Now me, personally, I love Dark Souls

Now me, personally, I love Dark Souls.

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red letter media are insufferable and the fact that them sitting around drinking beer and watching shit movies is deserving of anyone's attention is insulting. plinkett was their one and only quality production and now it's clear the fat one only whips up an episode in a weekend anytime he wants to buy a new couch from the guaranteed million views the video'll get.

What's the point of collecting toys?


>and the fact that them
*the fact they think that


Dark souls 2?
Possibly the best dark souls? can we vote in the room?

No one ever really dies

That's a really depressing scene

Me personally I love hard games because I am a hardcore games, know what I mean fellas? Gotta clap for Dark Souls


>try to play Ranked
>Perfect Jay and Senor Plinkett in every game

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remember when Jack said that everyone should have an internet ID to prevent cyberbullying?
Remember when Rich said that 3D mario games shouldn't have a movable camera?
Remember when Jay and Mike refused to talk about Chernobyl and Detective Pikachu but watched that haunted house lesbian show and bird box?

>Remember when Jay and Mike refused to talk about Chernobyl
really? like outright refused or are you just inferring

Jay said on twitter that they weren't interested.

this person is either 12 or 50

>Remember when Jay and Mike refused to talk about Chernobyl and Detective Pikachu but watched that haunted house lesbian show and bird box?
Big brain move 2bh. The best RLM content is Mike and Jay shitting on horror schlock.

What's the point of collecting anything?

>ultra Borracho has 5000 ping
>ddos the server


have you gone back and watched old plinkett recently, tbqh they don't hold up so good. i have rewatched some HITB episodes more times than all of the plinkett reviews combined.

>that jack and jill review where they spend an entire episode just going over how sandler scams the movie industry to cut himself and his friends big cheques

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reminder that they made an awful movie

>Len S tier
>Rich Evans SS tier
is this a joke

They've made at least 4 awful movies.

its funny how critics cant make a good movie

their movies were bad on purpose.

lol ok

gorilla interrupted is a good movie

I legitimately despise geek culture and how you're forced into liking/caring about anything remotely Star Wars, Marvel, or 80's related.

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Read any article by destructoid especially chris carter, or game informers andrew reiner.

those faggots are the type of people nerd crew parodies

>we dont do silly kids movies like detective pikachu lol
>but lets review every superhero movie

what am i reading user

Typical 37 year old soiboys life achievements

Ready Player One

considering the wizard is so high up i'd say yes

Very cool

I still can't tell if Ready Player One is on some whole other level of making fun of GEEKY CULTURE