Most of Yea Forums was 2 when San Andreas came out

Most of Yea Forums was 2 when San Andreas came out

Attached: SanAndreas.png (1680x1052, 2.38M)

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I was born in 2032, but thanks to time travelling I was able to bring myself to the past. What an enjoyable video game!


actually I was six :^)

I was 13, the perfect age to enjoy GTA: SA.

I wasn't even born yet moron



I was 13, never had a PS2, so I only played it at friends houses


I was 11 but the game was popular for so long I got to play it both seriously in my early teens and fucking around driving for hours and going on killing sprees as a kid, truly a mastapiece.

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I was at a lan cafe when the pc version came out. The place was filled with 30year old boomers who wanted to play 'the new gta'.

I was 16. I still think the story and missions go to shit once you leave Los Santos.

I was seven

I was 10 and got it on release day

Fun fact, when the Hot Coffee stuff got revealed Gamestop REFUSED to accept trade-ins of San Andreas

Same here

I was actually 5, also check out this 5

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Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, home.

I was 19, do I win?

14 and the first kid at school to get it

I played it in high school when it came out...
>inb4 hurr oldfag

Actually, I was 8

I was 13 and honestly it wasn't that good, GTA IV is the best (and only) good GTA.

I still remember spending the whole afternoon downloading this trailer in my shitty internet connection

this, but i can't played, since the only computer i had was on the living room and my parents were around pretty much all the time.

I was 7. Suck it, OP.

Yeah bro, I love the game where they tried and failed to have a good super serious story and started down the cinematic/realism route, it's when the series was actually good!

18 and jumping out of airplanes.
Gaming sin: Never played it. Skipped over the PS2 era GTA games. 1,2,4,and 5 for me.

shit tier opinion

That explains why fags jerk off over IV, then.


Kill yourself retarded hipster. GTA IV ruined grand theft auto and rockstar, they went from making legit fun and memorable games to pretentious wanna be movies so low iq normies can feel intelectual.


Attached: GTAIV vs V Physics Comparison.webm (994x560, 2.68M)

If you want good story based open world game play Mafia or Sleeping Dogs

i hate how little cars deform in GTAV, in IV you could basically cube a car, but in V it's like everything has titanium frames

I was almost 10

Same, I was eleven when I played the game. I mind sitting with my bootleg Eminem CD blasting in the background playing San Andreas

The worst shit about cars in V is the ability to roll over your over turned car while still in it. It has to be the most casual shit I've ever seen, worst than Nintendo giving you the option for a gold invincible tanuki suit because you died too many times.


I was ∞

Unironically the best one.

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What do you mean, I was four.

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I was 16 project more dumb zoomer

>Most of Yea Forums
Really, faggot? Do you know every poster and lurker since the dawn of Yea Forums to make that claim? Fuck off, you fucking moron.

I was 7 enjoying my ps1 pure soul


Nigga i was 8 when it came out, Hell Vice City was legit my first PS2 game. Got a brand new PS2 and off to my adventure in vice city

I was 9 actually, I played Golden Sun and Bomberman Tournament instead in my GBA emulator


I was about 8 or 9 when San Andreas came out. I neglected my homework a lot to play it.

>GTA IV is the best (and only) good GTA.
Lol this nigga probably wasnt even born when SA came out.

I was indeed 2 when San Andreas came out

CJ on a bridge...why?

>admitting to being underage

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Mods can't do math, don't worry

it's foreshadowing for the ending


I was 9 years old when gta sa came out

t. Racist

i was 22

Why are you still here, Boomer-kun?


And now you’re 37 years old. Browsing here with the boys...

I was 9

I was 10 years old when my dad bought it for me and I still remember loaning the game to a nigger on the school bus who lived in my neighborhood, and getting it back a week later all scratched up to the point it wouldn't even play. Never lent my games out again and also the day I stopped trusting blacks.

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Isn't DSP 37?

you should be thankful, that was a good lesson.

Well if we go with PC release date because that is where i got it i was 15.

My parents got me this but questioned if they should take it away because they thought video games were getting violent.

Always confused me because I got into video games by them introducing me too wolfenstein and doom.

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16 going on 17

>skipped over the PS2 era GTA games
Any particular reason for it?

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>also the day I stopped trusting blacks.
You can't trust kids in general not just blacks.

I was born in 1995 so I would have been about 9 when it was brand new. I remember playing that shit every single day and boy it was great. Tried going back to playing I but didn't have as much fun anymore. Imagine holding x on the PS controller to drive or holding R1 to aim your gun and fucking circle to shoot. What the fuck were they thinking back then? It doesn't even give you the option to change to the button layout and so now playing it is just not fun. Also the lack of ragdoll effects in those earlier GTA games are kind of a bummer. every time you shoot someone, they always fall in the same position. It's also hard to go back to the days before the weapon wheel and not being able to regenerate health. One thing I love though is the whole aesthetic and the music was god tier which is something I can't say for most of the music in GTA V. Like, why the fuck would you put in Waylon Jenning's songs but go for his worst ones? Why the fuck is Honky Tonk Heroes and Ramblin' Man not in the game but Are You Sure Hank Done It This Way, and I Ain't Living Long Like This are? Those songs are mediocre as hell. They even have Willie Nelson in a GTA game again but do they add Night Life? Of course not. That's only the country shit, I don't even want to get started on their abortion Rock station.


Not him but I didn't have a PS2. I borrowed one and a copy of Vice City and beat that one

Shit was in GTA since GTA3.
If you go to GTA for the realistic driving, you might have brain damage.
GTA4 feels like a slog and boring shit ass game because they didn't keep the arcadey engine.

Jokes on you I was six

To counter your racist post. When I was in 4th grade, my dad wouldn't buy me a GBA because it was too expensive. My black classmate knew I was jealous of his new GBA SP, so he gave me his old GBA with DBZ Supersonic warriors. There was no back cover for the batteries but that didn't matter to me.

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But it did come out on PC though and other consoles.

You think they'll ever port the PS2 era GTAs to Switch?

As it stands there's no genuine portable version of these games besides mobile and that's kind of crazy to me. It's not like they don't want to be associated with the era either as they've released them as recently as a year or two ago on PS4. To top it all off, porting the mobile versions would be trivial with the Switch hardware being what it is.

I already own all three on PS2, PS4 and PC, as well as SA on PS3 as well, but fuck me I'd buy a trilogy again for Switch. Imagine portable San Andreas.

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>GTA4 feels like a slog and boring shit ass game because they didn't keep the arcadey engine.
This x100. I never understood why fags complain about the more arcade driving feeling in GTA V when you felt like you were in a fucking boat when driving cars in GTA 4. i also hated get a cool new car and the slightest tap on a pole completely destroyed it. Give me a fucking break with that shit. It's a GTA game, you're going to crash every minute. These are the same fags who unironically want cars in a GTA game to have to stop for gas or having cops chase you for driving through a red light.

>These are the same fags who unironically want cars in a GTA game to have to stop for gas or having cops chase you for driving through a red light.
Worked for Mafia.

>Worked for Mafia.
and look at all the people who are playing those games now.

You mean the dead franchise?

I was 8 and I played the shit out of that game.

Got to drop in on occasion; see what's happening; never too old for a giggle at what goes on here.

There's quite a lot of us older folk loitering; we're just a little more restrained that we used to be ^_-

Tell us some stories about the golden years of Yea Forums, old man

>3 games, one of which is the fastest selling game in 2K's history
>4th in development
Certainly not dead but the quality has dipped, as is to be expected when they made the fatal error of working with an Amerimutt studio. Thankfully Warhorse picked up most of the Slavic talent.

>I got into video games by them introducing me too wolfenstein and doom.
And they said it in a non joking manner?

I was 14

Actually it looks pretty racist. Pass.

I was 2 in the 1980s...

Attached: 1980s In the kitchen with mom.jpg (676x626, 120K)

>wearing jeans inside the house
why would anyone do this?

>tfw when you were 2 when Commander Keen was released

>Cars have weight to them
>Cars don't have weight to them but the damage models are better

I was 18, you fucking zoomer.

we all get old, there's no point in getting upset that there's a new gen on Yea Forums, gramps. It's the opinions that matter, good or bad.

The run and gun is fucking awful on both.
Mind numbing boredom.

If it were released today nu-neo/v/ would call it white genocide. The only reason why they like it is because they played it when they were little and weren't obsessed with blacks.

Not true because we didn't feel that way playing as Franklin.

Bad argument; Franklin was so dull he didn't evoke any emotions whatsoever in anyone.

I was 21

>bad argument is worse than a baseless argument

That’s because nu-neo/v/ is full of /pol/tards and little children.

>white genocide.
>you kill mostly blacks and hispanics
>antagonists are polack and blacks
>toreno and truth are best characters in the game

I was 9

How old are you user?
holy shit


I was 12 and local video game shop just sold it to me because "it's the best game ever made,"

Yikes... I can't believe people born before 2000 actually use 4channel. Isn't that kinda creepy?

Based and truthpilled.

I was 10

People born in 2001 who were 3 and unconscious when san andreas came out are some of the older people on this board. The average Yea Forums poster was a year away from being born when san andreas came out


>I was 3 and honestly it wasn't that good, GTA IV is the best (and only) good GTA.
Fixed, zoomer

rape all zoomers

Gmod cringe invalidates your counter.

What are the chances then guy who made this shit is the one posting webms of rdr2 in a vain attempt to show off the games gunplay as good?

I remember play V and turning a car into a cube and crashing so hard all the wheels came of, but think they patched it because when I replay it the cars hardly deform at all and It's impossible to pop the wheels off.

A good pair of jeans is comft as fuck

I fired it up last night and that definitely jumped out at me. The other thing that was like a kick in the teeth is how quiet and non-visceral the gunshots are. Coming off lots of RDR2, guns are literally like 400% quieter in V. I uninstalled after about an hour.



I was 12.

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>21 when it came out
man, time flies.

...try playing the PC version? You can rebind everything and use a controller.

I was 9

I was 15. no surprise everyone here is underage
>uhm i said i was 18
no you're not

I was 11 and I remember just renting the game out over and over again with whatever pocket money my parents would give me. I played it on a small shitty CRT screen while hiding from dad cause he didn't want me to play that.

28 when this came out.

Based '89chads

Aw shit here we go again! XD