Japanese female fighter design

>Japanese female fighter design
>Zero practical element in it

Why can't they stay away from this?

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Because unlike you, they’re not fags.

Cause they aren't gay

Japs can’t design for shit. It’s all just a bunch of generic same-face thots.

They can't make good games so they make up for it with fan service

When is the next shining arpg coming out? I've had enough of blade arcus.

Why can't you stop being gay?

Japan is a sex-obsessed shithole.

No pants is very practical for a kicker.

Japan is a dangerous place which is why I'm grateful Tony Tanka is still alive.

Attached: Tony-Taka-Works-Ciel-chronicle-illustrations-book-Tanaka-_1.jpg (400x310, 32K)

Happen to know if he's currently working on any vidya?

>muh realism

Because they have taste, unlike you.

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it's very practical. i'd even say handy

>Tony Taka
>his early artwork from the early 00s doesn't look very different from the latest stuff

Is it because he hasn't improved or it was just too good for its time?

Attached: 223481.jpg (1383x1920, 457K)

The less clothing a hand to hand fighter wears, the more practical it is. There's a reason why historical GR wrestling was performed naked, why pretty much every martial art discipline on the planet is practiced without shoes even when not sparring, and why the majority of martial artists in movies end up ripping off their their shirts in the climax of films to signify that it's time to get serious.

The only thing you can fault about the design is her shoes being heeled and her hair being too loose.
If her hair was tied up or a shorter tomboy cut, and she lost the heels, she's be golden. Because those clothes are so tight she may as well be naked.

Actually you're right. 0/10 shit design she should be naked.

He's still working with the Shining series

what game

>wanting practical shit and in a fucking video game

That's just the thing, there hasn't been a brand-new shining game in 5 years.

It's japan, they aren't regulated like the west is. The west has zero creative freedom and can only create games based off feminist ideals.

because there's nothing practical about it in the first place. Aren't you aware games are supposed to be fantasy?