tier. But it really doesn't change the fact that the gameplay is garbage and pretty much the worst out of all isometric RPGs to date.
It's classic Fallout in the Metro setting with STALKER atmosphere. The game is ruthless but not unfair and rewards intelligent players who make use of all the tools at their disposal.
>It's classic Fallout in the Metro setting with STALKER atmosphere.
This really isn't the case. Underrail is its own thing.
zoomies need other games to relate otherwise they can't wrap their heads around something
>its like darksouls but-
>Underrail is its own thing
Now explain ''its own thing'' to someone who never played it and wants a tl;dr about it.
Turn based RPG based in an underground, post-apocalypse civilization with a focus on combat and exploration.
wow, so fucking easy
UI scaler fucking whennnnnnnnnnnn
humanity remains in a massive sprawling underground cave system
huge stations and sprawling tunnel systems built from before your time
lots of factions in the stations and lots of monsters in the tunnels
people get by farming mushrooms and cave animals, some get by with banditry
dick ass thiefs and authoritarians and anarchists and slum gangbangers will never go out of style
unspeakable horrors lie in the depths
Post your build, Jack. Let's fix it together.
I think it's better to just leave it at "a turn based, isometric, post-apo RPG set in a metro system with a heavy focus on combat and exploration" than try to make inaccurate comparsions to other games. Just tell it how it is. Despite the fact that it's not even really post-apo, more like post-post-post-apo.
Fucking good RPG mechanics in unique setting
It is, once you think on it a bit
I don't really understand it at all. Shouldn't Micky's notes and key be enough to figure out the code?
They are, if you understand the instructions and all the terms. There's 4 keys tho, 1 for each text containing 1 digit of the code.
Yeah anyone can clearly see the 4 keys that consist of the randomized numbers. But in the admin room Mickey was given his notes to cipher and in the security room his keys were revealed in one of the emails. Shouldn't that be enough once you understand how to cipher the note?
Key to the vault is a 4-digit number, so there is 1 digit in each of the 4 strings.
Yes, that should be enough. You can do it, user, I believe in you.
If your given a number below one of your octave key numbers but twice above one, which one do you use?
I remember finding electrokinetic imprint in depot a once.
But now i can't find it.
Was it a static find or random?
I'm sorry user, but I don't understand what you mean. Could you phrase it differently?
You were blessed by RNG
What happens when you got a 2 in your key code but a 3 and a 0 in your first three letters?
200 hours full clear with no guides on normal.
This is confusing. Send us a screenshot of BOTH of your strings and interval key with the symbol you want to discuss.
I'm not getting it, sorry. We need to use terms we both recognize. Or you could post a pic with the numbers highlighted.
gave the disk to eddy and he let me into the older area and it's filled with fucking like 4 dogs and 6 junkie mutants or whatever and i keep getting rekt.. where the FUCK are the drill parts?
These are my octave keys.
its where the NPC that lives there is
And this is my text
Good, now show us the cipher in mickey's office. And highlight the thing which confuses you.
go full psi fist nigga thats one of the strongest builds
Underrail is one of the few games I actually did pirate then buy
I honestly wonder what the effect of piracy is on small indie games like this that happen to be well made
Alright, so what's the issue? The first 3 letters are simply the starting octaves of each of the 3 blocks. The rest of the numbers is applied to the notes in the encoded texts. If you compare octave keys to the texts, the amount of numbers in each key should match the amount of notes in the corresponding text.
Styg a good boi, he deserves the support
Do you mean the diminished fifth, and other shit thing? I'm going by it.
I know. I'm just confused on which way to go about this. 2 is below 3 but above 0 twice.
Here's what I'm using to go about this. I've got DREAMS OF so far.
You need to remind yourself that all notes are shifted upwards, so they can exceed their base octave numbers. When you shift them back, it'll all be fine. So, if your base number is X, after shifting it can be X, X+1 or X+2.
Ctrl+C the text and post it
Hey uh, what the fuck
So where do Crawlers go when they sting you and climb up the ceiling? Is it even possible to hit them with a flare and see them after that?
downloading right now lads
any tips for a thrower build?
what to avoid?
beartraps sound fun too
Where should I put my extra 3 skill points? Also, is this a good base stat spread for an unarmed character?
Your build will not work. This is a game where you max out a few skills, and maybe get to break points in one or three others. Not where you can think you can grab anything.
By skipping the 2 in the code, I've gotten DREAMS OF ASPHYXIATION
I'm guessing that 2 has my first number in it?
Fuck The house at the end of time
Okay, sorry.
Any ideas on what to do then? I've got no idea what I'm doing.
Your pic is good, this is how your starting blocks should be. Now, you could go about this in different ways, but I think it's the easiest to apply the first part of the octave key first, then apply the intervals. Like in the pic related. Just keep in mnid that the pic is basically a solved puzzle, since all you need to do is use it to decode the texts.
>By skipping the 2 in the code, I've gotten DREAMS OF ASPHYXIATION
Seems like you got it. There should be either a digit or a spelled number in there, too.
You max out the murdering skill of your choice (in this case Unarmed, it looks like), every level no matter what, then you grab the crafting skills that might matter for your build, as well as lockpick and hacking, because lockpick and hacking are basically the only 'you always should have these' skills as they open up options or free loot.
You'll know if your build works by the time you step into Depot A, because it's a meat grinder that exists pretty much to ensure your build is viable.
>This music code shit
Is it optional? I got no fucking clue what that's about and I don't want to do it.
yeh, actually felt like a dick for pirating in the first place, not many devs can do that
Yes. You will only lose out on 5 XP oddity, a unique energy pistol and a few MK III plasma/EMP nades.
Optional. You get the sonocaster (Weapon) if you complete it.
Fuck Depot A. I'm slowly starting to conquer it (after having scrounged oddities for another 2 levels as well as better positioning)
I bought the expansion and feel like doing a Psi-run to try out the new abilities but while I was looking at the feats I was starting to feel like doing a sort of a scientist build with chemical and energy weapons instead but then I thought I could also go sneaky and knife crazy with stealth, melee and throwing focus.
I hate my indecision but I love the fact that the game can do this to me.
Worst part is; I did not have nearly as much trouble on my heavy armour assault rifle build back in the summer of 2018. Why is the supposedly most OP build, Psi, giving me so much guff?
>all people who post on rpgcodex are autistic
Your build is shit bro
Char building semi weird in this game desu
Oh cool user, I like Metro 2033 too!
You can also scare the rathounds with the flares, apparently.
Because Psi isn't that OP and people meme the shit out of it. It's pretty good and easy to use, but other paths are just as viable. It might legit be OP now though, with the expansion time shit.
Never played this before, should I start with oddity or classic experience?
Heavy armour small think
Psi build big think
Nah bro you prob got the wrong stat boosts/shit quality crafted equipment and maybe misdistributed stats? Psi shouldn't really be giving you much hassle
Shame. I can do the mutagen puzzle but this just seems like nonsense to me.
always oddity
Hey guys, is the DLC out?
No one posted instructions yet. It's all explained quite nicely in-game.
here's my dominating throwing/traps guy: i worked in spear throwing (the feat, melee skill, and strength), spear throw hits really hard. without it (and without an electric spear) your only offense versus robots is spamming emp/he/plasma grenades/mines. i'm also counting on some sick spear throws to kill the last boss, i never fought him, dunno. get grenadier for grenades, quick tinkering for traps, fatal throw and ripper for knives, hypertoxicity for poison (knives, traps, caltrops). carrying all this shit around gets heavy so if you're low strength you'll want pack rat feat.
im definitely interested bros
is throwing viable as a main means of everything or rather take backup dmg dealing in something?
should i buy everything throwable i come across?
Always Classic. Don't fall for the Oddity meme, they literally added Classic because so many people complained Oddity was garbage.
thanks appreciate it man
do you craft your own spears or just buy all of them you come across?
as in, how do you have enough to demolish everything
Come on user, don't leave us hanging. Did you get in?
> they literally added Classic because so many people complained Oddity was garbage
Other way around, bud. Classic was first, Oddity was added later, all the focus shifted to Oddity and the game is designed around it. Classic is a wildly unbalanced legacy system.
I wonder, what would you guys love to see in a potential Sequel?
Are there a lot of speech checks in this game? I like games that let me talk my way out of situations. Not expecting to be able to do a full pacifist run, obviously.
because you are not abusing doors properly
The indecision is classic, I think everyone goes through that when starting this game. Getting your shit pushed early on by rats of beetles just aggravates the urge to restart with another build.
With oddity you feel like 72% of all combat feels useless and pointless because it doesn't give exp. I played first oddity but enjoyed clsssic more on second run on dommy.
North Underrail, duh. And it's already been decided. There will be another expansion though, but we don't know anything about it yet.
Yup, Depot A was whatever. I'm sure there are annoying areas in this game, but not sure if any of them will stack up to the absolute shithole that was the House of the End of the Game.
there's enough to justify speech, as long as you only take it when your combat needs are fulfilled
Good mercantile check which really help on first rum getting money. Persuasion is less useless and intimidate even less.
That was just one. I got another number. Just need one or two more. Pretty sure I can just go at the last one.
There are situations where you can talk your way out of conflict/violence. However, its not designed where it can be beaten entirely through speech like fallout.
This is explicitly a combat/exploration focused game.
Related question: How fucking hard is it to see crawlers in stealth? I'm playing a stealth sniper with high PER and even with motion detection night vision goggles they always get the jump on me.
traps is enough backup damage/crowd control. i dunno if throwing knives only is possible on dominating but that other dude says it's working for him on hard. grenade spam is very powerful, spear throw can do big chunks, throwing knives aren't to be underestimated, poison can be extremely effective. basically you're a hit-and-run shithead kiting things through your flames and caltrops and traps while poison wears them down. it's fun. temporal psi can let you throw spears and grenades even more often (there's a spell to reduce cooldowns on all abilities).
i took only enough crafting to make grenades/knives/poison (biology for poison), i spread my points too thin over other things for more. i'm in fact getting shafted trying to find a better spear in stores but one will turn up. turns out pickpocket is super cheap and has you rolling in money from the get go.
You could skip the texts entirely and just look for the digit itself, you know.
They reposition somewhere close by. If you've got an idea for it, you can chase them down, usually the way they snap the last frame you see them when they relocate can give you an idea of where they go.
>There will be another expansion though,
>Pressed F5 the second I stepped on a landmine
>Save Failed
>Character is now gone from the map
>Can't do anything
>Cast a Psi ability
>Game crashes
Yes, Styg said so himself.
fuck this, im starting over w/ a new build and gonna play it on easy
such is the live in the zone
Daily reminder that if you dont use a hammer you're a faggot
I'm back
The game is designed around oddity and you will have much more fun with it. Classic is a legacy option the dev only left in because he saw no reason not to, it will leave you way overleved. Picking classic is the same as playing on easy no matter the difficulty you pick (dominating adds more enemies so more exp so in the end you're even more overleved).
Ignore that one autist.
I've been looking for a man like that for "hydraulics". Exchange emails?
sent ;)
Excuse me?
How good is this game?
I have 400+ hours in Kenshi, Fallout 2, and the Persona Games when its comes to other RPG games ive played, not counting generic rpgs
Who fucking cares if you are overleveled? The fun in RPGs is struggling at first, then becoming a God in the end game.
Why am I going to spend my time looking over every little fucking detail just to find exp points? Look in every barrel, every dead corpse, kill people just to check and see if they have an oddity, etc. Every time you run into an annoying encounter in oddity, you don't even get to say well at least I will get some exp. Its more like hopefully there is an oddity in one of these dead corpse.
Why the fuck do people think this is fun?
It's worth a try, see if you can into CRPGs
>How good is this game?
bretty gud, kinda like isometric stalker
Ignore social skills, except maybe Persuasion since it can get you better rewards on some quests. If you're going unarmed, put no points in Guns or Crossbows. Throwing is fine because grenades are awesome, but you don't necessarily need more than 50 in Throwing. Unless you go for the best grenades + grenade feats, then you want some more throwing.
Dodge and evasion are important for an unarmed build. You'll probably want to wear light armor to be able to move fast. Stealth is very useful for a first playthrough so you should get a decent skill on that .
Take Hacking and Lockpicking like the other guy said, but you can ignore pickpocketing for a first playthrough. Some traps skill might be good but not really necessary (note that Bear traps are really useful early game and you don't need skill to use them).
As for crafting, you'll want pretty high Tailoring (to make your light armor), and Mechanics (to make your combat gloves). Electronics too for shield generators. Biology and Chem are not as necessary, but if you're going for the top grenades you need decent Chem to craft them. High Biology let's you craft some good combat drugs.
As for Psi skills, for an unarmed melee build the Psychokinesis school is really good. I think you should invest into that pretty early.
>Why do people think exploration is fun
>Why do people think that the option to use solutions other than killing everything without being penalized with less XP is fun
This is your brain on murderhobo.
If you have 400+ hours in Kenshi, you're autistic enough to love this game.
I wouldn't start here. I would start with like Shadowrun Dragonfall or Pillars 1 if you've never played the old classics like BG2, IWD, PS:T, or Fallout
I would start with Underrail since it's way better in the gameplay sense than the old classics which are more like interactive novel games.
Is pure melee (sledgehammer) viable, or do I also need some points in traps and throwing? I'm loosely following a build guide by Nerd Commando.
I love the game, but I would not agree in the slightest. The fact that you could consider BG2 an interactive novel vs the modern day Moviegamesâ„¢ is mind boggling. Lots of words doesn't magically remove the gameplay.
I don't want to be forced to kill every single person on the map every time I enter one just because it gives exp. I don't want to be overpowered the entire time no matter how good my build is. Every time you enter a map on classic, if there are no enemies to kill it's a completely pointless map. How do people find this fun?
You do realize quests and oddities still give exp in classic right?
>Pillars 1
jesus christ, stop, do you want him to have fun or be bored to death?
Nice he recognized I was wearing an officer's uniform.
Got it, I sold a bunch of shit from the TF2 stuff so I only spent 10 bucks, even with the DLC. i got the DLC as well, is that an end game expansion thing?
I've played Fallout 1 to completion, and a few playthroughs of Fallout 2. Never got into Baldurs gate, unfortunately.
Pillars 1 is fine. If I had said 2, you could pillory me. It's sure not on my top CRPG list, but it's decent and accessible to new players who cannot into these kinds of games
See all you can do is straw-man my argument because Oddity doesn't truly add anything more meaningful to the leveling experience. Its just a different way of leveling that can actually disincentivize combat. (Fighting repeating bandits offer you nothing if already have their oddities and weapons)
>Why do people think exploration is fun
Exploration is fun, but you don't need Oddity to incentivize it. Exploration be an incentivized in many different ways, experience points (When re-spawns don't exist), rare items, quests, etc.
>Why do people think that the option to use solutions other than killing everything without being penalized with less XP is fun
Yup that's all, its a novelty. It doesn't actually improve the experience of leveling in any substantive manner. It just changes the way leveling is traditionally done.
Serbs are such russia ass lickers, why would you give anal to such a shithole loser country?
You do realize quests still give exp on oddity and you don't have to find all of them to get to max level right?
You'll get to max level just by playing normally, at the intended pace unlike classic. I exaggerated my post as an attempt to show you why yours was ridiculous in assuming you're forced to explore (the horror) to find every single oddity. You're not. There are a fuckton more oddities than required. They're everywhere.
>is that an end game expansion thing?
nope, mid game, though you can start it anytime from that point onwards
Best soundtrack.
none of that looks remotely russian
Classic doesnt add anything meaningful to the leveling experience either. Unlike oddity though it is not what the game is balanced around. You're going really far to justify the fact you just want to play with godmode on. It's a single player game user. Cheating is fine, you don't need to justify yourself.
Do I have to add to any of the numbers I find in the musical cipher? I've gotten done with all of them but I'm still getting invalid. Do I have to mix up the combination?
It's literally a comic relief character poking fun at tankies. Take your meds.
Ive read a bunch of stuff from reviews that the end is the worst thing ever, is this true?
gives me more balkan nationalist vibes
What is this blue symbol on the ground?
i was talking about ww1
You'll probably want throwing for crowd control. There are a lot of fun throwing items like poisoned caltrops and nets as well as grenades. I wouldn't suggest following Nerd Commando's guides though. They're okay at best and most likely severely outdated by now. I think there's a good sledgehammer build up on the official forums right now.
it's rough, but it's not oppressively so. It's honestly the same babs who cry about Depot A which is far funnier when you hear they are on classic and are 2 levels above other people who did it.
>not drop zone
Come on.
Apparently you can cheat the int check for the philosophy feat with Hypercerebrix
you'll find out if you talk to dude in rail crossing
>Do I have to add to any of the numbers I find in the musical cipher?
> I've gotten done with all of them but I'm still getting invalid.
How is that possible? If you can decipher the texts, you can decipher the digits too. I don't understand.
>Do I have to mix up the combination?
I'm so close yet still so far.
>meathead takes drugs to me as smart as me, who spent a lifetime reading and studying
Yes. But you need much more than mere 2 INT for the top level.
I mean, Deep Caves can be pretty fucking brutal if it's your first time and your build lacks stealth, but nothing that can't be overcome. My advice is to actively invest into crafting gear and keeping up a nice healing stock throughout the game, let that be your guideline and you won't have much trouble.
Still gave me enough to talk with snake dude.
How you can mind break something so dense and solid as the mind of a 3 int brainlet?
So should I pick up this or atom RPG?
I guess I might haven't done the numbers right. I really don't know how to do them considering the octave key numbers are one less than my interval keys.
This if you have to choose. Atom is cool, though. It's probably better if you're a Russian or Slav to understand the references, though
Both if you can, but since you asked that isn't the case, right? pick Underrail and join our comfy threads then, Jack.
Imagine you're chilling in Core City
Now imagine some dipshit carrying a backpack bigger than him, weighting 250 kilograms, running at the speed of sound while munching rathound barbecue, to the point his kneecaps are about to explode
I was just one digit off.
Underrail, no contest. I got memed into buying ATOM RPG at launch and got bombarded with russian memes and missing content.
This one? It's significantly different than the one I was following; Nerd's build was using high dodge/evasion and light armor, while this one has no dodging/evasion and heavy armor. I'm not that far into the game yet, so I guess the points I've already spent on defensive skills won't be any big issue.
How long is expedition's main story? I don't want to finish things up before I'm done plundering the black sea.
>psi headbands crafted with new elements that increase the damage of specific abilities decrease dodging by 25%
b-but my agility psi builds...
Like, 15-20 hours
what do I do with junk that vendors don't want that I can't break down like trap parts and darts and shit?
Just find a spot I'll never come back to and dump it on the floor?
Dodge is a fucking meme.
>Just find a spot I'll never come back to and dump it on the floor?
yep, that works
> Psi Crab Carapace gives fucking 70% armor penalty
there's a bunch of expeditions stuff outside of the black sea by the way
Am I missing something with Dude's new quest?
I'm where you have to open the safe, but picking it is impossible, and I can't find the key.
check the rugs, it's not highlighted with tab
thank fuck I took armor slopping. Guess nimble might be back on the menu as well.
Thanks, I got enough of 'hunt the pixel' in old adventure games.
Is there any downside to stealing if you don't get caught? There seems to be no karma system or anything, not sure if there is one but it's hidden
>level 10
>want to start over to change my build somwhat
i've done the beginning so many fucking times. i'm never getting to the cthulhu shit this way.
I don't think sloping works with it since it's not a metal
Well that was easy
karma system is inherently retarded
play enough D&D and you will eventually roll three 1's in a row
You're a thief walking away with what isn't yours. Bad zoner!
You buying or what?
Fucking resist user. I'm trying to resist too and I'm a similar level.
I blame Core City. It's too fucking big, when I get overwhelmed with choices is usually when I want to remake.
It's not happening this time though, I had 1 build which made it past Depot A for this DLC playthrough which I have remade and I'm not fucking doing it again. I went through this shit when the game first came out, never ended up beating it because I just kept making new characters.
Fucking resist user, let's make it to the end this time.
Fug, I thought it worked on Super Steel. I looked it up and it doesn't. Guess I'll just take Nimble with my 0 in dodge and evasion and be done with it instead.
>Breeze through depo A
>Get one shot outside of Buzzer's all the time
It isn't fair anons, I thought I was going to make it.
It's an endless cycle, do it once and you'll be tempted to it again and again until you're burnt out of the game.
100% viable, but you absolutely want throwing too
Dude the Faceless are end game content
Dont fight them, theres other way to get to him without fighting
You gonna need 60 effective persuation and complete the quest that shuts down plasma sentries
Is Bilocation as useless as it seems? Huge cost, low damage, doesn't take aggro.
if you complete the faceless recon on foundry first you don't need persuasion anymore
It's hilarious if you have force field
Which one is tankier spear + riot n shield + feats vs sledge + metal armor + feats?
goes through shields, blocks movement, goes through armor and also you can cast it on a mental breakdown enemy for double the ghosts
forcefield + billocation essentially blocks a melee character for the full duration while also giving you free time to shit him from afar, its one of the best single target skills against bosses outside implosion + the shattering talent
What are the best SMG mods now that smart scopes don't work with burst fire?
nothing is tankier than heavy metal armor + feats
muzzle brake and rapid reloader
if your gun rush gun doesnt see normal use, give it a forward grip instead of a rapid reloader
welp, it seems i'm going to have to commit an actual genocide to stop having to commit a miniature one every hour or two
Colonization of the americas
So was the lore expanded? was it timetravel or not?
>Lore has expanded
Oh you have no idea
I think the game is already around 60 base and this adds around another 60 I think so you're looking at 120 for one playthrough and that's not even if you do everything because I skipped foundry and didn't finish the end game and I had still played over 60 hours on that one character.
God bless this game. DLC is great.
>Skipped foundry
Found the leatherfag
Buy molotovs and flares. Just keep buying them early game and you can clear any rathound area.
Quick questions:
-is it pointless to pick up low cost parts to things I will never craft (e.g. armor blades for bleed, shotgun barrel) or might I need them down the road?
-what is the difference between highlight and reverse highlight? It seems to be the same thing
-is there a way to keep highlight on especially as I'm using control and shift to swap hotbars?
How do shop restocks work? The first time I went to Junkyard the hunting dude had an electric spear but I couldn't afford it. Then he restocked and it was gone, and I haven't seen one since.
I did it once and I'm glad I did personally. I dropped sneak, didn't start leveling thought control and temporal manipulation until like level 7, didn't put any points into guns, maxed meta thermics and psychokinesis every level, didn't take the shitty continum ripple perk which hardly ever manages to actually proc and this playthrough is going way better.
>-is it pointless to pick up low cost parts to things I will never craft (e.g. armor blades for bleed, shotgun barrel) or might I need them down the road?
You should always plan and research what you need and what you will want later in game
Otherwise no, not really
Is crafting worth a minor skill investment or do you need to go all-in? I wanted to be able to craft shielded riot armor for my spear+shield build in case it becomes scarce later. But every crafting item I've looked at needs skill points in multiple crafting skills and it seems like a big investment for something that might not be worth it.
shops restock every 90 mins
wiki is a bit conflicting on this, can I still get SGS support for the black eals if I do the drill quest first?
Aint got the required persuasion
I don't have the required persuasion
Not entirely sure, I didnt think of it before
it used to be that way but they changed it, now you always need persuasion to get their support
Super good with a bad ending.
The best items in the game are crafted. Biology is really cool you get really useful drugs out of it (fish for the best components). You find the highest quality components you can find and make really good gear. It's just crafting is hard to do early on because you don't have as much money so it's better to focus on it after Depot A.
you only need to go in as much as the high end shit you want to make. It's completely worth it, though. For example, I made some armor at level 7 that made me take no damage from SMG fags for a good while.
Crafting will surpass any trader item you will get offered, in middle-late game
Minimum crafting skills will grant you supplies and lower tier gear
High skills you can craft wicked shit like 50 DT metal armor, 1500 shields, plasma guns that dematerializes people with a random crit, a lighting hammer, etc
It takes a while, but it end is so worth it
Dismiss mercantilefags
>tfw got a leather riot armor this playthrough worth like 11,000 (360 charons) at like level 9 which made me take zero damage from melee and bullets for a while
really? damn that sucks
guess I'm going on a protectorate run, haven't done that before
Damn, the Snake men are ugly as shit but they sure do have some fine ass hidden away in their villages.
>tfw trade runs
is gorsky's shit separate from the oligarchs or is it a fourth choice?
Separate, that retard is doing his own stuff
Fuck off, Al Fabet.
what's the best free way to get to rail crossing?
>the snakemen's word for women is domm
the new dominating values are retarded, i don't know if the expansion shit is more valuable, but selling a high quality supercrafted psi vest worth 25k+ and getting a couple hundred miserable charons is retarded
What the fuck am I supposed to be doing in this Gray Army base? There are fucking THOUSANDS of guys.
Guess I'll restart and do a crafting character then
Thoughts on melee/throwing/psychokinesis/temporal?
I want to do a melee/spear throw build with some psi support
This DLC at least tripled this games replayability. This base game was already very good but the dlc is of professional quality. I don't know how they did it.
through the tunnels
uniforms nigga
go east down the tracks from core city, just stick to the east wall on one map
Channelize your inner Solid Snake
Get a soldier uniform
Ambush an officer in the bathroom and get his uniform
Use your imagination
like 4 years of building on what they already knew how to do
I put on an officer's uniform but they agroed on my immediately. Did I miss something?
Is this game made by one guy?
some areas are restricted no matter what
most of the base game was but expedition has a 4 or 5 man team
Some areas, like first floor, is restricted to Officials
Try wearing only the suit, nothing else
That sounds good to me. I wish there was a way to like have a character profile I want to play another build but don't want to clog up my saves.
original engine work yes, later he expanded to a couple of guys
still very much a small-time studio
>abyssal station zero
what the fug is going on
What should I be looking at when comparing shields? I have a shield with a capacity of 184 and conversion rate of 2.4 compared to a shield with a capacity of 310 and a conversion rate of 5.0. Is a lower conversion rate better or worse?
Goddammit, where are all the warrior women at? In the south, you couldn't go farther than a few yards before getting kneed in the nuts by some bitch. Disappointed there's no scaly amazons around helping their men in fighting back the outsiders.
Is Dominating fun or just boring? I don't like the sound of the economy changes
Are you having fun yet, zoner?
Lower conversion rate is better, it means you get more bang for your buck with batteries.
The whole thing has been a blast and way spookier than the deep caverns ever were.
Did I fuck up and have to completely reload because there are spec ops out and it's basically impossible to get around.
Hey guys I'm doing a stealth crossbow/traps build and I want to invest a lot into crafting, is it a good idea to split up my skill investment into crafting like pic related if I want a lot of versatility or should I just stick to maxing 3 crafting skills every level?
Where you're? If you're in the magatzin, switch back to soldier uniform
If you're in the first floor, switch to officer uniform
so the one on the right is better than the one on the left, correct?
There are thresholds you need to hit for some items, in particular in chemisty and biology, because they have recipes that don't scale -an adrenaline shot always has the same effects-. So you don't need to go balls deep in those depending on what you want, for example.
Tailoring and Mechanics let you craft armor, and those need materials which will raise the requirements the higher their quality.
Yes, but read on the wiki about shield descriptions to give yourself more information
actually after reading the page you linked it seems higher conversion rates are superior and the reason the one on the right is valued more is because it has a higher DT overall
Please tell me, i've been waiting literally years for this but my PC broke down.
Oddity or Classic for a first time playthrough?
You're right, I totally misremembered. I should have read that link myself before posting.
The last dungeon is half the game.
Probably 80+ hours
I cant, for I didnt reach the expedition yet
However, Dude got a new questline
And it's fucking crazy, and amazing
You missing out a lot
Always Oddity
Classic. Don't fall for the Oddity lies.
Ooookay I'm pretty sure I missed an important thing somewhere because something super spooky has now showed up everywhere and there is nothing I can do to even phase it
why the fuck we get this question like 5 times per thread
oddity, only retards that want to overlevel content to make it easier go classic
Oh my fuck, Dude wasn't lying.
Aw shit I better reload an earlier save and go do that
What the fuck is that
well, the right one blocks more damage at once, but it can only block 184 damage before it runs out, while the left one can block up to 310 damage. I'd go with the left one unless you're expecting a very short, very lethal fight against an enemy with a slower weapon (an AR burst will use that right shield up lickity split)
I'm giving up on the musical cipher. I'm too low IQ to understand it, but I think I got close.
Something is wrong with the Black Sea. Something is very very fucking wrong with this place. It's probably the reason Biocorp noped the fuck out and never came back even after their mutagen expired. I could only hurt this ghost fucker through temporal manipulation.
It's dead, that's all that matters...I hope
>I could only hurt this ghost fucker through temporal manipulation.
Oh that aint a good omen for me
t. pure psychokinesis
>Yes lets give pyrokinesis a miss chance, its totally a good idea to have a fucking god with 250 skill on all psi schools blast himself in the fucking feet with a fireball
my world class sniper has a 1 in 20 chance to miss every shot arbitrarily as well
Use good armour next time
Just burned 9k Charon on super steel and all 3 sets are about 120 quality, feels good man.
Time to level up mechanics and make some infused leathers.
Infused cave hooper leather tabi boots
Infused cave hooper leather armor
Thank me later
how's the story
Good, nothing shakespearean, but good nonetheless
However, the story telling and characterization is the definition of SOUL
All the new stuff in expedition is a real mindfuck
Is there a way to make the screen follow your character when you walk around?
I beat the game last year but haven't touched it since. Currently, I have to manually scroll the screen as my character walks around in my current save file. I could've sworn that there's a setting so that your character is in the center of the screen as he walks around...
with 5 will but full thought control is my shit going to get resisted all the time? i want it for fear/enrage and mirror image whatever.
Can I do anything with the Black Rock Totem? I'm half expecting another void ghost rift thing to appear from the high priest's corpse to try and kill me.
If I'm going to use super steel armor, Do I use high med or low Shield's?
I'll make infused mutant dog tabis against acid puddles and infused rathound leather for that sweet crit chance, I'll have around 70% all together.
>load up a level 25 save after beating the game last time
>learn about specialization points, which start at level 15
>expect to have 10 specialization points to spend
Why am I being penalized for having a high level character prior to the patch? Shouldn't I be getting 10 specialization points??
Destroy it.
How is the expansion?
Level up and you'll get them.
How and why? It's a fucking hole to the void Magnar's ghost came from, huh?
You're not being penalized, you're being ignored. Faggot.
Sadly, no. It's made by a small group- pretty much a dude. And he's said it'd be too tough to do
Calm down and dilate
Get all three kinds of shields and switch according to enemies faced.
Just wow
The process to get this thing is not worth it in the slightest
Seems like the best bet I guess.
Depends, if armor has high DR, get low shields
If armor ahs DT, get high shields
even with maxed out supersteel armor I still prefer efficient x2 high shields, but it is best to have a variety to choose from.
>Speared M'lan Ratula for 115 non-cirt
Kek. Maybe this build will be alright.
Holy shit they hurt
Does the expansion add any new skills?
Where did you find it?
Is a spear/stealth build reasonable?
Temporal Manipulation, a new Psi school about manipulating time that requires basicslly no Will or feat investment.
Do these rifts only go back to the Gray army base? I went to the one in foundry and ended up kinda disappointed I was just back there.
Can I put off the crafting skills for later?
You have to go the final area of expedition and get the thing the expedition is looking for and then head on to core city and go to the upper level residential east side at the small bar there someone will offer you a BIG sum of money for it or you can ask for his sword instead. He's also wearing a unique armor but I have no clue how to assassinate him.
Yes spears are light weight but pack a heavy punch.
You've already killed everyone, why not finish the job?
Oh yeah nvm then I don't want major spoilers.
But do you by any chance know how to get the purple spear that shoots a plasma cannon?
>Find a trap door in the caves because of my high perception
>Stealth up
>Go down
>Deathcrawler immediately fucks my shit up, gets its turn first every single time, and kills me in 1 rotation
It's not fucking fair bros, I just want to see whats ahead
I want to know what powers it holds.
you gotta pay the crawler toll to get into that cave hole
The lattice grows the more you find user. A handy tip is to search in places with merchants, with a blue bullseye or where you know nobody could see you from.
No clue but I did find the double barreled shotgun.
Man spear throw is great, the damage ramps up like crazy with distance, +30% per unit is a shitload
Very expansive.
You can ignore them until after Depot A if you'd like.
user, as soon as you go down the ladder, move into the corner on the right until you can start combat manually
once you do, go around the corner and throw a flare at the ground, or just move through the tunnel to bump into the crawler
kek, you got filtered
You can but be advice, you can craft yourself supplies and basic items with low craft skills, like psi boosters, molotovs, grenades, repair kits, etc
Someone post the picture
Are there any consistent sellers of flashbangs or should I invest the points to just make them? I should make them anyway, really.
Thanks, do you know if they are affected by DEX or if any feat that does not mention "spear" is (or should) working with spears?
here you go bre.
Good shit
>Have to drag around two disguises worth of armor to find rifts so you can walk around without getting shitcanned
Not sure if I'm a fan of that desu
For an SMG nade build should I be using tactical vests or is there something else worthwhile? Seems like leather coats are straight up better to be honest
Not sure about the feats, but they are affected by dex. Which is why they are synergize well with stealth.
They are really good versatile weapons.
Were there always three psi beetles in the room to rescue Newton? Jesus christ I'm only level 3
dex provides crit (cheap shot is a great spear feat because of impale so more general crit is welcome) and affects spear throw accuracy via bonus to throwing skill (spear throw is the best and funnest thing about spears). dex also adds to movement points to help you chase down your thrown spears. strength gives more damage for each point after 7.
In total there were always 6-7
Use doors, beetles cant open doors
Molotovs and HE grenades
Dont be retarded
>if any feat that does not mention "spear" is (or should) working with spears?
only thing to note is spear throw is a melee attack so anything (cheap shot) affecting melee attacks passively affects spear throw.
yo whats the fuckin code to this? did i miss something?
Oddity is much more balanced. With classic you will finish this game way too overleveled.
Thanks for the replies, looks like I'll come back to games just once more, Underrail is just too good. I'm sure it will be my ruin though.
answer me beta test faggets/codex autists
because it's the single greatest choice you make in this game at literally the start of the game.
peak performance
how do i become ex-yugo bros
I can't carry SHIT and my grenades are too heavy.
Is it worth it go get a HAMMER MAN MANLY BELT just for the carry weight or is there some other kind of belt I should be looking out for?
Next time try not being a lanky skeleton
t. 10 STR chad
But yes, get the heavy lifting belt
scrappers or black eels?
that's because they clearly are. Don't get armor penalty, fastfag
Everytime I get to use Sprint in a straight line, like in Core City, I do racing car noices in my head, sometimes with my mouth
What level do you end the game at with the expansion? How many feats should I plan on getting?
black eels have more content
Do the first 2 quests for Scrappers
Do all quests for Black Eels, thank me later
I carry around sets of belts. Normally I walk around with the lifting belt. When I have a hard fighting area I drop some shit (if I need to, normally not at the limit) then strap on a utility belt then put flash bangs and armor piercing grenades in my belt, and when I'm done I'll swap the belts out again.
I have nimble already anyways.
can't spare a feat until like level 20, and I'm sure by then I won't need it
sounds good. Not like I need this batman utility belt.
>hack 110 level door
>pick 110 level box
>emp mine case, glass bottle x2
>use your belt of carrying lots of shit to carry more belts
Fucking genius. Are you Nomura by chance?
Styg has some weird sense of humour
>Lockpick a 60 lockpiking skill locker
>Literally nothing
its an overrated hack n slash dungeon crawler thats more banal than any AA rpg released in the 5 years but gets a free pass because 'muh oldschool' autism.
The quests are generic as fuck. The combat is basic. The writing is plain. The story is linear. The character builds are a bit wider and thats about it.
I really dont understand how it gets away with so many flaws when my fellow rpgcodex autists nitpick every other release to death yet love this garbage.
t. shillfag
I'm getting ready for a dominating run next time. Items sell for 25% and so forth. Sounds like it's going to be hell.
So has anyone spoken to Bryan since Expedition released? Has his dialogue changed at all?
t. pillars fan
Recyle shit items, make repair kits, repair the actually good stuff you got
Rince and repeat
>pick a level 80 locker
>one lockpick inside
>the combat is basic
lmao you haven't even played the game
>fellow codex
shotgun is replaced by grenade launcher god i wish there where grenade launchers
I understood that reference.
Say it after me, Yea Forums
gort in junkyard always sells 4
yeah, you only need 40 chemistry
well, a light vest of 15% or less with nimble is totally fine
but infused leather armors are generally going to be superior for the other benefits they provide
I'm going to tell myself we're getting grenade launchers in the next expansion pack then. Bryan is a wise, zoner prophet.
we're all autistic, user
Can you return to Core City if you go into Expedition any time you want?
Or it's like Deep Caverns?
Loading up expansion for the first time now, super excited. Tempted to do the classic Psniper build but that usually just makes things trivial so probably not
what is the reference?
Trading is basically a third of this game.
You can leave it anytime you want if you've done a certain quest. If not you can't leave until you finish the first quest.
I have i made to that junkyard town before i got bored to death
>walk around dumb maps clicking on random mobs till they die
>choice of combat amounts to picking when you wantto plink away with guns/melee vs using explosives for boss battles that can 2 shot you
You get a jetski and you can go back to the main map with your jetski and ride around on new waterways and connecting maps it's fucking great.
I need to get a better engine though.
Technically you can leave whenever you want, but I recommend you finish the first mission before returning to core city. That way you can get the quick jet ski ferry from the vanguard.
Spears because I love that weapon type or usual psi stuff for more lore?
>Eat pentatus
>Cue 'Popeye, the sailor' music
>I have i made to that junkyard town before i got bored to death
Yeah well that's when the game starts to pick up retard. First you throw molotovs at rathounds and do the omega shit which I admit is a bit tedious because of all the vent stuff you end up doing there, and then you do depot A which is when you start getting cool tactical options open up to you depending on how you're building you're character (like getting the ability to make forcefields to make terrain) and you start having to cycle drug and ability cooldowns as more options open up.
You've played like 2% of the game.
What do you mean by that?
Also here's a list of some basic ones I've found. If anyone's got more let me know so I can add them to the list
Pens storage area
The alleyway where you get the Mysterious by the house
Camp Hathor:
Near the mayor's HQ
Rail Crossing:
Some ways in front of Buzzers shop
Core City:
Mutie area of the Black Crawler's Base
Area with the motion dude who thinks you're his dad
Apparently has more I haven't found
Where you find the sniper rifle
Directly above the Mainframe
Dont forget the lighthouse for Expedition, havent checked any other place of the kind but its there, 2nd floor.
And by that I mean the base game too. Not even 1% of the game plus the dlc have you played if you haven't even gotten past depot a.
New thread?