The battle for game of the decade.
The battle for game of the decade
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We all know you’re an rdr2 fanboy who are posting these dumb threads to save your game from total irrelevance
literally what did bloodborne do that dark souls didn't
it's just more polished and reskinned
Where is botw on that list?
*blocks your path*
what did RDR2 do that GTA didn't?
>The battle for 2nd place of the decade.
will be quite interesting match i might say
On the one hand rdr2 is barely a game but on the other hand bloodborne is webm related
Be ludo and kino. Every single system in Bloodborne feeds into the gameplay, world, and lore. DaS had a better interconnected world that pushed you into the right direction by enemy placement etc, but I find what BB did more impressive.
Muh realism!
thanks for reminding everyone that the ps4 has only 2 games after a decade.
RDR2 is the worst controlling game of the decade
Picrel is OP in a few months.
When your options are essentially another Dark Souls, and a sequel to a game that's being called essentially just an extension to the first, that's pretty sad.
Good game, but it doesn't outdo any of the Soulsborne games except maybe II. Hell, doesn't even outdo MM.
Sam porter bridges returning from hades?
Lol amazing bait
Killing themselves once they realize neither of those are game of the decade starting november
Nothing, just delusional console war faggotry.
Also RDR2 was trash.
op you got really shit taste
pic related the only legitimate game of the decade
>unrestricted sandbox-like choice where to go right from the beginning of game.
>gorgeous lightning in remaster, unironically better than in 2013 E3 demo.
>has highest content/quality ratio of any souls games.
>amount of weapons and builds you can use is insane
it's not a clunky pile of shit for starters
>game vs movie for game of the decade
>people can't have differing opinions to mine!
Lmao cope
>yfw Souls games are better than every other game and nothing even comes close but jurnos hate them
Seethe and cope.
people will whine and shit their diapers about this post but in a lot of ways i agree. but that's not to say sotfs is without flaws, far from it really. but a game that can shine through its flaws is better than a game that plays everything safe and polished for the sake of being as inoffensive and sterile as possible
I'm playing RDR 2 right now. It's pretty great, but the experience of Bloodborne felt almost mystical.
you mean BotW vs Bloodborne. even though my personal pic would be Portal 2
*whistles for magic horse and activates toucan sam vision*
Breath of the Wild
So just like RDR2?
lol no
.. was won in 2016.
Must have been one shitty decade
never played it because I'm not stupid enough to support rockstar
I just borrowed it before yesterday from a friend from work. You don't have to pay for games to play them.
Three way tie betwen bloodborne, witcher 3 and xenoblade for me
BotW is also a runner up
Shrinking horse testicles. Revolutionary tech you shitlord
It's embarrassing. Prior to this last week I hadn't seen a RDR2 thread for like 6 months.
1. Bloodborne
2. Nier: Automata
3. Hollow Knight
4. Dark Souls
5. Fallout: New Vegas
6. Sekiro
7. Cuphead
8. Breath of the Wild
9. Portal 2
10. The Last Guardian
Maybe look harder because there have been at least a dozen RDR2 threads every single day for the past 6 months you weeb loser.
>the chad Rockstar vs the virgin Fromsoft
lmao, literally nobody cares about Bloodborne outside of Yea Forums and reddit.
no one cares what normies think
Breath of the Wild
Witcher 3
Mario Odyssey
Dota 2
This decade was rather sparse.
RDR2 isn't even game of its year.
The most commendable aspect of that game lies with the production value, not the narrative or gameplay.
The gameplay is actually borderline garbage and it plays like a ps2 game.
Bloodborne by a long shot.
Bloodbornefags are mad now.
>Every single system in Bloodborne feeds into the gameplay, world, and lore
Dark Souls did all of that better.
What is Bloodborne? I'm not into sony garbage.
>unironically better than in 2013 E3 demo.
The "gameplay" is actually very good with lots of deep and thought-out mechanics, it's just the controls themselves are sometimes bad and unintuitive. But it doesn't matter anyway because the open world and narrative make up for it. No other game even comes close to RDR2's level of detail and world design.
>>has highest content/quality ratio of any souls games.
untrue and cringe pilled
I have to agree here, absolute fucking Ludo and it's jank controlling camera is still more responsive than a Rockstar game.
Disagree with the order but based nonetheless.
>The gameplay is actually borderline garbage and it plays like a ps2 game.
Fake news, PS2 games feel better than that. Recently I played through DMC1, 2 and 3 for the first time and I'm in the middle of FFXII, these all play better than Rockstar games.
RDRII is a barely a step above interactive movie tier.
>I don't have a ps4
You should go back with your plebbit spacing.
No the gameplay isn't good.
The missions are bad. We're talking 100x worse than Uncharted bad. Super ultra linear and structured with no room for any real player agency.
The gunplay is shit.
Tons of bad design get in the way of your enjoyment as well. We're talking super retarded shit like if you ride around for a brief bit everything is fine, but if you ride around to the point where Arthur automatically unequips your weapons and ammo on his own so that if you now jump off your horse you have to re-equip your guns and ammo because the game decided to be retarded.
Oh yeah the camp? Fucking pointless and is of no consequence.
Again, the only impressive things in RDR2 are tied to production value. Making it unimpressive as fuck since the game plays like ass.
literally what did dark souls do that demon's souls didn't
it's just more polished and reskinned
>PvP summoning system lifted from Demon's/DARK
>It has no in game reason to justify its existence
>Same with Covenants
>A fucking password buddy system
>The lamps you spawn at have no justification to exist
>What are the messengers and why are they selling you goods?
>Lanterns spawn when a boss dies
>The game has a grim aesthetic but the actual game design holds your hand (The kidnapping to Hypogeon Gaol where you can just teleport out by the lantern just up the stairs) Dark Souls didn't do pussy moves like that
Explain how that shit is ludo, you think Bloodborne is ludo because of the insight mechanic? Where the only differences are that you take loads more damage from some attacks and can see amygdala's?
This decade had very little maybe 3-4 games per year.
Not many notable new genres came out of it either. Undertale and Beat Saber were the only two truly new genre defining games this decade. Undertale mashed rpg and shoot em ups together.
Beat Saber put dancing and VR together.
The one that doesn't have a half a second input lag when moving.
>97 on metacritic
>highest rated game of the generation
>10/10 reviews across the board from critics who actually played the game enough and explored every aspect to have proper judgement on it
>every other major developer recognizes its superiority and aspires to match its greatness
>mouthbreathers on Yea Forums still say the game is bad and think their shit opinions actually matter more than professional critics and esteemed developers
1.) Bloodborne
2.) Witcher 3
3.) Arkham Knight
4.) HZD
5.) RDR 2
6.) GoW
7.) Brawl
8.) MGS V
9.) Doom
10.) Fractured but whole
Pretty shitty gen desu. Last gen was waaaaaaaaaay better. Basically every previous gen was better. Oh well.
None of the mechanics in rdr are deep or thought out. They are so basic that the game fails at even being an immersive sim.
So basically we should be close-minded monkeys and flat out ignore everything flat out dogshit about the gameplay?
Epic shitpost. Now try and have IGN employ you, you would fit right in.
Why yes, I do believe that Bloodborne and RDR2 are going to have an interesting battle for second place
>Last gen was waaaaaaaaaay better
top fucking kek
so it's not skyrim?
Oh, you're retarded. How sad.
>bloodborne is so ludo it got first AND second place
>4 reviews
>7 reviews
>Muh random blogpost vs over a hundred certified GOTY awards from hundreds of publications
Damn it feels good to be the best
>19 GOTY awards
>Lost to Fallout 4
>Arkham 10fps
City was better in every conceivable way
Why are Red Dead fans so weird? This thread was obviously made by one and it’s like they are desperate for people to keep talking about their games. It’s so neurotic and bizarre.
White Knight Chronicles
Tropico 3
Heavy Rain
Cave Story
Monster Hunter Tri
Portal 2
Dark Souls
Sonic Generations
Saints Row: The Third
Final Fantasy XIII-2
Resident Evil: Revelations
Kid Icarus: Uprising
Xenoblade Chronicles
Dragon's Dogma
La Mulana
Guilty Gear XX accent core plus
The Walking Dead Season One
This is from 2010 to 2012.
The list is personal opinion and it still didn't have much in it.
I'm merely pointing out that people who know more about RDR2 and more about games in general than you consider it to be great.
You're already a closed-minded monkey by parroting the same shit other edgy contrarians on Yea Forums keep saying.
No, the gameplay is fine and just requires getting used to. Once you git gud it's actually a blast.
>Final Fantasy XIII-2
Unironically based.
Metal Gear Rising
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon
Marvel Heroes
Tales of Xilia 1
Mario and Luigi Dream Team
Killer is Dead
Arma 3
A Link Between Worlds
not even trolling but i'm playing atm and the lightinv is gorgeous in aerie peak and that cage hallway and drangleic castle raining
it oscilates between genuinely beatiful and hillariously ugly
>I'm merely pointing out that people who know more about RDR2 and more about games in general than you consider it to be great.
Know more about RDR2 and games in general? What does that even mean? You don't know anything about anyone ITT.
>You're already a closed-minded monkey by parroting the same shit other edgy contrarians on Yea Forums keep saying.
Uh huh, while you totally don't ignore all the legit problems the game has because you're too afraid that your own idea of the game is wrong? You're so close-minded it's not even funny.
So are you saying the controls as fantastic? Absolutely flawless?
Are you saying the singleplayer missions are absolute perfection with exceptional level design and structure? That the endlessly repeated shallow design of them is nectar for the mind?
Are you saying all the underbaked systems (which were sold as selling points) like the camp system that is 100% irrelevant is brilliantly implemented and designed?
Are you saying that the wanted system has absolutely no issues and inconsistencies about it?
Are you saying that the game unequipping your weapons and ammo after a brief moment is impeccable design truly worthy of the title of Game of the Century and a tool like me doesn't understand the brilliance of this system?
Are you saying (I can seriously go on forever with this shit), etc. etc. etc.
You will just brush all of this aside while at the same time deluding yourself that you're NOT close-minded?
Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.
Bloodborne absolutely rapes Dark Souls. I'm sorry but it's true.
no, by default it can't, fps too low
>30 FPS "action" game
>walking simulator
>better bosses
>more enemy variety
>more interesting individual level design
>each weapon is wholly unique, not like souls' weapon class system where weapons share common attacks (horizontal slashes, thrusts, etc)
>better controls
>unique atmosphere, premise and setting
>unique and well realized art direction
>better OST
>better DLC and DLC placement
If you're actually open-minded as you claim, then watch this and try and come up with counter arguments.
Don't do this here, do this on your own time since we both know you would never admit to being wrong on an anonymous imageboard.
yeah there's no way OP could just be a troll who doesn't give two shits about either game and who spams threads like this every day to watch retards fight
btw hi OP
>slideshow vs movie
yea i'm thinking Dark Souls
Is it troll thread, right?
Red Dead fanboys are just mad no one wants to talk about their game anymore so they have to make dumb threads like this
I think you’re actually OP
literally the only place in game it dips like that
And yet people still keep talking about it years after it released
It truly is one of the best games of the decade
It's actually been fixed with patches.
>spends half of the time farming the first area for vials so you can go back to playing the game
No thanks
It's just a meme PS4 fags push because the video game isn't available on other platforms.
yeah, and i'm sure 4 years from now there will be absolutely no rdr2 threads ever. never, not a single one. virtually all discussion will cease. the game will be completely forgotten by history, as if it never existed at all.
Bloodborne is overrated and even though red dead looks interesting, Rockstar screwed that up with the online part.
hows bloodborne on the ps4 pro? and does this problem like exist for all standard ps4s, like even the new ones?
Xenoblade 2 is not the best game I played this decade, but I cannot think of a game I enjoyed more than it
>only fanboys like one of the best videogames of all time
lol ok
That is practically already the case lol. It’s only kept alive by dumb bait threads like this. People played it and moved on
Yea Forums just really unjustifiably hates RDR2. Probably just for the contrarian novelty and lack of weeb shit.
Nobody's saying the game isn't without any issues, but you're greatly over exaggerating them
No we've mostly moved on, it's just one user who keeps making threads to shit on it
Funny, I remember idiots on here saying the same shit about gta5 a few months after it released.
Do you just forget about video games the minute you stop playing them? lmao.
.... accept there's almost daily RDR2 threads besides this one.
>Are you saying that the game unequipping your weapons and ammo after a brief moment is impeccable design truly worthy of the title of Game of the Century and a tool like me doesn't understand the brilliance of this system?
Sounds like fortnite's more your speed, kid
Death stranding will BTFO both
Yea Forums hates RDR2 because it has strong female characters and Arthur isn't a racist asshole
oh and sold way more and reviewed way better than their favorite niche weeb games
Only time will tell, maybe it'll turn into a triple threat.
RDR2 is the same rockstar game we have been getting forever except it's prettier. Same shit with bloodborne. They're both overrated.
Best gunplay and control in a R* game and it's not like graphics don't count
Dota 2
Its way smoother with turbo and patched performance,webm is from release day on regular ps4.
It goes below 30 here and there with the death of 1 or 2 bosses that explode but you can get used to it very quickly. People make it sound like its very serious issue and those are usually the ones that never played it.
Curious, how bad are the loading times now?
>game of the decade
>didn't even win game of the year
nobody liked rdr2, kid
Das is a better game than des and bb
Without ssd? Bearable. Not gonna lie they are not pleasant but unless you keep dying over and over again right after spawn then I don't think you will be troubled by it.
no snoyfags did because it ran better on xbone lol
Did they fix the sata to USB nonsense ever? At any rate though the load times should be gone entirely once it's running on NVMe so imagine that.
Im a brainlet,you will have to google that. I only recently got a ps4pro to play a few games casually and so far i've been having a blast.
I also have no SSD installed.
>>every other major developer recognizes its superiority and aspires to match its greatness
because they want R* cash. Do you really think they give a shit about making a quality experience or do you think they want to make 1 billion dollars off of faggots like you?
If we talking about game of the Decade, lets talk about the one that actually was around most of the decade.
No skyrim?
>Saints Row: The Third
Don't mind me, I'm just posting the actual best game of the decade