Anybody else like to add extra sugar for their gaming mountain dews or monsters...

Anybody else like to add extra sugar for their gaming mountain dews or monsters? I put in enough to make it stop being fizzy, be a bit syrupy.

I'll drink it straight and fizzy when i'm just chillin, watching the anime at 2 or 3 in the morning but I need the extra boost of sugar for my reflexes.

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Other urls found in this thread:

holy yikes

How fat are you?

What does that have to do with my asking if anyone else on Yea Forums sugars their soda/energy drinks?

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video games

>i have put an extra two cups of sugar into my mountain dew and now i am fat... how could this have happened to me!

No. They're already poisonous enough as it is.

Answer the question, user. I'm concerned for your health.

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Not him but I'd like to know as well. Have you ever done an insulin assay or fasting glucose test?

OP what the fuck

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I don't want to die in my 30s.

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This is bait, right?

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I still have both of my legs, user. idk why the concern.

Why would I?

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is it true some americans drink more than 1 liter of soft drink a day and never hydrate with simple water ever?

Please, user.

Why not? This world is shit anyway.


Why would you ever drink water? I haven't drank any since I was 9 or 10. Soda and energy drinks all the way, baby!

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Good stuff happens now and then.
The nigger who committed suicide won't ever play FF7R or Rune factory 5 for example.

Yes Vlad just like Russians drink a liter of rotten potato juice with no water.

Remember to support your brother/sister.

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Energy drinks taste like shit.

You're one of those "water isn't gross" fags, aren't you?

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Yeah and exhentai is dead and its looking like any place that hosts loli is next.

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Huh? What do you mean exhentai is dead?


Give me 20 pushups right now.

Same happened to Nyaa and now it's all back to normal.
It's still unbelievable to things that stuff can be lost to time in the digital age.

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>rotten potato juice

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unironically probably less unhealthy than soft drink addiction, you would pass out every time before damaging your body too much


What kind of idiot thinks water is gross?

Just because you don't plan to grow old doesn't mean your last years have to be miserable. When I cut out junk food and all the sugar I used to poison myself with on a daily basis I felt so much better I could legit not understand how I spent so many years feeling shit and exhausted 24/7

People who have tastebuds.

>drinking water instead of a refreshing mountain dew

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Come on, user. You can do it!

I unironically only ever drink water
even after pizza
even after cake
only exception is when i drink some Fresh from Tit organic milk

>he doesn't know
Nyaa didn't host any content you dumb fuck it was just a collection of magnet links.

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Americans with shit water quality.

Oh boy your in for a surprise

no coffee or tea or milk ever? you sound super boring

thanks for reminding me to download stuff from eh before it disappears

Even as someone who drank like 3 sodas a day back in middle school that shit seems a little overkill.
Also, your OP image might be older than some of the users on this site right now, and that concerns me.

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>Choosing mountain dew over water
Well, now *I* want to know how far you are

you don't get that


Sounds like a great way to hasten the onset of diabetes

I don't have time for that.

have a nice day user :)


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t. Kamil Steinbach

It went to a better place, just like for our old dog Billy, remember?

You better start up your torrent downloader or the only anime titties you will fap to will be betty boop's

cheaper to buy in the US than the rest of europe
>no coffee
once or twice per year on important dates or meetings, same with tea
i already said that i drink fresh milk , store bought milk is not milk
yes i get that
unpasteurized milk is harder to get compared to 20 years ago but you can still get it

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>i already said that i drink fresh milk , store bought milk is not milk
what's the difference in taste?

Fiji is the best bottled water I ever tasted. How do they do it?

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Doesn't e-hentai exist? It's pretty much the same site, isn't it?

You can still see your favourites on E-hentai, if it's any consolation.

Not him but it tastes way better, you don't even need to add anything to it.
We went on a school trip to some farm and it was great.

>just turned 30
>been pounding 3+ big redbulls a day to get through my 70 hour work week of intense physical labor because half of my paycheck goes to pay for some fat boomer's healthcare
>burn a hole through my stomach after working 14 hours straight on a 105 degree day
>throw up blood everywhere
>can't afford to go to hospital so have to spend next 6 hours bouncing between urgent care (hospital equivalent of mcdonalds) and primary physician just to get a script for some $300 pills which I have to take forever now

I hope death comes soon.

>drinking anything other than water, coffee, and your choice of bourbon, whiskey, or rye

That artist actually drew some fine loli a while ago

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E-hentai will die in 2020 unfortunately(unless something happens in the next months
Yes and no, alot of the obscure good shit is absent, and its not even loli


stealth sadpanda thread

mods do your job

what does it mean

no loli
no shota
no guro
no fun

You dont do that. Adding any more sugar to mountain dew is a heart attack.

unhealthy prison cow
get no sun so the milk has no VitaminD or Calcium(get's added in powder form), pasteurizing it also turns the fat into dangerous cholesterol
also yeah, taste of the milk of a healthy cow is much better
volcanic stone filters
also best water I've ever drank must be Icelandic glacier water and it's free(for them)

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I've been doing that since I was 11 and am now in my mid 40s. I haven't had any health problems from mixing the sugar into the soda specifically.

>Not adding salt
How's it feel to be a pleb?

What the fuck job are you even working? I probably make more than you for sitting on my ass.

Wait what happened? It's just an energy drink

Building maintenance.

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Source on cropped hentai pic?

I put that in my coca cola. I add some lemon juice, salt and black pepper to it like the indians do.

I'll mix up a big gallon of that. Some sugar too, because it goes down easier if it's like a syrup and not fizzy.

My uncle used to drink it straight from the cow.
So it's good.

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Is this bait or are you this young/new?

ulcer in stomach

It's literally saturated with sugar already, holy shit. Enjoy your type 2 diabetes, you fat fuck.

>He can't get past the 4 bowing girls

Drink water fatty

Akira Shiden


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Image searchers don't work on cropped images, user

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>cheaper to buy in the US than the rest of europe

The fact that you have to buy drinking water instead of getting it free out of the tap says it all.


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I use nhnetai exclusively i thought people had moved on

Shit troll, that OP is just too unbelievable, I just do not believe anyone would have the mindset to post that anywhere let alone here

>ameriburgers have to be forcefed information a 10 year old here already has learned

This is a military base teaching their amerifat soldiers/marines. You'd think it was a junior high school, but no. Adults need to be shown this.

Drink water, bitch

It really doesn't matter how much you drink total it matter what your ratio is soda to water.

I drink at least 3 cans worth of soda a day but I also drink gallons of water and am still skinny. Whereas when I was fat I drank less soda but almost no water at all

This doujin was gone frpm sadpanda long before yesterday events, why?

Nhentai scapes everything from Exhentai so it might as well be dead.
and it doesn't have CG galleries.

>water with pizza
Absolutely disgusting. Almost as bad as water with popcorn

This is the most disgusting post I've ever read. Have this (you) before you died from a heart attack.

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water. our bodies have adapted to water so well that it is like fucking magic. you buying sodas is just you buying into jewish tricks and you deserve to be gassed.

That's seriously bad for your health, I advise you to drop that habit.

I just drink 2 cups of black coffee a day and eat carrots, and my reflexes are fine.

Reflexes aren't everything in multiplayer games anyway. Good game sense, map knowledge and mastery of weapons/mechanics can take you far.

>Fiji water
>Not Acqua Panna

>moved on
to a site with less stuff? nhen was and still is a brainlet alternative.

It's got all the porn ex had, the only thing it's lacking is the non-h galleries.

If you're looking to get your dick wet, it's plenty enough.

>It's got all the porn ex had,
No it doesn't.

You will die in less than a decade

Russians chug tea 24/7.

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are you autistic or something?

Sorry, I mispoke.
It's actually got more, since nhentai has all the wani magazine stuff that the fag admin purged from exhentai because of copyright issues.

More like destroyed pallets

From the owners message:
>Netherlands suck
>Broke a tendon for fapping too much
>Wants to retire because he's a fag

What the fuck? Why are so many water-chugging normalfags on Yea Forums now?

>Search abazu red
>woops 0 results
nice website faggot

Like I said, it doesn't have any non-h stuff.
If you're just in it for the porn, nhentai is plenty enough to suit your needs.

He does H stuff.
in fact he did for C95 even.

It's easy to lie to yourself though.
I'd drink too much or eat too many snacks even though I exercised a lot.
Cutting them out entirely while still going to the gym made me lose 3 stone.
I dunno, these kiddy facts just don't seem to sink in.

People should really be reading calorie content instead, and sticking to that. Monster energy drinks are frightening, and contain more calories than a meal.

>caring about calories
>caring about anything besides taste/flavor in food

Why? Life's too short.

Bottled wated from the stores is really gross usually.
Tap water on the other hand is fucking life essense. Not as good as spring water obviously, but still amazing. Unless it's warm. Cool water is top tier sip material.
God, I fucking love water.

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yeah and you're cutting it even shorter

Petition your local Democrat to ban large soft drinks

This thread is so fucking dumb I can't tell who's being serious or not. Go drink some green tea with nothing extra, seriously.

Not really. There's zero actual proven evidence connecting diet to obesity or other health problems.

It's Big Vegetable, Big Organic and Big Poultry that have been trying to meme "soda is unhealthy", "don't eat fried food", "don't get most of your calories from chips/soda".

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Actually there is one doujin from him there.
So like I said, all the porn stuff from ex (and the stuff that was deleted from ex) are there. The problem of course is where we'll be able to find new stuff in the future, but hopefully a replacement will come along.

>eat a pizza
>take a nap
>wake up dehydrated as fuck
>chug water non-stop for a few minutes

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cool so you're delusional and you'll die young

Corn syrup drinks taste like shit though. And you still feel thirsty after drinking them.

Have fun getting diabetes fat fuck
You don’t need the extra sugar

>=gaming fuel
Where is the problem?

Reminder that if you drink more than 0.8 - 0.9 liters of liquid per hour you're washing out your body and diluting/draining salts and minerals. Body can't absorb more, don't binge drink even if you're thirsty.

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the world is about as shit as you make it to be

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Last time I visited the doc he said it was surprising my heart can work so much.

Between this and his being shocked I have boh legs clearly means my soda diet has no problems. You just have to stop listening to Big Vegetable's advice and stop ingesting the pesticides that turn you fat.

I don't get the
>I don't want to live to 90 anyway XD
Do fat fucks not realise that their last 10 years of life will be an absolute hell?
Most people aren't lucky enough to just drop dead from a stroke or heart attack out of nowhere, chances are it will be a slow, painful and humiliating slide to the bottom.

Come on, user. Give me those pushups.

Nobody chugs 2/3rd of a water bottle under an hour.
Or at least it doesn't happen often enough to be a real issue.

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Have to keep both legs elevated for 12 hours a day, non. Got no time for pushups with that schedule.

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The arrogance in your post suggests you are incredibly sheltered and/or stupid.

That still gives you 12 hours for pushups.

Based, pedo weebs getting btfo is an amazing feeling

For me it's the opposite. Tap water tastes like awful chemical shit, yet bottled water tastes very good.

yeah fuck me for trying to make my life the best it could possibly be instead of wallowing in sadness with a bunch of anonymous posters on Yea Forums
go back to your /r9k/

Bretty gud bait my dude

I like my 12 hour sleep so no.

Besides, it's comfy to shitpost from my bed while drinking dews. Besides, it's easier to have crying jags with a pillow at hand.

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Just trying to look out for my fellow anons on Yea Forums.

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That just says being fat is unhealthy. It doesn't say ((Big Medicine))'s dietary advice like "don't eat too many carbs", "don't drink soda", "eat less than 3-4 cups of refined sugar a day" is truthful or at all related to whether or not people gain weight.

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>drinking soda

Why the fuck is this post on Yea Forums? This isn't even a "stealth" post like "what are some games where...". Eat shit, OP.

This is a board full of vegans and eurofags, if you eat anything with above the accepted level of caloric intake then you are 5000 lbs and will develop a heart attack the moment you eat. There is no such thing as moderation or exercise, you need to treat your body as sacred at all times (unless we're referring to drugs or sex in which case lmao who the fuck cares)

Eating increasing amounts of vegetables = increased pesticide exposure

Big Vegetable's campaign against ((junk food)) has increased as America has gotten fatter and fatter. Instead of eating big macs then experiencing protien gains, Americans are eating pesticide-laced rabbit food, gaining 150 pounds due to pesticide damage, getting diabetes and blaming the soda.

Vegetables are literal junk food.
>some carbs
>meme fiber

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>There is no such thing as moderation or exercise
No one who cares about that adds sugar to soda or energy drinks.

The only thing that matters is spending the calories.
You can eat everything you want if you exercise.
I'm a neet and maintained my weight despite not doing much that way.

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We should ban fatties
Can't have a nice society with literal dead weights living in it now can we

Exercise is not a miracle antidote to an unhealthy diet, nor is proper nutrition a simple matter of calories in and calories out. There are many ways to damage your body by eating garbage that you can't outrun on a treadmill, nor would you have the time to.
Sure, but no one eats a single mini serving size of junk food, those things always come in excessive quantities. If you were health conscious in the first place you wouldn't even think there's a choice between a snack size of junk vs a healthy meal, both totaling 500 calories each.

Good, stupid sub human scum. Neck.

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Excessive calorie intake will make you fat, are you stupid?

>Building maintenance
thats a funny way to say janny

I bet you're like 400 pounds

Can someone give me source to mega milk? Seeing her for years I've never bothered before, but since sadpanda is crashing down I'd rather experience it before it all goes to hell.

small tits, giant boobs

Nice bait, but water doesn't become "sirupy" unless you add liquid sugar, faggot.
There's a hard limit on how much sugar you can dissolve in a cup of water/soda - the rest just piles up at the bottom.

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There's been no solid studies that prove that, user.

Saying excessive calorie intake will make you fat is just Big Vegetable's latest excuse to shift the blame.

Why? Are you a child? The only use for soda is mixed drinks and even then you will be using seltzer.

I definitely do that. I drink a bottle in 30 minutes. And then I refill it, because I need to have water available at all times.
Probably diabetes or something, but I never got checked.
Then again, I eat very salty food all day (like everyone else) so having too little salt is probably never ever going to be an issue.

i cant handle monster as is i cant even imagine putting sugar into it

>calorie bomb representing more than 1/4 of the recommended daily intake
>add even more unnceccesary calories to it
>then sit on your ass not burning any calories

People like you is why there's fat shaming.

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>he says, on a video game forum

Nice try Chatelier, expecting people to know when a solvent can no longer dissolve a solute due to supersaturation.

>There's been no solid studies that prove that, user.

Studies? It's fact.
For a grown man the recommended calorie intake is roughly 2000. Anything beyond that will get stored in your body if you don't burn it. This takes the form of fat.

The basic math of gaining or losing weight lies in keeping your calorie intake low enough by eating less, burning more calories or doing both.

You think that if you eat a lot of excess calories they just vanish into thin air? That your body doesn't absorb any of it and all of it turns to shit? If that's your logic then you wouldn't need to eat or drink since your body doesn't absorb anything.

If you're not trolling, you're so stupid I actually feel sorry for your parents.

When I say a bottle I mean the standard 1.5L(50oz) one.
No way you do that.

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>not drinking your gamer fuel with a couple glasses of codeine syrup

>you sound super boring
Says the guy who uses his choice of foods as a substitute for a personality

I would sure love to chug from those milkers

I love Anzu!

you must be a fat fuck addicted to sugar and videogames.

>all these retards not getting the joke

>Are you a child?

Anything taste better than Mountain Dew

It would be healthier than Monster or mountain dew for sure.

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I'm with you but pizza deserves a beer.

Ah, no, I thought you meant the normal human-sized 0.5l ones.

Hmmmmmmmmm I don't drink soda but I want to try that minus the sugar

I feel like thats a loaded question, you wouldnt ask a skinny person that.



that's fucking appalling.

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1 cup of ice
1 cup of soda
1 cup of fizzy 0 cal water(la croix etc)

sip all day

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>1 liter.
Lol, you have no idea.
I see coworkers who drink a 16 oz energy drink at breakfast, a 20 oz soda on their first break, another 20 oz soda on their lunch, and another 20 oz soda on their second break. Maybe their wives force them to drink milk at dinner, but that's what I see.
Incidentally, Alabama is second place in the nation in obesity and adult diabeetus.

That's just an extra sugary milkshake

I would just like to note that adding sugar is unnecessary because your body already doesn't have the chemical balance to use the amount of sugar that is already in your sugary drink. What you could do is take a multi-vitamin THEN have your drink and you would absorb a higher volume of sugar within a shorter time frame.

I want to forcefeed americans with juicy information burgers

>standard bottle is 1.5L
what the fuck? standard where?

Packs of water comes in 6 1.5L bottles.

I used to play non stop without eating or drinking, now I keep a cup of water I drink out of a refill regularly

Am I supposed to know what these units mean?

I just carry a refillable 500ml bottle like everyone else I know

260 lbs
5 foot 9

i thought i was bad at 190 6"1"

Cute height but please lose some weight.

Started dieting a few days ago. Saw this thread and needed people to make fun of me to encourage it.

ok i'm sorry user i didn't know u were so insecure good luck to u

Keep at it, user.

Thanks, I'll need all the luck I can get

So what does your diet consist of now on a daily basis? I've been willing to change my diet I just don't know what to get instead

Lay off the sugar if you know what's good for you. Try seltzer water instead

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No, smart water.

>no card of this for koikatsu
surprising, just gonna have to do it myself.

dieting doesn't fix being a shitty person user

Who says he's a shitty person?

being so insecure he needs others to put down to continue his diet
if you can't read you should've said so

One bad trait doesn't make you a shitty person.

Maybe it will. Hopefully I'll hate myself slightly less

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Listening to people confirming you're a fat fuck makes you a bad person?

already setting yourself up for failure

It's funny because you submit to this country every day.

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Woah pull it back guys

>thread about fatasses coping
>suspicious amount of avatarfagging with anime girls
I'm sure it's just a coincidence

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I'm just dumping milk.

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from your manboobs

Get ready for beetus incel. I used to put a lot of sugar in my drinks too and I got beetus at 25.
>inb4 wont happen to me lole

fug, even if you could bench 315lb and squat 500lb you'd get BTFO by someone at 185lbs natty.

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This makes me feel good about my 240 at 6 2.

Drink water? Like out of the toilet?

pfff americans

Keep it up man. If you feel discouraged, then just listen to that Chris Chan phone call where a guy named Matthew absolutely rips Chris apart for being a lazy, unhealthy sack of shit. I listen to it when I jog and it really keeps me motivated.

So what sort of tea has everyone been having recently? Refreshed my pantry with Golden Monkey, jasmine flavored White Monkey, gyokuro, some puerh and chamomile.

Decent bait, but no. I don't drink soda at all. My beverage diet consists of water, milk and occasionally milk coffee. Apart from the takeaway I treat myself to every other month or so, soda doesn't enter my system.

How does dieting set you up for failure?

Just allow health insurance to discriminate by weight again. Right now healthy people are subsidizing fatties, incentivizing more people to be unhealthy, which raises costs for everyone, which even more incentivizes gluttony and unhealthy behavior.

It's a vicious cycle and part of why healthcare costs have gotten retarded for everyone, because even healthy people have to pay the same cost.

Auto insurance discriminates and punishes bad and aggressive drivers through higher rates, which incentivizes good and defensive driving, which makes everyone safer and insurance cheaper overall.


Such a system I could see being nothing but a good thing, as long as it's accounting for body fat and not just blanket weight for people who put on muscle.
Auto insurance though pisses me off because they're allowed to be openly sexist about insurance rates, if we're going to not be racist about insurance premiums (granted I could be mistaken about this) it's bullshit that sexism is allowed to go rampant.

my dad puts in enough sugar into his tea in the morning to make it syrup

Any more than 2 cubes is too much.

he don't care
meanwhile i put no sugar in my tea

Healthy tax payers already end up subsidizing unhealthy people who are uninsured and end up in the ER and can't pay. Fatties aren't the reason insulin costs $5k in the US compared to everywhere else, and admistrative costs and malpractice fuckery has done more to contribute to retarded high costs than anything else. Also car insurance is a scam.

Just straight up euthanizing fatties would be just as effective at reducing costs as what you just proposed. Arguably it's an even greater incentive for people to take care of themselves and not become fat.