Does anyone want to play Terraria with me?

Does anyone want to play Terraria with me?
Im shy.

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only if u post ur peepee

Can we copystrike this guy?

Nigger, you ain't shy if you post a picture of your faggy legs and hand. If you weren't retarded, you would've posted your Player Id and asked if anyone wanted to play. You only made this thread as bait to get gay anons to ask for your dick. Fuck off, this isn't video games.

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Feminine penises are not gay.

>being so pathetic a grown ass dude needs to resort to the dregs of society for attention

>pewdiepie merch

queers deserve to be burned alive

Kill yourself tranny.

What makes me a tranny?

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op won't deliver

What is 0.06 and 40 at the same time?


>to ask for your dick
I'm more inclined to believe it's about his ass instead, but yeah.

sure whats your steam

>tranny homo
>jojo fan
what a surprise :^)

i bet youre pretty ugly

I think i am yet girls hit on me.

I don't know what they see in me.

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Go ahead OP

I'm scared.

Some user said they want me dead

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Well I'm cuter than you but I still want to play.


Post cute picture for proof

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>attention whore
pick one

I've always pronounced this die o late but the more I see it the more I think its dill ate

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I'm really shy irl.

You cant see my face so I feel safe.

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This back and forth is getting tiring.
Do you want people to play with you or just attention?


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Its your loss not mine.

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>conveniently hides man feet and man hands

I'm onto you tranny

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I don't have Terraria and you seem like a liar to me, so sorry but no.

Are you that same /bant/ poster?

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Im here to save images for later
Please continue posting.

Post butt spread so I can see that pretty pink hole that's begging to be fucked by BBC.

exclusively Yea Forums user

You really do take every little opportunity to farm some attention, huh?

Why does that affect anything? Just post it!

Would kiss and lick all over.
>TFW no bf

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Times running out tranny, before you know it youll be 37. And what then?

Hahah you got me

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Baby black cock?

discord? asking for a friend

No, big black cock silly.

You sure this ain't you?

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he'll be dead like the rest of us

post soles and mega links

Alright so fuck OP since they wont share any form of communication
I'll add anyone who shares their contact so we can play terraria
Im surprised some want to play so early before 1.4
Haha that is me yes. I have a bunch of stuff people have saved.

I think we all know

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Yo on the real I ain’t gay but Ive been looking for someone to play thorium+calamity with

Or are you just tryna be gay

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Niggers have tiny dicks silly!

You couldn't be more wrong.
It's pronounced like "die late"

Few women look good at 37.

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Still suck at dota 2?


I'm sorry that I won't add you.

I told you I wash shy.

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I'm sorry, user but I believe this is just a thread for gays to lust over eachother.

Yes it is faggot

brown husbandos are really unmatched
My condoleances cave creature

But for real. I want to fire up Calamity + mods again, but the guy I played with left the message "I don't feel like existing anymore. Not that there's much existing going on in the first place..."
Following this he wiped his social media accounts (a FB and Discord really), turned his picture on steam from a goo guy in Starbound to just a goo puddle and then disappeared. I tried his number to no avail.

I miss him. We knew each other for over thirteen years. I just wish I wasn't a heckin sperg, and knew how to help people who needed it...

>i'll never have a bf like this
just fucking end me

well consider your thread hijacked

White women dont

What was the point of the thread then?

Damn your cracker is insecure

I have only two things to say to this

1) those goo people are actually star people
2) what the fuck does that have to do with me wanting to play videogames

faggots gayposting, what else
it wasn't even thinly veiled

Black cope

I’ll play with you and help out but you have to post more

I wanted to get a reaction.

You know sometimes it feels good to get told to kill yourself.

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More like white cope

Black cope

Don't respond to blogfags.

Ugly niglet seething

See, I look at this, and it's OK.

But then I remember women exist, and are better in literally every way.

You will always be 2nd place, in a two person race.

That doesn't sound quite right. You doing alright?

You are dying out with negative birthrate


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Do masc4masc gays even exist anymore
It's just incels and trannies it seems

Post more please.

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Jealous small dick ctackercracker

Post bare soles or fuck off, that's all anyone really wants to see

Are you gay?
If yes, waste of genes

>But then I remember women exist, and are better in literally every way.

Better than you maybe, you worthless neckbeard.

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I like how nobody's going to post a handle in here to actually add people and play games


I'm fine.

I'm just lonely and socially awkward.

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Kill all tranny faggot trap niggers.
I just wanna play vidya with some Yea Forumstards, so I can laugh at how autistic we all are.
But noooooo a gay tranny twink is being retarded. You stupid attention whore, just play games and stop making these Neet virgins second guess their sexuality.

I've already seen you so many times here... Nice ass but your face and haircut aren't my type.

>no dick
>no prostate
>no reliability
>no relateability
>no soul

If women are so much better than men, why are you on website made by guys and full of guys instead of hanging out with women.

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I dont know how many times i've said i want to play games. People are just also asking me to share. I still have over 1.5k hours and definitely want to play more.

I'm pretty sure that applies to most people here. Just gotta put in some effort to not be as lonely and awkward.

13%, 50+% of the crimes

post their face

I have the same pajamas on!
We’re pajama pals

I think this is the one he saw but i could be wrong.

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Then post your friend code, username, or whatever and lets play video games!!!!!!!

because I can't hang out with women. I'd love to but I can't.

>hiding bulge
>nice flat abs
I should do some crunches.

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