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ohnonono posting needs to be a banable offence

>fujos and trannies having melties over this game

/nin/ can't come soon enough.



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>trannies are having a meltdown over this game
Fucking BASED

Are butthurt fags raiding the user reviews?

>snoyfags COPING so hard they have to resort to reviewbombing again
LOL, is there anything sadder than a snoycuck?

>trannies are having a meltdown over this game

user out of the loop here, please explain

Sonytrannies are 0 bombing it.

Do people seriously care about metascore? Unless it's something like below 70 it's meaningless.
>inb4 cope
I'm a PCchad and don't even own Switch.

>muh sony boogeyman!

Absolutely SEETHING

You can't marry gay cute boys only burly men

Other way around. You can’t marry the burly men, only a cute boy.

Something about not being able to marry poofters and transfats

>reviewers like it
Confirmed shit, thank god.

nobody but snoycucks are pathetic enough to do that.
Why would they, snoyfags are all underage third-worlders.

Haven't touched my switch in like a year. I have it hacked though, but I also have a vita. Should I rather play Disgaea 4 or fire emblem?

t. seething snoy

sony cucks are the only autists that use discord raids for this shit. Just look at pretty much any multiplatform game having a lower score on xbox despite being the better version of the game most the time

>series known for relationship building and marriage to the mainstream
>game has 4 main caracters
>one looks like a total fuckboi
>early leak confirms gay marriage, though one of the female lords if you pick a female avatar
>Gays immediately latch on to the fuckboi lord assuming the same treatment
>leaks come out, most of the gay options are old farts and an effeminate boy, none of them is the lord homos were parading
>game actually comes out, there is actually only 1 gay support and a whole ton of lesbain.

They don't want to marry the burlies

pic related is still very much alive, it's the only way the snoyfag can hope to COPE with reality

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Not only does it have gay and lesbian romance options it also has platonic relationships between male characters.

Metascore is exclusively used to shitpost.

Three gay options, only one where the dicks touch. Other two are platonic. One even gets you a wife at the end

Sounds pretty amazing if you ask me.

>three gay options
>two are platonic
So only one gay option

For what?

Not him, but it's even better. There were two dilfs that were thought to be gay romance options, but their S supports are platonic. Alois even hooks you up with a girl in the epilogue. The one twink is still an option, but fujos and gays want Claude-types

Wait, so I cannot go full on no homo with a bro while also impregnating Manuela in every hole?

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Why not just merge /vp/ with everything Nintendo?

damn sonygroes are truly pathetic

OP remaking thread after this blunder

Which ones are which? Please tell me it's not Linhardt that is the real gay option, he appeals more to fujos than most fags
