Name a worse fps fanbase.
Name a worse fps fanbase
Other urls found in this thread:
>reading comprehension
my god they were obnoxious
Most any of them. OverWatch for sure.
I don't think legit quakefags even exist here
howdy reddit!
They're present on Yea Forums, but they're secondary fans.
go on func_msgboard
they're religious
I'm in their discord, they are so bitter about Quakecon this year being about Doom
get lost zoomer
quake > doom
sorry doombabies
Fuck off.
>insults someone as a zoomer
>literally plays the zoomer version of quake
alrighty then, i guess you can do that. doesn't mean you should or that it makes you right but you sure can.
People who are still actually playing Quake in 2019 don't post on Yea Forums.
imagine playing quake champions
>doom thread
>reeeee quake is better!
>unreal thread
>reeeee quake is better!
>quake 2 thread
>reeeee quake is better!
>cs thread
>reeeee quake is better!
>goldeneye thread
>reeeee quake is better!
you're right
Id put in a big vote for Overwatch. One of the worst “communities” I’ve ever seen in an FPS. Blizzard is so incompetent they managed to set it up to promote the worst behavior in players
quake 1 is my favorite game of all time and if you werent part of its community you missed the greatest that video gaming ever had to offer, the most excitement, discovery, innovation and burgeoning community
that said i don't ever bother coming to Yea Forums anymore because its mostly a smash brothers board and i have no interest in video games outside dota 2 anymore
you sound like a massive larping faggot
>I have no interest in video games
You’d fit right in here
hey james.
>DOOM was a success
>Realize that going back to your roots benefits you
>Outsource Quake Champions to Russians
>Doesn't even have id-tech6
>No mod support, ability to create community servers or making your own maps
>took them 2 years to even bring back CTF and classic Duel
>shit like Freeze tag, Defrag, and community maps are a thing of the past
>Quake live and Q3 Arena has more content because of this
>Shit optimisation
What the FUCK were they thinking?
cs players, they still can't accept quake requires more skill than their casual game
I played Quake 1 recently and liked it much more than the classic Dooms. Are Quake 2 and 4 worth playing? I've heard conflicting opinions.
stay mad your anti cs threads suck.
Remember: No one here actually plays Quake. Those people left long ago. It’s only falseflaggers
just play the arcane dimensions mod for quake. it's better than all the sequels and all doom mods combined.
you are right
im not that ass
Quake II sure, quake 4 single player kinda sucks though. The multiplayer's really fun for 4 though, only a few servers up for it though.
I've already played a good bit of AC, and it is absolutely fantastic
quake 2 is good, 4 is trash, mods/user made levels for quake are far better than anything else
hey gaben
who gives a fuck, you're playing the game not the fans.
i wish i were gaben that nigga p a i d
nope im just a normal dude who was 14 when quake came out, and who deeply loved the community and everything that came from it. it was really a magical time in gaming and theres never been anything else like it
there is no way to show my hours in older quakes. except live i guess
The Halo fanbase is in a pretty bad spot right now.
Of the people that actually play the games still and support the franchise, a good third of them actually defend the CODification of the series in Reach, 4, and 5.
So you might be thinking "ok well that means 2/3rds of the base still support classic Halo, but there is a problem. There is this incredibly massive influx of Steam users who are waiting for the games to come out on PC. First I'll just say that I'm glad that's happening. Exclusivity a shit. The problem is almost every single one of these people are Halo 3 babbies who only care about the game because they're nostalgic for playing incredibly overrated forge customs at their friends house when they were 12 or younger.
Overwatch trannies
Glad to have you in this hell hole of a thread, sir.
Let's murder these younglings.
>Name a worse fps fanbase.
but quakebros are the best fps players? being just slightly above average at QL is the same as being in the top 5% of ow, fortnite or CS
the delusion.
cs players literally do not care about your game
most of them have never touched it
>most of them have never touched it
who do you think the original cs players were?
sure is summer in here
I just wish that we got more quake 1 gothic horror shooting instead of whatever the fuck the rest is
I liked quake 4
the majority of cs players probably haven't even played 1.6 for more than 5 minutes user
I'd second this, the OW community is pure fucking trash, one of the worst I've actually come across.
The games score board system enables them to be fully fucking retarded and blame their team for any little mistake, the game is also built so that if there's any minor weakness on the team you're gonna get fucked and lose.
It's just a shit game all around.
I'm a big CS fan and I fully recognize Quake as a deeper game.
Seeing all the Yea Forums threads crying about CS and how it's casual is funny as fuck to me though. All these low IQ morons going "CS is all random" not realizing that literally every FPS with recoil or a shotgun has noteworthy elements of RNG to it, including Quake.
worse = popular (also, soul)
better = obscure (also, soulless)
me too
Play the Arcane Dimensions mod for Quake 1, then try Quake 1.5.
actually, quake players started at beta 5-6...
Overwatch trannies
I'm talking about the majority of cs players you autist
How am I supposed to believe quake is a high iq game when you can't even read
Call of duty
i knew a hot girl like 9-10/10 hot who played quake and quake ii obsessively a year ago but i agree most are disgusting metalhead losers
Forge and zombies is overrated sure, but there is no such thing as actual Halo 3 babbies unless you're really referring to offline 3rd worlders that played nothing but customs and campaign. CE and 3 have the best multiplayer in the series.
also there is nothing wrong with Reach besides the shitty forgeworld maps and the credit based ranking system. Bungie Halo fans are rightfully excited to play the series again on PC and Eldewrito is direct proof that Halo 3 has aged very well and plays flawessly with KBM. The overall flow of the combat is really different now, especially when it comes to snipers and no scoping. I'm also expecting Halo Reach multiplayer to be an entirely different experience on PC, it should be very interesting. It will basically be the final test for Halo Reach.
whatever problems the Halo fanbase may have right now, none of it has to do with fans of Bungie era games (yes, including reach fans). I doubt even nu-Halo players factor into it. I haven't played 4 or 5 much but the impression I'm getting is that no one wants to keep sprint anymore, people hate 343is design choices etc. The problem is basically 343i just being dense.
Also, nostalgia doesn't factor into the excitement at all. The entire reason Microsoft is suddenly doing Halo on PC now instead of later on, is because Eldewrito proved that people are in desparate need of classic Halo on PC. Microsoft said it themselves: ED 0.6 basically forced their hand.
tl;dr everyone is CORRECT to be excited for Halo 3 on pc. Unless microsoft fixes the gearbox port, I doubt Halo 1 and 2 will pull as much attention on PC because of cartographer and custom edition.
Halo and CoD if we're just talking about the general fanbase.
L4D2 and Overwatch if we're talking about the actual people in multiplayer.
Fucking hillbilly chicken fuckers.
>quake boomer is a dotachad
Legit based
Arenafags != Quakefags
Bonus points for the hardcore autismos missing the good old days despite not playing Q3 nor Live in years.
>most of them have never touched it
it shows
really? I thought this game was great. I never went to the related forums.
I've been playing quake 1 since 1996. I still jump on quakeworld servers once or twice a week.
Do people at Quakecon still use DC++? I remember going in 08, I think, and everyone was using it to distribute files.
If so, is there still the weird porn file of the year that gets distributed? My year was pterodactyl porn.
why does quake make zoomers seethe so much?
quake 1 was the good one you lil shit
Call of Duty
Fuck! who is this guy? I remember watching one of his videos.
easy : league , dota. , wow . just at the top of my head
OP said Fps fanbase.
>Phrase not found
Tribes 2 fanboys are the worst kind of gatekeeping whiny subhuman garbage that ever existed.
>reee Vengeance is not T2!!
>reee Ascend is not T2!!
>we'll make our own tribes like in good ol days!!
>Midair happens
This. I play Quake 1 frequently, I would touch it even more if not for the lack of real replay value. Been hoping to find another game, but every game just ends up being shit. I have autism, I just apparently like Quake 1. Most of my time is devoted to shovelware, one big reason modern gaming as a whole frustrates me is because the downloads that exist today will be gone tomorrow.
I never really come to Yea Forums as I expect it to be about more modern games that I will just rant about and hate. Today I felt like ranting about games. Then I see a post about Quake with a terrible fanbase. Now I am intrigued, especially since I didn't even think Quake would be mentioned here, especially with QC dying down and Doom remakes endlessly coming out.
Overwatch is ASSFAGGOTS, not FPS.
It was good but Doom 3 and Prey were more memorable.
All Quakes are good, but 2 and 4 are rather dated modern shooters while 1 is pure boomer shooter. And ofc MUH ORANGE CYBORGS vs MUH BROWN LOVECRAFT.
I have that same keyboard.
>CODification of the series that CODified the whole genre into the ground
>zero crash
Quake 1 had a better single player but for multiplayer, Quake 2 was a lot more refined and felt better.
After Ion Sneed full release probably.
Quake 1's single player feels like some FPS perfection. Everything is fluid, the enemies are fun to fight, the level design is complex but not overly complex, shit just works.
>planned release date: summer 2019
Hopefully soon, but I doubt it without a proper release date like that.
Shit looks stupidly good though.
Ion Fury looks fun but $25 feels like a bit much. Is it worth it?
It's like Duke Nukem without the gimmick weapons or equipment.
its not worth $0
Its sad for me to admit but I didn't enjoy duke nukem 3d, so I should assume I wouldn't enjoy Ion fury then.
That's the planned release date for the early access version.
>legit quakefags
found the insufferable quakefag
>green skeleton
I like how this guy is slowly becoming a lolcow on Yea Forums.
It'll be on GOG if you want to download either the demo now or the full game in a couple of weeks. I don't really care for Duke either, but I like the demo for IM.
quake 1 got stale much faster than quake 2, which has better guns and enemies.
Call of duty
if it werent for the spawns and some of sandy's levels I'd agree
>hating spawns
Spawns were the best part of Quake user. Quick paced and would kill you by surprise if not careful.
>Reach, 4 and 5
Don't lump Reach together with those two.
I will never understand why so many faggots are salty about the armor mods when at worst case they designed a handful of maps around the sprint mod. Hell, they even backed off on some of the ''CODifocations'' by bringing back the old health system from CE. It was 4 and 5 that intoduced perks and shit into the actual series.
With that said, Halo 5 forge is a fucking godsend and is probably one of the most moddable console games ever made thanks too it.
Shit, I also hate the Spawns. Their hitbox always feels a little off, and they're so goddamn fast for a suicide bomber enemy.
I can't think of any stages I really hate though.
Tribes 2 was just a really fucking good game user. I liked/like Vengence but ''AssEnd'' was always an abortion of a game made by a studio that is notorious for dropping game support on a whim.
Reach had many problems that extended well beyond the armor abilities.
>bringing back the old health system from CE
There was still health regen, just to a lesser degree. But it didn't matter because if you had even a single pixel of shield left it would absorb the entire hit and not touch your health.
>Reach had many problems that extended well beyond the armor abilities.
Yet it is always the favorite thing for retards to shit on when it was never really that bad. And the fact that people (like you) seems so hell bent on comparing them with the shit that 343 made is just as retarded when Reach never has and never will reach the same levels of ass suckery that is Halo 4 and 5.
Quake fans are all butthurt boomers that can't accept time moved on and no one cares about arena FPS anymore. Most of them don't even play games at all anymore.
Armor Abilities are the favorite thing to shit on because they're the easiest things to point out flaws with.
>never really that bad
They really were, though.
>Reach never has and never will reach the same levels of ass suckery that is Halo 4 and 5
But it did. Reach is arguably the worst thing to have ever happened to this series because it created a massive fissure right down the middle of the fanbase. Previous Halo games tried to change fucking everything, but Reach turned all of that up to 11 in the worst way.
Because of Reach, the Halo community will never be able to agree on anything ever again.
I only play Quake Live, been doing for the last 9 years almost every day. Also original Quake is over rated as hell. Turok was better, Doom was better, Duke 3D was better, Unreal was better and now Amid Evil is better.
This is your future, chantards.
>I only play Quake Live
>Also original Quake is over rated as hell.
the single player is
Doom (2016) fans
Doom (Brutal Doom mod) fans
Blood ("best build engine game") fans
Nu-Shadow Warrior fans
thats' about it
Watching the Quakeworld 1v1 last night didn't give me much hope for that game's multiplayer. It snowballs so quickly and there's literally 2 usable weapons.
found the dumbass
Every hero shooter that ever has been or ever will be.
Honestly I'd rather play Unreal Tournament 2004 than any Quake.
true, quake is shit without railgun
We made some maps for fun on /vr/. Some Anons putting s little pack together. They're mostly first time maps though so they're nothing special.
you're a pretty alright guy
>Blood ("best build engine game") fans
They exist? I thought I was the only one who thought that.
ok lets not get ahead of ourselves here...
amid evil is not really better than quake...i mean i liked it but its not even better than hexen/heretic like it wants to be...
qw is fun BECAUSE all you need are rockets and lightning, and LG has no ammo but does insane damage so you cant spam it, and rocket radius is fucking huge so you can hit people through walls and shit. like playing a map like ZTN in quake 1, quake 3/live, and quake champions is a completely different experience in all of them because of the movement and weapon balance.
railgun unironically ruined quake and fps duel in general
(un?)fortunately there are many more people that share this (in?)correct opinion
honestly T1 > V > 2 >>>>> ascend >>>>>>>>>>.most othe rf
I won't disagree with it being fun to play, but it's not something I would want to take seriously in a 1v1. Same with Doom deathmatch; I enjoy playing it, but it's practically instagib.
Out of whats considered the big 3 (Duke 3D, Shadow Warrior, and Blood) Blood is my favorite. But really, the best part of those 3 games is that its up to the individual to decide which one they like the best.
As much as I shit on quake 1 for being unfinished, cut down product, thematically inconsistent, hit-or-miss level design, etc... quake is barely playable for more than 30 minutes these days. It's just horrendously boring
Quake 1 had better shooting than Duke3d
Duke3d had better everything else, including but not limited to:
level design (feels like a real city in episode 1 and 3, cool sci-fi shit in episode 2)
weapon design (shrink ray, freeze thrower, pipe bombs, laser trip mines, etc)
interactivity (list longer than this thread allows, everything from pushing pool balls on a billiards table to riding a subway)
inventory system (including portable medkit, holoduke and the AI that goes with it, steroids, night vision, scuba gear, etc...)
effects (including destructible walls, dozens of kinds of doors, etc
"humor" if that counts, character talks and has a "personality"
i'm not going to say it had better multiplayer, mostly just hitscan gun abuse, but even the sprites looked much better and ran on more machines at the time, unforunately no one i knew could play quake in higher resolution than 320x200/240 or maybe 640x480 until we got better computers. then the game kind of came into its own.
i feel like the mission packs had way cooler levels (scourge of armagon, disillusion of eternity) and stuff, but by the time i got them i had played unreal which blew all previous FPS games out of the water.
anyway i dont know why quake got so much credit for 3d environments and shit, descent did it before quake and kicked ass. but it was too hard. descent 2 came out same year as quake and was better in pretty much every way.
so duke but without anything that makes duke fun?
i'm sure shadow warrior or blood have better weaponry.
just good old downloads it.
>good old downloads
That got shut down, didn't it?
Midair is actually based on tribes 1
But wasnt as good as tribes 1
So they changed it to be more like tribes 2
So no one was happy
So it completely failed
This image makes me very angry.
Then you both need to kill yourselves.
Think you posted the wrong image, bucko.
This is true.
Halofags by far
>introduced what would be dlc
>introduced match making
>introduced map packs that separate players
>popularized paid online
>popularized dumbed down console shooters
>pretty much dumbed down the genre as a whole
>started dudebro military pandering
Could go on but the game pretty much broke fpses for the worse.
i can beat anyone in this thread in quake, but never had the time or patience to grind to grandmaster in OW
>bring back CTF
friendly reminder this never happened
they never made CTF maps
it's CTF on the same maps as all the other modes, just with a slight expanded section and a pair of bases
none of them are symmetrical
none of them are the countless good maps from Q3A / Q3TA / UT99 that were ported over
Yeah but Quake 2’s got the Railgun.
I would but I don't think OW counts as an fps.
maybe nu-battlefield fans?
but BF1942 / vietnam and 2 / 2142 fans are ok.
Reflex Arena
Wolf3D (DieHardWolfers specifically)
that's an old mirror with no new updates
Nu-battlefield fans are just Call of Duty players in denial.
OW is a MOBA not a FPS
Because COD is the low hanging fruit i would say TF2fags. To this date they're still assblasted about overwatch and they can't go any thread without mentioning it (not mentioning the furfags and bronies)
STALKER fans. Quake fans are in denial of the fact that team coordination is not only a skill, but is far more impressive than singular mechanics and strategy when done correctly (think Hockey plays vs Tennis plays). However, they do have the right to say that the game sense required at the highest level is more precise than other games. Stalker fans think that multiplayer bot ai, fetch quests (that sometime bug out), and gun spread the size of OP's prolapsed anus is somehow more immersive, strategic, and deeper than any AAA open world game of the past decade. The side quests were all garbage and the game-play comes to a crawl when half the time you're just walking around the map at a snail's pace. The aesthetic is nice, but it shouldn't be the main reason why you praise an fps game.
For me, it's CS:GO. I still love the core gameplay but the fanbase makes it unplayable except for protected sekrit klub servers.
TF2 autists. As someone who considered the game to be the best multiplayer FPS at 1 point, the game has become irredeemable shit. This wouldn't be so bad but the community regurlrly acknowledges the game's flaws yet wants to still act like you're a shitter for not wanting to tolerate bad matchmaking, shit netcode, and bad anti-cheat
Quake-fags are obnoxious in the multiplayer perspective but those who focus on the single player aspect are actually pretty chill
You're blaming the results of Halo's popularity. Nothing about the fanbase itself. Never met a Halo fan that wasn't a bro in some way
Halo's fanbase allowed all of that cancer to eventually form into the garbage we have to deal with today.
But there is nothing inherently wrong with them. Again, you are angry at the results. It's like being mad at Motorhead, Pantera, or NiN for paving the way for the dogshit that qualifies as metal today. That might be true, but those bands are still good.
I remember when I thought low TTK = higher skill too.
Without the fanbase, such a result wouldn't have been reached. If Halo fans told Bungie to fuck off when they tried to nickle and time people with map packs, they wouldn't have become such an integral part to the typical multiplayer game these days. We likely still would have mods, since devs wouldn't need to lock down their games to sell more content.
Because what Bungie offerend at that time was good? ODST was great, the maps included were great, and Reach was essentially was experimental and caving into the popularity of CoD. FFS, CoD was much worse in this aspect than Bungie ever was. You honestly sound like a dementia'd boomer or a zoomer trying way to hard to fit in.
seriously underrated today
Is this legit or a russian bit-coin miner?
Halo might have started it, but EA/Activision has steered the industry to where it is now. Cod is more to blame in my opinion due to how they made the cancer routine every year
Call of Duty didn't have paid map packs until MW2.
And there have been tons of cod games that have come out after that incorporate that shit since then. What I mean by routine is that since the games incorporated that cancer every game after mw2, gamers have been conditioned to accept it. Same thing with loot boxes and valve
i'd fucking be!
>And there have been tons of cod games that have come out after that incorporate that shit since then.
Long after Halo decided to start selling 3 maps for $10.
but moved to what?
no server lists?
no mods?
not being about overall KDR bullshit?
if you wanted to leave a server, you just COULD, no repercussions.
in overwatch? 30 min ban because you weren't having fun losing for 60 mins.
Is GOD(G) safe?
>original Quake is over rated as hell
These have to be the plebiest comments I've ever read. Quakeworld to this day is the most challenging arena shooter. Nothing compares.
You know team deathmatch is a thing in quake.
>people you can automatically tell have no experience with quakeworld.
i miss him
q3 > qw
Yet id half-assed Team Arena to try and compete with UT and CS yet nobody brings it up as an example of contribution to the idea of appealing to what's popular
q3a existed before cs you stupid zoomer, literally all the modes in team arena were already in base q3 with mods
actually, I'm nostalgic about regular ass Team Slayer on the standard Halo 3 maps (not the DLC ones even). and I was a late teenager / young adult throughout the years I played it.
this is true because I made it to DMG (current rank) playing CSGO once or twice a week with months off inbetween. I have way more hours in QL and I never even got over 1500 elo in duel. I was often top three in FFA but it's hard to say what that's worth. I unironically might have a thousand hours in QL, never got any proof I'm more than "slightly above average".
a big thing to keep in mind with QL is that the active playerbase is small so most people you play against have been playing for fucking ever. plus you don't lose much of your skill when you don't play for a while. within a week or so you can be better than ever before.
Are you fucking retarded? Team Arena expansion came out 1 year after Q3 and UT's release. CS had been out for some time as well.
They have a Discord? The only one I could find is the official Quake one and dumptruck_ds' one.
Counter Strike 1.6.
As a kid I met a lot of guys that only played this in the cybercafes, saying that Doom was boring for not having a multiplayer mode and for being "obsolete". It was the only fps they played on pc.
Even in high school they played this, and I met some oldfags claiming (unironically) that it was the best game ever for its innovative mechanics that came in its release.
People in my country are very autist.
Answer his question.
Slav or east Asian?
(You)r favorite FPS game.
dilate quaketrannies
No, argentinian.
that's an rpg son
Thats great that you miss him, but can you answer his question. Is GOD(G) safe.
AH, completely forgot third world. Sorry for your situation
Can someone explain why Quake is so popular in Slavic countries? All of my cousins love CS and quake.
>imagine being an insufferable faggot for over 20 years
it's impressive and downright sad, they still throw shitfits on /vr/ of all places.
The 90s were a shit time for most slavic countries so they used the popular PC games at that time as a form of escapism, building a community together despite their shithole countries. Nowadays those slavs have grown up and cling tightly due to nostalgia. That and the fact that those game can be ran on any toaster nowadays as well.
Original Quake was the only Quake worth acknowledging.
But y tho? WHy is it that Quake of all the retro FPS games attracts this behavior? Not just in terms of multiplayer but singleplayer too?
>Name a worse fps fanbase.
R6 Siege... hands down the worse community in the history of gaming.
Quake 3 is arguably the best multiplayer shooter made.
Quake 2 is dull and not all that great.
Doom fans are worse. I've seen so many argue Doom is the best because it has a big mod scene. I can't get into any Doom mods because Doom enemies are not interesting to fight, and going "dude here's 300 Imps" doesn't remedy that situation.
It's a whole lot of late 90s web 2.0 and IRC nostalgia. Quake came out when the old internet got its shape and the community influenced a lot of its culture. They're basically the gamer equivalent of Woodstock hippies who keep telling you how your music is shit and how you'll never understand Jefferson Airplane because you didn't listened to it on some dirty field while being loaded with LSD.
It's unabalnced as fuck and no one plays it, get fucked. Quake Live is the only quake people should be playing.
It's nice that the Quake 1 modders made a bunch of new enemies to fuck around with on custom maps. It kind of sucks to fight some enemies though because of how much health they have (inc. vanilla enemies).
I've never found the enemies all that spongy really. I think people just expect something as devastating as the Doom 2 super shotgun out of the Quake double barreled shotgun.
Is this safe?
You don't know what you're talking about. There's two reason it's played less, because most people didn't own computers let alone had Internet access in 1996-1999 and the skill gap became astronomical for noobs. If you ever played high level quakeworld, Q3 would feel like babies first fps to you.
Man, seeing the Blood-based manhwa made me think that Blood universe has lots of potential good games.
Too bad the IP is lost in a limbo
Reach is kino.
Quake is kino.
HL is kino.
Team Fortress 2 is f'ing overrated.
Overwatch is a worse version of TF2.
CS is OK.
CoD is shit, not matter what you sprinkle on it.
Doom 2016 is almost there.
Titanfall 2 most underrated.
Best soundtrack in the franchise and in basically any FPS game
Some of Quake 1 soundtrack were good too
Quake II has a total shift in tone. It's space marine vs. cyborg aliens, which seems kinda cool, but it ends up being dull imo. The mix of medieval and sci fi elements in Quake was more interesting and atmospheric. I played through Q2 recently in VR and it was great, still worth playing, but not as good as Quake 1. Quake 4 was pretty shit.
literally any other game
>he didn't mention the Waypoint forums
I wholeheartedly agree with this though. Not to mention:
>Want to relive Halo 2 BTB in MCC
>Wait in matchmaking for 15 minutes
>vote starts
>3tards quit if it isn't babby's first halo game
>vote restarts
>everyone but like 4 people vote for goddamn Big Team Slayer on Valhalla
>mfw just wanted to play Big Team CTF on pic related
Being a Halo fan has hurt for so long. Maybe Infinite will be better?
Retards have always populated the official forums.
toy story
Why are Quakefags so buttblasted about that? Doom and Quake were always basically the same franchise with occasional random change of setting.
Quake 1 plays like Doom 1/2 sequel.
Doom 3 plays like Quake 2 sequel.
Quake 2 and Nuum are completely different from previous entries in both series.
Being butthurt over Quake Champions being ignored is understandable but it was pretty obvious anyway.
At least Nuum Eternal Battlemode is going to have more players that QC ever had for a few weeks lmao.
>Quake 1 plays like Doom 1/2 sequel
>Doom 3 plays like Quake 2 sequel
Imagine being this much of a fucking retard
CSGO players
You know somebody is underage when they talk about single player quake.
This. I don't even think this kid played the games.
Doom shilling at Quakecon isn't taking away your anual le epic quakers duels.
game WAS great, fanbase was cancer
>Doom 3 plays like Quake 2 sequel
you could not be more wrong even if you tried
>Being butthurt over Quake Champions being ignored
It's not that. The Doomcon thing and the QC thing are the same problem: QC was so fucking shit that it dragged the franchise's name through the mud so badly that Bethesda felt the need to rebrand Quakecon into Doomcon. Had QC not sucked, none of this would have transpired. QC flopping the way it did was depressing as fuck too, because there were a lot of good ideas screaming to be let out and were held back by centralized matchmaking lootbox horse shit. Literally all you had to do was copy TF2: have a centralized item server, let people get cosmetics from epic gambling boxen, community hosts the servers and is given the tools to make the content. Bethesda/Zenimax is/are too proud to make a good game.
>not Dark Forces
shit taste my bros
quake 4 and doom 3 even use the same engine!
most of your statements are incorrect.
qc sucks, here's why
dark forces isn't build engine you idiot cunt fuck.
i love DF..
>linear level design
>"realistic" gunplay
That's enough to make them closer to each other than to the rest of both series.