Enjoy your Doom games, bro.
Enjoy your Doom games, bro
Other urls found in this thread:
>old doom games are desecrated by shithesda now
The industry is fucked.
>gotta make an account
>gotta agree to our terms of service
It's a 26-yo game for fucks sake
>Not using Doomseeker
what a bunch of idiots.
You can't play any of these games offline. What a joke.
wait what?
are you fucking SHITTING ME?!
you have to LOG IN ONLINE to play an OFFLINE GAME?
>you can't play 26 year old game offline
Yeah. Online only.
>playing DOOM on anything that isnt PC
Why would you play doom on switch anyway? it can run on any laptop & you can play it with any mods
vanilla doom is stale these days, not that im saying brutal doom is better before anyone gets mad
God the Switch is such a shitshow.
just make an account already its free after all
Beth is rapidly becoming EA.
Hold up piratebros, solution is right behind the corner.
What the fuck am I looking at?
this is really ugly...
This coulda been a neat port but what the hell?
Todd would never say the word 'free' witha straight face. You are an impostor
Then what's the fucking point of portable Doom?
if im not connected to a wifi point, how can i play this? why would bethesda do this?
..the fuck?
literally just hack your switch and play any of the higher quality doom console ports
you only need to sign in once then you can play offline
even if that were true..
>buy game
>download game
>walk outside where there's no wifi anymore
>load up doom
>lmao register you idiot
working as intended.
nintenlet eyes can only see 10 fps anyways
can anyone confirm if this is true? the message looks like the type you would get if you boot it up for the first time with no internet connection and haven't logged in
I'm planning to get a switch soon for travelling, and I was probably gonna buy doom 1 for it, but if it needs an active connection AT ALL TIMES, then that's just fucked (was planning on playing this on an airplane)
i cant tell if this is a joke or not, bethesda would do something like this
This is a joke.. right?
What does Battle.net have to do with Doom? Did I miss something?
>no online deathmatch or coop
>please login to BNet
bethesda net you giant zoomer
it's bethesda.net
yeah why the fuck is anyone paying for it?
ATTN: The music in Doom 1 & 2 also play at about 70% of the original speed.
Because it's Perfect for Swtichâ„¢
my disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined
Soinygger you at it again?
Is this the Switch release of 1, 2, 3? The one meant to be portable?
So far I only heard the Switch version having to deal with this, no word on the iOS or PS4/Xbone
Of course, why else would it be talked about.
Also, funny enough the only game that doesn't require always online is Doom 3 for some inane reason.
It feels so disgusting and wrong that it now stands for bethesda net instead of battle net and battle net has become blizzard net or some cancer. Just burn it all down.
What the fuck happened to Bethesda? Skyrim wasn't particularly fun, and there's plenty of criticize, but at least I didn't hate them on a corporate level. Who wants to bet TES VI doesn't support mods outside of their own launcher/curation? It feels like that's the way things are going
Are you retarded, the past four years Bethesda has gone maximum Jew. How have you not noticed this?
what the fuck
Not even Uther could fake it in light of such transgressions
>actually falling for the scams of Jewthesda when you can play the superior versions for free
Looks fine to me, not everyone is an autist who cares about this stuff.
>buying Doom in 2019
Copies we already own aren't affected by this. If you didn't already have a copy of the game then you don't really care about it.
Well, not Bethesda game studios, but Zenimax. Bethesda just kind of tows the line pathetically, the only thing they had a direct hand in was the modding fiasco and they likely will try to do curation only for next game, mostly as an attempt to get rid of the porn scene.
>not anyone is an autist that cares for a game being playable
nintendo baby defense force out in full force
I wouldn't put it past Bethesda to try to update Steam copies to this "improved" version. Maybe they'll even add microtransactions on top
>"Introducing the Doomtastic new Store! Get custom skins for the enemies, such as this Bunny Pinkie! Starting at $0.99!"
Gearbox already did it with dook so it's only a matter of time
I'd like to see you spout the same thing 15-20 years from now when your copy will deteriorate and stop working.
I bought Skyrim 2011, and the first DLC like 2 years later, but haven't bought anything from them since. I skipped Fallout 4 as it looked awful, and for whatever reason I haven't touched D4om yet
>15-20 years from now when your copy will deteriorate and stop working.
The game is on GOG and Steam
Where the fuck have you been for the past decade? After games like Fallout 3/4, Oblivion and Skyrim what did you honestly expect? They don't even care that Fallout 76 is a complete disaster and openly mock people who criticize it. Not to mention that absolute shitshow that was paid mods on Steam. What the fuck did you expect?
No it's fucking Bethesda you retarded ass drone. This is the fucking company that had the gall to bring back paid mods after the shit show of the first time they tried it with valve. This the company that charged $60 for a fallout 4 multiplayer mod and loaded it up with insanely inflated microtransaction prices. This the company that hasn't made an elder scrolls game in a decade and instead chooses to rerelease skyrim adnauseum and charges full price for it every time. Need I fucking go on?
thank fuck for physical media, the idea that these kikes can go back and update digital retro games with cancerous shit like this makes me seethe
meant for
Why do you lie? Just select cancel and the game will load
I still have Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition though. You just can't buy it anymore.
They might remove The Ultimate Doom from the store, but they won't take it away from people's libraries. The ensuing shitstorm wouldn't be worth it. And even if I'm wrong, Doom is probably the easiest game to pirate.
Zenimax and Bethesda might as well be the same corporate entity. The technicality hardly matters except to autists like me which is why I'm correcting you.
If you're talking about disc rot, you're wrong because I don't have a Doom disc anymore. I have it on Steam. And the Steam version is basically DRM-free so I can just make a thousand backups in case Steam goes out of business. And if I fail to do that, I can pirate it. Bethesda isn't going to be able to remove all of the original DOOM WADs from the internet. It's always going to be possible to play the original version of the game, even if it's illegal.
zenimax owns bethesda studios. bethesda is just a handpuppet because of their skyrim reputation. most of this microtransaction shit is ordained by zenimax, they even tried to make the perkcard shit pay to win which they got talked out of by bethesda. even if todd and his crew are bunch of retards they arent retarded corporate jews who dont understand how gamers react to abysmal shit like for example this doom garbage that has surfaced now.
they actually manage to fuck up a Doom port, lol
Theu are fucking Jews what fucking world do live in? Bethesda is just another ea you dumb motherfucker. How can you be this fucking retarded.
Doom4 is really good, iD/Bethesda actually made a really fun and worthwhile experience
Its clearly playable,, its not a fast paced souls like game it doesn't need to be super smooth
The original DOOM is still perfectly playable without having to log into a fucking account on any non-shit platform.
It was the glory kills and some of the early multiplayer demo stuff that turned me off. I've heard it's good. I'll probably pick it up as soon as I see it on sale
Who would've known that the first game on Switch that hinders my piracy is a decades-old port?
Fucking kek
>any non-shit platform
And many shit platforms, since people have ported it to fucking everything. The fact that Beth can fuck up the original Doom is no small achievement
Good news - the glory kills are completely optional and the levels will have enough health and ammo in them to where you don't have to depend on them. Beyond the first few levels I only did them once in a while to mix things up. Anyone who says the glory kills ruin the game because they're "mandatory" is a huge fucking shitter.
My point is the original game is still there. It's only these ports that are fucked up.
This issue has literally nothing to do with physical vs digital yet this physicalfag though he had to come into this thread and spout his shitty opinion.
Bethesda going to Bethesda
This, people are just out for Nintendo..
>defending 9 frames per second
>Bethesda fucks up
>"Fucking Nintendo!!!1"
Rent free.
>I'll probably pick it up as soon as I see it on sale
So right now?
Sure, for free.
>not using a sourceport
Haha what
He's lying, morons.
Why do you guys blame the switch for developer incompetence?
Bethesda is becoming EVERYTHING that blizzard is nowadays
Report this Shit to Blizzard's TWITTER and social media, Bethesda CANT USE the BNET name because is licensed by Blizzard Only, they even registered it.
this shit is pure lawsuit material
>gets completely BTFO in his own thread
>tries his bait again in a completely unrelated thread
Seeing bethesda.net in the doom UI is the most cursed thing i saw today
doom on battle.net what the fuck?
Well what do you know
cope harder you seething sexless pathetic nincel
fuck you are so cringe just fucking walk off a bridge like your nigger idol already
it's fake
Your entire fucking life is fake nintendie
Wait, do i need a connection to play offline?
>Doom 3
>PS4 pro can only run it 8fps more
Remind me how it’s Nintendo
its Not, the name itself registered for Blizzard Entertainment.
also these are Bethesda's board, so they can pull this.
ActiBlizz may sue the SHIT out of bethesda
>blizzards online platform is called bnet since nearly 2 decades
>todd just calls his shit service bnet too
Seriously for a moment I thought blizzard bought the rights for doom or some shit. What the fuck Bethesda, why can't they come up with a original name.
This isn't on my GOG copy
bethesda can be SUED by ActivisionBlizzard since the Name Battle.net and BNET are trademarked by Blizzard
First time you need to connect it to Bethesda net which needs an online connection
After that you can play it offline
Todd has acquired a time machine and is rewriting history. Todd now invented the fps genre with his groundbreaking title, DOOM.
this is how doom 3 looks normally
>me on the left laughing at whoever bought these ports
Is that the switch version?
Shit, the OG Xbox one looked better.
The first image seems like a glitch with LoD models.
lol u mad
get ya fucking eyes checked buddy
Yes, non BFG doom 3 does look better, can’t do anything about that now though
>doom 3
>not pitch black
Post yfw normies actually let video games sink this low without a crash
Didn't think anybody can fuck up a DOOM port yet here we are.
I guess it works... but lol
>Doom can be played on EVERYTHING*
>current consoles need active internet comnection
doom ports have a history of being fucked up
Unofficial ports don't.
Oh, come the fuck on.
You can literally find working wads for all the games with a google search right now. Just because you're a fucking idiot it doesn't mean doom is somehow affected by this shit.
he mad
Although the principle of this is terrible the original maps aren't that good regardless
It's mostly directed at Nintenkiddies
The Switch port is absolutely fucked.
how do you fuck up doom
besides the shit with loggin into bethesdas dumb service, how is it fucked. any facts to back that up?
>Nope, it's a Unity port
i take that back, holy fuck the music is too slow
take a look at this and say it's not fucked nigger they even removed Romero and Carmack from the credits
It’s bfg edition from 2012, it was always a downgrade visually
Yes, they do, faggot. The 3ds one is still not working properly
how is it the doom 3 port was the best one?
Panic Button did the port, it seems.
Steam still has it.
As does P2P sharing
I'll take a quality game at 9 frames a second over a crappy one at over 9000.
Was originally excited for this until the BNet online only bullshit and the slower music
Guess I'll just wait till they fix this shit
Hahaha, enjoy your modern unity port.
Btw we're removing the files from Xbox and steam, you wouldn't want to play an outdated version would you?
Now shut up and buy doom again.
They remade the game on Unity.
It's never gonna be the same experience.
>source port based on Unity
Can't make this shit up.
Open your wallets pay pigs.
Straight downgrade from the 360 and PS3 since those at least allowed online multiplayer.
Nothing you say can justify paying for a download, die Gabe
What would you rather have them do? The Doom engine is almost 3 decades old at this point.
>even a calculator can run Doom properly
>but the Switch can't
Please god, Please stop paying for a five billion years old game.
They are just gonna fleece us even more, every old game ever will try to fleece us.
Fuck off Switch tards you're a wretched race
fuck Steam, they are the ones that normalized the environment for shit like this to happen. The fat kike even said that games having to be released complete and playable without a patch because they had no way of patching the games that were sold physical only was a bad thing.
Use one of the five million source ports already out there.
>pills on medkits instead of crosses
what in 90's name is this zoomer/tencent shit
Pirate it you fucking idiot. No matter where you buy it the original devs won't see a penny of your money.
Shit the fuck up nigger.
what is with the medkits?? can anyone explain that???
>OMG it's so olddddddd like ew we should remake it all shiny in unity
Fucking zoomer scum.
Bnet is superior to Doomseeker, kid.
Literally who doesn't have a Bnet account in 2019? Fucking get over it you nerds
I'm not sure I ever made one. I only linked my Steam account.
Nintendo removing religious references isn't anything new.
Family friendly policy.
cope, epic faggot
They have been removed since Doom 3 BFG edition and these ports are on Xbox and PS4 :)
Fucking use it, there's nothing wrong with it
>family friendly policy
>switch has nu-doom and fucking mortal kombat on it
I'm guessing Zenimax/Bethesda are a bunch of cucks and afraid
that the Red cross which technically has trademarked the red cross on a white background( yes I know it's retarded) would sue them.
Also they remade the engine in Unity so they could avoid GPL and not have to include sources.
Basically a big corporate assjob fuck you
Liar, only asks you to register once, which is bad, but doesn't require an internet connection after that.
if it aint fucking broke
And? It fucking works.
>implying I'm not still playing Doom from the shareware floppys
Fuck Bethesda and fuck jannies
>hur dur its old that means we must fix it by using a completely different engine!!
This is the actual thought process of zoomers, good fucking christ.
Whatever you say, Todd.
I'm saying there's nothing wrong with using the Doom engine you fucking moron
Doom engine has programming that is more intricate than most of the shit in modern AAA garbage.
why are we todd?
>No reading comprehension.
Peek ADHD zoomerfag
nice try at a counter argument zoomer
>turning doom into a soulless reddit meme
>shitty scripted presentations about how "doom" doom eternal is, by two guys who had nothing to do with the originals
>le slayers club earn points and get skinz, le DOOT skin!!!!
>releasing a mainline doom game with NO DEATHMATCH
>always-online current-gen console ports of the originals WITH REQUIRED BETHESDANET LOGIN AND OMISSION OF ORIGINAL DEV CREDITS, BUILT ON UNITY
>"Year of doom, 25 years" EVEN THOUGH IT CAME OUT AT THE END OF 1993
>"25 years of doom" panel and they didn't invite a single person who had ANYTHING to do with the original game
Where were you when Zenimax killed Doom? I remember seeing the news of their acquisition of id back in 2009 but I could never have thought that it would lead to this.
Just fucking buy Doom Eternal
Reddit is already defending this decision.
>Family friendly policy.
You're thinking of Sony.
I'll pirate it
i was hoping bethesda would release an official source port for use on consoles and other devices. I didn't want it to happen like this
This(doom) is for both ps4 and switch no?
>I'll pirate it
CODEX is fucking dead for the most part tho
You need to make an account and log in ONCE, internet is not required afterwards.
I will buy it. You should do the same.
I can't wait to rip and tear.
Correct. No one has said anything about the PS4 version because no one wants to do anything but shitpost all day long.
really? link it i would love to hear the defense
>tiny differences in the game for very specific reasons, otherwise entirely ported into a new engine that the switch already runs on
>instantly autists go ballistic over DRM that doesn’t exist (click cancel you idiot), slightly low BPM on a midi that can be patched, pills instead of crosses
The only thing I don’t get is why Carmack and co aren’t credited.
>game is available on all Consoles
why are snoyfags always seething about Nintendo to the point where even non Nintendo news makes them think about Nintendo?
>literally double the fps of the nintendo switch version
clicking cancel leads to this moron
+10 social credit has been added to your BethNet account.
They're obsessed. It's like how you can't have a thread about DQ Builders 2, which is a great game (that runs poorly) without rampant shitposting.
I saw a single guy defend it and he's getting mercilessly shat on, as he should be.
Dood fucking thing I got both Doom 1 and 2 wads through the Doom 3 BFG edition I own on steam, thus being able to play Doom 1 and 2 using gzdoom. Jokes on you Todd Howard
Bethesda's obviously going to make Starfield exclusive to their store and trying to force people to make accounts so they buy it there. You are morally obligated to pirate all future Bethesda titles.
i still want to see his pathetic defense of this bullshit it doesnt even have proper multiplayer the only reason to make it always online is for DRM purposes
Excellent work user!
Your paycheck will be deposit into your bank account by tomorrow.
Have a great day and thanks for the cooperation!
>he bought bfg edition
>he plays with the shitty censored wads
>instantly autists go ballistic over DRM that doesn’t exist (click cancel you idiot) see
Good to see Bethesda shills are already hard at work in defending their shit games.
>implying I don't play with le edgy brutal doom mod
>BFG Edition
>Health packs don't have crosses because it offends people
Fuck this.
they dont have crosses cause the red cross threatened to sue
>can't even run on PS4 and Xbone
DOOM 2016 didn't run bad on the ps4. It had some hiccups but it was nothing like the switch version.
>playing any non GZdoom version
lmaoing at yer existence
Did they change the crosses in Duke Nukem 3D: World Tour too?
>not playing crispydoom
Well, that's just stupid.
Why is this a requirement? Do they want to sell wads now?
wtf Doom is on switch?
Yeah, but we are talking about how shit bethesda is no? you know, the ones responsible for having to make an account to play a 25 year old game, seems odd to switch the focus to console wars.
pretty sure they did actually
not immediately thinking of blizzard when you read bnet is the biggest sign of a zoomer, so thanks for showing us your true colors you fag
roasties btfo
Came out today, doom I, II and III
>Zoomers are so retarded all they think of is blizzard when they see bnet
>Boomers meanwhile think of bethesda net CUZ ITS FUCKING DOOM
You're retarded trying to defend your fuck up, simple as that. Now go back to beddit or whatever. Put funny meme word here
I am not trying to make a console war thread. I was just responding to what said, which I believe he was trying to say that DOOM ran like shit on the ps4. I think I misunderstood his comment, I believe he meant that this release of doom is the same on the ps4.
Seething nintenfag
Drink up your s o y
>Do they want to sell wads now?
ohohoh ahahaha that would be amazing
How the hell do you even control an FPS in handheld mode without a gyroscope?
>not HDoom
Fucking plebs
wouldnt surprise me after trying to sell Skyrim mods
switchfags would buy dogshit if you squeezed it into a cartridge
You can play offline after logging in once. Nbd
nope it logs you in everytime
Because it's a great game on a great console at a great price.
Are people just not reading or something? you can play offline, you just get a message saying how you can't use "online features" which I mean, duh?
Why didn't they add Doom 64 with the Switch?
Nope, if you turn off your internet it still works.
whose dick do i have to suck to get a NSP file?
>tfw you can already play this for free on your Switch, with better music, controls and mods if your IQ is higher than single digits
You can't.
What does John Romero have to say about this? its outrageous.
He hasnt updated his twitter since yesterday
That says a lot about the state of things.
Todd got him, press F.
probably seething
probably an epic Dr. Mario reference
>more fps
>higher resolution, textures, etc
Wrong, you totally can, I tested it. You'll get 2 messages telling you to use airplane mode when appropriate, and one saying you can't use "online features" you can still play your save tho.
doom is on blizzard's launcher now or something?
thanks for proving them right
Is Doom 3 good?
Doom 3 is Half-Life with jumpscares and pretty lighting.
It's alright. Was more of a tech demo back when it released. Slower and more linear than Doom 1 and 2 but I liked it.
Skip the BFG edition. play the original. You can add visual upgrade mods.
>Can get the DOOM classic bundle on Steam for less than $5
should I?
None of the original id employees see your money. Don't bother.
They never gave ME money, so who cares
dont hold one one second
Exactly. Just pirate them.
go to /vr/ find the doom thread and there is mega links to all the old wads
Just download the WAD files and use open source
its LITERALLY open source they can go back and do anything they like with it
Welp. time to install that Lootbox mod once again.
Its probably because they implement online drm easier than writing it from scratch.
> can finally play Doom without eye strain
God bless e ink.
bethesda net
Shut the fuck up zoomer.
>that spinning cacodemon loading screen
holy fucking shit lmfao
>zenimax code of conduct
is this shit fucking real? this seems like a fucking parody
WHY are the medkits replaced with pills? was the plus sign cross too offensive to the chinese? could they not get it licensed from the red cross?
I will! thanks, bro
>the blood-soaked low-res Switch controllers
Okay that's pretty good though.
The red cross had the literal red cross trademarked at the time the Doom 3 BFG edition came out so they had to take it out for that release.
They just used those wads as the base for the new versions.
I want to jump through the screen and examine your brain to understand how someone can be this fucking stupid.
>unironically defending this shit
Ya'll are blowing this shit up way out of proportion. Just make an account, jeez.
fuck off todd
only zoomers had bnet accounts
>no gyro aim
>always online
>capped 30 fps
>fucked up music
fuck bethesda fuck kikes and fuck niggers
why would you ever (((buy))) """"""'doom""""" in 2019? there are countless free versions and easy places to get the wads. literally even has a thread where you can download wads and a gzdoom easy start pack.
is that it? you should have more than that. that's a good start though.
runs terribly on PS4 and Xbone as well
this is a fucking travesty
>OG dos doom ran at 35 fps
You just can't make this shit up.
>These games released on PS4, Switch, Bone and Mobile
>Will be making their way to Steam soon
Jesus Christ, Yea Forums.
The port is fucking shit BUT the HD rumble is fucking neat.
>You feel the *chik chik* pump up the shotgun (but you don't feel the actual shot for some reason)
>Machine gun feels fantastic
>Laser rifle you feel each individual thundering ball of plasma
>Super shotgun is a powerful blast
Rocket launcher stinks though it's like a fart.
At least Doom 3 runs at 60fps.
It would be cool to finally have a game where HD rumble is noticeable, but I'm not buying it until they remove the Bethesda account and music bullshit.
>>You feel the *chik chik* pump up the shotgun (but you don't feel the actual shot for some reason)
>>Laser rifle you feel each individual thundering ball of plasma
this is real cope but sounds neat
bad port
unity is shit
Does this affect the new Doom and Doom 3 on PC? Because I'm tempted to buy them but don't want to if I can't play offline
That literally wouldn't matter when can you just load the .wad files into one of many free doom engines that work better than steam anyways.
why is the music so slow lol
It's literally the exact same except for shadows and lighting, watch the videos you're shitposting about
Both systems are getting hammered by the CPU sucking in that game
They did that in the Xbox Live arcade version of Doom 2 also, but not the XBL Ultimate Doom. Never understood why either.
Hear me out. I just realized why they remade it in Unity.
1. This has mobile and console assets that isn't exclusive to switch. The files are there from the datamine. This is also supported from the fact that other ports are being taken down
2. It uses unity, therefore it doesn't work with WADs. They clearly don't want anyone to mod this
3. They took out the original devs' names off of it
With all this in mind, I am 100% sure they're gonna go after the PC version and outright take down Doom wad sites then replace it with their own Creation Club WADs.
All this sounds laughable if I said this few days ago, but after Sadpanda being taken down and a 25 year old DOS game gets an online DRM, this is highly likely.
Imagine this feels like SNES doom HD.
just download zdoom and wads
Why on Steam? the og PC versions are better
>Why would you play doom on switch anyway?
Because zoomers don't have laptops, they have switches and smartphones.
It's still a shitshow to play it on a switch because GZDoom runs on any Android device and Delta Touch works with any ZDoom mod.
>took the original devs names off of it
what the fuck
>this bullshit
>TWO god awful wolfenstein games also released today
>fallout 4
>fallout 76
>fallout 76 canvas bags
yeah, i'm done buying bethesda games.
>All this sounds laughable
They almost did exactly that with Skyrim. They buried the original and replaced it with SE which natively has microtransactions and BethNet mod support.
>playing Doom with no mods
Vanilla Doom is shit. It requires at least mouse aim, non-pitched-shifted sounds and Smooth Doom to be worth a damn anymore.
the gzdoom homebrew port on Switch is better than this version already
hell the old PSP version is probs better too
If they manage to take down the idgames archive, there will be literal hell to pay.
>Creation Club on Doom 1/2
>They buried the original and replaced it with SE which natively has microtransactions
wait what? why does skyrim have mtx now?
the amount of fucking kikery in this
i just cant
hitler PLEASE come back
creation club/paid mods 2.0
>Creation Club WADs.
this is absolutely happening
>brootal doom creation clubified
>brutal doom goes creation club exclusive
>keeps trying to shit out the same bait over and over again
reminder to the retards that this webm is for the demo, in the treehouse gameplay showcase for the full game it was all smooth
But does this mean Doomslayer is in Smash Bros?
You know what really pisses me off? The fact that they fucked up the aspect ratio. Doomguy isn't meant to look like a squat brainlet.
>bought it anyway because I love doom
>how could they fuck this up? It's over twenty years old and it can run on calculators. I don't mind throwing five bucks for a game I love
>see "login to bethesda.net"
What. The fuck. Why do I need to do this? What is the purpose of making an account for this? I just put in my spam email and went to playing. Do I need to login every single time I want to play?
>Do I need to login every single time I want to play?
this is the future
This is like that "if quake was done today" video, but real
I feel bad for anyone that bought this on the Switch, a console that doesn't even have refunds.
Maybe? 3 other platforms got these ports today too.
you are a literal shit eating retard
its because of people like you that this happens
>Do I need to login every single time I want to play?
No. You'll just have to skip past three warning screens first
what the fuck is this post
are you eleven years old
If I were Bethesda/Zenimax I would've just ported Zandronum. Is there any reason they didn't do anything like that? Other than "open sores bad"? You can still sell software even if it's open source, you know. How do you think Red Hat makes money?
How long do we have before Doomworld goes under?
6 months
What are the chances that they'll be targeting wads like HDoom or problematic wads like moonman, now that sadpanda is gone?
You can still mod skyrim and fo4 for pc
The locked mtx ass fucking is just for console plebs
Big gaming corporations have retarded businessmen in charge, not developers/players who actually would know something about making a good product.
I don't see how it's "cope" when I've been playing GZDoom on switch for months and would recommend to use that instead and to never pay for this shitty new port BUT the HD rumble is cool and I definitely wish it was in gzdoom
Quick rundown on SadPanda?
its going down in
6 months
It's dead Jim.
>You can still mod skyrim and fo4 for pc
and they break each week because of Creation Club updates
You think Xbone/PS4 has refunds?
Most probably
Within the week, Bethesda will be running wad archives
Really? Mods from nexus etc get fucked with by bethesda?
Man I'm glad I have no interest in any of their modern titles
As long as they don't c&d openmw to make way for morrowind remastered then who cares
>Really? Mods from nexus etc get fucked with by bethesda?
yeah. So far the only solution is to launch outside of steam to prevent the games from updating
Fallout 4 wasn't a bad game, but it wasn't very Fallout. I got it when it was on sale with all its DLC, not bad, the story was kind of stupid, and compared to Skyrim it was lot more contained and not as explorative/wild.
Your appointment to Doomworld should be finalized within the week, I've already discussed the matter with the site admin
>removing the original creators names
>bethesda net integration
this makes me very concerned that they are going to go after the modding community
has his site been infected?
Fuck you, I like Doom. How the fuck was i supposed to know that Bethesda can continue to spread their shit on games you can run on a goddamn smart fridge?
Wait wait. Sadpanda is gone? The entire website?
what can they do? all the wads and old versions of doom, quake, wolf, etc. are backed up on numerous sites. they can't stop me from making my own maps.
I didn't think this was real, but is this real?
I just finished episode 1 and the names are there, what is everybody talking about?
It's dead Jim.
I'd like them to try just to witness the sheer chaos that would ensue. Imagine going after the most active modding community in the world. People would riot like there's no tomorrow.
If Bethesdshit is fucking up 20 yo games then for sure they are also trying to fuck up Doom Eternal and they want to keep it off the radar until the game releases
its fake dumbass
You do some fucking research instead of buying blind
And if you have zero patience or self control you buy on a platform that respects your consumer rights and provides refunds
Imagine trusting bethesda in 2019
its gone forever
e- is up for another 6ish months
joe gave everyone a 12 hour notice so there was no way to get anything major backed up in an organized fashion
it was all a frantic rush for everyone to save as much as they could and it most likely wasnt enough
Do you fucks only listen to this shit website? You have to log in with the cuckthesda account once and then after that you can play offline. "but what if I don't have internet!" then how did you download it? Please reply to me.
>They clearly don't want anyone to mod this
Unity is easily moddable though. But probably not on consoles.
>own the game, source, and the engine(s) doom runs on
>use unity
for what purpose
>if only you knew how bad things really are
Literally who gives a fuck?
You can play DOOM on your fucking calculator from 20 years ago without internet connection.
>removed the creators from the credits
How the fuck is that even allowed?
I'm dicing with the devil saying this but that would be a pointlessly evil move that at best would make fuck all money for Bethesda in the long run so it's not going to happen.
Then again this is Bethesda "re-release the same game for just about a decade" we are dealing with here
doom runs on everything from computers, to printers, to cars, to wrist watches though
yOu OnLy HaVe To LoG iN oNcE
I'd like to see your smug face once Bethesda starts going after all of those devices.
It still tries to connect to the internet every time you return to the main menu though for some reason. Even when there is no reason to. Considering there's no online multiplayer or leaderboards
What the fuck is the Switch even trying to be.
no it doesn't though
>Cross on something related to medicine is a religious reference
all these problems are in the ps4 version of doom.
Doom can fucking run in everything from fucking cars, fridges, ATM machines, etc why in the fuck you need Unity?
The DOOM issue is global at least in these new ports, as for the others its just the usual deal
>Praising 18 fps
Cobsolebabbs everyone
This has nothing to with the Switch and everything to do with Bethesda being a bunch of fags
Suck my nuts, it runs on those too
no it fuckin doesn't apply your brains
To prevent source port creators from stealing any features they add
The red cross organisation trademarked the literal red cross. So games can't use it anymore for health packs. Yes it's retarded. Copyright is retarded.
Duke Nukem also had to change their shit to a little pill symbol too. Fuck ©®™
Yeah, but only because someone spent long hours porting it to each of those things
no it doesn't. it runs on msdos or win95. if somebody installs linux on a refrigerator and runs zdoom on it, it doesn't mean doom runs on a refrigerator.
You can get all of the games for free and you can play them on superior sourceports backed up by a huge modding community. Why pay for them at all?
To get players to sign up and buy Fallout microtransactions.
>Doom runs on everything
>No it doesn't
>Yes it does
>Yeah, but only because people ported them
???? What the fuck are you even babbling about dude
Yes every time you start up. you want a refund do it now and say BS like your younger bro bought it with out your consent or whatever and you should get a refund by Nintendo.support.com
>asked for refunds for some shit shovelwear sold to me by friends 30 min/ a day after I bought them and got both cleared both times
so long as you knw were to go you can get a refund fast
>bethesda will release paid DLC for Doom 1/2 in your life time
>if Doom runs on a refrigerator, that doesn't mean Doom runs on a refrigerator
>what are ports?
Doom is open source. It can run on whatever OS any device runs on. It doesn't have to be windows.
Imagine if nintendo has a 5 page tos, with mandatory account login for a shit port of mario 3 with missing enemies, slow music and a stretched aspect ratio
As a 30+ year old boomer it's painful to see this
>msdos programs work on everything
OH WOW why did we ever need dosbox thanks Yea Forums you're so smart
Time for me to redownload HDoom on my new gaming computer.
>go to get some cash
>have to beat the game to withdraw it
>casuals crying on the sidewalk because they keep dying on e1m8
So you are a faggot
Any more you fucking nigger? Also
>Buying Doom in 2019 when Doom has been open source for decades
Honestly would not be surprised if someone makes their own homebrew port for a hacked Switch just because of this shit.
>brutal doom only $5
>its just extra particles and death anims
>doom rpg $5
>it's just damage numbers and fake levelup screens every level
i hate summer so much
All general purpose computers are capable of running literally anything. It being theoretically possible to port something (which again is possible for literally everything) doesn't make something "portable".
>what are sourceports?
They want to make creation club mods to sell, and all WADs don't work on Unity since its not id source port
I think he means it's really running on Linux and the hardware itself doesn't really matter. Nobody rewrote the game in native "refrigerator code."
It takes a special kind of retard to fuck up Doom and I'm not surprised at all it was Bethesda that managed to accomplish it.
please tell me you guys are pretending to be retarded
No, for 500 Blood Tokens*.
*Blood Tokens can be bought in packs of 400 for $3.99
user, someone already ported gzdoom to the Switch.
>its cool dAWg 7 fps is totally playable, fucking idiots, I love my switch!!!
kek, you guys are sad as fuck.
Doom has the following ports on Switch already
>Chocolate Doom
>oh hey its Doom
>oh but Bethesda
>eh five bucks for portable Doom. I don't see an issue with this
Why did I do it
Why do I continue to give money to bad people
God damnit
>400 for $3.99
>900 for $7.99
>1750 for $12.99 (Best Value!!!)
I can almost see it
>paying for an open source game
you do need serious help
$13 for nearly twice as much as the 900 pack is a good deal.
oh! is free on the switch?!
That doesnt change the fact you are running Doom on a weird platform not meant to run fucking Doom of all things
You can't pause nor back out through any menu without logging in again. The fact that you can maybe finish your current stage without logging in again doesn't make it an offline game, bud.
I was thinking the exact same thing. We have enough copies of the PC version lets get on a different nostalgia trip for once
that's how they trick normies and kids with this shit, yeah.
Yep. It almost gets you the 1,800 points you need for the cheat code pack.
Developers making their own currency that doesn't have a perfect exchange rate should be illegal.
Read You just need to hack your switch.
based rockcock
The funny thing is that you don't even need to do that. When it tells you to log in, you just back out and it's like "okay" and lets you play anyway. Seems like a cheap way to bump up Beth.net accounts before they do the "good guy" thing on Monday and patch it out.
Easier to hire unity zoomer devs than people who know how to write or even just read C and asm.
some of these are really good
>tfw for some reason I decide to buy Doom on every platform that I own
>Bethesda manage to fuck it up so badly that I won't even bother with this version
Bethesda are fucking slime.
Doom runs on literally everything from tablets, digipets, vacuums, to ceiling fans.
>buy doom in 2019
why? you're giving all your money to people that probably weren't even born when doom was made.
>and Yea Forums will buy it
>5 fps
I would rather pierce my eye with a nail
>to ceiling fans.
God damn it, now I'm going to lose sleep over overthinking how that would work.
>pay for a free game
>can't play offline
Deserved desu.
Who are the big boys nowadays?
oh no no no
the switchniggas are paying for doom and still have to play it online? lmao, what a bunch of retards.
The Switch is such a fucking embarrassment on every level.
Reminder that John Romero released a free full nine level episode for Doom earlier this year called Sigil.
You can play offline.
linux is linux. Doom used as a proof of concept thing because of its low system requirements.
the creators of doom are all alive and receiving their royalties though.
sure if you install linux on them, or some other OS. Doom has low system requirements. even then you'd need a sourceport.
Where'd you get the Hexen/Heretic/Strife wads?
>remade in unity
I bet carmack is rolling in his grave
you know that there are ports of doom on android, right? since they released the source code I bet there's a port of doom on every machine known to man. switch users are a bunch of retards for accepting this retardness from bethesda
Doom isn't free you faggot. Just because you pirated it it doesn't make it free
It also runs like dogshit on ps4, your point?
here's a little secret, choose "no"
>ports are ok but not when bethesda does it
i don't understand user
It also released on ps4 and xbone in this form too. Dunno why you're singling out Switch
> Bethesda is actively attempting to meme into existence a mass-shooting ACTUALLY CAUSED BY the videogame "Doom"
>he thinks this shit port is Switch exclusive
It's on every platform and is also the new mobile version they're rolling out
which is why they chose Unity so they only had to make one port instead of four. This is bad because...?
So bethesda fucked up beyond the obvious annoying shit of having to create an account, because very single retard that owns this game for some reason thinks they have to be online to play when is just not the case, so bethesda expecting people to read was huge fucking mistake.
user, the nerve software team used unity for the PS4, Xbox, and switch version.
don't you people know there are a myriad of open source engines based on the doom source code? just get one of those, download the wads and play it on whatever machine you want. It's incredibly stupid to pay for an online-only doom game in fucking 2019.
>you're a retard if you accept this retardation from besthesda on Switch
>it's going to be on everything
>this is bad because?
Are there any online Doom clients that are still alive?
inb4 Bethesda goes after DOOM's modding community like they did with Skyrim
because you could potentially play it on your smartphone or if you like tv, you could play it on a smart tv (I'm serious).
you didn't answer my question at all user. why is this so bad?
The Doom 2016 port was surprisingly competent despite the demands it would put on a machine as weak as the Switch. How the FUCK can you screw up a much simpler and far older game so easily?
>what's wrong with an unnecessarily remade version of a game that could already run on anything that plays/sounds worse and has DRM replacing existing versions
I never got around to playing that. Nows as good a time as any.
Get the GOG versions, DRM free.
>People would riot like there's no tomorrow
What arw they gonna do? Cry about it on an internet forum? Lmao you people are pathetic.
Panic Button had nothing to do with the ports of DOOM 1 and 2. They did 3 though and that one doesn't require the login. It's Bethesda.
what is it? why isn't bethesda allowed to port doom? only fans are or what?
This, it's nerve software.
>oh you just don't want bethesda to port the game
No, it's about them porting a shitty unity remake of the games when flawless versions have existed for years
Knee Deep in the Dead is free, you nigger
>How the FUCK can you screw up a much simpler and far older game so easily?
By not having the team who handled the 2016 port involved?
>these shitty ass controls
Brb, refunding.
not a single one of those are portable across all popular gaming systems, and more to the point, bethesda does not own them so they can't sell them.
so why can't bethesda make their own port? fucking answer me.
Is that the entire game? No it's fucking not.
Literally nobody refers to Episode 1 and only episode one when they are talking about "Doom" as a whole. In fact when people talk about Episode 1 and only episode one they refer to it as the Shareware version. It's not Doom the game.
>so why can't bethesda make their own port?
they can
why can't I call it out for the half-assed shit attempt it is, faggot?
Everything is free
because you're doing it wrong. if the quality is bad, fine. if the online thing is real, fine. just screaming OMFG WHY R U NO GZDOOM ON SWOTCH!?!?! is beyond retarded.
Why are you defending a shoddy port when they could have done a better job?
because this nigger thinks bethesda should just take a fanport and charge for that instead
You have an ethical obligation to pirate Doom if you want to play it. Unless you care to justify why some greedy jew company who had nothing to do with it deserves to profit off it?
>"Press to start"
please point out where I mentioned gzdoom you impulsive retard
I haven't been this disgusted by something I've witnessed on Yea Forums in a long fucking time.
>chooses no
>can't play
>tfw been telling my friends Bethanyesda is as bad as EA for years
>everyone told me to fuck off and how they make good products
>flash forward to today, payed mods, FO76, claiming to create the first side scroller on PC as well as the first FPS and VR headset.
>Bethesda blatantly lies, cheats, and steals and they still have the biggest group of corporate cock sucking shills imaginable
>tfw I tried to warn everyone
>tfw I was right the one time I didn't want to be.
literally nothing about gzdoom
why lie? I could play with no problems.
ok so what were you talking about and why should bethesda steal it and sell it instead of making their own port? never mind they can't actually legally do that.
>watching everyone praise Fallout 3 at launch as the greatest game of all time despite it being a bug-infested mess that wouldn't even work right sometimes
because zoomers are fucking addicted to internet outrage
I thought user was trolling when he said the music was slowed down. Lmao who the fuck are they outsourcing their port jobs two? Could they not take the extra 2 weeks to make sure shit was good?
>paying for doom when id died in 1995
Why the fuck should you need to sign in at all?
The game doesn't even have fucking online play
I've taken a break from my Switch, all we're getting is shitty ports and remakes. I think I focus on making my steam library bigger and self improvement
>when someone shits on new vegas for being buggy as shit while praising FO3