ESA Summer Marathon 2019

Now: The Binding of Isaac Afterbirth+
After: TASBot plays SteamWorld Dig 2

Now: Halo 5
After: Dishonored (Side-room stream; currently Ori and the Blind Forest tournament)

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for nuggies

Remove sprint, and fuck nuHalo

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do you have any speedrun records Yea Forums?


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nugamers need the feeling of going faster than normal

Halo 5? More like Gaylo 5.

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>chick still complaining that other people got better drops

>she said FUCK
G** I am so hard right now.

Just fuck around with your FOV.

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>isaac run
>goes actually well

Since when does Chief have a fucking Iron Man jetpack?

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A Smash thread died for this shit.

Please post more aliums

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Finally the only good runs today are starting

>Crappy run intot TASbot

god no

Man, just missed isaac. Balls.


Doesn't that feel great?

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>tfw haven't heard "more like GAYlo" in years
Thanks user.

The only good thing about Halo 5 is the cute autistic monitor.

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>into witcher 3
>into dark souls 100%
>into OoT Randomizer

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>BRAAAAAAP still winning for OoT's filename
Oh man

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It will get snoobered.

>Witcher 3 at 1:30 am

It may be the weekend but I sure as shit ain't staying this late to watch it.

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>PB in a category that allows Fast Forward and an RNG manip script
Must feel SOOOO good.

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>meme boyz in top tier
have some more nuggets
witcher sucks and zelda is boring

Witcher is after ds now my man

Is Witcher actually interesting? Dark Soul has been ran to death

What are the chances of Tasbot being good?

why not?


Is it TASbot running Aria of Sorrow? There is your answer.

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Why is the dark souls run 4 hours? I've never seen a dark souls speedrun go over 2 hours

Fucking 0. Haven't you seen this shit any time in the past 3 years?

fucking schedule changes messing with me

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what's tonights $20% run?

>randomizer co-op
might be good


75% likely to have something entertaining.

Me drinking $20 worth of cheap vodka all day long.

Depends on how broken the game is

what is the best country in Europe

How could it be bad? They're playing SteamWorld Dig 2 that well known game I've totally heard of.

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Please no.

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Oh they're playing #2? That changes everything.

Best runs so far?

me :)




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KZ lookin' to shave his neck

my one

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I've been slaving away at work for the past 5 days, waking up at 5:15 a.m. Too tired, will probably go to sleep in an hour or 2, probably.

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Norway, Switzerland

He is lucky he didn't do it at GDQ. They would have made him go tranny for that

Is that something more than kill all the bosses? Cause even doing every boss in the game wouldn't take 4 hours.

I want to hug_ Zet

My favorite was The Messenger so far, never even played that game probably will pick it up though.
SA is a close second with Omega autistically explaining duping 100x.
Crystal Rando was nice despite the crash.
Heard the chaos relay was great but I haven't watched it yet.

Oh totally the Netherlands right?

is he talking about how fucking boring he was or how shit his speedrun was?

What happened?

Finland :DDDDDD fug

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>I think it's Kiri

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idk looks like an arbitrary category

I wanted to stay up and document the growth in the crows as that run went on but I had to go to sleep.


getting all weapons, armors and rings and some of them have low chances I guess

100% usually means full 100% so 1 of every item as well as every boss.
Not too into DaS SR but I assume this is the case.
tfw miss AFRO

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The ending was truly soul crushing.

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Clearing all 26 bosses
Clearing all non-respawning enemies (1)
Unlocking all shortcuts and locked doors (2)
Revealing all illusory walls (3)
Dissolving all foggates
Unlocking all warp points and kindling all 43 bonfires to the furthest level (4)
Clearing all treasure locations (5)
Finishing all NPC questlines (6)

Even though it's not part of the actual marathon I'd rate the chaos relay like top3 to watch. Was a lot of fun.

Frew did fine.
Omega and the other guys were fucking bores

ESA banning Ben was really a blessing in disguise for him


>Unlocking all warp points and kindling all 43 bonfires to the furthest level (4)
What the fuck. This makes as much sense as upgrading all equipment to max


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It was just terrible and boring then went way over estimate.

The ones that still haven't been westernized by the USA.

yeah its arbitrary but its going to be based

Considering you need to pick up like every item that can be picked up stopping at each bonfire isn't exactly nonsensical.

was really good last year

so this is what an average swede looks like

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Not much of a disguise, he directly benefited from it, he even jumped on it with outright saying that Ben deserved what he got.


oh you're here? nah dude you went full spaghetti

I missed the Vice City run. How did they manage to fuck up a GTA run?

It was originally just a race bro, it would have been great.

I'll probably check it out after the Dork Souls.

Might be even better this year after these runners have had even more time to practice together. They might go apeshit and basically hole in one a location within 30 seconds.

The average swede is more dark skinned these days. That woman is a relic from the past

Where is my ds2 100% where they level bonfires to 7 killing every enemy until they despawn every time

Sucked at the game, didn't finish, one of them stopped playing to google a save to download and use.

By taking control away from the runners who are necessary to carry the runs to begin with. Also putting $25% on stream 1 was a recipe to make it garbage.

he was the only one trying to do anything.

oh god that SMS relay is going to be nutty

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God that run was great

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$25 worked on stream 1 the last ESA.

FFX-2 and DMC4

The runners weren't into it at all, especially the guy that replaced Ben who just sat there and mumbled out a few words every 5 minutes then went way over estimate even though he didn't have to waste time doing the donation requests like Frew had to do. The dude looked like he was just annoyed to be there and wanted to leave the entire time which baffles me as to why he even agreed to it.

what am i looking at

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bros...whats it like when a skeleton is sitting on your face?

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Is there anyone at this whole event not autistic


Yea Forums attempting to get a girlfriend

Despite all the hormones balls smell like balls

me on the left

One of the subplots of Wally's run.

Wtf is going on here?

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>sit down to watch some video games
>slut thinks she deserves more attention than the video game
>doesnt get the attention, gets upset and leaves
this is the only explanation i see here

you're looking at 2 men.


what do balls smell like guys

t. female virgin

When I watch the 40fov one I hear a metallic BWOM BWEE BWOM BWEE BWOM BWEE BWOM BWEE noise to the rhythm of the head bob.

Everyone knows elderly cleaning ladies represent the average citizen in all countries.

I like that Yea Forums has been conditioned to think that every woman and every guy with long hair is now a tranny.

This, dude really is a team player, Running, announcing, commentating, even being in charge of the stuff for streamers to stream from there.

I don't know where he managed to get sleep.

Salty milk and balls

He's almost as autistic as susan.

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Yeah Yea Forums calling that buzz lightyear runner a tranny lmao

Women don't exist

like a peach soaked in tuna brine


you're blind nigga

Gross! I dont believe that for a second.

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>linux at ESA


year of the linux desktop: CONFIRMED

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I have a theory that sex doesn't actually exist and it's all a big meme

>can't understand what the comentary is saying
>can't hear the game
welp, time to mute I guess

It's not even just Yea Forums, a lot of people are consumed with it that everybody is a tranny or a trap until they have unquestionable verification of anything different.

I think TASbot works better for games that people have played.

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I mean I never saw it outside of porn so yeah it's possible

Linux wins again.

Why does MC spend so much of Halo 5 flailing around like a fucking retard?

its almost like trannies are lovecraftian nightmares that play on men's primary desires

or with commentators that people can understand

I think Tasbots suck.

Because that's what the devs did when they made the game.

>TAS for terraria clone
for what purpose

TASbot, based or cringe?

where is he from

>wwlwlw level


Exuberant Witness is so fucking cute

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What in the actual fuck is going today?Is it /biz/ appreciation day or some shit?It seems worse than usual.

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Yeah, seeing how familiar games get broken in weird ways, this is a pretty obscure game, I've played Steamworld Dig and even I haven't touched the sequel.

Maybe the showcase thing after will have some better known stuff.

>Terraria clone

Reminder that TASbot is literally just replaying recorded games

>instead of a TAS of some game with sick execution we got this slow shit

devs paid for this, didn't they? only explanation

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I've not liked it for years. They peaked that one time when they got it to display twitch chat and it's just been lame shit ever since.
Like, I appreciate TAS runs for what they accomplish but when they're just showcasing a game like this I'm really disinterested.

On Yea Forums? Fuck if I know, outside of speedrunning threads and Bloodstained threads I'm pretty done with this dump.

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It's more like a Boulder Dash clone, for the most part, mushed with a Metroidvania.

There's no building shit at all.

I'd rather watch TAS than someone choking.

quality timing on this post

ok it's getting better now, just took a bit to get going

THAT DODGE in the Halo run

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At least it sped up.

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thats what your mom said to me last night

not exactly, it's not literally a vod. the game inputs are recorded and then passed to the game live. so it technically is being played in front of us and there is danger of a desync happening and fucking everything up

>it's beautiful being in the european union

brexitters blown the FUCK out

How does the bot deal with RNG?

Everyone in the EU laughs at brits desu

Like thats anything new

Pretty sure even brexiteers regret everything. 2nd vote should happen.

Excuse me, based Sargon BTFO of the EU

they only do TASbot for shit that doesn't have much rng dependent stuff

different in everygame.

Didn't based Sargon BTFO his political career by making a rape joke?

RNG manipulation tends to be a big thing in TAS.

don't, i'm trying to work

No, fuck them. Let them leave. Brits have this retarded idea that anyone in Europe gives a shit about them. They have already been told they can leave with no deal if they don't like the deal but they keep hanging around.

He had a career? I thought he was just a shouty failed game developer.

How do they manipulate RNG live?

Trying to work on what? Just relax and enjoy ESA user!

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Just let the tas guy commentate
french guy is way to nervous

tf2's unusual market just got assfucked
valve STILL hasnt fixed it, which makes me think its intentional

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>don't like the outcome of a vote? just do it again til you get the result you like!

that would set a terrible precendent. for the future, they should set objective criteria for a revote, like if you don't get x% turnout, try again. but going back on brexit now would be fucking retarded, remainers who stayed home on vote day hopefully learned something about democracy at least

no they don't!

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RNG isn't ever truly random, they work out what influences it and carefully manage everything to make it do what they want.

He was trying to get into politics for 10 minutes before he tarded out and killed any chance of it happening.

He ran for an MEP office in the EU. He got like 1% of the votes. When they were announcing results on tv nobody shook his hand, it was pretty funny.

the way this game is programmed you get the same outcome if it gets the same inputs

He stood as a UKIP MEP but the UKIP share of the vote fell to almost nothing in the area he was standing for.

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should start with making it illegal to outright lie on your campaigning

>but going back on brexit now would be fucking retarded,
Going on with Brexit with no deal would be even more retarded.

Well tough.

This Warden guy seems real Friendzoned by Cortana

lel, I'm glad I didn't keep up with that shit.

There would be no politicians left after that


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>Overestimate on a fucking TASbot
Alright this is a new low.

no, they'd just have to be accountable. I don't understand how that bus didn't get someone jailed.

>over estimate

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>fucking TASbot over estimate

the absolute STATE of ESA runners, holy kek

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>TASbot once again goes overestimate

TAS banned!

How does a robot go overestimate? It knows that it can be destroyed by its creators, right?

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shut up nuggets

How the fuck do you go over estimate in TAS?

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It goes overestimate at GDQ to though.

TASbot is a slut that enjoys the humiliation.

How much over estimate did it go?

hasn't VVVVVV been done to death by tasbot already?


not him but I don't understand how claiming that the EU was "just a trade union" despite it's goal always being a federal state didn't land someone in jail

Awful TAS. There must be other more interesting TAS to show off that most people haven't seen.

40 seconds.


You did save Ciri, right?

OH BOY here we go. Thread is going to get interesting now for next couple of games.

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Fuck you TAS and your overstimate

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What bus?

There is literally nothing wrong with the EU becoming a federal state, America did it and became the most powerful and richest country in the world.

Americans and Russians fear a federalized EU.

>that GDQ TAS block where it literally just drew memes for 30 minutes while the audience shouted out the name of the meme

i will never not think TASbot is shit after that trash

Has there been a TAS of OoT 100%? That might be cool to see. Go do that robots and get back to use in a few years.

Halo run was actually surprisingly good


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What a fucking stupid game but the Halo run at least managed to be amusing.

Halo 5 run was good, but the game sucks.

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Reminds me of a time I was drinking with some buds and a friend of a friend just sat there quietly and discretely, slowly puked back into his pint glass and it filled to the top. Everyone just sat there looking at him for like 10 seconds.

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TAS, yes, TASbot setup, no i don't think so. would probably be a pain to setup and risk of desync since it would probably be over an hour

>more TASbot shit
Are you crazy?

>even TAS bot not safe from punchy's wrath


>There is literally nothing wrong with the EU becoming a federal state
Yes it's the death of European nation states and democracy. Also i'ts build on lies and deceit. They never told Europes peoples that that was their plan, they did it behind out backs.

>America did it and became the most powerful and richest country in the world.
Europe does not have even close to the same conditions that made that possible. We have centuries old nations with wildly different cultures, customs and economies. it will end up like Yugoslavia with much death, you EU imperialists are living in a fantasy world.

>Americans and Russians fear a federalized EU.
No they don't because a federal EU will collapse.

I think he means Hulk Hogan user might make an appearance if the other retard starts spamming girl pics.

>TASbot stream 1
>dishonored stream
welp, guess I'm actually playing video games for now

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t. American or Russian

We will become the United States of Europe, and all trade will be done with EU currency. Your time is up.

So um...why did Cortana become a generic
>I will take over the galaxy to protect everyone
authoritarian AI?

t. assmad Brexiter
Maybe put that energy into securing trade deals you dipshit.

>nothing wrong with the EU becoming a federal state
How about the massive differences in country wealth and culture

It's great you feel able to share your faggotry with us but please, don't feel like you have to.

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She got corrupted at the end of Halo 4 or something, I cant remember. She was already going a bit crazy before that because AIs have limited lifespans and tend to go corrupt towards the end.

how can EU have any "goal" except that of the Executive Council, in which every member has individual veto?

>How about the massive differences in country wealth and culture

You should look up what a dump Alabama is

imagine having three streams of chairs

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>muh philistine nation states
yes yes take this to /pol/ or /int/ or some of the other normalfags and see if they care. Replying to this faggot as a stand-in for the rest of you faggots.

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he's probably talking about this

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it would probably be good for all of the irrelevant yuro countries like belgium and denmark, but the big bois like germany and france are already doing fine in international politics and would be worse off having their autonomy diluted into a yuro nation

>b-but what about the huge population, its too big
so USA?
>b-but what about democracy
Did it die in the USA?

Faggot, I don't want to share my welfare with other eucucks.
>muhh but what about the sandniggers
some of those fuckers need to be btfo'ed

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I can't explain how much I hate VVVVV, it always shows up at these events and it's fucking boring. I'd rather watch 50 NES runs back to back than this.

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more like ZZZZZZ

>same yuro mooshmouth commentator


Time to turn off the both streams.

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Oh well, no more halos now.

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>VVVVVV came out in 2010
Huh, didn't seem that long ago

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VVVVVV has a kino soundtrack. too bad this unintelligible cunt is talking over it

yes it did

Why are you shitting on Dishonored? It's my favourite game.

Oh well enough politic, when is Geoguesser? Fucking ESA time slots always mess up

>We will become the United States of Europe, and all trade will be done with EU currency. Your time is up.
Keep daydreaming, lol. Just play some map painters and live your EU empire fantasy tat way

I'm very happy actually, looks like the UK will be leaving, traitor May couldn't stop it

hey I had to reply to that guy.

>how can EU have any "goal" except that of the Executive Council, in which every member has individual veto?
"The final goal," Helmut Schlesinger, the head of the German Bundesbank, explained in 1994, "is a political one … to reach any type of political unification in Europe, a federation of states, an association of states or even a stronger form of union." In this agenda, "the economic union is [merely] an important vehicle to reach this target."

Nation states have worked out fine for us, we in the west live in the most prosperous living conditions ever created. I kinda wanna keep it that way

we would all be worse off

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>By the Doom runner


Dishonored's good the first time you see it done, but I've seen the same Any% runs enough times now, they need to do some other categories.

>Nation states have worked out fine for us
Literally all of Europe has been at war with itself for almost all of history until recently you mong

>they made typo in GeoGuesser title

yeah but why you mad though

>>By the Doom runner
Oh dog....

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?? when Witcher ??

>2010 was 10 years ago

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hopefully never

literally every single statement of that pic is either fully or partially wrong

yeah and I've seen both 1 and 2 done already, 2 in particular is a massive dump both casually and in speedrunning terms

I didn't watch doom, redpill me about it this instant.

sorry lads the cringe on stream 1 is too strong for me, I'll be chilling on stream 2 in the meantime if anyone's looking for me

Pic related

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wait up, I'm coming with you

brapfags BTFO

Dude went half an hour over estimate on a half an hour speedrun. Set his estimate to be lower than his PB iirc.

>300 dollar donation to name OOT file name "TASbot"

oh no no NOOO, BRAAAAAP is gonna lose!

America has wars by civilians vs civilians within it's borders

His PB is 36 mins, for some reason the estimate was 35 mins and he went like 30 mins over estimate because he messed up skilps.

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>Doom runner coming up
>suspicious object on the floor

Uh, guys?

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As someone who really enjoyed steamworld dig I'd recommend 2. It's better in every way. Just back from work, why didn't we like the run of 2?

thats a little cover for putting plugs under

Why would you ever submit a run with an estimated time lower than pb? You're nearly always going to do worse on a different set-up while commentating.

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guessing it's electrical sockets but hoping it's a gas vent

sweet silence on stream one, based

nugget souce

glad these two are gone

'ommentary by a theeck franch acc'unt.

Oh wow its actually an assblasted brexiter

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Is tasbot done already?

good, brap posting is fucking american levels of stupid

>Go in thinking you're gunna beat your pb in front of everyone
>instead go half an hour over estimate and look like a fucking retard

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This camera angle would be perfect for a shooting.

VVVVVV is just a good game in general. Didnt think I'd like it as much as I did.

Run had a slow start, wasn't a well known game like a Mario game or something.

You're in the wrong neighborhood Britcuck. This is European Speedruns

I wouldn't play around with comments like that. They're in Malmo after all.

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2 > 1 > Reach > ODST > 3

i was just thinking that dude in the front row looks like ginger Brevik

It's fun and the music is fucking incredible.

It'd be a suicide bomb attack with some grenades

why are girls without mouths so fucking hot?

You've been on /pol/ for too long

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>that absolute MOMMY that just sat down in the second row

i think i'm in love, bros

>tranny on the dishonor stream

teeth are scary

theres a fucking tranny with a 5 o clock shadow on stream 2 AYY LMAOOOOOOO

Everyone laugh at the brexiteer ITT

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>riots and chimping all over the place
>gangs shooting each other every night
>left vs right violence


It's the season for it as well

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>it's a tranny episode

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>bf looks like a little kid

goddam it's just like my /ss/ doujins

Wow I wonder if this guy will turn out to be evil and betray everyone :^)

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guess it's time to see what's up with stream one

name their band

i'd "fuck" that tranny desu


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Which one is the tranny? They both look like dudes

I can't explain it, but they really are. Gotta go run an errand though.

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>dead silence on stream 1
>a kind of person Yea Forums claimed would never appear on stream 2

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Isn't there supposed to be like no difference between these and regular SSDs for playing games? I hear that shit is only good for moving huge files about.

>Got my shiny new cheap 1TB SSD a few days ago same UK one I posted about a few days ago
>No idea what to even put on it so just stuck Koikatsu there to see if it helps load a bit faster

Is that fucking Moot?

>most of them just damaging cars
What the fuck are those muslims doing

>mercy killed already

based TASbot



Halt die frese bernd


Fuck TASbot.

Attached: 1271359985958.jpg (160x150, 32K)

>no penis
>fat pubic area

Attached: 1515872203406.jpg (200x282, 8K)

Good taste errandrunner user.

Attached: D83xLfJXoAAIaap.jpg orig.jpg (1425x1999, 218K)

dr mario tunes are goat

you know nothing about human attraction

What's your problem, shitlords?

Attached: tranny parents.jpg (600x1024, 112K)

Attached: 1561309270424.png (297x604, 175K)

Gotta dream big to get big.

Attached: 1390637962211.jpg (480x360, 14K)

>Halt die frese bernd
Lachz, sei nicht so gemein, Bernd :3


Attached: its_5_o_clock.jpg (535x493, 46K)


He doesn't have the skull shape to shave his head.

he already ran something

Attached: its_5_o_clock2.jpg (680x1410, 169K)

I thought ESA is tranny free zone?

are they really playing a video

Attached: EAbBJKyXsAAowtz.jpg (2731x4096, 1.06M)

last segment will be some AIDS memeshit, won't it?

i looked away for a second and it's over? fuck what happened?

he has no other choice

dios mio...

>Heny's PB for Dishonoered is like 5 minutes lower than his estimate
This is literally going to be Doom all over again

Attached: 1520216970349.jpg (658x890, 145K)

its a tas you fucking retard

>finished uni shit just in time for geogeussr

Attached: 1554902989039.png (714x810, 318K)

Attached: 1549383731167.jpg (473x442, 122K)

Shaved head looks better than a balding head tbf.

His big brain is taking the resources from all of his hair follicles.

geoguesser time

Attached: 1517944451313.gif (220x270, 599K)


>2 trannies 1 fivehead

I want to make the girl on the left giggle and blush

Attached: somedayx3.png (218x218, 38K)

Favorite runs so far?

I missed everything up until now.

Attached: 1409516588426.png (800x900, 646K)

>uni shit
Its the middle of summer

>you can only tell it's a tranny because it's in a dress

So what happen with dr mario I blink and missed it


Haha, stupid americans! No matter how trash ESA is, no matter how many runs go over estimate, at least we don't have any tran-


Attached: yamero.jpg (200x289, 10K)

Is the girl going to talk at all? Or did the German bring her there just for eye candy?

>where do you work out?
>the library

Place your bets! How far over estimate is he going to go. Also, the men to his sides have enough hair that they could at least share with him



Vice City

Yakuza Kiwami 2 was kino

(you) me when geoguessr gonna start, please.

so why is that thing there? commentary? is that his fucktoy?

Like I'm going to remember.


The pastebin here is surprisingly accurate. DMC4, X-2 and Yakuza were my favorites.

>20 minute set up for 1 minute run

epic, love tasbot

Ahegao clothes just scream "ironic weeb".

>geoguessr isnt next
whys it say its next then YOU FUCKER

Attached: 1561493783152.png (1120x1280, 214K)

>have to choose between 2 trannies or tasbot
This is gdq tier

Attached: 1549928738757.jpg (1680x1050, 141K)

>mommy and shota already left

jesus they watched this shit for all of 5 minutes

>UKSM runner sign-ups close tomorrow
do I do it

Attached: josef machinarium 2.png (385x343, 260K)


Never heard of it, also what do you run?

>still with this tasbot shit
why is this garbage on every marathon

If you think you can go there without going full autism on everyone sure.

Attached: g 202c99c2358c9e9ab578b4ff2cee6b18.jpg (1280x1110, 274K)

>runner has to sit and act like he's never watched a TAS of a game he's played thousands of times


>it's another arbitrary code execution episode

Attached: 1315602831731.jpg (641x643, 45K)


TAS is always a shitshow. I hate it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Goblin Slayer - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.25_[2018.11.03_17.25.37].jpg (1280x720, 279K)

someone better go in there and spam NIGGERS

hey guys

how can we make this TAS stream worse

oh i know

discord plugging

never watching a TASbot run ever again.

Attached: a42ea3f6fc020265e1e42dfb1cb2ffa7004fcbdd.png (1024x1268, 618K)


>its a they forgot what the S in TAS stands for episode
this rerun is getting a bit old

Attached: 1558398395147.jpg (2000x1188, 189K)

w-what went wrong guys?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-26 ESA Marathon(1).png (270x83, 2K)


Not even this garbage they could do right.

jesus christ

This isn't tanoshii.

Attached: Uma flexible.jpg (768x576, 69K)


Attached: 1549297767303.jpg (2048x1538, 641K)

i absolutely hate how some techie people talk in a manner where they leave massive pauses after declaring something as if they are giving you the opportunity to worship them

Having multiple 5 minute setups for 2 minute TAS runs.

how can they plug the internet into a nes?

>those """smiles"""

>hes not completely clean shaven
what the FUCK dude just go chrome dome at that point

The pastebin that lists RE4 at the top?

they can't
its an external script


Attached: Craniax.jpg (2164x3060, 538K)

puyo puyo tetris on the speedgaming stream

Attached: 1164488076020.jpg (600x581, 47K)

>fucked up before i get "trannies get the rope" on stream

goddam it


>tattoo on girl
Oof, ruined

>all the donation talk this year
nonono STOP IT


look at "HER" arms

>not a real women
>not even a real redhead
you're just late to the halloween party

Coolkid got chunky

that's hot

geogeussr ACTUALLY up next

Attached: cheryl-amin-wraith-posed-front.jpg (1920x1493, 466K)

I had to sleep twenty minutes into vice city last night. I saw the other run the night before and they immediately tried to copy the night before. Did it get better?

so thats where cosmic brain meme comes from

Attached: 1564168148456.jpg (394x557, 52K)


Attached: 1561442513525.png (450x194, 164K)

anything worth catching up on since that spyro run this morning?

It got worse.

user, I...

not but really what look is he going for
is my IQ too low to understand it

>European "people"

>trannies on stream
>people get banned for having fun

it's over m8, this is just yuro GDQ now

it got worse

no it was fucking terrible and i wish i hadn't seen it

EGDQ Summer 2019.

No. In fact it got worse. One hour left they forbid donations involving the runners so they could finish the game. Only one guy finished over estimate and neither of the runners seemed to give a fuck, they just wanted to leave.

there is literally nothing wrong with trannys

What would you do if you were at one of these events and a tr*nny started hitting on you?

t. manlet

literally MEGAMIND

report harassment

are these the orbs everyone was looking for at sgdq


Attached: 22500095_123910624989913_1297129683019628544_n.jpg (750x750, 60K)

Bearded guy is hot, would let him fuck my bussy

>no one knows how to play Puyo

Attached: 1348381466592.png (512x262, 65K)

how many fucking pepe shirts does she own

larxa baaaack!!!!
get those tissues ready

hit her back

She should blow her nose before speaking.

is she (won't name her) autistic

Hit back

>those hands

Attached: 1554562953111.png (2048x2048, 804K)

>this attention whore again
come back maral, you were genuine


Attached: larxa.webm (448x670, 2.27M)

Say I was flattered but I have a BF. Its happened before lol

So it's fair to say every event they will try it again and again and run it into the ground even more than they already did only 24 hours after the best one?

Literally everyone at this event, and everyone in this thread except me is autistic


Attached: 42669825_568139753630099_3233951179577752524_n.jpg (1080x1350, 191K)

Attached: 1538532126529.jpg (826x599, 297K)


>they can't change the schedule that shows up on the stream
Why the fuck not?

Attached: 1301191902081.jpg (960x1800, 127K)

No shit

Attached: LOOK AT THIS DUDE.jpg (2048x1538, 975K)

I would have sex with her. I'm not a normalfaggot so I don't discriminate people based on gender, I understand there is no reason to find one gender hot and not the other, as they are both the same.

Dodge their axe, getting hit would hurt.

She's so cute bros...

>not 40

He is currently traveling to ESA to warn Larxa about us in person



Take a guess

Attached: girlish boy larxa.png (598x592, 826K)

>as they are both the same.

Attached: Gadsten doubt.jpg (1000x652, 22K)

Attached: 1544052034029.gif (615x413, 1.96M)

Why do white people always smile like this when you walk past them?

I want to insert.

I hope not, otherwise I'm gonna be insanely jealous.

she looks a little hot and bothered. thirsty for that Noobest dick

Attached: 67403731_115252136441335_6509487004096992346_n.jpg (1080x1080, 194K)

why did you crop out the other tranny?

PING Hulk Hogan beta orbiter

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-26 Twitch(1).jpg (1580x926, 267K)

>She actually wears this shit in public
based, not gonna lie

She should go back to that short hair goddamn

what's with this setup time? literally just open a web browser

Attached: 66174883_462097027903151_469202107775232350_n.jpg (1080x1349, 151K)

don't worry about it

why do they have these awkward in-between-run conversations?

Attached: @RForest20 hylics somsnosa.jpg (814x1024, 61K)

>pepe shirt
Omg nazi

They're so fucking awkward

that's a man baby!

t newfag

He seems so uncomfortable around her

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-26 Twitch(3).png (435x584, 476K)


Is Hylics 2 out yet?

would be the most awkward sex ever lol

Attached: the_big_nut2.jpg (532x629, 37K)

I've been here since 2016

Noobest has ascended beyond the need to talk to women.

Spaghetti cam

That isn't even a tranny, he's just a man with long hair.

Attached: 66929828_p1.png (461x979, 224K)

>people excited for geoguesser

it's gonna be trash, isn't it

What do you expect from a Finn?

He don't know which eye to look at

that was painfully awkward, it's like neither of them could be bothered to make any effort whatsoever
jesus fucking christ

Finns always seem uncomfortable

Doesn't wear a dress nor has a twitter full of pride flags, unclear.

Doe you think she says things like monkas during sex

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-26 15-21-04-08.webm (668x696, 836K)

sexual tension was too high

Hylics 2 when

last year geoguesser was kino

that's literally just a guy with long hair on the right, not a tranny

is she a kike

Was that an attempt to disprove his point? Since when are tourists no longer considered newfags? Fuck off faggot.

I miss DOGE

Attached: 1379794978533.gif (207x207, 70K)


Yea Forums really does rot your brain doesn't it?

no but more enemy designs were shown on his tumblr
at least sgdq run gave the first one a little bit of traction
Why don't they interview runners? Instead of just awkwardly filling time
never ever


it's like he doesn't know how to interact with women without making painful sexual connotations in anything he says, but he knows she has a bf and so he knows there's no point in talking to her, nevermind making an attempt

Fuck all of you, you dipshits.

Attached: ######## got to be going.jpg (289x297, 12K)

Eat my asshole, you thin skinned crybaby. Get over your oneitis.

That is literal cuck mentality. Who gives a fuck that she has a bf whose she hung out with a total of like 6 months. They're not married

She sure as shit doesn't give a fuck about her having a bf.

Is either stream good yet?


Shut up faggot