whats your stand niggers
Whats your stand niggers
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It's Yea Forums. Everybody is going to have Miracles.
true and heterosexual
I got Wildhearts
Miracles confirmed NPC stand
Napalm Death chad reporting in
my brother
Right on man.
Still sometimes when I answer the questions I wonder if i'm being honest or if i'm bullshiting myself into getting a different stand.
Ocean Blue. Boring as FUCK.
Not too bad desu senpai, shooting cum and pee bullets sounds fun
I got the best and most interesting stand- Miracles
I always get Quicksilver or Red Garland. Both are chad stands, especially red garland
Haven’t seen part 3. Whichever one belongs to someone who’d do whatever for a simple life.
Cardigans. I just want to help people.
Fucking lame ass Wildhearts
Reset until I got something else (Deep Purple)
Anyone that thinks the stand they get is lame should get shot, there are no lame stands, only shitty users do
There's only Caravan and then the rest
>All these fucking furfags
Shut up XP
Is the wolf going to rob and shoot the enemy before tearing them apart?
I once got a Sonic Youth by trying to guess what answers would a normal person give. Not shocked that it got 0 votes in this pool.
Pharaoh Sanders
I always thought swarm type stands were cool
Yeah from what I'm seeing around here the swarm types aren't that common among Yea Forums. Makes sense of course
What is the spirit stat supposed to affect?
i have been assuming spirit is for white magic and black is elemental. no proof though
What makes you say that?
I hate how how all the everyone lives endings are just "the player goes off to fight them alone" endings, I want to be able to see the final battle between Dio and Jotaro while also having everyone live
From the descpritions of them:
>Specials: Empathetic, mature,
>Adam Ant: Mature, hard worker, humble
>Pixies: Persuasive, generous.
Pharoah Sanders actually fits autists around here pretty well. Quiet and reserved, and will do that one thing they're into with all their effort
But Miracles is the most common because
>self loathing
From what I see, most common ones here are Miracles by a massive margin followed by Joykiller, Wildhearts, Howlin Wolf, Napalm Death
Hey I either get Napalm Death, Adam Ant or sometimes Specials. I'm just a bit wishy washy on the choices, kinda unsure of of what kind of a person I am.
>Specials: Bad talker, easy to manipulate
>Adam Ant: Nerotic, obsessively methodical, hates confrontation
There are stands that belong to people who kinda suck at communication in general.
Yeah, absolutely true. Also, same here on the wishy washy thing. I usually go by top 3 most common i get, which is red garland, cardigans, and deep purple. Sometimes i get pixies too, but i get red garland the most overall
Which stand would be the most OP in canon?
I'd say that straight up it's either Caravan or Miracles. Red Garland is also pretty good if you count that it can just out of nowhere give itself Requiem status.
Why Miracles?
>Miracles, Caravan, Deep Purple, Carpenters
In that order
Can literally Aizen people. It can make you feel like you're burning, freezing, make you see, hear, feel things that aren't really there, can make you invisible in plain sight, overall its pretty goddamn OP if you weren't restricted by gameplay.
The Joykiller is very close to Miracles since it's the same category. You need to give the same answers to the first questions to get them.
Ocean blue fag here
Playin as the Joline lookalike
Well people here meme it to hell and back but Miracles has the potential to be very dangerous given how you can fuck with peoples brains to such an extreme degree.
It all depends how creative and malicious the person with it is, and since it's messing with your subconscious it can have serious repercussions.
You gotta keep in mind that the user has no confidence and would probably only use it to make themselves invisible
>see user recommend shorty+caravan a few threads ago
>one more route until josuke, why not
>absolute damage
>all it takes is one cap to down the delinquents and martial artists
>imagining shorty immediately whipping out a piece and stopping a flying kick before they even get close in broad fucking daylight
I haven't played a game more than twice in a very, very long time, and never expected the moldbreaker to be a jrpg fangame. Thank you clayman and og translator and even you chaos user.
That's fair, but no matter what stand you get you still have to option to be a shitty person. Like betraying the Jostars, and even Dio along with them.
That and at latter levels, the user tries to hype themselves up and starts to believe in their abilities/themselves.
Pharoah Sanders, obv.
so quick question, anyone know which deep purple move has the highest OHKO chance or are they all the same. i also heard A-Bomb had a OHKO chance, that true?
I think the best way to check is by opening the game in rpgmaker and looking for deep purple's moves. The wiki only talks about what moves have chances to OHKO,
Yeah but for some of the stands, doing the evil route really doesn't make sense, like Cardigans
Caravan, once it gets all three of its acts.
Cardigans here. I'll suck your dick if you ask nice.
Would it count as masturbation if you fucked Cardigans?
Cardigans. Anyone knows if it's possible to fuck your own stand, and if that qualifies as masturbation?
You can and it doesn't
what does dying all the time feel like?
Not all colored people are animals, y'know.
Pixies here, currently controlling small children to rule the world brb
So to the user asking for an event where quicksilver and mr big can learn a move from stroheim, all i have to say is here it is and good luck getting it
Adam Ant
22 Beetle suplex
27 Spider web
32 Bombardier beetles
37 Natural treatment
(Learned from joseph if the player has spider web and a ripple tech) Satiporoja beetles (i THINK it works)
16 Chainsaw
22 Blood bank
32 Straight jacket
38 Daily dose
Pharoah sanders
20 Cleopatra shape
25 Pyramid crush
Howlin' wolf
20 Track scent (I just took this one from iggy just in case)
35 Air bubble
48 Who's been talkin'
Red Garland
23 User toss
26 Floor sharpnel
35 Penetrating punch
(Learned from joseph if the player has red garland 3 and a ripple tech) Sunset Orange Overdrive (i THINK this works)
26 Death Curse
32 Poison Swamp
20 Agent parry
22 Agent snipe
24 Agent cripple
26 Agent bluff
28 Agent high five
30 Agent sand
Napalm Death
25 Flashbang
35 Ballistic ink
50 Fat bomb
25 Case armor
(Learned from stroheim) MR. big MARK II (i hope it works)
(Learned from stroheim) Quicksilver MARK II (hopefully it works)
25 Energy Barrier
"How do these stands protect kakioyin on his ending?"
Watch out, the Netherlandians(I have no Idea what they are called) are going to get you
They're called the Dutch
Requesting the ability to use the gun technique skill books as Caravan and Quicksilver.
What the fuck is this a reference to
How do I play this shit with a controller
I can understand QS to a degree but don't you think Caravan is a little out there? hell i don't even think he needs that
Eh, you're right, it's a bit of a stretch in hindsight. Figured it made sense because Caravan already learns some gun skills, but it doesn't really need any more.
Caravan knows how to create guns and it's general use, not it's mastery, the only reason for quicksilver to not be able to learn gun techniques at least to my knowledge is that it's not exactly the same type of gun as the ones the books are intended for
I got Red Garland the first time I played a few years ago, after playing again with a updated version I got Deep Purple.
7th Stand User, JoJo Part 3 RPG Maker fangame with a fuckton of content.
Yeah I actually figured that out after deciding not to be lazy and looking it up. Turns out I'm a Specials needs kid.
why does it feel like there aren't many wildhearts players. I don't think I've even seen any fan art for wildhearts.
I'm playing the latest version that uses a different RPGMaker and for some reason Jotaro's theme is always off key after it plays the intro part of the song, is there any way to fix this?
It doesn't take much effort to be a bland glass of room temperature water (howlin' wolf) but it takes a special type of chaotic boring character to become a bread sandwich (Wildhearts)
Ocean Blue can use the gun books though, so I don't think the type of gun matters.
>the ugly one
>gave up on human contact long ago
God I wish. There was something special about the clarity you feel when you're so, so lonely. Now I'm verging on normalfag and it's...work. And confusion.
>probably change stand for Deep Purple
Top kek
Well then i'm out of ideas, i do not understand the thought process behind who can use the books
Chubby male with Caravan is the best
So what do you guys do when grinding levels? Currently grinding to 40 in Fishing Village.
If there's nothing better i go after diavolo, it works 90% of the time as long as you chain stun him
I usually grind out everyone to be at least level 30. I remember grinding with Deep Purple and The Joykiller to the levels that they get 'Contaminate'.
Good ideas but I meant more in the vein of what do you do to stave off the mind numbing boredom that occurs while you mechanically mash buttons on your keyboard.
Watch videos, listen to music. Anything that you can do passively while grinding.
Sometimes i mute the audio, swap to windowed mode and just watch some videos
The gamer move is podcasts and youtube videos
I tend to have some anime up usually
Wow nice game you guys got there
Frankly I don't really know. If I have enough of grinding then I take a break for a bit and do something else.
No need to burn yourself out ya know?
Deep Purple can just kill anyone with oxygen poisoning and his contaminate attack has no range limit.
Yeah it's a pretty nice game. You should play it as well buddy.
any tips with twin swords polnareff? i wanna get that fuckin zanzoozoo whatever move. i got deep purple, lv 35 and trying any status moves works about 1/1000 times
When I was answering honestly I always got Miracles or Cardigans.
Sonic Youth here
A stand that can make people reverse age
Might be a bit more doable if you hit level 40 for contaminate.
Chadigans where you all at?
Pyramid models.
luckily i made a save in the previous area, so yeah i'll just grind up for it then
Where do I download this? Google is throwing me to the 2.4.8 version which appears very old.
Is it possible to use a savefile from the regular game? I gave it a try and got "Invalid Hero" message.
Weird i never ran into that problem before, which stand did you had?
I tried Red Garland and Cardigans.
We need to start having a copypasta for these threads
Miracles would be the perfect rapist and serial killer Stand if it was real.
anything I should know before playing?
It's old because it hasn't been updated for a long time, until recently. Like the recent translation that's in process. 2.48 is what we have for now.
Just make sure to fix the fonts from the readme or the link below, okay?
>Before the fight
Get to Lv. 40 and learn Contaminate.
Set your Tactics to defensive ones in the Radio.
Buy Pyramid Models from the shop.
Go to the secret shop in Kom Ombo and buy Rifle Ammo (check all walls of the eastmost building).
>During the fight
Use Pyramid Models to buff your stats.
Use Contaminate or Poison Gas to Poison Polnareff (other statuses will not proc).
Use Rifle Ammo with Jotaro to inflict Bleeding.
Use A-Bomb and Berserk Ora and try to proc BlowBack as much as possible.
sorry I have ADHD and having to patch it is just a little too much for me
But the link posted is an exe, it basically fixes it for you.
Huh, i figured it had something to do with the last events i created but those are for Mr big and Quicksilver, i haven't even given cardigans a custom event
Are you using the 2.48 version? where are you right now?
Tried in the Debug and Dev Rooms. Might be a map related thing, I'll give it another try when i get home on a different map
That's weird i can access the dev room just fine
"Intelligence" so it's stand damage
I would play blind for your first run but don't try to save everyone
>tfw a wildhearts to a T
That's what I get for camouflaging my autism too well.
Why does Vins think Weather Report is her child?
Can I play as Josuke? I want to play as Josuke
Not your first playthrough, maybe not even your second.
She's not exactly the most stable person around.
You can make your portrait look like him. you can also play as him as an NG+ bonus
SPECIALS where we at
You need an ending that exits at the Dev Room.
So i've been testing different saves from slightly moded and completely clean versions and none of them are giving me trouble, i have no idea why you are getting that error, sorry dude
Well besides being a vampire and having a stand she doesn't really have a lot to motivate and push her forward. Since time basically did a do over, she figures there's no reason to not try it.
It is cool, I'll just keep trying. I'm sure i'll find the cause eventually.
Here's an interesting thing I saw while translating Chaos Mode. Now this takes a little RNG, but basically:
>if your stand is napalm death
>your stand refuses to listen to you (you'll get an extra event so you'll know but it's up to rng)
>you're still level 1 when you go to fight the possessed nurse
>the rng for the alternate event procs
You'll watch the nurse stab the delinquent in the eye and say "that's not a bad idea" and you'll learn "Stab"
>Howlin' Wolf
Try to make a part with these stands for the main group
Hilarious, considering that you learn Stab at lvl 2 in the first place.
Pixies actually
Everything i hear about chaos mode wants me to learn japanese just so I can play it already
Holy shit that's funny.
The only thing that worries me about chaos mode is that a lot of things are RNG based and I have shitty luck so I might go through the entire game with next to no changes
Well at least napalm death got something
Based stand.
i thought carpenters could do something with the great medicine you get from giant zombies, what does it actually do?
Here's to hoping chaos mode gives the stands with less events(joykiller,) some more love
The joykiller here
What Stand for Chubby Female?
Red garland
Isn't it canon that a stand user from part 4 turned his stand into his crush. But then his stand dissed him when he tried to ask himself out. I think a similar thing would happen to the majority of the anons here.
I was blessed with the most wonderful Stand, only made even better alongside the most wonderful Crusader.
Is there a place to take the test without downloading the game?
Yes, because the stand imitates the target so well that it also treated him like she would have.
Surface is a special case, because its ability to impersonate someone is perfect.
yeah, the user for surface
i don't remember why though, whether his stand just didn't want to fuck him, or his stand copied the personality of the girl as well
Alright then, if you do find something please let me know so i don't fuck it up again
Wouldn't that mean it would've refused to kill jotaro?
I mean, he still talked shit about his hair
can somebody tell me what the deal with anne's stand in chaos mode is about? isit real and what is her stand?
From what I remember reading, it's a stand that looks like handcuffs and can make people feel like they stole something?
Bange Steele, it's handcuffs that make people guilty or unable to move on. CHaos user correct me if i have made a mistake
You're right. It also makes them feel like they have stolen goods that the user then can just take. At least, that's what I got out of it.
what does it do in the story? does she handcuff jotaro and try to (ironically) steal his money?
If you jack yourself off with your stand's hand does it count as a handjob or masturbation?
It's called a Hand-Stand.
it's masturbation, but okuyasu likes to call it a "ZA HANDJOB"
but he stopped after he accidentally voided his dick in half
>Anoooooon~ I know your hooooome~ Why are you hiding from me, I wonder?
What kind of asshole jacks off with a swiping motion
How far is Dio willingly to go to fufill your desires if you side with him?
Likely relative to his own ability and your worth/uses to him. Everyone has a price.
Would anybody be so kind as to make a mod of this game that slightly lowers the enemy spawns/random encounters? even after killing the stand users responsible for the automatic stands the maps are absolutely crawling with trash mobs upon trash mobs. About 80-85 % of the normal amount would be perfect.
Run nigga run
>they don't play the color version
I don't know how, and googling turned up actually nothing. I'd love to, though.
But no combo attacks.
I can understand him not knowing how to do it, but to swipe at it"?
Combos worked in the color version I played.
I like fighting wham and the boss rush tho
There's a fix, if you're lucky someone will post it here eventually.
I don't like the color scheme of that version
Caravan for sure
>Generates weapons and survival gear
>Act 2 lets you jump into a pocket dimension, heal, stock up on consumables. and pop right back out in an instant
>Act 3 absorbs and reconfigures matter and light that enters the bag
>Automatic so hurting the Stand doesn't hurt the user and they can act independently of each other
Drop that bird into the wrong hands and they'll make Zanzibar Land.
>could not run away
>"yo idiot check this out!"
Jokes on you my stand is fast as fuck.
The only downside is the items it makes disappear if you get too far away and Caravan refuses to sell items it makes because of that.
>Could not run away!
>Mounted Soldier (L) fled!
>battle ends
Hoy, we're discussing vidya games here!
tfw no yandere stand user waifu with serial killer stand
Yea Forums is literally no fun allowed and will direct you to Yea Forums if you make a thread about anything that isn't "Hey guys x just came out."
Joykiller is comedic relief though, not a yandere
The colors for a lot of the stands are fugly
Just started, got Adam Ants. Anything I should know?
that's just what SHE wants you to think
It's not about just the mobs you see on the overworld map, I'm talking about legit random encounters (like those annoying af assassins) too.
And I'm talking about using the run option rather than fighting them, user.
Don't mind me just posting the best song in the OST youtube.com
Excellent question. I'll let you know when I get there.
She tries to steal his virginity
>Take 1 step out of hotel
>Mounted Soldier(L) wants to fight!
>Try to escape
>'Couldn't escape!'
>"Yo idiot, check this out!"
>Everyone instantly is berserk + distracted
>Mounted Soldier used submachine gun!
>still berserk
>Mounted Soldier threw dynamite!
>still berserk
>Mounted Soldier used submachine gun!
>finally breaks out of berserk, tries to run
>'Couldn't escape!'
>Mounted Soldier used submachine gun!
>The party was annihilated!
>Reload save
>Step out of hotel
lol git gud
Next time you're in India, buy the Bouquet from the girl on the west side of town, it prevents Berserk.
Is there a good place to find troubleshooting information for this? Installed the RTP2000 thing to run the game, un-extracted, and it crashes on startup with an access violation error.
Why is Red Garland the best?
rpgmaker.net is the best i know of
i didn't realize it until now, but when i did my joseph ending, i had sonic youth
why the FUCK was akira not mentioned?
Though shit, i got howlin' wolf and zero interactions with stray cat
Clayman forgot
>get miracles
>no scene with Rohan
Is there a list or something that tells hs everything added in chaos mode?
Napalm Death. No other stand will replace it in my heart.
The Joseph ending has part 4?
yeah you meet up in morioh
>no Napalm Death scene with Rohan
Yep. Time skip.
I would have Miracles solely because my headcanon stand would have a kind of similar power
Ah. I'd like to see how this plays out in the 7th stand user 2.
what would deep purple taste like?
Fugo’s virus.
Extremely concentrated grapes. That's all you'll taste before you melt from the inside out.
It only follows the Jotaro ending, and the MCs are cousins.
black liquorice and ashes
Nursechad reporting in
weed, lmao
Fine with me because I got the Jotaro ending.
I'm here and I brought my special event with me
Can anybody give me a rundown? I've seem these threads for some weeks now, Is it a game based around JoJo?
Does it really matter? The Joseph ending achieves the same result
Not only is is a cool self-insert scenario for part 3, its also a very in-depth game with a shit ton of content, easter eggs, and fanservice, plus a good as hell original story to it
What is the name of the program that people are using to change the soundfont?
virtual midi synth
I know that a lot of people use the fatboy soundfont, but pick one that you like.
The japanese wiki
Got Adam Ant and mostly loving it, just wish I knew what skills actually did what seems like some of them have other effects
Ocean blue obviously, it's name is a color that the other protagonists stands don't have.
>SILVER chariot
>hermit PURPLE
>magicians RED
The fool (the dog already broke the chain of human stand users so it's okay for him not to get a color)
and ocean BLUE
well i mean
silver and platinum are metals
Started a new game and it didnt play the cutscene where Jotaro falls off the stairs, is this an older version or does the scene just not play in the first playthrough?
It's an older version, but the cutscene you're talking about has some errors in the tiny update that someone did before abandoning it.
Got it, is there any other difference between this version and the most recent one? I actually had the same issue as but you can just use a save editor anyway to get over that issue on a new playthrough.
Which character appearance best fits Specials?
Do I have enough FP with Iggy to unlock Canice Storm? Because I have been savescuming for some time but still nothing
isn't blue is taken by Dark Blue Moon
The 2.48 version and the one that added in the cutscene? I know that the version with the cutscene added one more slot for the Bizarre Memo and something about fighting Steely Dan in Karachi, but I didn't get that far in that version, so I don't know if there's any sort of errors in it. I would say stick with version 2.48 if you can.
Not sure what this says about me, but it seems fine
Any chance Wildhearts could get something? I feel Endless, Nameless (the eagle) is too little utilized for how important it is to Wildheart. I could see it getting a longer range version of the skill that has a lower chance to inflict the status condition, and maybe a skill it could learn by staying in the hotel with Iggy (Maybe something basic like slapping sand or an intimidating howl).
Pixies could probably get something else since it has a gap of 20 levels without learning any skills, but i am not too sure what it could learn that wouldnt be redundant. Maybe an offensive version of it's Mind Control abilities that deal damage but have lower accuracy?
By that same logic you could also say Napalm Death also fits because it's name has a tarot card the others don't have.
The thing is, while it copies their personality, the stand itself is still beholden to the users' will, it being an automatic stand and all. This means that the girl was so absolutely repulsed by this guy, that the personality overrode his request. Harsh.
What items besides the fake stat boosting drugs give buffs in battles?
11 should be enough, you just need enough FP to make Iggy obey you in battle. Is this before or after Pet Shop? I'm not sure if you can obtain the skill before his moveset change.
If the other user can confirm then i guess the problem was the version all along, i wonder what that other version changes about the playable characters
I wasn't sure if wildhearts really needed something or not, most people with that stand say that endless nameless is already a godlike dot but let me see what i can do, also for the tree as well
I am trying to get it before the Petshop fight because he will probably a very annoying boss
Other user here, i actually tried using the other version you posted on a previous thread and also got the error. I ended up just doing like him and downloading a save editor. Due to the way The Creator fight and Debug Room works it isnt a big deal to start over in this game.
Yeah i would probably be against another Eagle skill unless it was somehow weaker (not sure if you can do that), but Wildhearts also has a 20 levels gap between skills so i wouldnt oppose a skill either. Just a little something with Iggy or Polnareff would be enough imo.
Alright, i checked the wiki and the way it is worded makes me think it doesnt matter if this is before of after Pet Shop. I say keep trying, play some music or read something while you wait to try to make it go faster.
If you get really desperate you could try using a save editor to give yourself the skill, but i'm not sure if that would break anything.
i'm guessing this is howlin' wolf, your character will say "are they... training?" or something like that when you learn it
Thanks for the help
Well shit, sorry for the trouble you two, i'll try to fix that as soon as i figure out what's causing it
No problem man, at least it is only affecting the two of us. I actually assumed this was due to save editor fuckery so i tried a fresh savefile and it still didnt work. Legit have no idea what might be causing this, but thankfully this game makes it relatively simple to work around issues like this.
God bless instant skip to the ending.
Sadly we can't all be koichi
well, yeah. we all have dignity here.
So if any of you had a stand, would you use it whenever you could, or only when necessary?
Depends on what it does, I suppose.
Really depends on the stand, but i would try to avoid using it for mundane tasks to avoid laziness.
I'd definitely become a vigilante.
Now that theres a thread, can someone tell me why theres no sound coming from the game? Can't find answers or an install guide anywhere
I'd use it to commit crimes
Are you using the virtual midi synth?
Did the manga ever state any negative circumstances from using your stand all the time? cause if not id just be a lazy bastard and use it for most things
I'd use it when I'm sure that no one else is around. Can't be attracting the attention of nosy people.
i played it and while you can fight steely dan and win if you deal 999 damage it resets the fight. also king crimson fucks up the death thirteen fight
Not like they can see it
except for other stand users of course
I have it installed, but I'm not sure how to use it
You have to add a soundfont. Find one, download it, and then load it in the program.
Yeah but how do you explain all the weird shit that always seems to happen when you're around? Smarter people would start to question it.
Whenever I could.
Most people in my area are retarded. I had a grown-ass woman once tell me "turtles aren't animals, they're reptiles"
So I'd probably be fine.
How long is an average playthrough of this game and do I need a guide if I'm not being autistic about unlocking everything?
The only negative part of being a Stand User, is that you’d tend to attract other Stand Users for some reason.
Shit man you're right, I would have little to worry about, until another user comes along.
What if the government showed up at your door about your stand?
Stand users attract other stand users so having a stand is quite dangerous since you could attract an enemy.
It's a bit of a grind and you can't skip cutscenes in the first playthrough so it is kind of long
You don't need a guide, just be sure to check around towns for events and minibosses
time to yeet
Sure stand users attract stand users, but what reason would stand users have to fight each other? it's not like your a joestar and there's no Dio around to pay people to kill you
>Stand? What are you talking about? I'm standing right now..
whenever possible. from doing shit like grabbing the remote across the room to party tricks. Honestly, i'd like to become a vigilante if I had a stand like red garland or something that could stop bullets. Even miracles would be useful as fuck in that regard since you can become invisible or make illusions, hell, pixies can control anything as big as a small child and smaller, and you can control roots, that'd help, too i'd only hate to be stuck with quicksilver or mr. big, that'd really suck
We'll I'm fucked then.
That's when you murder them with your stand and clean your hands.
I’d get the fuck out of there.
not like the government could stop stand users. how can you stop a superpowered invisible being that can stop bullets and protects you at all times?
>not being the best sniper in the world
Not like a fucking camera is going to catch you pointing your invisible gun at someone
Well look at Angelo and Kira, Sure they were evil before, but powers like that can corrupt people.
Considering they asked specifically about a "stand" they at the very least, have a stand user with them, also Hayato would have fucking killed Kira if he didn't get coffee on his watch, so you don't really need a stand to beat another stand user, it's just super rare
Are you telling me to become Kira?
But you could run into a Kira Yoshikage sort of person who's just a piece of shit. Like says, if there's shitty people without stands, god knows you're gonna find people like them with stands.
>but what reason would stand users have to fight each other?
Destiny, or the obligatory mental deficiencies each stand user has
Is there anything to stop you?
Really, if you get a stand like Deep Purple or Miracles you pretty much won the lottery of murdering, no one can feasibly stop you.
True, but either way you'd only reveal it if you absolutely had to.
When I answer the questions honestly, I get Napalm Death.
hayato would have killed kira with stray cat, another stand, lol
Soft and Wet
Wildhearts here, I'm not boring I just don't want to reveal my powerlevel.
Me too, bro. Me too.
What stand fits Fat man the best?
It could also attract allies.
Mr. Big
Napalm Death with the samurai outfit
But which is more likely?
I'd say it's a 50/50 chance, plus a great likelihood that even if you're going to be friends, you'll still try and kick each-others ass before that.
Well by the time Jotaro got on the plane, he already had 3 allies, and immediately after he got off the plane he made another one
>clayman commented in names and personalities for random people through the school and then never actually uses that information anywhere else
but why though
She caught EchiroOdaites
I think it's random. I forgot which episode of DIU has the explanation, but I know Hazamada explains it.
It doesn't even show their names when they talk to you, and one of them is supposed to be the MC's friend since middle school
What kinda personalities are we dealing with?
The girl who asks you about clubs is a foul mouthed tough girl with a heart of gold apparently (and she is also a secret jotaro fangirl)
The girl in the library tries to get her novels published and has a thing for historical dramas (but that part does end up in dialogue if you talk to her while wearing a japanese outfit.)
Mashallah we will nuke the Shortyposters into oblivion
Is that girl also supposed to be the friend from middle school, or is that another girl?
the first one is, the second one is not
Sounds like she tried to GM a RPG and thought of a lot of NPCs but something happened and she couldn't use them
>tfw main antagonist
God I love being based
Damn our friend sounds like she's part of the photography club.
Actually, if you're in the photography club and a Jotaro fangirl, there's a chance for an event where she asks if you managed to get any photos of "the target"
That's amazing, too bad she can't join the journey.
i kept getting carpenters and caravan.
stuck with carpenters because it'd be neato to fix stuff, even if i was just a budget ass crazy diamond
Carpenters is only partly Crazy Diamond, it's more a general power tools stand. Fixing stuff is merely the beginning.
still butthurt about the whole not being precise enough to fix kakyoins eyes, or just medical stuff in general.
Wrong. Crazy Diamond is budget Carpenters. Carpenters can fix, upgrade, and create things while CD only heals.
Part 8 game when?
Even the literal Nurse stand couldn't do it, shit needs time.
Here you go im going to sleep now, i'll see if i can fix any problems you might have tomorrow
30 Rage Against The Machine
35 Grandma swamp
50 Fucking Really Ass Ultimate of Death
26 Endless Searchiness
(learned from polnareff at level 30) Frenzy (It always works just wait till a regular dialogue is over)
(Learned from Iggy at level 30) Soundog Babylon (It always works just wait till a regular dialogue is over)
Adam Ant
22 Beetle suplex
27 Spider web
32 Bombardier beetles
37 Natural treatment
(Learned from joseph if the player has spider web and a ripple tech) Satiporoja beetles (It always works just wait till a regular dialogue is over)
16 Chainsaw
22 Blood bank
32 Straight jacket
38 Daily dose
Pharoah sanders
20 Cleopatra shape
25 Pyramid crush
Howlin' wolf
20 Track scent (I just took this one from iggy just in case)
35 Air bubble
48 Who's been talkin'
Red Garland
23 User toss
26 Floor sharpnel
35 Penetrating punch
(Learned from joseph if the player has red garland 3 and a ripple tech) Sunset Orange Overdrive (It always works just wait till a regular dialogue is over)
26 Death Curse
32 Poison Swamp
20 Agent parry
22 Agent snipe
24 Agent cripple
26 Agent bluff
28 Agent high five
30 Agent sand
Napalm Death
25 Flashbang
35 Ballistic ink
50 Fat bomb
25 Case armor
(Learned from stroheim) MR. big MARK II (It always works just wait till a regular dialogue is over)
Can now use the gun technique books
(Learned from stroheim) Quicksilver MARK II (It always works just wait till a regular dialogue is over)
25 Energy Barrier
"How do these stands protect kakioyin on his ending?"
That's somewhat iffy, since CD has the ability to chance or revert what he punches, like with that one punk that he punched or the lottery ticket.
>tfw quicksilver
What stand is more broken then Sonic Youth?
I don't think any other stand is as good as Sonic Youth's ability to support the party and deal strong ranged damage to opponents
I'd say Caravan, since in the second run of the game you can just get tons of attack items (like a nuke), sleep in your bed at home before fighting Kakyoin, and equip 'Rohan's Manuscript' to just destroy everybody.
Despite that though, I think every stand can be a bit broken in there own ways, but some take more setting up than others.
>Learn from Stroheim
When do you get Stroheim in your party to do that?
If I change stands in ng+ do I have to relearn all the secret book techniques? Don't want to spend the money in the dev room if it won't roll over with me.
You only have to reread the secret books if you get a different stand, otherwise they stick.
submarine route
I tend to get Howlin Wolf, Joykiller and Cardigans when i "Answered Honestly", depends entirely on my mood regarding some questions.
I can go either way on a couple of questions, and I get either Miracles or Wildhearts depending on which way I went.
Pharaoh Sanders motherfucler
Tried to transfer my save and I'm getting an invalid hero error. Am I fucked?
>the school now has a rooftop in the update
fuck I almost missed that
Why did clayman name herself clayman if she isn't a man?
because she's married to a golem
>if your last playthrough had high evil karma, you have to fight them on the rooftop
That's why shorty had the book of evil
Is there any specific dialogue, or does it launch straight into a battle?
Basically "so this is (name)" and that they were sent by Dio to kill you.
I wonder if they say anything about the last playthrough when they're defeated.
They just say "So... stupid" and then die.
It's a real shame because it's just all copypasted down the line. I figured each stand would have slight variations to account for the different personalities.
That's a damn shame. Like you said, it could be a bit more personalized.
Well that's another one for the translator's cut
I'm surprised you remember that.
Actually, how is the translator's cut gonna be implemented or show up?
I was just going to make it a separate download.
so how does one get the full expirience?
do i just download the game? is there a translation patch or something?
Download the game from that guy's tumblr, and do a few playthroughs so you can be ready for the full experience.
how many playthroughs, and what exactly do you mean by "be ready"?
is new content coming out?
Yes, and it needs the max amount of money to unlock.
Joykiller is the one that fits my personality most according to description.
>is new content coming out?
Yup, Chaos mode (adds in new shit) is being translated and that requires at least 5 playthroughs and max money to unlock.
guess its time to unleash my stand
[Shalom Alechem] And get some mad shekels
big thank
5, and lots of money, i think you max amount
you can just download a save file though mega.nz
does it matter what playthrough? do i need specific routes, unlockables?
i played this back in like, 2016 i think
saving this incase i wont have enough time, thanks
character endings and succession endings are the only way to get new game plus, other than that, its whatever you wanna do
Nah that's just a kind dude who pops into threads here and there and voice acts a bit. Don't know if he's still kicking around here though.
Don't you think it's a bit silly to reply to a post from 7 hours ago pal?
im living in 3019
we need more Stand discs in the game, Josuke's was really cool and it just made me hungry for more
there are more they just aren't complete. baoh has one but like only has 5 moves and is ai controlled. koichi has one and three freeze as well as the boing sound from act 2 is there but that's it i believe
jolyne is in but she moslty has jotaro skills + tie up and has a thirty level learn nothing gap betweeen 20 - 30
Well, at least the non-evil prior heroes have different dialogue.
Do they just say their name?
I thought Betrayal and Mad World can't NG+ though?
Nah, they say stuff that implies they know what's going on like "do your best" and other advice.
You're right, but if your character had 8 or more negative karma, they'll fight you on the rooftop in the next NG
that's why it's just high evil karma
Well that's reassuring. Does anything happen if you chose the same MC, name, and Stand?
So is the rooftop fight Chaos mode only? It'd be a pretty nasty surprise if a level 1 cardigans was fighting a level 40 or so napalm death
Nope, doesn't seem so to be. That would be a pretty shitty surprise. It might be level scaled though.
Nope, unless it's on a different page.
You would think she would've done something for at least the same stand.
>Nope, doesn't seem so to be.
so it's not chaos mode only?
>It might be level scaled though.
kinda doubt that cuz the only thing that's level scaled in this whole game( that i could find anyway) is the edfu utah fight's iai slash
There should be one with Diego
A Gyro disc would be very interesting.
You have my attention.
clayman already put it in the game files, i didn't make - sorry
Well shit, hope something good comes out of it in the future.
i think i might add in some skill for him and see if i can make him playable/ add him to the party
Good luck user, I'll be eagerly waiting.
Why does Red Garland get a requiem without the arrow?
Nice, don't forget all the cool shit spin can do like mirages and body deformation.
Most red garland skills follow the naming pattern RGR
I guess it just evolved through sheer force of will.
literally too angry to need it
The arrow is a crutch for wusses.
Angrier than King Crimson?
Does anyone have any ideas for a level 25 skill for gyro?
Double shot maybe? Maybe attacking the scenery to throw debris at the opponent?
i've already done both of those but i guess i'll move double shot up and replace it with a normal steel ball throw
>alpha male
Gyro's skills
Cardiac massage - 1
Stone toss - 1
Steel Ball throw (NEW) - 1
Scan (NEW) - 5
Rockslide - 9
Body Hardening (New) - 10
Sandstrike - 17
Double Throw (New) - 25
Push it to the limit - 45
Ball Breaker (NEW) - 50
Seems good, I would add Wekapipo's skills since Gyro is kind of starved for special moves but that may cause some butthurt from purists, so it's your call there.
Double Throw
Body Hardening
i might but i'm not sure what whatever the fuck wekapipo did would do in terms of an rpg
Probably confuse and/or can't find, just add the flavor text saying you moved to their left side after the throw.
wonder which level would be best to give it to him
Between double throw and Push it to the limit probably, you could also add a satellite attack to add another skill to the count.
>satellite attack
Wrecking Ball - 30
Wrecking Ball can launch satellites that if I remember correctly are very lethal at close range.
Basically a scatter attack similar to the debris one.
Satellite Barrage - 35
Nice, looks good to go.
Being able to choose a fat character sprite just makes it more KINO
「MIRACLES」 is truly a Miracle
He keeps missing and its pissing him off
put him as a part of ripple warriors in the morgue
I was about to call you a faggot but that's a good song so you convinced me, you are a cool guy,
I appreciate the fact that JoJo fandom tends to have pretty patrician taste in music
stands that can stop bullets are mary sues like star platinum, the world and crazy diamond*then you have some bullshit stands that give you the ability to dodge it, but most users won't be able to stop someone from gunning them down
Little Feet is a Mary Sue stand now?
Is Jonathan anywhere in the game?
>Being able to choose a fat character sprite just makes it more KINO
what ? it changes something ? otherwise I'm just going to play as Takenouchi
I feel like i'm the only fucker that got quicksilver
apparently if you kill Stroheim at the harbor in China, Johnathon replaces him in some ending or other, I'm not entirely sure
the english wiki isn't very detailed
If I remember it right fat characters have a bit more HP but have the chance to suddenly eat a food item
Yes, he is a recruitable companion on certain routes.
if you kill stroheim in the harbour jonathan shows up at the morgue when picking ripple warriors for the "bad" everyone lives ends
I know for a fact it changes your sprite and makes your character get hungry faster
Some anons in a previous thread said it also changed dialogue in certain interactions with npcs and party members
god this is perfect, pretty much every jojo character has a retarded quirk / weakness, being able to have a lasting fault (instead of just having a debuff for a single fight) is kino
Yes. If you skip Stroheim and Speedwagon, Jonathan shows up in the room with Alicia and Berlin, and bringing him to fight DIO makes him recite his lines that he said to him at the castle, claiming that he’ll kill him to satisfy his grudge.
I fucking love these guys
Fat characters can steal Jotaro’s food during a certain FP event, and geek out about good food with Joseph.
too bad they're garbage and boring
>doesn't shit damage
>doesn't apply status effects often
>the only good status effect they bring, Surrounded, is a physical attack, and it has abysmal scaling with their stats
>even if they apply the status, the damage they deal is still garbage and they eat SP so they're even more useless
>atrocious range, they're supposed to be best on the front-line but they don't do as well other Stands that are supposed to be there, and take lots of damage in return
definitely needs a rework
Dio! I will crush your ambition!! My quivering heart!! This burning heat!! Rraaauuugh!! The pounding beat of my blood! Sunlight Yellow Overdrive
Fine, but what are the most powerful/useful player stands in the game?
Hold on, doesn't surrounded cut enemy stats in half? My entire gameplan revolves around it always being up.
it's supposed to, but the enemy doesn't seem to mind having their stats "halved" and continue to shit 100-200 damage to me per turn
metagamer virgin detected
All of them are good but some are just more consistent than others
So while Red Garland becomes the strongest because of what he learns at max level he isn't as good most of the time as Howlin' and Pharaoh that are good from early game to late game (not counting the super bosses)
You can have several lasting faults by answering questions through the game. It even affects gameplay sometimes. My character was afraid of heights and thus lost some turns during The Tyde's fight.
Specials can inflict surrounded which doesn't halve stats and deals 6% + 1 damage per turn. Specials can also inflict the status specials which does halve stats and also deals 10% + 1 damage per turn
yes but that's they are: debuffs for a fight or two, for example saying you don't know how to swim will just give you fear (?) for the dark blue moon fight and will never be mentioned again
You can also be a pervert, and bond with Polnareff over that.
>and will never be mentioned again
Yes it will, it changes the text in some scenes. Like the cutscene before the High Priestess Teeth fight. After escaping the submarine your character will lag behind due to not knowing how to swim. And being afraid of heights has you suddenly realize how high up you are before the scene where Wheel of Fortune climbs up the cliff wall.
Fuck I have no memory of that
time to replay the game I guess
my STD says otherwise
>most OP in canon
I'll go solely by the lore given about them and the general rules of stands, and not by their in game stats, moves, and performance.
Quicksilver has a fast ranged attack that has among the highest destructive power possible. It doesn't do much else or protect you, but hey, firepower, you'd absolutely destroy people in most normal stand versus stand combat.
Miracles has mind affecting powers and protective powers. That's basically a win button except if Quicksilver shoots you right away or you're killed by the basically mindless Adam Ant from afar.
Sonic Youth is humanoid so he can physically do things, has hands for fine manipulation, and protect you from ordinary attacks. On top of which he has multiple powerful and deadly ranged attacks and hypnotic powers. Deadly ranged attacks are nasty, and this stand has versatility as well.
Caravan doesn't interfere or do anything for you, but can make pretty much whatever you like and will give it to you in exchange for some of your energy. You don't have to be a genius to make a fortune making gold or whatever. Plus you can create whatever you may need at the time. Powerful because of utility.
Carpenters is another humanoid stand with hands so it can do things for you, and protect you, plus it's quick. On top of which it has a special power to amazingly dismantle things and even repair and improve them, even complex and living things. Fast, deadly up close, and highly versatile.
Howlin Wolf gets amazing speed, vast strength, and the special ability to create powerful ranged shockwaves. However it has an animal shape so it's less able to fit perfectly around you to block bullets and it has paws instead of hands, so tool use will be more limited.
Pharao Sanders is broken in the begining because by lvl 12 he learns thunder and kill everything in 1 hit or 3 if a boss. but by the end game, I didn't get the event nor grinded to lvl50 so he was mediocre at the final fights.
Learning from these events IS random, right? I don't think I understand the wording "Always works, just wait till regular dialogue is over". Seeing as Stro and Speedweed don't really have any normal dialogue.
>Average Male Pixies
>Shorty Miracles
>Fatty Caravan
>Average Girl Cardigans
>Distinct Girl Mr. BIG
What playthoughs should I do next bros? I want to establish a stand for each playable character at the very least before I start moving into the endgame stuff
Napalm Death for koichi expy.
Not-Josuke with Carpenters for the full knockoff brand experience.
Flashy male Carpenters
Shorty girl Joy Killer
Fat girl Howlin' Wolf
Howlin' Wolf, somehow.
Shorty is the girl, we call Short Male Not!Koichi
>not not koichi
so it's Koichi, then?
Is there a way to give the XP you get every battle a bump?
The grinding is making me suicidal, but just using Cheat Engine to make myself lvl 50 is boring
should i go in blind for the first playthrough?
Hayato was using a stand though not his own to kill Kira. But a non stand user can kill a stand user, like that prison guard who nearly killed Jolyne before Weather Report saved her with the frogs. Or in part 7, Lucy killed Blackmore though he survived for a bit after. Gyro is also not using any stand for the majority of SBR.
Ripple is a quasi-stand
You mean the spin ? When you think about it, it wouldn't be the first time somebody gain a stand power through training. We saw that with the chink from part 6.
Oh and Ringo Roadagain has a stand but he's just using a gun to kill people.
Can you change your party members' equipment? If so how the fuck do I do that?
I got Deep Purple though
Joykiller a best
>not like the government could stop stand users
t. never read part 7
>gets Berserk Ora
>Steamrolls the rest of the game
That's not even getting into SP The World
How is this okay, this stand is fucking busted
a great majority of stands are punchghosts and are fast enough to at least block a bullet. if it isnt it would have some sort of ability to compensate, and if not then looks like life hates you
not to mention that polnareff calls you fat sometimes
What's the best stat for Miracles?
Guessing Spirit?
>strongest stand hurr durr
i'd say they balance out well. Think of them more like different classes than a roster of fighters. Miracles is the "weakest" but is excellent at support, cardigans is a healer and that's always useful, red garland has high damage but low range and accuracy, etc. So it all purely depends on your playstyle, there isn't one that's objectively the "best" and that stays pretty true to jojo
tonio in part 4 got his just from training to be a cook so hard
Is this the best way to get a stand ?
Getting arrow'd with a healing stand user nearby is a more effective method
That's risking getting a shitty stand like cheap trick.
It's impossible to avoid the possibility of getting a shitty stand
For instance, what if instead of his dope cooking abilities, Tonio instead got a stand that automatically disintegrates any food item he touches? After all, over the years of cooking I'm sure he's damn good at chopping up ingredients at this point.
I would still take the risk.
now that i'm thinking about it hours later, does she use it on the thief that steals rubber soul's wallet?
Speaking of shitty stands, isn't Boingo's stand the shittiest ever ? It's way worse than Survivors.
boingo's stand is good for the short-term, and if the prediction actually goes your way
oingo's stand is practically useless though, considering that there are other stands that do its job better like yellow temperance and cinderella
Anyone know how to use Cheat Engine to give yourself multiple items? i.e. giving yourself 99 Crazy DX
Tried a few different methods of determining the address for certain items and couldn't figure it out
If someone knows how to edit saves, that'd be cool too
Just use rpg maker 2k and create an events that gives you what you want.
It's not RNG like devil fruits are, you'll always get a stand that fits with who you are on some level in some way and you'll be able to get some use out of it
Cheap Trick only happened because the guy who got it was already pretty weird, hell in Part 6 Pucci's stand disks only work on people who have a pre-disposition towards them, which is why nobody on the planet except Jotaro gets Star Platinum's ridiculously busted power since he's probably the only one alive who could handle it at that point
it's a game faggot
get your wet blue ass out of here
ocean blue, huh?
Part 7 question
So Johnny gets his hand cut off by D4C, how the fuck does he have his hand facing against Dio?
I hope there's a Jonathan disk at some point
The Cream Starter from another universe if I remember it right
Adam ant gang
Brainlet here, can somebody be kind enough to make a list of what choices you need to make during the personality quiz to get which stand? Preferrably with its best stats? The explanation(s) on the wiki make it sound convoluted af, even though it really isn't.
which stand are you trying to go for?
i could probably specify in the time it takes for the thread to archive
Everything but Joykiller, Howlin Wolf and Pharaoh Sanders, since those are the 3 I have done playthroughs of while answering as true to myself with as little variation as possible. The ones I'm most interested in trying out are probably: Caravan, Specials, Carpenters, Pixies and Deep Purple. Pick one for me.
This Funny V gives Johnny a cream starter he took from the Hot Pants of another universe to try to make him believe he wont just kill him if Johnny removes the spin.
i'd only suggest caravan or carpenters if you prepare for it, and specials if you don't mind wasting time by savescumming, but i hear that pixies is pretty boring
so, every stand has a main trait and a sub trait that are determined by letters
in the case of deep purple, the main trait is I and the sub trait is H (I/H)
the first two questions are always the same, and they determine your main trait, so you pick the two options that give you I (mingling and depends)
if you want MAX stats, reset until you get "do you think that the end justifies the means" question, but you can still loop with any question
pick the option that goes to H, and keep going in that direction on the I-A alphabet
note, for some reason sometimes the game will give you the I/A stand, even if you loop the right way, just redo it and ensure that you get the stand you want, even if it means sacrificing perfect stats
Better part question, how is Johnny able to survive after getting shot by Wekapipo, Diego and Valentine at the same fucking time. Specially since Gyro is telling him that this time he's done for.