Admit it. It was never that great to begin with. It just came out at the perfect time...

Admit it. It was never that great to begin with. It just came out at the perfect time. This new series never started off right anyway. "Young blood isn't good like the original two games". Bullshit. New Order wasn't that great to begin with. It was fun at plenty of moments but not great.

>But it was so well received when it came out!
New Order came out in March of 2014. The perfect time. People were sick of 2012-2013's open world sandbox games and wanted something more linear and focused. Something different.
>But new order was on game of the year lists in 2014!
Yeah, but guess what? Hardly any good AAA games came out in 2014. Tons of games were delayed (Witcher 3 would see a release in 2015) or did get released but were broken/buggy (Master chief collection, AC Unity, Warlords of Draenor, even fucking tetris on PS4).'

Play New Order again and you will see its:
>Terrible optimization. Even on good hardware BOTH Nvidia and AMD cards suffered but especially AMD this game had issues.
>Difficulty spikes through bad level design. You take damage so quick you might as well play it like a cover shooter unless your in hallways which is the only way the game becomes tolerable and even fun.
>Gimped stealth mechanics. Open area levels are particularly bad with this. Little cover between you and the commanders that can call in new enemies.
>Limited enemy variety. They aren't really that fun to fight either, just take more bullets.

Old blood suffers from most of the same gameplay problems. The only thing the game had going for it was the setting but that was probably a fucking accident because of how badly they fucked up The New Colossus.

Attached: apps.18996.70764866595776237.49bcb933-4bfd-4b64-a764-f2ef10fde8d5.jpg (1920x1080, 160K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Shit, sorry, wrong pic

Attached: 220px-Deus_Ex_Human_Revolution_cover.jpg (220x311, 21K)

TNO and TOB were okayish.
TNC and YB are garbage.

Attached: wolfyoungbloodwriting.png (866x1643, 1.62M)

Just look at this shit.

Attached: youngbloodtrump.png (877x665, 664K)

Gunplay wasn't great and its plot doesn't hold up to the original.

Gameplay is still great though.

Jesus christ that's embarrassing to read. How could anyone over the age of 12 think that that was funny?

Is this the devs showing their contempt for people wanting reasonable borders?

Based Machinegames!

Attached: Wolfenstein 2 dev.jpg (2544x1450, 340K)

They made a game about killing white people. What do you think?
God, you really can tell just by looking, can't you.

Just look at the guy and how he salivates over the idea over killing Nazis. Don't be surprised if he's a psychopath.

There's nothing psychopathic about killing Nazis, all Nazis should be killed.

>right wingers tend to be the demographic of hardcore shooters
>right wingers in America are called nazies by children who can't debate
>hardcore game during this time tries to sell with the tag "make America nazi free"
>shocked it doesn't sell well
>double downs
>doesn't sell again
Why do they legitimately do this Yea Forums?

You're right. Bought it when TB recommended it on release and was incredibly disappointed.
Mainly because I didn't like how the guns felt. Story was shit too.


Nah, I played it 2 weeks ago and it was just as good as I remembered. Liked it more than Doom. Back to /pol/ with you shitter.

i love the implication that sieg heiling nazis are the ones calling the idea of trump too unintelligent

like, why write the villains as taking the writer's IRL side?

TNO - 5/10
TOB - 6/10
TNC - 8/10


TNO 8/10
TOB 7/10
TNC 5/10

TNO 0/10
TOB 0/10
TNC 0/10

Doom 2016 9/10

TNO 9/10
TOB 9/10
TNC 6/10

>Doom 2016 9/10
More like 0/10
Doom 2016 is perfect for you. Autistic people love doing the same thing over and over again.

TNO critics:
OMG its soo good but its waaaay too easy cuz I play it like a cover shooter. The story is great but it needs to be expanded upon.

TNC comes out and not even the critics will defend the awful gameplay littered with TERRIBLE CUTSCENES.

Doom absolutely blows Nu-wolf out of the water in every way. The only problem with Doom 2016 was that the game started to get a bit stale. A lot of the arena fights started to play the same. Still fun.

Attached: Do+the+reverse+pepe+is+doom+guy+and+_a43aa5750abc0ee0204afbf583c9f9af.jpg (510x546, 73K)

>The story is great but it needs to be expanded upon.
But this is the opposite of what's true. The story and characters were mediocre and forgettable and the game needed less emphasis on it.


They were put more so to the wayside. I should rephrase and say the premise was good and it seems like they were expanding upon it by bringing it to America.

>A political party that hasn't prospered since the 1940s should be "killed".

A lot of these big companies from varying industries have strong connections with zionist Jews.

Jews control the world and its money supply. They're willing to lose a couple of bucks if it means maintaining their power via brainwashing and misinformation. Besides, they own all the banks - They could just print more money.

Nazis were successful with their evil for a long while. Trump, not so much. It makes sense they'd look down on him.

Based /polack/


Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up. The New Colossus being shit doesn't affect New Order and especially Old Blood, which was peak Wolfenstein from MachineGames.

When it becomes ideologically driven earning money can be sacrificed.


Based retarded OP thinking that posting his opinion will magically change other opinions.

I only liked RTCW and it was solid game, nothing impressive though

I liked old blood better to be honest familia

really all nuwulfenstein has is it's cool aesthetics. and i mean only the nazi aesthetics.

When I saw a Nazi commander order a strawberry milkshake at an american diner in the trailer for TNC I thought that was the fucking neatest shit ever. Then the game came out and sucked ass.

Everything after RTCW is just increasing levels of cope

>Gunplay is bad but gameplay is great

nazis had style user no one can take that away from them

Attached: nazi.jpg (277x182, 11K)

awwwwww "da jews did it" awwwww