ITT: 6/10 games you have a soft spot for

ITT: 6/10 games you have a soft spot for

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i feel you man.

for some reason that game scratched a crazy itch I had. I was obsessed, especially with the multiplayer. I even pirated a voice modulator and spent hours tweaking it to sound just like the space marines from DoW2, just to shout autistic shit like "ONWARD, BROTHERS," and "WE SHALL PURGE THE HERETIC" over the in-game voip, which everyone loved and joined in on. it was a glorious time.

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Ya the horde mode was so goddamn fun. I remember posting up with a heavy bolter and later the plasma cannon while I watched my assault bros swoop in on orc scum. Never survived the daemons tho

Apparently the community is still around, albeit in pockets.

And I know what you mean: it's not amazing, but it's such a great fanservice game for 40k.

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its a solid 7.5/10 user

In retrospect calling it 6/10 was unfair.

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Speaking of 40k games, which ones besides DoW1, DoW2, and Space Marine are actually worth playing?

Are the Battlefleet Gothic: Armada games any good? What about Adeptus Mechanicus? Or Space Hulk: Deathwing? Any others?

>Are the Battlefleet Gothic: Armada games any good?
I dunno but I have heard from trusted friends that they are.
>What about Adeptus Mechanicus?
>Or Space Hulk: Deathwing?
It's apparently less polished Left for Dead.

There's Chaos Gate, which is considered really good.

Fire Warrior


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Battlefleet Gothic (both) and Mechanicus are fun good games.

>battlefleet gothic armada 1 & 2
Surprisingly good, but criminally missing certain elements that would take it from good to great. Especially speaking of the 2nd one, its missing replays and a more robust private lobby system (can only private lobby with one other person, not 4 people, so there's no way to private game without matchmaking unless they've patched it out). The core gameplay, however, is fantastic. All of the factions feel completely unique and play differently like you would expect. The Mechanicus (my favorite) have a huge range advantage and require using a ton of abilities and tech to nuke enemies before they come in and melt you with boarding parties. The nids, on the other hand, run in and melt you with boarding parties. The orks are shit at everything but numbers and ramming, so playing with them is just hilarious chaos.

If you're into warhammer fluff and loreshit, then there is absolutely nothing better. See:

Mechanicus is simple but really, really good. The soundtrack is probably the best 40k-inspired soundtrack. Gameplay is simple but very fun, and it's a mechanicus game so hell yeah

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Spesh muhrines is way better than 6/10. It's too simple, sure, but it's polished and the mechanics are great to play.


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Was thinking about getting this, how do the imperial guard play as?

The whole series post-64 but pre-Zero. Maybe 6 is a little unfairly low for the first two though

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Imperial navy*

They play a bit like orks with slightly less numbers and better short range firepower.

They have a huge roster of cheap ships to choose from that go down rather quickly, but which have great ramming power and good brawling (short range) weapon damage. They're probably the most situationally/build flexible army in the game

Kane & Lynch 2

Thanks, how I thought they would play as.

Still my favorite of all time and this shit is from before the turn of the millennium

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Tales of Berseria