*is out of reach*

*is out of reach*

Attached: Toblerone.jpg (2000x1262, 426K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Hurts my hands

>waiting to see how long it'll be before somebody posts the picture

Attached: 1537865753395.jpg (595x596, 58K)

hold on, I haven't had toblerone in like 10 years but weren't the triangles thicker?


>the clone is longer, cheaper and just as good as the original

Attached: file.png (400x195, 221K)

So how do you eat it?

crack it in half and start eating from the middle

Airport chocolate

Yeah it's a joke now

No, there was double the amount. Rather than make it smaller they just added those obvious spaces to save money.

They spread them out further to have less in each pack while not lowing the price.

Attached: toblerowned.gif (714x536, 44K)



yes, they made them smaller in certain territories. you can absolutely still buy the normal one, i got them in an airport.

Fucking cowards.
I do this in honor of sadpanda.

Attached: TOBLERONE.jpg (600x900, 137K)

oh ok, glad I wasn't making shit up in my own head
glad I barely eat toblerone too, fuck these assholes

My folder is large, it's really hard looking for specific images

stop crying like a baby,
takes 2 seconds to google and you'll see they reverted it.

why are people so eager to get mad over everything? it's fucking chocolate.


Attached: 1547644555348.png (450x450, 113K)

because it's underhanded and unnecessary

>stop complaining about getting less while paying the same

>it's fucking chocolate.
It's Toblerone you mouthbreathing waste of human flesh, if you want just chocolate go with Milka like all other normies.

Attached: flmt.jpg (804x622, 45K)

is this possible

missing my point
it's still no reason to get mad over it.

these used to have twice the amount of chocolate

Yes user, you can infact break a Toblerone in half

>yes Mr Shekelstein, I will reach my daily quota of flaming 100 people who are complaining about shitty business practices

Attached: greedy jew.png (301x167, 8K)

>normalfag: oh he's referencing the shopped hentai manga of Lightning getting her spine/toblerone broken in half
>kinoposter: thank you based SelfDrillingSMS

Attached: shaking.gif (535x262, 96K)

I'm about to head out and buy a toblerone. Anybody else want something?

Attached: 1522610663588.png (852x1136, 1.81M)

I'm not mad, I just said I don't even eat toblerone anyway
am I not allowed to call someone an asshole without screaming like an ape?

Hearty jej

Attached: Laughing berries.jpg (862x521, 46K)

Toblerone for me

what is this and where are you from that Hershey's isn't the default chocolate

here's a news flash: no one gives two shits about hershey's outside or burgertopia

>hurts my hands

gets me every time

Yea Forums is gone, Toblerone thread and not a single Lightning pic

Attached: Final Fantasy XIII Threads.jpg (3024x4032, 2.24M)

Jaden Smith's toblerone joke was really funny!

Attached: 1522611564717.png (1280x720, 1.45M)

fuck you!

Attached: .jpg (1000x751, 178K)

Still doesnt say where hes from, just insults America like we give a shit about any other countries opinions.

>we tried something shitty and underhanded, but we went right back (as soon as it backfired), why are you so mad at us
t. oblerone

For me, its Terrys chocolate orange

Attached: dkmgtmuhwaa01.jpg (618x416, 100K)

>not the dark chocolate


>insults America
I don't remember doing that but whatever floats your boat you insecure cunt

Well some people prefer garbage.

Never heard of burgertopia but he probably meant that.

Yeah. Burgers are awesome. Dunno why that guy is raging at his country being called a burgertopia.

I can't eat Toblerones, hurt my hands too much.

christmas only

Toblerone is absolutely shit-tier.


Attached: 9[1].jpg (800x400, 22K)

It's to make it easier to break them off. It was nearly impossible before.

Attached: toblerone.jpg (720x3230, 1.13M)

They're normal in my state, I had one a month or two ago.

When is the revenge arc going to release?

hurts my hands

>chocolate goodness with a creamy nougat center!!!

Japanese are fucking weird


Attached: ChocolateOrange.webm (854x480, 2.34M)


I thought the thing was gonna explode or something after opening because of the glove.

>eatings sugar shit in 2k19

fatty die.

Attached: 1396108190616s.jpg (249x249, 7K)

Cancer die.

post body


Attached: 235262532426 .jpg (556x563, 165K)

cope fatties

Attached: 1511988047419.jpg (475x1199, 101K)

I just want to see your body, dude.

Now this is a big brain meme

>tfw quit sugar 2 years ago

Attached: 1564164482597.jpg (1024x576, 39K)

What if I don’t wanna eat the whole thing?

based and smartpilled

The whole thing within 30 minutes

hack off the triangles with a knife, put them in a bowl to eat and discard the slab that's left over

yeye gimme toblertwo

Eating sweets every once in a while isn't a bad thing.
Making a lifestyle out of it and becoming morbidly obese on the other hand is. Stupid frogposter.

Isn't a toblerone in that one porn video with the loli that dies in the beginning of TLOU

does the first half taste boring and the secon half fucking weird?

there is no nougat in toblerone.

Wouldn't that hurt your hands?

>Lightning Returns FFXIII

You're going to have to be more specific

fucking sid. what kind of cunt does that do his own brother?
where the fuck did fitz go anyway?

Every time

He said, while stuffing his face full of fruits

I'm full blown keto, no fruit whatsoever

Yeah man, I'm full blown Ket as well. May start dealing it and reinvest the profits into my bloodstream, if you know what I mean.

Not sure I do but it doesn't sound healthy

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Attached: bd8f6d0b67d17d2e7c2c9975417c55dc.jpg (740x402, 27K)

Attached: Toblerone revenge.png (882x720, 306K)

Toblerone got jewed hard

>count calories
>don't eat a ton of sugar but otherwise eat whatever I want
>don't drink my calories
>take multivitamin to make up for any deficiencies
>don't get fat while not depriving myself of good food

>people still try to make this shit overcomplicated with whatever fad diets are hot

Attached: 1555618707169.gif (487x560, 898K)

Post boi pussy.

>don't count calories
>just eat whatever I feel like eating
>do some moderate workout regularly
>never get fat

In my country we call you people shit factories

I have never had a toblerone and nowhere around here sells them.


In mine, we just call you a faggot ;)

yeah its just a coincidence how that literally wasnt mentioned by the company at all and now theres less chocolate at the same price point

You eat and eat and get no visible gain, just process food into shit

but user, all people r shit factories, some r just more efficient than others

>eat and eat
Never said I eat that much, just that I eat whatever I feel like eating.

Where did I say that I was stuffing my face all day long? Can you really not into the concept of moderation or are you rusing me?

Don't get triggered, just sharing my retarded country's folk lore.
You have faster metabolisms
das rite

The "boring" was the appeal of Twin Peaks. Second season was ACTUALLY boring because of all the uninteresting side stories.

You don’t deserve this giant toblerone.

you're out of reach
I'm out of time
but I'm out of my head when you're not around

Not everything is a conspiracy. It's a chocolate bar. They still manufacture the old one.

Did I seem triggered? Sorry for that, I suppose.

>You have faster metabolisms
I don't though.
>look up TDEE calculator
>input stats and select approximate physical activity level
>get generic daily calorie expenditure value
>eat at or below that number every day
It's fucking rocket surgery, oh my god.
The fast metabolism meme needs to die. Maybe there wouldn't be as many fat fucks in my country (Burgerville).

Fast metabolisms are a meme, they do sort of exist but they're mostly dependent on height/natural bodymass (people with higher ones can eat more and not gain weight because they need it). And even the occasional genetic oddity only process a couple 100 calories difference which isn't much food at all.
Folklore is often retarded though, at least your version has a cute name and it's not skeletons and fatasses complaining it's not their fault.

Push the triangle inward, not try to break it off outward.

>The fast metabolism meme
No, the metabolism meme. Go on /fit/ right now and you'll see thousands of Auschwitz-attendees complaining that they eat and eat but can't put on any weight because they have a fast metabolism.

>I ate a whole half of a pizza and nothing else
>Can't believe I didn't gain anything

Lol they eat less in a whole day than i do in one meal.
>but i ate like one mcdonalds cheesburger and some chocolate how i cant gain weight

Shit wrong thread, don't mind me.

Too late

Tobleroneposting is immune to tranny jannies?

Karate chop each piece off individually.

You gonna finish that?

Attached: 104179-1532336916[1].jpg (640x361, 29K)

you should know i'm the first one that posted this in Yea Forums about 2010 from fakku forums.

never expected a joke to take off, i just wanted to share something strangely errotic.

Why do I always see people making these posts whenever this candy is posted? Is it in the American thing?

Attached: kWU21EIh.jpg (684x854, 26K)

>Push the triangle inward, not try to break it off outward.

i'm 27 and this is the first time i've heard of this, never seen anyone do this.

always hurt my hand everytime, or when my hands couldnt be used anymore bit it off with my mouth


Place neatly into woodchipper


Source please

fucking kill yourself

I think you got the wrong door. The reddit is two blocks down.

It's chocolate for crying out loud, how does it hurt one's hands? Maybe if it's stored in the freezer.

The true redpill

I've fapped to this before
I've fapped to everything Lightning

That's exactly what some people do

Just look it up on EHentai
oh wait

Attached: 1562336377147.jpg (398x376, 37K)

360grams not enough for the britbong

I will forever associate Toblerone with this.

Someone edit the cat with hotdogs image to be all toblerlj

In cold parts of the world, chocolate gets relatively hard.