What's the verdict?

What's the verdict?

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It's shit.

It's good

It's so-so.

Its ok

It's alright

It's a modern Fire Emblem game alright.



runs like shit in the monestary, not even the walkspeed is consistent, i fucking hate this console

It's homophobic


Tactical turn based RPGs put me to sleep

Better than Awakening, but not as good as Fates.

Archers are great especially Bernadetta, 8/10

LGBTA12'!BRAAP is absolutely assblasted over it so im buying it even though I don't like story games

this makes no sense, fates was by far the worst game in the series unless you count the remake of the original on DS

Shadow Dragon was legitimately good if you could look past the visuals, far better than the tellius or 3DS games. Gaiden, Genealogy, and Revelations are the absolute worst 3 games in the series and SD isn't anywhere close to their level.

Do units also gain progress towards their hidden talents by using that skill, or just by instructing them in it during class?

Raphael is for Leonie and none of those other hussies

It's good but I wished they put a little more effort on the graphics

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GOTY so far for me

I for once am glad they decided to put all that effort into the characters, story, gameplay and content because I'm having a blast.

>Look how contrarian I am xD isn't it quirky?
You'll have to try harder if you want my (you)

Only good game on the switch. Worse than echoes, but better than awakening/fates.

>worse than echoes
Oh no no no no

Didn't feel like getting it after work and the file size would fill up the shitty stock SD card I have. Uncertain about how I should handle this.

Back to your shitty Mac thread, applefag.

Hrm? Echoes is the 2nd best game in the series.

Female teacher nu-corrin dresses like a cheap whore.
Its alright though, so far.

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Edelgard won

I just hate the art. Its so generic anime and completely underwhelming armor. Honestly the only thing stopping me from buying it

Seriously you have the worst shit taste i have ever seen !!!

I played it for about 8 hours yesterday, it was pretty fun but has some obvious issues to me. For one thing the environments are not very good, this is the same console that runs botw, there’s no reason the environments still strongly resemble a hand held game. Secondly, why does Byleth have a combat voice that gives quotes but in every other pet of the game they don’t have a speaking voice? Makes no sense.

The problem was never the visuals; it's that the first 3 games in the series aren't very good, and the remakes of 1 and Gaiden were too faithful in regards to map design, enemy placement, and storytelling (moreso in SD; Echoes was pretty good).

Will start it tomorrow. Just tell me this, is there a hard difficulty and, if there is, is the game somewhat challenging?

>Echoes was pretty goo

I don't get it, you know this thing fire emblem, where's Marth from melee? remember Marth?

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there's "normal" (very easy) and "hard" (easy). more difficulty modes will be released as free dlc.

I count the remake of the original, echoes, sacred stones, the shitty game cube games and 6 all as being worse than fates.

>more difficulty modes will be released as free dlc.
First time I hear this. Nice! Thank you, user.

What happened?

Where the fuck is my god damn Weapons Triangle

Can someone tell me why the english VA in this game is so pants. I thought eng would be a better fit for the western aesthetic, but I'm regretting my choice after hearing everyone talk and feel like the game is forcing me to pick the JP VA.

Gotta be trolling. You literally never played a single one of those games.

Played for like 30 minutes, nitpick time
>Graphics are truly garbage, no anti-aliasing to speak of
>Music sounds too bubbly and generic
>16 directional movement. Is it really that fucking hard to program analog movement?
>Font is way too fucking small

but besides that, how's the writing and gameplay?

Wrong. The game cube games were the biggest joke of all with their clunky ass battle animations and people only liked them for Ike.

It honestly feels like 15fps in the school hub area. If I were to give it some stupid rating I would take off a full point for how poorly it runs.

Outside of that my only other complaint is normal is way too easy. I was expecting a chill run for the first playthrough but I can just faceroll all the maps.

If you have more than 2IQ do Hard/Classic because if not you might fall asleep if you aren't interested in the story itself.

The writing is terrible so far. When does it get good? This is Persona 5-tier almost. Unplayable

Can't say much about the gameplay yet. I can say that the battle UI doesn't feel quite as good as the 3DS games but it's not a huge deal.
Also can't say too much about writing. So far it's mostly standard anime school shit but there's already some interesting stuff popping up so I have faith. Also I love Manuela.

OH but gameplay-wise I actually do have something. Enemies now show who they're gonna target on their turn. That's kinda fucking dumb. Reduces a lot of the risk management in previous games.

>backgrounds are low quality renders
>there's a visible seam and the perspective doesn't match up

my fucking sides are in fucking orbit

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>this console
You mean talentless devs
There are games that looks far beyond Three Houses in visual quality and still manage to run at a stable 30fps.

Is it worth $60 or should I just wait for a sale?

Just what you's expect from the master, Koei Tecmo

yuck, looks even worse than Sword and Shield.

lol so 12 dollars off two black fridays from now?

its nintendo, they dont do sales

>Enemies now show who they're gonna target on their turn.
i feel like this would make the game unplayable right?
can you turn this off?

DLC in the future where I can save everybody

I have never played Fire Emblem before, however I'm interested in this game. Now tell me, fans of Fire Emblem, is this game good?
I kinda dig the art-style in certain places, but the graphics are truly horrendous, it's on another level of bad in that department, however, I could look past that if the actual gameplay is fantastic.
So, is the gameplay in Three Houses fantastic?

>Enemies now show who they're gonna target on their turn
That's an improvement.

I kinda like it, honestly. It just makes explicit what everyone knew anyway.
Like I didn't already know the big dark Knight wasn't gonna swing at your unprotected mage. Come on.

Holy fuck the Switch can't possibly be that weak right? What the fuck is Nintendo gonna do in a year when the PS5 comes out? Is it just gonna die out? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NINTENBROS IT CAN'T END THIS WAY

Depends on how much you like SRPGs.
If so, this might be the best one on Switch.
If not, it's not gonna change your mind.

Three Houses is a piss poor representation of the series.

Question: for the best story experience who do I start with. Obviously Reds are last but between the Blues and the Yellows who do I start with?

I see what you're saying but honestly I remember flying enemies with archery used to always put me on guard and kept me guessing.
but if it's as standard as you say maybe it won't make a difference

Any OP classes? I'm having a hard time on hard. Didn't think I'd need to reset so much considering I beat awakenings lunatic on my first go. I can't get follow up attacks to work and I don't have any tanky units to throw out and bait. Everyone dies in 1 or lucky 2 hits. Playing black eagle btw

>Blaming the hardware and not the devs who are infamous for making shit looking games

Whats your teacher level Yea Forums? You are raising the next generation of rulers properly right?

>defending the switch


This game doest push the hardware (most don't) because muh battery life.

Mobility comes with a lot of drawbacks.

That said, skyrim looks as good as you might expect, but kills the battery.

Many games dont take advantage of the extra power when docked (half the shaders are off when undocked)

Strategy RPG.

What's your plan for Byleth's class/build?
Can't decide what to do with him so I'd love to hear what everyone else is doing, might give me some ideas.

Celica’s VA, Erica Lindbeck, wrote a small fanfiction of her and Adult!Dimitri and his eyepatch.

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I don't get it. And not just with this game, with plenty of titles this gen.

Wtf is so processing intensive that walking around a fucking hub world is dropping frames? The Switch is unironically more powerful than the PS3. What does this hub world have that is preventing 30fps? How can this even be possible?

I'm just at an overall loss for not understanding why games (none of which impress me graphically) are unable to run at a constant frame rate. What are they doing that I don't realize that's making them eat up the processor?