When female characters are made to be protagonists, the incels will call the game a SJW game. Why are incels always trying to ruin gaming for everyone else and trying to censor women out of games.
When female characters are made to be protagonists, the incels will call the game a SJW game...
death to all roastie
Women are allowed. They just have to make my pee pee big. It's not censorship when we do it, cuck.
They're not hot.
wanna see a lolcow firsthand?
Ugly bitches.
Post ToB NuWolf fucking sucks, regardless of female protagonists.
Incels had shit times during high school and haven't interacted with any women on a regular basis since, so inside the incel mind women are exaggerated to only have hyper negative qualities instead of being nuanced people like everyone else. So then when women want to be in more games it's perceived as an attack.
+1. Gilded (Gold)
>ruin gaming for everyone by saying meany things about some garbage low-effort schlock nobody would care about otherwise on anonymous vietnamese basket weaving forum
Imagine being this much of a thinskinned faggot
You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means
The problem is twofold
#1: basically no western nor eastern dev knows how to propely write a female protagonist, there's exceptions, but they're incredibly rare.
They end up either being animu generic waifu bitches or batshit insane sociopaths trying to fit both an "emotional" side with a "stronk killer woman" side and the end result is someone that is actually legit insane.
#2: no matter how well they're written, incels will always rage about them, leading devs and companies to dismiss all legitimate criticism in a sea of mindless REEing by incels.
So there's both shit writing, and a complete inability to get better because loud retards just REE.
So companies just ball up in their little safe space of shit writers that feel justified in their shit writing because of the reactions they get.
Make better games
Women are allowed to be the main characters in games, Cooking Mama exists after.all
>no matter how well they're written, incels will always rage about them
lol ok
The game would be SJW even with a male protagonist just like THe New Colossus was.
I agree. Women are above criticism and I will definitely get laid for making this remark.
High-five, broski.
Pretty based that theyve gone with all this painted artwork for the official images
Youtube comments, twitter replies, comments on various news sites, and stupid shit people write here that are then screencapped, and then used as ammunition to dismiss all criticism.
The line betweenn "i'm pretending to be a retarded incel" and "i'm an actual retarded incel" is thin, and it doesn't even matter, the result is exactly the same.
Writing teams surround themselves with yes men, and see a couple of Yea Forums tier comments to their writing and just think "ok they're all retarded and hate women, we can ignore this and keep doing things this way" and the cycle continues.
Isn't the actual problem they put rpg elements in this with character leveling and enemies end up being bulletsponges cause of it
yeah this is why everybody hates the Nier cast or Jade, Bayo, or Lara Croft.
The only problen is that a cool female hero is most likely sexy too and this makes roasties seethe with impotent rage. It's the vidya equivalent of r9k posterd going blackpill because of blacked.com
Might as well call it a shemale, looks like 2 men.
nigga Todds check bounced. No journo will defend this mediocre playstore looking garbage.
you mean a... shemaera
>I only like a female character if it pleases my dick but I swear this is a coincidence
holy cringola
>When female characters are made to be protagonists, the incels will call the game a SJW game.
Mass Effect Andromeda let you be a male protagonist, was still so SJW even trannies got offended
Nobody wants to play an ugly gorilla or a landwhale, sweetie. Heroes have explicitly been figures who have always had extraordinary traits (usually strength of beauty) since the beginning of mankind. Nobody will ever remember a shitty diversity character meant to push an agenda, just like how you will never get laid for defending the tumblrinas who force these characters in games.
>Literally admitting that a person needs to be beautiful to be a good character according to you
Yep, you're a joke
you still didnt post any proof to support those facts, anecdotal evidence means nothing
You only hear about it on Yea Forums, where 80% of its users are on social security and other other 20 are still high school freshman.
That's how politics works. Talk shit, get hit