Crashu tiimu

Crashu tiimu

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Other urls found in this thread:

>no Twilight Tour for the past 15 or so races

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>come to bed user

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I have almost 30k saved for next grand prix

The map is great but it's just too overplayed right now it gets annoying

Where's all the crashbros?...

Threads get purged so people disappearing sadly

I was ordering pizza for dinner

Anyone lese think that 3-4 weeks is too long for the Grand Prixs? I got bored of this one a week ago

Fuck thots

I'll stop picking this track when people start letting me win to get my nitro.

I think it's okay, enough time to get all the GP store stuff without going full autism.

pls remember to mention super smash itt so it doesn't get deleted

What mains are the quickest to rage quit besides n tropys?

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I literally did it in the first 2 days since the GP began

Generals belong in /vg/

Why is getting USF so much harder on this stage than other stages?

I just started playing this 2 days ago,

I love Coco
My life is meaningless without Coco
My heart only beats for Coco
Coco is my everything
Coco is my universe

Anybody who plays the Nitro Squad, Cocos and Pentas

normchads rise up

People who main characters are quick to rage quit.

With pleasure.

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Full pic please

Just timewarp to the beginning of GP

>got digital n tropy
>want to show it off online, so use it
>get 2nd, close race but still 2nd on podium
>embarrassed, never use skin again

this skin is a curse.

Attached: 0aviator.png (1036x796, 677K)

I make sure to target digital N trophy’s because they rage quit so easily

He's so happy

Me too

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Liz belongs on my cock

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He has many reasons to be happy

1 month after release
>physics bugs still present, absolutely crippling the fun factor of certain tracks
>jank as fuck hitboxes on obstacles and pick ups like crates, tokens and crystals
>invisible walls out the ass, especially on cnk maps
>clock and warp orb can still be picked up in the first lap
>warp orb still way too slow to catch first place until it's too late (if at all)
>clock can still be picked up at all online
>balance and turning characters not fixed ("we want it to be like the originals" is no excuse when the game is literred with physics bugs the original was free from)
>still no reserve meter
>lobbies still die if the host leaves rather than picking a new host

fix fucking sewer speedway regardless. fuck that track

desu the most tilting to me is when host leaves just when the race starts, putting you into loading screen and then boots you off of the map.

Post and Rate ships anons.

Attached: Image2.png (2299x1310, 2.78M)

>balance and turning characters not fixed ("we want it to be like the originals" is no excuse when the game is literred with physics bugs the original was free from)
Speed characters also have much better handing than the original, pretty much on everything besides actual powerslides, they can turn perfectly.

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Very nice

Attached: L1y.png (339x502, 368K)

I like it, my two mains are also pink Megumi and purple suit Pinstripe
I usually drive Imperium tho, I like the new Rocket too

Most of them are shit but the trikee one looks good

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>ywn kiss her snoot
>ywn pinch her ear


I'd rather be smothered with kisses from Tawna.

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>its always the crunch players no matter what skin who teleport all over the place and mess up the results screen when ever i play online

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Mimes my friend

s-stop that

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Where do you get off calling me a clown

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Smegumi shitheads need to be culled


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This and Liztards

Ok Dave Lister.

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>they dont use these in multiplayer because haha gotta show off the epic mvp animations for all those skins people grinded for as much as possible!
fucking beeniggers

I wouldn't be able to play Pura if it played his lose animation, it's too fucking sad.

I dunno why they didn't go with having different animations show for different clients
1st place sees himself winning, 2nd and 3rd loss animation
2nd place sees 1st and himself winning, 3rd loss animation
3rd place sees win animation for all three
and I don't care which one for 4-8th
there, no hurt feelings

losing animations should only play if 2nd or 3rd got DNF

Honestly that would work

Waiting for the reset and hoping to get the rest of the characters.

I want to buy all the characters but at the same time I would like to have enough wombs to buy all the GP exclusive stuff next month.

Hate it that they make them available only during GP.

It's not only during GP, it goes into regular rotation after GP

Nobody actually knows if they leave rotation or not for a time, Beenox never elaborated on the pitstop items and a good chunk of them are stamped "GP limited".

is obj_motherfucker playable?

Not yet

>tfw only have oxide station left for N.Tropy
>tfw can't even unlock him
>tfw watching that guy beat Oxide without power sliding

Attached: AAAAA.jpg (500x508, 26K)

remember to leave Beenox feedback on things you would like to see improved in the game as well as bug reporting

no, but ask beenox for him and maybe they'll answer our prayers eventually

Attached: When life gives you lemons.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

go turning you sack of shit. its not that hard.

I wanna tongue Liz’s bandicooter. That is all.

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This but it's Megumi.

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what does Megumi's butthole smell like?


Like lemonade.



Rotten diarrhea

all of the above

does anyone else hate Penta Penguin? idk why, but seeing him makes me wanna gun down a bunch of fucking penguins

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>Only two other good players in lobby with me
>We finish close to each other, I win
>They both leave

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who /tropychad/ here?

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that makes me feel better, thanks user


More like Jiz

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Jizz all over Liz

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Switch it, trophy virgins always leave whenever they lose or miss a jump
Real niggas finish races

you're thinking of digital tropys

*all tropys

And Pentas

and cocos

And Nitro sluts.

Do you have to be in top 5% in both championship and Nitro leaderboard for the car or is enough to be top 5% in one of them?

Either one of them



If you're not in the top 1000 players on the championship leader board just uninstall now

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Fuck off

nah, those are just bad

Ignore baits, post WebM

Attached: Yeah, go ahead and run.webm (640x360, 2.14M)

GOD I just want a confirm on how long it will take for the next grand prix to start

2 weeks then we get Bandibabies.

Attached: The clutch mask.webm (640x360, 2.61M)

>Guy called DoctorEntropy
>using Racer Crunch
>Fucked up podium animation is digital clockman

Daily reminder that Oxide Station is the best track for using clocks

Attached: Clock avenger II.webm (640x360, 2.61M)

Saw a guy who's name was literally DigitalNTropy, he used tiny

I never ragequit
I sometimes let people win if they get warp orbed in the end or item raped in general but they drived well.
T. Digital N.Tropy

What does N stand for?

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How many people here have completed the grand prix? I hit 25k nitro points like two weeks ago and completely burned out. Haven't touched the game since.

No Bandicoots

What in the lord's fucking name are you talking about
It's easy as piss, holding USF on Cortex Castle/Hot Air Speedway/Oxide Station is way harder

>that ai geary and papu papu beating the tawna player

I got Motorsport Tawna yesterday, I can finally rest.

is this confirmed?

this is one of the shittiest edits i have ever seen but i love it

Until its time for babies.

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Both Megumi setups are decent although you should pick different wheels. Not a fan of the others.

Komodo Joe is really good, Crunch and Crash are decent even if the former is a bit plain, others are whatever.

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I'm at 65k Nitro. I think I'm safe

thanks doc/10

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I finished a while ago
I'm sitting at like 80k or something

how the fuck do you do the shortcut in sewer speedway

>user, my bucko, we're a the grand prix end, you're at 5% are ya ? a-user, you are in ?
what bracket ? nitro or point fag ? nitrofag here at 0.88%

Attached: ugly bastard norm.jpg (1024x576, 117K)

Hot air speedway usf comes naturally to me.

Bottom right is fantastic

How come some people already have the Champion Kart? Sorry if this has been asked a 1000 times before.

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Attached: Fuck ami waifufags best girl coming thru.webm (1280x720, 1.45M)

They're abusing a glitch that let's them select it

Unlock N Tropy's ghost and watch how he does it. You don't need the shortcut skip to unlock him.

You are still practicing your time trials even with all this GP business going on, right user?

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I finally bothered to unlock digital tropy today

Games doing well. Sequel confirmed?

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>breed me now or else

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Fuck sequels. I just want it to get prolonged support from the devs

Well, we defo know that's happening.

Attached: 1560266586965.png (1920x1080, 3.38M)

you mean
>paid DLC on the scale of 90s-era expansion packs confirmed
ride the hype train

what would the sequel even offer?
besides obvious shit like functional online

>tfw Megumi will never watch you sleep all night

Attached: kill me.jpg (611x716, 70K)

Not until you finish the threat

So, only three characters? I say -only- but that is still amazing, but any chance of more?

We already know who's next, and it's 5 characters for each prix.

Nothing confirmed past Spyro. "More seasons to be announced" can mean one if they don't think the game is performing well enough

>5 characters for each Prix
Source on this?

Well good for you I'm serious when I say that
I'm just gonna have to buy her whenever she gets added to the pit stop. I've played more than I can stand this point.
I'm skipping the baby grand prix, so hopefully my batteries will be recharged by the time Spyro rolls around.

to be fair, three prix's is enough, and if it's all free, I've got my contents worth

Back N.Time
Baby N.Cortex and Baby N.Tropy
Spyro & Friends
Gnasty Gnorc, Ripto, Sorceress, Hunter
There's more that's not publicly revealed too that was also in the datamines, so buckle up fucko

Fair enough, just remember that all the stuff you can buy, you can earn thank you btw

>babu characters
fuck no


Dataminers have confirmed it.

August GP:
>Baby T, Baby Crash, Baby Coco, Baby Cortex, Baby N. Tropy
September GP:
>Spyro, Hunter, Gnasty Gnorc, Ripto, Sorceress
October GP:
>Koala Kong, Brio, Komodo Moe, Rilla Roo, Nina
November GP:
>Chick, Stew, Pasadena, von Clutch, Willie Wumpa
December GP:
>Emperor Velo, King Chicken

listen man, we've known that babies were going to be in the back in time grand prix. I'm afraid of the shitposting that will ensue.
BetaM, a consistently trustworthy german(?) that breaks/datamines crash games.

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BetaM leaked the first grand prix challenges and several skins as well
He's more than trustworthy

Watching Ami Fags get utterly destroyed and humiliated brings me such joy

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Hallo, dumkopf, Anonymous.
Your wurst nightmare has arrived.

Attached: CaptainNoSenseCTTRRender.png (185x178, 41K)

Show me the sources of this trustworthy person then sport.

Should Crunch and Tawna be in Vicarious Vision's next crash game?

user, he posted string data for the first grand prix before the game was even out. Unironically just check his twitter, it's not hard to find. Unfortunately his pastebin got nuked but any images he posted are still there. The information he found was corroborated by other dataminers too, he has a reputation so he has no reason to fabricate bullshit for attention.

Will they make it?

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>go find the sources yourself theyre trustworthy check social med
Do none of you nuggets understand burden of proof

I would like that

>only in my dying dreams will this be a reality

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Both of them can fuck off.

Tawna should be to Coco what Crunch is to Crash

A non presence?

See I couldn't disagree more. I see potential with the game that even Activision and Beenox don't seem to realize.

This game could potentially be huge if they handle it right. It's the most competitive kart racer on the market with a massive skill ceiling. If they had cross platform play to maintain a large playerbase, added a ranked mode/encouraged streamers to play more competitivly, it would blow up with that scene. We could still be getting content years from now.

I think Activision doesn't fully understand what they have here at all

What is King chicken from

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The babies will make CTR threads impossible to have. Just wait and you will see

You can call me whatever you want. I know I'm right

look at the date that was posted. he's legit and you're a prat

Attached: link_is_dead_though.jpg (561x175, 14K)

Worst Trophy girl. Absolute trash.

I'm hoping that crash and coco are just un-evolved bandicoots so we are spared of the combined faggotry of fur, diaper, discord, and mods all at once.
Fuck all of them with tetanus.

You didn't play CNK or CTTR

I literally found your result by googlin "betam twitter", first fucking result you dense motherfucker. Have you been living under a fucking rock?

Like the other user said, his pastebin got nuked but you can still see that he leaked the September GP to be Spyro themed three days before the game was even released. There, I spoonfed you. Are you happy now?

It's an original character. Beenox has been hinting it by hiding pictures of chicken all over the game.

Attached: BetaM leak.png (578x413, 24K)

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190716105215.jpg (773x653, 151K)

>i know im right

Attached: FB46BDFF-0F65-4D37-8787-69F8CE69DC34.jpg (800x450, 28K)

Found your source*
I should be going to sleep

That doesnt seem legit at all. Its fabricated. Literally anyone could make it up with enough dedication. Case closed nuggets.

What other stuff has this dataminer leaked?

This is like, the third "datamine" that I have heard of and they all say different shit

Just to be clear, if you main Crunch you're a gay furry. No exceptions.

>something that's corroborated by numerous unrelated people with nothing to gain and a lot to lose is actually a coordinated fabrication effort to get clicks/views on articles/videos reporting on it, don't trust the convoluted jew plays
jesus fuck, go outside.

God I love Liz. Every time I drop an item and get a "Heeheehee!" my dick twitches.

Hasnt stopped people from doing it before you ostrich. Without bringing Jews into (nice pol slip) the internet is a den of lion liars

I wonder what skins we'll get in the next grand prix

>it's far more likely for it to be a conspiracy for attention than it is for dataminers on opposite sides of the planet to find the same information
woah, dude. lay off the fucking weed you disgusting hippie

Full diaper crash and full diaper cortex

Drugs arent in the equation here you pigeon. Its just the law of internet land

BetaM is known for this stuff user, you're in the wrong here.

Well aside from this shitposter, i would like to know my good lads how do i calculate if i'm at the 5% of the grandprix.
Could someone help me please?.



>evil coco
maybe as an alt skin
>evil crash
unlikely considering fake crash is already in the game as the crash clone

listen, if you refuse to believe trustworthy sources, you might as well learn to fucking datamine so you can see for yourself

Divide your rank by the total entries, that will give you your percentile. If you're under 5%, you're in.

Come on man, don't feed the troll.

Liars are inded known for their captivating ways.

Thank you!

It stays in the store. The only thing you will have to wait on are the nitro rewards

Im not refusing i know there farfetched.

I almost depleted the nitro bar enough to reach the tawna sticker
My goal is to reach that but I don't think I can

No but the Norms should be.

I thought all the GP skins disappeared.

No, I don't believe so. The only thing disappearing are the rewards, but they will eventually come to the store too

they will probably stay in circulation. The only thing you should probably be worried about are the character and skin bundles which will definitely go away if you want to get them while at a discount

Thank you man

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You were right about how unbalanced the racers are, Yea Forums. I just tried playing Cortex for the stunt daily challenge and he feels abysmally slow.

I've legitimately thought about dressing like a mime sans makeup ever since I started using the Norms, it's such a good look

>dressing like a faggot unironically from video game characters
Yep its Yea Forums

The CNK bosses were doomed from that start. No one uses crunk because he looks like a blue Jay z no one uses Geary because he’s bland, no one uses little norm because he’s a twink and no one uses the shark because he’s a faggot nerd


t. Small Norm
t. Big Norm

Attached: file.png (1366x768, 1.19M)

>No fun allowed

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There's a reason why most lobbies are Ami/Crunch/Tiny/Dingodile

It would be fun for the rest of us if you dressed like a circus performer. Not you. Im trying to help you

I'm not the user you responded to first. And yes, clowns do enjoy dressing up. Entertainers enjoy entertaining people.

>champion kart has a underglow too it

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>Entertainers enjoy entertaining people.
How young r u. Theyre in it for the money

>green twilight tires finally showed up
hell yeah, don't need 'em for now but I will want them when Brio shows up

I see Nash and Norms, but I agree with Krunk or Geary.
I never see Krunks or Gearys online.

>electron avenue, wumpa time, fuck yes.png
>no clocks or warp orbs for the entire game
>even beat my time trial balanced time
>two maps later, electron avenue again
>2 votes for it, and 2 for ngin labs
>electron avenue gets picked, thank you rnjesus
>everyone else except for one guy leaves
>another 800 coins
>immediately afterwards electron avenue again
>another 800 coins
thank you based crunch player

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I love her.

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No one uses Krunk or Geary because they are turning and balanced characters

Boy, i sure hope beenox fix the local player, grinding coin without online really is hell on earth.
At least i have the trophy girls and tawna with their motorsport skins but i'm afraid i can't grind enough coins for the character skins, wheels and paint jobs. I feel sad for the twilight wheels, i've got three left to buy.

People do use the shark though.

How the fuck do you get a time like that with a balanced character? My best time trial with accel is 3:14:53 and accel is faster than balanced.

Someone tell Beenox to put all GP items in the Pit Stop for the final day.


Attached: WUMP.png (735x984, 639K)

Then theyre their designated callsigns as that user said

>taking better lines/u-turns
>aku/uka masks for speed
otherwise just maintain usf the whole time, not too hard if you don't get hit during the initial melee

Why yes, I do main Pura, how did you know?

Attached: IMG_20190719_153749_562.jpg (1280x903, 159K)

But I'm seeing Big Norm, Little Norm, and Nash in every other online race.

You lost

I can't do it, I don't have the autism for these Relic races and Time trials.

Anyone has a list of the GP exclusives Pit Stop items? I fucked up and I gotta try to route some efficient buying method.

>because hes a twink
I like norm cos hes pretty neat, and his voice isnt annoying. Same for big norm

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>typical CTRNF experience

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Attached: King of the Hill Season 5 Episode 19 – Hank’s Back Story.mp4_snapshot_20.13_[2019.07.25_00.41.32 (640x480, 79K)

Game has a F-Zero GX tier skill ceiling. I don't know why I didn't love it back then. It's crazy how literally transplanting the mechanics of such an early 3D game with a modern visuals and it's still at the top of the genre.

Me in first place on deep sea driving

Attached: 2eb6975.jpg (640x718, 34K)

>start off race in 1st place
>get hit by a TNT crate

Attached: away8.png (469x506, 326K)

I give up. Fuck this game. My mental health cannot handle trying to Platinum Relics anymore.


This literally just happened to me on Hot Air Skyway. I was 1st early on but then choked big time. Me and some other guy decided to fight for 6th.

It really is incredible, I too feel that similarly to GX.

shit's kinda fucked because of all the bundles but I'll give it a go
>Bundle for each of the nitro squad girls containing a paint, legendary skin, and sticker
>Sticker pack of the nitro squad girls
>Le Chaux kart set
>Pharaoh Cortex
>Crash Test Dummy N.Gin
>Biker Crash
>Biker Tiny
>Painter Dingodile
>Individual decals for Le Chaux, Bandibuggy, and Rocket
>Paint + flag sticker bundles. Fuck counting all of these, just giving you a total headcount: 26 Nitro-boosting paints. Minus 4 from the Nitro squad and another 3 from the GP karts.
Godspeed, user. I'm pretty sure that the stuff in the pit stop will stay in the pit stop, leaving only the Nitro rewards in limbo until they later-on add them to the pit-stop. Grab what you like, don't die.

forgot twilight tires, of which there were 8 sets

They need to add more colors for karts and tires, got one of the new karts but most of the colors I have dont really fit my whole set up for megumi and I cant place a sticker in the front.

lost what?

Attached: EAHbU2zXkAAIHnM.jpg (1920x1080, 364K)

Nobody's forcing you to do platinum relics.

If you haven't already, you should look up the best wr's (that aren't bugged seeing as the best times are using a map skip). This is a great video

Here's the match where I did that time, after watching it back I think it looks awful. Too much aimless sliding, guess I was having a great time.

Screenshotting insignificant wins makes you look like you lose a lot more than you win.

I want Mr. T Crunch back.

>r. u.
>calling someone else young
Yes, they make money but a lot of entertainers enjoy what they do. I say that as an actor and dancer myself. I'm pretty sure Prince, MJ, Bob marley, fred astaire and gene Kelly for example enjoyed their work, or else they wouldn't have been so meticulous in their work. A lot of younger people do it just for money, I agree, but what kind of money do you think circus job pays compared to so many other entertainment professions? My guess would be not that much.

That is stupid good driving. I just broke my record and got 3:12:XX but I still don't understand how you can get such good times with a balanced character. The lower speed isn't noticeable at all.

Make Tawna a roaming character that works with Brio most hours of the day and comes back to the island to hang out with Crash/Crunch/Coco every now and then

Thank you so much user, this made me realize I'm absolutely fucked since I'm only at like 20k Wumpa Coins and all the items I'm getting in the refresh aren't GP items.

You can optimize every class, people just don't optimize balance because there is no reason too, at least world record holding wise. Even the most optimized route for balance will still be 5-15 seconds slower than Speed depending on map length. You will get faster with your class by continually finding ways to become faster than your older time, that's what makes time trials so great.

Whos the best character you use

Attached: Lum.jpg (386x439, 31K)

It's easy man. I got a sub 3:20 time with Crash on my second attempt.

Attached: ctr online.png (762x22, 3K)

>N.Gin Labs
>Coco player pulls ahead of everyone and cements a strong lead after everyone is done being item raped on the first lap
>THREE warp orbs later she still DNFs 5 other racers

You fucking CTRfaggots actually defend this shit. This is how you win races online, period. You get lucky, you pull ahead, and you win the race for free because fucking nothing is going to ever stop you short of you massively fucking up.

Do you ever feel frustrated when you feel like you hit the buttons to start a drift but your character travels forward and not turning?

I just did it again and actually got 3:25. I have no idea what I was doing wrong in my other attempts.

>you get lucky
So how can the same players continually btfo the lobby race after race?

You wouldn't be able to buy everything this late regardless. When you buy a GP related item it doesn't get replaced with another GP item (flag paints may be the exception), they get replaced with a non-GP item if you don't already own all non-GP items.

Yes, I'm sure she pulled ahead because of luck
but I agree the orb is too slow to have any impact on the race

I'm NOT a furry

>Just unlocked the Rocket Kart and wheels.
Fucking finnaly, I'm done with this Grand prix and can just wait to buy the decal! Pinstripe I'm coming home!

>*blocks your path*

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he cute

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Accept it

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>going back and forth with a guy
>I'm in front, get hit with missile or get hit with a shield cuz they drove to "close"
>I'm behind him and I only get TNT/Nitro or Potions
This game never wants me to succeed

Attached: 5th.jpg (243x253, 9K)

the fish ears dont work

Do I really have to invest in the nitro shit before eggboy shows up again?

Boredfags, main a Turn character. It's an entirely different ballgame.

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It's not luck
Every race goes like this
>1st pulls ahead and gets a 10+ second lead
>2nd and 3rd are 1-2 seconds away from each other
>everyone else is busy raping each other with items and will most likely dnf
The orb fucks everyone in its path so that whoever uses it will hopefully catch up but not only is it not fast enough, the person using it wasn't good enough to get to a decent place

yes, sadly

the bundle he was in won't even show up, don't waste coins if he's your goal

There's only 4 or so actually difficult ones and a few that have a singular crate that requires pixel perfect jumping to reach the height/distance because Beenox physics.

This is going to /vg/ territory now OP

>I have no idea what I was doing wrong in my other attempts.
The trick is to take the usf as far as you can, which is a lot easier with balanced/turning because you can boost around the curves to maintain it instead of having to hop with speed and hope you've got enough reserves.

They seriously don't understand how different the game becomes when you just switch your fucking class for a bit.

>The orb fucks everyone in its path
Most people who orb don't used the juiced up version and I've been noticing more and more cases of first place getting blue shields. I got 4 on Cortex Castle and only used them to drive through spiders.

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190726015616.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

There's a mod with a vendetta against Crash who kills all threads (even non-CTR ones) or sends them to /vg/, even though no other thread on Yea Forums gets this treatment, including Smash threads.

Non-juiced orb still fucks people directly in its path, which doesn't help when the path is too narrow to even avoid it so fuck you 3rd and 2nd place have fun not ever catching 1st since he gets shields and masks and a big fucking indicator and beeping telling him when the memeball is going to try to fuck his anus.

At least you both got equally screwed

>hit by juiced orb
>fly off track
>it completely misses first
>they didn't have a shield or anything, it literally went past them and started another lap
>half the lobby DNF thanks to clocks
Great game

It's okay when Nintendo does it

How come clocks don't scale?

For whatever reason

Attached: Coldsteel Crash.jpg (1061x793, 158K)

They do.


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Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190726204315.jpg (3840x2160, 623K)



I definitely went full autism with this one. Never again.

the duality of man

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>six pipes never shows up
>fuck it, I'll get the Roadster out of the way
>lol here's six pipes

it's weekend time user, grind like hell
unless you're offline only in which case god help you

>insignificant wins
So what counts as a 'significant' win

How often are you gonna race two N. Tropy's let alone beat both of them, with a Turning character

absolutely based

Biker Tiny chads assemble

>shoot a Pinstripe
>falls to 7th
>rage quits
you call that racin'? fuggedaboudit

>start the race in first place
>get hit by every weapon and end up in last
>try starting the race in a lower place
>first gets a huge lead and it becomes a race for second

Attached: 1529857644328.png (401x326, 123K)

Tiny is the only Speed character I respect. Mostly because he's Tiny.

I swear this happened to me with six pipes too

but no lie once you have six pipes you'll never switch back, also buy black/red/yellow from the store and the thorns pattern

you wont regret it

this shit happens to me all the time as well

>When in first place i get clocked and orbed multiple times.
>when not in first no one gets anything to hit the first place.

>That hip movement

Attached: giphy.gif (500x207, 999K)

Reminder if you use a Speed class literally none of your wins or high placings count. Speed has absolutely no drawbacks, better turning than the original CTR, and merely hopping will let you turn on a dime.

Everyone must be genuinely retarded at this game, because this happens all the time.

Can we spam their recommendations page telling them to add back the boob jiggle physics for Ami and to give them to the other nitro squad memebere aswell?

they would never do it, they'd have to acknowledge it at some point and I don't see that happening

seethe harder, stevie


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they've already shown that they will bend the fucking knee for resetera only

>rocket bomb bomb clock fall off track
>honk honk lol xDDDD
I hope you fucking die.

>you lost the race user. You know what that means. Push your face against my ass and inhale my braps. Then maybe ill suck your dick after.

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If ami is a braphog and tawna is a footfag what are Isabella megumi and Liz ?

megumi is pure leave her out of this

megumi is yandere and isabella is a mommy, liz is vanilla

dang dude i was totally hoping i would win this time haha oh well

Liz likes to striptease in the bedroom. She knows her body is perfect and uses it well.

Attached: L3.png (333x486, 190K)

why does the nitro meter go down once you've hit the final reward

Bad programming.

I’ve noticed some tracks have spots the orb flat out refuses to go. In the Egyptian course you can back up under the steps to the USF fruit cart and the orb will pass clean over your head if you stay close enough to the drop. It kills your reserves doing it but you can easily get a couple perfects before the ramp to give you a fighting chance.

Megumi is definitely into BDSM

you get a special chicken related prize it you get it all the way back down to 0

Attached: Crash™ Team Racing Nitro-Fueled_20190723113319.webm (1280x720, 2.74M)

Are you a turning cuck or balance incel?

heh heh

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tiny is enormous compared to crunch, didn't they used to be the same size?

I don't understand why people rage quit when you cross the finish line
Just stay and get your coins bro

I've been running into a lot of rage quitting or absolutely shit Painter Dingodiles lately

those tracks are too scary i just practice on shitter tracks

i got sub 1:40 on inferno island and beat the best assembly lane time on youtube (with beginner characters)

I feel especially bad for people that lose to the ai
Though they could just be afk

Painter Dingodiles are without exception terrible people.

there was one on here that posted webms who seemed quite good

the fuck was wrong with CNK?

Attached: Ako.png (370x320, 10K)

a lot of things, really

shit physics, no reserves, unlikable characters

Opponent dialogue would just completely disappear if you took the lead. I miss how the original CTR always at least played their pain sounds regardless of distance.

Weird nitpick I know.

Attached: Cr1q21oehk.jpg (265x200, 10K)

This. Every1 outside of the two main teams sucked

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even nitros oxide, dingodile, pura, and polar?

>lolno you can't use them in adventure mode
as a dingodile player even as a kid, this annoyed me. especially since he was in the intro cutscene

ESPECIALLY oxide, dingodile, pura, and polar

who else /turn off wifi at the start of an online race/ here? I know I'm scum, but I just want all them pitstop unlocks

Oxide got watered down in place of Velo. Polar, Pura and Dingo all became lackies and its not like the pets are worth a damn anyways

Also dingo had a shit icon that made him look like a horse and his voice sucked. Same applies for oxide

I did until it started crashing my game the second I crossed the finish line.

what console? I'm on switch and it works fine

Their voices were all awful, exclusively. Dingodile was an affront to nature and it sucked seeing him degraded to a brainwashed lackey with lifeless eyes.

a lot of thing.

>track designs are copies of ctr tracks but worse.
>new characters introduced have zero relevance and they are not even playable,some designs are questionable as well, who teh fuck thought a blob alien that can divide itself in two entities dressed in mimes was a good idea?
>team mechanic is straight up broken
>weird physics
>unsatisfying turbo sound, it sounds like a weak fart
>anti-graviy sections weren't that interesting.
>shitload of hazards and sections that can easily break your turbo flow

Worst of all is that beenox forgot to actually make these tracks good in ctr:nf.
Shit like thunderstruck, deep sea and electron avenue have a bunch of hazards that makes the tracks unenjoyable, the same can be said for the last sections of deep sea driving and hyper spaceway that have a bunch of rotating hazards hat werent that much of a problem in anti-gravity sections but now that we dont ahve those sections anymore people get hit by those constantly.

in fact the NK tracks are the least picked in every matchmaking i join because people hate them so fucking much, inferno insland and android alley are the only ones that people pick constantly in my region

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so, uh, is there a guide to u-turning on switch? I'm not sure if i'm doing it correctly because the stuff I see people pulling on electron and turbo track seem to be on another level of skill

norm is a cool idea though. Thats the only thing I will fight with you over

whoa, haha...

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i love our guys but lets face it, whoever design those guys was high as fuck, one mute little mime alien and one big ass mime alien that speaks like a mobster. i mean come on.

People love Barin Ruins and Meteor Gorge because they're tracks you can't USF

>let's add a drop-item that homes in on players and reverses controls
>let's add an ice physics item
>let's make a worse warp orb
>let's make fewer tracks
>let's spend time making an antigrav gimmick and only actually use it 3 times to do anything interesting. Every other time can be a setpiece that slows your car down so you can enjoy the camera rotating
>let's have wumpa crates give you only 3 fruits
>let's remove the all-rounder class entirely
>let's make 3 unlockable characters strictly better than the kart class they hail from
>let's have an intern do sound design and mixing
the only objectively good things that CNK did were the dynamic boost meter that only appeared behind your kart when drifting, the always-on boost combo counter, and the expansion of the battle modes. Everything else was a downgrade or subjectively tolerable.

CTR is so much faster that you don't have time to react to the hazards in CNK maps.

Ps4. It's pretty hit and miss Sometimes it crashes every race, sometimes I can do it for 10 races without any problems. Restarting my console usually fixes it though.
I wish they would just buff offline coins rates ffs. I don't want to pay for ps plus just to be able to buy shit from the pit stop.

>in fact the NK tracks are the least picked in every matchmaking i join because people hate them so fucking much
Seems to be the opposite but okay.

I agree with CNK but the Nitro Fueled remakes are actually quite decent

true. Still is the best one of the 4 bosses

>whoever design those guys was high as fuck
Charles Zembillas, who also did all the Naughty Dog era characters

Take that as you will

Attached: CrashNitroKartVelo2.jpg (800x650, 60K)

CNK tracks all give assloads more coins than CTR tracks. You'd be mad not to pick them. Plus with even a little knowledge of the level you can typically school everyone.

>Electron Avenue
this opinion is so bad I just projectile vomited directly through my monitor, I'd say it's in a better place now, but it's just in the same place with a giant acidic vomit hole blown in it

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it my be just my region though but that has been my experience so far. i think i played every nk track maybe once or twice online so far and i have the game since launch.

i guess. which is why hazards should have at less active time so you can actually risk goign trough it. i went from dead last to first in thurderstruck today because everyone was hitting the hazards multiple times.

i'll take that he was high as fuck.

i'll respectfully disagree.

true but people in general in my region usually pick ctr tracks or twilight tour, i guess they just prefer it. i honestly dont mind since i dislike most nk tracks as well.

Those are all the best tracks. and out of time and clockwork wumpa.

>i'll respectfully disagree.
Why though? Do you just not like the tracks? Do you not like them because they were in CNK? Or do you actually think Beenox did a bad job translating them over to the CTRNF engine?

Apparently he still updates his blog. Maybe we could send him a letter/email asking to answer questions about the Nitro Kart characters. It'd be neat if he gave an actual explanation for their ideas

this design is legit, why doesn't he look this good in the game

>Apparently he still updates his blog. Maybe we could send him a letter/email asking to answer questions about the Nitro Kart characters. It'd be neat if he gave an actual explanation for their ideas
do you have a link? i am down for that.

I just don't like how the general track design, shortcuts and the hazards locations.

The design looks identical, the problem is the textures are too detailed. If you were to make a low poly PS1 style model of him, he'd probably fit right in.

This. Nitro Kart in general had a problem with textures on certain characters either looking too clean or too muddy for PS2 era models.

>do you have a link? i am down for that.

Apparently he drew Coco for the first time in 20 years recently

Attached: Coco_Bandicoot_6b.jpg (850x750, 677K)

I can't wait to see ow he looks in CTRNF

>I just don't like how the general track design
Fair enough. I think they're fine. Their biggest problem is that they're based on CTR tracks, and not on crash bandicoot themes or ideas

because Nitro Kart is fucking ugly
don't worry though when we get him as our Christmas present he'll look better than ever

goddamn Zembillas Crash is so SOULful

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alright. i gonna leave a message.

I was trying to find a way to email him, but I can't find a direct link or anything. I was thinking just a couple of interview-like questions such as "Did you design or assist with the designs of the CNK bosses?", "Do you still have sketches/concept art of the CNK bosses?", and "What was the design philosphy/idea behind these characters?" Or something similar

If Velo's empire took over Earth, who would be the world champion to guard the key? Crash would be the obvious answer, but I'd like to see something more creative.




is this too cringy?

Attached: cringe.png (770x254, 18K)

It’s over bros.
Sonic wins again.

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nice memes. And do the norms have Italian accents? one of them doesn't even talk

I would change CTR:NF and CNK to their full spellings, as he might not be immediately aware of them in abbreviated form and just skim past the message

I'd change the wording to sound more formal too. Also, I doubt he knows anything about the programming side of stuff, so you're probably asking the wrong person for info on obj_motherfucker


Norms accent sounds like some asshole from a bodega in the bronx

Big Norm sounds like he was from the Bronx.

seconding on formality; if he takes it seriously enough and understand the questions clearly, he might even post never-seen concept art

big norm does. he even says forget about it

alright, how about this, short and simple.
>Hey there, Charles.

>After playing the new Crash Team Racing game recently and unlocking the Crash Nitro kart cast i started to wonder how and why did you choose to design these characters like that? What was the philosophy behind such designs? Do you have any sketches/concept art of CNK?

oops, forgot about the last cnk abbreviation

>Finally got Digital Tropy
Now I can join the ranks of other digital Tropy mains that get absolutely trashed online.

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god damnit yet here I am grinding for coins online when I still need to do that fucking dragons mine oxide time

Attached: Bunyan.png (512x724, 702K)

Good, but fix your spelling. No lower case i's.

I didn't play CNK and the only characters I like are Small Norm and Nash (kind of, the spikes and shit are excessive)

I have so many womb coins but nothing to spend them on

My bad bro

>design these characters like that?
I would specify the names of the characters, as a way to introduce the topic. Maybe specify them as "the boss characters," or just "Krunk, Nash, Norm and Geary." He probably has a stockpile of sketches and would just open a "Nitro Kart" folder or something.

None of the boss characters were playable in the PS2 version anyway. The only new characters you could play as were Zam, Zem, and Small Velo. And N Trance, but he wasn't new to that game.

Cortex, maybe N. Gin/N. Tropy. Crash and company would go down fighting, probably characters like Joe and the Nitro Squad too. Cortex would temporarily accept defeat whole plotting to overthrow Velo from within, plus it would technically make him ruler of Earth. N. Gin and Tropy are both eccentric enough to fit the rest of Velo's champions while having themes that represent Earth's mad scientist problem while also being related to speed (rockets, time manipulation)

alright. i already sent it but i aint seeing my comment there. maybe it takes a while before it shows up. idk.

obviously the c is for crash and the k is for kart but what does the n stand for

Anti gravity sections.


let's ask our good friend Dr. Cortex

So what explains those weird statues on clockwork wumpa and thunderstruck? the fuck even is fenomena? thats probably a good question to ask

Alien planet, don't really need to explain further.

>the fuck even is fenomena

It's a planet. All of the CNK tracks are on planets other than Earth.

Attached: chi.jpg (1200x675, 157K)

Zem was just the character designer, I doubt he had any direct input on the planets.

I'm pretty sure people want to do more than hug her.

How can 3d women even begin to compete?

I hate everything about this image

wait if this GP ends and I didn't unlock all the trophy thots can I still get them in the store?

>what does the n stand for

Attached: xbyoll4ljaa31.jpg (4032x3024, 2.83M)

how come you're ngin on the map

Prime picture to use in a creepypasta.




Nitro with a hard r

What do I buy

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I dont think he was high, just uninspired or without direction. Without the ideas from the old ND team he didn't really get the idea of what crash characters should look like in the new era of gaming.

Football Tiny

i would probably grab the kart while its discounted

also does anyone else find the twilight wheels ugly as fuck

a controller with a working screenshot button

Bulldog Zam

I like smol coco. In the new games they made her the same height and width of crash, which I assume they did because of the N. Sane Trilogy having Coco be a playable character so their hitboxes have to be the same. Wish they would take the current design and slim her down a bit

I'm leaning towards this

I'm good.

I have a switch with screenshot shit, but I don't know how to transfer it to my fucking computer

Wonder if Acti or VV have hired or have thought of hiring Charles to work on Crash 4 (or 5) if it even exists yet, would be neat to have at least one of the dudes who worked on the OG games onboard. Mancell would be a cool addition to the team but I wonder if would be hard to work with.

He does stuff with animation and art schools nowadays I think, so he might've not been available

You either post it to Twitter or Facebook using the post option or take the SD out and plug it in your PC and find your screenshot folders.

It'd be a cool reference if they looked like the un-evolved bandicoot from Crash Landed

Attached: CrashLanded2010.png (250x202, 57K)

>wonder if would be hard to work with.
Why would he?

Dunno, I dont really follow the guy but from what I've heard he's kind of stingy with the Pre-Console Crash music. Maybe Activision just didnt want to pay the guy for those tracks or to work on the new remixes because he was too expensive.

Attached: CrashBandicoota.jpg (224x280, 26K)

Golfer Big Norm is the best.

>I dont really follow the guy but from what I've heard he's kind of stingy with the Pre-Console Crash music
He's been pushing for an official release for years but it's been held up in red tape last I recall him saying. He seems pretty chill from his interactions with fans on his facebook page.

Its nice to see a Ctr thread make it to near bump limit. it used to be so commkn

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the threads are almost always super active, it's just that one powertripping mod and his $10 Discord Tranny stooges that kill them

Well hi diddle dee, guess whose back, it's me!
You finally escaped from /vg/, I see!
But I wouldn't get comfy and settled just yet!
For the next grand prix will put your threads to the test!

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I don't like the wheels much either. They look decent on some sets though.

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>tfw oxide times are a fucking breeze
Im too fucking autistic for this game. Only have two more and theyre blizzard bluff and dragon mines

Attached: Hex happy.jpg (679x960, 71K)

They can't because they're too short and don't have cute fluffy ears

Real shame. Lots of drawfags coming up with OCs until those pozzed jannies started sperging

If you know how to u-turn up the spiral, blizzard bluff is the tougher trial

I can't believe this is actually a character.

just did bluff, yeah I think mines is harder

God I hate this faggot and i hate the fact he will be playable at some point and will be called "based" just because he isn't a female character. Nigger doesnt even look like a wumpa fruit.

Tag Team Racing convinced me to stop buying the games as a kid.

someone redpill me on this character. I always assumed Von Clutch was the bad guy of this game because of his appearance and german accent, but apparently he isn't.

>t. Dingo main

I really need to stop being so competitive and just appreciate that I didn't hit 5th or DNF'd in a game where items can fuck a person over. Maybe I'm just upset that the guy five miles ahead of the pack is never truly affected by anything and makes playing catch up pointless in 2nd with only potions, TNT, and the odd missile.

Attached: 6748758.png (745x866, 193K)

Only good characters that came out of this garbage pile are Nina and Pasadena. VON Clutch is a faggot with a shitty nothing design and willie is just unbearable.

That is the full pic, and an edited one at that of a doujin of a shrine kitsune fucking a dude then peacing out

nina isn't even from this game

He just randomly steals Clutchs heart gem. The theory was hes an abused co worker since the wumpa drink is literally siphoned from him and the general shit conditions of the park and workers in general

none of that means anything to me. I know nothing about CTTR

I'm really struggling with the relic challenges on medium. I don't remember them being this hard in the original. Time trials are a joke compared to these.

Crunch, Penta, Coco, Tropy and Ami when she get blown from top 3 to 5th and below

Once Beenox brings back shitters like this I really hope that's the last we see of them. I don't want Crash to end up like it was before.

I hate Crunch but i never see them quit during a race. Even when getting stomped they stick it out.

They do when I race them
Specifically Racer Crunch
They don't make a shortcut or don't reach the podium, they're gone

Leaving feedback now on something much more important: Stickers. Why the fuck are the packs so fucking expensive?

>did alright when the game first launched
>can't compete any more
>3rd place best I can get

Attached: 1557546062703.jpg (600x900, 60K)

>you want to penetrate my what?

Attached: DF9D3CFC-330C-451F-A709-2D754F209B23.jpg (408x565, 59K)

German robot guy owns a go kart theme park that's going down the shitter, and then its power sources (gems) are stolen, including the German robot guys heart (also a gem). In the game, NPCs imply the theme park is poorly maintained and employees get abused. Wumpa fruit guy is probably getting the shittiest of all. Turns out he stole the gems.

People started watching WR runs and grinding Time Trial fucking big time once they got bored of grinding.

This character is so terrible that he just rebounds into being funny in my eyes and thus why I'll probably use him

that's amazingly uninteresting, thanks

Cocos, Amis, Penta Ninjas, Painter Dingodiles, Motorsport Isabellas

It absolutely is. I just saved you 30 minutes or so of watching mediocre gameplay of CTTR on Youtube

I rarely ragequit, but I usually end up goofing off on the track if I know a decent victory is beyond reach. Sometimes I end up finding neat little easter eggs or hidden gags in the scenery

do people even ragequit in this game? i just assumed most of them were disconnecting because the online is shit

>hit a digital N. Tropy even once
>get ahead of them in the first 15 seconds of the race
>PLAYER has disconnected
This happens almost without fail. The online can be bad but it ain't that bad.

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>hating on von clutch, when all he wanted was to have a go kart amusement park, and had a funny german accent

Attached: Crash_Tag_Team_Racing_Ebenezer_Von_Clutch.png (410x444, 137K)

>not liking Von Clutch and Stew
Don't be a pleb.

Attached: 1562478216764 stew.jpg (1095x435, 90K)

The fuck was wumpa whip?

willies cum

he reminds me of a pink floyd villain

A wumpa smoothie that only Crash drinks

I'm gonna be pissed if they actually make Stew a racer but don't give him a dreadlocks skin or a Carmen Miranda skin.

Attached: bb87ce9a8ef9f3189bdd5203bab8c563.jpg (423x635, 39K)

Out of the characters currently in CTR:NF, who is on your list of
>Staying for future
>Only for spinoffs
>Never appearing again

Axe everyone not in the original trilogy that isn't Nina or Crunch.

What's with the chickens in this game? I'm not complaining since they were overused in CTTR but if they're overused, why use them in the first place?

The Virgin Wagie

The Chad Pirate

get the roadster, goodshit imo

This, I guess

Zero creativity. It felt like I'm playing a chink knock-off version of CTR

So earlier I was doing my daily challenges and completed them like normal
Completed a cup and saw that my coin count didn't increase, still the same 12536
Then I checked the weekly just now and saw it was fucked up so I reset the game
Now my quick, daily and weekly challenges have some reset challenges

The whole NK roster

Keep everyone from the original trilogy for future games, and keep the CNK characters for spinoffs

Oh and Crunch can stay too

Crash sucks the wumpa juice out of willy wumpa cheeks nose
Also OBJ.Motherfucker makes a guest appearance at 1:58

>Staying for future
Everyone. Even Tawna and the Nitro Squad has some use as Brio's strike team he uses to screw with Cortex since his betrayal in Crash 2.

Unless you have a space travel plot the CNK characters really don't have a place to fit though.

>Only for spinoffs
The CNK cast. They're perfect any time you have to tackle a game set outside of Earth.

>Never appearing again
I don't need to see Pura, Polar or Baby T ever again. They're just random mounts to help you complete like 3 stages in the trilogy. It's weird that they're treated as mainstays ever since, even though the Warthog from Crash 1 is just forgotten like he should be.

>get Debi Derryberry to voice Coco
>Jimmy Neutron voice

Pay denbts

>staying for the future

All original trilogy entries


Don't care, won't be looking foward to them

>die forever

If CTR:NF is going to stay up and running I'd rather this be the last time we see and gasmoxian. Love Oxide to death but he's more developped than he has any right to at this point.