Long Term Future of COD Franchise


This year is Modern Warfare remake, next year is Blacks Ops 5. These are the only two series left in the COD franchise. Ghosts, Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare are dead ends, and WW2 was misused in 2017. How the fuck can they keep this series going with endless Black Ops and Modern Warfare's every second year? Maybe for 2021 they can make some Cyberpunk Cod to capitalize on Cyberpunk 77 if it spawns a copycat trend, and for 2022 have some 'best of' collection of fan favorite maps and guns etc, but what else can this zombie franchise do? At least for FIFA and Madden the sport is a constant...

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>These are the only two series left in the COD franchise. Ghosts, Advanced Warfare, Infinite Warfare are dead ends, and WW2 was misused in 2017.
This is the mentality that CoDfags have.
They weren't 'dead ends', they were actual attempts to do something fucking different for once and you should appreciate them for that. It's like you expect every branch to repeat itself 5 times over ad nauseum
Good lord I hate CoDfags.

who cares

They are dead ends because they were shit and the settings were boring. Black Ops as it is takes most of the aesthetic and mechanics of Ghosts and Advanced Warfare. Infinite Warfare had a good campaign but the maps were shit.

who cares about anything, faggot

Long term future? That's not what COD is designed for. It's a bubble they are riding until it pops, in spite of attempts to distract from that fact (you should have stopped around COD4 or WAW, when they decided to stop numbering so you wouldn't realize we're about to have #17.) It does you no credit so bring up FIFA/Madden which are even worse for being "same shit different year" milking the sub-80 IQ so why not either wise up or just kill yourself.

Why not ask "what is the long-term future of World or Warcraft?" These things need to be put to bed already and it is on the consumer to not be fucking retarded and put the bullet in the dying horse. What a shit show.

It's already dead. I have no clue how anyone can get excited for the new Modern Warfare, it looks barebones as shit and is going to end up an unintentional parody of the original MW.

WW2 was the best Call of Duty since Modern Warfare 2. Treyarch are faggots and they always have been.

I don't even play the series, I'm talking about it in objective terms from the point of view of how Activision can continue to milk the franchise and avoid the bubble popping. FIFA and Madden are great for EA because they can't run out of ideas, but COD can.

The Black Ops titles weren't even supposed to be COD games, they kept the title for brand recognition only.

Treyarch made WAW, the best of the series.


>who cares about video games on a video game board

Sorry, I only ragepost when I'm waking up.
COD never had ideas to start with and sportsshit requires none, that's the very fine line between them. They are both individual chains holding gaming back but are far from being alone in that capacity. Ultimately this terrible situation is caused by people who don't like to think, but that's how schools are designed so there's really no way out until EVERYTHING pops.

Shoo shoo shill.

have sex

get a real job

Thats ultimately the problem. We can only hope that normies eventually wake up to how stagnant and cancerous these franchises are, and I think COD running out of steam and ideas may hasten this process

here's your (you), move out of the basement

I was super proud when Terraria was beating the COD of that-year for population when that COD just launched. It's not hopeless but I am thinking of how to accelerate every day.

No shit, Modern Warfare 2 wasn't supposed to be "Call of Duty" either.

Infinite Warfare was a great game but because CoDfags are so autistic about sci-fi it got shit on

CoD should have stopped their yearly releases years ago.

ww2 was the most basic bitch, boring, boots on the ground, sprint in a fucking circle around the map, ADS and letting aim assist kill for you, worst aspects of COD compiled together with the most boring setting possible.

it might be stagnant, but from a raw gameplay loop of ease of access and instant gratification, theres literally nothing that can come close to beating COD. they've mastered making easy baby mode gameplay that some how still feels satisfying despite requiring little to no skill what so ever, and entry level people that identify themselves as gamers eat that shit up. they get a triple in COD and they feel like the best esports player in the world and i really dont think COD will ever lose relevance because of that, you simply can not expect a majority of people to stop being casuals

If you actually believe this you are a literal retard.