Why is ok when japanese developers mock christianity?

Why is ok when japanese developers mock christianity?

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it's ok for japanese people to do anything, which is why i pretend i don't speak english

It's already okay, if anything christianity is the last religion you'll have problems for attacking/mocking.

Try going for Islam or whatever pajeets pray to.

They should mock Jews.

mocking any religion is ok for everybody

That's only troubling if you do it somewhere that you can be beheaded for drawing Muhammad shitting into his own mouth.

Japanese are the world leading producers of child porn but they're still adored by everyone here it would seem. Look at world war 2, these people are inhuman and just view the rest of the world as a joke.

They're one of the few that could get away with it, but sadly most japanese don't care enough to even give a fuck to make the move

Not gonna work on any first world country, as PoC drones will jump on your neck

Japs get a free pass for everything because they're too weird for most people to bother thinking about.

megaten doesn't do it to promote woke western politics. it's had the same gnostic themes since the '80s.

The alternative is not mocking it and that's worse

Why is it okay to be this new?

>Why is ok
Cool English, bro. And YHVH isn't the Christian God. He's a demiurge posing as the god of the old testament

They've also committed a ridiculous number of war crimes and still have shrines dedicated to known war criminals that the prime minister visits every year to pay tribute to. The world has given Japan a free pass on pretty much everything thanks to the atom bomb and anime

Everyone shits on Christfags because they are one of the lowest hanging fruits for criticism and mockery
Alot of people who grew up in a Christian or Catholic home just want to vent their grievances with it or as stated above

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>be me
>bomb some faggot chink island for their crimes against humanity
>forty years later
>They get a free pass
We should’ve bombed them a third time

Because they're based buddhists

so why is god the bad guy?

That's Judaism

He's not, everything in megaten is a shade of grey.

How is portraying the Old Testament God accurately mocking Christianity?

Ed Bighead in OP is quite literally the Old Testament God.

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Oh yeah a place like france

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True somewhat. But the way its portrayed in the games is a sharp contrast to the sympathetic LOOCYFEAR. Most would never choose the order path in any of the games.

I agree that Japan should probably take its war crimes more seriously, and the loli stuff is pretty gross, but don't you ever get tired of being salty and angry about things? I genuinely don't get how you can be so angry about a country. Do you not worry that you feel how you feel due to self-esteem issues, i.e, you feel that by hating Japan you're somehow superior to other people who don't hate Japan, weeaboos or not. Every country has got some awful shit in their past, USA included, I don't see that Japan is exceptional in this regard, other than perhaps their reluctance to apologise.

I think they're trying to make a balance to make both sides seem appealing since most would gravitate towards order or just assume YHVH is the good guy if he wasn't portrayed as outright wrathful. Lucy is suave, but Chaos endings always end in some kind of apocalypse or genocide. At least there are some Law endings where most of humanity survives.

muh jesus

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God is a lie

Why is it ok when japanese developers attack capitalism?

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The Japanese use Christian themes for the look and feel, and in general to provide a plot element that Japanese folklore and shinto Buddhism just doesn't satisfy. There's a theme of piety, the unknown, and consecration that is unique to Christianity. They take this tool and apply it to their game for style and thematic feel.

Westerners just want to make political statements, or in the rare cases when this isn't true, just want to make a shallow deconstruction and it always turns out badly and pretentious.

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>world leading producers of child porn
Lines drawn on paper of fake people is not child porn

You also just willingly ignore the Elite pedophilia rings that operate within western countries at the highest political and financial levels.

He's tempting you into becoming a chaosfag, don't believe his lies

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>Deny the kingdom of heaven

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Shut the fuck up

capitalism is bad

>Mocking anything period is ok for everyone

Because extreme capitalism is corrupt. Do you actually enjoy doing slave labor to fill suit's

The Japanese just copy superficial aspects of Christianity without actually understanding them because it's perceived as foreign and exotic, which is far more pretentious than actually having a sincere and real commentary on Christianity


Demiurge is the bad guy irl too, so it fits.

It's just a gnostic interpretation, YHVH is effectively a demiurge (even though there's already an explicit "Demiurge" demon), the Great Will/Axiom is the Monad.
Megaten has never attacked the figure of Christ (and did the whole christ allegory thing in P3).

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It isn't "extreme" capitalism, though. It's just capitalism. The literal introduction of currency completely corrupts

Demiurge is a separate entity from YHVH in megaten.

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>The literal introduction of currency completely corrupts

Good luck running any economic system without a form of currency.

Becouse christianity is the ultimate cuck of religion, you literally have no god and have to steal the god from the jews, christians are just second hand jews

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Why is it ok when the Japanese make Western characters women? Also why is it ok when the Japanese have female soldiers

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I can't speak for others but I personally try not to hate anything. It's too easy to become consumed by it and I've found myself a lot happier when I leave toxic communities that do nothing but talk about how much they hate something.

That being said there's nothing wrong with acknowledging things exist. Something like a wikipedia page. They don't mention something is good or bad they just mention stuff that happened and the reader can decide if that's good or bad.

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Honestly the first phase is pretty damn cool, but the second phase is kinda eh, it's understandable why they did it but it's not as cool as a bunch of floating heads

I havent seen that in ages.

Nine(at least according to the wikia) and SJ ones are just another form of YHVH while Desu, IV and P5(this one is a maybe as he acts too much like YHVH there so he being his avatar or another form is plausible) are another entity

Agreed. The first phase has this overwhelming scale as the heads go to infinity and you whittle them down by rejecting his godhood (only played genocide route), second phase should have shown the background being the absolute destruction and rebirth of the universe

You still bully him into submission in the Friendship route. Hell, it's even more brutal because everyone just gangs up on him.

>This is cool. I want to use it for my game to make it cooler
>Lol my game is for high IQ players who understand my commentary

How is the 2nd one not more pretentious again?

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I don't think you understand what the word pretentious means

It's not, and it frustrates me that people give them a free pass.

Bonus, though: they tend to not be as malicious as westerners and just use it as inspiration.

I think it's mostly this. Typically japanese draw from christianity because they think the symbolism and mythos is cool, not to outright attack or degrade it

Yellow Mr Clean is Old Testament God
Any time the series portrays a Christ figure they are always good

It's amazing how in France Saleem can say how much he wants to throws fags off roofs and no lefty is going to say a thing, but if you so much imply as there being too many muslims immigrants in the country you're socially crucified.

Because Christianity’s a joke

>he fell for the "the symbolism in evangelion is meaningless and just done for aesthetic purposes"
And you dare call anyone else superficial.


yeah, shut the fuck up feminineposter

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France is one of the pioneers when it comes to sexually exploiting kids in cinema. Their societal state is no surprise/

>(and did the whole christ allegory thing in P3).
They also had the main character of SMT2 be bio-Jesus, with YHVH sentencing him to an eternity of torment for not being a lawcuck

Because you are implying that there is meaning where none exists

that would be like anodda shoah

Seething christcucks are always entertaining.

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Not him by the way, but Anno has literally said it himself.

They don't act like a bunch of fedora tipping faggots when they do it

It;s actually slights against Judaism. Virtually everyone that tries to pin it as Christianity is dead wrong. They don't shit on Christ, only on YHWH, which is the name of OT God. Christians largely do not call God YHWH. Humorously, then, Christians generally don't pray to God either, but instead to Jesus.

There were many very talented people working on it besides Master Troll Anno, and he is just a shy depressed otaku that just wants to sit in his room watching Ideon and animating mechas.

Wtf? The Trinity as defined in Christianity, as opposed to Hindu trinities, is one of the most unique and frankly confusing aspects of the entire thing.

>Takes another religious groups god

Am I the only one who calls YHVH Yeev?
I know its completly wrong but I cant help it

This is hilarious. In most cases, it is ONLY prots who pray almost exclusively to Christ, and comment negatively when a post just talks about God generally. On the other hand, Prots are also retarded maniacs who suck Jewish cock all day and night.

You're not a christ fag are you?

The thing is that Christianity doesn’t have a race or ethnicity attached to it. You could say it’s primarily European, but it’s practised all over the Hispanic world and serveral parts of Africa in some spots of the East. Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. are pretty much practiced by one ethnic group. So, when those religions are mocked people confound that with mocking the ethnic groups.

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I fused him in IV:A to get Antichion since I think it was a DLC exclusive move in IV before I realized I would get Awakened Power, thus making heavy hitting almighty attacks worthless.

Blatantly not true, megaten has always been about two different shitty extremes

Friendly reminder that Judaism was never monotheistic until recently, and that the Old Testament mentions other gods, sometimes naming them and sometimes grouping them (such as "the gods of Egypt"). A monotheistic religion would have no reason to do this within its own written doctrine. Also, Jews erased evidence of Asherah because YHWH commanded it.

As well, a lot of what Jesus says suggests that "his father" and YHWH may not be the same entity. The Japs might have the right of it, and we might just be too blinded.

The most populous Islamic country on earth is Indonesia.

Yes, western religion is inherently fucked.

>Look at world war 2, these people are inhuman
I think vaporizing civilians is more inhuman than torturing a few soldiers and bombing a military base in Hawaii.

Do you guys ever get tired of roleplaying like you don't know it's a false god?

It’s a good thing the heart of Christianity is and always has been Eastern.

>whatever pajeets pray to
Did you even play the game faggot? Hindu gods are literally the bad guys.

Because in Western media it's not done to be funny, it's done to be inflammatory and insulting out of sheer malice. Rarely is it ever critical, it's almost always just SKY DADDY and CURRRNT YEAR arguments and LOOK HOW STUPID THESE IDIOTS ARE jokes.

They're not so much as mocking it as they are using it as a foreign concept that is interesting to them like Greek gods to other westerners.
Besides, they use many deities and beliefs from around the world.

even so, Japan was in a totalitarian regime, and I've never seen them boast about the shady shit they did, if anything they are ashamed of their past just like Deutschcucks, unlike amerifats

Because they put effort into it, they dont just hire an ethnically ambigious woman to stand on a soapbox during a netflix show

They create incredible animations, soundtracks, set pieces, and have interesting gameplay behind it all. Dont give a fuck if they mock christains asians blacks whites, just do it in an impressive way and have something of value to say

>Catholics trying to lump the cocksucking degenerates stereotypes on Prots when that's literally anyone who isn't part of a hard ruleset.

Christians rape cultures, they deserve more than mockery.

Do you ever get tired of sucking microscopic yellow dick on a video game forum?

How can you blame them, without first blaming their origin? Christianity comes from Judaism, but Judaism has long done it. They aren't even original within their own religion. Stole from Sumerian and Babylonian religion.

My post didn't have anything to do with god, faggot.

>it's a "this fictional depiction of my religion is SO disrespectful, but also I hate everybody outside my religion" episode

You totally misunderstood my post dumb ass, and I’m not catholic. Protestants are objectively the greatest ally of the Jews.

Because organized religion deserves to be mocked

>i-i-it's actually da joos fault!!!!

It's fun.

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You guys know that YWHW is the same for all three religions right?

*tips fedora

But you are stupid user you literally believe in wizards because some sand nigger book tells you to

>point out historical, provable facts
>uhh uhhhhh fuck how can I try to counter this user
>oh I know
>>i-i-it's actually da joos fault!!!!

heres your (you)

who are you quoting

Why are you immediately thinking of sucking cock?
I'm questioning why are you pretending you're naive the original post is lying so this is a farce for /pol/shit echochambers? Read slower.

Maybe people wouldn't shit on Christians so much if they weren't constantly being caught raping kids and covering up for other pedos. Hold your church to some fucking standards

only for jews and muslims

>I don't have reading comprehension

>You misunderstood
>That's why I won't elaborate or defend myself.

thanks for the psychoanalysis Freud. I already know you want to fuck your mother

Some many fedora tippers in this thread.
Have sex.

?? I think you got the wrong person buddy

mom i posted it again xD

And Christians. Like that the whole point of the Abrahamic faiths, they have the same deity to worship, the devil is in the details.

Questions atheists cannot answer without becoming as or more religious than those they mock
>why does life exist? How? Big bang? Why/how does that happen? Why does existence exist?
>math and logic being metaphysical laws , how do they exist without God?

Japs are redpilled and not bound by a shitty old piece of fan fiction.

Then that would be because you misquoted me to begin with. Follow the chain. Unless you're not that particular user, in which case, I don't get your damage.

>reddit spacing
Yup, nice fedora neckbeard

Any self respecting christian person is disgusted by pedos

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*record scratch* is just a big dumb demon like any other demon.

>reddit spacing
>one sentence
>xD come look mom!

Also, I never said I was Atheist. Take your shit bait elsewhere.

Right, Judaism is about saying my God is better than your gods, Christianity is about defying authority to respect your fellow men, and Islam is about subjugating as many people as you can to marry as many underaged girls as possible

Because christianity is a joke anyway

>We don't yet have the answers, just theories
>This means we should ignore the possibility of any answer that's not a nebulous skydaddy did it and then ignored us for billions of years

>Japanese are the world leading producers of child porn
False. Is this a game? Do you randomly drop complete bullshit everywhere on the internet?

>Literally knows nothing

Is that big brain inflated with hot air or what?

How many tries it took you to beat this yellow faggot, Yea Forums?
You did beat him right, surely you didn't gave up.

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I wasn’t calling Prots degenerate, brainlet. I was saying they love Jews, not actually sucking dick.

Because all dumb christians and whites are gonna die out soon anyway
And we are gonna rule their countries
Lol whitey on suicide watch

Like 6 maybe?
The second form is fucking brutal, I just barely squeaked through with Buddha enduring and finishing him with an auto attack

because Christians don't fight back

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Are you crying that he didn’t respond to your low-effort reply?

>literally called YHVH
>Jesus is absent
>all Abrahamic entities in SMT are from the old testament or Jewish lore

>The Japanese just copy superficial aspects of Christianity without actually understanding them
So do actual Christians

Old Testament God is pretty easy to read as a fucked up tyrant before jesus comes in with all the retcons

Japan doesn't have as many Christians to get triggered

I just think that biblical shit is pretty cool honestly, look at the binding of isaac. When you first see the angels and cathedral it inspires a sense of awe

What is this? Stonetoss but even less funny?

It's always okay to mock religion.

I packed enough items to sail by.
(though some mismanaged buffs/healing killed Flynn's half)

Keeping the hoyboys alive is a massive hassle, best to just hope you give him Phys/Gun weakness before they drop

I'm interested in how you could ever prove the basis for existence. Also if you're religious you believe in science as Math, numbers, and "science" is just the human interpretation of the language with which God used to create existence

>how you could ever prove the basis for existence.
The same way every revelation is made, some nerd has a new idea and figures our a way to prove it
And if it ends up that same intelligent creator is the reason that's fine, that doesn't mean that modern day religions are correct though


it's okay when they make them qt and fuckable and chinky

Existence is a philosophy question, not a science question as it's in the realm of metaphysics

It's ok regardless.
Religions are only good for setting (usually) decent morals and making neato stories. Making fun of the dumb shit they do needs to be done more often.

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No it isn't, and your phoney philosophy degree is still worthless

Krishna and subsequently Vishnu are key villains in the OP's game. Deities, myths, and monsters from a massive variety of religions, cultural folklore, ancient mythology, and even some demons based on modern conspiracies and cryptids are present, like Chemtrail or Mothman.
YHVH is simply just the most prominent one and is often the finale/peak of the game, most likely just due to how widely recognized the old testament God is and how universally all powerful he is.

What child porn?

Lmfao okay robot

It's technically the same but he's much less of cunt now. If anything YHVH's character is much more akin the Old Testament God.

because anything japs do is better than what americans do

tell me more about how often you publicly make fun of Jews or Muslims without getting lynched

Stay mad that a fucking Frenchman solved the field hundreds of years ago

You must be American.
Explains why you don't know the difference between Christianity and Gnosticism.

Do you acknowledge math (numbers) and logic are laws? As in they would "exist" without humans? Does 2+2=4 whether we decide it does or not? Logic? If you say yes, you acknowledge metaphysics exist and therefore you are now in philosophy. I dont have a degree in anything near philosophy but have studied it and religion extensively and pretty much know all the arguments on both sides

That's WHY it needs to be done more often, moron.

Quantities exist, but the quantification of them only exists because of humans.

A horse in the wild does not count, or perform addition.

>child porn
Here we go again with this cartoons=real retardation.
>view the rest of the world as a joke
What should they view the world as? Should they just abandon their whole identity and culture because it hurts your faggot feelings?
Should they start creating real pedophile rings and real child porn instead of their drawn cartoons? That definitely would be more aligned with the rest of the world, particularly the west.
>but muh WW2 war crimes 80 years ago!
This shit is starting to sound like >muh slavery!

>western womanized characters
Stronk """realistic""" woman who don't need no name
>nip womanized character
Cute girls wearing cute things while fucking shit up

There is clearly no difference between the two

You're right but it doesn't matter if he does math, the point is he lives his life being affected and affecting the numbers around him. The area of a triangle is basexwidth/2 no matter who exists lm the planet, and in turn more complicated Math like quantum mechanics. Look into Nickola Tesla if you want to get interested


If demons take the form of how humans see them, then doesn't the same thing apply to that thing? On top of that, he's only a corrupted avatar of the Great Will. At that point he becomes the demiurge even if there is a demiurge demon. It's implied somewhere that in SMT, the God christians worship is the Great Will.

I feel like when Japanese do something it's mainly for aesthethics and cool factor purposes
Or to have sexy and attractive designs. A lot of western developer just try to be woke or to prove a point (usually really badly, remember YIIK?)

Shitty racism gets a pass here for some reason. You guys aren't even interesting, just stupid blind assholes.

YHVH is quite literally the Jewish, Old Testament God.

well he's a demon actually but you get my point

True. Only good racism is against white christians
Because they are dumb and fat and all kill themselfes because they are so dumb.
Muslims are the bestest, and the smartestest, we invented everyhting includign the pomcuter you aer tipping on ;)

green pill guy is such a bro

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Everybody is blind

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This, they do it to make an interesting game not advance an agenda. They're not disingenuous because they're far removed from any politics of the respective topic.

That's literally what happens, YHVH keeps everyone under control so he can continue to live through humans' worship. You kill him by negating his divine status and bringing him down to the status of any other demon.

>supposed to be eternal, omnipotent, & omniscient
>able to be killed by some weeb character

Because YHVH is not God, is just a demon (albeit a very powerful and insane one) pretending to be God.

Now the Axiom, that's "God".

>Calling out Judaism, a religion, is racist
>stating historical facts is racist
Oy veeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyy!

They are still both bastardizations of the original character. The only difference is that you find one physically attractive while you don't find the other physically attractive

If you're a cumbrain who thinks with his pee pee and nothing else just admit it and acknowledge it's hypocritical

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The Axiom/Great Will/whatever the respective game wants to call it is merely the collective consciousness of humanity, from which all demons spawn
It's not an actual sapient entity

It spawned YHVH tho.

It spawned everything, YHVH exists as he does because Christianity is the dominant religion on the planet right now.

It spawned him just like it spawned all the other demons, through belief

As it's explained in game, he's that powerful because he's not bound by a name and just kind of works off the belief or faith of any nebulous godlike being

kill yourself

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YHVH in SMT is the one thing keeping humanity from being fucked by greater evil like Mem Aleph, The Septentriones, and Nyarlathotep

YHVH was created more by modern society's desire for a god that accurately represents them. He's Jewish God without the omnipotence.

In SMT God is objectively the bad guy, even if you side with him, SMT 2 he literally destroys the planet so you and his most devout servant kill him

Nah, there is always Doomguy to stop those retards, he is always watching, from the moon.

This. Only retards fall for Lucifers sentimentality.

>Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. are pretty much practiced by one ethnic group.
in other words we can't mock them because of idiots like you who don't know what the fuck they're talking about

Man I just got to Satan and he's kicking my ass. I feel no hope fighting this yellow fuck.

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>pretty much practiced by one ethnic group
Holy fuck you are absolutely braindead.

Japan actually did things way worse than what you think Natzis did in WW2
Your statistic already shows how brainwashed you are, comparing child rape in a country flooded with muslims and blacks and one virtually devoid of mass 3rd world immigration

Japs "mock" everything, so I don't care. Because Shintoism isn't an organized religion, the fear of dogma is lost on them.

>Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, etc. are pretty much practiced by one ethnic group. So, when those religions are mocked people confound that with mocking the ethnic groups.
are you trying to prove a point about how libshits who get offended on behalf of other people are actually ignorant of what they are defending or something? or am I giving you too much credit here

Some of those statistics are from 2004, way before the migrant crisis. You're just objectively wrong, I don't know what else I can say.

Funny enough YHVH is much MUCH harder than any other boss in the base game, he will absolutely destroy your sorry ass.

It's called free speech. It's okay when they make fun of any religion.

>torturing a few soldiers
>a few
>and bayoneting babies

Fuck you we should have dropped two more nukes.

Do not believe his lies

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Wew lad you probably also believe child raping,slavery and inbreeding are a rare thing in the M.East and Africa

Because Christians have killed so many people and asserted so much power that you question if it's ok to mock them. It's made up tales from 2000+ years ago. The last supper was just a lamer version of Infinity War anway.

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>European countries enact policies that lead to higher rates of child abuse
>Japan does not
>therefore it's Japan's fault?

>Some of those statistics are from 2004, way before the migrant crisis.
this shit has been going on for well over 30 years.

Megaten's YHVH isn't THE bad guy, he's just a massive asshole.
The other gods are just as fucked up, the Chaos faction often has a penchant to appealing to people's inner stupidity so they "seem" like the good guys. Neutral path could be the true path, but it's a long and painful future.
Basically, it all sucks.

Those things are extremely apparent and documented, so not sure what led you to that conclusion.

That has nothing to do with this, please fuck off and die you worthless waste of meat.


>European politicians are not corrupt
>EU has any kind of autonomy

Import child rapists by the millions,surely it wont affect the amount of children raped in ur country

I found myself wishing Mastema was the Massacre Rep, and Apocalypse was merely a test to see if Nanashi was worthy of ruling over humanity.

>Europe is full of corrupt politicians that allow child rapists to enter the country and roam free
>therefore Japan is full of scumbags who should be more like Europe
Pretty sure you lost the plot about 50 posts ago

Nigger loving faggot

where did people come up with all that bullshit?

t. sub-saharan Muslim, who raped and killed his children and then went to Europe

Because you deserve it, lawfag.
It's real human bean hours.

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While true, the way YHVH was able to achieve that status prior to SMT4's backstory prequel is because Christianity was able to establish itself as "the default" throughout the world through colonization and cultural exportation. A huge part of 4A especially is how YHVH's worshippers were able to fuck with everything and demonize the gods of other pantheons.

My drawings aren't people you absolute nigger tier retard.

Literally everywhere.

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When has it ever been not okay for anyone to mock Christanity? Christians are just chill unlike Muslims. They don't get mad over some silly anime depictions of their religion.

Because everybody mocks Christianity, God and Christ. If you dared making a game killing allah, the SJW media would rip the game a new anus.

>Christians are just chill unlike Muslims.
>They don't get mad over some silly anime depictions of their religion.

if that were true The Savior would be a SMITE champion by now

No they just get assmad because you touch your peepee and it makes jesus cry. Face it user, all semitic religions are trash.

Is it though, the way I understood it is that it's basically the original creator God and all the divine/demonic/whatever power in the universe only turned into concrete demons once YHVH has given people the power of perception.

>They don't get mad over some silly anime depictions of their religion.
American Christfags had an autism fit over that Neil Gaiman show about the gay angel and demon. They are the original lolcows.

It's not perception it's observation, and observation is granted by the axiom. It also isn't what it sounds like it is, it's literally just the magical ability to turn belief into reality by believing hard enough.

It's okay for anyone to mock christianity now. It's every other religion that it's not to mock.

>I agree that Japan should probably take its war crimes more seriously
>and the loli stuff is pretty gross

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Seethe and cry and cope, pedo.

normalfags out themselves so easily

How in the fuck? Did you miss the part with the brain washing devices and Pig Mask military force?

Not even a normalfag. Normalfags would be on facebook or watching sportsball or something. What you have here is the even worse jordan peterson /pol/ evangelist. These are the type of people that commit to an unironic nofap and think the only value a human has is in their ability to propagate their genes.

no john, you are the normalfag.

and then john was a gay boi

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kys /pol/tard

lol go post loli on /pol/ you seething retard.

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pedos out themselves so easily

They can't mock their own (now dead) religion.

welcome to Yea Forums

Why wouldn't it be? Freedom of speech, darling, look it up.

loli isn't pedo, newfag

I sure wish that applied to criticisms of islam and feminism too.

Stop putting people into monolithic groups. Modern Japanese have as much to do with the WWII war crimes as modern Americans have to do with slave ownership and native american genocide.

It does though. Just in the good countries.

So, japan and russia?

and the United States of America.

>free to criticize islam
>in the us
user I live here, you talk like that with your face attached and you get exiled. This country is a corpse of it's former self where freedom exists in name only.

it's a good thing we have anonymity on the internet then, isn't it?

Gab is located in Pennsylvania though.

SMT respects Christian lore and has a reasonable interpretation of God and Lucifer for the sake of drama


If you have to act anonymously you've already lost. This place is a bunker for the defeated ideals that the us once embraced.


Bad fucking goy! You are only allowed to mock that fucking pretender. Go to the gulag!

It's the same for jews and the free pass is every time we call them out on their bullshit, thousands to millions of jews die and it's a tragedy so they get a free pass to shit things up again as reparations. WW2 was probably the 30th time in history Jews were hunted because of their bullshit.

lookup unit 731 they made Mengele look like the friendly neighborhood pediatrician

All abrahamic religions deserves to be mocked, good thing this game doesn't make the distinction between them here. Anyway I just beat this game, what should I play next, Nocturne or Strange Journey?

human society has always had a seedy underbelly that is tolerated but not celebrated. The fact that you have to hide your perversions shouldn't be a concern at all; because otherwise we're no better than the degenerate faggots parading 11-year old drag queens around on stage.


But that's the thing. This place isn't a seedy underbelly, it's just honest communication with no strings attached. It's only seen that way by the majority because they traded their freedom for security and lazy empty kindness, and this place spits in the face of that attitude.

>Christian and Catholic homes
Catholics are Christians you fucking retard.

They don't boast because they like to believe they were the honorable side of the war that did no wrong, they don't talk about the shady shit because deep down they knew it was wrong and they don't want to admit it. No one can look at Nanking, unit 731, prisoner of war camps, and the occupied regions and say any of what was done was honorable, so they don't look at it.

well yes, the free communication isn't the seedy underbelly; i was talking about our porn/loli habits.

That's because French people for the most part are homophobic because of Catholicism. They're not that different after all, everyone's an asshole there. It's not because France is a first world country that it doesn't have backward mentalities and the same politicians sperging about gays being targeted abroad want to remove gay rights in France as much as possible.

That's not seedy either, they're just drawings. Sexual liberation was an entire movement in the usa at one point, we're going backwards now.

Thats the exact same god for christians, muslims and jews, wtf are you talking about?

unironically why wouldn't it be ok to mock a religion?

While porn/loli are degenerate, they can be avoided well enough

because my religion is right, it's only okay to make fun of those other religions but not mine.

Any God that does not include the Father, the Son, and the Ghost is no God.

no my religion is right you fucking retard

Well technically they are.

Christianity is a jewish cult that went off the rails

Fuck off mine is right

>it's the most accurate portrayal of God
>thinks it's mocking

They think God looks like Mister Clean?

why not?

Clearly its because they do not have the ghost.

>man face or one dimensional fapbait
Theres just no winning

>whatever pajeets pray to
Do people on Yea Forums actually play video games or do they bitch about whatever offends them even if they have never touched the game like the SJWs they complain about?

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I remember people complaining in another threads because of Apocalypse's Krishna, though I dont remember if it had something to do with his (imo) bad design, his boss fight, or the fact he was represented at all in the game.

That's really how Old Testament God was though.

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What do you expect from election tourists?

>I will kill you all for attention
>B-but I still love you baka
Fucking Tsundere God

I remember like one guy from India complaining that it was disrespectful.

he's like a borderline personality woman.

whats the difference between the old testament and the new testament and what compelled people to change it?

nothing. God is as much of a dick in the new testament. He even kills of his own if they aren't doing the Eucharist right.

That guy bitches about everything, he also complained about Symmetra's devi skin in OW and infamously got one of the Hindu Gods skin changed in Smite. It's only been that one person though, no one else has gave a shit

Japs know Yahweh (Jehova, OT God) is really the Demiurge.

>Look at world war 2, these people are inhuman and just view the rest of the world as a joke.
Your post is why they do that

because it's the only religion that

-white people won't get offended by if mocked
-won't get your studio bombed if mocked

SMT doesn't "mock" Christianity though

because that isn't mocking
it's a culture attempting to adapt aspects of another culture they don't understand into storytelling tropes they regularly use
if they were mocking christianity you'd see more of the reddit-tier spaghetti posting style plots that most western movies and comics adapt

Did you know Yahweh was originally a minor volcano god and later he usurped the place of the god El and took his wife Asherah?

god is a black trans women

YHVH is the god of Jews. In general, the Abrahamic figures appearing in SMT take more inspiration from their Judaic interpretations than their Christian ones. If you believe that the game is "mocking" the faiths it draws from (it's not) then it would be mocking Jews. Do you really not know that Christianity is derived from Judaism? Are you not aware that both religions pertain to the same god? Is this the standard of education where you come from?

>practiced by one ethnic group
You have Arabs, but also
-Turks, Uyghurs, Uzbeks, Kazakhs (Turkic);
-Iranians, Kurds, Afghans, Pakistanis (Indo-Aryans);
-Bosniacs, Albanians (Europeans);
-Hui (Chinese);
-Indonesians, Malaysians (Austronesians);
-Several countries and ethnicities in Africa, including Nigeria, Sudan and Ethiopia;
among others. You are really dumb.

Christianity is a cucked pozzed religion anyway.
>fights along side foreign enemies (zionist,vatican)
>killed ancient european religions
>failed to stop degeracy from spreading
>supports circumcision in the anglo world
Just another middle eastern death cult.

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Wow, you're wicked....

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Earth is shit anyway

Why is ok when japanese developers mock the game industry?

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