What are some video games that you can't play anymore?

What are some video games that you can't play anymore?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Heh, you're gonna be pretty pissed off to learn that I don't actually care about your gay incel porn comic site

Pokemon. They just ruined it and never added anything to keep me interested. I used to really love it too

sadpanda is gone
deal with it

>tfw waiting for a 50gb comic LO torrent to download at 100kb/s
it's like I went back in time 10 years

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tribes ascend

nigga what the fuck is sad panda

With sad panda gone, does that mean we'll have video game threads again?

I miss them Yea Forums. I really miss video game threads.

Need for Speed World


Lurk for 6 years before posting.

It was going to shit anyways, only those disgusting milf artist CGs and low quality shit was being posted. Not a good artist CG in months.

Prety much all my old nes/snes gb/gbc/gba games. I could crack them open and replace the little batteries but eh...

This is /cunny/ now Yea Forumsdiots

Fuck man, mmos and live service crap. We need to fight back against always online bullshit too.

Cringe. Relocate to read it.

Wizardry Online

I really really really want to try out that game.

>he doesn't know

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Sonic adventure because I never brought it on gamecube when I had the chance and my shitty laptop can't run steam. I was only able to rent it from blockbuster.

Stop making these threads you pathetic weeb.

You mean games that were rightfully removed because sexualizing children is disgusting?

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>There are people that will never be able to get past the panda now

What happened to it? I had a fuckton of golden hentai manga and artists saved as favorites and now it's all gone?

I also don't get it. Why is Yea Forums spammed with this crap? Did some faggot e-celeb that nobody with an IQ over 50 cares about die again or what?

Wouldn't it be fun to discuss video games on a video game board hahahaha

Like tears in the rain.

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There are no video games that I can't play anymore because I'm not a brain-dead fucking retard. Kill yourself.

if it was ex only you're fucked unless the owner actually follows through and posts the archive.
if it was shit you could see on e hentai too there's still time but download it soon

i've been stuck in this hellhole for nearly 13 god damn years.
>its for weirdos that jack off to cartoons
oh that explains it.

didnt that guy literally get convicted as an actual pedophile

I managed to download all my favorite cute and funny stuff so I'm good

Dutch laws changed. Host couldn't deal with the potential $50,000 fine and/or jail time and nuked exhentai.

e-hentai has six months left.

A bear that is not happy.


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not even in the ballpark of believability. insulting to us, embarrassing for you

>Person vehemently opposed to drawn children ends up being a pedo
At this point this should be considered a bona fide sign.

I never got in. And now nobody can lord it over me anymore.
It's a good day.

>censors choke and die
>leaves fuck and fucking as is
twitter confuses me

>Europe is fucking flooded with Muslims that have caused the rape and child molestation rates to skyrocket
>Europe governments decide they need to fucking criminalize a fucking drawing
Give this post a (You) if you're an American who gets to laugh at Europoors

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So what are the good alternatives? Only know hitomi and nhentai.

>Dutch laws changed. Host couldn't deal with the potential $50,000 fine and/or jail time and nuked exhentai.
it turns out the law didn't actually change for ex so that they would've been fucked, either the site owner or the host panicked or it's a thinly veiled lie for the fact ex's owner wants to retire anyway

this but unironically

Lolicon and shota. Good lord, it's getting harder and harder to actually get lolicon stuff.

Can't europe just build it's own little internet world away from everything else

My pain is constant and sharp.

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>Huh, that's weird, my e-hentai favorites have the same number of favorites my exhen had.
>This gallery has been removed or is unavailable. You will be redirected to the front page momentarily.
>This gallery has been removed or is unavailable. You will be redirected to the front page momentarily.
>This gallery has been removed or is unavailable. You will be redirected to the front page momentarily.
>This gallery has been removed or is unavailable. You will be redirected to the front page momentarily.

Attached: Mr. Incredible checks his exhentai favorites on e-hentai.webm (600x252, 1.17M)

It's not fucking fair bros....Why does everything good have to die?

>tfw deleted my porn folder because I thought sites like these would be around forever
I seems to have made a bit of a mistake.

Some 2d porn, cropped or otherwise, is the least of this board's problems.
Eceleb and the other twitter shit need to go.

I can't laugh when I'm getting fucked over by their retardation

Hentai site
I guess it was known for loli/kiddie porn/hentai, however you wanna digest it
So of course Yea Forums is apoplectic because they're only into little girls as those are the only demographic impressionable enough for them or something

Anyway, it's obviously video games related and even if it weren't it's hardly like mods care about Yea Forums. Not that I blame them, it IS a dumpsterfire

holy cringe

>all the non-H content like artbooks are lost forever
and normalfags will clap because they can't think about anything besides themselves

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Any THQ game (rip)

It's for the best. Hentai is mind poison, you're slowly being programmed into a tranny.

But why not just hand it off to someone else? There are decades worth of impossible-to-find art books on exhentai. Art books that are impossible to find because of prints ceasing, or sell for hundreds of dollars with no scanlations. Tons upon tons of Japanese media, anime and manga art books, concept art, Gunpla model magazines - all of it just got wiped.

Yes, every fag who cries about Loli/Shota always ends up being either
>A Pedophile
>A Tranny

EA isn't going to revoke the license anytime soon. The game is effectively abandonware. Which is a shame because its a pretty good DoW-clone.

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Why are pedophiles so dedicated to taking down loli


If you see this in the wild you should just assume they have the real deal on their hard drive or are actively committing. It's total clown world shit, I lost count of the amount of cases long ago.

We're going to follow suit, for sure.
We're just going very slow at it because it hasn't yet hit mass media. Hitting mass media is the only way the US ever gets anything done.

it still exists but was temporarily taken offline
there's discussion on migration or handover from the admin
continue to backup and don't lose hope!

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>th-the non-H content!
Right, the obvious reason everyone went to the hentai site known for lolicon
Christ Almighty, dumbshit. Cook up a better excuse

nhentai will have at least some of the stuff purged from ex, but probably not everything.
I wouldn't worry about loli too much since that seems to be the #1 archive priority for most.
I'm more worried about niche shit like gay stuff especially all the old shit I had favorited. I'm probably fucked there

time to die

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look up article 13
honestly fuck eurotrash and their shit opinions.
i remember when these fucking retards shitposted every fucking day over net neutrality pretending us americans were gonna get banned from the internet when it had nothing at all to do with that
fuck them and their shit taste in video games
i want them all to die




You're confusing hentai with Yea Forums


Europe might be a joke but we're all getting fucked over eventually, pal. The whole internet is changing for the worse and there's no getting around it.

50tb of porn lost because of an inflamamed tendon fuck this gay earth

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I'm glad we saved those fictional children from fictional sexual assault. The world is fictionally a better place.


it was the largest collection of japanese pornography on the internet. It also hosted a ton of non-hentai and a fair amount of western work as well.

i'll be honest, the most important thing i saved from exh were the ar tonelico artbooks. nothing else i really gave a shit about

It's already been decided in court that Loli/Shota doesn't violate 1st amendment rights, the only way a drawing is CP is if it's traced from CP

if you actually cared about those you would buy the physical versions

because the admin is a retard who panicked, though again supposedly he has the archive and will "possibly" post it (it's like 50TB)

>E hentai has six months left
Wtf are they actually shit down every hentai site? Why???

Well, that and 100,000$ server maintaining cost.

Yeah, actually you fucking idiot.
People went to that website for porn, some went there for the art.
Is that so hard to believe in your small fucking brain you little bitch?

Not only hentai but anime too.

Two sides of the same coin really.

Why wouldn't most of that have been on e-hentai?

Off road velociraptor safari or any blurst game. Damn they were fun

pedo incels on suicide watch

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people still play tribes ascend though
myself included

The things is Sad Panda was THE hentai site. You may think, "but what about nhentai, or other sites?" Well, all those sites scrape Sad Panda for their content. Most Scanlators get their raws from Sad Panda. There are also things like artbooks and non-hentai that are only hosted on Sad Panda

It had more than lolis. Also, e hentai's future is not clear either.

You're literally proving his point. Celebrating shit like this because something you don't like happens to be involved is incredibly stupid, they'll come for what you like too.

I wish all cumbrains would have sex

The guy is fed up with running it. Did you think these websites just magically existed with no maintenance? Even though it was built on user content one guy has to maintain it.


jokes on your im a depressed alcoholic i dont like anything.

ehentai and ex have the same owners you dumbfuck

because if it had a little girl/boy in the art and someone tagged it lolicon/shotacon despite featuring 0 sexual content it was automatically moved to exhentai

I always wanted to look up Mon Colle Knight doujinshi there because I can only seem to find covers for them.
Wonder if they were on there.

I hope some Dutch pedos go on to be serial rapists because of this shit., just out of spite.

for several of those that user said if it had so much as one page of content considered haram on e-hentai it got purged

Super Monday Night Combat

Shit was tight, had way more character than TF2 ever did, just came out at the wrong sort of time to be honest, if it had come out just before overwatch it would have been way more successful.

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As a kid, I used to play pic related online with my cousin allllll the time. We even had a stupid little Sith clan that became mildly popular

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because the owner is a retard
as visibly shown by today's happenings

i wrote if you actually cared, but clearly you don't otherwise you would have bought them regardless of the cost

If someone relevant kicks up a fuss, that will change in a week.

One can pray for a light in this dark abyss.
Whoever saves that amount of porn shall become a hero to all.


learn to read you illiterate nigger

>the Illya doujins are gone

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Battlefield 2142.
EA can eat my ass.

>Find artbook
>Discover a new hobby
>Artbook went out of circulation years ago

>implying that it won't be back under a different name eventually.
we are neck deep in the age of the internet nothing stays lost forever

I'm involuntarily celibate, there is nothing I can do about it you normalcunt.

>every doujin ever is still in print, including the ones from 30+ years ago
no, nigger, shut the fuck up.

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I tought they were doing it for the benefit of mankind. I guess nothing is for free

I'm so damn glad I still have a couple hundred GB of loli stocked up from waaaay back, when people were worried about having large enough hard drives for that. I hope nhentai at least survives the purge, shows the need for good backups.

Also, touhou. I used to be decent, and now I've played not for so long that I'd have to start over again, and no fucking way.

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bend over, faggot

The after story omake works from other artists ended up being a death sentence for so many books. The entire thing could have been huge tit milfs getting pounded by their husbands in loving vanilla sex, but one dude submits a random loli in a lewd pose at the end and the whole thing gets shafted to ex.

All the loli was backed up on other sites so I'm good

>he didn't download his shit before the site got canned
You can probably still find them on nhentai.

I have been, which sucks

True but still contributes.

I don't mind off-topic threads. But Yea Forums hadn't been video games for years. This is nerdy Yea Forums.

I think an user on /t/ saved a shitload of Fate

This, good luck finding a lot of obscure shit.

i'm sure that you thought this was supposed to be real clever but you only just proved his point

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>some went for the art!!1
I totally believe you user, since you clearly need randos on the internet to make you feel better about something you totally did and you totally aren't buttbusted because your loli hentai is gone
You totally sell it too with the immediate flare-up of anger, the swearing and the huffy attitude, so very believable

It's a fucking pain even with normal manga. They're printing little because they expect to sell little, and eventually all of them disappear.

Non-pedo hentai is still around, right?

Physicals backups aren't safe either, my 1TB drive just recently died and I lost all my stored media. It's a shitty situation all around.

Me too except change out alcohol with opiates.

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Is that how it works? I never knew.
Hm, makes me appreciate when I can find stuff anyway.

Fateshit is popular enough that 99% of it will be backed up somewhere. Relax.

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there will probably be an ex clone but there's a good chance a lot of the obscure shit that made ex such a treasure will be lost unless the admin stops being a gigantic asshole retard and at the least posts the archive

>Also, touhou. I used to be decent, and now I've played not for so long that I'd have to start over again, and no fucking way.
You were probably never even decent to begin with. Playing Touhou is like riding bike, once you learn it and get used to it, you never forget. I haven't played in ages myself, then came back and first run is still as good as back then.

m8 i woke up literally half an hour before the site went down
some anons didnt even have that much

You always need to have backups of everything you want to keep.

On e hentai. For at least 6 months, after that, who knows.

Well I guess you have to settle for sex now

It's a mirror, it won't die but it's updates die with exhentai. There needs to be a new centralized distributor.

Porn isn't even a big deal, it's all mirrored. The rest of Exhentai wasn't.

Now, far be it for me to cry voer trashy western garbage and furshit, but tons of artist galleries, CG, art books, concept art, interviews, raw scans... Gone.

Damn, never bothered with the panda because l don't care about loli but this sucks, heard they had some other good shit. What else did they host?

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>Physicals backups aren't safe either
yeah, if you're a retard.


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Yes, there are literally tons of things you can do:
>git gud at hygiene
>work out
>wear clothes that fit and aren't retarded
>put yourself in social situations
It ain't rocket science, my dude

Hentai is still plenty around. This one got nicked because it was full of loli. Maybe instead of doing the usual Eurotrash thing of believing they're beyond reproach they should have done something preventative. But because you guys are all "I LIKE IT, THEREFORE IT'S ABOVE AND BEYOND THE LAW", it's dead.
Now, you're turning around and throwing the shade onto "normies" because that's better than admitting this was a dumb, plenty avoidable fuckup.


Shitty tech and computer problems are the story of my life.

if you favorited stuff your entire list will still be on e hentai and you can try to look up the purged shit on nhentai, there's a good chance at least the newer stuff will be on there

Why the fuck do people cens*r w*rds l*ke th*s? It just looks so extremely silly, whenever I see someone doing it I have a hard time believing they're being unironic.

i dont care about loli either but panda had plenty of free paywalled shit from every category

>actually believing the dumb shit you see here
Eurolaws had nothing to do with SadPanda shutting down. Lazy ass admin wanted a scapegoat to keep his cred so he blamed Dutch laws which don't even exist

He's a 22 year old tranny, my guy

Anything anyone ever bothered to upload. Tons of sfw artbooks and obscure fetish shit as well if you were into that. Thankfully if there was no loli in it it should still be up on ehentai for at least the next few months. So get downloading.

Have back ups at at least two locations.

Project PT

Not necessarily talking about this person in particular.

Artbook scans, out of print 80's/90's magazine scans, and old PC-98 artwork

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I do all that, the problem is genetically determined facial appeal.

twitter bans/suspends you if you use those words.

Exh was where I went to find a compilation of non-h eng translated touhou doujins. And there was a shit fucking ton of it on there, most of it decent, some of it incredibly good, and all of it's gone now.

There was a doujin that had to do with three generations of Hieda that I wasn't able to save last night and that's the sort of shit that disappears into history if its not fucking saved, because good fucking luck finding a physical copy of a random doujin that came out at comiket ten years ago in a print run of 250

Old artbooks
Old CGs
Anything in the fjords are gone now.

>I don't like thing
>therefore thing needs to be banned
literally kys

Imagine being American and laughing at Europe. We're both sinking fast friend, we should at the very least support one another.

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There is no rebuttal to this.

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Even worse is all the shit that got tagged as lolicon or shotacon for no good reason.

But none of the loli hentai is gone those are on every doujin site that scraped sad panda because they always prioritized H content when scraping

shit was hella fun, despite all the bullshit

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Every single artbook and concept piece that was sold under a paywall was on exhentai. This includes a lot of Patreon stuff that would have been DMCAd on any other site.

>settle for sex
That's funny, implying me managing to have sex is settling.

>not making local backups of your fap material incase of the event that it gets removed/site goes down

sadpanda fucked, e-hentai fucked soon.
welp time to start going to thedoujin until that gets found out. They literally have loli as an example tag on the first page load. Gotta respect that.

>a character's daughter shows up for one page saying bye as they leave
>this gallery is now tagged as loli

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just be yourself

Sadpanda was unironically a good resource for artbooks. Many doujins you're gonna be able to find them elsewhere but artbooks are gonna be harder to find now.

>what is archive.org
Come on...

To castlevania bro:

I'm uploading all the shit I got tothe archive projectbut I'm going to keep reposting this so castlevania bro can download all the shit I promised him. he went to bed last night before I could download/mega all the shit for him so I'm going to autistically repost this occasionally in these threads in the hopes he sees it.

here's your mega

Well I don't know how to help you there, other than to say that personality can go a looooong way

city of heroes

Then they'll probably end up being next
>fat bald guy defending lolicon
>sweeps in with "get the creators!"
Get the creators of guns

i dont have 70tb of free space my man

It's still considered "obscene," though.

thank you for actually responding to OPs question and not rambling about losing all your porn.
I loved SMNC. I played alot of assassin and spark. I was a dirty backdoor cheeser. good times.

anyone who messes with loli should know this by now
Sadpanda was hardly the first site to go down. It's pretty much whack-a-mole. But you can save the moles.

You're doing the lords work

>high schooler having sex with adult woman
>somehow this is straight shota

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Countless Medabot doujins got tagged as loli and have been gutted. I'm fuming, exhentai was the only place with English scanlations of some of his work.

Or accepting what I said the first time round when I said that I'm an incel. It's easier for both of us that way.



>Mfw I saved a rare doujin but not the name, front page or boring pages
>just so I can post cropped sections of it into the appropriate thread
>never to be complete or sourced

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*Pochincoff's work.

imagine being such a cumbrain that you care more about sadpanda dying than kyoani burning

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I'm not castlevaniabro but I thank you for this

That's only for a handful of states that would add that on to a conviction if you got busted for actual CP
There hasn't been a single arrest for drawn porn that didn't have actual illegal porn involved

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If an exh replacement appeared that didn't have loli/shota, but had all the non-h resources and supplemental material that exh had archived over the last *decade*, I'd be happy

people don't seem to get the fact that exh wasn't just for fapping, it was a ten year archive of almost all of the doujin output of japan, and a huge amount of output from western/chinese/korean independent artists, and I would say a third of it was not pornography

that's the part i'm mourning. I can fap to whatever, but there's nowhere else I can find 15 years of non-h touhou doujins

> weirdos
you're the minority here, you realize

The only possible counter argument is if people who look at lewdly drawn or animated "children" were more likely to actually molest real children, but I don't know if there is any correlation like that.
I've said to myself that I'll stop drawing loli for others if there ever turned out to be a correlation.

I only went to exhentai in order to read loli doujins. Stop pretending like there was any other reason to do so.

How did you get "attack the creators" from "those actually doing them"? He's clearly saying to go after the people molesting real children, you dolt.

>20+ year old site that hosted 50+ terabytes of data gone in less than 12 hours with no warning prior to this
>all the old and obscure hentai and non-hentai works lost because nobody had enough time to organize anything and just mad scrambled to download what you could
>le pedos btfo'd XD
Simply epic, epic for the win my fellow redditors. Maybe if we ironically shitpost hard enough those creepy 4channers will give up their hentai and become le based CHADS like us.

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>people arguing with reactionist autists
Stop wasting your time

I'm sad for the things I never found but now are gone.

The water that supports the jet-ski is the same that engulfs it!

has ANYTHING good happened in 2019 so far

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kill the creators their work lives on
destroy the work nothing remains

I wish Gigantic was still alive.

I think this will finally push me to build a nas for backups
Nyaa dying was nearly enough but at least the actual content storage was decentralized and somewhat restored pretty fast
Best time to plant a tree etc

Kwon Ho Online and GunZ the Duel. Why bros?

Choke on a cock faggot, yeah I used exhentai for non-h manga and I fucking loved it, I hope you'll be the first in line when the mudslimes will start their mass rape crusade you double time nigger kid

>You faggots are making me worry about losing my bookmarked stuff
>Decide to save it
>Ended up faping instead
Goddamit i have to do this! stop geting in the way penis

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Fuck all Eurocucks, you fucking faggots allow filthy muslims to rape children on the streets but make 2D drawings illegal.

The dipshit defense I've seen tumblrfags, who fucking used a site that got taken down for actual CP lmao, was the idea that it would be used by pedophiles to convince "normalize" sex with kids
But even that argument is flimsy as fuck when you realize a dude who's gonna fuck a kid doesn't give a shit about the law


Black & White
WC3:TFT online

forgot pic

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No problem buddy
Thank you!

I've learned my lesson. I've begun grabbing the stuff from my favorite artists. Luckily not all of them did exclusively loli so I only have to dig up some stuff from the shota/loli archive torrent. Although shiwasu no okina has way more works than I thought he did.

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>totally preventable and foreseeable, arguably for many years
>one trend in a wave of many targeted specifically at this
>do the usual move of insisting you will be beyond reproach of law

Unfortunately this is what happens when you play in traffic, and all the calls for art and shit could have easily been answered well in advance
Instead, not only are people saying there was directly pirated content but lolicon and shotacon, which is three strikes all on its own.

I love hentai tiddy and it's a shame to see it go down in flames but holy shit, to call this anything but plainly avoidable?

I don't think Handley had any real stuff. Nor the two military guys.

It can't be all gone, where are the backups?

>He doesn't archive video game artbooks
Luckily, good anons have torrents of the Castlevania ones and I was able to grab the Ace Combat books before it went down. You don't even belong on Yea Forums


i'm sure that you thought this was supposed to be real clever but you probably just responded to bait.

>Get the creators
He was talking about the people actually commiting crimes against children

Now watch as deranged pedos roam the streets raping real children because you took away their lolis. Sadpanda was a containment site you fucking morons.

Ok but what if I feel sorry about both
Fucking retard wojakposter

That happens to me with Yea Forums threads all the time, that's why I got 300 tabs on
>'okay time to just scroll quickly through this and save stuff and finally clean up'
>*dies to the second image*
>'ok time for vidya'

>you couldn't save all the lunar doujins in time
kill me bros

>mfw that was one of my favorite multiplayer games
>mfw no face
Fuck whoever got my ISP rangebanned.

With the faggot host who "might" release it.

Well, I mentioned the only sound argument I could think of. There are a million stupid ones.

This argument is easily disproven with similar studies about violence&vidya/movies which show no correlation.
It is and has always been an issue within individual's mental state regardless what kind of media one consumes.

anti-lolifags are most often genuine anyway

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You need to be 18+ to post here newfag

Mah nigga. It would've done better if the launch wasnt botched and Uberent werent pants on head retarded on how they did stuff like updates and pricing.


God this

Lie, become so fucking good at telling lies that even you and your mother can believe them. Women have unrealistic standards that can never be achieved, the only way to please them is to make them think you're actually something you're not. Become the thing they want in their imagination and promise them shit you obviously will never give them, start small, and then go bigger, it doesn't matter if you never show proof, once they bite they'll keep thinking at least some of it is true and they have invested too much in you to give up now. Obviously not all of them will bite, but keep doing it with as many as you can, use the fucking internet to learn whatever it is you need to learn so you can pretend whatever it is that your fake persona needs to be.

Gunz is still around via OT servers

Any way to rip the torrent file/magnet link off a tab I still have open?

if I just click the torrent button itself, that opens up a new window which now no longer works.

I have a bad experience with an external HDD falling and becoming functionally dead, being unable to access data from around 2007 to 2012 including pics of holidays (like pics of the Lego store at Didneyworld back when they had a giant Tahu and one of the Exo Force mechs made out of Lego) and god knows what more.
But yes, losing everything that is online due to some shit like this is also possible.

In the end it doesn't matter, every animu comic, shitty meme, picture of that great day, video and every memory will wither and banish in due time no matter how hard you try to protect them. And that is one of my biggest fears

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Got my yokkorra, tawaru hiryuu, agata, chinbotsu, kuroiwa menou, fue, ennua, kazuhiro, etsuzan jakasui, methonium, orutoro, otochichi, takuwan, shunjou shuusuke, and kitani sai favorites.

in the future when no one is allowed to enjoy anything anymore, think prohibition but on everything, ill be selling usb drives of this stuff. ill become god of the new world. never forget who did this to you. if you mention any redpills, ill give you a usb for free.

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Pokegirls are normie shit anyway. Every year Pornhub happily reports how much people masturbate to them.
and to pikachu

Attached: 1540557638889.png (620x672, 93K)

Every fucking time

>drawn pictures bad
>actual underage sex rings good

After all the 56% posting it brings me pleasure when bad things happen in Europe

LotR: Battle for Middle Earth 2. They didn't even include lan functionality on console. Fuck EA.

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I get that and it's regrettable that more steps weren't taken beforehand, I'm talking about the faggots RP'ing and ironically shitposting.


it has a precious amount of non-h touhou doujins that nobody has even heard of and I love exploring them

If you have data that's this important to you, you'll buy an HDD array and use RAID to prevent data loss

my ex bf had a weird face and the sex was great and i would stick with him in the long term if he got a job and fixed his life (i am female with vagina)

The magnet link is literally just a link. Copy the link address.

>that one guy replying seriously

Attached: out-of-the-loop.jpg (630x630, 31K)


post tits

is the link some string of hexadecimal symbols with ".torrent" on the end?
that's the 16b hash if it is, and can be interpreted with any torrent client

>A person that has experience doing something bad, preaches why it's bad.
Are we supposed to dimmiss his words, just because he's a hypocrite? It sounds like he has more experience on the topic than anyone else.

I don't have a garden big enough for that type of tree.

As if there has never been a balance in insults. Don't worry, I'll be there once you sink below 50%.

Yeah ok post your boyhole or fuck off. Don't post your festering wound

>In the end it doesn't matter, every animu comic, shitty meme, picture of that great day, video and every memory will wither and banish in due time no matter how hard you try to protect them.
Shove that gay nihilism up your ass, man. It's always worth trying to protect the retarded shit only you care about.

>check that tweet
>"i dont care get out of my mentions"

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I'm more of the original MNC, mainly because I didn't get to play SMNC that much.

Loadout, and I still miss that shit.

>mfw some user warned us last night during the ESA thread
>dropped everything instantly, shut down ESA and spent 4 hours cataloguing, torrent and batch downloading all of my favourites and all the stuff I could possibly be interested in
>won't get new smut but have 50GB to last me a lifetime

Attached: 834321683247.gif (498x359, 408K)

It wouldn't work.
t. cumbrain who found sex underwhelming (and it wasn't with a one time whore)

If it isn't on e-h then your only hope is to check the torrent of torrents.

I think you'd have to actually have to make a study regarding the topic itself rather than rely on simillar studies.
I doubt that there is any correlation, of course, but it's not like anyone's tested it. Though I have heard that porn in general has removed a lot of the sensual aspects of having a relationship, making some (probably quite antisocial people) think that relationships are all about sex. Not sure how true that is.

>Coming home from school and playing GunZ The Duel throughout the rest of the weekend
There's a bunch of other games that I miss too, Combat Arms, Face of Mankind, etc

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>sexualizing children is disgusting?
this is your brain on feminism

Maybe if they didn't try to preach moral superiority

To be fair there were some fucked up shit in the misc section (realistic af loli etc)

The internet started as a place where user could do/post their free stuff without problem.
Everything was in peace, until the corporations/europe union attacked viewing games, manga, anime, comics and porn as offensive and as such to be taken down.

while the thread is about exhentai, didn't Battle for Middle Earth 2 have some heroes that could only be unlocked through online/achievement stuff?

Friendly reminder that fiction is racist

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Where did we leave logic behind?

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You're a fucking tranny with a flesh wound.

I'm aware, i'm saying I can't access the magnet link via normal means since the "torrent" button opens up a new window which then would normally contain the magnet link, but since EXhentai is down, that new window will be nonfunctional.

I need a way to get the magnet link directly from the HTML or whatever of the already open tab.

>sadpanda went down and there is nothing i could do about it
>my physical copies and physical backups are fine

How about Holes

"Maybe" what? What is contingent on him preaching moral superiority? You would dismiss the truth, because they guy who claimed it was kind of a high and mighty asshole?

At this point is it not safe to say SOMEONE scraped and DL’d the entire site?

Fuck eurocucks

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>I want people to die because they committed thought crimes

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Nothing lasts forever. Grow up and learn to let go.

But thats where the poop comes from

you wish, fatass

>all these cumbrains falling for bait and giving (You)s to shitposters
every time

where else are you going to find ten thousand non-h touhou doujinshi

Attached: stories of sakuya.jpg (1200x1718, 638K)

Pitou is my wife!

about fucking time.

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the site was fucking huge and updated daily
for a single person to rip it all it would require a true oldfag kind of autism

Spent 4 hours last night saving what I could from the Lolibrary of Alexandria. Ready to reupload once something is rebuilt.

Attached: FUCK.jpg (1004x262, 28K)

americans are not only the country with the most fat people, they are also the most mixed nation on earth. consequentially, they suffer severe mental illness that can only be cured by a bullet to the brain

I also think that's likely. It's just a matter of whether they want to share it, whether a good replacement arises soon, etc.

The site went down so fast and with so little warning it's doubtful anyone managed to get the full 50TB
like I said big fetishes like loli or popular artists and new stuff will mostly be saved but ancient stuff/obscure stuff/niche fetishes will be a lot more hit and miss

>not saving the stuff that you liked

Actually, you're right
I'm turning myself in right now

Your ebin new buzzword is not gonna catch on.

I live in Texas where physical loli merch is illegal, but at least I can archive digitally as much as I want. Why the fuck didn't the admin just give the site to someone trustworthy instead of nuking it.

wow that sounds like a retarded amount of work to put my dick in a wet hole


I've been using game CGs from there for years, fuck all these retards who think this is about pedoshit.

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>pajeets literally kill people over rumors of someone being a pedo spread through facebook and whatsapp
step up your game

cumbrain isn't new, idiot.

Its really weird to me how so many people on Yea Forums are shitposting about this. Yea Forums used to have daily sad panda threads.

because his tendon hurts

We will need people like you after we get through the Dark Age V.2.

Yeah if none of that rare stuff was archived it is gone forever.

It's like the burning of the great library in Alexandria, only with anime tiddies.
So much knowledge forever lost to time...

are you a woman by any chance?

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You're on Yea Forums, gonna need you to fuck off if you expected anything but shitposting, and shitting on lolicons is neither new nor a hallmark of any particular group
I just find it funny that everyone's languishing the laws for the loss of the art. There was all the opportunity in the world to back it up, but pride killed that and not the laws of the land


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I'll look up to that

>It's always worth trying to protect the retarded shit only you care about.
Yes and I won't deny that, but mistakes can still happen (when I said HDD falling it was not a typo, it fell from about 1 meter of height or something), shit like moralfags nuking your favourite porn website can happen...
Using life as an example you should live your life at your fullest (hell I should try to do that as well) but I can't help to be a little paranoid about the fact that death can take away what I love or even myself sometimes and after being robbed away some relatives without even being able to say goodbye.Of course, and this is the worst part, that fear isn't constant so when it happens it hits almost twice as bad.

The source games still exist so what's the issue

newfag infestation is killing Yea Forums

C&C Renegade. Renegade X is too focused on changing things that didn't need changing instead of recreating the experience.

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I have every reason to believe at least one person out there scrapes it daily and just downloads every new upload to some private server.

Whether this person will step forward and share is another matter.

>I live in Texas where physical loli merch is illegal
maybe it'll change once enough califags flood in

>americans are not only the country with the most fat people
Lmao wrong gazettereview.com/2016/06/top-10-fattest-countries-in-world/

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>it's real
God fucking dammit.

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electionfag pls go

So what you're telling me is, ten thousand non-h doujins existed on ONLY the mirror site that hosted loli?
Don't you think that was a really dumb decision? Aren't the uploaders to blame? Why aren't these non-h doujins hosted on e-hentai?
Hell... why aren't these doujins hosted on a site that DOESN'T HOST HENTAI?

I get that it's muh epic Yea Forums culture but god jesus man it's just a porn comic site that shit exists everywhere else. As long as you're not a sick fuck you can find pretty much everything on nhentai.

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Did anyone save the Mega Man Zero artist's old loli/toku stuff from panda before it went down? Please tell me someone did.

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>The site went down so fast and with so little warning it's doubtful anyone managed to get the full 50TB
But the site was also so popular and up for so long that it seems reasonable someone has a backup made over a longer term

>newfag infestation is killing Yea Forums
you can't kill something that's already dead

Yea Forums really is a resetera colony now


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>my actions online didn't really matter
Completely true. When you keep it purely online.
Posting real pictures of yourself is crossing the fuckin' void.

well alternatively you can just become gay and find another desperate incel with no standards

Took you long enough to realize it.

>You lose again, Europe
This line is funnier than it should be.

>thinking nhentai is not the next target


Trying really hard, aren't you?
You're not making "cumbrain" a thing. Porn is good. You can go back now, you don't belong here.

Unironically they're trying to avoid it becoming normalized as it was in the past because it would directly affect them

Anyone that is excited for Google Stadia after this is a fucking moron

Attached: googleGaming.jpg (1616x1080, 266K)

I don't see it happening
I see them going for the guns first

Are you me?

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lolno artist cg is one of the categories nobody is archiving

atlas reactor
dawn of war 2
counter strike source

all dead, dying or offline now

That's weeb stuff. I'm more concerned about the future of e hentai and old obscure western porn comics and exclusive western art from patreon.

Because resetrannies crying about pedos weren't enough, now we have /pol/tards.

So where are the artbooks on nhentai

Attached: 1552966204739.png (645x773, 139K)

>on nhentai
How many times does this need to be repeated to you retards, nhentai got all of their content from panda. Nobody uploads to panda, nobody uploads to nhentai.

or I could pay a whore if I really wanted to masturbate with a vagina, much cheaper and easier

Nhentai is only good for doujins I cannot find the official fanbooks for series or game booklets in it.

Since when is this place full of retards thinking Loli/Shota is pedophilia?

Brainlet here, what does artist CG mean?

The correlation is the exact opposite if anything, Japan has significantly less rape acts other western nations and is basically the only place this kind of fetish material is readily available. Of course bringing this up will lead to people crying about unreported crimes or social stigmas and shit but that's besides the point.

The BBC documentary that screencap is from is a good watch to understand the mentality. It consists of the puritan, upper class host travelling around Japan getting BTFO again and again but persisting in her quest to mould the narrative in her favor. She also had a public meltdown after weebs started spamming her mentions on Twitter after it dropped, naturally. It sums up perfectly the game of mental hopscotch the whole 'debate' is, the puritan side never waiver, they just get louder and more emotional.


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rip in peace


Attached: salute.jpg (680x536, 49K)

Thanks for reminding me of all the books and knowledge google has locked away that no one can access


because it's convenient
also you may not know this, but sadpanda was also the biggest doujin site for the eastern world, japs upped their raws to it because it's easier both in terms of legality and in terms of easy of use

What's this wrist pain meme I'm seeing posted in every thread?

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True, but it’s all still THERE as a result. Nothing is lost if there are mirror sites that scraped content regularly, it’s all still accessible.

When Resetera came over here. The people that think that drawn fictional shit is pedophilia, are unironically transexual people and retarded lefties.

Where else am I supposed to sate my portal fetish?

VNs are 100x better anyway

If only I was a cumbrain, jacking off is the least of my concerns.

Actually, a woman is much more likely to dismiss sense, because they didn't like the tone of the person who stated it. Like
>Them: "Don't swim in here, retard. it's too cold, you'll get hypothermia and die."
>You: "UHHH excuse me, I don't like your tone, and you're swimming in it too. That makes you a hypocrite, so I'm not going to listen to you. Move out of the way, I'm coming."
>Jumps in freezing water and dies

uploaders are bound to go elsewhere.
Granted, it may not be nhentai

People who support exhentai shutting down are actual pedophiles from reddit.
Spread the word.

>porn is good

In what sense? That it turns white men into trannies?

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i'm a volcel
i'd rather not touch another person if i can help it. i hate people.

Why the fuck he just won't relocate the servers or sell entire thing? What a fucking bitchboy.

tfw this meme died on your lifetime

This isn't the end you know, they'll wipe out more websites...

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Sad Panda is gone?


Normalfags genuinely have a hard time differentiating fiction from reality

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This, just let me jerk off in peace for fucks sake.

>waaah I don't like people that like cartoons on an underground site dedicated to discussion about japanese cartoons

unironically kill yourself you faggot. you are part of the reason Yea Forums dies a bit every day

Like I said, you can go back now. And take your resetera enemies with you while you're at it.

Yup, with only a 12 hour notice

You couldn't easily scrape the site because it had download limits and would also ban your account if you downloaded too much. Not sure how sites like nhentai got away with it but even with nhentai they didn't copy the actual source files so they're lower res.

They always are.

What are some videogames that looked dead in the water but made great comebacks down the line?

Attached: hentai-haven-logo-large-print-mens-premium-t-shirt.jpg (378x378, 27K)

>and you're swimming in it too.
That woman makes a good point

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>people preaching their morality are found out to be bad actors themselves
>doesn't back up the idea that drawn depictions have impact on actual child sexual abuse and pedophilia in general with any form of study etc
>just makes a huge claim and equates people into drawn garbage (loli/shota/w/e) as pedophiles
>all this while there are child beauty pageants, actual CP, people in power with pedorings, the church, boy scouts, and people hiding their actual degeneracy behind the moral outrage of imaginary people

The ways people generally treat pedophiles are really stupid, and if we lived in a proper culture we would tell these people to seek help like therapy before they commit actual atrocities. The only way I can see someone rationalizing harm from drawn depictions is if you are stating the act of consuming drawn shit leads to acting these things out in real life, but we don't attribute this idea to most other things (or even sex acts like roleplaying rape etc in the bedroom), and I've honestly never seen a study or any research that backs up this claim.

I don't even care about sad panda, just putting so much power and emphasis in what fictional works can cause is ridiculous after a certain point.

With EX gone and GE likely to follow, what's the best place for Western and Japanese furry galleries? Nhentai seems to be lacking on that front.

Dude, anyone who is visiting exhentai has like 10 other sites they frequent for material. It's not that hard to access the main site e-hentai a upload there. They both required the same logins!
And don't you fucking dare try to claim exhentai was your one-stop shop for non-h doujins. Don't you fucking dare, faggot.

fucking pottery

i don't understand why people equate someone who likes loli as someone who likes children in real life. also what's stopping the artists from just adding a "this character is 18 years old in this book" onto any book with loli in it?

never had the patience to create an account there.

>animated hentai

When this place got invaded by actual child abusers

>And then died again

well valve did an oopsie with tf2, I count that as good

Why is this logo the why it is

Fuck off you FAKKU jew cunt faggot go fuck yourself

Can you reverse this? ...because it's already happened to me.


she is just butt-blasted that the drawings are so much hotter than her

Mary Jane's loli series are good

you don't actually care about the white race

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Why are you people arguing instead of banding together like the other boards and start preserving stuff?

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Be me, be pervert, be small brain, can't figure out how to access this site, give up, never experience it.


when we allowed phoneposters

What did you just say?

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>he can't think of anything to say

How has porn helped your life? Do you think masturbating to hentai doujins has made your more successful? More masculine? Why do you refuse to consider that it might be bad for you?

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Can anyone recommend a good guide on setting up an automatic backup disk?
Looks like i should start saving locally, so could use some help setting it up.

You reprogrammed your brain once, you can reprogram it again.

>tfw only favorited doujins
>hundreds of pages with tomboys gone
God, why, why, i should have bought another hdd to download them all.

Attached: brown tomboy.jpg (1200x1872, 276K)

It's fucking Batoto and Justin TV all over again. Why didn't Tenboro at least give some advanced warning before nuking a massive portion of his site?



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still gets tagged as loli on those sites, I assure you.

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>Won't someone please think of the fictional drawings

You do realize that all of the arguments condemning drawings are the exact same arguments that condom violent video-games correct?

Attached: 1549761768167.gif (350x350, 132K)

/h/ is where the actual preserving discussion has been going on
keep in mind we're on Yea Forums

E-hentai is going to follow suit behind Ex, and many of the other places that you could name (like nhentai) only got their content by scraping Ex.

>>people preaching their morality are found out to be bad actors themselves
This matter not a fucking ounce. The other stuff you said makes sense. But this particular part doesn't.

You don't get it man, his tendons hurt.

Nice quads. However, you're stupid if you ever think a single person on this board will ever agree on anything.

daily reminder the SJW trannies over at kiwifarms mass reported sadpanda

I hope Ross makes a video about this, he's all about preservation of media after all.

The matrix online.

you being serious? because hh was never good and it's going to be even worse now. the entire thing is a shitshow

Attached: fuck fakku.jpg (640x640, 107K)

What are some threads that start with "what are some games" that are not complete offtopic garbage?

Because half of the people here are shitposters who just want (You)'s. That and Yea Forums is probably one of the most non-united boards simply due to how big it is.

we are Yea Forums, we know only rage

one of the few things about us that hasn't changed.

why do you people like these things so much

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Goddammit. It's lost forever now, isn't it?

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because he is a retarded faggot
even the 12 hour notice we got was because one of his admins went rogue and went to /h/ to warn people

"I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH PORN" the cumbrain says as he spends 12 hours doing nothing but backing up dozens of GB of porn, most of which he's just hoarding and will likely never look at again, interrupting his sleep schedule and possibly his job, and then spending the rest of the day being depressed over a porn site shutting down.

Attached: fffr.png (564x435, 477K)

then are people agasint the idea that the character looks petite or are they versus the idea that the character is under the age of consent?

How has Yea Forums helped your life?

Time to start downloading.

I feel like we should mass report them for sharing pedophilic content. Lord fucking knows even by blank firing we'll nab somebody.

All shit tagged loli-shota-bestiality is dead, everything else should still be on e-hentai until it goes down in 2020.

>Of course bringing this up will lead to people crying about unreported crimes or social stigmas and shit but that's besides the point.

>of course people will point out these supposedly low rape rates are bullshit making my entire argument moot but that's besides the point

How do you lurk in a site for 13 god damn years full of weirdos constantly talking about jacking off to cartoons, and not learn about a universally known thing that weirdos use to jack off to cartoons? Are you mentally challenged?

Wait, the whole thing shut down? I thought they'll just remove the loli doujins.

Access to porn has reduced rape statistics worldwide,I know looking things up yourself is hard but give it a try.

Every time I respond to you people you guys clam up
Why is that

>How has porn helped your life?
Made me feel good. Just like eating something good or having a nice drink.
>Do you think masturbating to hentai doujins has made your more successful?
Depends on what you mean by "successful". Do you obsess over the future and over "productivity" all the time?
>More masculine?
I have no issues with my masculinity. I don't feel lacking in it nor do I feel the need to become more masculine.
>Why do you refuse to consider that it might be bad for you?
I considered it. Then concluded it wasn't.

Shhh, they'll just move the goalposts and say that they want to see the same happen for violent video games. They're just interested in always being seen as morally superior and have no personal stake in the fight because they need that (You).

He might break another tendon just by migrating the site, please understand.

texas will be a blue state by 2020 mark my words

I'm upset about the loss of the art books and scans. Didn't realise so much non-h stuff was being uploaded there. Fuck


Electionfags killed this site.

The reason exhentai existed, was for the fact that loli is EXTRA illegal, on top of all the pirated material. You have to take responsibility.
You could be backing up your material right now, if it was hosted on e-hentai.
And now that exhentai is gone, people can start posting on less risky websites. Or at least I hope they do, instead of being stupid enough to trust another loli site with their non-h content.

fffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck I didn't know there was a 12 hour notice. When was that posted? I was probably in bed by then.

Why do you care so much about what people do on their free time?

>starting with wojack
>not starting with feels guy

Attached: 1522001431791.jpg (512x411, 15K)

>Electionfags killed this site.
the site died years before that bro

>No evidence of unreported crimes

user, he needs to finish the movie

when did they start calling him "wojak" anyways, where did that name even come from

>tfw I didn't even have the chance to make a backup of my favorites

A part of me just died
Hold me anons

Because they come here and spam threads about a porn site shutting down while denying they have a problem.

sticky on /h/ with tens of thousands of posts

Will you fucking retards kill yourselves already and spare the rest of us your idiocy?

You need to develop your self control. Just set limits for yourself.

The of age stuff should still be on e-h. He hasn't killed that yet.

I mean... I've learned more forgien language because of porn than any class I took in college and Highschool combined. and I have touched myself to things I can't even describe.

to anyone that spend last night archiving like a madman when the announcement got made, you are a fucking hero. Godspeed, archivers
>old CGs
>old Pixv accounts that are no longer there
>literally anything with the loli, shota, incest, bestiality and guro tags, including non-h
>any non H artbook that violates copyright
if we don't get a backup it's a fucking disaster, specially for old non-h stuff. most of that stuff was hosted on ex only, even the koreans and chinese are losing their shit over this

Attached: gone.jpg (1300x1024, 1010K)

holy moly... people with problems... on Yea Forums???

probably literally some retard slamming their head on the keyboard.
that seems fitting enough.

I don't typically browse /h/ so fuck me I suppose

Then why don't you tell me how about sadpanda threads out of 150 are up on Yea Forums right now?

I'm not sure exactly. But I heard it was some russian chan site that coined the name.

Because Yea Forums is full tourists redditors and resetera trannies.
Same shit with this board being so anti piracy but every other board being okay with it that they share links all the time.

Oy vey you don't understand goy you need to have sex and make children for our future slave race

Attached: 1407748525172.png (1637x682, 787K)

Oh hey, you found your uncensored version.
And now I have it.

chech the h thread, they are passing magnets around so people can download them. the trackers are intact

But there is evidence, former Japanese police officers for example have come out and said that procedure is to declare all deaths “accidental” if a murderer cannot be found, even if there are signs of foul play. It drives the homicide rate down, this is a documented thing that happens in Japan.

It’s not a stretch to say that similar things don’t happen with sexual assault. For fuck’s sake subway molestation is common enough to be a meme about Japan, the problem is stuff like that doesn’t affect statistics because there aren’t convictions.

I’m not saying loli mangas create child molesters (they almost certainly don’t), but it’s a real mistake to think Japan’s crime rate is anything like what’s reported.

What do you mean? Isn't ex- the same as e-? I thought it was a panda joke thing to make fan of the noobs.

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So would castrating every man in America, which isn't far from what you're doing to yourself. Before this thread gets deleted I'd like you to self analyze and really determine whether watching porn plays a positive role in your life.
>made me feel good
You are a slave to impulses and will never ascend to enlightenment. What a pity how life goes to waste like this.

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>literally anything with the loli, shota, incest, bestiality and guro tags, including non-h
keep in mind if you so much as had one page of that or were wrongly tagged you got shipped off to ex too
people also forget that plenty of shit goes unreported because the victims don't want to lose face themselves.
I mean remember they don't even have their shit together when it comes to handling actual mental illness

100,000$ server maintaining cost that are covered by adverisers*

It's funny cause Yea Forums usually pitches a shitfit whenever the media talks about how violent video games are or how video games create psychopaths
Really goes to show how indifferent people are until the heat is on them

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jesus christ imagine being this far up your own ass

Remember that porn, sexual content, and especially anime tits, are the ultimate normalfag repellent here in Yea Forums. Redditors, resetera trannies, /pol/acks, all react in disgust to it. Never forget this simple truth.

Where do we go for doujins now, bestialitybros?

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So why is everyone pretending like only 1(one) site in the entire fucking internet had doujins? yes it was the "largest" mass collection in one place but that doesn't fucking mean the doujins just vanished from existence, only the site did.

I didn't save jack fucking shit and I've already re-located all my favorite doujins on other sites. Not even going to save them either, if those sites die, I'll just see them somewhere else again.

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I've been using sad panda for so many years, I don't even know what alternatives are out there. Please someone give me a list. I keep accidentally clicking on my bookmark out of habit

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>dude just ignore the bullshit that goes on in the Japanese legal system
>just ignore that even in Japanese culture people acknowledge this bullshit goes on
>Japan doesn't have rape okay!

Where do you think all those scenarios in your rape porn come from? "haha, imagine if we shamed a girl into staying silent about her rape by threatening to post evidence of us raping her that could get us arrested because in our reputation-based society she'd rather be raped than be seen as a whore, not that anything like this would ever happen in our glorious country!"

People like you are basically weebs who never let go of the Japan is a paradise mentality and now try to invoke it in big boy arguments.

why the fuck would you put Non-h content especially art books on something like ex when g.e exists

exhentai was hidden behind the panda (which is so piss easy to get through I am genuinely shocked so many people could not do it) so that it could contain certain content that wasn't on e-hentai, loli/shota/toddlercon/bestiality/etc.

>server cost
Most of the galleries were hosted on people's machines running H@H.
He's just a lazy dipshit who doesn't care anymore.

so are the anti lolifags upset about the fact that the character isn't of the age of consent or are they upset about the fact that they don't look like that are above the age of consent. i'm confused about this so if someone could explain that would be nice

>However, you're stupid if you ever think a single person on this board will ever agree on anything.
What happened to 'through dick, unity'?

this dramawhore better not have any personal info out there
you see, panda was one of the websites NOT blocked by the great chinese firewall

Just use nhentai for now.

>You are a slave to impulses and will never ascend to enlightenment.
If you browse Yea Forums you've already shot yourself in the foot anyway

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Because it's copyrighted shit that would be DMCAd in an instant. Exhentai being behind an awkward wall prevented that. It had countless Patreon exclusive archives.

Anime and hentai especially are what creates trannies, look at twitter sometime.

what do you dorks that are against physical media say now, how do you feel.

because the owner is a retard
how many times does it have to be said

It's all about looks since canonical age means fuckall. We've had this discussion before a million times.

You are already ascribing way too much intelligence to them.

>muh Yea Forums is for pedo cartoons
eat shit

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Because sites like nhentai saved exhentai stuff at a lower res

It should still on e-hentai as long as it wasn't tagged with the ex-only tags.

primo bait, watch the newfags rush in to call you retarded to feel like they belong

I'll save stuff that i like just to be sure.

It's more like the fucked up part is that it was run by the community leaders for so long but the admin who has clearly gone past the point of caring (think Moot in his last year) doesn't even want to pass the torch to anyone who has been keeping the site alive even when he was MIA.

>people also forget that plenty of shit goes unreported because the victims don't want to lose face themselves.
Yeah but honestly that happens everywhere. I know DISHONORRU is something we associate with Japan but humiliation and/or a desire to forget drive people all over the world to not report sex crimes.

The reason Japan’s numbers are likely deflated relative to others is that their police departments don’t report unsolved crimes. If a crime can’t be solved, it gets written off as “no crime actually occurred” to avoid having to admit that it couldn’t be solved.

Same, dude.
I just don't know where else you would go. I don't even like loli-porn.
But there was a ton of other shameful fetishes on there that I enjoyed a great fucking deal and now those are all gone. Not to mention all the site rips and pirated patreon stuff.


>never ascend to enlightenment

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Good, keep doing that. We're distracting them while /h/ does god's work

lol shutup pedo sik fuk

Because most other simple hosted shit from there

then should petite women that look underage be banned from normal porn?

It was just a casual filter, it was as easy as googling "how to get past sadpanda" to access, so only extreme retards wouldn't really know how to get in, and they got exposed.

>What happened to 'through dick, unity'?
you're on Yea Forums, if you want that you should be on /h/

>Worrying about Fate
laugh at this retard

exhentai was one of the only sites capable to handle that much user-uploaded content. a good chunk of the non-h stuff that is only on ex is there because some fucktard tagged it with loli or incest without actual sex on it, and got send to the fjords.

nhentai and most of these sites cannot affort the kind of traffic ex hentai handled as far as I know, they don't allow user uploaded content and rip everything from ex

Hiromook isn't canon

Post good shit that DIDN'T get deleted

Go back to twitter then, you fucking faggot.

literally seething, lmao

dick unity is long dead
this should be a time of mourning for all anons
no matter what tag you frequented
instead this place is infested with cretins that do not belong
death to all normalfaggots

And video games create psychopaths


>then should petite women
This doesn't happen in live action pornography. I've never once seen a porn and thought "she belongs in grade school"

>when water only boys enter a soda tread

You can find porn elsewhere, what I'm mostly sad about is how many webcomics, lewd or otherwise, I was keeping up with by checking into sad panda now and then. Hell I discovered that Hissed Connections comic, followed the artist, and found some of my favorite stuff through that site. A lot of artists mixed decent story stuff into their porn comics and now I'm probably going to miss it all

It's an edit

I barely played KwonHo but I thought it was pretty neat, especially how you could learn different fighting styles. Same thing I liked about Rumble Fighter.

Fuck off newfaggot

They're upset to be upset. I doubt they've ever had a thought of their own in their entire life

jacking off and collecting anime drawings isn't a hobby you retard

a few problems
>some of the artistcg, gamecg may be lost forever
>some of the older than 10+ years doujan too
>comiket is coming up soon and nips have no centralized place to upload
We'll never know the extent of the damage

just because you haven't seen it yourself doesn't mean that there isn't any. there's some JAVs that have the girl look underage so should they be banned?

Based. Pedos BTFO. I don't give a fuck about the collateral damage. On top of that, moeshit has been dabbed on as well. Hot weather as well. What a blessed month.

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>implying they don't co-opt anime and hentai to be closer to what they'll never achieve and just make everyone else look bad by association

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>primo bait
Hello retard

someone inform Notch
he oves us

I trawled the internet for petite JAV, and no, it doesn't happen.

>collecting shit isn't a hobby
and you have the nerve to call other people retarded?

speak english

I wasn't aware my Gundam Gunpla artbooks had porn in them.

150cm tag look it up

Hey guys, how do I get past 4 anime girls?

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Mate, I know what you're talking about. They look like petite adults.

It's a farcry from anything in comic LO

This isn't though.

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Yeah i don't really get the popularity of this.

Why didn't you upload it to archive.org instead At least you learned an important lesson about cloud services and the importance of multiple backups.


>All the Touhou bestiality stuff is forever lost
Fucking god damn it all

based moot btfo lolifags

*PHYSICAL backups

>exhentai was one of the only sites capable to handle that much user-uploaded content
So host it on e-hentai. I don't really believe exhentai was the only option. But I can't say for certain what other capacity other websites have. So I'll just let that much slide. But if we assume exhentai was the only option, then they should have put it on e-hentai.

>a good chunk of the non-h stuff that is only on ex is there because some fucktard tagged it with loli or incest without actual sex on it
OK, so again, this goes back to user responsibility. If the uploaders are so retarded to mark their non-h material with loli, then they have to take responsibility. And if other users never disputed the tags, then they share responsibility. And if the admin knew this was a problem, then they share responsibility. How hard would it to make the "non-h" tag act as an exception to the "loli" tag?

I'm sorry, but this outcome is a culmination of mistakes and neglects.

You were wrong about both things. Eurocunt education.

yes you are retarded, collecting shit you order online and hoarding scans is as much of a hobby as watching tv is
if you actually went out and travelled to hunt stuff like antiquities collectors do that'd be different

Here’s a terrifying thought to mull over:

How secure are your favorite boorus? Because what happened to panda could happen to any of them.

You have time now, and the foresight that comes from living through a grievous error. When the hammer falls on, say, gelbooru, will we be any more prepared than we were yesterday?

A lot of what's being lost here is stuff for which being bought physically is simply out of the question for most people because, for example, they are works that are literally only printed once to be sold at comiket (years and years of comiket history might be lost here, and that's as I said only one example of all that's being lost)
Now let's say you managed to get your hands on one of these works in physical format. Well, that's just one, all others are lost. Now let's say you got your hands on a hundred of them. Well that's still only a hundred, all others are lost. Now let's say you got your hands on a copy of every work ever posted on ExHentai, let's assume you've got all that space in your home. Well, that's still only available to you and not to everybody else on the planet, and if that would make you feel fulfilled, thinking of such self-centeredness makes me ill.

gelbooru's already hiding lolishota by default, it'll be over soon

Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard. Get fucked pedophile by resetera and Reddit invasion.

>How secure are your favorite boorus?
I only use it as a sauce finder so I don't care too much since I still have yandex.

I download any pictures I like and if I like a particular artist enough, I download all of their shit with grabber/pixivutil.

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How can one man be so alpha?

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sure if fapping to loli was the same thing as sending pics of your 3 incher to kids

I got 50ish gigs of stuff that I like, mostly in English. I'll try to upload it someplace on Monday.

What causes a character to be classed as loli looks wise. is it when they reach a certain height, a certain cupsize or a mix of the both. like what would you class as a loli and what would you class as just a small girl with a flat chest?

Seethe pedo

This is why I hate digital. So much was just lost. Imagine how much will be lost in the future. It's all so transient.

i said english

>Update: I'm looking into various alternatives based on information and suggestions from a variety of people. But just to clarify; if a fully intact live version of the site cannot be made available, then the necessary data to clone it will be made available instead.

It's basically just a repeat of the Nyaa situation.
Something will be done to resolve this, so you can all just stop crying now.

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you don't choose where to upload mate
if someone tags it as forbidden (loli, shota, beastiality, incest, etc.) it gets pinned to ex

>tfw procrastinated learning how to get past sad panda over 10 years and now that it's gone I found the motivationto do it...

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>certain height
Absolute height never matters. It's all about ratios. Ratios of height between the two partners, ratios of hipsize, head-to-body, and other factors can all be used to determine what the character looks the most like in human development terms.

>570 replies
Well done, jannies

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You're a fucking retard,how can you compare access to something that has mostly positive outcomes to the mutilation of half of our population. With your logic we can just kill everyone to solve crime.

Anime and hentai don't create trannies.
The people who flock to them however are the type of losers that are less likely have contact with females and so in order to gain it they may eventually mutilate themselves to "become females" in order to gain access to female interaction.
The only part of this "anime turns people into trannies" shit that is slightly true is that men see SoL anime like K-ON and Yuru Yuri and think this is the way actual girls act with each other, and the reason they get treated like shit by them is because they are male and not female like them.

tl;dr: It's already weird fucking guys who turn into trannies, watching anime is just another thing these weird fucking guys do.

I dunno man, finding a rare drawing is all so satisfying and it being of good quality is like cocaine and molly together. I don't have over 5k wallpappers for nothing.

>clueless normie zoomer

lurk moar.

Nothing was lost.
They don't have a host right now, so you can't access the site, but all the data is still stored in their database.

>It's basically just a repeat of the Nyaa situation.
didn't they lose a shit ton of torrents that are gone forever in the nyaa migration?

Bullshit, a digital archive can supplement a physical collection.
Why the fuck would you just give up entirely on things out of print?

I can't believe it took 50 minutes before someone caught that. I thought someone would call it out sooner.

To that, I say if pedos equate loli to pedophilia, then perhaps they're not as different as you'd like to believe.
To use a simplified analogy. It's like how all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares. Pedos see that loli is pedophilia. But lolicons can't see how loli is pedophilia. You have to wonder who is the blind one.

fake and gay image you're a faggot

user I know acting this way is fun for you but please, now's not the time. Everyone here is mourning and trying their best.

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Yes, because it was gone without any notice.
But this time the admin is offering to hand over all the necessary data to make a new panda without any losses.

Who fucking knows? This chick was classified as loli on ex
i was gonna say that's bullshit in the comments but then i saw that someone in the comments was the one that advocated for it to be tagged as loli in the first place so i just didn't bother getting into a fight for something like that, this was a week ago

funny how it doesn't matter anymore

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Make a note of all the title and artists from your favorites and hope other people upload them on some future panda replacement.
>But I have thousands of favourites
Use an exporter.


I cared about both, you fucking dumbass.
Art of all forms should be cherished, and seeing those who make art get wrongly killed by psychopaths burns a hole in my kokoro, just the same as the art itself being destroyed.
Also, you clearly lack the horny energies needed to be a proper being, my friend.

doesn't count he wasn't the creator. He inherited a shitfest and made it even worse

would you class this as a loli

>implying one user can control what a bunch of idiots do
Look at where you are right now and review that statement.

Well the law is not agains Loli is again underage content.

Because it was copyrighted content that would be deleted anywhere else.

For porn? Get a fucking grip cumbrain.
I love your tears