Yea Forums said it mediocre

>Yea Forums said it mediocre
>It's actually fucking kino
Why is Yea Forums wrong about everything?

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Yea Forums doesn't play video games

To people with taste it's mediocre to bottom feeding trash it's kino. There I solved the mystery of the hype.

Fuck off, Yea Forums sucked its weebshit dick for months on end.
Stop shilling your shit game.

Yea Forums was obsessed with this game when it came out though

What baffles me is the people who say the story is boring compared to Nier 1 and nothing happens.
9S is a fantastic character.
Much of the moments that make Nier 1 good take place in VN-esque segments like Kaine's memories or the Forest of Myth, and it has very few memorable NPCs, whereas I could list a dozen in Automata that have a lot of charm.

I think what people really should be saying is that 2B is dull compared to Papa.

Because Yea Forums isn't one person.
Some love it, some hate it. As it should be because what defines humans is that we're all individuals and have our own preferences and other people's opinions shouldn't influence our own.

why do you feel the need to make this thread every fucking day?

I enjoyed it until I couldn't complete one of the endings due to being offline


Yea Forums says a lot of things about this game. It's ripe for discussion.

It's made in Japan.

Yea Forums is not one person you dipshit

When it came out Yea Forums was all "GOTY this, GOTY that"
Fuck off

>Because Yea Forums isn't one person.

You people sound stupid because you act as if consensus doesn't exist.

All me

Because no matter what you say about anything, the first impulse of anyone browsing this board is to say the opposite just for the (you)s. Unless you shit on it, of course

its really good on your first 3 playthroughs but its awful afterwards, no replayability

No, THIS is kino

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As a videogame it's intensely mediocre. It's basically a great VN with some exceptionally tedious filler minigames.

It really doesn't here. If anything, anons here tend to be contrarian so it ensures we'll never reach a consensus for almost everything.

>game literally makes you replay it anyway
>even gives you new stuff to do in the process
this is a very stupid complaint
if you want to "replay" it then go play Nier 1

I found the opposite to be true. Many of the characters in Automata were boring while I still remember NPCs from the first game.

2A and Adam and Eve were the only characters that even got close to approaching the writing quality of the first game and even then they weren't quite there.

Writing notwithstanding, I was disappointed to see that most side quests were just as bad as they were in the first game. You'd think they'd learn how to make better quests.

Drakengard 3 appeals to autists, Automata appeals to normies. Discuss.

Autists don't own ps3s

I got to the homotwins fight near the underground ayy lmaos, bored out of my mind and I quit

I hate NieR 1

I'm not autistic

Is it worth going back to Automata

Attached: nier.jpg (1181x663, 104K)

It's a blurry, boring, repetative piece of shit.
You can leave your based and redpilled replies as (You)'s down below.

did you finish it though

>Yea Forums said it mediocre
did you literally sleep on all the hundreds of praise threads and worshipping reviews, and instead focus on the ass-posting trolls?

NA is one of the most important video games in the whole history of the media. An undeniable masterpiece.

>gave up 30 minutes into the game
>"not" autistic

In order to understand Automata, you need to have a basic appreciation for philosophy. Understanding not necessary, just an appreciation. If you don't like philosophy, you won't like Automata. Plain and simple.

normalfags like it so we must hate it now

Autists can youtube

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the story falls short

It's so-so.

If Yea Forums tells an AAA game is good it's paid shilling
If the entirety of Yea Forums tells a game is shit and moves on it means the game is actually shit
If everybody on Yea Forums keeps shitting on a game on and on it means it a good game and they're just trying to be contrarian
If some people try to discuss the game and a lot of people have a genuine hate boner for that game, it means it's close to a masterpiece and the people shitting on it never played it and they're trolls that sensed actual passion for vidya

This never fails.

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>If Yea Forums tells an AAA game is good it's paid shilling
Nier is not an AAA game though.

I don't see people saying it's a good game in this thread. It either falls into the contrarian or the hate boner category, which must mean it's a good game.
Didn't played it but added to my wishlist now

>that pseud who hasn't actually decrypted the game
It's something along the lines of "The fuck should _I_ know what _YOU_ would happen to consider the point of _YOUR_ life, if anything?", by the way.

I won't tell how I got it, but it involves having extensive previous experience with NieR, Grimoire NieR and Drakengard 3, basic understanding of Taro's writing and directing style, an inclination to fuck around, as well as the ability to spot implicit reductions to absurdity.

>I don't see people saying it's a good game in this thread.
Did you not read the thread then?
The game is superb, and enjoys global acclaim as we speak. It really is a truly memorable experience, that would not work even half as well in the more passive formats.

Decent satire.

I am actually serious though.

>9S is a fantastic character

You lost me there faggot. 9S is a whiny bitch bot who A2 and 2B should've just smacked upside him upside the head.

>I'm a sociopathic retard and hate every character that has emotions

If you see someone use this word to describe a male character, it means they were well-written
The type of person who uses the word whiny just wants a hyper-competent Mary Sue to self-insert as