I love her so much. There's no other female I love more than this stinky little creature. I want to be Byakuya...

I love her so much. There's no other female I love more than this stinky little creature. I want to be Byakuya, or Komaru, or whoever I need to be to stay by her side. I want us to talk about how much we hate normalfags while I caress and smell every inch of her body.

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t. Toko


Toko convincing Komaru to go out with Makoto!

I didn't like her in the first game, but the cute yuri overtones of Ultra Despair Girls won me over.

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Why wasn't she in the bad end? Where did she go?

she fucking died

Died giving birth?

Why is this dead series getting so many threads lately? It wasnt like this before.

Danganronpa 4 is being announced soon, I get paid to generate hype

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>ywn be Byakuya

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They're actually stealth Your Turn to Die threads.

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Talk for yourself peasant

Komaru was cuter though to be completely honest.

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Although their dynamic was really fun.

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She may be cuter, but Toko is the perfect woman I want to spend my entire life with

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>I love her so much

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>Dead series
>Last game was 2017

Zoomers can't play a game that is more than two years old, user

You're someone who gets it. Honestly don't even care that much about Genocider, I just love Toko!