
Is this game any good or is it a meme, I rarely ever see it be mentioned.

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the writing, voice acting and presentation are god-tier

the combat is just a bit too easy and simple once you have it worked out though

genuinely spooky however

Fuck yeah it's excellent horror game with interrsting story and how it unravels.

There was a thread for it up all day yesterday. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem is a classic thanks to Nintendo watching Silicon Knights like a hawk.

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This guy is right. There has never been a better cosmic horror / lovecraft-esque game. There are no specific Lovecraft gods, but close enough!

Supposedly the game was almost fully coded for N64 before they threw it out and rewrote for Gamecube. That would have given then more time to polish it up.

One of the best games on the console.

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Why both?

This is correct.

I'll add that the spell system, while super cool in theory, is ultimately underwhelming. You may have seen references to the game having over 120 spells or something; really, there are 10 spells, each with an average of 12 variants (three power levels, and four possible alignments i.e. colors). The exceptions are the Summon Creature spell, which has no Mantorok alignment but does have a fourth power level in a scripted sequence, and a couple of other spells which also have a fourth power level in scripted sequences (Dispel Magick and Bind, if I remember correctly).

It's also worth noting that some spells are almost useless, e.g. Magick Pool, while at least one spell type is completely useless: the Ulyaoth-aligned Recover spell, which recovers exactly as much mana as you spend to cast it.

Don't get me wrong; the magic system is FUN, while you're still learning new spells. But it's the kind of thing where you get to the end and realize you just expected more. Perhaps it's because there are so many more rune combinations than spells. The game actually lets you discover spells on your own before finding the recipes, but you're still limited to the 10 basic spell types; no other rune combinations work.

I love the game so I don't know why I'm shitting on it so much. It's worth playing if you have a GameCube. Just don't expect spellcasting to be a creative process or anything.

It is a pretty interesting horror game that does a lot of neat things. The 4th wall breaking sanity effects are some of the most effective ways to screw with a player, and it makes it really neat. However, because you know about the memes, you will never get shitshocked by "memory card is corrupt" or "thanks for playing the demo" because those screens have been turned into memes that everyone sees more often than the box art. The combat is servicable,the magic system is quite good, and the puzzles are decent. However, we've all played up the main draw, which makes is much less suprising.

fantastic game and an excellent evolution of survival horror whose innovations were ignored by subsequent games. probably has something to do with RE4 being a smash hit and ED being a niche title for genre fans.

I was planning on playing it via an emulator because the disc is so expensive
Even if I were to play on my GameCube I have a flatscreen so the 4th wall breaking wouldn't have worked regardless

Did this game always cause the GameCube's laser tracking mechanism to go nuts during cut scenes? Or did I just have a shitty disc?

Sometimes the cut scenes would even skip slightly. My disc wasn't in particularly bad shape though. It had some very minor scratches but should have been perfectly readable. I've always wondered if there was just something wrong with the way the data was encoded on the discs or something.

It's got a few tricks past 90's CRT input and volume changing.

It's good but kind of a product of its time.

Honestly, it's kind of mediocre. It's very easy, plays like shit and was not the best looking game even in it's day. Where it truly excels is storytelling and sound design.

>start game
>at least 10 whopping seconds of gameplay
>cuts to what feels like hour long unskippable cut-scene
Truly a ultimate cinematic, kino experience

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Yesterday's thread was great

I really wanted another game genuinely spooky and unsettling as this was. It's got everything right.

It happens all the time with good stuff, the enthropy of things I think, there has to be balance in everything: A great great game trapped with a shit deal like Nintendo. Just like Titanfall 2 with EA, or Soul Reaver with SE.

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Found some vintage memes

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>was not the best looking game even in it's day
Well it was basically an upgraded N64 game. At least it runs at an absolutely and unimpeachable rock solid 60 FPS.

i actually remember reading the original thread where this got made, god that was a fair time ago

Tell me a sanity effect you'd like to see in ED2.

>or is it a meme
ur a faggot.

>rarely see it mentioned
>we got a 350+ reply thread up just until hours ago
But you're welcome! Now join us and praise Kek'pepeth so we can summon Eternal Darkness 2 into this plane of existence.

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>Halfway the game
>cross a door
>A DLC expansion is required to continue your journey, please insert your credit card number/PayPal
>A Bethesda logo appears on the bottom of the screen

>It's real

>The 4th wall breaking sanity effects are some of the most effective ways to screw with a player
Personally, I thought they were just kind of annoying. The first couple of times I was "Oh, the game is bugged... Oh wait, no it isn't." and from then on it was just "Oh, this shit again. Hurry up and let me play the game again." I don't even really quite know what the point of it is. When you play a horror video game or watch a horror movie or something nobody ever really believes they personally are in any danger. You know it's just a movie or video game. You fear for the characters IN the game, not yourself. By constantly breaking the fourth wall all the game ever achieved was preventing me for getting immersed in the story or characters and constantly reminding me "Don't worry, it's just a game."

Unironically Joy con drifting.
That will make people go INSANE for real since they won't be able to tell if it's really the joycon or not.

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You don't know fun.

How sad.

The best Sanity effects for me weren't the ones breaking the 4th wall but the regular spooky ones

Like walking throuh the hallway with Maximilian and all his paintings were changed to the hellish visions of each Ancient One's arrival. Or suddenly shrinking in the room until you exploded. Or the room is upside down. Or fucking Bonethieves in general.

Fuck this game was so fun.

I'd argue thinking your game is bugged in meatspace is scarier than any digital blood or spooky octopus boss fight.

Why? Because I'm not so simple minded that a poorly executed and immersion breaking novelty would keep me captivated for hours upon hours? The sanity shit is yet another example of one of those things that sounds good on paper but when you actually play through hours of it you realize it doesn't work very well.

Was this Richard Doyle's best work?
>I had no knowledge of what was to come. Nor did I care. How the knowledge changed me... It will also change you. As you read this, you will come to learn fear as I have. You too, will come to understand, or you will perish. To think that once I could not see beyond the veil of our reality, to see those who dwell behind. My life now has purpose, for I have learned the frailty of flesh and bone. I was once a fool…

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>Bftftft brapapapap waaawaa waaa? Waa waa snort snort

You ARE simple minded. Go away this is Ancient ones territory

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Eternal Darkness was every fucking voice actor's best work.

i wanna fuck that ancient

If I am to guard this thread, then I will do it as I see fit.


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This one actually got me

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okay user, how would you perfect this sanity mechanic?
apparently it doesn't meet your high standards
have you played amnesia?
they tried "don't look at the monsters or you start to get annoying audio cues and take damage" > would you prefer that instead?

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>okay user, how would you perfect this sanity mechanic?
I thought I made it quite clear I think the idea is bad in principle. I wouldn't perfect it. I wouldn't have it at all.
>they tried "don't look at the monsters or you start to get annoying audio cues and take damage" > would you prefer that instead?
What do you mean "instead"? You do know Eternal Darkness does this too, right?

fuck off, why do you bother with a thread about a game you don't like. Shoo shoo

I didn't say I didn't like it. I just said I don't think it's fucking amazing and the sanity system is dumb. There's more than just two opinions available for someone to have on a game.

For christ's sake, someone asked for opinions on the game. They didn't ask for a fucking circle jerk about how magical it is. If you can't handle an opinion that differs to yours then you can just go fuck yourself.

I think some of the simplest ones were the most effective, like the banging noises on doors that you walk past.

While I don't feel as strongly about it as that person seems to, I do agree that some of the sanity effects are unnecessarily immersion-breaking. The sanity meter itself also has some issues. As soon as you get the sanity recovery spell, it becomes trivial to stay at high sanity at all times, and thus miss out on some of the things that makes the game unique. Yes, you can choose to stay at low sanity, and I generally did, but since further sanity loss damages your health you are basically penalized for doing so. I think there is a design problem any time the optimal way to play a game isn't very fun. From a lore standpoint, it also seems kind of funny that you can channel Xel'lotath's power to remain perfectly mentally stable.

I think the game would be better if recovery was more difficult in general, the character's sanity level was hidden from the player (along with what factors influence it), and sanity loss never caused health loss, among other things.

it's a great game.

Roivas spelled backwards is Savior.

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Did you know?
That Maximillian Roivas' Voice Actor also does the voice of Dingodile in the original Crash 3, and played Porkins in Star Wars?

Attached: porkins.jpg (1169x779, 104K)

I know this doesn't answer your question but my copy has always been weird too. Found it at a flea market for dirt cheap, but the disc had no visible scratches or anything so I went for it. Brought it home, and couldn't get past the title screen without a legitimate error message, even after attempting to clean it. Tried it again in the Wii and worked fine.
I dunno.

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