Doom eternal
it just started, get in here

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Is Eternal still going to have that shit where you get a half refill on your health from any kill you get while under half health? It fucked the balancing hard for nightmare

no idea, maybe we'll find out now

>skipable cutscenes


Just don't get hit bro


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>tim acting like he was part of the original doom team

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tes legerund

that's a funny way to spell

i really hope they fix the ui they showed in the e3 footage
its so fucking bright and garish


>get shot
>all armor gone and HP to half
>shoot bad dude
>all HP is back
where they afraid that console-fags wouldn't be able to beat the normal difficulty or something?

I'm in just for some news on Doom Eternal

It's also a bit cringy to see Bethesda cling up to Fallout 76 and Rage 2, just let it die

>anime for humanity

is he drunk?
exactly, it was horrible
yes, that is the answer to most mistakes in videogames
everyone is

I know they gotta get this shit outta the way but it's just cringey.

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>Doom Eternal

>Fallout 76
>bored clap clap clap clap clap

A based crowd.

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>making a cat shirt from rage instead of catodemon

>bugthesda shilling their failed abortion with stuttering Pete Hines
somebody just koyani their studios already

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is youngblood not utter shit? anyone play it?

Sounds like you played on the easiest difficulty.

>wolfenstein is now a girl power game

I know im super late to this, but its still cringe as fuck
leave boomers be with our heroes

It's basically even unfunnier Borderlands with level scaling

yeah, cause it's all in the genes, babies, we are so progressive, fuck yeaaaaahhh

>all these obese neckbeards
Jesus christ.




doom is cringe

It's not bad, but quite the department from previous games. The gunplay is still fun, but the overall flow reminds me of a loot shooter. Someone jokingly described it as Nazi Borderlands and it kind of fits.

what? borderlands at least has some merits with the looting and shit, comon

oh no, the ui is still shit

go back to fortnite zoomer

Marty will never be Keanu

meant forhow is the loot then?

>more paid audience members yelling like annoying spergs
They really doubled down on that shit when everybody complained about it for e3. Fuck this company.

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>Doom Eternal new track

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guy sound like the personification of the actuually guy, kek



Tokens so you can upgrade and customize weapons and abilities. It's a balancing act between raw damage, stealth capabilities and mobility / speed.

I played on Ultra-violence first run because all FPS games should be judged by their hard mode, only died to platforming challenges and blowing myself up with rockets. How would you defend the health economy being nuked to shit by having the ability to heal so easily while on low health?

>no doom64 port
Why did people think this was happening again

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>4 player splitscreen

Cool as fuck. Shame its local only

Fuck this audience.
>YES HMMM fuck me in my slave ass my corporate overlords
What's wrong with Americans?

tokens, ugh, I'll just pirate bl3, no thx

Whats been showed so far? Just started watching.

>ps4, xbox one and SSSWWITCH
Although they put it on all consoles, they really emphazies it on the Switch port for some reason...

Let's talk about... Battle mode.

it's not just burgers, this weird bending over for corporations that produc entertainment is rampant everywhere

That new demon looks like it belongs on Quake than DOOM

"simple to understand" oh thank god, imagine it would be challenging, saved it, thx beth

They know Switchfags will buy anything

Having something like GZDooom for Android would be really cool

rage 2 update
Doom 1/2/3 coming to switch/ps4/xbox
new Doom monster

Thats it.

I still think that Doomguy is one of the two last DLC characters, with the other one being a Bandai Namco representative.

>it's a fucking Necron Destroyer with his shirt off

I see the malignant cancer grows ever stronger. And what's with the UI looking like fucking fruit loops?!

I thought it already was

Why do the player monsters looks slow in battle mode?

Someone call GW

It seems kind of cool but also kind of boring

I hope OG Spider Mastermind gets shown

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Vs mode actually looks pretty cool?

Thoughts, guys?

I think
>moba abilities

They are not actually playing as you would ingame

it looks ok

Looks like controller gameplay, so it's nowhere near as twitchy as keyboard mouse.

looks fine but i dont care about MP

Yeah controller gameplay.

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zoomer shit for consoletards
Looks like shit just like the last game.

I'll try it but I'm here for the Campaign


They are focusing too much time on this shit, show single player gameplay

meh will be dead in a week




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I don't fucking understand why they move so slowly on Battlemode. I hope it will be faster in the actual game. Maybe consoles footage ?

Doomguy being able to use the bfg sounds broken but it looks good

Same thing from the last game
It's gonna be dead in a month or two

doom 1 and 2 are also coming to mobile and tablets
But I doubt any of us give a shit about that

kinda boring. i liked the deathmatch in d44m

gimmick mode that might be fun but will have no population to support it beyond a month

>free DLC
Well I'll be damned

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I am getting the feeling they won't

I think I want real death match


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A lot of it looks like it was shot in slo mo intentionally

>caring about doom and its developers

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>no gameplay

minus a thousand points

they actually won't KEK

then install Quake Champions

I just want some good old-fashioned deathmatch.

you think you do but you don't even play Fortnite

>that fucking numale Σοyboy fag that stood up and shrugged when they said "many of them have battlemode shirts on"


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>he almost said cyberpunk 2077




wow go fuck yourself.


I get this reference :)


Doom had DM, not many played it

Shame they haven't fixed the ai

i wish it was just dark souls where you get into a random 1v1 at any time during the campaign or summon a buddy for coop player and get invaded in random 2v2 deathmatchs
with an option to turn off invasions in the main menu if you just want to coop

>no ability to lock and burn players

I think they said they might show gameplay tomorrow but who the hell knows

He said real deathmatch.

huh, yeah, that would actually have been cool

are you talking about glory kills? you can turn them off

Because it's the biggest console market for retro games.


the lack of modding and actual MP for a fucking DOOM game is a travesty considering its history.

>no new single player footage
This week keeps getting worse

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I dont know how you can not open up the most insane moshpit when bfg division starts playing

So will there be a real map editor and mods this time, or will this be a dead game a year after release with zero replay value?


Looks like it will be fun for a while but get boring fast

Doom 2 better come with the NERVE and Final Doom expansions.


Shitty music
Shitty HUD
No mod support
More boring online game modes that are gonna be boring unless modders can make their own game mode.

Got it.

Not everyone has abhorrent taste. Also Σοyboys don't moshpit.

>this be a dead game a year after release with zero replay value?
This, just like Doom 2016

The game has that as well unless it got removed and folded into battlemode at some point.
But I think the invasions are teams of 4

No new fucking shit

>It has the Master Levels.

so how long until the next panel?

If I still have my doom floppy disks, do I still have to pay for it on my phone?

Pretty much, yeah.

It's DooDoo 2016 all over again. Now with Super Mario mechanics.

Why are they so stupid?
Original doom still has a huge cult following. It's like they don't want to make it good intentionally.

I don't think so
I believe the offical reason for no modding is that the engine needs to be tweaked more to allow it but it seems more likely to me that daddy zenimax said no mods

What's the problem with all the jumping and climbing? Wish more FPS games had that instead of just rail shooting. It's not quite like what we had with Quake but it's better than what we are getting these days.

why are they so fucking afraid of giving us mod/map tools

but its demons vs slayer i think it would be cool for a random dm against another slayer at any time in the campaign
they could even lock the arenas and make it first to 10 kills when you get invaded
also how has this game not have coop yet? people love that shit in doom 2 modding?

Get adblock if you hate the site or ublock, but what really pisses me off

>local mp only
>no online

Consider the fact Bethesda wanted us to pay for mods a while back

It also has a lot of toxic content which would damage their reputation.

>people make better maps then the devs

>player made mods represents the original company
Fucking what

But how do you keep selling sequels if fans can make better maps?
They don't care about making good games, it's profit they want.

Better luck tomorrow, they're gonna show some "live" gameplay.

>still no new ui or real marurder info nor any sort of hint how heaven factors into the plot
Still hype

>why are they so fucking afraid of giving us mod/map tools
Because that would EXPAND the game's life span. Which is nowadays a biiig "no no!" for the AAA studios, as they MUST be able to "kill" their previous title in order for their next game to sell even reasonably well.

add a hint of pure fucking laziness, and vola!

That stuff with 2 demons looks bit too unbalanced and it looks like they are forgetting some stuff that players will obviously abuse.

For example: The demon spawning. Why whould demon players give Slayer free ammo if they just don't spawn any enemies at all and Slayer will get out of bullets? I didn't see any ammo packs lying around on the map, so this might be an issue, there should be ammo packs that recharge.

Second issue is the respawn. Two demons can just split up and just 1v1 all the time because Slayer won't be able to catch them both in the timeframe. There should be something different to it, like when one demon dies, the other gets some buff that makes him stronger. Respawn is a shit mechanic here.

It is the company's duty to moderate content on their platforms.

Doom is shit

> 25th anniversary panel
> NONE of the original developers are there

What the actual fuck.

>what is titan fall movement

>Muh toxic content
I hope people who unironically think this way fall in a tiger pit.

DOOM sure is.
DooM ? That's still magnificent.

Fuck Bethesda. Goddamn. They take the credit for anything they buy.

You need to be 18 to use this site.

Did you really expect anything else from Bethesda?

No it isn't. Sounds like an excuse for lazy developing.

lmao looks rpgcodex still seething.

>toxic content

Jesus Christ, how are you alive?

No its fucking not
Have a white listed official mod site but let everyone side load non-sanctioned mods

Remember e3?
I seem to recall them taking credit for the first FPS.


Utter shit. They scrapped invasions for this cutted deathmatch.

what the fuck is wrong with these swedes and why is he there?

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>They scrapped invasions

Invasions are still a thing, what are you on about

to hunt those darn gamer nazis

anybody else hear that baby

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>lying on the internet

Have you missed how much shit Valve has been getting from journos for allowing hentai on Steam? Apparently Bethesda isn't willing to put up with that

yeah I'm hungry too user stop reminding me

I did, fucking zoomers.


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You think people would make loli hentai Doom maps?

Don't put all mods on the official site, have those vetted
But allow anyone to use any mod they download


enemies still drop a ton of health from normal deaths if you are on low health, glory kills only add like a single +5 health-kit which I think is fine

all that raw charisma on stage


Who cares about nobodies that don't play games?

They already have. It's called hdoom

we have made worse

That has nothing to do with player made content for games hosted on third party websites.


DOOM: Eternal Has Some Despicable Mods
What the Hell Is Bethesda Doing?

Why Are You Capitalizing Every Single Word In Your Post?

slayer will circle the map and wittle both monsters health down gradually so he will be able to take the 2nd one out within 20 seconds

yeah couldnt they have invited Romero to shill his Sigil pack at least? That would be cool.

What's stopping you from modding Doom 2016 or Eternal this way?

based room temperature IQ poster

either autistic or german

> they're telling Carmack and Romero's stories without them

10 Unbelievable Reasons Why You Should Capitalize Every Word In Your Title

Bethesda is not accountable for the actions of others, just as I'm not accountable for your autism.

Dear Bethesda, Please Take More Responsibility

Glad I am not the only one to find this odd.

>not choosing Doom II with all the mods

>Ports are available now
>Not on the eShop

It is.

I'm sad because I know you're right.
The shitty thing is those faggots don't even play games. We'd be so much better off if they were told to eat shit.

Searched and saw nothing

We know how much you guys love doom so for the 25th anniversary we're refusing to bring any of the old developers for interviews, not playing any of Dooms iconic tracks by Bobby, and adding always online drm to an already inferior console port. Fuck you. Doom is ours now.

>adding always online drm to an already inferior console port
Seriously nigger?
Now I'm definitely pirating it.

I saw a guy sperging on twitter about drm on the switch version

Does this mean even though the ports of 1 and 2 don't have online mp I NEED to be online to run the game?

It can't be that retarded could it, please tell me its just me being the retard

Doom 2016 was great, but I'm not getting this one at launch. Lazily/cowardly removing the multiplayer, instead of trying to make it better, lost me.

Come back tomorrow same time for singleplayer content.

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It's on the Australian eshop right now for me, $7.45aud for doom and doom2 individually and $14.95 for 3

>Does this mean even though the ports of 1 and 2 don't have online mp I NEED to be online to run the game?
Of course not you also need a Bethesda account

They scrapped invasions, you fucks. They turned the concept into battlemode.

you have to sign once into a Bethesda account to continue. It seems really fucking retarded

You log in once, and then you don't have to play it online from there. Sadly you have to log in once.

Please link a source, faggot.

The ports don't havel online MP.
It has online DRM, you need to have a Bethesda Account to play.
And to top it all, you can't login right now, so you can't play.

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Even the 360 version had online.

>shittalking the NuStar Wars


I know, I played with some anons 2 weeks ago.
The times we live in.

Guess I'm jacking into stolen wifi and using a 5min email to get around this bullshit

REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE is there a doom flavored version of this I hate frogs but this is all I have for this moment

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10/10 work, Todd, you slapped DRM on a 25 year old game that your company didn't even make or publish. I hope Blizzard sues Bethesda for using BNET for this shit.

Why didn't they tell anything from the last year's E3 anything about it then?

>talking about shareware now

I want that cacodemon hat

>Pirated the games
>cant play them cus cant sign in


and redpilled

You guys know original doom is on steam/pirate Bay/everywhere and has perfectly functional multiplayer, right?
And zero drm?
And has mods and source ports and all sorts of great shit, right?

Have a Quake one

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>game doesn't have online multiplayer
>Needs an online account to play
what the actual fuck

which is why this is so baffling

No, I didn't knew.
I thought it was new games, demakes of DOOM.

>perfectly functional mp
DOOM MP is a fucking cunt to setup dude

Doomseeker is really easy to use.

I got the old wad files to run them on my psp via homebrew user, but the damn thing was buggy and I'm a console pleb

I even got it on my ps3...or was it my ps4, whatever I got doom 3 on my ps3, point stands I'm against the practice


Doomseeker, skulltag or whatever the spinoff is called now. Piece of cake.

>Shitty music
midis aged terribly. get over it.

>Nazi Borderlands
Remember when nazis weren't played for laughs in the older games? I miss that

MIDI is the music format.

The music itself hasn't aged terribly, and unlike Betshitsda version of the game, the original is made with mods in mind from the very core of the game source.

they always were you dumbfuck redneck

reminder for the uninformed doomfriends
you can can the classics and more on this very website by simply going to
don't fall for Betheshit

Midis aren't "in" anymore, grandpa.

t. 18 year old zoomer


Wtf I love modern games now

I got you a new VR headset to try out.

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that concentration camp level in New Order was hilarious

Sorry, I forgot I wrote to an ADHD youngling from the 2000s.

If you go to the bottom of my post there is another YouTube link, that link goes to a non-MIDI song.

That's not a source you low iq shitposter

Invasion isnt dead

Epic's going to snipe it.