Hard mode: Do NOT just post a recently released game or a game that is generally considered to be good just to appear cool and edgy in eyes of 13 year olds and actually post a genuinely bad game that isn't constantly talked about on Yea Forums and/or reviewed by every single youtuber.
Hard mode: Do NOT just post a recently released game or a game that is generally considered to be good just to appear...
Other urls found in this thread:
Any noughty dog game
Unironically, Nier: Automata
any shantae game
metroid other M
unironically the worst game i have ever played.
SNES Lord of the Rings
Superman 64.
I still don't understand that fucking rings to this day.
Black Lamp on the Atari ST. Ya'll can stop reading the thread right here because you will never in your lives find a game that even approaches this level of shit. Operating an elevator is a million times more fun.
Fuck you. The music alone makes it the best spidey game ever.
>The music
Doesn't save the shit gameplay and unless it's a fucking rhythm game, music will never save the entire thing.
these games look pretty good dont see the issue desu
daniel x the ds game.
It's Tim Follin, you fucking troglodyte. It's the video game equvalient of going to the opera. Plus the Gambit and Wolverine stages were pretty creative.
Come in here and no one posting BRINK
Conan Exiles
the least satisfying rewards for possibly the longest grind in a survival game, 10 times worse than ARK
Avatar: Into the inferno.
Good god it was the worst fucking shovelware game i've ever played. Can't believe i was so hyped for that game. Feel so ashamed that i had such shit taste when i was younger.
Nigger, the game fucking sucks and there's nothing you can do about it. I understand if you like it for nostalgia reasons, but the game sucks.
Black lamp isn't too bad.
If you want bad ste games, check out yomo and the grail
Worst game I've ever played is Sonic 06
Worst experience I've had playing a game is Tales of Zestiria
>Plus the Gambit and Wolverine stages were pretty creative
But they played like shit. You also conveniently ignored Storm.
Silent Hill: Downpour
hours of trash atmosphere in trash areas with trash monsters and trash gameplay
fucking KoRn playing over the credits to top it off gave me a feeling not unlike when my mom called me to tell me my childhood pet died
Probably Bombuzal.
I thought you were joking
Korn actually plays over the credits
Good lord
This had Follin and it was still terrible
He was phoning it in with that one. Honestly it's not even that hard compared to other shmups.
I think the legitimate worst game I ever played was The Fellowship of the Ring on GBA. It was a weird turn based RPG where you could never really make too much sense of what was going on, what you were supposed to be doing and the graphics were muddy shit that made it difficult to see anything too.
Any recent Hitman game (past blood money)
Persona 5. I can't believe I wasted 60 bucks to play a glorified visual novel.
>He was phoning it in with that one
I'm talking about the gameplay
literally 0 depth to the game
Any Modern Sonic game past Heroes, yes that includes 2hrs long Generations too.
persona 5 has always had a bad place in my heart since Midnight Animal became Persona Animal 5, plus it's just a shitty game not even a SMT game lol
not bait if it's true
Persona games are really bad. Nonstop anime tropes, time consuming bullshit, AWFUL pacing then a random deity at the end.
Yakuza games are also bad for most of the same reasons, but with even less """gameplay""". Typically, if someone says they enjoy either or both, I just write them off as a retard who I don't want to play anything with.
My mom got me this game called Bamse which had scored a perfect 1/5 in every category. In retrospect they were too generous.
The fucking controls in this game feels like aiming a trebuchet. You nudge right and Bamse goes sliding 50ft straight into the nearest pit or wall of spikes. It's like every level was an ice level. Never got past level 3 yet still it's truly the worst of the worst.
Jimmy Neutron vs Jimmy Negatron GBA
Other than some really old shit on commodore and atari St or steam shovelware, I'd say flatout 3.
For big budget stuff, ultima 9, dragon age 2 or cod ww2 are the worst.
Don't Starve. It's literally just shittier minecraft. The characters are nice though.
It has a 10x more interesting premise, art style, soundtrack, literally everything.
Just adding on to this post to say fuck you if you like Yakuza. I cannot stand the fanbase at all.
Yes, and the gameplay is a literal kiting simulator.
the original prey where you're an injun fighting aliens
Rascal on the PS1.
legend of foresia
Sold that shit the next day
I will never not post this game on these kind of thread. Subpar turn based rpg gameplay with horrible mechanics and an overworld that actually limit you on your party construction.
And off course, the biggest stinker of all, the worst music of any game I've played. Like I thought music wasn't that important in a game until this one came in. A few exemple for the poor virgin souls who never heard them
ssx 2012. I hated everything about it.
It's really easy to tell the zoomers apart form the boomers ITT
No wonder Yea Forums is such a shithole when the point of refernce for WORST GAME OF ALL TIME is something that's fully playable from start to finish
Are you saying this as someone who enjoys Minecraft?
The wolfenstein reboot
Okay, what's your shittiest game of all time
E.T. on the 2600? Or maybe it's one of the other unplayable trash that's been discussed a million times
By far for me its Watch_Dogs_
It was just boring in every department.
This. Why isn't anyone posting the .4 Alpha of something?
It's hard to nail down the single worst game I played
Probably some shit on a Demo disk or from Newgrounds that I don't even remember anymore.
Hard to tell, aside from that the games that I bought but disliked aren't bad strictly speaking, just not my cup of tea most of the time
maybe this would mean something coming from someone who doesn't defend pokemon to death
>mfw tactics advance was the only one i've played and i love it
I think the game is just not for you then user. It's not a minecraft clone. It actually focuses on you having to deal with limited ressource and surviving. It takes patience to enjoy and I'm personally not always in the mood to play it and have a hard time recommending it, but it is always a blast to play when I'm in the mood for it.
YIIK: A Postmodern RPG
i bought it first day thinking it would be bad but enjoyable like pic related. i sat down with my roommate, we got a pizza and a couple beers, and the game was completely intolerable. there is no humor or anything fun in this game at all. you cant even ironically like it because its just THAT awful.
I hated condemned 2, I bought it new and returned it the same day and lost $40 on it. I was so fucking angry. A lot of it was probably my fault because I started it on the highest difficulty. The online was horse shit and I kept dying at the bear part. It was really a shame because I loved the first one
Monster Hunter World
There is so much in this that's genuinely not true, it's ridiculous.
>Worst game I ever played.
Big Rigs on the PC.
>Personal worst game.
Last of Us.
newfag underage wouldn't remember it.
Its bad and completely wasted potential, but it is not the worst by far.
>i bought it first day
Some of you are retarded. I can't believe I share a board with someone who felt like paying for indie trash, let alone THAT.
Unlimited saga. Nobody told me there was no actual gameplay and you were just controlling a chess piece. Fucking terrible
You need to update this with Sonic Boom and Star Fox Zero.
Thank you so much for this user
red cards suck the fun out of the entire game
Agony, and Silent Hill Downpour.
Not including steam shovelware, the worst retail game I've ever played was probably the A Series of Unfortunate Events game on the gamecube. I also played Over the Hedge on DS.
My parents used to constantly buy me shitty movie games. I am very grateful for this generation that they make far less of these garbage cash ins.
Oh fuck. That's a fact, hated them so much. I'm gonna go play the other games today.
Sonic Chronicles: The Dark Brotherhood
anyone else here ever play this piece of shit? It was $2 at Best Buy a few years ago so I got it as a joke. Can't believe they launched the 3DS with this garbage
This collage is so wrong it hurts.
FF15 not FF13,
Ruby not anything after black/white,
Inquisition not Dragon Age 2,
Fallout 76 not Brotherhood Of Steel,
Starfox Adventures not Zero?
Your taste is terrible.
>i bought it first day thinking it would be bad but enjoyable
I legitimately hate people like you. I bet you were one of the faggots bringing more attention to it with daily threads. People like you are the reason we get deliberate shit like Bubsy coming back. And then you start crying about how the industry has "gone to shit" or whatever.
Sword of the stars 2. What a mess of a potentially great 4x.
How the fuck is FF13 worse than FF15?
Holy shit, at least FF13 felt like a FF game, even if it was a hallway.
Now read OP's spoiler text, dumb zoomer.
Atlantis No Nazo. I actually suggest playing it just to see how bad it is. The jump physics are maybe the worst in any game ever. If you ever wanted to understand just how good Mario and Megaman feel trying playing this for ten minutes and then playing those.
Interestingly this game is one, if not the first, metroidvania games which is cool at least.
>FF15 not FF13,
and that is enough to know that you are baiting.
13, while flawed, was still a decent game.
15 was an unfinished piece of shit with some of the most boring/casual pandering combat of any action RPG out there.
zoomers never had to live in an era where you had no good way to tell if a game was good or not before buying it.
Now you can just look up gameplay before you buy the game, so somebody's worst game is going to be a good game that didnt fit their personal tastes.
>Not posting a game to prove them wrong or set an example
And then you wonder why everyone think we're elitist assholes
Obligatory gif
hate on me all you want, but i never started a thread for it.
i was more concerned with removing it from my memory
it's not interesting to post about the *real* worst thing you've ever played. I once bought a 9 cent unity asset store flip on steam, what the fuck else is there to say about it. Of course it was shit.
>o somebody's worst game is going to be a good game that didnt fit their personal tastes
This. Bad games don't exist anymore.
I don't have 10 seconds to google, but it was some pajeet swf puzzle game back in the day.
I generally don’t buy games I’m unsure of, but if I’m being honest the worst game I’ve played would have to be the original Nier. But even then, I love and cherish that game. How hard is it for you idiots to be informed consumers and love video games? Why so much buyers remorse?
>Worst quality games
Superman 64
Genuinely abysmal.
>Most disappointing game
Holy fuck, I never thought a game about mass murder would be so fucking boring. It would be genuinely more fun to go on a rampage in fucking shit-ass Oblivion. None of the weapons were satisfying and it felt like a crappy 2004 flash game.
Xenoblade 2 was the cringiest experience in my life
>you can't dislike anything or you're an idiot
>if you look up information on a game you will 100% know whether or not you like the entirety of it
I played it last month and had a way better time with it than the absolute stain that was 13.
I can't think of one thing I liked about it.
While 15 was nowhere near the best FF, I found the characters way more likeable at least.
The worst games I ever played were all forgettable licensed movie based games my parents got for me as a kid.
I feel like thats too easy of an answer, so Kingdom Come: Deliverance is my personal most hated. I got it because I enioy history and Yea Forums shilled it, but every aspect of the game other than the graphics and combat is horrendous. The game is filled with softlocks and game breaking glitches, quests consist of walking for 10+ minutes while there isnt even any dialogue (or the dialog glitched out, i couldnt tell), and the game is filled to the brim with "realistic" systems designed to make it as monotonous and awful as possible to play.
There are no words for how much I hate Shitter Star
You're a closet faggot, got it.
Color Splash managed to be worse from a gameplay standpoint.
You have to have some standards to what even counts as a game.
Obviously if you were talking about ANY sort of game, I have played tons of flash games which could barely be considered games. Things that end in two seconds, "Games" which are actually just trolls or screamers, etc.
When people are asked "What do you think is the worst game of all time", they have to consider something a real game first before they can say its the worst. Incomplete games can rarely be considered games.
Not only that, but sometimes unbeatable games can be perfectly fun. For example I had a lot of fun with text based adventure games when I was younger, even though I never beat them. It's only years later that I learned they were legitimately impossible to play. An unbeatable, incomplete game can still be significantly better than a fully complete game that you can finish.
You prefer a game where the lead character had an interview with a real life fashion magazine. I think you might be way deeper in the closet, user.
i wanted to die while playing this
did it for the music tho
Way more interesting than "BOTW IS DA WORST EVUR!!!"
Tell me more.
>Tell me more.
>what the fuck else is there to say about it
illiterate fuck
They absolutely do, but when you can watch gameplay before you buy youre not going to get some shovelware off steam and be mad that it isnt good when you never expected that in the first place.
Thats fine user but what tells me youre a zoomer is you legitimately dont understand that unplayable, garbage games used to regularly have retail releases. Nowadays if you go to a store and buy a game you can be confident that its at least a playable product
I don't care about that shit because I care about the game. Nice one, though.
Flintstones on the gameboy. The one based on the movie. Do I even have to elaborate? I played that shit every day because I had beaten everything else.
I also rented Yogi Bear on the SNES one time but it's not fair to judge because I quit after the cave section.
I tend to be pretty good at avoiding bad games and when I play games it's some shit I got for free or emulated so the feel of playing a bad game washes off me immediately.
Most regretted game was either brink, smash ultimate or bloodborne. All massive let downs.
>They absolutely do
Uh, no, they don't. Anything modern you consider bad is just something you don't like.
there's thousands of unplayable pieces of shit out there that no one has ever heard of or cares about. Why bother making a thread where every answer is
>shovelware I got in a steam sale for under $1 that no one but me has played
>movie game for a bad movie no one cares about
>dime a dozen atari trash no one has heard of
Apparently what happened with the music is all the files for it got deleted a week before the game launched and it had to be remade from scratch
Because they're worse and the point is to talk about the worst? Go make your own thread about "above average games" and see how many people give a shit.
It has the worst turn-based combat of any game I’ve ever played by a country mile, and I have never in my life been as frustrated and downright angry at the main character for their sheer stupidity as I have in that pile of garbage. The MC is so unbelievably stupid that it feels downright insulting to the player.
Bonus points for the sequels retconning it by an absurd degree, meaning that even the shitty story doesn’t matter.
The only things I liked about it were the intro section and a few of the newly introduced Servants (Robin Hood, Gawain, and Li Shuwen in particular).
I fucking despise this game and the entire EXTRAverse of the Fate franchise.
Summoner 2. It's more that I am awful though and not the game. Couldn't even beat the intro as a kid.
Go play Ride to Hell: Retribution and tell me that.
>unplayable, garbage games used to regularly have retail releases
They were still playable.
>but I couldn't finish it
>but it had severe game breaking bugs
You could still play it. They were not unplayable.
have you ever considered that the point of your thread sucks
>unplayable, garbage games used to regularly have retail releases
Yes, and several of the text based adventure games I was talking about were for my C64 were retail games that cost real money.
If you just assume people are zoomers because they have some standards to what they call a game, then that's on you.
Like I said, if I had to say what was the worst game I ever played, it would probably be one of the hundreds of shitty flash games I played that ended in half a second. That's by no means interesting. Even if you only want to consider retail releases, something like "I bought a game and it was bad because the 2nd level doesn't load" would be very interesting either.
I would assume everyone in this thread is assuming the same. They want to talk about games that are bad because they're bad games with horrible design, not because it's a defective product that doesn't even work.
It has shit controls, voice acting, and animations, but it's playable.
Lunar Dragon Song. As if they do all what should not be done in a JRPG.
Extreme Paintbrawl
couldn't make it 5 minutes before shutting it off because of the ear-bleedingly retarded dialogue
>unplayable, garbage games used to regularly have retail releases
Humor me. Name a legitimately unplayable game from your time.
Dont remember name cuz it was almost 20 years ago. But there was game where you have to drive around the city in taxi or police car and try to find bomb before its blows up entire city.
If you consider falling into the level randomly "playable" i guess.
Thats a stupid criteria anyways, E.T. for Atari and Superman 64 are also playable by that logic, as is Sonic 06.
This game is comedy gold.
Viking: Battle for Asgard
Neat in concept but it ended up being the same three missions over and over again with the only payoff being this once in a while big battles that, though cool are ultimately clusterfucks since you're in the middle of hundreds of soldiers with little collision detection.
I did not mean "unplayable" in a literal sense, but so buggy and broken that a lot of the game is out of your control.
I dont even need to try for this, Superman 64 is a great example
Please tell me one of you fuckers have played this too.
>E.T. for Atari and Superman 64 are also playable by that logic, as is Sonic 06.
Whoever said they WEREN'T playable? They're just shitty games. Actually, E.T. isn't even that shit. You just latched on to it thanks to AVGN.
Alpha Protocol
Absolute fucking shit, even tho i beat it on the hardest difficulty on first play through. Why? Guess I was expecting for something good to happen, but in the end it's the biggest piece of crap on earth.
>Atari E.T. is the worst thing ever meme
go play Atari Pac-Man
>liking Fate anything
Nips, as usual, need punctuation to make their game stand out because it is, as usual, some generic action-based bullshit with women who never emotionally actualized and men who never socially integrated to anything anywhere.
At least the music is generally nice but dude fuck this whole series right up the ass. Fuck modern anime right up the ass.
Do you mean unplayable as in literally does not respond to controls? Or cannot be beaten in the intended fashion? Or just awful and unfun in every way?
Because the first one would really never happen but the latter two sure did. In the 8 and 16 bit era there were piss poor arcade releases that were just an absolute chore to play coming out every week. And until about 2007 when patching culture became prominent it was a regular occurrence to see games released in a state where they couldn't be beaten without cheats
I disappointment was fucking immeasurable. Can't believe this piece of garbage got TWO sequels.
I feel the same way about Fairune.
What's wrong with DA:I? I just bought it a few days ago for 4.99 and I think it's great. I'm 20 hours in and have barely scratched the surface. There are a few glitches here and there, some dialogue is lame and few things feel feels "dark" or "mature" but other than those extremely minor things I don't know how someone could say it's a bad game.
The golden compass on the nintendo ds.
Zelda II
AVGN didnt review E.T. until years after his prime and even he said that E.T. was underrated.
E.T. was bad enough that it was the straw that broke the camel's back on the video game crash.
>mfw it got a fucking item rep in ultimate
Alpha Protocol
Bioshock Infinite
Borderlands 2
Dragon's Dogma
Wolfenstein The New Order
Killzone Shadow Fall
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (the new one obviously)
Brutal Legend
I'm certain there exists other games out there far more terrible than these, but I, fortuitously, have not had the bad luck to play them. In fact, I remember playing a game so manifestly terrible that, even though I paid a good amount of money for it, I removed from my steam library permanently. I cannot remember what the game was, but it must have been truly awful to have made me do that, which I have done with no other game in my library, the rest of which pile up in my folder labeled "Buyer's Remorse"
>I found the characters way more likeable at least.
them as a group is good.
Them as individuals sucked because their development was locked behind DLC
Did I say it was the worst game on Atari? No i didnt you fucking shithead, I said it was bad. Maybe go form your own opinions instead of latching onto a shitty one from a shitty movie produced by cucked AVGN you fucking nigger.
Summoner 2 (PS2 version) is actually a very peculiar and intriguing game. I would say it's somewhat Borges-y and maybe Planescape-y (although the creator of Planescape, David "Zeb" Cook, outright stated Borges was one of the main sources of inspiration for him). But it very much pays off in it to know what transpired in the first game, and the caveat is that Summoner 1 was significantly worse than Summoner 2 in pretty much everything other than soundtrack.
The beginning is somewhat of a mess, the game takes a couple of missions to properly establish its tone, with intro and the next location being quite (intentionally?) confusing. And no, completing Summoner 1 first doesn't make Summoner 2's beginning any less jarring.
>Maybe go form your own opinions instead of latching onto a shitty one from a shitty movie produced by cucked AVGN you fucking nigger
ironic considering all you could name were games he reviewed
Fallout 76
This game made me physically tired. It's like it drained my very soul and fed on my love of games and of the franchise. Couldn't play any games for weeks after playing it for only a couple of hours.
Fuck Bethesda
all the mmo-tier quests rubbed a lot of people the wrong way
>What's wrong with DA:I? I
single player MMO, fetch quests out of the ass, and dogshit writing thanks to EA
cliche answer but I still haven't played a worse game in 19 years
>Operating an elevator is a million times more fun
I can't even imagine what levels of cancer that game must be.
Tomb Raider Underworld is one of the worst games I've ever finished.
Anthem. I literally don't even want to play it because there's a chance it bricks your system.
I have this piece of shit at work, and it's the worst. The enemies are all bullet sponges, the levels suck, and the game will cheat to make each playtime the same length.
>prequels have simple, but fun, basic JRPG combat
>THIS monstrosity appears
Why, just why?
Sunless Sea
By god, what an absolute snoozefest. FIrst and still the only game i got a refund on steam.
heroes of mana
Gotta be Tibia.
Imagine an MMORPG with no laws. No rules. A game where the higher level players enslave the lower level players and hunt them down if they disobey and try to escape. That's the Tibia experience.
Can they take away your levels? Your experience?
the Dragonlance game for the NES. Unplayable.
Maybe not quite the worst, but the most disappointing in a long time was megaman x5. I played it a lot as a child and remembered it as my favorite. Played it again recently and realized that it was trash. A lot of the levels just have a really boring gimmick that requires you to slow down for significant amounts of time. Boss leveling was interesting, but was a real mistake.
My life
Apollo justice is better than dual destinies
Nigga they can kill you so hard that you fall under level 8 and can no longer fight any enemy in the game, permanently destroying your account.
incredibly wrong
Oh, you lose experience. Nevermind. Without the xp loss, could be an interesting game, where you would survive and endure and slowly grow your spine and claws, and then fight back to the fucks.
>Apollo justice is better than dual destinies
the writing is worse, they butchered Phoenix as a character, and Apollo is seen as a cheap replacement (like how MGS2 Raiden was seen as a cheap Snake replacement)
Fallout 4
Literal retard
The port of Sam and Max season 2 for the Wii is the worst game I finished, it froze every eight minutes and was painful.
I'm only counting games that are actually beatable, but Obscure: The Aftermath was also dogshit bad yet also kinda hilarious. Ninjabread Man was pretty bad.
Also, can like 100 level8-ers kill a single top dog with nothing but bare hands in this game, or is it the sort of game where the top dog would kill all the rabble in one sneeze?
>Adventures of Link
>Skyward Sword exists
Dragons dogma is a top 100
I really didn't like katamari. Made me motion sick.
>Partners in time is somehow bad
>Jak 2 bad how?
>Pokemon Ruby is somehow worse than X and Y
>Halo 4 but not Halo 5
I agree with most of them tho. FFXV is bad but FFXIII should replace it on the list. Same with the Ace Attorney pick, AJ is bad but Dawn of Justice is far worse.
Man, I couldn't really think of the WORST game I've ever played, then I saw this. I totally agree.
Genuinely THE worst game I've ever put more than an hour into. I thought Sony curates things for their exclusives but I guess not. Fuck you to all the weebs that recced this to me.
I wanted to like Brutal Legend so bad. The setting was great, the cast was likable, fucking Ozzy as the shopkeep but the gameplay is ass. It's not even a good RTS.
>Jak 2 bad how?
not him but 1 did platforming better while 3 did vehicles WAY better
The witcher 3
Fair, but I wouldn't say it's comparable to Sonic 06, you might as well not include it in the list, it's a good game it's just the sequel improved upon it.
Tom Clancy's: The Division 2
Bullshit enemies, uninteresting weapons, uninteresting world, shitty story, absolutely no feeling of progression, stats mean nothing and most importantly, there is no feeling of impact with anything you do
the list is a weird mix of bad games and then ones that can be considered the worst in their series but still good. pretty sure it's just meant to fish for replies
Sword of Sodan
Even as a kid who would enjoy every game I played, I couldn'tstand that one.
I just started playing Yakuza and the writing is phenomenally good for a jap game, I don't get what all the criticism was about
Absolutely, undeniably correct and based
358/2 Days is such a fucking travesty
>game is ugly even for a 3D DS game, character models have 2x4s for hands and they thought it'd be a good idea to make the cutscenes in-engine
>runs like shit
>instead of normal world-by-world flow of previous games, you hop around constantly doing boring, repetitive missions without any real sense of progression
>main story doesn't really start going anywhere until Day 300 or so, but Roxas is forbidden from interacting with Disney characters so literally nothing is happening for the bulk of the narrative
>because Mission Mode is just the same exact missions as the single-player story, the missions are designed and balanced around co-op play even when you literally cannot have co-op partners
>only way not to do chip damage is with critical hits or magic, and spells need to be equipped as individual casts in your finite Panel grid
>home to the single-worst boss design in franchise history, Top 5 Worst KH Bosses would (or should) all be filled with Days bosses
>Panel system introduces tedious menuing in-between each mission as you constantly need to fiddle with equipped items, spells, and adding level ups
Easily one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever played
And honestly? Aside from all the frustrating bullshit, Days is just boring.
And there's nothing worse a game can do than bore the player.
>first game I pirated on the DS
>do a mission
>ice cream scene
>do another mission in the same place
>ice cream scene
>do a third mission in the same place
>ice cream scene
I dropped it.
You're a lucky man if that's the worst game you ever played.
Shit taste god damn
I did the math once and literally over a third of the missions in the game take place in Twilight Town, and over half of the missions are "defeat X number of Heartless"
Second track was so bad my dog started barking when I played it lel
Flower Sun and Rain is the worst game ever played
The transformers NES game. Thanks AVGN for showing it to me.
PS2 version at least have tasty art direction and music to alleviate the pain, not to mention the colorful hotel guide. DS version though.
Mafia 2. What a fucking letdown. Boring as hell. I even paid like 30 bucks for that. It was the game that got me into pirating.
Fable 3 is probably the worst I’ve played. Goddamn that game was disappointing
Dream Drop Distance and Birth by Sleep were both way worse.
Not even close.
I'd rather fight Mysterious Figure 100 times as Terra before playing Days ever again
Ruler of the Sky alone is a sin that even God cannot forgive
Some plug'n'play batman game I forgot the name of.
>FFXV is bad but FFXIII should replace it on the list
what's with this shitty meme opinion? FFXV,as a game, is worse than FFXIII in any aspect?
Sorry OP, but the worst video games I've played have been recent mobile titles. Even shit like Other M or Dr. Chaos or Mega Man X7 or whatever you might think I'd say are at least games. At least they offered 10 hours or so of gameplay and introduced a bit of variety it in. At least they didn't require you to play the same five minutes of gameplay over and over again, every day, for months on end to see any progress.
This game is awful. There is no single redeeming thing about it it's just bad in everyway.
The story is an absolute fucking mess. Even for a JRPG. It's like someone watched Time Bandits tried to make a shonnen of it, then had an aneurysm mid-way, then was forced to listen to emo rock for the entire time of their recovery.
>The characters
Every one of the characters are entirely unlikable. Squall is a whiney faggot who literally complains about everything, Zell is basically Sonic if he was a boxer, Selphie is a retard and flat. Quitis is dull as a doornail and has mosquito bites, Rinoa is just as retarded as selphie, but for different reasons and also is flat, and irvine is a pussy had ONE fucking job and cried like a bitch the entire time he had to do it. ONE FUCKING JOB. Edra is just a lifeless doll, but might be a B, not sure.
>The draw system
We can all agree that is the worst system ever introduced in the game correct?
>Just get magic from cards
You're literally just exchanging one grind for another it's the same fucking problem and just as fucking stupid.
So this game has a weird thing where it levels the monsters based on your level. So you could in theory beat the game at level 1. What's also interesting is the SEED exam. What the game doesn't tell you is that if you do the SEED exam before getting to certain areas of the game you will in fact change what enemies you will see throughout the entire game. This means you can actually hard lock yourself out of getting certain items that are required for making weapons for characters. Meaning you can effectively beat the game by only fighting unskippable enemies, but if you want to 100% the game for any reason you have the be careful when and where you complete the exam because you can soft lock or even hard lock yourself out of certain areas. Another thing to add is that for you to get summons you have to use the broken draw system to steal them from boss monsters. Yay.
Darksiders 1. A guy who thought we were friends in high school bothered me day in and day out to play it. He'd always says "DooD. It's like Zelda but WAYYY more bad ass and dark" Finally he lent it to me and I played it for 20 minutes and hated it. Felt awful to control, edgy, and just plain boring. Fuck that game
What does this cover art have to do with the game at all?
This is a copypasta, right?
If you ever find yourself wondering why you are a virgin, it is because you spend your time making posts like these lol.
Sanctum 2. Ugly art, the worst sound design in any game I've ever played and the gameplay took major steps backwards from the original.
Just cause 3. Repetitive , bad performance , low fps during explosions in a game about explosions with terrible controls. I played it on ps4 years after it was released and they haven't patched shit
Thanks doc?
You both have shit tastes in games. It's hands down the worst Final Fantasy made. Nothing is good about it.
we can't have nice things
>oh cool there are rings that give 100% resistance to elements, at least there's some countergearing possible in the late game!
>they only affect status conditions, not damage taken
>you have to give up your crit ring to use them in the first place
Shadow the hedgehog
Persona 5
Elite: Dangerous
I have played a lot of shitty games, and that is definitely in the top 5
Thing is, if I don't like something I don't play it. So I usually don't remember bad games, because I only play them for 30 min to an hour.
How does draw even work?
T. Guy who only played IV, VI, VII, IX, X, and XV
DDD is actually fun once you manage to get new game+ and BBS’s biggest issues were level curves and Terra’s mandatory second chance/once more abilities for Zack
you extract spells from your foes.
because in FF8 you can junction spells to stats to increase them and the more of a spell you junction to the stat, the stronger bonus.
Some spells work better in specific stats (like Cure/Cura/Curaga for Max HP increase)
so people would draw 100 of each spell from each monster as soon as possible to max out their buffs as soon as possible, especially since FF8 has levelscaling so drawing is the best way to get stronger without leveling
I think I’ll stick to IX and use Dragonslayer Quina to level up instead
MegaMan X6
Aliens: Colonial marines,
pure unmitigated dogshit, fuck randy pitchford twice in the ass with a fire poker
Lazlos Camp? Now thats a show I haven't seen a long time...
Enemies have specific spells related to them. They aren't necessarily spells that the enemy can cast, just spells that are available when you Draw. You use the Draw command and you can get 2-6 copies of that spell. When you are casting spells, you use one copy of the spell. You can hold up to 99 copies of each spell per character.
You attach spells to character stats to improve them. Stronger spells mean higher stats, and the stat boosted depends on which spell you use. (Cure increases HP more than others, nuke spells increase ATK most, and so on.) So you are encouraged to Draw all the spells you can from all the enemies, and Draw spells for every character so that they all have sets of 99. And then never use the spells, since they're more effective at buffing stats.
There are also ways to upgrade spells into higher level spells, at a rate of 20:1 if I recall correctly. So you could end up with absurd stats and spells in the starting areas, but doing so required EVEN MORE GRINDING than drawing 99 of each spell for each character already does.
Oh, and FF8 has enemies which scale with level. So if you just grind levels, then the enemies get tougher and tougher because enemy stats scale up faster than player stats. But if you grind Draw to get powerful spells for everybody, and play the card game to get powerful equipment early, and then run from all encounters (or use abilities which end the encounter without giving EXP) then the game becomes easy. As bizarre and ass-backwards as that may seem.
The Fmazing Arog
I hope you arent talking about the ds version because it was fucking fun.
now i wanna see how bad it is
borderlands 2 pretty bland and cringey
I actually had the pleasure of playing E.T. on the 2600 before the internet exploded. Every critique on the internet doesn’t do it justice. It’s just one of those things you have to experience for yourself.
For me its borderlands presequel. I could stand 2 but that shit was abysmal
It's Artorias before he becomes a cripple in the abyss, not sure what all these ghostknights are though
Rayman 3.
Game went from alpha to release in a month. The level with the rings is literally a development alpha collision test thing to test the flight mechanics.
It's a tie between Wii Music and Pokemon Channel.
I love the part where you have to wiggle the stick to levitate out of the pits. Something that unless you are told explicitly what to do you would never know it exists.
Guild Wars 2
I wasted my early adulthood on this garbage
> objectively worst
Probably some game found in Steam packs. Mystery of the Druids, 15 Days, Lost Horizon 2, etc. are awful. Mystery of the Druids won't even open.
> personally most infuriating
Telltale's Game of Thrones. It may not be the worst game ever, technically, but it pissed me off more than any other game. I had hoped that different inputs would lead to different outputs.
Dishonored 2 was a massive fucking let down
elder scrolls online
came here to post this
one of the few rentals I returned early
Rayman 3 was great
crass swine
the mine car ride alone makes this one of the better silent hills
Watch dogs on the 360 had to be one of the worst games Ive played. This was right on the verge of the generation switch and my friend bought it like a retard.
No, you are an idiot if you hate 100% of a game you buy. You’re an impulsive piece of shit who listens to pre-reviews from paid shills. You’re a FUCKING DUMBASS and the cancer killing the industry.
Fuck you this game is great
>fucking KoRn playing over the credits to top it off gave me a feeling not unlike when my mom called me to tell me my childhood pet died
Fucking pubg. I got memed into buying it
Personal worst game of all time was also my favorite game, worst because i lost respect in eyes of my schoolmates after revealing my favorite game, then again i never had chance to be respected. It also destroyed my chance of having pure fun in similar games. I expected something more, better from other games. Even now. THE WINNER IS: OPERATION FLASHPOINT
I like almost every single game I ever play, even the bad ones, I can find enjoyment even in the worst of games
but there's one game that creeps into my mind as the worst thing I've triedand it made me quit after 10 minutes, and that game is Dungeon Defenders 2.
DD1 was so fucking incredible game, 2 became the type of microtransaction dlc garbage that you see on mobile games and it was such a clusterfuck I couldn't bring myself to give it a chance. It felt so tone deaf compared to the first one, incredibly convoluted, I couldn't find anything on the inn, every thing I interacted with opened some sort of microtransaction window, I had difficulties finding a match, when I finally got into a game, IIRC it was a game in progress, I had no fucking idea where enemies spawned, the map was almost like an open field so they walked around aimlessly, people were throwing traps all around the place and it was a mess, acid to my eyes, I quit, uninstalled and never went back.
>Worst game I ever played
>Personal worst game
What did he mean by this?
Legendary gave me the fiercest case of buyer's remorse that I've ever felt
It was on sale for about half a dollar
>Borderlands is pretty bland and cringey
Fixed that for you
Slave Zero on dreamcast , never have I felt more empty and disgusted that game was fucking garbage.
this game was pretty fun when it had online
M&M Kart racing for the wii
>X Rebirth
Fuck you Egosoft, you retarded cunts. Foundations also seems like a crapped out abomination but no way was I stupid enough to give give them money again. Fucking cunts.
I enjoyed the hell out of Kingdoms of Amalur even though it was literally a single player MMO, forced to be single player just because they ran out of money
DA:I was enjoyable as well, not to the same extent as KoAR or Origins, but still a decent experience, frostbite engine looks absolutely amazing but it made the game feel clunky at times, also when you play DA:I and then play Mass Effect Andromeda, you realize how they feel almost identical, only one has a space skin slapped onto it.
People give these games too much flak, but maybe they're salty since they probably bought these games for 60 dollars on release.
I bought both DA:I and ME:A for 5 dollars each, and have gotten my moneys worth many a times. They're nowhere near as bad as people make them out ot be, but buying them full price and playing them on release in their broken state is just people being stupid.
Action 52 on the nes
This is prime example of an NPC echoing other people's opinions as if they were their own. Or an elaborate ruse, a bait.
There's not a single genuinely bad game in that list. Flawed games for sure, but each and every game can be enjoyed, I'd know because I've played 90% of the games in that list from start to finish or for 50-100 hours.
And diablo immortal isn't out yet.
I come from an upbringing that doesn't take games for granted, you spoiled children will complain just about anything, if a game has too long dialogue for you, you'll quit it and call it boring, if the game is difficult and you die too many times, you quit because you feel stupid to die so many times after hammering your head to the wall doing the same stupid mistakes every time and not learning from them. You'll give up if the game has too convoluted story for you to grasp or the game doesn't give you quest markers or indication where to walk next, or maybe its an open world in which you're not immediately given a goal and you have to find it, you'll wander 30 minutes and quit because your zoomer brain's bored and thirsting for some ADHD boom boom shooty shoot action.
People calling decent games bad are dumb fucks that can't form opinions of their own and seek acceptance in joining an echochamber, reverberating the popular consensus.
Batman forever
Holy shit I think I remember this. Was it the game inspired more by the book than the film but they billed it like it was a movie tie in? Remember being baffled when a tree trapped me, on the way to bree I think.
But you'll still play it because your family's poor and you only have 1 to 3 games and you grow to like it despite its flaws and play it through dozens of times and it becomes a nostalgic memory of your childhood
Oh wait, that isn't you, you're a spoiled fat kid who has a library of 800 games and you complain how you have nothing to play and when a game can't keep your attention for 3 minutes you quit and call it shit, or maybe you watched Crowbcat's video about the game and now you join in on the bandwagon
oh yeah duuuude that game's so bad, bro, you watched AVGN's latest episode of that game too? haha, thank god i never owned a SNES or that game, otherwise i'd have been suuuuper mad lol XD
>NPC meme
Third one is kinda cool
pleb filtered
probably shenmue I and II, not counting games that are bad because they're broken/buggy as shit
I got it for Christmas in 95 or 96. I don't do youtubers, but at this point a majority of classic bad games have been let's played or reviewed by some personality or zoomer star, so struggling to find some obscure hipster trash just for big dick epoints is stupid. The game ruined my Christmas. I don't care if some memer agrees. It's a shit game.
Terrible writing, horrible graphics, bland uninspired gameplay. Literally no redeemable qualities whatsoever.
At least Bad Rats seemed intentionally bad.
disappointment of a half-game, the social link shit is cute but the actual gameplay gets frustrating with the input lag and most of the remixes are boring.
Go play Lunar: Dragon Song and tell me that it's an enjoyable play. Sure, there are some disappointing-but-still-decent games on the list. There are some laughable ones which are actually good. But there are some real shitters on that list as well, and just because Metal Gear Survive isn't there doesn't mean that every game there is decent.
I don't see the problem. You're fitting the mold perfectly, it's ceased to be a meme the moment it brought actual NPC troglodytes such as yourself out of the woodworks with your echoed opinions and inability to think as individuals.
Don't try to disparage it when you feel personally threatened by it, your programming will wipe off this incident from your brain and you'll be echoing opinions on another thread in no time.
ninety-nine nights. love dynasty/samurai warriors. shit was absymal.
Dragon Dogma was fucking horrible.
just playing with ya, it's a genuinely horrible game, I despised every game from that era in which digitized sprites of the actors were slapped onto games and everything was clunky, convoluted and shitty
A lot of people post bait, but where are the actually bad games? My worst game is Ninjabread Man, played because my little brother saw the title and picked it to rent for that week.
Not only was it shovelware compared to shovelware for the Wii, it was a shameless reskin of another game from the same company, Trixie in toyland. It's kinda funny to think about.
mass effect 3
every aspect of this game was shit
but that's a fucking lie though
gameplay-wise it's more fluid than 1 and 2, the main storyline is trash but all the side stuff is allright, especially the crew member stuff with all new people in, Shepard was being way too melancholic throughout the entire game, his dream sequences were fucking dumb and the ending was a dumpsterfire, but it was still a solid mass effect experience from start to finish, not as good as 1 and 2, but still a nice experience from start to finish.
You are bitch-made if that's honestly "the worst thing you've ever played". Maybe it's the only game you've ever played because you're such a newfag.
I have a very deep running love for the Fallout franchise
Listen dude, sometimes the projects you work on don't pan out. The game is fucking awful and I had more fun playing two worlds 1(and 2 for that matter), shit happens, there's no need to get defensive.
I have no idea who the fuck crowbcat is.
The rugrats mario party game for N64, my brother still laughts at me for buying it.
new copypasta
Did we ever found out what was the mystery of the druids
Shrek 2 for the gamecube.
little red riding hood was best girl
>late 2000s
>friends tell me about this online game they play
>get hyped
>buy strategy guide magazine
>download game for several hours
>Finally ingame
I'm not exaggerating when I say I played litleraly 10 seconds before uninstalling.
Fuck metin 2
>persona 3
I cant even remotely comprehend how anyone can use this as an "self insert high school simulator", Ive tried and it triggers me atleast
I know thats not all, but its surely the selling point
Probably the Last of Us, mostly because it's fucking boring despite being shilled as Sony's flagship AAA title. Basic bitch cover based shooting, cover based stealth, braindead AI, and none of the characters or story even resonated with me strongly so I just didn't care.
I've played objectively jankier games, but even low budget jank can still be fun or interesting, at least for a little while.
Really, it should Lightning Returns. That game doesn't even have the saving grace of looking good. It's on a time limit, it's an rpg with one character, it actually looks worse than the two previous games. I'd say that it's actually worse than Dirge of Cerberus.
I dislike Automata as a fan of the previous Nier, but its nowhere near bad enough to be the worst game you've played unless you haven't played much at all.
The absolute worst?
Probably something on the Atari 2600 but let's omit that, the worst game I have played is probably Winter Games for the NES.
This game really should have been good. I sorta miss the days of piles of medium tier console shooters. Singularity might be my favorite of that mess. It isn't good, though.
World of Warcraft. I was shit in 2006 and it's shit now. I immediately went back to FFXI.
Same but with EQ
Made for horny teens only, basic and boring gameplay
I think the shittiest game i have ever played is probably Megaman X6
Fuck hard mode
The remake of Kingdom Hearts dream drop distance in kh 2.8 hd. The story didn't worth the hassle. Such a waste of time.
>when I was a young lad
>friend shows me burnout on his psp
>looks and plays like burnout 3 on the ps2
>find out it came out for the DS and bought
>looks worse than san fran rush on the N64
>handling model worse than some gba games
>crash graphics suck
Scorpion King for PS2.
Hello confused zoom zoom, please look at the spoiler in the OP.
My brother. I 100%'d Drakengard 1 and I've never hated a video game more in my entire life.
>How do I find this weapon
>Wait for 30 minutes after clearing the stage in the corner of the map then it spawns in the other corner
The shit Drakengard 1 made me do was like stories you would hear on the fucking play ground.
>zelda 2
Just by this you can tell right away that the fag who made this is a massive pleb
I only bought this game because of the soundtrack
OK, hold on. What was so bad about this one?
I played it and it was fun. Really short and simple, yes, but the mechanics were nice and the difficulty curve was decent.
Was it the price? It was worth if you bought it for a $1
Okay then buddy, what is the worst Zelda game?
Trash taste.
Time and Eternity
I was forewarned that it would be shit, Was quite short on money, Was stupidly loyal to NISA and picked it up over something else (can't remember what now)
Played it for a few hours and realised I made a huge mistake
That was actually the game that stopped me from just buying weeb games to support the industry.
the CD-I zelda is worst gameplay-wise, but its meme potential is one a whole different stratosphere
This is the only zelda game I own
Sims 2 pets for the DS
the music's not a continuous track. It one track broken up, you can hear each pause before the next part of the track plays. EA put in minimum effort in their ds games
terrible, terrible game
>ME: Andromeda
>FO: 76
>good but flawed
There are good ideas buried under mountains of rubbish code, but keep telling yourself otherwise
>absolute pure mechanics wise
ninjabread man
>in terms of disappointment
easily skyward sword but paper mario sticker star is a close second
Bioshock Infinite. I was lured in by the false promises with the previews and early trailers and got one of the worst fucking games I've ever played. Shitty combat that takes huge steps back from the previous games, awful story, and a mediocre set piece they failed to use to it's full potential. I'm still fucking mad, and it's one of the only games I legitimately regret purchasing for reasons other technical.
Definitely not 2, which is one of the best games of the NES. I can understand shitters getting mad at the game for being "hard" tho
Then you can elaborate more on that "rubbish code" since you seem to know so much about it, or are you just throwing out buzzwords you have no understanding of?
I've played those games, excensively so, unlike you. I am waiting with bated breath what you can come up with.
I loved the series so I wanted to like it I really did but goddamn is this horseshit. it's a shitty pokemon clone where half of the moves don't actually do anything.
Both are good games with flaws. Keep up the good hunt for brains, zombie
My answer is 100% genuinely Sekiro and you can go fuck yourself if you
>lol read the spoiler xdddd
It's fucking AWFUL.
I-I just got this for my sister...
>EA put in minimum effort in their ds games
Sims 2 DS was pure kino though.
Spec Ops
Does emulators count? If so, this game.
Probably the lord of the rings game on the SNES. Buggy, long as fuck, boring as shit, not even finished, suppose to have had a sequel that never came out. Worst game I ever rented.
This, Wild Wild Racing and ESPN X-Games Snowboarding were the only games I had at launch with the PS2.
What trash this game was as a kid
Drakengard doesn't even count, it's literal psychological torture, it's less a videogame and more some sort of misanthropical postmodern art piece.
Probably not the worst one I've ever played but Slime Rancher comes to mind.
For once, I gave the "story" in some indie bullshit the benefit of the doubt and ultimately it soured my entire experience with the game.
I had this game growing up and it's pretty shit. Music is truly iconic though.
I'm surprised you feel that Ruby is the worst Pokemon game; X&Y was much worse.
FF15 also gets more hate here than it deserves. It's just a mediocre game and certainly better than FF13
>shitters getting mad at the game for being "hard"
Every room in every dungeon of the game had the same tiles making up the walls, floors, ceilings, backgrounds, platforms, doors, and so on. The one difference between dungeons was color. It was next to impossible to tell where you were in any particular dungeon from a screenshot because there were no distinguishing features in any of them. Sometimes you might be able to tell given a specific layout in a specific dungeon, but overall every hallway looked the same.
Every single dungeon was just "walk left until you can go no further, then walk right, then take elevator" until you got to the end. Layouts were braindead simple and not at all interesting. The two exceptions were the temple with "illusionary" walls that gave no hint they were illusionary but you could just walk through them, and the last dungeon because it had random pits you'd fall into to progress. And when it is really only the last dungeon of the game that requires any thought, that is just poor dungeon design.
I managed to clear the game as a kid despite it being "hard". The difficulty was honestly in the controls and in having a pencildick so short that it could hardly hit anything without getting right on top of it, in a game with collision damage. I still managed to get through it at 10 multiple times so I don't know what your excuse might be. And this was before I knew about the way to cheap Shadow Link so that involved actually fighting him and dodging/jumping to hit him enough before he killed me. The difficulty in the game was bullshit.
I'm not sure how good the "puzzles" in the game were because I honestly had Nintendo Power Q&A telling me about the Magic spell and so on. It seems like some thick bullshit that the game didn't even hint at, so no clue how hard that would've been for somebody playing the game blind.
The image shows the worst in their respective genre. Not all games shown are irredeemably bad.
>and certainly better than FF13
nice meme
but FF15 gets the right amount of hate
Mario is Missing
Predator: Concrete Jungle
The combat in 13 is unironically worse than 15. Also time-gating. Also the unlikable cast of characters.
15 gets some things right while 13 got everything wrong.
DayZ SA, it was a janky, bug-filled mess that was barely playable.
The Division
It wasn't terrible in a gameplay sense but it's just such a fucking slog to play, I put in only a few hours before I said fuck it and uninstalled.
At least with a shitty game I can keep playing to see how bad it gets, but the division just offers nothing good or bad, it's painfully mediocre, and that's why it's the worst game I've played
>The combat in 13 is unironically worse than 15
now I know you are full of shit. Sure, 13's combat isn't great but saying it's worse than THIS is wrong.
Yep. Honest to god.
I've seen that webm, but I've also played both games. You can't convince me that 13 has better gameplay; it sucks dude.
You didn't even refute anything about the characters being horrible in 13. The setting is also bland compared to 15. The story is worse than generic with Lightning being the worst FF protagonist ever.
I tried so hard but this thing is just unplayable
Ride to Hell: Retribution
a bad game has nothing remarkable or good, or at least that's what i think.so
>pokemon´s on 3ds
>power rangers for gameboy
>goat simulator
I played that, and I enjoyed it. Main character could carry the fuck out of the last third of the game. They gave his ass triple attacks every turn
Wolfenstein The New Colossus
Probably Gothic 4 Arcania. I was so starved for another Gothic...
drakengard. it was unplayable
Oh and Dragons Lair on Gameboy.
It came out in 2004.
>the kind of gift you'd expect from your grandmother that meant well but was tricked by an evil store clerk
it was from my older bro who SHOULD have known better
California Games on NES
Deer Hunter with a badly calibrated lightgun.
Maybe he secretly hated you.
Deus Ex: Invisible war
First hard case of a sequel being so far away from the original that it's practically a shitty fanfic by 13 yo in my life.
Too Human or some PS2 game I can't remember the name of. Cyberpunk style game. You had 4 squadmates, one was a robot.
git gud scrub
Command and Conquer 4.
Project Eden. Pretty crappy game even though I wanted to love it.
So you guys never played X7 huh?
I have never understood this one. The equipment looks nothing like Artorias'.
You’re like the 11th post you retard.
That description makes me want to play the game now.
Unironically, The Witcher 3
Everyone on the face of the earth sucked its dick so hard that when I finally played it and it was mediocre at best, horribly cliched at worst, it was a fucking slap in the face.
>Completely default fantasy world with nothing interesting going on behind the scenes
>main character is a special snowflake with a fucking batman voice
>main character has a little bit of personality, but not enough to be likeable
>his small amount of personality makes him hard to immerse as.
>boring as fuck combat
>literal ability that makes the red glowy shit appear for you to follow instead of any actual mechanics that make logical sense
If everyone just said it was an okay fantasy game i would have no problem, but the normies hyped it as GOAT, when it was just a mediocre game.
Dragon's Dogma is better than The Witcher 3 in every conceivable way
nier automata
God Ninjabread Man was ss. I totally forgot it.
How can the fuck worst game you've ever played be something you consider mediocre?
>Of course the fucking secondary started with 3 because he was still stuck to his mother's teat before that
I thought "eh, the music can't be THAT bad" but holy shit, it's like someone that can barely play just messing around.
Based. Thanks user. I've been trying to remember the name of that game for years.
Final Fantasy 13 sticks out in my mind as everything wrong with that generation of games and the mental illness that infected many Japanese studios.
Another is Grimroie Heralds of the Winged Exemplar. I have never played a game that reuses to be played. It's like the game was designed from the ground up to not teach you anything or for the UI to make sense. It's creator is a fucking trip to read up about. I can't even say if the game itself is bad. I played 10 hours of it and the act of playing it is a chore.
What series are you saying it's a part of? Whether it's SMT or FE, it's still wrong. #FE is a great game.
Expectation vs Experience
I expected good things from Witcher 3 and got mediocrity
I expected garbage things from call of duty, far cry, and other AAA games, and got garbage
also the OP asked for "the worst game you've ever played"
not "the worst game ever made"
I would have answered differently if he did; I don't play truly terrible games like Fallout 76
Looked up a longplay of this, looks pretty fun, what's not fun about it?
God of war 4
I didnt believe my eyes, I think I have only played it 2 or 3hours its bad BAAAAAAAD
>What series are you saying it's a part of?
SMT and FE since this abomination is supposed to be a crossover of the two
Notice that it's on there twice.
Rocket Power: Team Rocket Rescue. Yeah, it's a cheap TV show tie-in game, but it was the only thing I got for my birthday one year, so you need to understand the betrayal I felt. Agetec's Snowboarding, which I got for 3 bucks in a bargain bin, was a better extreme sports game. It controlled terribly, the physics were dysfunctional, and the visuals were objectively hideous, even for the time. It could have been decent as a 2D game that tried a bit harder to capture the art style of the show, rather than transliterating the characters into 3D. Also, everytime you filled the Special bar it would flash a screen-covering image, and would usually break your combo.
Most games I don't like I just stop playing and move on with my life, but Witch and the Hundred Knight was so bad that I snapped the disc in half to prevent myself from accidentally playing it again. Mediocre grindy roguelike paired with one of the most aggressively unlikable main characters I've ever seen in a game
>new games aren't allowed to be bad
>popular games aren't allowed to be bad
This thread is genuinely a bad game.
The garbled graphics and sound, horrendous controls, putrid combat, almost complete lack of direction, and a hundred smaller but equally poor design choices peppered through the entire game.
If you somehow think it's playable after watching it you won't if you ever play it yourself.
I had a friend whose favorite game was this. I went over to his house one time and he showed it off to me.
Call of Duty Ghosts.
I'm going to buy a copy right now just to be contrary.
There are worse FE games. There are worse SMT games.
I swear, it's so obvious when people haven't played #FE.
Go right ahead and deepthroat that cactus if that's your prerogative.
This game is a genuine clusterfuck.
Unironically Reign Of Kings. It's a shittier more medieval Minecraft. It has shit controls, shit graphics, and half the time the game is filled with Chinese Hackers.
That's the saddest thing I've heard all week, thank you.
mad cause bad
It's there's anything to complain about it has shit replay value aside from enjoying the especially fun bosses again
The problem is that there's subjectively bad games and games you hate that other people like.
Which one are you suppose to post?
>there's subjectively bad games and games you hate that other people like.
Those are the same thing. It's all subjective dude.
wtf i loved this game as a kid, i was only like 4 but i liked driving around, i don't think i ever actually did anything besides just driving around but i really enjoyed it, i liked trying to go through the loop.
I played a few legitmately unplayable PC games in the early 2000s late 90s
My mom got me this game when i was in highschool. I think i played it a whole 20 minutes and it left a lasting mark on me as a truly terrible game with probably the worst music ever in a game.
Being one of the lucky few to have actually played it, Superman 64 being the eternal answer to this question is the one good thing about it.
Fuck I mean objectively bad games.
Like Big Riggs and shit and there's just games you didn't like.
FFTA is my fav in the tactics series and maybe my favorite all time tactics game, people are stupid, they bitch and moan about the laws but the laws legitimately livened up the battles and made it more interesting.
>you have 10 seconds to name the worst game you've ever played
>it takes more than 10 seconds to read the image + the post + name the game and post reply
It's all still subjective, but the question is laid out simply.
Everyone has their own preferences for what makes a game good or bad, so whichever one you disliked the most would follow to be the worst one to you. Only your opinion matters.
Shadow of mordor I really wanted to like it but holy shit can the combat suck ass when you have to deal with more than two captains and a horde at one time I ended up giving up after getting gangraped by a mob with two Archer captains and one that throws you down should you try to hop over him. Glad I only spent $5 on it.
not even fucking around. Pure trash and taste filter
What? How?
hmm probably an adaptation from a film, like Bionicle: the Game
If we only ever talked about the objectively most broken games all these threads would be the same and very boring.
Tokyo Tattoo Girls might be one of the worst games I've ever played.
Worst game that I can remember is probably the first Neptunia game.
It ran like a pig on the PS3, the graphics were ugly even for the time, the story was nonsense, the battle system was oddly overconvoluted, and Nep slided around the gameworld like a shopping trolley.
I think I legit got stuck on one point playing this as a kid, like I couldn't even go back to heal my party. Lame game. Not sure if I would call it the worst, but it might be the worst from a major gaming series.
Think simplified Yugioh with a type mechanic, monsters instantly beat the type they’re strong against.
You have 8000 life points and it doesn’t regenerate between duels; some opponents have 20-60000.
There’s a deck capacity mechanic, you start with 1600 and win 1-3 per duel for reference.
Each 3 deck capacity is 1 duelist level — X duelist level is required to use a card of X capacity even if you have the capacity.
You get cards by buying them — they cost thousands of domino while you get 1-100 or so from most fights — or by betting a card.
Betting and selling cards has its own fun gimmick though, as you can’t do either if you own only one copy.
The cursor also sweeps every single turn and you get bullshit like this; imagine dealing with this for thousands, literally thousands, of duels.
>the story was nonsense
Isn't that just Hyperdimension Neptunia in general?
Hollow knight. i couldnt even make it past the first section/boss in the game it was so fucking boring. i have no idea what people are talking about when they say its a great game, to me its not even a game you give to a 5 year old to play with. the stage feels completely empty and it feels like theres nothing to do. i was just pulling through to see what the boss would be like but i was really pushing near the end. its been a while since ive played but i do remember the controls being really weird and hard to use. every part of the game felt extremely repetitive and i kept having to go through the entire fucking level over and over to find what i had to do. it may be that i had a shitty experience because i didnt know about the map and ended up walking through the first stage killing the same things over and over again for LITERALLY 16 hours but its the fucking games fault for not bringing up the map and pointing out where the boss was.
I don't know if you actually played dirge of cerberus, but I want you to go back and play it with that comment just to remember the absolute atrocity that it was
Good lord this sounds like a special sort of esoteric hell.
Jones on Fire
Who in the world is still out here playing video games based around a dead anime [spiler]good[/spoiler] card game that died like a decade ago
nice bait or you're an actual retard.
This post will get ignored, as will this game.
I don't think I have EVER seen anyone talk about this game. Which is a shame, because I wanna complain about how bullshit it is.
Fighting Fantasy, The Warlock of Firetop Mountain could have been a fantastic game, but poor choices ruined everything. Still, for a first person rpg on the ds, it runs really well.
This is actually the worst game I've ever played. Though I was too young to realize that games could be bad god I wish I could go back to those times so I played it a bunch anyways. Fucking horrible though. Now Power Rangers Time Force on the GBA? That game was actually kino. GBA was my first gaming device that was mine too and not just my bros. Fuck now I'm getting sad over nostalgia.
You play as a black man. That's why it's bad.
I had Superman 64 as a kid, rented Mario is Missing, had Sonic 06 as an adult, tons of NES and GB games bought just because of the covers but in all my years of gaming I don't think I've ever played anything as offensively bad as pic related. Superman 64 I could never pass the first level and I think the game was broken and preventing me from doing it but at least I enjoyed the multiplayer with my brothers. Sonic 06 lacked polish and was buggy but otherwise was an average game. Project X Zone 2 assaults you with the worst dialog and writing every committed to gaming or any story telling medium, the gameplay is pure chocolate ass cream, there is no tactical consideration or strategy involved, an honest 0/10
007 Rogue Agent on DS
Most stylus games really didnt work with the exception of a few.
looks super cool and I've never seen it mentioned before. Shame you didn't dig it but the picture alone makes me want to seek it out
alright i just watched the trailer and realized it wasnt the first boss but the second that i left off at. just seeing that fucking abomination again reminds me of pure boredom
Holy fuck I remember this. I think I beat it too
Chrono Cross
Trigger is my favorite game and the shit they pulled in Cross drags it down into the garbage can
Anyone who unironically likes Cross should be pulled out into the street and get yelled at
Oh, don't get me wrong, the game is pretty close to being good, but it has some balance and pacing problems that ruin it for me at least. I've never played the early elder scrolls, but it seems like it plays like it. Perhaps I was too much of a brainlet as a child, but there are many times you can just get completely lost and not have any idea of where to go next. And if you build your character incorrectly, you'll get absolutely destroyed by everything with no real way to recover.
I still would recommend you try it out if you can find a rom or a copy for cheap, as I had a lot of fun with it before getting dicked by the difficulty curve. youtube.com
honestly probably the most impressive graphics I've ever seen a DS put out. Might be interesting for that alone. Thanks user
I don't know if I was just trash at rpgs or what, but this was NOT what I wanted renting a yugioh game as a kid.
Let's be honest. Most people here are just being wankers and just posting popular games when they're FAR from being the worst games.I can understand not liking them but they aren't trash.
Skyward Snore
Kane and lynch 2: Dog Days
>Shit Camera
>Shit shooting
>Shit AI
>Shit Level Design
>Shit Narrative
>Shit Sound
If I wasn't playing with a friend, I would've dropped that game within seconds. Christ what a fucking train wreck.
I beat this when I was 11
Unironically this or Police Quest:SWAT
I liked Phantasmagoria 2 though. It was something different.
Vampire Rain
The 2 newest ones are good
Have you ever even played a visual novel you dumb fuck? Persona 5 is nothing like a visual novel.
HITMAN AND HITMAN 2 are actually good though
dont ask bros
I bought this recently just to see how bad it was. (note: I did the same with Sonic '06 about 3 times then spedran it because FUCK Yea Forums)
Yep, it's just as bad as people say. Don't buy games ironically, kids.
LOL, last of us is not the worst game of all time, not by a long shot.
Tecmo's Secret of the Stars
*kills the best DS JRPG franchise and neuters the battle system.*
Nothin' personnel kid.
wht about mechassault 2, papa roach plays. Still not as cringe as wc3 having that shitty E.T.C play over credits
Mario and Luigi Paper Jam
Summer Games, Master Syster version.
It was baaaaaaaaad but I was a dumb kid and we had no option to play in my Master System
It was either this or DBZ: Sagas.
Loki was pretty trash... everyone was hanging out for diablo 3 which was "just around the corner".... and in the meantime the supposed next best thing was Loki, which turned out to be a buggy, boring mess
Of course diablo 3 was also a total fuckup
>badass half-demon with a gigantic sword travels around having adventures with his monster slaying buddies
>all his games are shit
How did this happen? Inuyasha is the perfect series to get good vidya out of.
Funny how it just come across as so ... amateur? When an established band plays over the credits. Same as when a game uses actual real life footage in a cutscene or whatever. Sometimes we like a little bit of uncanny valley I guess
Dragon age 2. The worst game I have ever played.
I don't know why everyone shits all over FFTA so much, but I don't care about that. Not right now.
You cannot just come in here and say Hyperdevotion Noire is the worst Nep game. Jesus shitposting Christ did you play 4GO? Or Sega Hard Girls? Fuck!
anime games are churned out solely in the same vein as movie games. Get it out quick, quality be damned, and cash in on fanwank. Dragon Ball Z is for the most part one of the only exceptions to the rule.
Sonic adventure 2 or journey
In terms of unplayability maybe dead space 1 PC
I felt legitimate anger when going straight from Ds1 to ds2. Argue all you want about mechanics, but that game looked, sounded and played like a direct downgrade
Played some imported sniper game at a round1 and it played at like 14 FPS the whole time
Fallout 3 is one of the best thing to happen in gaming landscape
Simpsons Wrestling
For all the times the Simpsons mock Krusty for his rampant and cynical merchandising, the show itself is just as guilty, if not more
To make normies buy it. Never trust cover art of games these days. They're always misleading and uninspired.
>Jesus shitposting Christ did you play 4GO? Or Sega Hard Girls? Fuck!
Yes to both. They were better designed games.
Noire's game was a SRPG that both relied on your party bunching up to buff skills AND a lot of enemies have AoE moves. Plus characters need to be a specific element just to open chests
the worst game i ever played is shadowhearts covenant. most disappointing game is probably sims 4, witcher 3 or rise of the tomb raider.
what a shit opinion, that game was epic. the soundtrack is fucking great too.
also an amazing game.
devil may cry 2. had to force myself to play past the first 30 minutes. couldn't get past the attack helicopter due to sheer boredom of mashing gun button
more like no one wants to play a game with you, tasteless imbecile
See, with a game like Ride To Hell: Retribution, you go into it knowing it's going to be a mess. You play it for the Tommy Wiseau/Neil Breen type experience and knowing that, you have fun with it. It's also over fast. Destiny however is lost potential at every corner you walk in that game, which is way, way worse than if a game was simply bad, in my opinion. It feels like you're playing something that has ideas that are just short of something genuinely good before it derails into a trainwreck, all while a genuinely pretty art style is suffocating you as a reminder of what could have been as you trudge through bland, boring, repetitive gameplay even for a looter shooter, then having the gall to put in something like Eververse which worms it's parasitic nature even more harmfully into the game's sequel with consumable shaders.
Rocket Power for the Gameboy Color
It was so cheaply made but also kind of good in a way. I knew I hated the game every time I turned it on but eventually beat it
WarGames: Defcon 1 on PS1
Sonic Chronicles was a like a bad fever dream. I mean just saying it feels unreal.
>hey man remember that one Sonic game made by Bioware that had Mario and Luigi combat and is just as shit as you would imagine it?
Why the fuck is KOTOR on there? There is only two games in the KOTOR series and both of them are good. Why bother putting that there next to all of that garbage?
I'm okay with that opinion, but I can't stand faggots who say that and then also say Borderlands 1 was better. Borderlands 1 is fucking boring and almost as lame as RAGE.
Chrono Trigger. No fucking contest.
That game is so disgustingly overhyped it's insane.
>implying days doesn't have one of the best heartfelt stories with meaningful character development
Fuck KH autists have the absolute worst taste, I bet you think the dogshit that was 3 was good.
that shit wasn't great
Play 7 then X.
Please post better bait. Everyone knows Fallout 3 is the weakest game in the series.
world of warcraft; WoD, legion and Battle for Wakanda
skyward sword was pretty fucking depressing as well
fuck this game
Kill yourself. Chrono Trigger sucks and no amount of meme posting is going to change that fact.
This is one of the best scenes in the series
Thats how life works too
I got stuck in China against the twins and because there's nobody else to duel I can't get any money to buy new cards
That was like 15 years ago
I will never beat this game
Lol, of course a thread complaining about games reaches the post limit
Wii Play