What we need is a Guyver Bio Boosted Armor Video Game.
What we need is a Guyver Bio Boosted Armor Video Game
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Thread Theme Song : youtube.com
What would it be like?
Probably a beat em up, or action game like dmc
Spiderman (ps4) with ultra gore
Yeah, probably even using the Musou engine at times, if not for the whole game. Special moves tied in to 'charges', locked out of some because reasons(Enzyme usually), and fuck up boss with Megasmasher. w,r,r.
Would it have a different story to the anime/manga or would it be similar?
Should probably go with different characters so they can go crazy with new zoanoid designs. Chronos had worldwide branches after all.
3d metroidvania with Warframe's mobility
I would say it could/should have a similar story up to where the manga cut off, and then do whatever it wants then. At the rate the author's going, we'll never find out what's going on before he kicks the bucket. Plus, we've got more than a few empty spots in the storyline as is where extra side missions can be put in.
Its been years from the last update the author dies or something?
Great idea
That would be very nice.
Maybe the author is taking a little break.
I mean, it could work.
What should the overall look and feel be in the game and what can you do in it?
it's already been made and it's called Prototype
>there will never be a chivalry remake of guyvers vs zoanoids
No, they are not alike at all.
If they include stuff like this in the game, I'd be so happy.
I wonder how the Zoanoids will look.
English Opening Soundtrack was vastly superior
A 90's era beatem up like this would've been a perfect fit. I gave up hope for a Guyver game around 2005 but maybe Yea Forums could get together and mod an older gamese sprites and do it...
Like Prototype but good
Just play vanquish
Vanquish isn't all biomechanical and shit tho
A guyver game would be pretty cool but the manga went batshit crazy during the gigantic arc.
Wait this is still going? It's not finished yet? Jesus this thread made me want to read it again but now idk if it's worth it
Yeah, it's still going. A third Guyver has entered the fray, but she's basically wearing a working version of the second suit(that ate the Chronos guy). Plus, the Zoalords are showing their traitorous colors as well, Arkanfel may not be the big bad we think...lots of shit.