And when everyone is unusual

And when everyone is unusual...

No one will be!

Attached: syndrome.jpg (500x613, 65K)

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epic meme

You should post this on the meme database.

Attached: 52566533.jpg (292x257, 40K)

this is good oc
kekked unironically
lol fuckin crates bro

Syndrome was a great villain

Shut up nigger

Attached: NIGGER_GO_HOME.png (156x279, 24K)

Is the 2nd movie worth watching?


The only thing it does better is visuals.
There's nothing in the story that comes close to Mr. Incredible's journey that he shouldn't try be living in the past.

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a couple of years ago I wouldve cared but the game is dead so im not even going to bother spending the money uncrating it. I think its funny that tradefag kikes are getting fucked though


Eeeehhhhh probably not

For Helen's fat ass most definitely

Attached: AADE12FF0A9113F4D64F1A860CB2CB0D5A9F4F56.png (800x548, 651K)

Attached: 1561514540777.jpg (500x280, 62K)

The vaccuum cleaner is too loud and the music is too quiet otherwise good job

Attached: D8A99A7A5AD00AA13BA126DEE302580AC71CD5C1.png (960x610, 619K)

>went to open a crate
>was literally seconds too late

Did you check the crate's serial number before opening?

ahahahahah you fucking retard oh nonononono

It's OK. Very predictable and doesn't have the magic of the first one.

It's alright. I would say the best way to do it is to watch both back to back since it picks up right after the first

It's not great, it's kind of a let down.

I would say so; I LOVE the villian in it.
